Finding Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the Bible by Dr. Ali Ataie

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Zaytuna College faculty member, Dr. Ali Ataie lectures on "Finding Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the Bible: An Inquiry Into Surah 7: 157-258".
    Given the polyvalent nature of religious texts and by analyzing early Christian Patristic as well as traditional Sunnite exegetical methods, this lecture will attempt to identify prophecies and typologies of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) in light of the Qur'anic statement that the Prophet is "mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel" (Qur. 7:157).
    Content Outline:
    0:0:07 Speakers Introduction (Dr. Hatem Bazian)
    0:03:41 Quran Recitation
    0:06:20 Quran Translation
    0:07:34 Program Start
    0:08:33 Where is the Explicit Description
    0:10:01 Proof of Corruption
    0:13:36 Interpretative Corruption
    0:16:20 The Messiah (AS)
    0:19:08 Jesus (AS) Makes Himself Known
    0:20:35 Prophetic Scripture
    0:23:59 Exegesis vs Eisegesis
    0:27:21 Entertaining al-Ghazali
    **Break for Salah**
    0:32:06 Typological Exegesis
    0:33:53 4 Levels of Scripture by Imam Jaafir
    0:38:23 Allegorical Exegesis
    Part II: The Hebrew Bible
    0:40:50 Attempting to Reveal Muhammad (SAW) I: Jacob’s Deathbed
    0:45:33 Attempting to Reveal Muhammad (SAW) II: Deuteronomy 18:18
    0:47:54 Muhammad(SAW) and Moses (AS)
    0:50:05 Elijah, The Messiah and The Prophet
    0:53:33 The Direct Indication
    0:58:33 The Unlettered Prophet
    01:00:00 Isaiah 42
    01:06:17 The Song of Songs and the Beloved
    Question, Comments and Answers
    01:11:54 Question 1: What is the context of the Song of Songs?
    01:13:11 Question 2: Could you talk in reference to the verses in John and the Paraclete passage?
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Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @QuranTimePodcast
    @QuranTimePodcast 3 года назад +69

    One of the most knowledgeable, intelligent and well-mannered Muslim scholars I've ever listened to. MashaAllah, I pray Allah blesses and protects him so that we can continue to benefit and learn from him.

    • @beniwa2700
      @beniwa2700 3 года назад

      WOW, All Lies. The Devil at work. The Bible clearly says the Holy Spirit. Please read it for yourself

    • @humhum8226
      @humhum8226 3 года назад +1

      @@beniwa2700 Verses?

    • @ImranKhan-nd9vu
      @ImranKhan-nd9vu 2 года назад

      @@beniwa2700 55i😂😂😂😂😂🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫😂😂😂😂😂🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🤣🔫🔫🔫😂😂😂😂😂😂🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🤣🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🤗🔫🔫🔫😭🤫🔫🤗💪🤩🤨🤨🤩🤩😎🤨😲🤩😲😪😪😪😪😑😪😪😪😪😪😐😐😑😪😐😐😐😐😪😐😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😐😐😐😐😪😐😐😐😑🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤑😭😭😋😉😅😋😋😋😋😋😋😭😭😭🤫😭😭😭😭😭😭😅😭😭🤣😏🙃🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤔😲

    • @ibrahimfirdaus6347
      @ibrahimfirdaus6347 2 года назад


  • @sarahal-mgraby8085
    @sarahal-mgraby8085 4 года назад +53

    It's an honor for us as Yemeni people to have that opportunity, and to be part of his educational journey.

  • @neilcastro836
    @neilcastro836 3 года назад +45

    Wallahi this man is well learned, he should be giving more lectures about this because it's crystal clear he even reads Hebrew that's amazing

  • @samwhite6255
    @samwhite6255 3 года назад +21

    Oh my days...he's a "Gold Mine" MashaAllah!

  • @white_orange
    @white_orange 3 года назад +26

    I feel so blessed that I stumbled upon this video. Jazakallah khair.

  • @saidghendir1038
    @saidghendir1038 3 года назад +38

    The Jews themselves, even before the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, the Jews had come to the Medina area, where there is a mountain of Sela.
    Three Jewish tribes have come and they are:
    The Jews of Banu Qaynuqa, Banu Nadir, and Banu Qurayza
    Their goal at that time was to fulfill their Old Testament prophecy. But when they heard about Muhammad, peace be upon him, and they see that all the conditions of their prophecies were fulfilled in him, they did not believe in him because he was from the descents of Ismail son of Ibrahim and not from the descent of Jacob son of Ishaq son of Ibrahim, peace be upon them all.

    • @mylord9340
      @mylord9340 2 года назад

      What do you think about Dr. Ataie's explanations about the verses from the Hebrew scriptures? Do you find his interpretations convincing? For example do you think Dr. Ataie is correct when he quoted Isaiah 29:12 and stated that it is a reference to Muhammad an unlettered person being commanded to read?

    • @saidghendir1038
      @saidghendir1038 2 года назад

      @@mylord9340 dear sir
      I'm not saying what i will say because I'm just a Muslim, but I'm convinced that Muhammad is a massenger of God basing on many reasons not just he was mentioned in many verses in the bible. However, while I'm Muslim and you will not take the truth from me (unless your are a honest person and your objective is the truth), I will let some jewish scholars and rabbis give their testimony about the prophet Muhammad.
      please be honest in seking the truth that may not always in your side.

    • @saidghendir1038
      @saidghendir1038 2 года назад

      This is the Rabbi Mort's testimony:видео.html

    • @saidghendir1038
      @saidghendir1038 2 года назад

      Rabbi Mintz's testimony:видео.html

    • @saidghendir1038
      @saidghendir1038 2 года назад

      Plz look at the nice discussion between two rabbi and a muslim:видео.html

  • @4everPS
    @4everPS 4 года назад +25

    Alhamdulillahir Rabbil Alameen, Excellent presentation and may Allah continue to reward the great work of Zaytuna College!

    • @sidelladan3792
      @sidelladan3792 2 года назад

      @Iyas kelu not only that...he is also pushing the shia narrative...extrapolating and reinterpreting clear words and coming to conclusions that are not there .....similar to what Christians did in the past to turn Issa {Jesus} into a god from a prophet ....

  • @fs5297
    @fs5297 3 года назад +10

    50:30 these beautiful heart touching verses!!! ❤️💗 These verses are short but they touch my heart whenever I hear them.

  • @umarmujaahid1136
    @umarmujaahid1136 5 лет назад +48

    I remember this guy (Brother; Dr. Ali Ataie) had debated david [cross dresser] wood. Wow he's aging Gracefully Masha Allah.

    • @AdamtheFreemason
      @AdamtheFreemason 5 лет назад +4

      Bit like your prophet (crossdresser that is)

    • @umarmujaahid1136
      @umarmujaahid1136 5 лет назад +15

      Protecting your male friend, i got him (david wood) on video wearing a woman gown. That's my proof (everybody knows).

    • @AdamtheFreemason
      @AdamtheFreemason 4 года назад +3

      That's because HE (David Wood) is taking the piss out of your prophet Muhammad for wearing Aisha's clothes, or did you not know that.

    • @AdamtheFreemason
      @AdamtheFreemason 4 года назад +2

      @Brother Samuel
      You do know brother David was "taking the mickey", its a known fact that Muhammad was caught in Aisha's clothes, numerous times.

    • @AdamtheFreemason
      @AdamtheFreemason 4 года назад +1

      @Ornando Dijks
      Yes I know how to "Differentiate between authentic and fabricated Hadiths".
      Authentic hadiths are called "Sahih", "Hasan" means good, and inauthentic are called "Da'eef" meaning WEAK. Once I find my reference to Muhammad wearing Aisha's clothes, I'll post it.

  • @thetraveler6947
    @thetraveler6947 3 года назад +9

    Such an undervalued masterpiece, this is unbelievable

    • @punisherlee
      @punisherlee 2 года назад

      My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate (parakletos) with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world - 1 John 2:1-2.
      This is not an indication that "any" man can be called parakletos, but an indication that Jesus Christ, though man, is the same similar (because of His divine nature) to the parakletos mentioned in John 14 & 16.
      John 14:16 - the parakletos abides with Jesus's disciples forever
      John 14:26 - it is explicit, the Holy Ghost is the parakletos, The Holy Ghost comes in the Father's name (Yahweh) and the Holy Ghost will bring to His disciples' remembrance *all that Jesus has spoken to them*
      *Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.* - John 14:17 (this alone disproves any relation of the parakletos to anyone except the Holy Ghost).
      1. "The world cannot receive because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him" - If you say Mohammed wasn't seen yet at that time because he came later, it can pass. But look at the next point.
      2. "But ye know him; for he dwelleth with you" - How can the disciples of Jesus know Mohammed? Was Mohammed living with the disciples of Jesus? Definitely not. Secondly, how do Jesus's disciples know the parakletos if the parakletos is the Holy Ghost which hasn't been given? Simple. That is Jesus. The Father, the Son and the Spirit have but one Spirit. That is why the Biblical scriptures would synonymously call 'the Spirit of God' by the name 'the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit in Christ (being the Holy Spirit) is the way in which the parekletos is dwelling with Jesus's disciples. *Parakletos is in Jesus, Jesus is with the disciples, therefore, parakletos dwelleth with them.*
      3. "and shall be in you." - This is the last and final promise Jesus gives of the parakletos. If this parakletos is Mohammed, how shall Mohammed be in the disciples of Jesus? That is blatant dishonesty to the truth of any sort. Jesus is promising His disciples of the power and workings of the Holy Spirit which will be given to them. As Jesus is physically present, He willingly put a cap on his abilities, but when His flesh is gone, and His Spirit then *dwells inside* of His disciples, they will work exceedingly great things which He has promised.
      Dishonest to put Mohammed in this.
      You didn't give the full quotation
      *Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.* - 1 John 4:1-3.
      The way you test the spirits or prophets is by their confession. If they confess that Jesus who came in the flesh is God, then the spirit is of God. If they deny that Jesus who came in the flesh is not God, then the spirit is not of God. And we know where Mohammed can be found.
      Again, if you say that the Holy Spirit was already at work in the world before Jesus made this promise, then how did Mohammed show Peter, James, John, Andew, Simon, Bartholomew, Simeon, and the other disciples of Jesus things which Jesus did not say. Jesus did not give room for reinterpretation in His teaching on this subject. If the parakletos is not the Holy Spirit, then the parakletos did not show the disciples of Jesus the things to come which Jesus spoke about.
      As the speaker said, and so I conclude, if you do not want to pass by and pick what suits you, then you cannot conclude that Mohammed is spoken of by Jesus.

    • @Iammram
      @Iammram 9 месяцев назад +1

      1 John 4:1-3 does not say is God, you added that in there. It says is OF God, not IS GOD.
      To me it's very simple and I don't think gets addressed enough. There were 3 people that were asked about to John the Baptist. They asked him, Are you Elijah, The Messiah, The Prophet.
      According to the bible, Elijah ended up being John the Baptist
      The Messiah is, of course Jesus...
      Then who is left... is The Prophet.
      What Prophet came after Jesus? The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)
      Confirmed Jesus as the Messiah, the Qur'an bears a whole chapter called Mary, telling her of her family, upbringing, etc. even his first miracle of speaking as a child, which you guys don't even have. I mean, what more could you ask for?

    • @punisherlee
      @punisherlee 9 месяцев назад

      The verse says that if any says Jesus is not come in the flesh, that person is not from God. So, what does it mean to say that Jesus didn't come in the flesh? Notice that John isn't saying a false prophet will deny the existence of Jesus but that the false prophet will deny His physical "coming". And that means He existed before His physical coming as is repeatedly said in the Bible.
      Secondly, it is poor contextual reading to conclude that the prophet is Muhammed, just as it is poor to conclude that John the Baptist is Elijah. The Bible never says that John the Baptist is Elijah. If the Bible ever said so, then the Bible is confirming reincarnation. Elijah never ended up being John the Baptist. The Bible doesn't say or imply that. Here again, you are wrong.
      Finally, it doesn't matter whether the Quran has a chapter about Mary. It doesn't mean the contents are accurate. The Quran mistakes Miriam, the sister of Moses, with Mary, the mother of Jesus. And then in many places, it copies stories that were just folklore and understood to not be facts but it presents those as real facts of history, and this includes the story of clay birds.
      Moreover, you skipped all the parts I mentioned in my comment about the impossibility of the Paraclete being any human. Jesus clearly said the Paraclete will be *IN* His disciples. How is Muhammed in His disciples?

    • @Iammram
      @Iammram 9 месяцев назад

      @@punisherlee Flesh meaning in person, don’t force your interpretation.
      It’s not John speaking according to this, it’s Jesus.
      “The Bible never says that John the Baptist is Elijah.”
      Matthew 11:13-14
      It’s not reincarnation because Elijah never died, he was taken up to Heaven. 2 Kings 2
      “The Bible doesn't say or imply that. Here again, you are wrong.”
      Learn to ask me why I say something and not just say it’s wrong so you don’t come off as arrogant.
      “The Quran mistakes Miriam, the sister of Moses, with Mary, the mother of Jesus.”
      No it doesn’t, you can read the Hadith about it by looking up the following: Sahih Muslim 2135
      “ it copies stories that were just folklore and understood to not be facts but it presents those as real facts of history, and this includes the story of clay birds.”
      According to who? You realize there are massive amounts of literature not put into the Bible because those in power deemed them apocryphil? On whose authority?
      Did you ever question as to why you have writings by everyone else except for the Gospel According to Jesus Christ?
      “Moreover, you skipped all the parts I mentioned in my comment about the impossibility of the Paraclete being any human.”
      Ok so let’s clear it up… Is the Holy Spirit a He?

