Finally, someone talented has analyzed the musical structure of Thelonious Monk compositions. Wonderful lesson. You have the ear to get it right. My uncle was Steve Lacy and he spent decades working with Monk's ideas and structures. Art Tatum, Bud Powell, and the "Sphere" - What a terrific subject for analysis. I love playing "Reets and I", after the way Bud structured it.
Hey Don, I remember you from S.U. You played a Les Paul (and were very good) and had a Boss Tone--? Amazing coincidence seeing your comment here ... or is it? (Pls disregard if this isn't you!) Be well!
This is great. I've heard Monk pull this out several times. Thanks for the lesson!
Finally, someone talented has analyzed the musical structure of Thelonious Monk compositions. Wonderful lesson. You have the ear to get it right. My uncle was Steve Lacy and he spent decades working with Monk's ideas and structures. Art Tatum, Bud Powell, and the "Sphere" - What a terrific subject for analysis. I love playing "Reets and I", after the way Bud structured it.
Hey Don, I remember you from S.U. You played a Les Paul (and were very good) and had a Boss Tone--? Amazing coincidence seeing your comment here ... or is it? (Pls disregard if this isn't you!) Be well!
Excellent video! Thanks for taken the time to show that lesson. I'll work on getting that down.
thanks it sounds great!It's also nice playing it ascending or descending 32nds G-Ab-G-F and D-Eb-D-C
He does a similar run on Let's Cool One except he plays a descending arpeggio of Ebmaj6 where he adds a chromatic approach note below the 6th.
Nice run. Thanks for that.
I learned about shell voicings and monk stride runs from this, good stuff!
Very enjoyable lesson. Thank you.
Amazingly helpful, thanks!
I enjoyed this video. Thanks!
This pattern would work great over a Maj#11 ending chord. Try it out.
I think you should re-tune the unisons for those keys in the upper register. They got an awful vibe (2:12). What piano is that? Yamaha maybe?
Would you do a lesson on modes? For example, In the key of F, what would you do for a run on the Lydian -- b natural?
holy dickens. thanks for the great lesson!
Where are you located? Would love to take lessons from you
In wich art tatum song, and monk song can I find this run?
Almost any Monk song. A good place to start would be his Colombia solo recordings.
I look outside if it’s raining.