I just had a thought....pack your hospital bag and get it in your car. At any upcoming appointment, they could send you straight to L and D. Then you don't have to worry about not having it.
I had preeclampsia. I was diagnosed at 29 weeks and delivered at 31 weeks. My son was tiny but he was fine. He's now 13! Hoping and praying everything goes well for you and baby!
Try not to stress too much. I completely understand that it can be overwhelming. When I feel overwhelmed I just keep telling myself to just take it one second at at time. One task at a time, it will all happen in its time and just breathe through it. You're going to do just fine!!
I had pre clampsia. It was scariest thing I’ve experienced. I’m praying for you. I’m glad your family is coming. They gave me a bolace magnesium in my hand. I’m praying ❤.
I has high bp with my triplets and controlled it with meds. Made it to 34 weeks (great for triplets) they only spent 14 days in the NICU no oxygen just feeders and growers. Sending lots of prayers to you! Praying for good health you and your sweet baby.
Girl, i will say a prayer for you. Just a heads up....i was a high risk pregnancy. The doctor told me even if the baby was born at 36 or 37 weeks, the chances of NICU time were slim, and that most likely thry just have a steroid shot for their lungs and are good. I know you don't want an induction. ❤ Sending love.
I was induced with my 2nd child. Girl, it went quick! Lol I was induced at 7am, had him just after 11:30am! He was my shortest labor & delivery. My first & third were both 12 hours. I was nervous but it seriously wasn't anything like I thought it would be. I paused the video to post this. Going to finish watching it now lol. I wish you a great labor & delivery though! ❤
My pre-eclampsia came on real fast and I was deathly ill by the time I had my daughter. She had to come a few weeks early because things were becoming fatal. Mine kicked in around 30 weeks. I was already having blind spells and seizures.
Hun, you are in Gds hands, Gd will protect you and baby, don't stress too much, think positive and positive will come ^_^ I will pray for you for a safe, speedy and smooth delivery 🙏
I had to have baby at 35 weeks by c-section. Baby was born small and had to stay in the NICU for 16 days. He's 4 years old now and super healthy and beautiful!🙏 Stay strong ❤
i had pre elclampsia with my 1st baby.....he was delivered at 35 weeks by emergency c section general anesthesia 17 hours after they found i had it from my baby check up that tuesday, he was born the next morning he weighed 4lb 6 and a half ounce . i didnt get to see him or hold him for 11 hours...i was ill and baby was in the nicu unit..... all the best to you and baby.......hope all will be well 🤗
Girl I’ll be praying for you. It’s always scary when something doesn’t go how we want it to go. But it will all be good. It sounds like you are in good hands. Hugs 🫂
Aw girl, I pray that everything will go well!. I was induced with one of my children, and it wasn’t too bad. My third baby I wasn’t induced and my water broke, but my labor went so quickly that I didn’t get an epidural in time. It was a pretty quick labor though. So glad that everything was OK. Have a wonderful Christmas!🤍
Prayers you get your natural birth and you both are safe and well. My midwife kept saying my babies were measuring small but they were 6lb2, 5lb 5 and 6lb 6.
I will pray all is going to be ok for you!! I hope you and baby girl stay safe! ❤️ I was induced too my daughters heart rate was dropping, she was two weeks early as well! Then an emergency c section, pregnancy is wild!
I had the same thing happen and they said possible pre-eclampsia. Ended up not being that but my daughter ended up being born that same day, two weeks early.
My first grandchild was delivered at 35 weeks because my daughter developed preeclampsia. The baby was healthy just small. She came home from the hospital 2 days after birth weighing 4 pounds 6 ounces and just needed to grow. Her second and last baby was born at 37 weeks and was fine also. Once again she had preeclampsia. Both babies are now teenagers and thriving.
Praying for you and your pregnancy 💜 it’s crazy because you were just talking about your birth plan and how you want everything to go smoothly and natural. 🥲
Same thing happened to me. It’s scary af I know. You will be good. Deep breaths lots of chill. Listen in ten years you won’t even care if you were induced or not-you need your health and baby’s health. That’s it!
