The Fallen State - Great Unknown 0:00 All Faces Down - Days Like These 3:53 Behind The Fallen - One Last Chance 7:16 Behind The Fallen - We Travel Alone 10:42 Burning Everafter - Wasting Eternity 14:13 Dear Agony - Face The Day 18:30 Defences - Alleviate 22:12 Down In Ashes - Awake 26:30 Down In Ashes - Beautiful Ghost 29:39 Down In Ashes - Rain 32:56 Down In Ashes - Veins 35:59 Horizons - Set Sail 39:01 The Atlantic - Wasting Time 42:03 The Fallen State - Hope In Revival 45:27 Dear Agony - Animals 49:03
If only you would know how oddly happy I am listening to this after an entire day of feeling down... Like, that feeling of not wanting to do anything, just a feeling of disconnection from reality. A recharge-day, so to say. I've been searching for something to fire me up for the entire day already and came across a music compilation like the ones I listened aprox. 5 years ago... Ah, the memories and the energy. Love it.
Appealing to the advancement made on her that's impressive to the naked eye and has us both wondering where it came from, that I might throw in a back rub to show her how equal it's made me to see her with opportunity to pause time on my side and chase the demon inside me!
Falling down and acquiring restitution all designed to spit the double cracker in half and matter the worth of next that calls the points to mind when disappearing!
Black Clover, Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi, Dungeon Ni Deai, Sword Art Online, Bleach, Fairy Tail, Nanatsu No Taizai, Shingeki no Kyojin, Hunter x Hunter, Yakusoku no Neverland, Tate no Yuusha, Dororo...
The Fallen State - Great Unknown
All Faces Down - Days Like These
Behind The Fallen - One Last Chance
Behind The Fallen - We Travel Alone
Burning Everafter - Wasting Eternity
Dear Agony - Face The Day
Defences - Alleviate
Down In Ashes - Awake
Down In Ashes - Beautiful Ghost
Down In Ashes - Rain
Down In Ashes - Veins
Horizons - Set Sail
The Atlantic - Wasting Time
The Fallen State - Hope In Revival
Dear Agony - Animals 49:03
If only you would know how oddly happy I am listening to this after an entire day of feeling down... Like, that feeling of not wanting to do anything, just a feeling of disconnection from reality. A recharge-day, so to say. I've been searching for something to fire me up for the entire day already and came across a music compilation like the ones I listened aprox. 5 years ago... Ah, the memories and the energy. Love it.
That's great! Always do things that put you in a good mental state!
An Amazing Rock Mix with a picture of Asta from Black Clover, absolutely love it
Это как бы
nice background of asta bro props to that
bro, if you put the image with a background with movements it would be brutal.
Equally, Nice video :DDDDD
Спасибо за подборку, хорошо идёт работа под эту подборку 👉🤘🎧🎵🎶
Что за работа? наверное кузнец =) или обрубщик
@@СергейВоронцов-щ2э да ну нах! =D Задрот какой-нить, стример и т.д
@@jonidark4648 домашку в универе делать, помогает не порвать все к чертям))) так успокаивает...
Si cierto xd xdddd
No entendí nada jajaj
just liked my own comment am kool 😎
GG for image :D black clover Asta :D
ye :D
These song are good, also I love the fact you used a Picture of Asta from Black clover love that series, A nice touch ^W^
Tank you for the playlist
Pretty sure I heard one of these songs in Code Vein (guessing it was Down in Ashes: Veins). Good taste.
like the asta cover and ur profile pic of shieldy XD
Картинка из моего любимого аниме, лайк сразу =)
Что за аниме?
@@Игорь-ф7й3ы Чёрный клевер
@@Mortemi спасибо )
Such a good mix
*Só música foda❤🌍*
e personagem foda na capa
Nice Mix
LIKE por Asta de Black Clover
Like :v
Top muito bom
18:00 ?
Disculpa quisiera el nombre de la canción que empieza en el minuto 42:05 no la encuentro por más que la busque t lo agradecería mucho
@@artemroman0v gracias.
Amv = animated music video... i don't see any animation, but the mix is nice
wtf. Why tf did I hate rock this whole time? It's edgy af sure, but it's beautiful and epic af too!!!
u dumd as fuck lol
What’s that amv Sony called were it goes “back to home back to home back to home yeah”
This helped me in cod thank you😍🤩🤩🤩
I have just a one expression is (WoW)
good music.
Buena musica me ayuda a estudiar :) gracias
a mi tambien
Che yo Ami no ami me ayuda a jugar xd
Estaria super si hubieses colocado partes de video,con respecto al anime black clover,cuando estalla en su modo demonio y da palizas
eso hubiera sido un buen amv :v
Appealing to the advancement made on her that's impressive to the naked eye and has us both wondering where it came from, that I might throw in a back rub to show her how equal it's made me to see her with opportunity to pause time on my side and chase the demon inside me!
