“Every warrior’s boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire.” Isaiah 9:5 NIV I decree this word of a my life and over my family that enough is enough in Jesus name we have the victory !
Teresa Duran , dear sister, I want to give you my testimony I prayed and this is what the Lord wants me to tell you; I was taking care of my parents my mom went home to Jesus from terminal cancer, lung cancer , my dad did not take it right and suffered a brain stroke from that , he was body paralyzed, he was in bed for 5 years day and night my dad prayed and praise the Lord, I didn’t know God , my dad teaches me to love him, I was in this room for 5 years 24/7 never left him for not reason, I was sick , I was physically tired , my dad weighed 200 pounds, but I asked the lord for his glory and power over me so I can finish my race with my father, he went home now I am by my self is not body else to help me , not house, not job, not money but a great peace, the Lord told me his grace will be with me until he comes back, I was so sad very sad lonely and frustrated but I had a dream and a vision of my dad 30 to 35 years of age, beautiful skin. So beautiful smile in a wonderful garden not sadness, no sickness, not evil, not needs, that place was full of Jesus love and care, my dad only wants to be there smiling all the time. The Lord told me ;He is just fine, I am in control now I need him here for something else( another job) I opened my eyes so refreshed, so happy and never felt lonely again because I know soon we will see them again and we will be there with the Lord. Your son finished his race here , God needs him there for another job. Every body in that place I saw were very busy preparing the Lord second coming. We are here just for a God’s purpose they finished theirs we are next. My 17 years old nephew left before my parents, as well as my 29 years old niece and 21 years old nephew but because we knew that true fact from the lord we are just praying for the horrible things are coming to this earth very soon. I am crying with you sisterTeresa I can feel your pain and sadness but the Lord asked me to tell you that he is just fine very happy in his next assignment. Shalom big hug from the lord almighty. Praise the Lord, he loves you so much.
Sweet sister, i am SO very sorry for your great loss..... My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you and Your loved ones....God BLESS you and your precious family.... 💖💖💖
I cant imagine what ur feeling. I pray for comfort from the Holy Trinity for you and your family much love to you all keep your heads up and you will see your son soon again in Jesus name 😘
I woke up this morning saying: "Enough is enough. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm getting delivered from this today." I was mad and so I made a list of 45 negative spirits that needed to go, went into my closet to pray for about an hour and asked the Holy Spirit to replace them God's thoughts of peace...and now this. Thank you Nate. Nice way to end the evening.
“I say no more to you being robbed”- wow, my house was ACTUALLY robbed in the middle of my wilderness season, and there are still things that haven’t come back together since then... I receive that word.
Spot on word for our Church - Re-Ignite - Here in Blackburn, Lancashire, England. Great word Nate for me as an individual. "Enough is Enough"!! Infact, on Sunday I said to a few folk "I refuse to let folk intimidate me, The enemy is going to regret he ever messed with me. I am the head , not the tail". He only has as much power as we give him. We have the authority and power to resist the devil AND he WILL flee!!!
20 years back I had a dream about a cow about to birth but groaning in pain as I have a calling to intercede God showed me its d body of Christ n now is d time we are called to intercede as she is birthing a powerful body of believers who will carry d bridal glory of God , In another dream I saw a rock being formed in d sky I have been hearing very strongly in my spirit that God is preparing his people like never before to bring his government authority, n in another dream I saw looked at d sky n it was as if hell broke loose upon me n I saw d evil powers coming down upon me I closed my eyes n said Jesus expecting an attack but as I opened my eyes I saw a beautiful dove holding a daidem n urging me to take it,n recently I saw d sky being darkened n d very next day I dreamt it rained heavily n I saw my self living in d neighbourhood of top military officials that's d up grade u have confirmed ....God has been preparing his people some from many years n there r many believers who have been under their circumstances though they have been faithful ...d main reason behind this is he is coming with vengeance yes n with all due respect to pastors I can say that he is calling people to be kingdom minded than limit their focus to d local church there is a great paradigm shift in d way church will operate
Just yesterday God gave me a vision of me standing in front of a large gold door that was sparkling and then a dark figure stood in front of me and tried to intimidate me and I heard God tell me to keep looking up to him and that I had the power and the authority to defeat the enemy in my face and I shouted "No More!" and I pushed the figure to the ground and ran to the doors and opened them! My God! My God! You ministry is continually blessing me. I haven't even finished the video but as soon as you spoke about the dream I felt so much joy!
I lost EVERYTHING a year ago but I praise God for the journey He took me on .... I am so so so strong now, my faith is super strong! Like a super soldier for Christ!! total restoration is here in JESUS name!!!
That is good to hear, because I just lost everything financially, it was stolen, all gone. Fraud and there is nothing I can do. It has tested our marriage. I can only hope that the Lord has allowed this for a reason. I pray I have a testimony like yours.
Forever Joy I’m so sorry to hear that, I know how you must be feeling, It has not been an easy journey, I have lost most of my friendships and God has had me in the wilderness for a few years now just learning to be still in Him and trusting Him for EVERYTHING that I need! One thing that has helped me tremendously is memorizing psalm 91 I say it ALOT daily and use bits of it for difficult battles against satan and his minions 💪 Also Isaiah 30:18 Those that wait on the Lord to act WILL BE BLESSED!!! Hang in there, the Lord is your shepherd, He gives you EVERYTHING you need, And for the ones that stole from you say this: HE WILL PREPARE A FEAST FOR ME IN FRONT OF MY ENEMIES!!!! Be strong 💪 y’all can do this.... 🙏🏻👑🎺🎉
Forever Joy If you cannot read this message correctly, please click here June 19, 2019 "What is God Doing in This Shaking Going On?" Jo Ellen Stevens, Connersville, IN From the Desk of Steve Shultz: Steve ShultzI totally agree with what Jo Ellen Stevens shares in her recent article...that there is a LOT of shaking going on right now for many. Jo Ellen's word will give you a heavenly perspective of what's really going on as she shares: "So do not fear what is happening to you in this shaking, for I will place you into a place of flowing with My Spirit and My Kingdom rule. I will meet every need that you have if you will not worry but trust Me to bring forth all that you will need, and you shall flow in your Kingdom calling! Those that I move into these positions shall be fruitful and multiply, and peace will be in all they do and in that which I have given them." Hold on...you will see the hand of God move on your and many other's behalf! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Watch our Elijah Streams broadcast at: ELIJAHSTREAMS.com. Your donations truly help us keep these emails free for you. Donate at: ElijahList Prophetic Resources Give a Monthly Gift Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: elijahlist.com/subscribe. Enjoy! Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News www.elijahlist.com ************************************* "What is God Doing in This Shaking Going On?" Jo Ellen Stevens, Connersville, IN You Are Being Positioned to Prosper! As I was looking through the prayer requests in a personal prayer group I'm a part of the other day, I saw a lot of prayer requests that were about jobs and job loss, etc. God has been speaking to me about what is about to happen in this country. There is a change about to take place and God is in the process of shaking many people out of positions that they have felt trapped in. He is shaking some in the world out of positions that they were never meant to be in. In other words, "There's a whole lotta shakin' goin' on!" Haggai 2:6-8, "For thus saith the Lord of hosts; 'Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; and I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory,' saith the Lord of hosts. 