Don't beat yourself up if you end up having to be induced girl!! The pain is more intense that way, i won't lie, but it's still pretty natural. I had both my kids natural...one at 15yrs old. No drugs, no epidural, nothing. The nurses said i was the best patient they ever had lol...i was induced w/my son, but no other meds...i love how you want to go natural. That is a badge of honor. I saw the video where you were talking about the gold stars bcuz of comments made. Safety is primary concern, but hopefully that nifedipine does it's job...love your channel!!!! ☺️🙏🏾
I had great pregnancies too but right before I went into labor (with in a day or two) my blood pressure went high as well. It was my body preparing for labor & once I had baby it went back to normal immediately 😊 And you could go early on your own with baby girl #2 so it could be your body preparing 😊 I went into labor usually within 24 hours of having high BP so they gave me nubane during my labor to help with my BP. Praying for you & baby girl 🥰🙏🎀 Other mamas have told me they experienced high BP just before & during labor as well & then it went back down also 😊
Thank you ❤️❤️ Oh my goodness and I keep thinking to myself she’s coming early and imagining my water breaking whenever I get out of bed!! I’m not ready!! 😂
I went through the same thing. High bp, Had protein in the urine, diagnosed with Pre-e. Even if it does go that route just take it easy and it’ll be fine. Stressing is worse for you and baby than the pre-e. Worse part for me is there’s only 1 blood pressure med that pregnant women can take and it made my legs swell and burn so bad. If you have questions I’m happy to help. You got this!
@@ritacooke3175 I went through it. Do you really think I don’t know that pre eclampsia can be fatal? I’m repeating exactly what the doctor told me because I was freaking out. Maybe offer encouragement 🙄
I had preeclampsia. Mine BP was high, feet swelling and protein in my urine. I was induced at 38 weeks and had a c-section. My labor was not super fast at all. It’s not what anyone wants but it’s whatever is best for the baby. I had to be on bed rest before I was induced. You’ll get through it.
Sweetie, if you need to be induced you need to be induced. Whatever is best for you and baby. 💛 I got preeclampsia and was induced at 37 weeks. Its not fun but, you gotta do what you gotta do. Get your hospital bag packed and room organized just in case. I was induced after a pre natal appointment so I wasn't all set up at home either.
I'm sorry sweet friend. I know ur disappointed if u have to be induced. But sometimes things just don't go as planned. But what's best is a safe delivery however that has to happen. I would just get everything ready to go just incase. I wish u & baby all the best. Can't wait to see sweet little girl soon on here! Big hug & much love to y'all Vanessa! 🫂💜🤍
I was induced with an epidural the first time. I honestly loved it this way. My second time was a failed induction turned to emergency c-section because my son reacted badly to the petocin, and his heart rate dropped. Definitely not preferred. I hope everything goes great for you however it happens! ❤❤❤
@heyvanessamartin I would've preferred how you did with Penelope!! But they would not allow me to go over 38 weeks being a brittle type 1 diabetic. My doctors considered this full term.
I’m sorry you’re going through this, I’m sure it’s scary. It is common but that doesn’t make it any easier for you. They sound like they are on top of things and will monitor you closely. I’m thinking of you Vanessa, and saying a prayer.
Being induced, hurts more than a natural progression of labour, so you may find it hurts more than your first birth and you may want pain relief 😅. Get your baby room set up and delivery bag ready, as you never know when you'll be going to labour and delivery department. 😊 Stay hydrated, and take those blood pressure readings 😊 Wishing you a safe delivery 😊
I know you don't want to be induced however, whatever is safest for you and baby is best. I will pray for you that all will work out ok for you and baby ❤
I was induced twice and once own my own I will tell you the truth… being induced hurts worse. It is more painful. But like you I had to be induced due to health reasons. I had too much amniotic fluid and they induced me at 39 weeks.
@heyvanessamartin I had a 6 1/2 lbs girl at 38 weeks and a 7 1/2 lbs boy at 39 weeks. I dodged going to the hospital for an entire week to get my last check 🤣 the US doesn't have great coverage so I was only able to take 2 weeks off. Luckily my boss let me bring my newborn baby in for 9 MONTHS with me!💙💙💙
Thinking of you vanessa! You got this! I hate hospitals, but just know your in the best and safest place xoxo at the end of the day if an induction saves the babies life then its the best thing, my friend is a midwife.
