Tafseer of Surah 110 - An-Nasr (Part 1) - Nouman Ali Khan

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 42

  • @jane29jeng
    @jane29jeng 6 лет назад +29

    This made me teary eyed. Alhamdulillah! We are so blessed we have a way of understanding Qur’an in this way.

  • @MrsCocoarenee
    @MrsCocoarenee 8 лет назад +22

    I like Noumam Ali Khan. He makes sense and he does very well with staying neutral in his teaching. I can appreciate this characteristic of this brother

  • @UnfunnyMayonaise
    @UnfunnyMayonaise 2 года назад +20

    Surah nasr tafseer notes 1
    Till 43:37
    ⏩ Relation with other surahs
    ::Surah kafiroon
    In surah kafiroon it says "lakum deenukim wali yadeen" you will have your relegion and i will have mine""
    The word deen does not just mean relegion rather its outcome also so the translation becomes "you will have the outcomes of your deen and i will have the outcomes of my deen" NOW, in the next two surahs, two possible outcomes are mentioned in surah "nasr" yhe outcome of islam (the positive and good outcome) is mentioned and in the next surah ,surah "lahab" the negative outcomes of shirk and ither religions are mentioned.
    So the two surahs have been contrasted
    ⏩Historical baground
    🔻Madni opinion (most believed)
    :Either it was revealed at the conquest of makkah
    :In hijjat ul widda
    :As he was entering makkah je recited it (so that means it was already revealed)
    🔻Makhi opinion (arabic grammar supported)
    :They look at this surrah as the gurantee of the victory of makkah rather than looking back and commenting on the victory that already happened
    : The word 'iza" first word, that means "when" iz and iza both means "when"
    Iz :past tense "when i told you ill be here"
    Iza: future (commonly) "when i come here be ready"
    (This grammar is mostly used in Quran but not always ,cz in the story of noah (nuh a.s) Allah s.w.t used iza but in past tense ,similarly in surah kahf when talking about" zul qar nain" Allah used iza in past tense)
    ⏩ This surah is a gift of Allah s.w.t to nabi pak Mohammad s.a.w
    . Allah guaranteed to his messenger " wala saofa you teeqa rabuka fatarda" indeed /very soon your lord will give /he will give u alot until you yoursoef is Pleased ." Bcz spreading of kufr would grieve the prophet as in mentioned in some other ayyah of quran "are you going to kill yourself out of grief if they dont believe?" So in this surah verse second Allah said " you saw that/you get to see from your own eyes they will enter into the relegion multitude upon multitude" that is a promise to rasool that he will get to see with his own eyes the spreading of islam (it gives him satisfaction)
    ⏩ This surah also tells that the mission of nabi pak will be complete/is complete so that its time for him to go/his time to go is near thats why abu bakr r.s cried alot after hearing this surrah without giving explanation as to why he was crying .
    ⏩Nabi pak increased his istighfar after thus surah was revealed, as in the second last ayyah "was taghfir " word is used which means Allah commands nabi pak s.a.w to make istighfar .
    ⏩ When prophet s.a.w was migrating from makkah to madina he was very sad then Allah s.w.t to console him and to give him comfort, revealed an ayyah promising that he will indeed return to his home land and this ayyah talks about the victory of makkah
    ⏩After this surah and after yhe conquest of makkah people actually started coning to the rasool multitudes after multitudes to accept islam . Bfr conquest and this surah, in makkah he faces many difficulties by gling out and giving dawah now, ppl are actually coming to him
    🔴1 verse
    The tafseer is already mentioned above in historical baground
    ⏩ Ja a
    "Ja a" means "to come"Another word which has the same meaning as "ja a" is عطا "àta'
    🔻Ata is for small things
    And is a bit more fluid ,that means we can conjugate it (use it in past and present tense)
    🔻"Ja a" is heavier and is used for heavy and big things (bcz nasr ul Allah was coming ,which is huge)
    Ja a is only used for past tense
    Just like in this verse it talks about the coming of help of Allah which is a BIG thing cz it came after so many years of struggle and dawah.
    ⏩ Nasr
    :Alot of help
    :It is also used when the earth is dried up and its not producing any vegetation and the rain comes .so the rain is called nasr . The rain did nasr for the earth (it relived it dryness and suffering )
    🔻synonyms in arabic
    Istiana ,amadda , azzara ,rafada, etc all these diff words are used for helping but they all have different flavours
    🔻When the word is used
    ::Nasr is a huge help
    ::Help against an opressor
    ::Help against enemy
    (This word is not used except when its meant to overpower somebody i.e an enemy)
    Tremendous aid / help of Allah came .
    By adding the words Allah following benefits came
    🔻1 benefit
    :That is is huge help (help OF Allah)
    E.g the she camel that was sent to salih a.s he calls it "camel of Allah" (it has power in it) the camel of Allah can never be compared to any camel. So "nasr ul Allah " (help of Allah) can never be compared to any help