    • @ryuusuk33
      @ryuusuk33 7 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@punisherlee your first point is false & an unnecessary addition based on some mental gymnastics, Prophet Muhammad pbuh clearly recognised Jesus pbuh as the Messiah, Christ and testified for his pure honour, legitemate prohethood and truthfulness just like 1 John 4:1-3 proclaims and he pbuh defended Jesus & his mother multiple times when he was confronted in Madina that was full with jews but yet he did when he had literally no reason and no gain to do so because there were few to none Christians there. Literally Jesus pbuh will be buried next to him after the 2nd coming. Here's few hadiths as examples:
      Sahih Muslim 2365 c
      Abu Huraira reported many ahadith from Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) and one is that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: *I am most close to Jesus, son of Mary, among the whole of mankind in this worldly life and the next life* . They said: Allah's Messenger how is it? Thereupon he said: Prophets are brothers in faith, having different mothers (i.e: Laws/Legislations & Divine Scriptures). Their religion is, however, One (i.e: Islam=Full Submission to The One & Only True GOD) and there is no Apostle between us (between I and Jesus Christ).
      Sahih Muslim 162 a
      It is narrated on the authority of Anas b. Malik that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: I was brought al-Buraq Who is an animal white and long, larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule, who would place his hoof a distance equal to the range of version. I mounted it and came to the Temple (Bait Maqdis in Jerusalem), then tethered it to the ring used by the prophets. I entered the mosque and prayed two rak'ahs in it, and then came out and Gabriel brought me a vessel of wine and a vessel of milk. I chose the milk, and Gabriel said: You have chosen the natural thing. Then he took me to heaven. Gabriel then asked the (gate of heaven) to be opened and he was asked who he was. He replied: Gabriel. He was again asked: Who is with you? He (Gabriel) said: Muhammad. It was said: Has he been sent for? Gabriel replied: He has indeed been sent for. And (the door of the heaven) was opened for us and lo! we saw Adam. He welcomed me and prayed for my good. Then we ascended to the second heaven. Gabriel (peace be upon him) (asked the door of heaven to be opened), and he was asked who he was. He answered: Gabriel; and was again asked: Who is with you? He replied: Muhammad. It was said: Has he been sent for? He replied: He has indeed been sent for. The gate was opened. When I entered *Isa (Yeshua/Jesus) son of Maryam and Yahya (Yohannan/John) son of Zakariya (peace be upon all of them), cousins from the maternal side. welcomed me and prayed for my good* Then I was....etc (continuation of the long hadith).
      Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3617
      Narrated 'Abdullah bin Salam: "The description of Muhammad pbuh is written in the Torah, [and the description that] 'Eisa will be buried next to him." (One of the narrators) Abu Mawdud said: "[And] there is a place for a grave left in the house."
      It does matter because the Qur'an is the supreme criterion authoritative, the only preserved divine scripture, therefore it didn't mistake nothing in which even the prophet Muhammad pbuh himself responded to this claim. Mary has been called as the Sister of Aaron because of this following hadith:
      Sahih Muslim, book 25, hadith 5326
      Mughira b. Shu'ba reported: When I came to Najran, they (the Christians of Najran) asked me: You read" 0 sister of Harun" (i. e. Maryam) in the Qur'an, whereas Moses was born much before Jesus. When I came back to Allah's Messenger pbuh I asked him about that, whereupon he said: The (people of the old age) used to give names (to their persons) after the names of Apostles and pious persons who had gone before them.
      So the Prophet pbuh explained clearly that in olden days people used to give names to their people in relation to pious persons who have passes before them!! Thats why they called Mary, the mother of Jesus as sister of Aaron, because Aaron was a pious man who has passed before and Mary was also a pious lady , that why they addressed her as sister of Aaron. This is quite common even today . Take the example of Mahatma Gandhi who was known for non-violence, though he has passed before - if a man of todays generation is found to be non violent he is referred as the " Gandhi's brother" ... This is just because they both have quality of non-violence! Some can even call that person as "Gandhi's father" if the person exceeds the qualities of Non-violence than Gandhi! This is general use of Language and i am sure that all of you must have used such relations in your lifetime! So definitely there is no quran error and there is no jumbling between two Imrans! The Imran - father of Mary and the lmran - Father of Aaron are two different persons at two different times!
      Also I'd like to know what are your proofs & evidences for the story of the clay bird to be folklore and not real fact of history ??
      The paraclete in early Christianity was always understood to be a human, an independent male salvific figure, primal examples of that are: Montanus in the 2nd century CE & Mani in the 3rd century CE. Before even your canonical gospels being considered as divinely inspired scriptures to begin with lol, both those individuals claimed that they're the awaited "paraclete" and gained mass following in their times because of that, because of people were already mentally prepared, knew and always had perceived the paraclete as a coming human being in the first place.
      Jesus says “Spirit of Truth” so it must be a spiritual being not physical?
      Yes, he mentions “Spirit of truth” in John 15-16, but it can refer to the spirit of a prophet (1 Corinthians 14:32, 1 John 4:1). Plus, Muhammad PBUH was known for his trustworthiness and truthfulness even before his prophethood, so this description fits him perfectly.
      Jesus was talking to the disciples?
      Yes, he mentions the word “You” to the disciples, but “You” does not always mean the immediate listeners. Christians maintain that the Prophet like Moses who was promised to Jews 1400 years before Jesus was Jesus. Jesus did not come to those Jews Moses was speaking to.
      Also, Matthew 24:34 states:
      “Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened”.
      So, if Christians want to say that the Paraclete was promised to the disciples, then they have to be consistent and say that Matthew 24:34 is a false prophecy. Matthew 24 speaks about the end times when Jesus will come back. Jesus said “This generation” referring to the generation he was speaking to, not a future one. Christians usually say that this refers to a future generation while they insist that the Paraclete is supposed to come to the disciples. That is inconsistent. There is also another example in Matthew 16:27-28.
      The Holy Spirit came to the disciples at Pentecost in the book of Acts, so the Paraclete is the Holy Spirit?
      Yes, but Acts is authored by the same person who authored the Gospel of Luke, and Luke says that the Holy Spirit will come to the disciples in Luke 24:49, but it does not mention the Paraclete, so the Holy Spirit coming in Acts is connected to Luke 24:49, not to the Paraclete in John. Plus, the argument of this document is to show that the Paraclete prophecy was originally about Muhammad PBUH, and it was shown why.
      John 7:39 says the spirit was later to be received, so the Holy Spirit was not with the disciples yet.
      In John 7:39, the Holy Spirit was to be received later because Jesus at that time had not yet been glorified (or resurrected). John 7:39 refers to John 20:22 where the disciples receive the Holy Spirit after Jesus’ resurrection (glorification). The same verb is used in both verses (John 7:39 and John 20:22) which is “receive”. The Holy Spirit was received by the disciples while Jesus was with them. It cannot be referring to the Paraclete because John 16:7 states that the Paraclete will only come after Jesus departs. That is the criterion. The departure in the context of John 16:5-7 is referring to the ascension. Not to mention that this contradicts John 14:17 in the original reading where it states that the Holy Spirit was already in them and living with them.

  • @Pakilla64
    @Pakilla64 7 месяцев назад +2

    Several authentic Hadiths actually report that Jewish converts directly referenced prophecies from Isaiah. The personality of the Prophet, the shoulder mark, and the precise location, opening the hearts of deaf and blind etc. But they reportedly provided more details, including his name, the methods of prayers etc. And interestingly the Torah is reported to have titled him "Al-Mutawakkil" (the one who trusts in Allah).
    "Muhammad is the Messenger and chosen servant of Allah (in another report, "son of Abdullah"). He is neither a man of harsh temperament nor is he a man of rough speech. He does not cry in bazars, nor does he return ill when ill is done to him. He forgives or ignores the wrong-doers. His birth place is Makkah and his migration shall be to Taybah (Madinah). His country is Syria and his people shall be hammadin. That is they shall praise Allah when in comfort and when in trouble. They shall chant His magnificence when ascending in their travel. They shall watch the shadows in order to ascertain proper time of their prayers." (Mazhari, Dala'il Al Nubuwah, Baihaqi)
    Another one:
    "O Prophet! Verily, We have sent you as a witness, and a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner, as a safe refuge for the gentiles. `You are My servant and Messenger. I have called you `Al-Mutawakkil', not hard or harsh.' Neither crying in the markets nor returning evil deed with one in kind. Rather, he forgives and forgoes. Allah will not end his life until He straightens through him the crooked religion, so that they might proclaim, `There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah.' He will open through him sealed hearts, deaf ears and blind eyes."' (Abdullah b. Amr, Bukhari).
    At first I thought it can't be the actual Torah, maybe they just extracted, shortened and condensed the scattered prophecies. But then, Abdullah b. Salaam, the first Jewish convert to Islam, said to have been a rabbi, have also quoted the exact same thing. What's shocking is that he's actually named with his father, plus additional details (specifically those that the Syrian monk Bahira confirmed). Really makes one wonder, what else we don't know about the Torah?

  • @FreePalestine_____
    @FreePalestine_____ 4 года назад +9

    A Jewsih rabbi admits that prophet Muhammad [pbuh] is mentioned in the Bible. Check out my playlists. salam.

  • @ayatulkhursi
    @ayatulkhursi 2 года назад +2

    I literally listen to these lectures daily and never tire' subanaAllah

  • @riyadlussholihin
    @riyadlussholihin 4 года назад +5

    My lovely Men, Muhammad Rasulullah...

  • @auzdeee
    @auzdeee 4 года назад +19

    Instructions by Prophet Muhammad to His Army Before Engaging in a Battle
    1- Do not kill any child,woman,or an elder or sick person.
    ( Abu Dawud)
    2- Do not practice treachery or mutilation. (Al Muwatta)
    3- Do not uproot or burn palms or cut down fruitful trees. (Al Muwatta)
    4- Do not slaughter an animal except for food. (Al Muwatta)
    5- Do not kill the monks in monasteries and do not kill those sitting in places of worship. (Musnad Ahmad)
    6- Do not destroy the villages/towns,do not spoil the cultivated fields/gardens and do not slaughter the cattle. (Saheeh bukhari / Abu Dawud)

    • @auzdeee
      @auzdeee 4 года назад +3

      @@AdamtheFreemason God said this ,i hope you will not be one of them unless you insist.
      7:179 ) And We have certainly created for Hell many of the jinn and mankind. They have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear. Those are like livestock; rather, they are more astray. It is they who are the heedless.

    • @gangadharatimothy7000
      @gangadharatimothy7000 4 года назад +1

      Haaas haaaa you can kill those who say not shahada ..... haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa religion of peace
      It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah said:
      “I have been commanded to fight the people until they say: La ilaha illallah. If they say it, then their blood and wealth are protected from me, except for a right that is due from it, and their reckoning will be with Allah.”
      Grade : Sahih (Darussalam)
      Reference : Sunan Ibn Majah 3927
      In-book reference : Book 36, Hadith 1
      English translation : Vol. 5, Book 36, Hadith 3927
      47:4 So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, smite the necks;
      Islam teaches smite the necks of those who disbelieve in allah and muhammad specially jews and christians....
      Wov what a message of Islam ... Islam means peace .... haaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa
      Islam is deception....

    • @gangadharatimothy7000
      @gangadharatimothy7000 4 года назад +1

      @Shahid Imran Hussainhaaaa hhhaaa stupid shahid who is azar .....? You people are illegitimate..

    • @gangadharatimothy7000
      @gangadharatimothy7000 4 года назад

      @Shahid Imran Hussain haaaa haaaa haaaa you are followers of one who sucked the penis of boy ..... disgusting.....
      Hadith Number 16245, Volume Title: “The Sayings of the Syrians,” Chapter Title: “Hadith of Mu’awiya Ibn Abu Sufyan”:
      “I saw the prophet - pbuh - sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the
      prayers of Allah be upon him. For no tongue or lips that the prophet sucked on will be tormented (by hell fire)
      He (the Prophet) lift up his (al Hassan’s) shirt and kissed his (little) penis..”

    • @gangadharatimothy7000
      @gangadharatimothy7000 4 года назад

      @Shahid Imran Hussain haaaa haaaa haaaa.
      5:51 O you who believe, take not the Jews and the Christians for friends.

  • @MuslimProphetscom
    @MuslimProphetscom 6 лет назад +30

    Brilliant lecture. Very detailed and full of information. May Allah reward you all

    • @Figy7
      @Figy7 5 лет назад +4

      Fool. Muhammad is already in hell for the false teachings of Islam.

    • @furyguygaming1058
      @furyguygaming1058 5 лет назад +1

      Even jews dont accept jesus christ lol heaven is not for all pplz

    • @Figy7
      @Figy7 5 лет назад +5

      @@furyguygaming1058 It is not important what the Jews accept. Jews are return. They remained in the law between them and God. They did not accept Jesus Christ and His eternal covenant with mankind. For all nations.

    • @Figy7
      @Figy7 5 лет назад +6

      Jesus Christ came from a joyous message. Everyone who believes in him has eternal life. Faith and life by faith. All this is best in a community of Catholic or Orthodox churches, where there is fullness of all graces.

    • @furyguygaming1058
      @furyguygaming1058 5 лет назад +2

      Dear jesus christ was right why jews dont accept same way christian dont accept muhammad pbuh

  • @truthseeker4470
    @truthseeker4470 3 года назад +9

    Jazak Allahu Khayran, Brother Ali, for a most interesting and inspiring lecture!
    Question: on Isaiah 42, how do you understand vv 18-20? That part seems so confusing to me, and it seems odd to apply it to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam:
    "Hear, you deaf, and look, you blind, that you may see! Who is blind but my servant, or deaf as my messenger whom I send? Who is blind as my dedicated one, or blind as the servant of the LORD? He sees many things, but does not observe them; his ears are open, but he does not hear."--From the ESV
    Is it an ironic or sarcastic statement? Meaning, a sarcastic statement against those who think they know better than the Servant?

    • @anna-ruthperetz3612
      @anna-ruthperetz3612 3 года назад +2

      It probably doesn't matter but I'll drop my opinion by, i would say it's neither ironic or sarcastic but rather as we saw in the video, a verse of exegetical nature, the aspects of deaf and blind in the verse are not literal rather points to the protective innocence thus says, the messenger to be sent is as innocent and naive as those that are deaf or blind and at the end when it's mentioned of the messenger sees many things but observe them and has open ears but hears them not, simply says he'd be revealed to the iniquity of this world in sight and sound but will let them not seep into him and most do, I would like to mention the exegesis on the words deaf and blind do not apply to the first part 'hear you deaf, look you blind, and see' but rather I would suggest that here it said of the arrogance and ignorance of vividly illustrious proof of the prophets and prophecies by the jews and israelites, thnks 😊
      Now it truly depends of what person one may apply it to, Muhammad 'PBUH' or The Christ

    • @merlinx8703
      @merlinx8703 2 года назад

      Isaiah 42 with Dr. Ali Ataieвидео.htmlвидео.html

    • @koromagibril7411
      @koromagibril7411 2 года назад +2

      It may refer also to the way the disbelieving people would say about the prophet muhammad when he will appear to them..They will call him names like, Mad man, blind, deaf and so on.... So it may be, I think it refer to these reactions of the people and not that the prophet himself is referred to as blind, deaf and so on .... Allah knows best

  • @zr8547
    @zr8547 2 года назад +1

    When he said he loves chicken tikka masala .... I was sold.... I said I have to listen to this speaker......

  • @riazzaman20
    @riazzaman20 3 года назад +9

    These evidences are very comprehensive. One could attempt to refute one or two but when there are so many verses it can no longer be considered a coincidence. Barakallahu feek

    • @dqschannel
      @dqschannel 3 года назад +1

      Every single one of them is easily dismissed by anyone with an education higher than 5th grade.

    • @peacesalaam816
      @peacesalaam816 3 года назад

      Do it then

    • @dqschannel
      @dqschannel 3 года назад

      @@peacesalaam816 you want to debate it with me on a live show?

    • @justarshad8354
      @justarshad8354 3 года назад +1

      @@dqschannel "debate with ignorant is waste of must always debate with intellectual & open mind people"
      If you know who said this then we can debate.if not then youre still a kid and has much more to learn.

    • @dqschannel
      @dqschannel 3 года назад

      @@justarshad8354 all I am reading is excuses after excuses.

  • @afwlimo
    @afwlimo 3 года назад +2

    Dr. Ataie debate with David Wood was such fantastic insight to watch. Check it out.

  • @fs5297
    @fs5297 3 года назад +3

    48:43 this saying of waraqah is very interesting. N also what was explained to Salman Al Farsi by his teacher or priest... N also the narrations of how some of Sahaba said when they accepted Islam that Muhammad SAW is the prophet whome about People of book used to tell us about. N the person who met Muhammad SAW in journey to Syria as he was with his grandfather, he said to take Muhammad SAW back to home coz that place was full of people of book, n he said take him back, if people will recognise him they may kill him... I always wonder on what bases or how that man recognised when Muhammad SAW was just a kid... People were totally ignorant of that he is gonna claim Prophethood.😮

  • @jennifers3602
    @jennifers3602 6 лет назад +41

    Love the quranic recitation

    • @Figy7
      @Figy7 5 лет назад +2

      You can talk whatever you want, infidels! False prophet, not in the Bible. Jesus warns against them.

    • @furyguygaming1058
      @furyguygaming1058 5 лет назад +2

      Dear jews dont accept jesus AS christians dont accept Holy prophet PBUH

    • @AdamtheFreemason
      @AdamtheFreemason 4 года назад +2

      Jesus is the "Messiah", Muhammad was a servant of Satan.

    • @omarasef264
      @omarasef264 4 года назад +8

      @@AdamtheFreemason sorry that made no sense since he would warn about Satan, so have you read the quran, probably only what you what to hear, have you seen the prediction of the quran it predicted so many thing some of them are
      1.cell are made out of water
      2.the univers is expanding
      3.the mountains helps the earth from moving
      4.the iron is from space not from earth
      5.the earth is a sphear
      And there is others so please read about these stuff. Those were only from the quran, there is some stuff from what the prophet says

    • @omarasef264
      @omarasef264 4 года назад +1

      @@AdamtheFreemason maybe this will helpвидео.html

  • @Khaled-kj1pq
    @Khaled-kj1pq 4 года назад +9

    Isaiah is specifying Medina's Mt. Sela by mentioning it in conjunction with Kedar. This was the (pre-Islamic) tafsir of Medina's top rabbi Abdullah ibn Salam!