Being induced definitely hurt more than a natural labor, and it seems to go a lot quicker. Just be prepared to get something to help with the pain cause it can get intense. Your gonna be fine hang in there Mama ❤❤
Oh my God, I had high blood pressure that turned into preeclampsia with my second one sent me up to labour and delivery and then they just ended up inducing me so you might be having your baby soon tonight or tomorrow
Hey, Vanessa! I know it's totally a thing for women to think that they've done something wrong or that the labor and delivery isn't what they wanted or planned...it's okay to grieve the change, but know you did nothing wrong and this is still just...what happens sometimes and you haven't failed in any way and you're not doing a disservice to this baby by being induced or anything. Look into the epidural, though, because one thing with them that I learned from some birthing show was they can over-do it or it can make it a bit harder to um...get things going and I think they give you a bit extra push-time, but I do believe there are SOME studies out there that suggest a correlation between when you GET the epidural (how far dilated you are) and getting it too early seems to be sometimes tied to a c-section (I think the real answer is they don't KNOW and they're still testing cuz there are still sites that say it doesn't increase the risk--I always encourage research and I'm glad you're doing it). And a c-section isn't a failure, either. It's all about getting her here safely and okay and you being safe and okay, too. That is the most important thing. The blood pressure cuffs are good...I hope they're giving you one that tests higher on the arm...the lower the testing spot, the higher the inaccuracy (like around the wrist isn't going to give you the most accurate picture). If you need to go into your local like...CVS or whatever to try to get a higher cuff on the arm and test there (if you guys have the little free blood test machines you can sit down for)...I'd encourage that, too. You can't be too safe or too prepared, right? Pack that bag, keep it in the trunk...and rest. The more you run around and clean and try to make people happy...the more your blood pressure increases and since it changes throughout the day? I'd even be checking more than twice a day. If it is elevated? If you so much as have a concern? GO to labor and delivery. You are NOT inconveniencing anybody or being paranoid...you are protecting yourself and both your children. I think she's just anxious to be in your arms to look up into your eyes and be like..."Yo, I HAVE a name, I want evvvverybody to know it, so I came sooner!" A Capricorn! It's a great sign. I know a ton of Capricorns and they are some of the sweetest people in the entire world. SUCH personalities! (I say this sitting next to my second Capricorn pupper of my five total puppers that I've had...started with a Capricorn, then had a Gemini, was supposed to have a Cancer but he didn't make it--parvo in tiny puppies even if they've had initial vaccines doesn't always go well, had a Pisces, and got a SURPRISE Capricorn after him, might actually be getting a surprise Cancer pupper because my Capricorn boy's half brother is 6 months and he is the last of his litter without a place and something about his eyes are saying "Come get me!" The great thing is...most of my boys are related...you are going to be so happy to have Penelope and a little sister for her to be annoyed with AND love--that's how it usually goes lol). Happiest of holidays--take care of yourself and here's a link to foods that actually lower blood pressure. And ignore the people telling you how to raise your kids or saying mean things. Evvverybody is a critic until they walk the same path. You got this, Queen! www.prevention.com/health/health-conditions/g26576559/foods-for-high-blood-pressure/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAsaS7BhDPARIsAAX5cSCLLRTAgs5ZKdsGPfvqcjJloKowCMMQerjHVpXd9ypsqgOPWZfFa5saAuXGEALw_wcB
You will fo freat Vsnessa no matter how you deliver this bdby girl. Birth plans sometimes go right out the window, but all is good! I found out 1 day before i was going yo have a c section. I was terrified but it all worked out great! Ill be thinking if you ❤❤❤🙏❤️🙏
i know you dont want to be induced but i was induced with my son it was superchill i was in labor for 18 hours and slept most of the time you never know!❤
, you’re very welcome. I was on bed rest for six weeks and my poor feet looked like short fat sausages because they were so swollen. Lol Just try your best to stay as calm as possible and rest with your feet elevated as often as you can. Prayers for you.
Rest lay on left side decrease sodium and drink water. Stop walking up all those stairs to your apt . Just do very little until the baby is born. Good luck
You never really know what's going to happen, right ? Things could change at any time. There's no point stressing about it. Your body could react well to the medication. You could go full term. My pregnancy ended 2 weeks early with induction due to lack of water around the baby. At the end of the day, your health and the babys health comes first. I did not enjoy being induced. All I will say is I didn't relax or progress until I got an epidural. It took so long for me to progress that it was going to be a c section. Ended up with a forceps delivery. 2 and half days in labour. All went well. All I would change about that if I could would be to just go straight to c section. That's just me. I felt there was no need for me to labour so long. The strep B thing is so important. I had antibiotics i v for my son during labour. He was fine. People should definitely research it. Get your bag ready. Chill out, that's the most important thing. Take all the help. Best wishes from Scotland. Merry Christmas 🎅
@ I am sorry to hear that. My step mom is a women’s health nurse practitioner and she said they are seeing women who have had Covid have issues with high blood pressure in pregnancy. Have you have Covid in the past?