    🔻2 benefit
    Kuffar came up with this deal and told rasool that they would follow his relegion for 1 year and he will follow thier relegion for 1 year . Bcz they were tired of da'awa so they cane up with this deal. Allah s.w.t told them in the previous surah '"kafiroon" that you (rasool) are not someone they r dealing with. Its Allah s.w.t they are dealing with . So surah kafiroon starts with "qul ya ayyuhal kafiroon" ( means say to the disbelievers) qul is used to stress on the fact that they are dealing with Allah and prophet is just a Messanger of Allah (qul :say) .In the previous surah the doors to compromise (the relegion) were closed This surah goes further and say that this is another reason that he is not gonna compromise with you he has got the help of Allah on his side.
    Now, there are sometimes in quran that Allah s.w.t make contrast between believers and disbelievers
    For example ,
    Allah says that allah is the protective friend of those who believe he brings them out of darkness into light
    For kuffar allah says
    That kuffar also has protective friends . Those ( frnds) who want to rebel (atahoot :arabic word)
    ولی wali
    The word "wali" means a protective friend which means a friend that has an intention of protecting you .who wants to protect you.
    There is another word similar to wali which is "moula" مولا which means "protecting friend" one who is engaged in protecting you
    Wali : intentions of protecting ,protective friend
    Moula: is engaged in protecting you ,protecting friend
    In suarh muhammad allah made the contrast again between kuffar and believers
    For believers
    That is bcz allah is the "moula" of thise who believe
    For disbeleiver
    They have no moula whatsoever
    (Surah muhammad)
    That means that kuffar has wali but no moula no one who us actually protecting them .no one can protect them against Allah .
    So its a big thing when nasr of Allah one that means that Allah is your mola(protecting frnd ) and wali (protective frnd) against the ppl who may have wali but no moula
    In this surah when the help of Allah come it is abundantly clear why rasool of allah is not interested in any kind of compromise wht so ever
    In the previous surah Allah says that rasool s.a.w is not only the reciepant of Allah's message but (in this surah) also a reciepnt of Allah's help and protection .
    ⏩Some scholars say that tgis surah is a response or an answer to a complaint made it quran .(by the believers/prophet before Mohammad s.aw)
    Allah says in quran to the believers that "have you assumed that u r gonna enter jannah just like that? (Like u r gonna just walk in to jannah?) And tye things that happened to the people BFR you did not happen to you yet? They were touched with difficulty and they faced extreme difficulty the ground beneath thier feet was shaken"
    They faced difficulty to such an extent that even a messanger said "when is Allah's help coming?" (Imagine that it came from the mouth of a prophet) and Allah responded "u had known. No doubt about it the help if Allah us near" so this surah is a guarantee that Alla's help came. There he said that its near and here in this surah it came
    ⏩The word ''nasr" is used as noun
    Verb form "nasara" (used in al imran )
    In arabic,nouns are consider more powerful and verbs are weaker . Im this surah allah s.w.t used iza in its noun form .but in surah al imran for the battle field of "badr" Allah s.w.t used nasr in its verb form "nasra" . Which is weaker.nasara is still a huge helo bcz at the battlefield of badr alot help came but the case was not finished . Kuffar were still there so as compared to nasr it was weaker in this ayyah after nasr of Allah the problem completely ended there is no more quraish to battle with that chapter is finished
    ⏩ If Allah brings his help then there is no one who will over power you so at the end of ayyah allah also talks about "al fathah" (victory)
    ⏩When we hear about the help of Allah we give all credits to Allah s.w.t. kuffar on the other hand,when heard the help they said "o Mohammad won" they wont even say "Mohammad rasool Allah" as they did not accept Allah as a god. That is why in quran it is mentuoned several times that Mohmmad (s.a.w) is nothing but a messanger of Allah . So when we hear about victory of muslims we give all credits and thanks to allah s.w.t . Giving thanks to allah smw.t is mentioned in the last ayyah. If all credit goes to him all thanks goes to him too
    ⏩Deal of allah s.w.t
    (In surah saf) صف
    Allah says in surah saf : ""those of u who claim to belie should i tell u abt a trade that will rescue you from a painful punishment .That u should believe in allah and his messanger and u should make jihaad as much as u can and it also includes fights in the path of allah with your money and yourselves. That would be better for you if u infact knew ,.(and the ayyah goes onto list the additional things that he will give which are:) not only he will give u jannah he will cover your sins he will enter you into gardens at the foots of which rivers are flowing and additionally u would love "nasr" great help should help from Allah and victory should be near ""

