Acts 16 Paul’s appointment with a jailer

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024
  • Hi Friends,
    Last week we saw that salvation is through faith in Jesus and not through keeping the law. The disciples had to stand up for this truth. Today we too have to stand up for the truth and make sure false doctrines are not being allowed into our minds and into our churches.
    This week we will see how the Holy Spirit led Paul, and how Paul had a divine appointment with a jailer. Let’s take a look.
    Questions for Acts 16
    1. As Paul and Silas begin their journey, they meet Timothy whose mother was a Jewess and his father was a Greek. What did they have Timothy do before he traveled with them and why do you think this was necessary? Vs 1-3
    2. Paul, Silas and Timothy went from city to city sharing the elders' decision on the Gentiles' requirements, and the church grew daily. Along their travels, the Holy Spirit would guide them as to where they should go. Where did the Holy Spirit keep them from going and how did the Holy Spirit tell them where to go? Why do you think they were not permitted to go some places? Vs 4-12
    3. How does the Holy Spirit still guide us today? John 16:13 Prov 3:5-6
    4. On the Sabbath, they went to the river to find a place of prayer. Who did they find there and what were their interactions? Vs 13-15
    5. God had opened Lydia's heart to respond to the gospel and to give accommodations to Paul and his group. As they regularly met at the place of prayer, they passed a slave girl each day. What did she declare and how did Paul respond to the evil spirit in her? Vs 16-18
    6. What authority do Christian’s have over evil spirits? Luke 10:19-20
    7. The slave girl could no longer make her owners money by telling fortunes. How did the owners react and what all happened to Paul and Silas before they ended up in jail? Vs 19-24
    8. Paul and Silas had their feet in stocks and were put into the inner cell of the prison. What were Paul and Silas doing about midnight, and who was listening? Vs 25
    9. We should never underestimate the power of praising and worshiping God. This puts our heart and mind in the right place to receive from God. What happened next in the jail? Vs 25-28
    10. Paul encourages the jailer not to kill himself. Instead of dying, the jailer comes to Paul and Silas with a question about spiritual life. What do they tell him and how does the story play out? Vs 28-34
    11. The jailer and his whole family had come to believe in Jesus! If Paul and Silas had not been in jail, the jailer would not have heard about Jesus. Just like Paul, what hardships are you willing to go through to spread the word of Christ to a lost and dying world?
    12. The next morning, the magistrate orders Paul & Silas to be released. Paul wasn’t going to go quietly. Why was Paul so upset, and what did he request? Vs 35-39
    13. After Paul and Silas left prison, they went to Lydia‘s house, where they met the brothers and encouraged them. How do you think they were able to encourage the brothers after all they had just been through? Vs 40
    Just like Paul and Silas, we must go where the Spirit leads us. And when we are in tough situations, we must turn our hearts towards God in worship and praise. May God always fulfill His purposes in us as we are faithful to trust Him and to live each new day.

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