Trust in Jesus. Your little angel will be ok. Please rest. I know you feel like you need to do everything but just let go of everything you can. Your health is too important. I had preeclampsia with my first child. I’ve also been induced and my water broken. I still had natural birth meaning no drug! They induced me with a drip of saline , not narcotics. If you don’t need the drugs that would be great. But I’ve also had a stressful birth and my daughter had to be delivered through a C section. Many people come into the world that way. I had 2 friends at the hospital who saw me bawling my eyes out when the nurse said you can’t do this naturally it’s going to be a Csection. Both childhood friends comforted me. One said I was born by way of CSection. The other said both my babies came into the world by way of CSection. Which I already know those stories but it gave me great comfort knowing that if my friend come into the world that way my daughter would be ok too. And my dear friend with 2 precious children who were born through Csection showed me i could do it and be alright. The end result is that both my daughter and I would be ok. Grateful they were there. You and your daughter will be alright too No matter how it happens. you’re in good hands. The staff deals with all these issues and they will care for you both very well. I wish I was there to hug you and to set up your bedroom so you could prop your feet up. Please Don’t worry! Know that many people are praying for you. And you are in a good hospital with a great team, they will not let anything happen to you. listen to your body while at home. Check your pressure. And drink water ! 💦 you will pee a lot but you will be hydrated. This next week or 2 will pass by quickly because it is the holidays. That will help take your mind off everything. But Please rest ! no matter what happens get your feet up and rest. I am praying now 🙏🏻 ❤
I would be ready babysitter lined up have you carseat in car ready and your bags in car ready .it is allmost jan . Hope you will be ok .its near time . For baby . Stress can cause this as well hope you will be just fine and the baby .❤
I just had a thought....pack your hospital bag and get it in your car. At any upcoming appointment, they could send you straight to L and D. Then you don't have to worry about not having it.
I totally am! lol thank you ❤️
Good idea x
You are such a trooper and so strong! It’s admirable! Praying all goes well for you and baby!
Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
I had preeclampsia. I was diagnosed at 29 weeks and delivered at 31 weeks. My son was tiny but he was fine. He's now 13! Hoping and praying everything goes well for you and baby!
I'm so sorry. I wrote this before I saw that you lost the baby. Prayers. 🙏
I will be praying for you and baby. Everything is going to be fine because you have great doctors and nurses watching out for you. Hugs and love.
Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Get yourself prepared and don’t worry, they know what they are doing. Take care and wishing you and Penelope a very Merry Christmas!
Thank you! Merry Christmas ❤️
I hope they didn't miss something at this appt...my heart really aches for you Vanessa.❤😥🤗
Try not to stress too much. I completely understand that it can be overwhelming. When I feel overwhelmed I just keep telling myself to just take it one second at at time. One task at a time, it will all happen in its time and just breathe through it. You're going to do just fine!!
Thank you! ❤️
You’re very welcome. You are a strong. Remember that. I will say prayers for you and your little family too!
I had pre clampsia. It was scariest thing I’ve experienced. I’m praying for you. I’m glad your family is coming. They gave me a bolace magnesium in my hand. I’m praying ❤.
Thank you ❤️
I has high bp with my triplets and controlled it with meds. Made it to 34 weeks (great for triplets) they only spent 14 days in the NICU no oxygen just feeders and growers.
Sending lots of prayers to you! Praying for good health you and your sweet baby.
Thank you!! ❤️❤️
Why we have to know how much the blood pressure machine costs? Just wondering.
Some people find it interesting to know details.
Hope everything goes ok. I was bp meds last couple years I took care of my mom. Im not on anything now. Prayers your bp stays normal. Keep us posted.
Thank you ❤️
You got this momma!! You and the baby are in my prayers!!
Thank you ❤️❤️
I’m freaking out but making sure I got the camera in front of my face. Views check. 🙄
I’m a vlogger. Is it your first day on RUclips?
"I'm so bored with my own life that I have to go out of my way to spew hate out my arse" check ✔️
Girl, i will say a prayer for you. Just a heads up....i was a high risk pregnancy. The doctor told me even if the baby was born at 36 or 37 weeks, the chances of NICU time were slim, and that most likely thry just have a steroid shot for their lungs and are good. I know you don't want an induction. ❤ Sending love.
Same here both of mine were high risk youngest was born at 36 no nicu stay and he was a wimpy white boy that they like to say 😂
Ok!! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Sending Prayers and only good thoughts for you Vanessa. The doctors and nurses are on it I'm sure. Take care. Wishing you well ❤
Thank you so much! ❤️❤️
I was induced with my 2nd child. Girl, it went quick! Lol I was induced at 7am, had him just after 11:30am! He was my shortest labor & delivery. My first & third were both 12 hours. I was nervous but it seriously wasn't anything like I thought it would be. I paused the video to post this.
Going to finish watching it now lol. I wish you a great labor & delivery though! ❤
Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
My pre-eclampsia came on real fast and I was deathly ill by the time I had my daughter. She had to come a few weeks early because things were becoming fatal. Mine kicked in around 30 weeks. I was already having blind spells and seizures.
