Brazilian National Anthem (Hino Nacional Brasileiro)

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • I've translated the Brazilian National Anthem in a way that is easy to understand since I use modern language. Some parts are not easy to understand in Portuguese because it was written some time ago, and as you know, language evolves.
    Brazilian Portuguese translated into English.

Комментарии • 15

  • @luizcarlos1943
    @luizcarlos1943 14 лет назад

    em português ou em inglês, eu acho o Hino Nacional uma coisa emocionante e que impõe respeito. Fiquei p. da vida quando a Vanusa aprontou aquela com o Hin

  • @wheresmyfun
    @wheresmyfun 13 лет назад

    Obrigado porcolocar este video. Brasil, meu pais, minha patria. Long live Brazil!
    Peace & Love

  • @teacherjoejmsilv
    @teacherjoejmsilv  14 лет назад

    Thanks, im glad you liked it.

  • @marciapizzato
    @marciapizzato 14 лет назад

    I loved it!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!

  • @teacherjoejmsilv
    @teacherjoejmsilv  13 лет назад

    @sandwichappy In Portuguese conquistar doesn't have the same connotation as in English. Voce pode conquistar uma mulher "win over a woman", conquistar sucesso, etc. It's kinda synonymous with "achieve, accomplish". And "conseguir" can be translated as "can, be able to, manage to, succeed in", among other things.
    Nós conseguimos ganhar o campeonato. We have managed to win the championship.
    Thanks for watching.

  • @teacherjoejmsilv
    @teacherjoejmsilv  13 лет назад

    @Diogosas Yeah. I am, even though I went to high school and university in the USA.

  • @teacherjoejmsilv
    @teacherjoejmsilv  13 лет назад

    Actually no, that's not passive voice, that's a "hidden subject" clause. The subject of "ouviram" would be "they" in English. Some people heard from the banks of Ipiranga the cry......, etc. but you are right about the "crase", I was paying more attention to the translation when I did it, not the spelling, and I used the video of a friend of mine and didn't realize he had made a mistake in Portuguese. thanks.

  • @marciapizzato
    @marciapizzato 14 лет назад

    I am posting it on my Facebook!!!!

  • @Diogosas
    @Diogosas 13 лет назад

    Bom, fica mais fácil conversar em português mesmo!
    A questão é que "ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas" não é caso de sujeito indeterminado; trata-se de uma figura de linguagem muito usada na época chamada Hipérbato, uma inversão sintática. O mesmo ocorre em "De um povo heróico o brado retumbante". Se esses versos fossem escritos na ordem "natural" e usual da sintaxe brasileira, seria como: "As margens plácidas do Ipiranga ouviram o brado retumbante de um povo heróico

  • @Diogosas
    @Diogosas 13 лет назад

    Nice video, very good translations...
    But there is a critical error in your translation!
    You probably speak portuguese and understand the huge difference betwen
    "Ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas" and "Ouviram do Ipiranga ÀS margens plácidas".
    In fact, that verse has a Master Yoda like sintax. The subject who hears the resounding cry from the heroic people are the banks of Ipiranga. The banks of Ipiranga heard the resounding cry. Got it?

  • @teacherjoejmsilv
    @teacherjoejmsilv  14 лет назад

    @yleusoliveira thanks

  • @teacherjoejmsilv
    @teacherjoejmsilv  14 лет назад

    @lusocio Thanks

  • @lusocio
    @lusocio 14 лет назад

    Well done!

  • @Diogosas
    @Diogosas 13 лет назад

    Só por curiosidade, você também é brasileiro? xD

  • @teacherjoejmsilv
    @teacherjoejmsilv  14 лет назад

    @yleusoliveira thanks