    • @sabafirdous9356
      @sabafirdous9356 Год назад +2

      Jazakallahu khair it helped me a lot

    • @zeitunhussein7359
      @zeitunhussein7359 Год назад +2

      Jazakhalla Kheir
      Allahuma Barik this is very helpful

    • @Bint_e_Iqbal
      @Bint_e_Iqbal Год назад +2

      Jazakallah Khairan kaseeean, this is so beneficial.

    • @UnfunnyMayonaise
      @UnfunnyMayonaise Год назад +2

      ​@@Bint_e_Iqbalwa iyyaka, you can also find part 2 and 3 in the comment section:)

    • @calli_elite
      @calli_elite 4 месяца назад +1

      Jazakallahu khairan kaseera. May Allah reward you for your efforts.🤲🏻

  • @NafSlaveOfAllaah
    @NafSlaveOfAllaah 2 месяца назад

    Bismillah and Alhamdulillah
    As Salaam alaikum brothers and sisters ❤!

  • @fawadandfamilyvlogs4671
    @fawadandfamilyvlogs4671 2 года назад +2

    Masha Allah .. May Allah grant you immense Wisdom Ustad Nauman... Subhan Allah

  • @UnfunnyMayonaise
    @UnfunnyMayonaise Год назад +8

    Surah nasr notes part 3
    ⏩This surah is giving us two pictures
    Outside of islam
    Inside of emaan
    The people who became muslim wre so important that they are mentioned in the syrah of victory (in the second ayyah) but how are they different from the companions who fought for islam and made sacrifices? .well , they proved their imaan (the companions ) and the people who "entered the relegion of Allah " did not had imaan yet. Imaan is an inside thing. Islam is outside . So they became muslims. (Bcz if one group was going to accept islam and a person saw them he would ask "where are u going" they would reply "to become a muslim " the person would then say "well take me with you, im inn!") So they never had to make sacrifices. That's why Allah s.w.t did not use the word "emaan" for these new muslims . Allah s.w.t simoly said " yad khuluna fe deen i Allah " (entered into the relegion of Allah)
    You see that emaan is an inside thung which companions proved and these new muslim had islam on the outside yet.(and companions were more greater in ranks than these people )So this ayyah talks about two pictures :
    Outside islam is first two ayyah
    Inside emman and islam is the 3 ayyah
    Cz it talks about the tasbeeh and seeking forgivness and hamd of Allah s.w.t . Subhanallah! This is the eloquence of this surah.
    ⏩ Importance of having emaan and teaching it our children also .
    Once a companion was walking and he saw another companion crying, the first companion asked him that why is he crying so he replied i heard prophet Muhammad s.a.w saying that "just as people entered into this relegion of Allah multitides after multitudes they will also leave this relegion multitides after multitudes" (not the exact words of prophet, I wrote it in a hurry .)
    The reason behind this is that faith and emaan never entered into the hearts of these people . They entered because prophet Muhammad s.a.w conquered makkah which was considered as a holy place and a holy house of god even by non muslims, so when he conquered makkah nothing bad happened to him s.a.w and his companions (no punishment from god came) and so they thought that he must be a true prophet of god bcz when "abraha" (a king ) tried to conquer makkah (destroy khana ka'aba (the black cube) ) Allah s.w.t saved his house by sending little birds (as in surah al-feel) .
    But this logic of thiers was bot strong enough bcz prophet's truthfulness was more than that.he was still a true prophet evn bfr makkah .there was more to develope faith in about islm and prophet s.a.w and so bcz those ppl entered the relegion through weak or not-that-strong base of thier beleifs so did they left it multitudes after multitudes. This is imoortant bcz those ppl only accepted islam and never had emaan . (But mostly developed emaan and became great companions ) .
