P.S. Looking at the small circuit module as best I can I see a relay, a 3 digit display, four buttons, and not much else! So this is not a boost power converter nor a DC to AC inverter? It seems unlikely that Three AA batteries could supply enough power to Spot weld, and a transformer does noting for DC except at initial turn on and turn off. Please explain where the power is coming from? I like the basic Idea of a battery portable spot welder but for a proper design I would use a 12 volt (3S) LiPo battery and a charger for it, A boost converter, and an AC or pulsed output. Mike Lukacs
This is the first time I have seen a transformer spot welder run from a DC battery source. It seems like a good idea. But you do not describe the transformer input circuit. What is the module you are using? Is it outputting AC, DC, Pulses,? What Voltage? What Current? What frequency? continuous while the button is depressed or one pulse or Timed? Thanks for any information. - Mike Lukacs
@@zmsatisfy AHA! Thank you. In looking back on the video I now see the AC transformer input being connected but I did not see it the first time. This makes a whole lot more sense to me now but I wish it were battery portable as I first thought.🙂
Nice sharing
P.S. Looking at the small circuit module as best I can I see a relay, a 3 digit display, four buttons, and not much else! So this is not a boost power converter nor a DC to AC inverter?
It seems unlikely that Three AA batteries could supply enough power to Spot weld, and a transformer does noting for DC except at initial turn on and turn off.
Please explain where the power is coming from?
I like the basic Idea of a battery portable spot welder but for a proper design I would use a 12 volt (3S) LiPo battery and a charger for it, A boost converter, and an AC or pulsed output. Mike Lukacs
This is timer circuit used AS a trimmer switch in this project
From where did you get that blue battery? And what's voltage of that ??
These are 18650 battery usually used in laptops and have 3.7 volts
This is the first time I have seen a transformer spot welder run from a DC battery source. It seems like a good idea.
But you do not describe the transformer input circuit. What is the module you are using?
Is it outputting AC, DC, Pulses,?
What Voltage? What Current? What frequency? continuous while the button is depressed or one pulse or Timed?
Thanks for any information. - Mike Lukacs
Transformer works on AC source but the small timer circuit needs 6 to 30 volt to work so I use the batteries as 12 volt input for timer circuit
@@zmsatisfy AHA! Thank you. In looking back on the video I now see the AC transformer input being connected but I did not see it the first time.
This makes a whole lot more sense to me now but I wish it were battery portable as I first thought.🙂