'The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine,' saith the Lord of hosts." The Lord said to me the other day, "I am shifting people out of positions and replacing them with people who have a calling to do these jobs. These people will be sent to be where they are meant to be, because I called them to these places before they were even born. I had this planned from the beginning! So do not fight, fret or be dismayed. Do not be afraid, nor worry when you see Me start to move you out. Do not worry about what you will eat, drink, or wear because I am doing the shaking. "Did I not say, 'I am your Shepherd'? Did I not say, 'I will lead you down paths of righteousness for My name sake'? Surely I will lead those who seek first My heart and My Kingdom into the abundant life. Did I not die for this cause so that you might have life and life abundant?" Matthew 6:31-34, "Therefore take no thought, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or, 'What shall we drink?' or, 'Wherewithal shall we be clothed?' (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." "I Am Setting Up Kingdom Rule!" "I am in the process of establishing Kingdom life in the earth. Did I not say to pray that My Kingdom would come on Earth as it is in Heaven? So this is what My people have been praying. Did you not believe that I would answer those who have cried to Me day and night? I am setting up Kingdom rule! My Kingdom is very different than what the world has portrayed about work and creative ability. "In these next days and months you will see many come into their own God-given positions in all of the mountains of society. Many believe that I am for one country or another, or one type of government over another, but nay! I am for seeing My Kingdom set up and I am for freedom for people to be who they were created to be! Yes, there are governments that host this way better than others but still they have not seen what Kingdom looks like, but they are about to. Do Not Fear, We Will Walk in the Garden Again "So do not fear what is happening to you in this shaking, for I will place you into a place of flowing with My Spirit and My Kingdom rule. I will meet every need that you have if you will not worry but trust Me to bring forth all that you will need, and you shall flow in your Kingdom calling! Those that I move into these positions shall be fruitful and multiply, and peace will be in all they do and in that which I have given them. "I will prosper My people to be a blessing upon the whole earth, and you shall be the envy of the whole earth, and they will come and serve Me too. Then they will understand that they no longer work by the sweat of their brow, but will come into the garden that I planned for them to tend all along. It is in the garden that I will walk with them again, in the cool of the day!" Jo Ellen Stevens TCIC Ministries Email: jostevensariseshine@gmail.com Website: dstevens7.wix.com/tcic Jo Ellen Stevens is a prophetic speaker, author, worship leader, and intercessor from Connersville, Indiana. She has ministered with her husband for 23 years, pastoring, teaching, and leading prophetic worship. She operates in a prophetic anointing with words of knowledge and words of wisdom. She believes that every Believer should be hearing the Lord's voice and resounding His heart out of their intimate relationship with Him. She also believes God called her many years ago to encourage the Body of Christ to arise and shine with the glory of the Lord for such a time as this, no matter what their age, background, or social status! She believes that God has given us each a platform to use the gifts and talents that He has given us to bring those who do not know the Lord out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God, and that social media will play a great part in covering the earth with His glory! ************************************* To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your in box CLICK HERE or go to: elijahlist.com/subscribe Visit our webstore and check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God?: www.elijahshopper.com/cant-you-talk-louder-god-secrets-to-hearing-the-voice-of-god-revised-and-updated-edition-by-steve-shultz/ Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Elijah List Publications 528 Ellsworth St. SW Albany, OR 97321 www.elijahlist.com email: info@elijahlist.net Phone 1-541-926-3250 ElijahList Prophetic Resources 528 SW Ellsworth St Albany OR 97321 USA Unsubscribe | Change Subscriber Options
The scripture he quotes around 7:30 is Colossians 2:15. For anyone who is reading as he quotes scriptures.❤ I cannot Thank You enough for allowing God to use you to release this uplifting word. Indeed, the enemy is caught out in his own snare and he is paying a seven fold. My midnight season is over! Amen!🙏
I had a dream that I was skinning snakes. I dismembered them. This makes it even more clear. You messed with the wrong one vindication, breakthrough, repayment and every area is here now! Thank you for releasing this! I'm coming back to this post with a testimony!
Oh my God, crying and praising Jesus at 5 this morning could not sleep because of warfare in my sleep which have been going on in my sleep and you didn't miss anything everything that you described is everything I have been going through but Holy Spirit had me to pick up my phone because He had these words for me which brought me into praise and worship and Joy of the Lord Thank you Prophet for obeying Holy Spirit for His people encouragement and comfort Im a Pastor and most certainly needed every word He had you to speak and I am passing it to others
I need this Word to become a reality in our lives. After ages ..decades of suffering, Lord let this manifest . I awoke and need this Word to start manifesting hour by hour. Day by day . Praise Ye the lORD. HALLELUJAH.
Let every lie, evil, disease, attack, oppression evil agenda and slander and of satan destruct this hour. I decree victory, life, moving forward, healings, restorations of our God destiny to live victorious lives in every area from this moment forward. Amen Blood of Jesus, and the Word of my strong testimonies . I call in out our God destinies, ID in Him destinies,and identity in Christ, and absolute victories succeed now . Hear the Word of God for our lives and destinies, and healing and prosperity miracles manifest now in Jesus name. It is our destiny to prosper and be in awesome health, finances, homes, 7 fold turn around ad of this cery minute to arise. Our destinies in His books of life Manifest now. Wr stand on solid kingdom of God come now in Jesus name.
GOD is setting me , my son, my daughter, and junior free! He is delivering us from our demons and filling the void s with anointed blessings of God. Amen
I’ve literally been struggling with my destiny and warfare for the last year. In fact, yesterday I hit my rock bottom and started binge eating because I felt so hopeless. My fiancé reminded me that it’s not physical, it’s spiritual. I will keep fighting and I won’t give up. After all, we are on the winning team because we have Jesus! 💯 God bless you for this video ❤️
I had a dream two weeks ago where I saw my house up real high. I saw a man who kept creeping up to try to get in my house. But every time he got close, I would be there waiting and would rebuke him in Jesus name and order him out. But he was persistent in looking and sneaking up again but every time I would be where he thought he’d grab me off guard and again and again I would fight him and cast him out in Jesus name. The evil eerie look full of such hate and anger he’d give me but each time he was cast out and was never able to get into my house. This prophetic word is powerful and a Devine appointment for me. I have a even greater understanding of my dream now. I’ve never heard of Nate Johnston until yesterday morning. Praise Yeshua, my Faithful King 👑 I worship your Almighty Name.
Two nights ago I had a dream that I was in a Beautiful Hotel on a high up floor. Like it may have been for business and a woman (a classmate in Real life but in the dream we didn’t know each other) opened the door, saw me and said NO!!! and slammed the door. There was absolutely no reason for that answer, just did it because she had that authority. After I awakened I began to pray against it but then with fierce indignation I cursed that no!! Who gave you devil that authority to say no To Me!!! I SAY YESSS!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!! I’m in position to receive RIGHT NOW In Jesus’ Might Name! No more No’s No More! I Say Yes!!! I’m a Child if The Most High God! Thanks for sharing Sir! 🙏🏽🙏🏽
Decree and declare , don’t just claim it, decree and declare it you are a king in the family of God in the Bible Kong’s make decrees and the Lord will bring it to pass. Per the word by Solomon , the wisest man ever .
🗣😭🙌🏾 JESUS!!! I have been so blessed by your prophetic words. Just came across your ministry yesterday on YT from “Emerging From The Wilderness” now this! Thank you for your obedience. I am blessed & encouraged! Thank you Father 🕊🌈💖
it is exactly what's happen in my life. i had 11 years of fight, wilderness and warfare, but i there's so much Glory as well. We are going from Glory to Glory! Yes we are coming out now very strong the LORDS Armee 🔥Halleluja!! the LORD´S sons and daughters 👑🌹
Thank you, I have been having nightmares since I can remember, I had one last night. I'm free now in Jesus name, my midnight is over Hallelujah!! Thank you holy spirit Glory to YAHWEH!!! ❤💪🙏🙌💥
Strongholds in my life are falling! The bondage that has kept me bound up is loosing it's grip on my heart. The Lord will free from this generational curse in Jesus Name!