    We should be very careful cz we were just given islam by inheritance, our parents were muslims and so we became one. We saw them praying and so we prayed, we should develope emaan inside our hearts, prove that emaan to Allah (by remmembering him even in state of difficulty) and a spark of emaan should always burn in our hearts . May Allah protect us from the doubts and never make us of those who never truly understand islam and left it .
    🔴Last ayyah (3rd)
    فَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ وَٱسْتَغْفِرْهُ ۚ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ تَوَّابًۢا ٣
    then glorify the praises of your Lord and seek His forgiveness, for certainly He is ever Accepting of Repentance.
    ⏩Why mention "hamd" first then "astagfaar"
    Bcz astagfhar is a dua ,whixh is somethinf that u need or want amd hamd is Allah's right. So in this ayyah Allah is traching tgat if u want to make ataghfaar ,before u ask Alah for what u want ,u give him first what he deserves.. si first make tasbeeh . Praise Allah s.w.t thank him ,and then nake astagfar
    ⏩ This ayyah is the tafseer of another ayyah
    Allah days in Quran :"enslave yourself to your master until the conviction/the final/the death comes" enslave :a'abd in arabic
    🔻What is the means to do ibadah? It is :fasabbih bi hamdi rabika wastagfir (the last, half ayyah of suarh nasr)
    Hamd of Allah and seeking of forgiveness. These are the two components of doing ibadah.
    Either we are praising Allah (fasabbi bihamdi) s.w.t or we are asking for forgiveness .(rabika was taghfir)
    Sabbih cones from sabaha (to floats)
    Clouds also do tasbeeh in a sense that they float in air
    Tasbeeh for Allah implies say about Allah what declares his perfection and what maintains his perfection.
    Declaring him free from fault from what he s.w.t does or say .
    🔻Fasabbih bihmadi rabika may also mean salah (prayer) accoridng to some scholar as Allah s.w.t has used this word fassbih ,hamdi for namaz (not directly but adviced us do allahs tasbeeh in morning and evening :fajar and maghrib )many times in quarn
    So tgis loint of viwe is telling us that the best way to praise and thank and do yasbeeh of Allah is salah (prayer )
    🔻It is narrated by hazrat ayesha r.s that after this surah came prophet s.a.w used to make this dua / recite this dhikr alot
    The zikr:
    "Subhana kalla huma wa bihamdik astaghfiruka wa atuubu ilaik"
    He used to do this alot cz in the suarh allah says tgat nake tasbeeh na hamd and ask fkr forgiveness.
    He added this zikr during his rukoo (in prayer ) "subhana kalah huma wa bi hamdik Allah hummaghfirli"
    And he would not stand or go or come anywhere except he would say subhanallahi wabihamdihi until Ayesha rms aksed him that you are doing alot of this dhikr! And prophet s.a.w told her "bc z i was commanded so" and then he recited this surah . (Surah nasr).
    Wa'ad ibn nasood also narrated that he s.a.w used to do alot of this dhikr
    "Subhankallahuma wabihamdik allahumaghfirli innaka antattawabul gafoor
    🔻With the victory of makkah ,Allah s.w.t also got the house of Allah (ka' bah) cleaned . So now that tye house of Allah s.w.t is cleaned , it is the best time to make tasbeeh. Some other place in the quran Allah s.w.t also says that the remmemberance of Allah is greatest . That means that doing tasbeeh of Allah s.w.t is even greater than the conquest of makkah.