    • @hegagi839
      @hegagi839 4 года назад

      Khaled Colwill S7:157 "Those who follow the messenger, the unlettered prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own scriptures- in the Torah and the Gospel..."
      Your Quran says your Muhammad can be found in the Torah and Gospel. Do you know that Isaiah, Psalms and Song of Solomon are not books of the Torah? Please don't make a fool of yourself by not knowing the 5 books of the Torah.
      That said, I shall go along with your silly claim on Isaiah which is not part of the Torah.
      Isiah 42: 1 "Here is my servant, whom I uphold,
      my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will bring justice to the nations."
      Isaiah 4:11" Let the wilderness and its towns raise their voices;
      let the settlements where Kedar lives rejoice. Let the people of Sela sing for joy; let them shout from the mountaintops."
      To cut the chase and shorten my comment. The first 4 parts of Isaiah 42:1 refers to Jesus, not Muhammad. Almost all muslim preachers ( and you follow them blindly) skipped the last part of verse Isa 42:1 "and he will bring justice to the nations." Why? That because All Muslim preachers and muslims could NOT justify that Muhammad could bring justice to all nations" Only Jesus could, Remember your hadith .
      Sahih Bukhari Vol 4 Bk 55 Hadith 657
      Narrated Abu Huraira:
      Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, surely (Jesus,) the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will JUDGE mankind justly; he will break the Cross and kill the pigs and there will be no Jizya ..."
      Isa 42:11 : Muhammad came from the tribe of Quraysh, not Kedar. Sela in the Bible referred to place in Edom, Jordan. A great valley extending from the Dead Sea to the Red Sea (2 Kings 14:7). Muslims say their Sela (Arabic: سلع‎) is a mountain in Medina in modern Saudi Arabia. Islam.

    • @Khaled-kj1pq
      @Khaled-kj1pq 4 года назад +5

      ​@@hegagi839 In rabbinical tradition "torah" can refer to the whole Jewish Old Testament (Alfred J. Kolatch, "This is the Torah" (Jonathan David Publishers 1988), p. 1). Ataie mentions this in the Q/A. In addition Kedar is a biblical idiom for Arabia not just the actual tribe and there's actually different Selas in the Bible not just the one in Edom e.g. one in Judah (Judges 1:36) and one in Moab (Isaiah 16:1).

    • @intekabalom8863
      @intekabalom8863 4 года назад +6

      @@hegagi839 Kedar is the second son of Ishmael acccording to Bible. Need references???
      And Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam is from the lineage of Kedar which is a known fact.
      Also the verse mentions Sela. Please Google Sela right now. You will find it in Saudi Arabia. And to your astonishment, I would add that people of Medina already rejoiced standing at the mountain of Sela for the final Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
      May Allah open up your hearts.
      Please have a research on this specific verse. It is a very powerful prophecy.

    • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
      @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 4 года назад +5

      @@hegagi839 isiah 49 says Jesus will leave the israelites and join the light of nations aka Islam from mt selah medina gone international from pasin to china aka all across the known world, and mt selah is in Arabia. Jesus was sent to israelites while isisah 42 is sent to idol worshippers, the comfortor is Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him!

    • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
      @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 4 года назад +5

      @@hegagi839 old testamen says God is not a man or a son of man, also Isiah 43 says no new god will form, yet thats what john 1 added prlouge acc to scholars liek erhman say and even john 1 says there are 2 Prophets to come, Jesus even says the crudiction removes the blessings and gives it to the Arabs in mathew 21 :43, paul who removed the laws removes israelites as a nation in jeremiah 31 :36 and so he is clearly the false Prophet of mathew 24 :11 and the comfortor Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings on him of john 16 :8 correcting the world of sin and forgiveness and salvation is in the light of false Propeht paul who in acts 9,3 saw devil matching luke 10,18!
      Paul had more in common with jesus as an enemy then a so called friend, at first he only opposed the laws, then he opposed Jesus who said Greatest commandment is god is 1 and God prefers Mercy same like in isiah 1 hoses 6 and ezekiel 18 rejecting original sin, paul said God can't forgive without a sacrifice . we see 2 things here that paul differs with Jesus and 2 paul degrades God showing why polytheism is the greatest sin in order to introduce a new god.
      Paul even went to Arabia thinking he is Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings on him went Jesus was only sent to israelites and to reestablish the law while paul removed the laws, taught paganism so his farisee money changers can bribe like israeli lobbies do today, and then went to non jews.
      paul is the deceived lawless Prophet of thesalonians 2 as were teh farisees who paid pilot to kill JEsus like israeli lobbies pay usa govt to hide israelis kill americans and celebrate it while opposing boycotss american liberties showing bible is paul's cuck faith!
      bible now in footnotes admits its been changed from Jesus' original message which was revived by Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings o him. Luke 3,22 says Jesus became a son at baptism like David, figurative. Quran says Jesus is like Adam in this regard of creation. Mark 15 adds teh name Jesus to the crucifiction, originallyy Jesus wasn't crucified, and john removes simon carrying the cross and crucifies Jesus on the wrong dayy Jhn 5 :7 is a forgery.
      Jesus taught monotheism and Law and this message was revived by Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings on him who Jesus will follow as the comfortor to last forever like Quran. so called holy spirit is angel Jibril who visits MAry. the trinity is a degradation of the ot "God" and the Quran even corrects that, God wasn't tired after creating the universe shame on the OT! So follow the religion and Prophet of Jesus follow Islam and Muhammad peace and blessings on him!

  • @dogbiteinjurylawyer
    @dogbiteinjurylawyer Год назад +1

    Masterpiece in this zeitgeist. JazakAllah.

  • @micsaul7542
    @micsaul7542 4 года назад +3

    Daniel 4:1-3 (KJV) 1 Nebuchadnezzar the king, unto all people, nations, and languages, that dwell in all the earth; Peace be multiplied unto you. 2 I thought it good to shew the signs and wonders that the high God hath wrought toward me. 3 How great [are] his signs! and how mighty [are] his wonders! his kingdom [is] an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion [is] from generation to generation.

    • @afwlimo
      @afwlimo 3 года назад +1

      Whats your point??

  • @ikilledthewendigo4745
    @ikilledthewendigo4745 4 года назад +1

    I through a like just because this man of education affirmed the preservation of our writings and scripture mad respect.

    • @WarriorWomanWaWo
      @WarriorWomanWaWo 4 года назад +1видео.html

    • @ikilledthewendigo4745
      @ikilledthewendigo4745 4 года назад

      @@WarriorWomanWaWo oh my goodness I seen this three times today and I cant get enough of it. I wish dr brown and David wood spoke Arabic so they could point out all the Quranic fallacies

    • @ikilledthewendigo4745
      @ikilledthewendigo4745 4 года назадвидео.html

    • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
      @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 4 года назад +1

      @@WarriorWomanWaWo isiah 49 says Jesus will leave the israelites and join the light of nations aka Islam from mt selah medina gone international from pasin to china aka all across the known world, and mt selah is in Arabia. Jesus was sent to israelites while isisah 42 is sent to idol worshippers, the comfortor is Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him!

  • @ibrahimosai6148
    @ibrahimosai6148 3 года назад +3

    My brother you are really learned

  • @richardanthony3267
    @richardanthony3267 2 года назад

    So much more than “Finding Muhammad in the Bible” Allah Bless him

  • @AlJaathiyah45_23
    @AlJaathiyah45_23 5 лет назад +4

    Assalamualaikum Dr Ali.. I would like to expand the question posed by the sister but on ruhul qudus/holy spirit as I understood ruhul qudus is the messanger of Allah to teach people of prophet Isa (peace be upon him)

  • @Chandransingham
    @Chandransingham 2 года назад +2

    Very interesting. Sidney H Griffith's 'The Bible in Arabic - The Scriptures of the "People of the Book" in the Language of Islam (Princeton, 2013) also give a highly detail study of the apologetics and polemics going on from 7th century onwards.

  • @starsian
    @starsian 3 года назад +4

    43:40 "the kingdom of God shall be taken away from you..."

  • @alexmazlan9091
    @alexmazlan9091 2 года назад +2

    Masha Allah .. Iranian Sunni .. Allahu Akbar ..

  • @azaannadeem9277
    @azaannadeem9277 4 года назад +6

    Christians jesus (pbuh)said" my father is greater than I my father is greater than all" so Why u don't worship god

    • @seanavp
      @seanavp 4 года назад +3

      @Azaan Nadeem,
      *Allah told angels to bow down and worship a man, Adam.* *The God of the bible is a jealous God who will not share his glory with anyone.* *When Christ was dwelling with man he was made lower in position, but not in his divine essence.* *Please read Phil. chapter two.* *Question answered.*

    • @seanavp
      @seanavp 4 года назад

      @Azaan Nadeem,
      *Who is the servant in Isaiah 42:1?* *Thank you.*

    • @azaannadeem9277
      @azaannadeem9277 4 года назад +1

      @@seanavp Allah ordered Angels only to bow down in front of adem to khow how many accept Allah order he not Order to worship Adem if u want to know about Islam listen to zakir naik being Muslim I believe in bible n jesus Christ( pbuh)

    • @seanavp
      @seanavp 4 года назад

      *Wrong, the text includes worship.* *Would you like the sources?* *I don't say things I can't prove.* *And, since when does loyalty include or require worship?*

    • @seanavp
      @seanavp 4 года назад

      *Allah is God, he should already know who will be loyal and who will not.* *However, I can reasonably understand the argument.* *With respect, Zakir Naik is an idiot.* *I will debate Zakir Naik myself.*

  • @cornellhoward3757
    @cornellhoward3757 Год назад +1

    When you find him let us know where his name is Almighty God of Israel prophets, are all listed by name in the Holy Bible.

  • @neilcastro836
    @neilcastro836 3 года назад +3

    Masha'Allah Tabaraka Allah, the brother has a beautiful recitation.

  • @muhammadsharif7990
    @muhammadsharif7990 Год назад +1

    Mashallah! Every religion predicted prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) coming.
    Paul/Constantine/Bacon/MMLJ etc destroyed/changed/revised/innovated Jesus's gospels. His org gospels r lost forever! Only Noble Quran is unchanged and will stay that way forever 😊! So, happy!

    • @punisherlee
      @punisherlee 9 месяцев назад

      Where is your proof?
      Jesus said the comforter who is coming in His name will be in his disciples? How is Muhammed in Jesus' disciples when Muhammed was born 600 years later?

  • @waqasahmed-nf3on
    @waqasahmed-nf3on 4 года назад +9

    isaiha 42 is very clear prophecy about prophet muhammad pbuh. he was son of kedar and ishmail. people of mount sela sing for him on his arrival. they were gentiles and image worshippers. no body can deny this fact.

    • @legendary3906
      @legendary3906 4 года назад +2

      and he will sing a new song(bring a new law) and he will be a warrior,and he will be a mighty man...we can just go on and on as there are many other prophecies about him even in hindu scriptures.

    • @brucedoyle4984
      @brucedoyle4984 4 года назад +3

      There is nothing in our book about the murdering pedophile modhammed. He is a FAKE prophet that raped and murdered men women and children. Even the arabs after his death fled and were captured and killed. You lie about everything to keep your satanic religion going. I hope and pray you find the truth time is short

    • @michielvdvlies3315
      @michielvdvlies3315 4 года назад

      lol isaiah is not about muhammad. Isaiah isnt part of the Torah nor the Gospel its Nevi'im

    • @legendary3906
      @legendary3906 4 года назад +3

      @@michielvdvlies3315 yes it is. God doesnt just mention that he will be sent to the gentiles, be a warrior, a mighty man, bring a new law, mention land of Kedar(which is the land of the Arabs) mountains of Sela(mountains of Medina). I know its hard to accept but people fabricated 2 words which they use as an excuse "The Lord" as they did with Abraham, when Jacob wrestled with the Lord apparently???

    • @michielvdvlies3315
      @michielvdvlies3315 4 года назад

      @@legendary3906 kedar is mentioned but it doesnt say He came from there! Jesus was sent for the jews AND gentiles! muhammad wasnt send for anyone but himself!

  • @abukareem6511
    @abukareem6511 2 года назад +1

    55:26 (Isaiah 9 6 not 9 5, your PowerPoint has an error) i would love for the exact translation to be "...symbol of authority" like you say but could you provide a source? None of the translations i checked (And i checked ALOT) translate it this way. They all use something like "government will be on his shoulders". I'm not doubting you I'm just saying alot of well meaning muslims could use these quotes in discussions and they will look like fools if they cant produce good sources.
    Its the same thing as Gentile. You translate it as امي or unlettered. That is wonderful if true. But all translations i checked translate it differently.

    • @moraitrmrian6171
      @moraitrmrian6171 Год назад +2

      BismiLlah wasSalatu wasSalamu ala Rasul Allahi wa ala AaliHi wa SahbiHi.
      As for Ummiyeen, this was the general term for Gentiles used by Arabic-speaking Jews. It is the antonym of Ahl-ul-Kitab; thus, anyone who was not learned in the Kitab ("Bible"), was referred to as Ummi ("Unlearned" ), as referenced in Qur`an 2:78 and Qur`an 3 :20. Qur`an 3:75 specifically uses Ummiyeen for Gentiles, quoting the Jews claiming that there is no sin upon them if they charge interest to gentiles, something Jews still believe today. Then Qur`an 62:2 uses Ummiyeen for the Arabs (again, as Gentiles Unlearned in the Bible) from whom a Rasul ﷺ has been raised and sent.
      Al-Rasul Al-Nabiyy Al-Ummi is the Archapostle, the Gentile Prophet ﷺ, whose glory was foretold, whose intercession was sought, and for whom the waiters waited, who was to bring Universal Law, a Covenant like the Covenant of Moses ﷺ, and Light to the Gentiles. From the villages of Kedar ben Ishmael ﷺ to the furthest coastlands of the world, such that the God of the Patriarchs, the God of Abraham ﷺ, Isaac ﷺ and Jacob ﷺ, One God, is worshipped alone without partners in every corner of the earth - that is our Master Muhammad ﷺ!
      Whereas the Messiah is `Isa ibn Maryam, Jesus son of Mary ﷺ, the King from Israel, the Successor of David ﷺ, who shall rule the world in the end of days (under the Law of the Gentile Prophet ﷺ) and bring peace to the world. Christians later interpretated the two prophecies to refer to the same person, but they were two different individuals, as conclusively evidenced in the Gospel of John 1:25.
      Allah and His Archapostle, the Gentile Prophet ﷺ, who brought Light to us unlearned gentiles in the furthest corners of the world, know best.
      Allahumma salli wa sallim wa baarik `ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa `ala AaliHi wa SahbiHi wa Sa`ir il-Anbiya`i wal-Mursaleen.

    • @abukareem6511
      @abukareem6511 Год назад

      ​@@moraitrmrian6171 thank you for this. Are you korean by any chance? Your avatar looks like a korean muslim.

  • @tornado1789
    @tornado1789 6 лет назад +16

    I want to thank dr. Ataie and Zaytuna College for this very informative lecture.
    Dr. Ataie is a good scholar, and I learn from him. However, there's an issue with his approach or let's say it's an issue with Zaytuna College as whole, which is that it's framed with the sufi perspective.
    Let's be honest here, sufism and in its deep philosophy has nothing to do with Islam. In fact, neither the prophet pbuh nor his companions had this approach to the teachings of Islam. Sufism in its philosophical depth is an eastern philosophy which got its way to the islamic community in th Abbasid period. Al-Biruni, the famous muslim scholar, mentioned that sufism is a concept brought from India.
    We see that dr. Ataie spent almost 40 min to establish that there's a good ground in the Islamic exegesis to interpret the scriptures according to typology and allegorical methods. Nevertheless, it seems he forgot to mention that these methods which got used extensively by Shias and Sufis have been heavily criticized by the muslim scholars. They are really an interpretive alteration for the texts. I know that dr. Ataie's phd thesis is in Hermeneutics. But let's face it! The hermeneutics is a method used by christians and jews because they have major contradictions in their scriptures. In contrast, in Qur'an we don't have this problem because Qur'an plainly indicates that jews and christians did (move the words of God from their proper positions).
    I think the threshold for dr. Ataie should've been what Qur'an means by Torah and Injeel.
    I like the examples he presented in the first part (straightforward prophecies). He should've added Daniel 2 & Hosea 9:6.
    Finally, I thank you again for this nice lecture.

