All Khmer people living outside Cambodia are bonded by the collective memories and suffering during the Pol Pot regime. Every year, old people die off. The next group is the ones who are in their 50's, 60's, or 70's. These overseas Khmer have deep love for Cambodia and Khmer people in general. However, the ones born outside Cambodia who are in their 40's or younger, most will not know anything about Khmer people's lifestyles or culture at all. In fact they will find the Khmer lifestyles, thinking paths, or ways of doing things very strange by their standards.
Merci beaucoup 🇨🇵
Bong any food is better than no food
Thank you
Hi brother I like all of your family lifestyle video
Thank you so much 🙂
បងថតដោយ GoPro ឬក៏ទូរស័ព្ទ
បងនៅផ្ទះចំការនឹង បើបុកអណ្តូងស្នប់អាចមានទឹកអត់បង?
ចេញតើបង តែគេេយកលុយច្រើន ព្រោះពីបាកបុកពេកណាបង
សង្ឃឹមថាលោកពូអ្នកមីងដែលមានសទ្ធាបានឃើញសារមួយនេះហើយ ជួយបងប្រុសក្នុងការជីកអណ្តូង១ផងចុះ ព្រោះទុរេនត្រូវការទឹកខ្លាំង មិនអញ្ចឹងទេមិនទទួលបានផលទេ ណាមួយជាប្រយោជន៍ផ្សេងទៀតផង។ សាធុៗៗ
បងក៍ចូលចិត្តហូបដែរ សំលនេះ
I think 🤔 kitchen wastes can make a good compost, stuffs that can spoil in the soils. I’m not an expert but I enjoy gardening.
Thanks for the tips!
ញុមចូលចឹត្តមើលVideoលោកគ្រូណាស់ និយាយបានច្បាស់ហើយ ប្រាប់ពីប្រវត្តកោះនីមួយៗបានល្អទៀត❤
អរគុណណាបង សូមសុខសប្បាយទាំងអស់គ្នាណា
Very nice comment, and the way you say it is very polite and funny as well. I just love the way you speak the Khmer language.
បាទបង ចេញជូនរៀងរាល់តើបង
Phea releases video clips daily, and remember, he also has his own teaching work and his own family.
យាយមេន.. ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តមើលវិដេអូរវស់បងប្រុសណាស់បងហើយមានអារម្មណ៏នឹកស្រុកកំណើតណាស់បងអើយ
ខ្ញុំបាទសូមអរគុណចំពោះការគាំទ្រណាបង ជូនពរបងសុខសប្បាយ
👍👏♥️🇰🇭🙏 ល្អណាស់ ! សូមអបអរសាទរ 🙏🙏🙏
សុំសួរតិចបង បងគឹមភា បងនៅ ណាវិញ
All Khmer people living outside Cambodia are bonded by the collective memories and suffering during the Pol Pot regime. Every year, old people die off. The next group is the ones who are in their 50's, 60's, or 70's. These overseas Khmer have deep love for Cambodia and Khmer people in general. However, the ones born outside Cambodia who are in their 40's or younger, most will not know anything about Khmer people's lifestyles or culture at all. In fact they will find the Khmer lifestyles, thinking paths, or ways of doing things very strange by their standards.
Super thank to you.
អុំសូមចូលរួមត្រេកអរជាមួយក្មួយផងណា ក្មួយតាំងណុល
អរគុណ លោកពូ សម្រាប់វីដេអូ💗🤗
ខ្ញុំអោយតែទៅកោះកុង តែងតែចូលញុំាបាយនៅហាងបាយ ហេងឆុនឡាយ សំលរម្ញូគីឆ្ងាញ់ នៅគីឡូ៤០ជាង ពីផ្លូវបំបែកស្រែអំបិល
ល្អណាស់បង ខ្ញុំបានទៅនឹងសាកម្ដងដែរហើយណាបង
If I ever have a chance to go to Cambodia, I would go to Phea's brother house instead.
សប្បាយចិត្តពេលឃើញអ្នកមានលទ្ធភាពជួយគាត់ តិចច្រើនតែជាកាគោរពស្រលាញ់ បង 🎉
Can you tell me your Facebook name !
Yes, it's គឹម យូអុី