Thanks for the encouraging word I and many others needed to hear. The last two and a half years, the spiritual warfare has been beyond belief, not just in the spiritual realm but also phyically against me. At times I kneel weeping before the Lord for the strength to complete the purpose my Lord has assigned to me. Countless times I plead to God, please let me feel your touch, to know I am fulfilling your will. At these times I hear a still small voice of encouraement. Other times I receive a word or message from someone, not unlike this message from you. The Lord has been telling me be patient and have faith in His perfect timing, telling me to have faith in Him. So upon the Rock of my salvation and hope, I firmly stand on the Cornerstone, Jesus, although rejected by men, He gives strength to His own. As never before, God IS calling out the remnant prepared for this very moment in time. The Lord has been dealing with me as never before, admonishing me that the remnant are being called into action. To all remnant, diligently begin fasting and praying for the double portion, Latter Day Rain, promised by the prophet Joel. God has clearly shown me the Great Delusion currently tightly clutching this world leading it into bondage to Satan and his coming Antichrist system. No differently than in Elijah's day, thinking he was the only believer left in all of Israel, was rebuked and told there were still 7,000 who had not bowed down to Baal. To our modern day "7,000", your time of visitation and anointing is at hand. Have faith that where much wickedness abounds, more so will the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit of God abound. As we are witnessing the Great Falling Away from God and His truth, the Holy Spirit is even at the door, knocking to be let into the lukewarm churches and pulpits of this nation. Christ will no longer suffer the Great Falling Away in His churches, but all will be shaken until only His on-fire, uncompromising, passion- filled true followers will remain. These true followers will be known by their actions and works for the coming Kingdom Age of our Lord's millennial reign. These remnant will not represent the current complacent, politically correct, apathetic, complacent, pew warmers filling our churches and pulpits today. Most of our churches, having already become irrelevant in our society, as recognized by declining attendence, will be brought down. Judgment always begins in the House of the Lord, then spreads to expose the sins of its nation's leaders.
9th of Av falls on my 42nd birthday this year. I was born 6 days before Elvis died. He died at 42. Madonna turned 19 in 77..... I will be 42 this August 10, 2019. In Jesus Name!!!! No Wars!!! NO MORE!!!!
I receive the word about shoulder healing for my husband charlie...please pray and agree with me that God will completely unfreeze his shoulders and take away all pain and he will have complete range of motion in them in Jesus name Amen I pray agree and receive all of this prophetic wordin Jesus name Amen
Charlie and Joanie Smith I had a frozen shoulder.. it was excruciating pain.... I tried everything! cortisone shots, 2 different chiropractors.. spent lots of $$!!!one chiropractor specialized in sports medicine and could not fix this!! I finally went to Accupuncture near my home. It took 5 appts and I have been healed and good to go now for 5 years.. just perfect again! God is amazing!!
Please, if you haven't already tried Accupuncture , do it!! Its so relaxing and incredible what it pinpoints. Im a hairdresser and my left shoulder was so frozen i couldnt even wash my own hair with both hands.. or put on a shirt over my head, let alone take care of my hair clients. my left shoulder was locked and hurt sooo bad!! I will put Charlie in my prayers because its actually a miracle that i saw your post. God is working here!! God Bless and I pray supernatural healing over You Charlie 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼.
I am in tears right now, my whole life has been a battle. I am 66 now but this word has encouraged me that the time of battle is coming to an end. I receive this word in Jesus Name .
No more No more No more in Jesus name. I declare and decree victory over enemy and the enemy is caught up and i receive the 7 fold blessing in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Your daughters story reminded me of when my little doggie got very ill. I walked into the kitchen (there was blood every where) . It was 1:30 in the morning and there was nothing I could do but pray. I raaaaaaced into the vet 7 in the morning ..he examined my dog and looked at me like I was crazy and said there's nothing wrong with this dog nothing at all. Early days of spiritual attack, that how I learned to pray in warfare.
Realized I feel relief, it was spoken to me I will return what the canker worm stole. Then your latter year's will be better than your former year's. I thank you. Bless God for he is fsithful
In 1990, i began my journey as a worship leader, writing many songs and seeing many people connect with them. But over the next 15 years, I experienced a sense of darkness close in. I felt discouraged and disillusioned. But I kept writing and came up with an entire album of songs titled Songs in the Dark. I knew I could not keep silent, but there was little joy. This morning when you said "your midnight season is over, " my spirit agreed deeply. There are new songs to be written now. Your prophecy rings true. Thank you.
I saw a picture of Gods people walking in the most intense storm but totally unaffected by the elements. Very uplifting and encouraging message Nate. Thank you .
Hallelujah please pray for my prodigal/backslidden husband Ericks salvation. The Lord will reach him, rescue, deliver and salvation in Jesus name. I praise you Lord now in Jesus name
Yess yesss This is everything I’ve been going through. Even the dreams of snakes. Then I started seeing snakes in the natural, and then last week there was a snake in my yard. These are very rare to see in my area. I also have neck, back and shoulder issues from a domestic violence issue. My ex then stole all of my money from my business and has tormented me for 4 years. I’ve been praying and taking authority that the enemy stops now! And that I will be given recompense soon!!
I have received a lot of revelation. Learning things I thought I knew. It’s awesome. We are so fully equipped to withstand and loose all bondage. Our authority is powerful by Christ. We are Trojan horses. Our targets on our backs are a trap and snare for the enemy. A boomerang. Praise God. All Glory is His
Thank you God for revelation!! I’ve been enduring heavy mental anxiety/oppression for a while and unexplained shoulder n neck pains linked to the snake like spirit you mentioned @4min i didn’t understand why this was happening and i feel like the more i pray and ask the Lord for help, the more intense warfare gets... please keep me in your prayers. ♥️
Elijah S. me too bro . I been having severe anxiety for years now but I been seeking God every day and I can feel the breakthrough coming slowly . and the ware fare increases as we near closer to the finish line
No more will I allow anyone but You JESUS, to rule & reign in my heart. Thank you Nate for your obedience to God. No more will robbery go on in my life with Your help Holy Spirit
The timing of this word is unbelievable! NO MORE, NO MORE, NO MORE! Thank you for your obedience Nate and Christy. Believing for upgrade and increase in Wyoming!
Amen I except this in Jesus name. My family has been under attack by the enemy and seeing my mom go through health issues for almost a year now. I know God is going to get my family through a financial breakthrough and more chains being broken. My anxiety has been so bad but I know God will get me stronger.
“NO MORE”... I stand in agreement with all your decrees Nate 🙌💝🙌God bless you for this timely word! UPGRADE UPGRADE UPGRADE in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 🙌🙏🙌💝
I had a nightnare where I felt so weary by the attack of my own family that I was taking pills to commit suicied. I could almost feel the taste of the pills. I have been through an intense warfare with members of my family. I rebuke every work of the devil in my family to make it disfuntional and divided in Jesus Mighty Name. 🔥 🙏🙇 🙏 🔥
I pray my king. Please please. PLEASE have mercy on me allow me truth allow the enemies removed. Please.. JESUS I know everyone around me hears me screaming. You even sent me fish. I was so blessed please give me more of your blessings. Thank you very much for being here for me.