    • @faithfulsoldier519
      @faithfulsoldier519 6 лет назад +10

      tonado 1 - You obviously have no idea about Sufism, just repeating the Wahhabi strawman argument. Why shall we leave the fourteen centuries scholarship for a 18th century Najdi one? Try to use reason, or at least read history a little bit!
      Just don't forget that Ibn Taymiyyah, the father of Salafism, whom which his teachings inspired Ibn Abdel-Wahhab in the 18th century, used to praise his Sufi Shaykh, Abdul Qadir Gilani, and used to say after mentioning his name "May Allāh sanctify his secret." And his disciple Ibn al-Qayyim authored a book called "Madārij as-Salikīn" which was considered as an encyclopedia of Sufis.

    • @tornado1789
      @tornado1789 6 лет назад +8

      Sorry, I was talking about the deep philosophiy of sufism. It has nothing to do with Islam.
      Leave this tone aside, and let's go the pure history of the prophet pbuh and his companions. *Did they teach this philosophy?* *The answer is no* . You know that sufi philosophy relies extensively on concepts which have nothing to do with Qur'an nor
      Sunnah. In fact, some of which are against Qur'an and Sunnah such as Waḥdat l-Wujūd which has been adopted by the famous sufi scholars. Don't be so sensitive about this matter.
      Regarding the interpretation of Qur'an, some sufi interpretations are great, and they are lined up with Qur'an and Sunnah, but most of which don't differ than Al- majlisy's one, a Shīʿah scholar, when he said the Sun means the prophet or the moon means Ali...etc, and that's why dr. Ali used that Shia exegesis in particular to legitimize his point about using this type of interpretation. This is absolutely an *interpretive corruption* for the text.
      Also, I'm sorry to tell you that your saying " _Why shall we leave the fourteen centuries scholarship for a 18th century Najdi one?_ " has no basis whatsoever! Rather many scholars were against sufism, especially the earliest ones such as *Imams Malik, Al Al-Shafi‘i, and Ahmed bin Hanbal* . All of them condemned sufism. Many scholars throughout the history of Islam condemned sufism as whole or condemned some aspects of sufism such as Ibn Al Jawzi,Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi, Ibn Taymmyiah, his student, and many others.
      Yes, we should respect scholars of Islam who adopt this philosophy, yet we should reject their wrong sayings.
      We are not catholics! The standard is Qur'an and Sunnah.
      The subject is not about Muhammad ibn Abdul-whhab who by the way was a great scholar of Islam.

    • @faithfulsoldier519
      @faithfulsoldier519 6 лет назад +6

      tornado 1 - What is the deep philosophy of Sufism? And how it goes against the Qur'an and Sunnah? Once you be clear in your talk, we can judge whether it goes with or against! As for Waḥdat l-Wujūd, most of Sufis, like Ahmad Sirhindi, rejected that term, because they saw that its not adequate to the doctrine which was given that term, because its far from being pantheism as how some people ignorantly think. It sees that there's no Being but that of Allah, and anything else you see in the creation, is an illusion, not that the creation itself is Allah, because whatever has an end is not Reality (Haqq)! And yes, it has its root in the Qur'an: "Everything will perish except His Face." (28:88)
      As for the Sufi interpretations and symbolism, many of the notable Sufis, like Muhyi d-Din ibn Arabi, said that its forbidden for the locals to read their books, because they're the only ones who understand their terms which they use, and not the locals. That may shock you, but do you really think that you know all the secrets of the Qur'an and the universe? No you don't! That's why, the Qur'an said: "Some of its verses are definite in meaning- these are the cornerstone of the Scripture- and others are ambiguous." (3:7)
      As for the main four Fuqaha (Jurists), know that their eldest, Abu Hanifa, is known to have adopt the mystical path, and as for al-Shaf'i, he had a Sufi Shaykh, Abu Thawr, whom which the great Sufi Junayd of Baghdad got his knowledge from him. As for Malik, he once said: "Truly none knows the inward science except those who know the outward science! When he knows the outward science and puts it into practice, Allah shall open for him the inward science - and that will not take place except by the opening of his heart and its enlightenment." (al-Qādī 'Iyād, Tartīb al-Madārik, 2:41) These words are purely Sufi words, and it is the inward meanings which you reject it and think that its an innovation! Don't forget that the Sufis follow the four Madhhabs in Fiqh, they don't declare themselves as Jurists, rather, they're mystics!
      So, throughout the Islamic history, Sufis were held in a high regard! And Ibn Taymiyyah changed a lot of what was predominant in Islam in his time, and many among the Maliki, Shaf'i scholars criticized him for that, but although of this, he never ceased in praising his Sufi Shaykh, Abdul Qadir Gilani. That's something which today's Wahhabis don't know about Ibn Taymiyyah!

    • @tornado1789
      @tornado1789 6 лет назад +5

      I know this subject will be sensitive for some, but I cannot help. Qur'an and Sunnah are our standard.
      Anything goes against Qur'an and Sunnah should be rejected. Wehdat Al Wajood is something that got debated extensively by the scholars of Islam. *It's not a new thing in the surface about Sufism* even if you think ignorantly otherwise. Scholars of Islam know very well what sufis mean, and from where they got this philosophy. As I said before Al-Biruni, the famous muslim scholar, mentioned that *sufism as a concept* is a concept brought from India. In fact, many aspects in sufism have their mirror in the eastern philosophy such as Al Fana' in sufism & the Nirvana in Buddhism.
      Regarding that the books of sufis cannot be understood by people is *just a deceptive excuse to get away from the consequences of these books and what contain of doctrines against Qur'an and Sunnah* . Muslims can understand the Qur'an which is the word of God, so why can't they understand the books of those people? Moreover, the ones who have condemned these books are scholars not just ordinary muslims although even ordinary muslims can see the falsehood in these philosophical aspects which have no basis in Islam. Abu Hanifa didn't adopt any mystical notion because sufi innovation had not entered the Islamic world yet, but some sufis tend to attribute sufism for anyone even for Sahabah and Tab'een, which is historically not true whosoever. Also, you have to know that some hanfi sufi wrote a whole refutation against Ibn Arabi. The matter has nothing to do with Ibn Taymiyyah as sufis like to think. *Sh Hamza Yusuf himself said that some sayings of Ibn Arabi is kufr in one of his videos* .
      You said some thing about illusion. You're right. Some sufi go to that direction, but others and many don't. In addition, the matter that the creations are just illusion is not true, and it's a false interpretation.
      My brother, the matter is not about what Ibn Taymiyyah said or what Ibn Arabi said. The matter is what Qur'an and Sunnah say.

    • @faithfulsoldier519
      @faithfulsoldier519 6 лет назад +3

      tornado - Still, you didn't show evidence for what are you claiming! And Al-Biruni was talking about ''Pantheism'' which no Sufi believes in it. Some people who failed to understand the words of Sufis, thought that they believe in Pantheism , although all of them without exception, knew very well that all their words are referring to the Infinite, not to the finite whom which they believe it to be a mere illusion.
      Abu Hanifa had a clear mystical side, and you speak about the term ''Sufism'' that it was not exist in his time, and maybe for that reason I didn't use it when I described him. Because Sufism is not about term, for neither the term ''Aidah'' or ''Fiqh'' was exist during the Prophet's time nor the Companions, but their realities were undoubtedly exist in them! To this, the 10th century Abu al hasan Fushanji says: "Today Sufism is a name without a reality. It was once a reality without a name." Commenting on this in the following century, Ali Hujwiri adds: "In the time of the Companions of the Prophet and their immediate successors this name did not exist, but its reality was in everyone. Now the name exists without the reality." (Kashf al-Mahjūb, 3)
      As for saying that there are similarities between Sufism and Buddhism, as well as Hinduism. Its not a proof that it was taken from them, when you can say the same thing about Islam as well. But its because the source at the beginning is the same, and then man corrupt the Divine Message. Mysticism is exist since creation, I can say that Ibn Taymiyyah's doctrine of Tajsim (Anthropomorphism) which inspired Ibn Abdel-Wahhab's theology, is taken directly from the Jews, who believed in a physical body to God.
      Also, there are many people who claim to be ''Sufis'' when in reality, they're not, they're just fond of it. Therefore, there's no argument if the words came from an ignorant person! But the history of Islam is filled with them, and the last Caliphate of Ottomans, was just a Sufi in nature. Yes, this Caliphate which the Wahhabis rebelled against it!

  • @shaheedhaabdulla4937
    @shaheedhaabdulla4937 3 года назад +1

    Alhamdhulillah.Great man.

  • @ShaykhAbidAlLutfi
    @ShaykhAbidAlLutfi 6 лет назад +8

    I would like to study there. Is there any way that is possible?
    I am from India. I have completed takhassus and daura Hadith in Kerala. But, doing a course at Zaytuna means a lot to me 'cause I would like to be able to talk about what I have learned in good English.
    Somebody reply!

    • @AbiGodinha
      @AbiGodinha 6 лет назад +2

      Here is the website for this college: Please note that this is a college. It offers four year and masters degrees, and holds students to a high academic standard. To study at Zaytuna, as with any college in the US, you will have to attend classes at the institution itself. If you are serious in your inquiry, you should not only contact someone from the college, but also look into US student visas. Good luck!

    • @michielvdvlies3315
      @michielvdvlies3315 4 года назад

      study satanism why would you even do that? if you study gnostic herecies you would know where muhammad the ear got his stories from!

    • @onedeep7574
      @onedeep7574 3 года назад

      @@michielvdvlies3315 , haters gonna hate!
      mark in the dark! We will dominate the earth! I pray your very progeny will become what you hate!☝🏼🏴
      🏴baqiyah 🏴

    • @michielvdvlies3315
      @michielvdvlies3315 3 года назад

      @@onedeep7574 yes allah is a hater and cant do anything but hate! your dictorial evil cult shows it! i never will become a follower of this evil demonic racist, fascist and sexual cult

    • @michielvdvlies3315
      @michielvdvlies3315 3 года назад

      @@onedeep7574 islam will dominate the world? so your quran and prophet where wrong??? (as usual)

  • @faridaali8758
    @faridaali8758 Год назад

    For Zaituna college choosing the Muntaha tree as its symbol signifies the need for an entity to rely upon subconsciously.Ironically the Buddhist teachings also regards a tree as the zen.

  • @foxosama5646
    @foxosama5646 4 года назад +3

    Why will Jesus say to the people "I don't know you,depart from me?'
    Simply bc Jesus Christ(Messiah) isnt God if the ppl was prophecying in his name and glorifying him he would not tell them to depart(get away from me). The Truth is hated the most and that is factsssss.
    Ishmael is the Son of Abraham and yall speak about him as if he's nothingg, shame on you.
    Deuteronomy 33:2 - A prophet from Mecca
    The LORD came from Sinai - having shone forth to them from Seir, having appeared from Mount Paran, and then approached with some of the holy myriads - from His right hand He presented the fiery Torah to them.
    - Devarim 33:2
    Al-Maghribi also considered this to be a reference to Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. It speaks of God sending a prophet to Sinai (Moses), then another to the village of Sa’ir near Jerusalem (Jesus) and the last prophet was sent to Paran, where Ishmael settled (Muhammad).

    • @seanavp
      @seanavp 4 года назад

      *Thank you, Jim.* *And, per usual, the Muslim stays quiet.*

    • @seanavp
      @seanavp 4 года назад

      *Right, Quran **2:10**6 is all about the Islamic law of abrogation.* *Allah is the most incompetent non-god creature in their made up universe.* *I don't think Allah replaced his words.* *I don't think it even extends or reaches this non-existent pagan moon god.* *I simply believe that this false Arabian prophet made things up as he went.* *The Quran is nothing but a huge self-serving prophecy of an illiterate 7th. century man-child playing death games in his over sized sandbox.* *And, if any of these Abdools of Muhammad want to challenge me with respect to the fake prophet of Islam being in the bible, I say come.* *God bless you, my brother.*

    • @seanavp
      @seanavp 4 года назад

      *Brother, do you know and watch Christian Prince?*

    • @micsaul7542
      @micsaul7542 4 года назад

      Funny, and yet lord is replacement just under 7000 times, the name, when told by every prophet is called upon for salvation. The lord is a violation of the commands from the earliest days of Tanak.
      Genesis 4:26 (KJV)
      And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.
      ...and the name? It’s in the Hebrew, so why not English, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, etc...
      “And to Shĕth, to him also a son was born. And he called his name Enosh. Then it was begun to call on the Name of יהוה.”
      ‭‭Berĕshith (Genesis)‬ ‭4:26‬ ‭TS2009‬‬
      ...and of the prophecies regarding the Jewels of God?
      ““And who is able to bear the day of His coming, and who is able to stand when He appears? For He is like the fire of a refiner, and like the soap of a launderer.”
      ‭‭Mal’aḵi (Malachi)‬ ‭3:2‬ ‭TS2009‬‬
      “And now we are calling the proud blessed - not only are the doers of wrongness built up, but they also try Elohim and escape.’ ” Then shall those who fear יהוה speak to one another, and יהוה listens and hears, and a book of remembrance be written before Him, of those who fear יהוה, and those who think upon His Name. “And they shall be Mine,” said יהוה of hosts, “on the day that I prepare a treasured possession. And I shall spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him. “Then you shall again see the difference between the righteous and the wrong, between one who serves Elohim and one who does not serve Him.”
      ‭‭Mal’aḵi (Malachi)‬ ‭3:15-18‬ ‭TS2009‬‬ people who are comfortable calling Him as their fathers called Him are in for a surprise. Jewels call upon His name!

    • @micsaul7542
      @micsaul7542 4 года назад

      Vanity is worthless or futilely...
      Deuteronomy 5:11 (KJV)
      Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold [him] guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
      ...what’s more futile than calling one in title who explicitly says not to make that name nothing. Lord is nothing but the man I pay rent to, or a pagan god.
      a thing made for a particular purpose; an invention or contrivance, especially a mechanical or electrical one.
      a plan or scheme for effecting a purpose.
      a crafty scheme; trick.
      a particular word pattern, figure of speech, combination of word sounds, etc., used in a literary work to evoke a desired effect or arouse a desired reaction in the reader:
      rhetorical devices.
      So fun to read the forward in the NIV, WHERE THEY ADMIT THE TRICK..
      In regard to the divine name YHWH, commonly referred to as the Tetragrammaton, the translators adopted the device used in most English versions of rendering that name as “Lord” in capital letters to distinguish it from Adonai, another Hebrew word rendered “Lord”, for which small letters are used. Wherever the two names stand together in the Old Testament as a compound name of God, they are rendered “Sovereign Lord”.