wtb song list with time stamps
WTS [Song List "[1 hour] Amv Rock Mix Collection
]" x1 250k
@@Baelrin_Revel ruoruruuouruuruuorruruorururururuuururuorururururururuoruurururuorururururururuorururururururururururururuorruruorruururururururuururururuourururururuoruurrururururururuoruruurururururururuoururururuorurururururururururuorurururururururuururururururururururururururuorururururururuurururururuuruururururururururururururururururuorrurururururururururuorururuorururururuorruruoruruorrurururururururururururururuoruruorrururururuorurururururururururururururururururuururururururururururururuuruurururuoururururuooruuruoruorurururururuuurrurururuoruurourururuorururururururururuururuurrururururururururuoruruurururuirrururururuururururururuirrururuururururururururururuoruururuorruruorurururuorurururururururuoorurururuirrururururuurururururuoruorruruorururururuouoruruorruruurruurruoruruururururururururuururui4ruuourrururuurururuor7ruurrururururururuorrurururururuoruooruuirruruoruruuri4rurururururuuirruorurururuorrurururururururuorurururururuorururuoorruurururururururururururuorruururuirrururuorurururuoruorururururururuuoruorurururuorururururuirruruurruruuorurururururuourururururuurruruorruruorrururuuruororururuirruurruuruuruoruruururuoruruururururuorruruorrururururururururururuoruruiorurururururuirruirrurururuoruirrurururururuurururururururuirrurururururururururururuoruururuororruruuorurururururururururururururuuoorrurururuorururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururuoruorurururururururururururururuirruor7rururururuorurururuoruoruurruruoruoruruurururur7ruorururuorururuorururururur7rurururururuoruruorrurururuorurururuoruuruirruruurruorrururuurururururuururururururururururuoruruurrurururuururururuorrururuourruorururururururururururuur7rururururururururururururururuurururuoroururururuoruruorurururuorrururururuiorurururururuorrurururururururuururururuirruirruuruorururururuuruurururururuurrururururururur7ruuuorururururururururuurururuuruorurururururururururururururuorururururururururuuoururuuruuirrurururururururururuorururururuourururuuruurururuurururuuruururururururururururuuruuruoororruioirrurururururuirruoirorururuurururururuorururururururuoruururuurrurururururururururururururururururuurururururururururururururur7ruruiruorruurrurururururururururururururururuoruuorurururur7rururururururururururur7ruruuruorrurururururuirruurururuuurruorurururururururururururururur7ruruirruuorururururururuurrurururururuorururuor7ruruourur7rurur7rur7rurururururururu9ururur7rur7rururuoorururururuorruurururururururuorururururur7ruru4ururuurururuurr7ruruirur7ruorur7rurur7rurur7ruurrururururur7rurururur7rurururururuiruurrurururururururuoruoururuorrurururururuorururur7ruurrurururuoruruuorr7rururu7rurururuorururururururururururururururururururururururururururur7rurur7urrururururuururuurururururururur7ruruirr7rururuuruorururururururuorruruurururuuirrururuo4rurururuorurururururururuurururururururuuorruruururururururururururururururururur7rurururururururuurururururururururururururur7rurururururururur7uorrurururururururuorrururururururuururururuorrururururururuorururur7rurururururururuirruuurr7rurururururururuirururururuoruurruruurururuooirruur7ruu4uorururururururururuurururuorururururuo4ururur7ururuorrururururururuorurururururururuoruruo4uorururuururururururuoruoruruorrururuururuoor7ururruruorrururuorururuuur7rururururururur7rururururururuwruruirruruurrururururururururururururuirurururururururururuorurururuurururururururururuururururururururururururuuruurruururuorruoruoruoruruorruruirruurururururururururururururururururururuorrururuoruirrurururururuurrurururururuuuruurururuuuruurururururuorururururururururuorurururururururuoruruorrurururururururururururuorururuurruirrurururururuurruorurururuurrururururururururururururururuurorururururururururururururururur7rururururuorururuorururuororuorurururuurruorururururuoruruo4rururuorrururuoruurururuorurururuoruruurrurururuuoruorururuurruruorururuorururuurururururururururururururuorururuurururururururururuururuuirurururururururuurururururururururururururururururururururuuruouururuurururururuoruruorrururururururururuorurururururururururururururururururururururururuorrurururururuorrurururuoruurrururururuurrurururuurururururururururururururururuurrururuuruurururururuururuorur7rurururururuorrurururururuurrururururururururururururururururuorurururuorururuor7rururururururururururururuoruruururururuorrururuuu
Where is the AMV?
i am a warrior let my blade strike true!
lets do some wow pvp now
Saquen mas para leer solo el manga de black clover que cada vez está más interesante.
чотка музыка так держать
Asta :D
Good music
53 minutos no es una hora ajajaj pero esta buena la selewccion
i listen this and goes to gym.! ';.,,.;' makes me evil pump!
fucking nice
AMV = Anime music video. Internet troll: what do you mean video?
buena music de y el anime es macano de recomiendo este anime a todo el buendo black clver
where is first picture from?
@@artemroman0v thx
@@DML_73 nanatsu no taizai is better :v
This is false advertisement you had it as amv rock mix but there's no amv which means anime music video and this is no anime music video
Friends don't think you stay there forever, but in the end it don't matter if you are or aren't because it has everything to do with where you been!
Falling down and acquiring restitution all designed to spit the double cracker in half and matter the worth of next that calls the points to mind when disappearing!
I will give you sub cause you have only few.
What does amv stand for?
i think animated music video. or anime m v
@@rye-bread5236 r/woosh
It means animeted muisic video
good musick
Alguém sabe o nome do anime desse personagem na imagem
Black Clover*
Dragón ball
how I go from trap beats to this. just wondering.
The universe leads you on the right path
что была за музыка на минуте 42
something wrong with the amv, it just a picture.
Пушистик одобряет.
shouw da hora
I don't think 'AMV' means what you think it means.
not an amv labeled wrong
cual es el anime del video
yo se cual
Black clovee
Эм и где же само amv?
Vc poderia me emdicar um anime dublado por favor força pro canal
@@artemroman0v can you point me tô an anime in portuguêse
Black Clover, Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi, Dungeon Ni Deai, Sword Art Online, Bleach, Fairy Tail, Nanatsu No Taizai, Shingeki no Kyojin, Hunter x Hunter, Yakusoku no Neverland, Tate no Yuusha, Dororo...
@@artemroman0v so anime foda
Ну и говном же стал современный рок
rock for kids rly boring >