Wow! Oh my gosh that’s so scary. Glad you both are ok ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sending loving thoughts to you and the baby!!! Keep us updated ❤
Thank you ❤️
@@heyvanessamartin 💗
Hun, you are in Gds hands, Gd will protect you and baby, don't stress too much, think positive and positive will come ^_^ I will pray for you for a safe, speedy and smooth delivery 🙏
Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️❤️
I had to have baby at 35 weeks by c-section. Baby was born small and had to stay in the NICU for 16 days. He's 4 years old now and super healthy and beautiful!🙏
Stay strong ❤
Thank you ❤️❤️
i had pre elclampsia with my 1st baby.....he was delivered at 35 weeks by emergency c section general anesthesia 17 hours after they found i had it from my baby check up that tuesday, he was born the next morning he weighed 4lb 6 and a half ounce . i didnt get to see him or hold him for 11 hours...i was ill and baby was in the nicu unit..... all the best to you and baby.......hope all will be well 🤗
Thank you ❤️❤️
Girl I’ll be praying for you. It’s always scary when something doesn’t go how we want it to go. But it will all be good. It sounds like you are in good hands. Hugs 🫂
Thank you ❤️❤️
Aw girl, I pray that everything will go well!. I was induced with one of my children, and it wasn’t too bad. My third baby I wasn’t induced and my water broke, but my labor went so quickly that I didn’t get an epidural in time. It was a pretty quick labor though. So glad that everything was OK. Have a wonderful Christmas!🤍
Thank you!! Merry Christmas ❤️❤️❤️
Prayers you get your natural birth and you both are safe and well. My midwife kept saying my babies were measuring small but they were 6lb2, 5lb 5 and 6lb 6.
I will pray all is going to be ok for you!! I hope you and baby girl stay safe! ❤️
I was induced too my daughters heart rate was dropping, she was two weeks early as well! Then an emergency c section, pregnancy is wild!
Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️
I had the same thing happen and they said possible pre-eclampsia. Ended up not being that but my daughter ended up being born that same day, two weeks early.
Oh my gosh!! Thank you ❤️
Sending you love and prayers 🙏❤️ big hugs 🤗 both my youngest were 36 weeks your in good hands were all with you venessa your not alone 😊❤
Thank you so much! ❤️
Praying for you and your baby. I had all 2 of my pregnancy induced and 2 was not. I enjoyed the induced better not much pain like the other two was.
Ok good to know! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
My first grandchild was delivered at 35 weeks because my daughter developed preeclampsia. The baby was healthy just small. She came home from the hospital 2 days after birth weighing 4 pounds 6 ounces and just needed to grow. Her second and last baby was born at 37 weeks and was fine also. Once again she had preeclampsia. Both babies are now teenagers and thriving.
Good to know!! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Same thing happened to me at exactly 36 weeks. I had to deliver at exactly 37 weeks, all went well though. You got this!
Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Praying for you and your pregnancy 💜 it’s crazy because you were just talking about your birth plan and how you want everything to go smoothly and natural. 🥲
Thank you ❤️❤️
Same thing happened to me. It’s scary af I know. You will be good. Deep breaths lots of chill. Listen in ten years you won’t even care if you were induced or not-you need your health and baby’s health. That’s it!
So true! Thank you ❤️
praying for you Vanessa that everything works out as planned . hope you get to have her in January .
Thank you ❤️
I had high bp with all 3 of my pregnancies. Take care of yourself. I was induced with 2 of them.
Sending prayers your way. Everything will be okay. Soon you will be holding your new baby. All will be well.
Thank you ❤️❤️
Don't beat yourself up if you end up having to be induced girl!! The pain is more intense that way, i won't lie, but it's still pretty natural. I had both my kids natural...one at 15yrs old. No drugs, no epidural, nothing. The nurses said i was the best patient they ever had lol...i was induced w/my son, but no other meds...i love how you want to go natural. That is a badge of honor. I saw the video where you were talking about the gold stars bcuz of comments made. Safety is primary concern, but hopefully that nifedipine does it's job...love your channel!!!! ☺️🙏🏾
Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️
I had great pregnancies too but right before I went into labor (with in a day or two) my blood pressure went high as well. It was my body preparing for labor & once I had baby it went back to normal immediately 😊 And you could go early on your own with baby girl #2 so it could be your body preparing 😊 I went into labor usually within 24 hours of having high BP so they gave me nubane during my labor to help with my BP. Praying for you & baby girl 🥰🙏🎀 Other mamas have told me they experienced high BP just before & during labor as well & then it went back down also 😊
Thank you ❤️❤️ Oh my goodness and I keep thinking to myself she’s coming early and imagining my water breaking whenever I get out of bed!! I’m not ready!! 😂
@ 😂 watching you clean your apartment I was afraid your water was going to break then! Lol I wouldn’t be surprised if she comes early on her own 😊
I went through the same thing. High bp, Had protein in the urine, diagnosed with Pre-e. Even if it does go that route just take it easy and it’ll be fine. Stressing is worse for you and baby than the pre-e. Worse part for me is there’s only 1 blood pressure med that pregnant women can take and it made my legs swell and burn so bad. If you have questions I’m happy to help. You got this!