I simply thank you for your obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ Amen... You spoke into my life I rest in the fulness of Jesus today Having fought battles that l never, ever expected to have total joy in my life again and then Jesus said come higher my child l have got this. Amazing truth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
I am so thankful that God touched and healed me so deeply . I took a deep breath and felt like i havent felt for years. I am stilled by how your prayers and words powerfully have set up a new foundation . I have been struggling and hurting for years and when you spoke I felt the desperately needed comfort in that barreness. I thank you Lord and thank you for letting God use you to comfort and heal his people!
Amen.😙 praise God.💗 Jesus is Lord.😄 Thank You.😢 I believe and receive this Word in Jesus' name. Amen.💕 Thank you, Nate and Christy and your beautiful family.💜 God bless.😊 MJ.💖
Your voice is so soothing as you read your prophetic words. Love hearing this powerful word. I 've been in a 13 year fiery wilderness, so intense I felt at times I wouldn't survive it. I am on the verge of breakthrough of great proportions... I have a strong decision that God wants me to do, as I need to trust Him so fully in all areas to make it happen. I think the end of the wilderness is so much more pressured, painful and intensified! But God said I am coming out. So I am!!
I receive this prayer to be for me I received my break through I received the end of torment delays and stagnation unclaimed Sevenfold blessings promises move forward into my destiny that my heavenly father has for me acima celeration and the answer to my prayers the fulfillment of my heart's desires amen
Ya'll don't even know of me yet but I needed this so bad Right now awesome Thank You So Much he's FIre guys an all consuming One and we screaming NO MORE NO MORE LOCKED DOORS !o!
I needed this like I need my next breath. So many key words mentioned that spoke straight to my spirit. I just experienced a serious demonic attack this evening and this word couldn’t be more timely. Thank you for sharing, I receive this word over my life and my families life. This is the year of stepping into our destiny 🙌🏼
Thank you Nate for the prophetic message!! Yes, my MIDNIGHT is over... I decree & declare a New dawn... New Day... New Beginning... in my life.. in Jesus's name! Halleluiah!
I've been struggling for over 7 years now. I've doubted myself. I thought God had abandoned me because of choices I've made. But He is speaking to me once again. He told me that He would no longer allow Satan to sift me. I'm ready to be His Cup Bearer
I just want to thank God the Father for the provision you are handing out to the church. Let’s weaponize now. Let’s shout out “NO MORE!” Let’s be on the offensive. Let’s assume our proper identity: We are the Beloved Of God! Of whom should we be afraid? Let’s take authority over the battle field of our minds now. Amen.
Amazing Prophecy! I have been going thru tough times in my life these past few years. It started in 2014 death of parent, loss of inheritance, financial losses & the stress & strain associated with it. 2015 problems at work place, major surgery of child, financial losses, stress & strain. 2016 another major of surgery of child, loss of job, problems in family, lack of finance, loss of a job opportunity. 2017 struggle at job, loss of a very good job opportunity, another major surgery of child, more problems including litigation with spouse. 2018 no job, no finance, not much to fall back to, no place to stay, etc. 2019 loss of parent, no job, no proper place to stay, no finances, etc. The enemy had attacked in all areas of my life these past few years.This journey has been direction less, just floating thru. But GOD, HE has been Faithful and has kept me going. 'The WORD', i received in 2018 was "Be Still and know, that I Am GOD". And am still focused on it. As brother Nate said, it is time for us "the ones whom HE did foreknow, the ones HE also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His SON", to take up our mantle and fulfil the works our FATHER has assigned to us in various parts of this world; in the name of JESUS by the Power of the HOLY GHOST. To reveal HIS Power, to magnify HIS Glory by entering the lair of the enemy & setting captives free, by chasing HIS enemy relentlessly without giving him any rest, so that the boundaries of the Kingdom of our FATHER can be extended. The only reason for me sharing is that any brothers or sisters in the same situation as i may be encouraged, to keep going. HIS love is unconditional & providence timely, HE will never leave you nor forsake you, just stay focused on HIM! Blessings...
Thank You, God. Show me where (specifically) You want me to even be, where You want me to put any energy forth, show me the people You do and don't want me to be around. Have Your ultimate way with my mind, body, and soul.
Begin to decree that God will reveal to you in a way you will not miss what he is telling you, where you should be, live etc. I did this in the year 2013 and he sent his angel to tell me to sell both my houses and move to a certain and to live on some land that I owned there and he said be there by November. It was March and it took me until June to make the move my first house sold in a week giving me money to purchase in the area I was to live. And I moved in Nov. 3rd. My job ended Nov 15 - that’s why he said be there by November. I had everything paid for I owed only my credit card bill. Praise Hid I was obedient. My income has doubled and even over that amount. Praise God I was obedient. He is an awesome God.
I agree in Jesus Name. Let the true church of Christmas arise.... for the Glory of the Lord has risen upon us. Thank You Jesus. BLESS MY FAMILY. Turn their hearts back to You. For You Lord is Great and Mighty to Save. Thank You Lord. Yes Father, end this midnight battle and bless my sleep, give me Godly dreams, help me enter into Your rest. Increase me. Anoint me. Bless the works of my hands. Only You Lord...the One Who gives us victory. Bless you Nate and Christy.
I find out what you're saying spiritually is true. I've experienced it and I've seen it for years bro in the church. outside of the church on every side. thanks for the great message revelation. Acts 2:38 is John 3
2024 who else is here now God bless You Nate and Christy In Jesus name Amen ❤
My 3 kittens are all sitting circled around me listening to this.💞💞💞💞💞💞📿👑💝
“Every warrior’s boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire.”
Isaiah 9:5 NIV
I decree this word of a my life and over my family that enough is enough in Jesus name we have the victory !
My 20 year old son went home to be with Jesus on Thursday evening. Please pray our family.
I am so very sorry. May God comfort and hold your heart.
Teresa Duran praying for u stay strong beloved
Teresa Duran , dear sister, I want to give you my testimony I prayed and this is what the Lord wants me to tell you; I was taking care of my parents my mom went home to Jesus from terminal cancer, lung cancer , my dad did not take it right and suffered a brain stroke from that , he was body paralyzed, he was in bed for 5 years day and night my dad prayed and praise the Lord, I didn’t know God , my dad teaches me to love him, I was in this room for 5 years 24/7 never left him for not reason, I was sick , I was physically tired , my dad weighed 200 pounds, but I asked the lord for his glory and power over me so I can finish my race with my father, he went home now I am by my self is not body else to help me , not house, not job, not money but a great peace, the Lord told me his grace will be with me until he comes back, I was so sad very sad lonely and frustrated but I had a dream and a vision of my dad 30 to 35 years of age, beautiful skin. So beautiful smile in a wonderful garden not sadness, no sickness, not evil, not needs, that place was full of Jesus love and care, my dad only wants to be there smiling all the time. The Lord told me ;He is just fine, I am in control now I need him here for something else( another job) I opened my eyes so refreshed, so happy and never felt lonely again because I know soon we will see them again and we will be there with the Lord. Your son finished his race here , God needs him there for another job. Every body in that place I saw were very busy preparing the Lord second coming.
We are here just for a God’s purpose they finished theirs we are next.
My 17 years old nephew left before my parents, as well as my 29 years old niece and 21 years old nephew but because we knew that true fact from the lord we are just praying for the horrible things are coming to this earth very soon.