  • @shortclips4267
    @shortclips4267 2 года назад

    What that guy said in the introduction about brown people , muslim majors and muslim time is an offensive stereotype.. can’t comprehend how this can come from a muslim man.. at a cultural venue

  • @nicerperson1
    @nicerperson1 4 года назад +3

    A masters in Biblical study, yet he cannot read the Bible properly. It is no use plucking out a verse here and a verse there. For example, he talks about the references in the Gospel of John about the Paraclete.
    He says the coming of the Paraclete was dependent upon the going away of Jesus - But (he says) the Holy Spirit was already with the disciples when Jesus was alive, so it must mean someone else is the Paraclete (obviously hoping this is Muhammad). Just read the adjacent verses and you will see exactly who the Paraclete is and when he is coming.
    And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; (Comforter = Spirit of Truth)
    So is this Spirit of truth Muhammad? no, just read on.
    whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (You know him - who? Spirit of Truth)
    John 14:16-17: (Did the disciples know Muhammad? was Muhammad with the disciples? obviously not)
    Pay close attention: *_but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you_*
    That is in the present as Jesus is speaking.
    Then, more attention please: *_and shall be in you_* future tense.
    The Holy Spirit / Spirit of Truth / Comforter) was already *WITH* the disciples,
    but IN THE NEAR FUTURE - He will be *IN THEM*
    And when will this be? answer is below *_not many days hence_*
    And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, *_but wait for the promise of the Father,_* which, saith he, ye have heard of me. For John truly baptized with water; but *_ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence_*
    Acts 1:4-5:
    Jesus, after his resurrection, spoke to the disciples and told them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father.
    And this is what happened.
    And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
    *_And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost,_*
    and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
    Acts 2:1-4:
    So, go back to John chapter 14,
    1. Jesus says the comforter (paraclete) is the Holy Spirit Comforter is also Spirit of truth.
    2. Jesus says the disciples know him for He is with them. Spirit of truth already with them/
    3. Jesus says the Holy Spirit will be IN them rather than just WITH them
    4. Not many days hence, to stay in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father
    5. They are gathered together and are all FILLED WITH the Holy Spirit.
    See what happens when you pick out a verse, but then don't read the very next verse?
    And the same things go for ALL of the passages supposedly about Muhammad in the Bible.
    Cherry picking verses to change the meaning and context is deceitful. With a masters degree, why is Ali deliberately misrepresenting the words of the Bible?
    He does it because there is no other way to find Muhammad in the Bible - Although Muhammad IS mentioned,not by name, but by characteristics.

    • @AdamtheFreemason
      @AdamtheFreemason 4 года назад

      How is Muhammad "mentioned by characteristics" in the Bible ?

    • @nicerperson1
      @nicerperson1 4 года назад +3

      @@AdamtheFreemason Several times where Jesus mentions false prophets.
      Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
      Matthew 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
      Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect

    • @AdamtheFreemason
      @AdamtheFreemason 4 года назад +1

      Absolutely, "false prophets", I thought you meant specifics to Muhammad.

    • @nicerperson1
      @nicerperson1 4 года назад +1

      @@AdamtheFreemason Yep, that is the only mention of prophets to come, Jesus said "all prophets were until John (John the Baptist)" and in Hebrews "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
      Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;" There are no more prophets to come, yet the gift of prophecy is given to all believers as they need, as prophecy is one of the giifts of the Holy Spirit, so anyone claiming the rank or title of prophet is going to be a fake.

    • @justarshad8354
      @justarshad8354 3 года назад +1 pointed out the fault yet twist the verse and gave another interpretation.the early verse clearly says "comforter".it has other meaning also such as 'advocate'.when you read the first verse and come to the second verse clearly not talking about holy or whatever dumb spirit youre trying to fool yourself into believing.weak argument.lmfao
      Comforter=muhammad!you better bow and accept him as your prophet and king of kings.stop worshiping pagan greek fiction jesus.better repent before its too late lil boi.

  • @janiceshugantini14
    @janiceshugantini14 Год назад

    2john -9If anyone runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Jesus,does not have God

  • @gangadharatimothy7000
    @gangadharatimothy7000 4 года назад +4

    Believe in JESUS CHRIST

    • @greenprofile5755
      @greenprofile5755 4 года назад +7

      I am muslim so i believe in jesus
      Jesus circumsised
      Muslims too
      Christians not
      Bible - dont get drunk
      Muslims too
      Christians not
      Bible dont eat pork
      Muslims too
      Christians not
      Bible tells to believe in prophet mohammed pbuh
      Muslims do
      Christians dont

    • @AdamtheFreemason
      @AdamtheFreemason 4 года назад +1

      Christian's are classed as "gentiles" in the Bible.
      And where does it say " believe in prophet mohammed" in the Holy Bible.

    • @greenprofile5755
      @greenprofile5755 4 года назад +3

      @@AdamtheFreemason you picked one point and not the others
      They are all true
      How is ' gentiles ' relevant
      This video you should download and listen to on your travels
      Jesus said seek the truth and truth shall free you
      If you are a follower of jesus then have a listen to this
      Listen before you judge
      If you listen and aren't convinced then i would definately like to see whyвидео.html
      I am a revert to islam
      Hopefully inshallah you too

    • @AdamtheFreemason
      @AdamtheFreemason 4 года назад

      noun [ C ]
      UK /ˈdʒen.taɪl/ US /ˈdʒen.taɪl/

      a person who is not Jewish:
      Being a "Gentile" is relevant because most Christian's are NOT Jewish, and most of the Old Testament is aimed at the Jewish People. The Bible is full of "gentile" references.

    • @imamhosain4991
      @imamhosain4991 4 года назад +2

      as a Prophet and Messenger..but not God

  • @freecss1996
    @freecss1996 3 года назад

    بارك الله فيكم 🌹

  • @gabrielalvarado3348
    @gabrielalvarado3348 4 года назад +9

    Short answer: he ain't in it bro💀

    • @AdamtheFreemason
      @AdamtheFreemason 4 года назад +1

      Is Muhammad mentioned by NAME in the Holy Bible...............NO.
      Is Muhammad mentioned by DESCRIPTION...............................YES.............False Prophet.

    • @gabrielalvarado3348
      @gabrielalvarado3348 4 года назад

      @Muhammed-Yusuf Galatians 1:8 🙄

    • @gabrielalvarado3348
      @gabrielalvarado3348 4 года назад

      @Muhammed-Yusuf if this "fake preacher" is considered false and he was there right after Jesus' ministry, then what authority does Muhammad have when he was alive centuries after Christ?

    • @gabrielalvarado3348
      @gabrielalvarado3348 4 года назад

      @Muhammed-Yusuf also show me where this dude proves Muhammad is in the Bible 🙄

    • @huzaifanaeem835
      @huzaifanaeem835 4 года назад +2

      @@gabrielalvarado3348 in ur book its clearly mentioned that a prophet will come among Arabs. The prophet will pronounce his prophet hood near Mount of mercy. Same it happen. But in 1980s the pop said that this is fabricated verse of Bible so it was removed. Ur Bible looks like ferry tails to me and it was made fairy tales.

  • @yusufmaulgue8381
    @yusufmaulgue8381 15 дней назад

    Interesting that prophet Mohammeds(saw)1st wife Gadijas christian family member ..christian .noticed the sign or birthmark on his back ..and told him to cover it up protect him ...think it was before he recieved revelation?

  • @gangadharatimothy7000
    @gangadharatimothy7000 4 года назад +3

    Ridiculous Islamic heaven...
    Among the blessings that Allaah has prepared for His slaves are al-hoor al-‘iyn. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
    “So (it will be). And We shall marry them to Hoor (fair females) with wide lovely eyes”
    [al-Dhukhaan 44:54]
    “They will recline (with ease) on thrones arranged in ranks. And We shall marry them to Hoor (fair females) with wide lovely eyes
    [al-Toor 52:20]
    Al-hoor al-‘iyn are extremely beautiful, such that the marrow of their shins will be visible from beneath their garments. Every man who enters Paradise will have two wives from among al-hoor al-‘iyn. Allaah says, describing them (interpretation of the meaning):
    “Therein (Gardens) will be Khayraatun‑Hisaan [fair (wives) good and beautiful];
    Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny?
    Hoor (beautiful, fair females) guarded in pavilions;
    Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny?
    With whom no man or jinni has had Tamth [opening their hymens with sexual intercourse] before them.
    Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny?
    Reclining on green cushions and rich beautiful mattresses.”
    [al-Rahmaan 55:70-76]
    “And (there will be) Hoor (fair females) with wide lovely eyes (as wives for Al-Muttaqoon - the pious).
    Like unto preserved pearls”
    [al-Waaqi’ah 56:22-23]
    It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The first group will enter Paradise looking like the moon on the night when it is full, and those who follow them will be like the brightest shining star in the sky. Their hearts will be as one, and there will be no hatred or jealousy among them. Each man will have two wives from among al-hoor al-‘iyn, the marrow of whose calves can be seen from beneath the bone and flesh.” (Narratedby al-Bukhaari, no. 3014)
    It was narrated that Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: ‘Going out and coming back for the sake of Allaah is better than this world and all that is in it. And a spot the size of the bow of one of you in Paradise - or a spot the size of his whip - is better than this world and all that is in it. If a woman from among the people of Paradise were to look at the people of this earth, she would light up all that is in between them and fill it with fragrance. The veil on her head is better than this world and all that is in it.’” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 2587)
    A man will have intercourse in Paradise with his wives from among al-hoor al-‘iyn and his wives from among the people of this world, if they enter Paradise with him. A man will be given the strength of a hundred men to eat, drink, feel desire and have sexual intercourse. It was narrated from Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The believer in Paradise will be given such and such strength for sexual intercourse.” He was asked, “O Messenger of Allaah, will he really be able to do that?” He said, “He will be given the strength of one hundred (men).” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, no. 2459. He said, (it is) saheeh ghareeb).
    It was narrated from Zayd ibn Arqam that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “A man among the people of Paradise will be given the strength of a hundred men for eating, drinking, desire and sexual intercourse. A man among the Jews said, ‘The one who eats or drinks needs to excrete!’ The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to him: ‘The excretion of any one of them will be in the form of sweat which comes out through his skin, then his stomach will reduce in size again.’” (Narrated by Ahmad, no. 18509; al-Daarimi, no. 2704)
    The mufassireen said concerning the phrase “busy in joyful things” (Yaa-Seen 36:55 - interpretation of the meaning):
    ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood and Ibn ‘Abbaas (mayAllaah be pleased with them both), and Sa’eed ibn al-Musayyib, ‘Ikrimah, al-Hasan, Qutaadah, al-A’mash, Sulaymaan al-Taymi and al-Oozaa’i said concerning the aayaah (interpretation of the meaning),
    “Verily, the dwellers of Paradise, that Day, will be busy in joyful things” [Yaa-Seen 36:55]
    they said, (it means) they will be busy deflowering virgins. Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, according to a report narrated from him, that “busy in joyful things” means listening to stringed instruments. Abu Haatim said: he misheard the phrase iftidaad al-abkaar (deflowering virgins) and thought it was samaa’ al-awtaar (listening to stringed instruments). In fact the correct phrase is iftidaad al-abkaar (deflowering virgins). (Ibn Katheer, 3/564)
    With regard to children, the scholars differed as to whether children would be born as a result of this intercourse or not. Some said that there would be children if the man wants them, but the pregnancy and birth would take just one hour. Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If the believer wants a child in Paradise, the pregnancy and delivery will take only an hour, then the child will be the age that the man wants.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, no. 2487; al-Daarimi, no. 2712; Ahmad, no. 11339; Ibn Maajah, no. 4329).

    • @brucedoyle4984
      @brucedoyle4984 4 года назад +1

      They can have 72 virgins in heaven and are given sexual power same as their prophet to have sex with them all. Apparently Allah wants a brothel in heaven. Also their wives agree to this just shows how brain washed that are and how good a job Satan has done in deceiving these lost souls. I hope the will seek knowledge to the truth the light and the way in Jesus who died on the cross to save our sins Amen

    • @michielvdvlies3315
      @michielvdvlies3315 4 года назад

      islam is from satan. jennah is pure hedoism

    • @gangadharatimothy7000
      @gangadharatimothy7000 4 года назад

      @Shahid Imran Hussain write

    • @gangadharatimothy7000
      @gangadharatimothy7000 4 года назад

      @Shahid Imran Hussain what about you?

    • @gangadharatimothy7000
      @gangadharatimothy7000 4 года назад

      @Shahid Imran Hussain your quran . and hadith's are your own... Hand written , filthy and stupid books...

  • @raselkhandutta2203
    @raselkhandutta2203 3 года назад +1

    Yahshua Ha Nabi is Propecied in such a manner he will be Saved!! ...
    He is meantioned by nam of Yesa & Yahshua !! In Tanak ...Less than Muhammad saw but Many times indeed !! ..
    But Yashu ( christan jesus christ) is not in Tanak ❌
    Not a signal verse

  • @YsrAkhta
    @YsrAkhta 4 года назад +3

    Total nonsense!! Seek the light from me if you seek for Yeshouwa

    • @khalidibnwalid6336
      @khalidibnwalid6336 4 года назад +1

      So u r saying the Bible is nonsense lol

    • @seanavp
      @seanavp 4 года назад

      No brother, we are saying that Muhammad is not mentioned in the bible. Like Isaiah 42, Muhammad is missing. The prophet Isaiah had no knowledge of Muhammad. I have fairly studied this claim by Muslims and I find it to be erroneous. Do you have something you would like to add? This isn't a reason to fall out with my Muslim brothers, but the asserted claim needs to be corrected. Do you agree that we should allow the bible to speak for it's self independent from much later sources?

    • @andalusiaverroes365
      @andalusiaverroes365 4 года назад

      I can imagine ur face when u see the truth

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically 4 года назад

      @@khalidibnwalid6336 No your interpretation of the Bible is nonsense. Deuteronomy 18:15 says that the prophet must be from "among you" meaning the Israelites Moses was speaking to. Furthermore, verses 15-16tells us that "like Moses" is talking about the fact that Moses spoke directly to God. Nothing else. Sura 4:163-164 makes it clear that only Moses spoke directly to God. For us Christians, the New Testament says Jesus also spoke directly to God. This is the only quality of Moses mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:15-16.

    • @rhimedauka733
      @rhimedauka733 4 года назад

      People like you denied the truth as if youre a blind follower how can u denied this????

  • @stevenv6463
    @stevenv6463 2 года назад

    What about the date palm trees? What could that prediction of the prophet possibly be referring to?

  • @mylord9340
    @mylord9340 2 года назад +1

    Dr. Ataie continues to misinterpret the Hebrew scriptures with his reference to Isaiah 9:6. Again he isolates the verse from its context omitting what is said before it and after it. The verse reads
    "For a child has been born to us, a son has been given to us. He shoulders responsibility and the Wonderful Adviser, Mighty God, Everlasting Father will call him the Prince of Peace. His dominion will be vast, and he will bring immeasurable prosperity. He will rule on David’s throne and over David’s kingdom, establishing it and strengthening it by promoting justice and fairness, from this time forward and forevermore."
    Dr. Ataie omits the verse that immediately follows his quotation. The verse speaks about a King who is a descendant of David and who will sit on David's throne. Was Muhammad a descendant of David? Absolutely not. Did Muhammad sit on David's throne? Absolutely not.
    Further, Dr. Ataie mentions the story of Muhammad having the "mark of prophethood" between his shoulder blades. This is nonsense and no prophet of the Hebrew scriptures is ever described as having any such "mark of prophethood". That is an invention of the Muhammadans. Further the verse in Isaiah says nothing about the "child" having a "mark of prophethood". The verse says "responsibility or government is on his shoulders". Claiming that "responsibility is on his shoulders" means that it is speaking about some physical mark on Muhammad's body is simply egregious and desperate.
    Further, if one goes back to Deuteronomy 18, YHWH tells the Israelites how they will know that a person claiming to be a prophet is a true prophet. YHWH did not say that a prophet will have a "mark of prophethood" in his flesh between his shoulders. What nonsense. There is never any mention of Moses or Yeshua (Jesus) having any such skin markings confirming them as prophets. What nonsense. To know that a prophet is authentic YHWH of the Hebrew scriptures is reported to have said in Deut:18:20-22.
    "But if any prophet presumes to speak anything in my name that I have not authorized him to speak, or speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die. Now if you say to yourselves, ‘How can we tell that a message is not from the Lord?’- 22 whenever a prophet speaks in my name and the prediction is not fulfilled, then I have not spoken it; the prophet has presumed to speak it, so you need not fear him.”
    I think Dr. Ataie is assuming that his audience are ignorant sycophants, and that they will be in awe of his credentials, that none of them will study these verses for themselves to see his distortions. This is absolutely disgraceful stuff.

    • @shukeelc5177
      @shukeelc5177 2 года назад

      If that was true the Jewish scholars would have come forward to debate him, however they have not done so because they know he speaks the truth

    • @mylord9340
      @mylord9340 2 года назад

      @@shukeelc5177 sometimes it is pointless to have debates with people who blindly believe that what they believe is the truth and everyone else is wrong. I have pointed out very clearly why Dr. Ataie distorted the meaning of the Jewish scriptures. Debates are often just a show where people can be evasive and use their eloquence to mesmerize the audience. I have in these comments shown you that Ataie is wrong. Take one of the examples I have pointed out. Can you not see for yourself that Ataie distorted the meaning of the verses?