  • @raziasultana4814
    @raziasultana4814 Год назад

    SubhanAllah, excellent Tafseer

  • @fatihasukar2585
    @fatihasukar2585 6 лет назад +5

    جزآك الله خيرا في الدنيا والآخرة
    سبحان الله
    ربنا يحفظك
    May Allah increase your knowledge.

  • @UnfunnyMayonaise
    @UnfunnyMayonaise Год назад +5

    Surah nasr tafseer notes part 2
    Allah says should i give u this deal . You give imaan and jihaad and what i am offering you is maghfirat (forgiveness) and jannah and after giving us that he says btw that u know what u want something more ,secondarily u know what else u want ? u want help of allah in this duniya and Victory in this duniya (bcz ppl of emman love seeing islam as number one ) . But forgiveness and jannah of akhira comes first Allah put the quest for paradise and forgiveness first .the sahaba are running towards battle for victory but Allah says that u r not running towards victory u r actually running towards forgiveness
    This is primary and victory is secondary .
    Example: getting makkah conquered was secondary thing for nabi pak the primary happiness was him fulfilling his mission .
    🔻In surh saf and nasr same words " nasru" are used but has a different meaning
    Surah Saf: nasru min Allah نصرمن الله
    (Help from Allah)
    Surah Nasr: nasr u Allah
    (Help of Allah)
    But there is a difference between "from" and "of"
    Nasru Allah is more than nasru min Allah . Nasru min Allah means some help from Allah .so Allah says that u hope some help from Allah (surah saf) and Allah is giving you All of his help (in surah nasr )
    This is a gift from Allah s.w.t
    ⏩ Al fath فتح
    : open, victory
    🔻Synonyms ( in quran)
    of victory is: A Zfr
    🔻Meaning in depth
    Fath is a kind of victory which is obvious for example when there is a football match and it is very obvious who will win and when the match is very intense that at the last hit or round the winner is decided then this is not al fath cz al fath is a clear, obvious victory.
    🔻Sulah hudebiya (Used in quran )
    Surah fath deals with hudebiya
    Hudebiya was a deal between prophet Muhammad s.a.w (madina ) and kuffar (makkah) . So Allah s.w.t calls this as a
    "Fath ul mubeen" ("no doubt we have given u an open/clear/manifest/unconfused victory) .But if we actually look at hudebiya ,that was not very pleasing for the muslims at that time, meaning it was included in the deal that if a slave runs away from makkah and walks all the way to madinah ,the slave should be given back to makkah but not vice versa. And when alot of companions with the prophet s.a.w went to hajj (walked all the way from madinah to makkah) they were in ehram (hajj clothes) they were told by the kuffar in makkah that they can't perform hajj this year (according to the deal) the companions got so frustrated/furious and irritated that even when prohet Muhammad s.a.w told them to calm down hazrat omer r.s snapped he was like why should we back up ? We have the truth ! (Omer r.s regretted his whole life)rasool s.a.w adviced them to take off thier ehram and companions would not do so
    And then when that was not working ,the believer's heart were so Disturbed that Allah s.w.t had to send down tranquility in thier hearts (in surah fateh Allah said "Allah said tranquility upon his messanger and upon the believers ) . Every body sees it as a defeat and Allah sees it as a victory cz he said that he has given the believers "fath ul mubeen" ("open/clear/manifest/ unconfused victory)
    ♦️Two types of fath فتح in quran
    -fath of hudebiya
    -fath of makkah
    (Abnormal behaviour) crazy,dangerous/threat
    Gov never negotiates with a grp that never get along with them.
    Legitimate entity to dealt with
    Official agreement
    Politicaly huge step (man, even the quraish recognize them?)
    Be neutral or support us
    Tribe after trive support
    After prophet started preaching , kuffar considered the litle grp of Muslims as abnormal ppl ( bcz they were little amount of ppl not doing normal stuff) after some time grp of muslims expanded so kuffar started calling them a s a dangerous grp or threat when there i a grp that does not get along with the government.the gov never negotiates with the grp publicly they either expell the grp from the country or do something else with them. After muslims came to madinah. They became so enourmous that when they went to oerform hajj they went without any weapons (quraish was amazed) quraish had to negotiate with muslims became a legitimate entity to dealt with. When quraish negotiated with them in the form of hudebiya (this is the first time that quraish accepted the presence/power of muslims) all the other tribes or or cities were like "man! Muslim are so imp that even quraish recognized them?" So everyone became aware of muslims. After that prophet sent letter to tribes to either be neutral or support them tribes after tribes supported the rasool and became muslims . So that when the net time muslims came to makkah for hajj the group was soo big that it did not even have to be a gight they just entered and makkah was conquered.so fath of hudebiya led to fath of makkah .but