Thank you! ❤️❤️
@@morgansample6718 I beg to differ. Stress can be hard on the body and baby but pre eclampsia can be fatal for both.
@@ritacooke3175 I went through it. Do you really think I don’t know that pre eclampsia can be fatal? I’m repeating exactly what the doctor told me because I was freaking out. Maybe offer encouragement 🙄
I had preeclampsia. Mine BP was high, feet swelling and protein in my urine. I was induced at 38 weeks and had a c-section. My labor was not super fast at all. It’s not what anyone wants but it’s whatever is best for the baby. I had to be on bed rest before I was induced. You’ll get through it.
Prayers ❤❤
Thank you ❤️
I had preeclampsia. My son was born at 38 weeks. Praying for you
Thank you ❤️❤️
Sweetie, if you need to be induced you need to be induced. Whatever is best for you and baby. 💛 I got preeclampsia and was induced at 37 weeks. Its not fun but, you gotta do what you gotta do. Get your hospital bag packed and room organized just in case. I was induced after a pre natal appointment so I wasn't all set up at home either.
Thank you ❤️❤️
I'm sorry sweet friend. I know ur disappointed if u have to be induced. But sometimes things just don't go as planned. But what's best is a safe delivery however that has to happen. I would just get everything ready to go just incase. I wish u & baby all the best. Can't wait to see sweet little girl soon on here! Big hug & much love to y'all Vanessa! 🫂💜🤍
Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
I was induced with an epidural the first time. I honestly loved it this way. My second time was a failed induction turned to emergency c-section because my son reacted badly to the petocin, and his heart rate dropped. Definitely not preferred. I hope everything goes great for you however it happens! ❤❤❤
Thank you ❤️ I’m hoping for something like your first! I hate the unknown.
@heyvanessamartin I would've preferred how you did with Penelope!! But they would not allow me to go over 38 weeks being a brittle type 1 diabetic. My doctors considered this full term.
Prayers 🙏 for you and the baby
Thank you ❤️❤️
Did they advise you to restrict your sodium ? What about going on maternity leave early ?
No they just said they will monitor me closely and I’m on mat leave early currently.
I’m sorry you’re going through this, I’m sure it’s scary. It is common but that doesn’t make it any easier for you. They sound like they are on top of things and will monitor you closely. I’m thinking of you Vanessa, and saying a prayer.
Thank you ❤️
Being induced, hurts more than a natural progression of labour, so you may find it hurts more than your first birth and you may want pain relief 😅. Get your baby room set up and delivery bag ready, as you never know when you'll be going to labour and delivery department. 😊 Stay hydrated, and take those blood pressure readings 😊 Wishing you a safe delivery 😊
Thank you! ❤️❤️
I had pre-eclampsia. I had an early C-section and my daughter was a month early. She came through fine.
Thank you ❤️
I had high blood pressure too. I was scared. But they didn’t induce me early and everything worked out just fine. I’m saying a prayer for you. 😊
Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️
I know you don't want to be induced however, whatever is safest for you and baby is best. I will pray for you that all will work out ok for you and baby ❤
Thank you so much! ❤️❤️
Sending love and prayers to you and your precious baby ❤❤
Thank you ❤️
I was induced twice and once own my own I will tell you the truth… being induced hurts worse. It is more painful. But like you I had to be induced due to health reasons. I had too much amniotic fluid and they induced me at 39 weeks.
Thank you ❤️❤️
Girl the way you were cleaning that apartment a couple of days ago i thought to myself this baby will be early
I’ve had a feeling baby will be early as well!