I am crying with you sisterTeresa I can feel your pain and sadness but the Lord asked me to tell you that he is just fine very happy in his next assignment.
Shalom big hug from the lord almighty. Praise the Lord, he loves you so much.
Sweet sister, i am SO very sorry for your great loss..... My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you and Your loved ones....God BLESS you and your precious family.... 💖💖💖
I cant imagine what ur feeling. I pray for comfort from the Holy Trinity for you and your family much love to you all keep your heads up and you will see your son soon again in Jesus name 😘
“And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.”
Colossians 2:15 NIV
No More No More ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!!
I woke up this morning saying: "Enough is enough. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm getting delivered from this today." I was mad and so I made a list of 45 negative spirits that needed to go, went into my closet to pray for about an hour and asked the Holy Spirit to replace them God's thoughts of peace...and now this. Thank you Nate. Nice way to end the evening.
Amen us too!! Literally this morning 9-11-19
“I say no more to you being robbed”- wow, my house was ACTUALLY robbed in the middle of my wilderness season, and there are still things that haven’t come back together since then... I receive that word.
Spot on word for our Church - Re-Ignite - Here in Blackburn, Lancashire, England. Great word Nate for me as an individual. "Enough is Enough"!! Infact, on Sunday I said to a few folk "I refuse to let folk intimidate me, The enemy is going to regret he ever messed with me. I am the head , not the tail".
He only has as much power as we give him. We have the authority and power to resist the devil AND he WILL flee!!!
20 years back I had a dream about a cow about to birth but groaning in pain as I have a calling to intercede God showed me its d body of Christ n now is d time we are called to intercede as she is birthing a powerful body of believers who will carry d bridal glory of God , In another dream I saw a rock being formed in d sky I have been hearing very strongly in my spirit that God is preparing his people like never before to bring his government authority, n in another dream I saw looked at d sky n it was as if hell broke loose upon me n I saw d evil powers coming down upon me I closed my eyes n said Jesus expecting an attack but as I opened my eyes I saw a beautiful dove holding a daidem n urging me to take it,n recently I saw d sky being darkened n d very next day I dreamt it rained heavily n I saw my self living in d neighbourhood of top military officials that's d up grade u have confirmed ....God has been preparing his people some from many years n there r many believers who have been under their circumstances though they have been faithful ...d main reason behind this is he is coming with vengeance yes n with all due respect to pastors I can say that he is calling people to be kingdom minded than limit their focus to d local church there is a great paradigm shift in d way church will operate
Just yesterday God gave me a vision of me standing in front of a large gold door that was sparkling and then a dark figure stood in front of me and tried to intimidate me and I heard God tell me to keep looking up to him and that I had the power and the authority to defeat the enemy in my face and I shouted "No More!" and I pushed the figure to the ground and ran to the doors and opened them! My God! My God! You ministry is continually blessing me. I haven't even finished the video but as soon as you spoke about the dream I felt so much joy!
Isaiah 22:22 and the snake 🐍 that is the stronghold over me!!!
I lost EVERYTHING a year ago but I praise God for the journey He took me on .... I am so so so strong now, my faith is super strong! Like a super soldier for Christ!! total restoration is here in JESUS name!!!
That is good to hear, because I just lost everything financially, it was stolen, all gone. Fraud and there is nothing I can do. It has tested our marriage. I can only hope that the Lord has allowed this for a reason. I pray I have a testimony like yours.
Forever Joy
I’m so sorry to hear that, I know how you must be feeling, It has not been an easy journey, I have lost most of my friendships and God has had me in the wilderness for a few years now just learning to be still in Him and trusting Him for EVERYTHING that I need! One thing that has helped me tremendously is memorizing psalm 91 I say it ALOT daily and use bits of it for difficult battles against satan and his minions 💪
Also Isaiah 30:18
Those that wait on the Lord to act WILL BE BLESSED!!!
Hang in there, the Lord is your shepherd, He gives you EVERYTHING you need,
And for the ones that stole from you say this: HE WILL PREPARE A FEAST FOR ME IN FRONT OF MY ENEMIES!!!!
Be strong 💪 y’all can do this.... 🙏🏻👑🎺🎉
Forever Joy
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June 19, 2019
"What is God Doing in This Shaking Going On?"
Jo Ellen Stevens, Connersville, IN
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Steve ShultzI totally agree with what Jo Ellen Stevens shares in her recent article...that there is a LOT of shaking going on right now for many.
Jo Ellen's word will give you a heavenly perspective of what's really going on as she shares:
"So do not fear what is happening to you in this shaking, for I will place you into a place of flowing with My Spirit and My Kingdom rule. I will meet every need that you have if you will not worry but trust Me to bring forth all that you will need, and you shall flow in your Kingdom calling! Those that I move into these positions shall be fruitful and multiply, and peace will be in all they do and in that which I have given them."
Hold on...you will see the hand of God move on your and many other's behalf! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"What is God Doing in This Shaking Going On?"
Jo Ellen Stevens, Connersville, IN
You Are Being Positioned to Prosper!
As I was looking through the prayer requests in a personal prayer group I'm a part of the other day, I saw a lot of prayer requests that were about jobs and job loss, etc. God has been speaking to me about what is about to happen in this country. There is a change about to take place and God is in the process of shaking many people out of positions that they have felt trapped in. He is shaking some in the world out of positions that they were never meant to be in. In other words, "There's a whole lotta shakin' goin' on!"
Haggai 2:6-8, "For thus saith the Lord of hosts; 'Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; and I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory,' saith the Lord of hosts. 'The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine,' saith the Lord of hosts."
The Lord said to me the other day, "I am shifting people out of positions and replacing them with people who have a calling to do these jobs. These people will be sent to be where they are meant to be, because I called them to these places before they were even born. I had this planned from the beginning! So do not fight, fret or be dismayed. Do not be afraid, nor worry when you see Me start to move you out. Do not worry about what you will eat, drink, or wear because I am doing the shaking.
"Did I not say, 'I am your Shepherd'? Did I not say, 'I will lead you down paths of righteousness for My name sake'? Surely I will lead those who seek first My heart and My Kingdom into the abundant life. Did I not die for this cause so that you might have life and life abundant?"
Matthew 6:31-34, "Therefore take no thought, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or, 'What shall we drink?' or, 'Wherewithal shall we be clothed?' (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
"I Am Setting Up Kingdom Rule!"
"I am in the process of establishing Kingdom life in the earth. Did I not say to pray that My Kingdom would come on Earth as it is in Heaven? So this is what My people have been praying. Did you not believe that I would answer those who have cried to Me day and night? I am setting up Kingdom rule! My Kingdom is very different than what the world has portrayed about work and creative ability.
"In these next days and months you will see many come into their own God-given positions in all of the mountains of society. Many believe that I am for one country or another, or one type of government over another, but nay! I am for seeing My Kingdom set up and I am for freedom for people to be who they were created to be! Yes, there are governments that host this way better than others but still they have not seen what Kingdom looks like, but they are about to.
Do Not Fear, We Will Walk in the Garden Again
"So do not fear what is happening to you in this shaking, for I will place you into a place of flowing with My Spirit and My Kingdom rule. I will meet every need that you have if you will not worry but trust Me to bring forth all that you will need, and you shall flow in your Kingdom calling! Those that I move into these positions shall be fruitful and multiply, and peace will be in all they do and in that which I have given them.