    For makkah al- fath is used (the victory)
    And for hudebiya fath han is used (less powere than "al-fath")
    ♦️structure of first ayyah
    🔻..why use nasr allah first ?
    al fath is used afer nasr Allah to show that victory only comes form allah it is Allah who gave muslims the victory .
    2nd reason is the word used between
    nasr allah and al fath is "wao" which means (accordijng to the context) the same as using the "i.e" its like nasr allah i.e al fath /that means victory is a result of help of allah .i allah's help is with u this could only mean victory . (even iof at the time u think that u have been oppressed)
    🔻 Conquest of makkah was unique because
    :There was NO blood shed done by victors
    :NO celebration expect worship
    :NO credit to the victors (credit only to Allah) as nabi pak recited the verse from surah yusuf "there is no harm that will fall upon you today" (same words that yusuf a.s said when he overpowered his brothers)
    :They cleaned the house of Allah (first thing they did)
    🔻Allah s.w.t could have said "fath ul makkah"( victiry of makkah ) but by using "al fath" (the victory) it is not limited to makkah , even beyond that . Islam became so powerful that islam spread in the non-arab states too.
    🔴 2nd verse
    وَرَأَيْتَ ٱلنَّاسَ يَدْخُلُونَ فِى دِينِ ٱللَّهِ أَفْوَاجًۭا ٢
    You saw/you will people going into the relegion of allah multitudes after multitudes .
    ⏩ Wa ra'aita
    You saw/you will see (depending upon the opinion we take; makki or madni)
    This word is a gift to the messanger s.a.w as the ayyah was conolwte even without this word: " people came/will come into the relegion of Allah multitides after multitudes" but by adding "you saw/you will see" Allah s.w.r ensures the messanger s.a.w that he will see with his own eyes the victory of islam . It promises him peace.as the messanger s.a.w used to cry alot for the kuffar to come back to Allah. So this word is a gift that Allah s.w.t gave to the messanger s.a.w. in this surah Allah s.w.t is talking to the messanger one way or another (the 2nd person Allah is mentioning is the messanger s.a.w as in the previous surah kafiroon it startes with "qul ":say)
    ⏩ Naas
    Most mufasisiroon says that Naas is for people of yemen . ("You saw people entering into the relegion of Allah") so 700 grp if ppl from yemen accepted islam . As in this ayyah Allah uses the word "afwaj" (fauj means one group but afwaj is groups after groups) which means multitudes after multitudes so ppl actually came in the grps if 100 or 30 and learnt islam and then came back to thier cities,countries,tribes and spread islam there , and ppl there actually accepted islam .
    In the previous surah Allah s.w.t used the word "kafiroon" .
    Now we have to realize the seriousness of this word . We cant just say it to ppl who are not Muslims. They must be mushrik but so many mushrik accepted islam later. But kafr is someone who never accepts islam . As in the previous surah ("kafiroon") Allah s.w.t mentions the kafr ppl .and in another surah Allah s.w.t says that "there is no doubt about it those who has done kfr whether you warn them or you don't warn them they will not believe ". Now if in the previous surah Allah s.w.t would be talking about every non muslim it would imply that nobody will accept islam . But kafr is a very specific type of person
    Kafr has two implications
    -he fights the beleivers
    -never accepts islam
    In this surah Allah s.w.t says that you saw/will see "people" (naas) entering into the relegion of allah multitudes after multitudes " so this includes all types of non muslims they are just all "people" so if they all were to be called "kafir" it would be so wrong.
    ⏩ Documentary about 2 ayyah(naas)
    Some scholars commented about the word naas in the 2nd ayyah that Allah s.w.t is saying that "you saw/will see people entering into the relegion if Allah multitides after multitudes" the word "naas" used here is associated with "insaan" which means human . So it implies that the kuffar who that did not accept islam even after the victory of makkah upon receiving guidance are not even people or humans they are animals or even worse.