Hope everything goes well with you & your baby girl
Thank you ❤️❤️
Your welcome
I was the same way, please don't worry. You've got this! 🙏
Thank you ❤️
I hope everything is ok may god be with you and your baby 😇😇😇😇😇
Thank you! ❤️❤️
Prayers and Merry Christmas ❤
Thank you! Merry Christmas ❤️❤️❤️
Girly your time just halved !! 😮😮 4 weeks to maybe 2!! ❤❤❤
Ahhhhh!! I’m not ready lol
@heyvanessamartin I had a 6 1/2 lbs girl at 38 weeks and a 7 1/2 lbs boy at 39 weeks. I dodged going to the hospital for an entire week to get my last check 🤣 the US doesn't have great coverage so I was only able to take 2 weeks off. Luckily my boss let me bring my newborn baby in for 9 MONTHS with me!💙💙💙
Thinking of you vanessa! You got this! I hate hospitals, but just know your in the best and safest place xoxo at the end of the day if an induction saves the babies life then its the best thing, my friend is a midwife.
Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Being induced definitely hurt more than a natural labor, and it seems to go a lot quicker. Just be prepared to get something to help with the pain cause it can get intense. Your gonna be fine hang in there Mama ❤❤
Vanessa you're in my thoughts and prayers 🙏
Thank you! ❤️❤️
Only time I have ever had high blood pressure was at the tail end of both my pregnancies
Oh my God, I had high blood pressure that turned into preeclampsia with my second one sent me up to labour and delivery and then they just ended up inducing me so you might be having your baby soon tonight or tomorrow
Don’t scare me like that 😋 lol I’m on the blood pressure meds so we’ll see over the weekend if they help or not 🤞🏻
Sending prayers ❤
Thank you! ❤️
Hey, Vanessa! I know it's totally a thing for women to think that they've done something wrong or that the labor and delivery isn't what they wanted or planned...it's okay to grieve the change, but know you did nothing wrong and this is still just...what happens sometimes and you haven't failed in any way and you're not doing a disservice to this baby by being induced or anything. Look into the epidural, though, because one thing with them that I learned from some birthing show was they can over-do it or it can make it a bit harder to um...get things going and I think they give you a bit extra push-time, but I do believe there are SOME studies out there that suggest a correlation between when you GET the epidural (how far dilated you are) and getting it too early seems to be sometimes tied to a c-section (I think the real answer is they don't KNOW and they're still testing cuz there are still sites that say it doesn't increase the risk--I always encourage research and I'm glad you're doing it). And a c-section isn't a failure, either. It's all about getting her here safely and okay and you being safe and okay, too. That is the most important thing. The blood pressure cuffs are good...I hope they're giving you one that tests higher on the arm...the lower the testing spot, the higher the inaccuracy (like around the wrist isn't going to give you the most accurate picture). If you need to go into your local like...CVS or whatever to try to get a higher cuff on the arm and test there (if you guys have the little free blood test machines you can sit down for)...I'd encourage that, too. You can't be too safe or too prepared, right? Pack that bag, keep it in the trunk...and rest. The more you run around and clean and try to make people happy...the more your blood pressure increases and since it changes throughout the day? I'd even be checking more than twice a day. If it is elevated? If you so much as have a concern? GO to labor and delivery. You are NOT inconveniencing anybody or being paranoid...you are protecting yourself and both your children. I think she's just anxious to be in your arms to look up into your eyes and be like..."Yo, I HAVE a name, I want evvvverybody to know it, so I came sooner!" A Capricorn! It's a great sign. I know a ton of Capricorns and they are some of the sweetest people in the entire world. SUCH personalities! (I say this sitting next to my second Capricorn pupper of my five total puppers that I've had...started with a Capricorn, then had a Gemini, was supposed to have a Cancer but he didn't make it--parvo in tiny puppies even if they've had initial vaccines doesn't always go well, had a Pisces, and got a SURPRISE Capricorn after him, might actually be getting a surprise Cancer pupper because my Capricorn boy's half brother is 6 months and he is the last of his litter without a place and something about his eyes are saying "Come get me!" The great thing is...most of my boys are related...you are going to be so happy to have Penelope and a little sister for her to be annoyed with AND love--that's how it usually goes lol). Happiest of holidays--take care of yourself and here's a link to foods that actually lower blood pressure. And ignore the people telling you how to raise your kids or saying mean things. Evvverybody is a critic until they walk the same path. You got this, Queen! www.prevention.com/health/health-conditions/g26576559/foods-for-high-blood-pressure/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAsaS7BhDPARIsAAX5cSCLLRTAgs5ZKdsGPfvqcjJloKowCMMQerjHVpXd9ypsqgOPWZfFa5saAuXGEALw_wcB
Thank you so very much for this sweet and loving comment. I needed this today!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I hope everything is good with you and baby
Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
You will fo freat Vsnessa no matter how you deliver this bdby girl. Birth plans sometimes go right out the window, but all is good! I found out 1 day before i was going yo have a c section. I was terrified but it all worked out great! Ill be thinking if you ❤❤❤🙏❤️🙏
Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Sending prayers have a blessed night friend 🙏🏻🎄⛄️❄️
Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sending you prayers xx
Thank you ❤️
i know you dont want to be induced but i was induced with my son it was superchill i was in labor for 18 hours and slept most of the time you never know!❤
Ok thank you! ❤️
I had preeclampsia 32 yrs ago and they never induced me and my son was fine and weighed 8 lbs and a half ounce.