"I will prosper My people to be a blessing upon the whole earth, and you shall be the envy of the whole earth, and they will come and serve Me too. Then they will understand that they no longer work by the sweat of their brow, but will come into the garden that I planned for them to tend all along. It is in the garden that I will walk with them again, in the cool of the day!"
Jo Ellen Stevens
TCIC Ministries
Email: jostevensariseshine@gmail.com
Website: dstevens7.wix.com/tcic
Jo Ellen Stevens is a prophetic speaker, author, worship leader, and intercessor from Connersville, Indiana. She has ministered with her husband for 23 years, pastoring, teaching, and leading prophetic worship. She operates in a prophetic anointing with words of knowledge and words of wisdom. She believes that every Believer should be hearing the Lord's voice and resounding His heart out of their intimate relationship with Him. She also believes God called her many years ago to encourage the Body of Christ to arise and shine with the glory of the Lord for such a time as this, no matter what their age, background, or social status! She believes that God has given us each a platform to use the gifts and talents that He has given us to bring those who do not know the Lord out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God, and that social media will play a great part in covering the earth with His glory!
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The scripture he quotes around 7:30 is Colossians 2:15. For anyone who is reading as he quotes scriptures.❤
I cannot Thank You enough for allowing God to use you to release this uplifting word. Indeed, the enemy is caught out in his own snare and he is paying a seven fold. My midnight season is over!
I had a dream that I was skinning snakes. I dismembered them. This makes it even more clear. You messed with the wrong one vindication, breakthrough, repayment and every area is here now! Thank you for releasing this! I'm coming back to this post with a testimony!
My sleep pattern has been disrupted for several months .I claim a healing in this area
Yes! The Lord gives His beloved sweet sleep (Psalm 127). Praying for u❤
Oh my God, crying and praising Jesus at 5 this morning could not sleep because of warfare in my sleep which have been going on in my sleep and you didn't miss anything everything that you described is everything I have been going through but Holy Spirit had me to pick up my phone because He had these words for me which brought me into praise and worship and Joy of the Lord Thank you Prophet for obeying Holy Spirit for His people encouragement and comfort Im a Pastor and most certainly needed every word He had you to speak and I am passing it to others
I felt life last nite hearing this. But
I need this Word to become a reality in our lives. After ages ..decades of suffering, Lord let this manifest . I awoke and need this Word to start manifesting hour by hour. Day by day . Praise Ye the lORD. HALLELUJAH.
Let every lie, evil, disease, attack, oppression evil agenda and slander and of satan destruct this hour. I decree victory, life, moving forward, healings, restorations of our God destiny to live victorious lives in every area from this moment forward. Amen Blood of Jesus, and the Word of my strong testimonies .
I call in out our God destinies, ID in Him destinies,and identity in Christ, and absolute victories succeed now . Hear the Word of God for our lives and destinies, and healing and prosperity miracles manifest now in Jesus name. It is our destiny to prosper and be in awesome health, finances, homes, 7 fold turn around ad of this cery minute to arise. Our destinies in His books of life Manifest now. Wr stand on solid kingdom of God come now in Jesus name.
GOD is setting me , my son, my daughter, and junior free! He is delivering us from our demons and filling the void s with anointed blessings of God. Amen
I’ve literally been struggling with my destiny and warfare for the last year. In fact, yesterday I hit my rock bottom and started binge eating because I felt so hopeless. My fiancé reminded me that it’s not physical, it’s spiritual. I will keep fighting and I won’t give up. After all, we are on the winning team because we have Jesus! 💯
God bless you for this video ❤️
Everything the enemy made me go through last year has been turned around for the glory of God in my life I couldn’t be more thankful now AMEN
No more in Jesus name. Revive, Rise up, Level up ⬆️
Absolutely yes Lord ..you hit the nail right on the head .. the night season is over ...here comes joy unspeakable full of Glory !!!
I had a dream two weeks ago where I saw my house up real high. I saw a man who kept creeping up to try to get in my house. But every time he got close, I would be there waiting and would rebuke him in Jesus name and order him out. But he was persistent in looking and sneaking up again but every time I would be where he thought he’d grab me off guard and again and again I would fight him and cast him out in Jesus name. The evil eerie look full of such hate and anger he’d give me but each time he was cast out and was never able to get into my house.
This prophetic word is powerful and a Devine appointment for me. I have a even greater understanding of my dream now. I’ve never heard of Nate Johnston until yesterday morning. Praise Yeshua, my Faithful King 👑 I worship your Almighty Name.
Alleluia! God is going to heal my scoliosis and ALL other things that are holding me back. I claim the word and revive the word.
Two nights ago I had a dream that I was in a Beautiful Hotel on a high up floor. Like it may have been for business and a woman (a classmate in Real life but in the dream we didn’t know each other) opened the door, saw me and said NO!!! and slammed the door. There was absolutely no reason for that answer, just did it because she had that authority. After I awakened I began to pray against it but then with fierce indignation I cursed that no!! Who gave you devil that authority to say no To Me!!! I SAY YESSS!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!! I’m in position to receive RIGHT NOW In Jesus’ Might Name! No more No’s No More! I Say Yes!!! I’m a Child if The Most High God! Thanks for sharing Sir! 🙏🏽🙏🏽
I claim that God will provide a house for my family soon ..
Amen 🌹💗🙏
Decree and declare , don’t just claim it, decree and declare it you are a king in the family of God in the Bible Kong’s make decrees and the Lord will bring it to pass. Per the word by Solomon , the wisest man ever .
🗣😭🙌🏾 JESUS!!! I have been so blessed by your prophetic words. Just came across your ministry yesterday on YT from “Emerging From The Wilderness” now this! Thank you for your obedience. I am blessed & encouraged! Thank you Father 🕊🌈💖
it is exactly what's happen in my life. i had 11 years of fight, wilderness and warfare, but i there's so much Glory as well. We are going from Glory to Glory! Yes we are coming out now very strong the LORDS Armee 🔥Halleluja!! the LORD´S sons and daughters 👑🌹
Thank you, I have been having nightmares since I can remember, I had one last night. I'm free now in Jesus name, my midnight is over Hallelujah!! Thank you holy spirit Glory to YAHWEH!!! ❤💪🙏🙌💥
Strongholds in my life are falling! The bondage that has kept me bound up is loosing it's grip on my heart. The Lord will free from this generational curse in Jesus Name!