  • @saadkhanzada6409
    @saadkhanzada6409 2 года назад

    Does anyone know the name of the Egyptian scientist mentioned at 1:39:45?

  • @madinaman
    @madinaman 3 года назад +1

    How come the moderator said, "He is exploring the areas that are not part of the muslim DNA field. He definitely outside of the muslim DNA field ?"
    Don't you think that Allah commanded muslim in the Qur'an to believe in the previous scriptures too ?
    And, what should muslims have to believe if they don't read & study them ?

  • @MUZLIM1234
    @MUZLIM1234 2 года назад

    MashAllah…. JUST MashAllah

  • @abdulmatin7294
    @abdulmatin7294 3 года назад

    Walaikum Salaam Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barkatuillah brother

  • @bandanim9417
    @bandanim9417 4 года назад

    Thanks a lot for this precious lecture, but I highlight that hadith "prophetic house is like Noah hid..." is not authentic hadith (حديث موضوع)

    • @yojan9238
      @yojan9238 4 года назад

      Who define it maudhu'? According to which 'mustholah hadith' kitab?

  • @aumyousefnasser9359
    @aumyousefnasser9359 2 года назад

    Mash Allah Walden

  • @williamlincoln9044
    @williamlincoln9044 Год назад

    Numbers 23:19 KJV - God is not (LIKE) a man, that he should lie....

  • @fs5297
    @fs5297 3 года назад +1

    58:55😲😲😲 this verse!

  • @courag1
    @courag1 3 года назад

    That anyone could not recognize the term “Prince of Peace” as Jesus who healed many and never killed anyone and even stopped Peter from cutting off the servant of the High Priest, then, instead think that Muhammad who participated in killing 700 Jews, a man like Adolf Hitler and calls Muhammad the “Prince of Peace”, how can a well-educated person be so ignorant of all the slaughter Muhammad participated in.
    How can one who not only killed many men himself and whose life has inspired jihad and the putting to death of so many that it is impossible to count if you look at all these killed by Muslims from Muhammad till modern times, clearly you cannot understand that peace means you are not waging war at all.

  • @chocolatte9459
    @chocolatte9459 3 года назад +1


  • @abdelkarimkeraressi1418
    @abdelkarimkeraressi1418 3 года назад +1

    They have know. Ilitrate prophète and prophet Mohamed he is one who angel jibrail tell him read he said im not reader .

  • @iThinkBiblically
    @iThinkBiblically 4 года назад +1

    Seriously, Muslims are really desperate to find Muhammad in the Bible. The prophet like Moses is one who speaks directly to God. This is clearly presented in Deuteronomy 18:15-16. Because Israel was afraid of God speaking directly to them God spoke instead to Moses. In this context, this is the only meaning of a prophet like Moses. Nothing else matters. Muhammad never spoke to God directly. This is made clear in Sura 4:163-167. According to the Quran only Moses spoke directly to God. According to the Gospels, Jesus spoke directly to God. This is the only meaning if a prophet like Moses in the context.

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically 4 года назад

      @@someone4897 Those points are irrelevant. You have to look at the context on the verse to know what it means when it says "like Moses". The context gives us a specific attribute (someone who speaks directly to God) in Deuteronomy 18:15-16 The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him. FOR THIS IS WHAT YOU ASKED of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, “LET US NOT HEAR THE VOICE OF THE LORD OUR GOD nor see this great fire anymore, or we will die.”
      So you see the specific attribute like Moses is the fact that Moses spoke directly to God. Muhammad did not speak directly to God, Jesus did.

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically 4 года назад

      @@someone4897 No the text does not say one of the brothers of Israel. It says in verse 15 " from among you". The Hebrew word is "keh'-reb" which means "inward part, midst". So the prophet must come from the midst of Israel. Also, verse 18 says "Brethren" referring to the twelve brothers that make up the twelve tribes of Israel. Jesus came from Judah and so he was from the Brethren of Israel. Ishmael was Israel's uncle not his brother. At least get that right if this lecture was suppose to be a scholarly one.

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically 4 года назад

      @@cosmicorphan738 no Muhammad did not get his revelation for God. Sura 4:163-164 says it was sent down to him like the other prophets but that Moses spoke to God directly.

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically 4 года назад

      @@someone4897 You're not looking at the passage very carefully. Deuteronomy 18:15 states the God will raise up a prophet like Moses. Deuteronomy 18:16 continues the discussion and says "FOR THIS IS WHAT YOU ASKED OF THE LORD YOUR GOD". Think about this point carefully. The Israelites did not ask for a prophet that was married, they did not ask for a proper to come with more laws. They did not ask for a prophet to be buried in a grave. THEY ASKED FOR MOSES TO SPEAK TO GOD FOR THEM!!!!!!!!! READ THE PASSAGE PROPERLY.
      Once you understand this very simple point, which is really childcare level, then you can see what God meant by a prophet like Moses. As Sura 4:163-164 tells us, Muhammad did not speak directly to God did he? No he didn't case closed.

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically 4 года назад

      @@someone4897 You obviously don't know the simple meaning of the word "Brethren" do you? The nation of Israel was comprised of 12 tribes from the twelve sons of Jacob (that makes them brothers) Dah!! Ishmael was not their brother, nor was he their cousin... he was their great uncle. So brethren refers to the 12 tribes of Israel not Ishmael. Furthermore, in Deuteronomy 18:15 Moses says that the prophet will come from "among you" referring to the Israelites. The word "Among" is "Kereb" which means "in your midst or inner parts". So it's not Muhammad.

  • @idolwrecker
    @idolwrecker 4 года назад

    Chicken Tikka masala is the gift from Muslims of sub-continent to the world.

  • @philosophicalneo
    @philosophicalneo 2 года назад +1

    Jesus was baptized and born with no earthly father. He was a prophet, a priest, and king - even the Messiah. He was chaste, performed miracles, and died for His faith along with every one of His apostles. He appeared to be the pinnacle of prophets, messengers, and even martyrs.
    Why does Muhammad not have any of these qualities? How can characteristics of a previous prophet supersede those of the final and best prophet?

    • @wudafek8561
      @wudafek8561 2 года назад +2

      Muhammad is more like Moses than Jesus.

    • @philosophicalneo
      @philosophicalneo 2 года назад

      @@wudafek8561 youre right. only in the fact that he was purely a man :)

    • @crimsoncloak6564
      @crimsoncloak6564 2 года назад +3

      Really? The prophet produced miracles, fought for the protection of his loved ones from the torture inflicted by the pagans, came from the most backward civilisation - which he transformed with his own to hands which defeated the then Sassanids and Byzantines.
      He became a orphan at a young age, - yet grew up to be the most influential man to ever exist.
      Jesus forgave everyone of the Cross, from a position of failure, Muhammad forgave inhuman torture of years from a position of power.
      What is more morally superior?

    • @cainblue448
      @cainblue448 2 года назад

      @@crimsoncloak6564 What torture?

    • @MShreefUK
      @MShreefUK 2 года назад

      Read his Seerah (biography) and gain knowledge yourself, friend.

  • @AdamtheFreemason
    @AdamtheFreemason 5 лет назад +2

    If verse 12 is about Muhammad, who is verse 11 about.
    Isaiah 29:11
    “And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:”

    • @AdamtheFreemason
      @AdamtheFreemason 5 лет назад

      I really think you ought to watch this video by Brother David Wood, Amber.видео.html
      Zakir Naik Calls Muhammad a Spiritually Blind Moron!
      Is Muhammad mentioned in the Bible? Muslim apologist Dr. Zakir Naik claims that Isaiah 29:12 is a prophecy about Muhammad. However, Isaiah 29:12 is about spiritually blind people who rebel against God and make excuses for rejecting his revelations. The passage goes on to say that God will punish these spiritually blind people by taking away their wisdom and intelligence. Hence, if Isaiah 29:12 is about Muhammad (as Zakir Naik claims), then Muhammad was a spiritually blind moron! Once again, Dr. Naik proves the opposite of what he intends to prove.

    • @AdamtheFreemason
      @AdamtheFreemason 5 лет назад +1

      Not a authority, but a damn good deliverer of the truth, but if you want to be ignorant, that's fine by me.

    • @villiestephanov984
      @villiestephanov984 5 лет назад

      Daniel's vision

    • @27273100
      @27273100 5 лет назад

      Adam Halstead -- Why hasn't Mohammad been mentioned by name? That would have definitely cleared up centuries of confusion.

    • @reneandjohn
      @reneandjohn 4 года назад +1

      First of all, there is no prophet mentioned at all in Isaiah 29. Now let's read Isaiah 29 in CONTEXT, verse 1: ”Woe to you, Ariel, Ariel, the city where David settled! Add year to year and let your cycle of festivals go on....”
      Ariel which means "lion of God" or "lioness of God" and is a name applied to Jerusalem. So NO prophet. So the islamic ‘scholar’ in this vid is also lying and deceiving.
      Now read verse 9-13 also in context. "Be delayed and wait, Blind yourselves and be blind; They become drunk, but not with wine, They stagger, but not with strong drink. For the Lord has poured over you a spirit of deep sleep, He has shut your eyes, the prophets; And He has covered your heads, the seers. The entire vision will be to you like the words of a sealed book, which when they give it to the one who is literate, saying, "Please read this," he will say, "I cannot, for it is sealed." Then the book will be given to the one who is illiterate, saying, "Please read this." And he will say, "I cannot read." Then the Lord said, "Because this people draw near with their words And honor Me with their lip service, But they remove their hearts far from Me, And their
      Well if verse 12 refers to Muhammad then clearly verse 13 refers to his listeners. So if in Isaiah 29:12 Muhammad is mentioned then his listeners, the Muslims, removed their hearts far from the Lord and their reverence is human made.

  • @Sinnfullworld
    @Sinnfullworld 3 года назад +1

    I admire Dr Alie Ataie but I am forced to do this comment. The Brother Who made the Introduction made an error. That's racist , the coming on time thing and the people of color. How dares he put all people of color in one box. May Allah forgive.

    • @jallohumaru9732
      @jallohumaru9732 2 года назад +1

      You don't need to reply to that point
      just let it go
      And doctor ataie spend nearly 2 hours for our sake but you said anything about that

    • @jallohumaru9732
      @jallohumaru9732 2 года назад

      You don't

    • @Sinnfullworld
      @Sinnfullworld 2 года назад

      @@jallohumaru9732 remember the Hadith of the prophet Brother. Anyone who sees something wrong, he ……?

    • @shukeelc5177
      @shukeelc5177 2 года назад

      Nothing racist at all about it. We are almost always late with everything. We evenhold up planes at the airport because we can't get to check-in on time

  • @mylord9340
    @mylord9340 2 года назад

    I would love to have a one on one discussion with Dr. Ataie to talk about all the inconsistencies and anomalies in this lecture. For this lecture he took the position that the Hebrew scriptures, the Tanach, has not been textually altered. However he claims that the Jews have either misread their texts or ignored texts that mention Muhammad. Now in regard to the Christian writings he quotes Paul of Tarsus, a man who can be shown to be a liar and a spreader of falsehoods, to be the example to follow when reading the Hebrew Tanach.
    Paul of Tarsus, demonstrably misquotes the Hebrew scriptures and changes the actual meanings of those texts to invent his theology. Why would anyone adopt the mischievous methodology of a liar? Paul claimed that the Hebrew scriptures should be read with a preconceived bias so that almost any verse of the Tanach could be interpreted as a reference to Yeshua (incorrectly Jesus). So Dr. Ataie wants to follow Paul's example and find Muhammad in verses of the Tanach.
    Dr. Ataie stated that both Paul and Muhammad accused the Jews of not knowing their scriptures and of being blind to the real meaning of their scriptures. The truth is the Jews did now their scriptures and when they pointed out Paul's B..S... he accused them of being blind. Paul claimed that the Messiah was god and that god became flesh, suffered, died for the sins of the world, and was resurrected. The Jews told Paul that was not prophesied in the Tanach, and it is not.
    Does Dr. Ataie agree with the Jews about those things or does he agree with Paul that the Messiah was to suffer, die for the sins of the world, and then be resurrected? Who does Dr. Ataie think were correct on those matters?
    Paul accused the Jews of being blind to the meaning of their scriptures. And we all know that the victors write history. Throughout the Christian New Testament the Jews are accused of being the bad guys. Similarly if Hitler had won WWII, history would have been written differently and the Jews again would not have been portrayed as victims but as a detrimental group to society deserving their extermination.
    Then Dr. Ataie gave quotations of Yeshua from the Christian Gospels. Why? Those with knowledge are aware that the Christian Gospels are anonymous books written 40 to 60 years after the reported death of Yeshua. We have no way of knowing whether any of those words attributed to Yeshua were actually said by him. So why does Dr. Ataie quote those words and tell those stories from anonymous sources? The answer is that he wants to use Paul's mischievous methodology and apply it to finding Muhammad in the Hebrew scriptures in the same way that Paul, the liar, claimed to find Yeshua mentioned in the same Hebrew scriptures.
    Dr. Ataie claims that the scriptures have multiple layers of meaning. That is the claim of a scoundrel who seeks to invent new ideas and new religions because it is the methodology that can be used to alter the real meaning of a text to invent something new. This is a curious methodology as Dr. Ataie spent the beginning of his lecture scolding the Jews for doing the same thing. Dr. Ataie claimed that the Jews either ignored Muhammad in the Bible or that they changed the meaning of the verses of the Bible. Then there goes Dr. Ataie systematically altering the real meaning of the verses from the Bible to claim that those verses are speaking about Muhammad.