Good to know!! Thank you ❤️
, you’re very welcome. I was on bed rest for six weeks and my poor feet looked like short fat sausages because they were so swollen. Lol
Just try your best to stay as calm as possible and rest with your feet elevated as often as you can. Prayers for you.
In my thoughts and prayers ❤🎉😊
Thank you ❤️❤️
Hey I am a new subscriber God bless you prayers for you sweetheart ❤❤
Thanks for subbing! 🥰🥰
@heyvanessamartin welcome anytime tume
Stay healthy rest up. Do a little at a time all will work out
Thank you ❤️
Rest lay on left side decrease sodium and drink water. Stop walking up all those stairs to your apt . Just do very little until the baby is born. Good luck
What city are you in? Do you have a doula?
You never really know what's going to happen, right ? Things could change at any time. There's no point stressing about it. Your body could react well to the medication. You could go full term. My pregnancy ended 2 weeks early with induction due to lack of water around the baby. At the end of the day, your health and the babys health comes first. I did not enjoy being induced. All I will say is I didn't relax or progress until I got an epidural. It took so long for me to progress that it was going to be a c section. Ended up with a forceps delivery. 2 and half days in labour. All went well. All I would change about that if I could would be to just go straight to c section. That's just me. I felt there was no need for me to labour so long. The strep B thing is so important. I had antibiotics i v for my son during labour. He was fine. People should definitely research it. Get your bag ready. Chill out, that's the most important thing. Take all the help. Best wishes from Scotland. Merry Christmas 🎅
Thank you!! ❤️❤️
You have had more pregnancies than 2?
I didn’t really mean to say that. Technically yes, my first was ruptured ectopic ❤️🩹
@ I am sorry to hear that. My step mom is a women’s health nurse practitioner and she said they are seeing women who have had Covid have issues with high blood pressure in pregnancy. Have you have Covid in the past?
Trust in Jesus. Your little angel will be ok. Please rest. I know you feel like you need to do everything but just let go of everything you can. Your health is too important. I had preeclampsia with my first child. I’ve also been induced and my water broken. I still had natural birth meaning no drug! They induced me with a drip of saline , not narcotics. If you don’t need the drugs that would be great. But I’ve also had a stressful birth and my daughter had to be delivered through a C section. Many people come into the world that way. I had 2 friends at the hospital who saw me bawling my eyes out when the nurse said you can’t do this naturally it’s going to be a Csection. Both childhood friends comforted me. One said I was born by way of CSection. The other said both my babies came into the world by way of CSection. Which I already know those stories but it gave me great comfort knowing that if my friend come into the world that way my daughter would be ok too. And my dear friend with 2 precious children who were born through Csection showed me i could do it and be alright. The end result is that both my daughter and I would be ok. Grateful they were there. You and your daughter will be alright too No matter how it happens. you’re in good hands. The staff deals with all these issues and they will care for you both very well. I wish I was there to hug you and to set up your bedroom so you could prop your feet up.
Please Don’t worry! Know that many people are praying for you. And you are in a good hospital with a great team, they will not let anything happen to you.
listen to your body while at home. Check your pressure. And drink water ! 💦 you will pee a lot but you will be hydrated. This next week or 2 will pass by quickly because it is the holidays. That will help take your mind off everything. But Please rest ! no matter what happens get your feet up and rest.
I am praying now 🙏🏻 ❤
Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
Why does e erything think induction is bad? Its not bad at all. 3 pregnancy's 3 inductions and 4 hr labor and deliveries all 3 times.
It’s all I hear about inductions!
Girl,nothing wrong with epidural, but natural is great! Just not for me. 😂
I was induced with both of mine.
How did it go for you?
Also maybe have your mom help get everything in order you should be resting as much as possible
She helps a ton already but she does work full time too.
Be careful know your own body
Where's the father? :(
With some other single mom.
I would be ready babysitter lined up have you carseat in car ready and your bags in car ready .it is allmost jan . Hope you will be ok .its near time . For baby . Stress can cause this as well hope you will be just fine and the baby .❤
Yes absolutely. Thank you ❤️