  • @najiaasaiff1448
    @najiaasaiff1448 2 года назад

    Subhan Allah Nauman bhai .May Allah subhan wa Tala give barakh and afiyaat and tons of happiness in yr ilm and age .Barak Allah .The best tafseer .

  • @mujahidabdulqadeer8324
    @mujahidabdulqadeer8324 11 лет назад +4

    Subhan Allah brother nouman. May Allah bless you

  • @nisaebae
    @nisaebae 6 лет назад +3

    thank you for sharing this. really helpful

  • @saeedurrahman3234
    @saeedurrahman3234 6 лет назад

    Ma Sha Allah. May Allah bless you brother

  • @أبوفاطمه-ج8ه
    @أبوفاطمه-ج8ه 5 лет назад +7


  • @haroonmansoor4803
    @haroonmansoor4803 8 лет назад +1

    MashAllah ..

  • @BKAYS
    @BKAYS Год назад


  • @mohammedfarah7554
    @mohammedfarah7554 8 лет назад +3

    How can you dislike this estar furulah

  • @tahatalalabdulahad7511
    @tahatalalabdulahad7511 6 лет назад

    Stay blessed

  • @mohammedfarah7554
    @mohammedfarah7554 8 лет назад +2

    Masha allah

  • @b1gl4dy4seen3
    @b1gl4dy4seen3 7 лет назад +2

    Mash Allah

  • @SanaKhan-wm7pl
    @SanaKhan-wm7pl 20 дней назад

    Please ap sirf ek ek surat kar k hi urdu mai b tafseer kar dain please pura nhin to choti choti hi surton ki tafseer urdu mai kar dain

  • @jabulaal
    @jabulaal 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @kubraacaroglu2431
    @kubraacaroglu2431 9 месяцев назад

    Türkçe altyazı da olsa🙁

  • @UnfunnyMayonaise
    @UnfunnyMayonaise Год назад +1


  • @MohammadAlam-s3y
    @MohammadAlam-s3y Год назад

    Banglai onubad chai

  • @bainhoranggay25
    @bainhoranggay25 8 лет назад +2

    i want to tafser philippine speak

  • @hulliaa
    @hulliaa 4 года назад

    please turkish translate we can not understand good english

  • @UnfunnyMayonaise
    @UnfunnyMayonaise Год назад +1