  • @matthewpaulson6497
    @matthewpaulson6497 2 года назад

    Muhammad in the Bible:
    Matthew 24:11
    Deuteromomy 18:20
    Jeremiah 23
    Isaiah 64:11

  • @hiddengospel
    @hiddengospel 3 года назад

    Know this. YEREMYAHU-Jeremiah at verses 51:11 and 51:28 properly translated is "KING of the MEDES" concerning the once and for all "Faithful and Righteous Destroyer of BABYLON"ie. ALL FALSE ie. PRETENTIOUS MISADMINISTRATION on EARTH! What is the correct vocable for the word translated "MEDES" in the original tongue? It is MAH-DA-HEE ie. "MAHDI"!
    WHO then is the MAHDI? Note that Eoshu promised He would return as the "ROOT and OFFSPRING of DAVID and BRIGHT MORNING STAR!" What is the CORRECT pronunciation concerning that one called "CYRUS the GREAT" at ISAIAH 44-45-46? His title is called "THE KURTI"! KUR=SUN TS=RISE .. the RIGHTEOUS KING OF THE EAST!"
    Many Islamic theologians have come to the realization that the DHUL QARNAYN, the ZOL KARNEIN of their Koran's surah passages at Al-Kaph Surah 18:83-98 that the CHRISTIANS ie. KORETSYAHNEA ie, KURDISHYAHNEA were yet WAITING FOR .. is in fact THE KURTI, the RIGHTEOUS KING OF THE EAST, the KING of the MEDES and PERSIANS who English translators called "CYRUS the GREAT!" This is EXACTLY Eoshu haKurti said He shall RETURN AS to PERFORM ALL that was to be EXPECTED according to the words of the HOLY PROPHETS of ISRAEL! (Revelation 22:16-21, 16:12-21, Revelation 6:12-7:2>-

  • @mylord9340
    @mylord9340 2 года назад +1

    I have already described how Dr. Ataie used eisegesis in his talk about Genesis 49:20 and Matthew 21:43. Recall that Dr. Ataie himself explained the difference between exegesis and eisegesis. Exegesis is the task of discerning the intrinsic meaning of a verse of scripture while eisegesis is interpreting a verse with one's own preconceived ideas. Dr. Ataie 's talk is a classic case study in eisegesis. He begins with the conviction that Muhammad is mentioned in the Bible then he cherry picks verses of the Bible and interprets those verses with Muhammad at the center of them.
    Now many Muhammadans will object to my criticism and point out that Dr. Ataie has a PhD and that he knows Arabic, Greek, and Hebrew. Therefore Dr. Ataie could not be mistaken or incorrect in his understanding of these verses. And that is how millions of people are mislead. What they do not understand is that Dr. Ataie in one regard is no different from them. He like them believes whatever Muhammad said. If Muhammad said he is mentioned in the Bible, then Dr. Ataie is going to find those verses that he thinks speaks about Muhammad.
    My problem with Dr. Ataie is that he willfully, and I believe knowingly, distorts the real meanings of those verses as I pointed out in my previous comment. Now I would like to show that he did the same thing with Deuteronomy 18:18. At 45:33:
    "I will raise up a prophet like you for them from among their brethren. I will put my words in his mouth and he will speak to them whatever I command."
    Dr. Ataie claims that this prophet mentioned in this verse is speaking about Muhammad. The first thing that Dr. Ataie gets wrong is that the verse is not speaking about one specific prophet or a particular prophet. This error is caused by reading the verse in isolation from its context and the classic error made in misinterpreting verses. According to Hebrew mythology, when the Israelites were given the Torah at Mount Horeb, they were terrified by all the lightening, thunder, earthquakes, and smoking on the mountain. They asked Moses that he speak to them rather than them hearing directly from YHWH. In Deuteronomy 18:18 in response to that request YHWH indicated that he would speak to the Israelites through other men, prophets, like Moses. They would no longer hear the voice of YHWH directly but through prophets. Even though the verse uses the singular "prophet" it is not speaking about one specific prophet. The verse is followed by a test to determine whether a prophet is from YHWH or not.
    "But if any prophet presumes to speak anything in my name that I have not authorized him to speak, or speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die."
    As is clear, the verse is not speaking about one specific prophet but all prophets. Then as is obvious, in Hebrew mythology there were numerous prophets mentioned in the Bible that came after Moses. The verse is not a prophecy about Muhammad as Dr. Ataie suggests. All Deuteronomy 18:18 is saying is that YHWH will speak to the Israelites through other human beings like Moses and that He will not speak to the Israelites directly.
    The second error or distortion made by Dr. Ataie is that when it says in the verse that the prophet will be "from their brethren", Dr. Ataie says "brethren" here refers to the Edomites. He points out that in Deuteronomy 2 the descendants of Esau living around Mount Seir, called the Edomites, are referred to as the "your brethren". Dr. Ataie claims that the verse is speaking about one specific prophet who would come from the Edomites. And then Dr. Ataie deceptively states that the Edomites were Arabs. This is where it is difficult for me to think of Dr. Ataie as innocent of wanton distortions.
    First, it is quite clear from the context that "your brethren" refers to the Israelites because it is to them that YHWH is speaking. That is the obvious meaning without any biases. Now the Edomites were not Arabs as Dr. Ataie claims. They were a people that lived outside of Arabia and had their own kingdom. I will not waste my time explicating this as anyone can do a Google search about Edom and the Edomites and they will not find anywhere that the Edomites were considered Arabs.
    Dr. Ataie may defend himself by saying he did not say that he believes these things are absolute truth. As he stated in his talk, the verses and his commentary about them are "interesting" to think about. However, when you have a belief that Muhammad is mentioned in the Bible, when you title your lecture as "Finding Muhammad in the Bible", when you have a PhD and teach at a university, when you know Arabic, Hebrew, and Greek, what impression do you think your listeners will come away with? They will believe that these verses speak about Muhammad which is your agenda from the beginning.
    It bothers me to see people being misinformed by people like Dr. Ataie who know better. What Dr. Ataie did with these verses of the Bible is exegetical homicide. His talk is a classical case study in eisegesis.

    • @Ashleii
      @Ashleii 2 года назад

      It would be interesting to know what your qualifications are

    • @mylord9340
      @mylord9340 2 года назад

      @@Ashleii I would find it more interesting to know your thoughts on the substance of my critique.

    • @FarhanAli-qo9we
      @FarhanAli-qo9we 2 года назад +1

      I have a counterargument. if the verse in deuteronomy is talking about just prophets among the Israelites then why does kt also say later on in deuteronomy that there came no prophet like moses to the israelites? if you interpret "your brethren" as israelites you have a direct contradiction in the text

    • @mylord9340
      @mylord9340 2 года назад

      @@FarhanAli-qo9we thanks, I like a counterargument. I will get back to you in a couple of hours

    • @mylord9340
      @mylord9340 2 года назад

      @@FarhanAli-qo9we Before I address your counter argument I want to remind you of something that Dr. Ataie said in this lecture. Dr. Ataie stated that he was NOT saying that these particular verses of the Bible are speaking about Muhammad with any certainty. The verses and his commentary about them were only "interesting" to think about. What I find deceptive about his lecture is that after making that disclaimer, he went on to give his audience the impression that the verses were about Muhammad. It is like someone saying - "I am not saying you are fat" but then goes on to point all the reasons why you are fat.
      As I thought I detailed in my original post, Dr. Ataie claimed that when it says in Deuteronomy 18 that the prophet will be "from their brethren", Dr. Ataie says "brethren" here refers to the Edomites. He pointed out that in Deuteronomy 2 the descendants of Esau living around Mount Seir, called the Edomites, are referred to as the "your brethren". I said and I quote myself - "Dr. Ataie claims that the verse is speaking about one specific prophet who would come from the Edomites. And then Dr. Ataie deceptively states that the Edomites were Arabs. This is where it is difficult for me to think of Dr. Ataie as innocent of wanton distortions."
      "First, it is quite clear from the context that "your brethren" refers to the Israelites because it is to them that YHWH is speaking. That is the obvious meaning without any biases." YHWH is not telling the Israelites that he was going to send a prophet from Edom to continue Moses work. The Edomites were idolaters who worshipped other gods. Jacob (whose name was changed to Israel) and Esau were twin brothers and sons of Isaac. That is why the Edomites were recognized as "brethren" to the Israelites.
      To get some context, read Deuteronomy 18 from the beginning. First the text speaks about the Levitical priests and how they were to function among the Israelites. Then the text warns the Israelites against imitating the practices of the gentile nations around them. Specifically, the Israelites were not to practice divination and soothsaying, that is they should not try to figure out the future by using those practices. INSTEAD, YHWH informed through Moses speaking to them that YHWH would raise up a prophet or prophets like him (Moses) "from your midst from among your own people." In verse 15 the actual wording in Hebrew is translated as "from among you from your own brethren". The "you" in "from among you" refers to the people that Moses was speaking to, the Israelites. Moses was NOT speaking to the Edomites. From the context therefore those prophets would be coming from within the Israelites and not from some outside group of people.
      Now go to the book of Joshua and read chapter 1. There you will see that after the death of Moses, Joshua assumed the leadership and prophethood from Moses over the Israelites. YHWH fulfilled his promise to the Israelites that he would not speak to them directly and that when Moses was gone, he would send a successor like Moses. This is what is written..
      "After Moses the Lord’s servant died, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ assistant: 2 “Moses my servant is dead. Get ready! Cross the Jordan River. Lead these people into the land that I am ready to hand over to them. 3 I am handing over to you every place you set foot, as I promised Moses. 4 Your territory will extend from the desert in the south to Lebanon in the north. It will extend all the way to the great River Euphrates in the east (including all Syria) and all the way to the Mediterranean Sea in the west. 5 No one will be able to resist you all the days of your life.
      "As I was with Moses, SO WILL I BE WITH YOU. I will not abandon you or leave you alone. 6 Be strong and brave! You must lead these people in the conquest of this land that I solemnly promised their ancestors I would hand over to them. 7 Make sure you are very strong and brave! Carefully obey all the law my servant Moses charged you to keep. Do not swerve from it to the right or to the left, so that you may be successful in all you do. 8 This law scroll must not leave your lips. You must memorize it day and night so you can carefully obey all that is written in it. Then you will prosper and be successful. 9 I repeat, be strong and brave! Don’t be afraid and don’t panic, for I, the Lord your God, am with you in all you do.”
      Then in verse 16, the Israelites respond to Joshua.
      16 They told Joshua, “We will do everything you say. We will go wherever you send us. 17 Just as we obeyed Moses, so we will obey you. But may the Lord your God be with you as he was with Moses. 18 Any man who rebels against what you say and does not obey all your commands will be executed. But be strong and brave!”
      As was stated in Deuteronomy 18, "I will raise up a prophet like you for them from among their fellow Israelites. I will put my words in his mouth and he will speak to them whatever I command. 19 I will personally hold responsible anyone who then pays no attention to the words that prophet speaks in my name."
      In verse 18:16 the Israelites agreed to follow what they were commanded to do. They would obey Joshua in the same way that they obeyed Moses, and anyone who did not obey Joshua would be executed. So the "prophecy" in Deuteronomy 18:18 was fulfilled in Joshua.
      Lastly, Dr. Ataie falsely claimed that the Edomites were Arabs. False. Abraham had two sons, Isaac and Ishmael. The Arabs were the descendants of Ishmael, NOT Esau the ancestor of the Edomites.
      Note that there is a Hebrew word for Arabs or the people who lived in Arabia. The Hebrew word is "Arabii". If would have been more interesting if in Deuteronomy 18:18 YHWH had said that he would raise up a prophet like Moses from the "Arabii".
      Now to your counter argument. You think that just because in Deuteronomy 34: 10 it is written that no prophet ever again arose in Israel like Moses, that is a contradiction to what I have said. Here is the verse.
      "Now Joshua son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had placed his hands on him; and the Israelites listened to him and did just what the Lord had commanded Moses. 10 No prophet ever again arose in Israel like Moses, who knew the Lord face to face. 11 He did all the signs and wonders the Lord had sent him to do in the land of Egypt, to Pharaoh, all his servants, and the whole land, 12 and he displayed great power and awesome might in view of all Israel."
      The verse specifically gives the reason and explains why Moses would be different from all other prophets. It is because Moses "knew the Lord face to face" and Moses was responsible for bringing the Israelites out of Egypt. Those things would not be duplicated. So although the Israelites were to obey Joshua in the same way that Moses was obeyed, Joshua did not see YHWH "face to face" as Moses did when he received the Torah. There is no contradiction. Moses was the ONE and ONLY lawgiver to ever be in Israel. That Torah was to be perpetual. There was no need for another lawgiver to come. In that way Moses would be unique among the Hebrew prophets. I hope that clears up what you think is a contradiction. The key to properly understanding any text is to let the text speak for itself instead of trying to force your own ideas and beliefs into the text. That is what Dr. Ataie did throughout his lectures. Exegesis and NOT eisegesis. Sorry for my lengthy response, but I like to be thorough.

  • @rizwanramzan5729
    @rizwanramzan5729 4 года назад

    Question for Dr. Ataie:
    For the 2nd coming of Jesus it safe to think the Madhi is assuming the role as "Elijah?"..Because the Madhi will proclaim Jesus pbuh as the Messiah when he returns in Damascus. So the Madhi is acting like Prophet Yayah (John the Baptist)? Correct?

    • @MShreefUK
      @MShreefUK 2 года назад +1

      It's unsafe to deduce things not clearly mentioned in the Sunnah. What we know about Mahdi from correct Sunnah is that he is just a man. Even our position towards him is that we don't recognize him as Mahdi till the major sign of his arrival happens, which is the earth swallowing the army that goes to fight him, even if all the other characteristics are there.

  • @bojekG
    @bojekG 3 года назад


  • @truthseeker9693
    @truthseeker9693 5 лет назад

    For a balanced Seismically sound academic on the corruption of the Jewish and Christian scriptures read:
    Though as Muslims,our evidences for the validity of Allaah's Messenger's nubuwwah-sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam-is beyond any mortal's personal guesses and/or opinions,yet Dr Ataie's presentation here is full of proofs that can be strongly defended as excellent arguments.
    However,he ruined this presentation by positing that he is "not sure" that those references are proofs.He also said that they are his "guesses".I have watched some of his debates and arguments in his younger years and those are 'eemanic" and definitive.But with a PHD and knowledge of the original languages of the Judo-Christian texts,he should do better in his Islamic apologetics but he has not in this presentation.If this lecture had been titled "Guesses of Dr Ataie on Finding Muhammad-sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam- in The Bible" ,I do not think many will bother themselves to listen.
    People listen to and watch speakers like Sheikh Ahmad Deedat and become Muslims or gain strength in their eemaan though the humble Sheikh had no PhD.PhD especially under kuffaar,at secular institutions,etc carry some poisons that taint convictions,it seems.I have observed this in a number of former Muslim apologist-may Allaah preserve us and them and grant us istiqaamah upon bayyinah.

  • @hiddengospel
    @hiddengospel 3 года назад

    READ WELL! ISAIAH 41:21-43:15 as a continuation of ISAIAH 40:1---16 as compared to ISAIAH 44:20-45:6>--46:8-13 as compared to ROMANS 14:10--18 and PHILLIPIANS 2:9 knowing that ISAIAH spoke of one who a SECOND TIME shall RESTORE the TRIBES of ISRAEL as ONE PEOPLE, even to RETURN BACK to THEIR ANCIENT LAND! NOTE also that this ONE who shall HONOR to EXALT the NAME of the HOLY ONE of ISRAEL must do so FROM and IN THE EAST and in the LATTER-DAYS from the *WEST even unto the EAST .. .from the *RISING OF THE SUN to the SETTING DOWN THEREOF! (ISAIAH 24:1--*22-23>=25:1-3>-10, 26:7---21, 59:8--60:1-*12>-61:1-5, HOSEA 11:5---16, 44:20-45:6>--46:8-13 ... Romans 14:10-12>--18 .. Philippians 2:9) YOUR RULERS are to be BLAMED for this IGNORANCE! SHAME be on ALL who not discerning the FAITH that is FAITHFUL unto ONE, have TRUSTED in the VARIANT MISconceits AGAINST PEACE that THEY YOUR RULERS ARE and have been for MANY MANY CENTURIES of GENERATIONS! (Psalms 2)
    The RULERS could NEVER TELL that the SAVIOR is ONE CHOSEN to DELIVER His PEOPLE from ALL THEY who DECEIVE THEM! (Psalms 2) It is such a SHAME that under the RULERS of this EARTH who have done so POOR a JOB, that the MASSES know SO LITTLE concerning the BIBLICAL "SECRET CITY PROPHECIES!" Unto YAH FULLy as HE IS be the Might, Majesty, Supreme Sovereign HONOR and ALL Due Reverent PRAISE ALWAYS! Hallelu'YAH!

  • @seanavp
    @seanavp 4 года назад +1

    Muhammad is NOT in the bible. Please, challenge me if you think I'm wrong. How this so-called professor can lie like this is absolutely embarrassing. This guy has no business teaching.

    • @armanshaikh6188
      @armanshaikh6188 4 года назад +2

      Now hebru muhammadim

    • @seanavp
      @seanavp 4 года назад

      Right, there is no Hebrew Muhammadim. Lol....the Quran forces Muslims to defend the indefensible.

  • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
    @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 4 года назад

    47,00 duer 2, land of edom your brother.
    isiash 9,5 talks about khatum nabi.
    Vieyikra is in active and there is a subject/act doer and subject.
    6 says also God and wonderful counselor named his prince of peace and authority.
    6 For a Child hath been born to us, A Son hath been given to us, And the princely power is on his shoulder, And He doth call his name Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace.
    This also contradicts the bible, jon 17 : 3 - Jesus says you oh Father are the only true God and I am Jesus who finished his work ( before crucifiction but praying for the final prophet , so Jesus's gospel or good news is the coming of Islam - Dan 2 : 38 -44, Islam from Arabia took Iran and Rome like in Isaih 42)
    1.11.00 - q and A

  • @trappedinexistence
    @trappedinexistence Год назад

    there is no intercession on the day of judgement

  • @nasserfirelordarts6574
    @nasserfirelordarts6574 Год назад


  • @arabianknight0000
    @arabianknight0000 2 года назад

    Such a knowledgeable man, but please brother, loose the bow tie

  • @syedmuhammaddanielhassnain5990
    @syedmuhammaddanielhassnain5990 2 года назад

    1:05:00 may be the black stone.