I'm in tears. This is literally my life right now. God Bless you ❤
Remember sister that we fight with our full armour on and from the victory we have in JESUS. My prayers are with you. 🙏💓👑
@@ChristinaMladuckyJesus Amen 💕 Thank You you so much for the reminder. God Bless you and keep you always ❤
You're welcome. 👑👑💯💓🙌 Thank you! I accept the favor and life spoken over me in JESUS powerful name. 🙏🦁
@@ChristinaMladuckyJesus Amen! You're welcome 🎀🕊️🎀💟
Thanks for the encouraging word I and many others needed to hear. The last two and a half years, the spiritual warfare has been beyond belief, not just in the spiritual realm but also phyically against me. At times I kneel weeping before the Lord for the strength to complete the purpose my Lord has assigned to me. Countless times I plead to God, please let me feel your touch, to know I am fulfilling your will. At these times I hear a still small voice of encouraement. Other times I receive a word or message from someone, not unlike this message from you. The Lord has been telling me be patient and have faith in His perfect timing, telling me to have faith in Him. So upon the Rock of my salvation and hope, I firmly stand on the Cornerstone, Jesus, although rejected by men, He gives strength to His own. As never before, God IS calling out the remnant prepared for this very moment in time. The Lord has been dealing with me as never before, admonishing me that the remnant are being called into action. To all remnant, diligently begin fasting and praying for the double portion, Latter Day Rain, promised by the prophet Joel. God has clearly shown me the Great Delusion currently tightly clutching this world leading it into bondage to Satan and his coming Antichrist system. No differently than in Elijah's day, thinking he was the only believer left in all of Israel, was rebuked and told there were still 7,000 who had not bowed down to Baal. To our modern day "7,000", your time of visitation and anointing is at hand. Have faith that where much wickedness abounds, more so will the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit of God abound. As we are witnessing the Great Falling Away from God and His truth, the Holy Spirit is even at the door, knocking to be let into the lukewarm churches and pulpits of this nation. Christ will no longer suffer the Great Falling Away in His churches, but all will be shaken until only His on-fire, uncompromising, passion- filled true followers will remain. These true followers will be known by their actions and works for the coming Kingdom Age of our Lord's millennial reign. These remnant will not represent the current complacent, politically correct, apathetic, complacent, pew warmers filling our churches and pulpits today. Most of our churches, having already become irrelevant in our society, as recognized by declining attendence, will be brought down. Judgment always begins in the House of the Lord, then spreads to expose the sins of its nation's leaders.
Its joy unspeakable for me to know God has heard my desperate cry .God is in control now. Glory to God.
9th of Av falls on my 42nd birthday this year. I was born 6 days before Elvis died. He died at 42. Madonna turned 19 in 77..... I will be 42 this August 10, 2019. In Jesus Name!!!! No Wars!!! NO MORE!!!!
I receive the word about shoulder healing for my husband charlie...please pray and agree with me that God will completely unfreeze his shoulders and take away all pain and he will have complete range of motion in them in Jesus name Amen I pray agree and receive all of this prophetic wordin Jesus name Amen
Charlie and Joanie Smith
I had a frozen shoulder.. it was excruciating pain.... I tried everything! cortisone shots, 2 different chiropractors.. spent lots of $$!!!one chiropractor specialized in sports medicine and could not fix this!! I finally went to Accupuncture near my home. It took 5 appts and I have been healed and good to go now for 5 years.. just perfect again! God is amazing!!
Please, if you haven't already tried Accupuncture , do it!! Its so relaxing and incredible what it pinpoints.
Im a hairdresser and my left shoulder was so frozen i couldnt even wash my own hair with both hands.. or put on a shirt over my head, let alone take care of my hair clients. my left shoulder was locked and hurt sooo bad!! I will put Charlie in my prayers because its actually a miracle that i saw your post. God is working here!!
God Bless and I pray supernatural healing over You Charlie 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼.
I am in tears right now, my whole life has been a battle. I am 66 now but this word has encouraged me that the time of battle is coming to an end. I receive this word in Jesus Name .
Amen healing, authority, repayment & breakthrough now in Jesus name Shalom🔥🔥🔥
No more No more No more in Jesus name. I declare and decree victory over enemy and the enemy is caught up and i receive the 7 fold blessing in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Your daughters story reminded me of when my little doggie got very ill. I walked into the kitchen (there was blood every where) . It was 1:30 in the morning and there was nothing I could do but pray. I raaaaaaced into the vet 7 in the morning ..he examined my dog and looked at me like I was crazy and said there's nothing wrong with this dog nothing at all. Early days of spiritual attack, that how I learned to pray in warfare.
“I will cross over into the place Jesus has for me!”
Enough! No more. No more ! be released off my life this misery and oppression at Christmas time!
Realized I feel relief, it was spoken to me I will return what the canker worm stole. Then your latter year's will be better than your former year's. I thank you. Bless God for he is fsithful
In 1990, i began my journey as a worship leader, writing many songs and seeing many people connect with them. But over the next 15 years, I experienced a sense of darkness close in. I felt discouraged and disillusioned. But I kept writing and came up with an entire album of songs titled Songs in the Dark. I knew I could not keep silent, but there was little joy. This morning when you said "your midnight season is over, " my spirit agreed deeply. There are new songs to be written now. Your prophecy rings true. Thank you.
I saw a picture of Gods people walking in the most intense storm but totally unaffected by the elements. Very uplifting and encouraging message Nate. Thank you .
Wow - amazing visual - thank you!
I had a similar dream as well 🕊🌈💞🙌🏾
Hallelujah please pray for my prodigal/backslidden husband Ericks salvation. The Lord will reach him, rescue, deliver and salvation in Jesus name. I praise you Lord now in Jesus name
Kori Bonilla I am in agreement with you. My husband also needs salvation. Has issues with forgiveness. Thank you! Be it all the glory to God. Amen
Yess yesss
This is everything I’ve been going through. Even the dreams of snakes. Then I started seeing snakes in the natural, and then last week there was a snake in my yard. These are very rare to see in my area. I also have neck, back and shoulder issues from a domestic violence issue. My ex then stole all of my money from my business and has tormented me for 4 years. I’ve been praying and taking authority that the enemy stops now! And that I will be given recompense soon!!
Clearly the Lord is your side. He is showing you things in the spirit. You are a big threat to him for sure.
I have received a lot of revelation. Learning things I thought I knew. It’s awesome. We are so fully equipped to withstand and loose all bondage. Our authority is powerful by Christ. We are Trojan horses. Our targets on our backs are a trap and snare for the enemy. A boomerang. Praise God. All Glory is His
Thank you God for revelation!! I’ve been enduring heavy mental anxiety/oppression for a while and unexplained shoulder n neck pains linked to the snake like spirit you mentioned @4min i didn’t understand why this was happening and i feel like the more i pray and ask the Lord for help, the more intense warfare gets... please keep me in your prayers. ♥️
Elijah S. me too bro . I been having severe anxiety for years now but I been seeking God every day and I can feel the breakthrough coming slowly . and the ware fare increases as we near closer to the finish line
I share yoyr sentiments spiritually and physically!
No more will I allow anyone but You JESUS, to rule & reign in my heart. Thank you Nate for your obedience to God. No more will robbery go on in my life with Your help Holy Spirit
The timing of this word is unbelievable! NO MORE, NO MORE, NO MORE! Thank you for your obedience Nate and Christy. Believing for upgrade and increase in Wyoming!
Amen I except this in Jesus name. My family has been under attack by the enemy and seeing my mom go through health issues for almost a year now. I know God is going to get my family through a financial breakthrough and more chains being broken. My anxiety has been so bad but I know God will get me stronger.
Praise God just right into my life. Thank you Jesus I know I meant to hear this Jesus is awesome
“NO MORE”... I stand in agreement with all your decrees Nate 🙌💝🙌God bless you for this timely word! UPGRADE UPGRADE UPGRADE in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 🙌🙏🙌💝
Enough I am who You say I am & I will do with Your direction & help all You created me to do.🤗👑👑👑
This is a time of repayment! Restoration and recompense.
Sylvia Ruth yes
I had a nightnare where I felt so weary by the attack of my own family that I was taking pills to commit suicied. I could almost feel the taste of the pills.
I have been through an intense warfare with members of my family.
I rebuke every work of the devil in my family to make it disfuntional and divided in Jesus Mighty Name.
🔥 🙏🙇 🙏 🔥
Gabriela Murguia me too! God bless you & keep you safe. Prayers for you 🙏
Amen 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻... in Jesus name !!!
no more. 7 fold recompensation in Jesus name0
I literally started crying midway through the video and couldn’t stop. God is faithful, thank you for sharing.
