Jesus is coming back! :: :: :: Even though the word 'Trinity' is NOT actually found in the Bible, the concept of 'three Persons in Godhead' is undeniably recognized by the authors. The Bible explains it easily and plainly, both implicitly and explicitly, as much as NEEDED. Therefore, I believe, the Bible is enough to understand what is NEEDED regarding each Person in Godhead and to avoid confusions. And since God is spirit, you might not find equivalent material analogy to understand the concept. Furthermore, you'd better not expect to understand it overnight either! Fortunately, you ought NOT to grasp every spiritual mystery to be SAVED, which is really the goal! Finally, you are not alone. Keep searching! :: :: ::
ተባረኩ ወንድሞቼ።
God is spirit
Jesus is God
So God is one
Jesus is alph and omega so who is coming please tell me so Iam confused
አንተ የጋለሞታ ማኅበር መስርተህ ትኖራለህ እሷ ትወድቃለች ለአንዱ ብቻ የታጨችውና የተዘጋጀችው ትነጠቃለች ራእ 19:1-62ኛ ቆሮ 11:1-3
I was searching many books but no trinity how people believe that wrong things
Jesus is coming back!
:: :: ::
Even though the word 'Trinity' is NOT actually found in the Bible, the concept of 'three Persons in Godhead' is undeniably recognized by the authors. The Bible explains it easily and plainly, both implicitly and explicitly, as much as NEEDED. Therefore, I believe, the Bible is enough to understand what is NEEDED regarding each Person in Godhead and to avoid confusions. And since God is spirit, you might not find equivalent material analogy to understand the concept. Furthermore, you'd better not expect to understand it overnight either!
Fortunately, you ought NOT to grasp every spiritual mystery to be SAVED, which is really the goal!
Finally, you are not alone.
Keep searching!
:: :: ::
ስላሴ የባቢሎን ትምህርት ነው ፡፡ቆስጠንጢኖስ ከነአትናቲዮስ ጋር የፈጠረው ነው ፡፡የመጽኃፍ ቅዱስ ትምህርት ያልሆነ ኑፋቄ ነው፡፡ ጌታ እየሰሱስ በሰማያት የምትኖር አባታችን ሆይ ብሎ አያስተማረ እንዲህ ብለህ ማስተማርህ ስህተት ነው አትፈላሰፍ 1ቆሮ ም 8-5፤ ዮሀን ወንገጌለል 20-17እየሱስ አብ ካልሆነ አምላክ አይደለም ብሎ መካድ ነው ፡፡ ምክን ያቱም ከአብ ሌላ አምላክ የለም አማልክት እንጂ ፡፡እግዚአብሄር ወልድ የሚባል የለም የእግዚአብሄርልጅ እንጂ አብ እየሱስ ነው(መንፈሱ እናወይም ቃሉ)፤ልጁም (ስጋው እየሱስ ነው) ፡፡ አንዱ ጌታ የሁሉም ጌታ እሱ ነው ፡፡ ሮሜ 10-10 እየሱስ ጌታም (አብ)ክርስቶስም(ወልድ)ም ነው፡፡ ሃዋ ስራ 2-26-32 የስላሴ ሚስጥር የለም የእግዚአብሄር ሚስጥር ክርስቶስ ነው ፡፡ ቆላ ም 2-1-4