  • @poovunilavu4570
    @poovunilavu4570 3 года назад

    Dr. Ali Ataie iടn't he expressing himself a stupid?

    • @saywhatuwanttosay
      @saywhatuwanttosay 2 года назад

      No. He is expressing the human worshipper stupid. Like u 😂😂😂

  • @jadengreen929
    @jadengreen929 4 года назад

    Muhammad is in the bible just read Philippians 2: 9-11.

  • @janiceshugantini14
    @janiceshugantini14 2 года назад

    Finding mohamad in the Bible there is nothing

  • @nicerperson1
    @nicerperson1 4 года назад +1

    -+Now for Ai's attempt to formulate "three lines of prophecy" in the gospel of John. John was asked are you "that prophet" (the prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18) or Messiah or prophet ELijah. Now these are the same Jews who believed there were two Messiahs and did not recognise Jesus as Messiah. There would be Messiah coming as conquering king and also the "suffering servant" Messiah - they believed if Israel was faithful to the Torah, Messiah ben David would come, if Israel forgot the Torah, they would have Messiah ben Joseph. These ones asking had no light - they did not recognise John the Baptist as the harbinger of Messiah, come in the power and spirit of Elijah, as the messenger before the Lord (Jehovah) from Isaiah 40:3 and Malachi 3:1. Here are the great prophecies from Isaiah and Malachi.
    Isaiah 40:3
    The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
    Here we have someone telling everyone that GOD is coming.
    Malachi 3:1
    Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me:
    Here we have GOD speaking, saying that He (GOD) is sending a messenger to prepare the way for Him (GOD) and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.
    And GOD will appear as the messenger of the covenant, the Lord whom you seek.
    Now who does John the Baptist claim to be? is he Elijah reincarnated? no, is he "that prophet" - no, is John the Messiah? - no - so who does John claim to be?
    Well just after John is questioned by the priests and Levites he says this:
    John 1:19-23: *And this is the record of John*
    when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou?
    And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ.
    And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he saith, I am not.
    Art thou that prophet? And he answered, No.
    Then said they unto him, Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself?
    He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.
    So John said he was the messenger preparing the way for GOD Jehovah to come, the messenger mentioned in prophecy to appear and prepare the way of the Lord.
    John was not physically ELijah, but he was in the Spirit and Power of Elijah, as mentioned by Jesus.and also told to Zecharius by Gabriel (see Luke 1:9-19)
    So what does that make Jesus?
    We also read this in the gospels
    Mark 1:1-4: The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God;
    As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
    John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.
    John the Baptist prepared the way for the coming of Jehovah as Lord Jesus.
    A description of Elijah:
    2 Kings 1:7-8: And he said unto them, What manner of man was he which came up to meet you, and told you these words? And they answered him, He was an hairy man, and girt with a girdle of leather about his loins. And he said, It is Elijah the Tishbite.
    A description of John the Baptist
    Mark 1:6-8: And John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins; and he did eat locusts and wild honey; And preached, saying, There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose. I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.
    *AND i ALSO PRAY THIS that the light of the gospel lights up your heart*
    _*For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ_

    • @paloolap541
      @paloolap541 4 года назад +1

      Please pray also for me. I was a muslim and before being muslim I was atheist.
      I did a lot of bad things especially while I was muslim.
      Plaese pray for me, I've found the Light now, but still can't understand the Bible properly.

  • @punisherlee
    @punisherlee 2 года назад

    My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate (parakletos) with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world - 1 John 2:1-2.
    This is not an indication that "any" man can be called parakletos, but an indication that Jesus Christ, though man, is the same similar (because of His divine nature) to the parakletos mentioned in John 14 & 16.
    John 14:16 - the parakletos abides with Jesus's disciples forever
    John 14:26 - it is explicit, the Holy Ghost is the parakletos, The Holy Ghost comes in the Father's name (Yahweh) and the Holy Ghost will bring to His disciples' remembrance *all that Jesus has spoken to them*
    *Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.* - John 14:17 (this alone disproves any relation of the parakletos to anyone except the Holy Ghost).
    1. "The world cannot receive because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him" - If you say Mohammed wasn't seen yet at that time because he came later, it can pass. But look at the next point.
    2. "But ye know him; for he dwelleth with you" - How can the disciples of Jesus know Mohammed? Was Mohammed living with the disciples of Jesus? Definitely not. Secondly, how do Jesus's disciples know the parakletos if the parakletos is the Holy Ghost which hasn't been given? Simple. That is Jesus. The Father, the Son and the Spirit have but one Spirit. That is why the Biblical scriptures would synonymously call 'the Spirit of God' by the name 'the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit in Christ (being the Holy Spirit) is the way in which the parekletos is dwelling with Jesus's disciples. *Parakletos is in Jesus, Jesus is with the disciples, therefore, parakletos dwelleth with them.*
    3. "and shall be in you." - This is the last and final promise Jesus gives of the parakletos. If this parakletos is Mohammed, how shall Mohammed be in the disciples of Jesus? That is blatant dishonesty to the truth of any sort. Jesus is promising His disciples of the power and workings of the Holy Spirit which will be given to them. As Jesus is physically present, He willingly put a cap on his abilities, but when His flesh is gone, and His Spirit then *dwells inside* of His disciples, they will work exceedingly great things which He has promised.
    Dishonest to put Mohammed in this.
    You didn't give the full quotation
    *Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.* - 1 John 4:1-3.
    The way you test the spirits or prophets is by their confession. If they confess that Jesus who came in the flesh is God, then the spirit is of God. If they deny that Jesus who came in the flesh is not God, then the spirit is not of God. And we know where Mohammed can be found.
    Again, if you say that the Holy Spirit was already at work in the world before Jesus made this promise, then how did Mohammed show Peter, James, John, Andew, Simon, Bartholomew, Simeon, and the other disciples of Jesus things which Jesus did not say. Jesus did not give room for reinterpretation in His teaching on this subject. If the parakletos is not the Holy Spirit, then the parakletos did not show the disciples of Jesus the things to come which Jesus spoke about.
    As the speaker said, and so I conclude, if you do not want to pass by and pick what suits you, then you cannot conclude that Mohammed is spoken of by Jesus.

  • @fevzicakmak5010
    @fevzicakmak5010 2 года назад

    Prinz von Arabien

  • @peterrawlinson935
    @peterrawlinson935 5 лет назад +2

    Yeah, "this one doesn't need a lot of commentary"... exactly! (58:35ff min. of the video) I'm sorry to say, but it is shamefull that such a respected scholar like you quote Isaiah 29:12 as "straightforward prophecy" of Prophet Mohammed (SAAW) while ignoring the whole context in which the illiterate is accounted among bad people. No biblical scholar will ever agree with your interpretation. Also, early Muslim scholars never cited Isaiah 29:12 as a reference to Mohammed (SAAW). Rather you should try to explain rationally the texts you are quoting instead of "cutting" them from their proper context. This illiterate person from Isaiah 29:12 is clearly put in a negative context.

    • @amrshatlaa9617
      @amrshatlaa9617 5 лет назад +2

      Bare with me . the quran repeatedly reminds Muhammad that he was an illiterate person and god graced him with knowledge "وَمَا كُنتَ تَتْلُو مِن قَبْلِهِ مِن كِتَابٍ وَلَا تَخُطُّهُ بِيَمِينِكَ ۖ إِذًا لَّارْتَابَ الْمُبْطِلُونَ" this means "(Prophet!) you read no book, nor did you write one with your own hand before this (Qur'ân was revealed). (Had it been so,) those who declare (it) as false could then (have the cause to) entertain some doubts". Quran also reminds arabs in general that this religion "islam" came to teach them as they were ignorant religion wise "It is He Who has sent amongst the Unlettered an apostle from among themselves, to rehearse to them His Signs, to sanctify them, and to instruct them in Scripture and Wisdom,- although they had been, before, in manifest error " Friday 62-2 .
      The point is when gabriel first came to muhammed and said to him one word """READ""" but muhammad was still that illiterate who doesn't know god like it says in "isaiah" so he said i cannot read 3 times gabriel asked and 3 times muhammed replied i cannot read . until gabriel recited the first verse to come to muhamed "Surah Al-'Alaq" "1 Read in the Name of your Lord who created,
      2 created man out of a germ-cell,
      3 Read: And thy Lord is the Most Generous,4
      Who teacheth by the pen, 5
      Teacheth man that which he knew not.
      and to muslims that's not shame , mohammed (pbuh) calls himself god's (slave) as do all muslims , for pride is the contrast of faith and humility is it's evidence ,,, i mean satan was cast out of heaven for pride . and in the end only god knows what's right may Allah be praised in all languages and religions .

    • @gangadharatimothy7000
      @gangadharatimothy7000 4 года назад +2

      They follow taqiya ,the lie.....

  • @matthewpaulson6497
    @matthewpaulson6497 2 года назад

    It is silly to say "Allah" makes your tongue prostrate. ?!?!

    • @WestSideBarson
      @WestSideBarson 2 года назад

      You do realize Allah just means God right? Lol

  • @Michal10
    @Michal10 3 года назад

    Respect for the religion of others! We Christians have that respect. We do not take the Qur'an in our hands and do not look in it for what is not there! (God's trinity). That is why I expect Muslims not to take the Bible, the word of God into their hands, and to lie publicly that there is a prophet Muhammad in the Bible! We also don't make cartoons on him! So don't insult the Bible and our faith!

    • @azirla719
      @azirla719 3 года назад +1

      Bible clearly foretells muhammed in isa8h 42 ok

    • @Fahad-gf1wx
      @Fahad-gf1wx 3 года назад +2

      Tell that to those crazy evangelicals who burn quran a d make cartoons

  • @babadook1593
    @babadook1593 4 года назад +1

    I agree that the bible does indeed prophesy about muhammad in the book of Matthew 7:15
    Matthew 7:15
    Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

    • @medseff436
      @medseff436 4 года назад +3

      This verse talk about liar like Paul the liar, as he described himself in,
      Romans 3-7 " For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner?"

    • @traveler8010
      @traveler8010 4 года назад +1

      You have no evidence to cite that Prophet Muhammad(SAW) is the false prophet. You ask for evidences to prove Prophet Muhammad(SAW) is the prophet, but you yourself does not cite evidences to prove that Prophet Muhammad(SAW) is not the prophet.

    • @babadook1593
      @babadook1593 4 года назад

      @@traveler8010 whatever wacko go and follow blindly what you want to believe but dont use the bible that you muslims say is false and untrue due to this that and the other to prove your paedophile prophet muhammad. He has not fullfil any prophecy to be given the title prophet. He only fulfilled false prophecy making him a false prophet. You claim the quran to be original yet stories stolen from Torah and Bible are in the quran. Go and worship your moon rock idol you infidel but leave the Holy Bible alone.

    • @babadook1593
      @babadook1593 4 года назад

      @@medseff436 med seff you need some serious enlightenment. Like I said go and worship your moon rook god alillah you infidel but leave the Holy Bible alone. You dont even know what is written and why it is written the way it was. Go and read Isaiah 34:16 ...for this you will never know what is written.

    • @traveler8010
      @traveler8010 4 года назад

      @@babadook1593 Muslims believe bible and Torah came from the same God. Quran is the last book to come from God, which is the confirmations of the stories in Torah and Bible. In the Quran exists many scientific miracles, which is proven today. How would you explain that?
      You make fun of Prophet Muhammad(SAW) but you see Muslims never make fun of Prophet Jesus(May Allah be pleased with him). Does your religion say to disrespect other religions? To me, Muslims respects your religion than you do for their religion.

  • @abiyahbendavid3018
    @abiyahbendavid3018 4 года назад

    The Quran denies Christ death and that God didn’t raise him from the dead in the Torah it says in Romans 10:9 If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord,"(on earth) and believe in your heart that God(MostHigh) raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

    • @eddine2339
      @eddine2339 4 года назад

      The Bible claims that God will save his messiah and no harm will touch him
      Psalm 91
      8 You will only observe with your eyes
      and see the punishment of the wicked.(J)
      9 If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
      and you make the Most High your dwelling,
      10 no harm(K) will overtake you,
      no disaster will come near your tent.
      11 For he will command his angels(L) concerning you
      to guard you in all your ways;(M)
      12 they will lift you up in their hands,
      so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.(N)
      13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
      you will trample the great lion and the serpent.(O)
      14 “Because he[b] loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
      I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
      15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
      I will be with him in trouble,
      I will deliver him and honor him.(P)
      16 With long life(Q) I will satisfy him
      and show him my salvation.(

    • @eddine2339
      @eddine2339 4 года назад

      Open your eyes and don't believe the nonsense the church teaches you

    • @Leo-wy1by
      @Leo-wy1by Год назад

      Romans is not part of the Torah, romans is written by Paul the apostate…also the messiah was supposed to be saved, that’s what the Tanakh says

  • @Nehemia83
    @Nehemia83 4 года назад +2

    I am not a doctor nor a religious scolar but I can easily refute him on ALL his bible quotes! Unless you twist scriptures or take them out of context or in some instances just flat out lie you won´t be able to find an arab prophet in a jewish scripture! I am sorry guys but no Jew was waiting for an arab prophet to come 600 years after christ!

    • @AdamtheFreemason
      @AdamtheFreemason 4 года назад +2

      Absolutely, they are so desperate to validate their false religion and false prophet, they are willing to "distort" holy text, take vastly out of context words such as "Machmad" and believe it says "Muhammad" when in fact Machmad is a "description" and NOT a name, and eradicate the word "LORD" (i.e. Isaiah 42:12), in order to put Muhammad in there. Muhammad was JUST a messenger, yet they are trying to deify him, as something more than a mere messenger.

    • @Nehemia83
      @Nehemia83 4 года назад +1

      @Ornando Dijks There is no use in posting a lengthy refutation here.. Muslims wouldn´t be open to the facts anyway! They follow the false prophet and his man-made book blindly! And anyone who is versed in the bible, especially in the old testament does not need to be convinced that an arab coming 600 years after christ claiming to be a prophet is a fraud! Like I said no one awaited the coming of a final prophet!

    • @AdamtheFreemason
      @AdamtheFreemason 4 года назад +1

      @Ornando Dijks
      The Muslim god "Allah" is NOT YHWH, the God of the Jews and Christian's. Jews and Christian's DO NOT bow down to the Kaaba, which is IDOL worship, OR, revere the Black Stone, which is STONE worship. If you want some "Sahih" hadiths to confirm this, I'll gladly give you some.

    • @AdamtheFreemason
      @AdamtheFreemason 4 года назад +1

      Absolutely, well said.

    • @Nehemia83
      @Nehemia83 4 года назад +1

      @Ornando Dijks Okay my friend let us end this argument in a second! I´ll prove to you right now that Mohammad is a false prophet and that he made up the quran from legends and stories he heard! Please take your quran and go to 9:30! As I have asked many muslims and not a single one was able to come up with a real answer! You please tell me who is Uzair and then bring me any historical proof from jewish sources that this man was regarded by the jews as son of god! Good luck and I am looking forward to hear from you ;-)

  • @fxorigins6624
    @fxorigins6624 2 года назад

    maybe find a sister who wear correctly...zzzz

  • @dqschannel
    @dqschannel 3 года назад

    I guess Aisha had a time machine and was describing Muhammad.

  • @villiestephanov984
    @villiestephanov984 5 лет назад +1

    @ 0:45:33 the attempt to reveal Mohammed Deuter. 29:15 not so much 18:18…………
    Q2 @ 1:13:12 - No! The paraclete passage it is Deuter. 11:2 -6 in the midst of all Israel as Revelation 10:4……..…
    @ 0:40:50 Genesis read thus in English :""" SS 14:18 + 21:17 "" , which is no way , shape or form of Jacob's deathbed in your [ *7:33 ]...........
    *7:157 is about: 'Muhammad the unlearned' ; written Isaiah by them in the Torah and Emmanuel of the NT, where JOHN declare : " Do not call Jesus the son of Marry one of the 3".............
    (( I would pretend that 157- 258 is the subject of my adoration ? 😄))