I pray my king. Please please. PLEASE have mercy on me allow me truth allow the enemies removed. Please.. JESUS I know everyone around me hears me screaming. You even sent me fish. I was so blessed please give me more of your blessings. Thank you very much for being here for me.
I receive my backpay with interest, now, in Jesus Holy name-and by Grace
Pamela Webb me too! AMEN!!!
I simply thank you for your obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ Amen...
You spoke into my life
I rest in the fulness of Jesus today
Having fought battles that l never, ever expected to have total joy in my life again and then Jesus said come higher my child l have got this.
Amazing truth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Bless you as God has chosen you to speak into my ear to which Jesus receives!!!! He loves You!!!❤️❤️❤️
Amen i am stepping into a new season in Jesus mighty name.
I am so thankful that God touched and healed me so deeply . I took a deep breath and felt like i havent felt for years. I am stilled by how your prayers and words powerfully have set up a new foundation . I have been struggling and hurting for years and when you spoke I felt the desperately needed comfort in that barreness. I thank you Lord and thank you for letting God use you to comfort and heal his people!
We agree and receive. We decree and declare it is done in Jesus Christ mighty name amen 🙏 🕊🔥🔥🔥❤️✝️♾
My demonic season is over it is finished praise Father god Amen.
That’s me Thank you. Great message. I’m healed Though now in the name of Jesus. Finally I’m free of bondage. God bless you 🙏❤️🗡🔥⚡️ 🙌🇦🇺
I decree and declare the turnaround for God's people, the ones following His ❤. Praying also for Sophie and complete healing for her.
Yes yes yes yes!!! It has been ... there are no words... to describe ...
I claim this is a time of repayment.7fold with no delay!
Amen.😙 praise God.💗 Jesus is Lord.😄 Thank You.😢 I believe and receive this Word in Jesus' name. Amen.💕 Thank you, Nate and Christy and your beautiful family.💜 God bless.😊 MJ.💖
Peace has overcome me...Thank You Jesus!!!
Thank you Lord!It really to me.
Your voice is so soothing as you read your prophetic words. Love hearing this powerful word. I 've been in a 13 year fiery wilderness, so intense I felt at times I wouldn't survive it. I am on the verge of breakthrough of great proportions... I have a strong decision that God wants me to do, as I need to trust Him so fully in all areas to make it happen. I think the end of the wilderness is so much more pressured, painful and intensified! But God said I am coming out. So I am!!
I receive this prayer to be for me I received my break through I received the end of torment delays and stagnation unclaimed Sevenfold blessings promises move forward into my destiny that my heavenly father has for me acima celeration and the answer to my prayers the fulfillment of my heart's desires amen
I thank our Savior for you!!! The words the Lord has given you is exactly what is happening in my life right now. I praise Him for His faithfulness!!!
Thank You lord Jesus Christ!!! I recieve all of it in your Name, NO MORE!!!!
Thank you Jesus for the breakthroughs for my family and me.
Amen!! Me too!!
Ya'll don't even know of me yet but I needed this so bad Right now awesome Thank You So Much he's FIre guys an all consuming One and we screaming NO MORE NO MORE LOCKED DOORS !o!
I needed this like I need my next breath. So many key words mentioned that spoke straight to my spirit. I just experienced a serious demonic attack this evening and this word couldn’t be more timely. Thank you for sharing, I receive this word over my life and my families life. This is the year of stepping into our destiny 🙌🏼
Thank you Nate for the prophetic message!! Yes, my MIDNIGHT is over... I decree & declare a New dawn... New Day... New Beginning... in my life.. in Jesus's name! Halleluiah!
AMEN.AMEN.AMEN.🙏👍💥💖😀 Hallelujah.
I've been struggling for over 7 years now. I've doubted myself. I thought God had abandoned me because of choices I've made. But He is speaking to me once again. He told me that He would no longer allow Satan to sift me. I'm ready to be His Cup Bearer
I just want to thank God the Father for the provision you are handing out to the church. Let’s weaponize now. Let’s shout out “NO MORE!”
Let’s be on the offensive. Let’s assume our proper identity: We are the Beloved Of God! Of whom should we be afraid? Let’s take authority over the battle field of our minds now. Amen.
Upgrade,I will crossover and so shall it begin !!
Amazing Prophecy! I have been going thru tough times in my life these past few years. It started in 2014 death of parent, loss of inheritance, financial losses & the stress & strain associated with it. 2015 problems at work place, major surgery of child, financial losses, stress & strain. 2016 another major of surgery of child, loss of job, problems in family, lack of finance, loss of a job opportunity. 2017 struggle at job, loss of a very good job opportunity, another major surgery of child, more problems including litigation with spouse. 2018 no job, no finance, not much to fall back to, no place to stay, etc. 2019 loss of parent, no job, no proper place to stay, no finances, etc. The enemy had attacked in all areas of my life these past few years.This journey has been direction less, just floating thru. But GOD, HE has been Faithful and has kept me going. 'The WORD', i received in 2018 was "Be Still and know, that I Am GOD". And am still focused on it. As brother Nate said, it is time for us "the ones whom HE did foreknow, the ones HE also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His SON", to take up our mantle and fulfil the works our FATHER has assigned to us in various parts of this world; in the name of JESUS by the Power of the HOLY GHOST. To reveal HIS Power, to magnify HIS Glory by entering the lair of the enemy & setting captives free, by chasing HIS enemy relentlessly without giving him any rest, so that the boundaries of the Kingdom of our FATHER can be extended. The only reason for me sharing is that any brothers or sisters in the same situation as i may be encouraged, to keep going. HIS love is unconditional & providence timely, HE will never leave you nor forsake you, just stay focused on HIM! Blessings...
Thank You, God. Show me where (specifically) You want me to even be, where You want me to put any energy forth, show me the people You do and don't want me to be around. Have Your ultimate way with my mind, body, and soul.
Amen! Me too!! 🙂
Begin to decree that God will reveal to you in a way you will not miss what he is telling you, where you should be, live etc. I did this in the year 2013 and he sent his angel to tell me to sell both my houses and move to a certain and to live on some land that I owned there and he said be there by November. It was March and it took me until June to make the move my first house sold in a week giving me money to purchase in the area I was to live. And I moved in Nov. 3rd. My job ended Nov 15 - that’s why he said be there by November. I had everything paid for I owed only my credit card bill. Praise Hid I was obedient. My income has doubled and even over that amount. Praise God I was obedient. He is an awesome God.
I agree in Jesus Name. Let the true church of Christmas arise.... for the Glory of the Lord has risen upon us. Thank You Jesus. BLESS MY FAMILY. Turn their hearts back to You. For You Lord is Great and Mighty to Save. Thank You Lord. Yes Father, end this midnight battle and bless my sleep, give me Godly dreams, help me enter into Your rest. Increase me. Anoint me. Bless the works of my hands. Only You Lord...the One Who gives us victory. Bless you Nate and Christy.
I find out what you're saying spiritually is true. I've experienced it and I've seen it for years bro in the church. outside of the church on every side. thanks for the great message revelation. Acts 2:38 is John 3
amen I agree breakthrough hallelujah we are a treat to the enemy this time is to reclaim time to stand and declare in Jesus mighty name amen
In KingJesus’ Mighty Name, yes and AMEN!🙌🏻
You are so awesome and Thanks for inspiring us and our RUclips channel and ministry