“Sat shri akaal”! As a Christian pastor, I appreciate you taking time to explain your understanding of Christianity from a Sikh perspective. Through we obviously have disagreements at a foundational level, I thank you for trying represent our beliefs accurately. I am currently trying to do the same in helping my congregation understand Sikhism from a Christian perspective.
Only God can forgive sins because sin is an offense against God. No human being, including the human gurus can forgive sins. In fact they themselves say they are sinners, so how can they forgive others when they need forgiveness for their own sins!
Christ is no human guru, plz do research before talking about Christianity, ppl be forgetting he died and was resurrected, all the other prophets died but they never resurrected
What is the link to God to cleanse our sins. At what stage one can confidently say that his sins are forgiven. Is there any one say I have been forgiven by God and now can meet God face to face. Is not God holy and also loving. How can holy God just spare some one without judging for the sins and how can loving God just judge us for our sins. I believe Jesus is the link to holy God because he claimed the only way truth and life. He took all the judgement upon Him. He is God in human flesh. Please research all this truth in the Bible. God bless you brother
I was raised Christian, been looking into Sikhi for a couple years, but lately I've actually reexamined the Christian faith and found the Orthodox Church, which has a different view from what you might typically find in the Catholic or innumberable Protestant offshoots. It honestly reminds me a lot of Sikhi, and I feel like I understand Naam better through the Orthodox concept of the nous and Theosis. At the same time, I don't think I would have understood or appreciated Orthodoxy if I hadn't spent time learning Sikhi. I think I'm ultimately going to dive deeper into the Orthodox Church, Hukham placed me in a Christian family afterall, but still respect and admire Sikhi.
There is no salvation in Sikh I respect everyone but everyone need to know Jesus is the Lord There is no one who can sayJesus is Lord except the Holy Spirit
@@opindersingh2105 There is salvation in Sikhi as it teaches us to become one with Waheguru, which is The Lord. You can call him Jesus, God, Waheguru, different names but it all refers to the Eternal, the Creator. It is all One. However, I respect your views as well
Opinder Singh The Holy Spirit is in all of us. And Sikhs say exactly that. I'm Orthodox Christian and a student of Christian theology my entire life and my friend... Sikhs worship God the creator. Baptized Sikhs have 10x the discipline and dedication to God (and Goodness itself) than a normal Christian; they live a far more Christlike existence than 99% of Christians (and that 1% is dedicated Orthodox). The desert fathers and pre-300ad Christians understood this; you have to have a humble demeanor, tempered diet, moral lifestyle, acceptance of a higher calling, and intent to gently spread positivity & wisdom to be a person of God. Sikhs and true Christians do exactly that. Saying "my religion is right and therefore I'm saved and no other religion is" is truly for faux-Christians, no sense saying stuff like that man because that's not helping you or anyone else.
@Jesus he Prabu hai A man in the desert, meditates and has never sinned...will he not go to heaven?. The way you are talking is what pushes many born Christians away from the faith.
The main difference coming from a Christian perspective is to convert the whole world into Christians while on the other hand the Sikhs perspective is to make the whole world a better place and unite and unify all religions/people. In Search for God, The God of Spirituality" All religions teach that every man has a potential to reach God, but practically they say: Only “our” religion is the true religion to realize that potential. Yes, every man can reach God but he has to reach through our way: I often hear Christians say unless you follow Jesus Christ you have no chance. But the same is said by Krishna (Hindu God): "If you surrender to me, leaving everything aside, I will take care of you, you need not worry." And the same is true about all other religions. They seem to be competing shopkeepers -- everybody is trying to sell his thing: his holy book, his messiah, his prophet, his God". But Sikh religion does not belong to this category. The message of Guru Granth Sahib Ji is universal and does not claim any monopoly in being the only door for liberation.
I am proud to be a Christian✝🙏, and I respect the sikh people very much and at the end of the day it's all about being a good human being to live as a brother and sister in love, 🙏💗
I just became a Christian I have is in Sikh before thank you so much for the Lord Jesus Christ he help me with holy spirit Holy Spirit on me So I can confess Jesus is Lord and he say where he died on the cross for my sins thank you so much I want all everyone in this world everyone to become Christan but it’s up to the father who draws his attention to him
Your good works won't save you though. It is a free gift from God that you get by believing in what Jesus did on the cross and how he defeated death. He died and his Holy Spirit poured out for us. If you try to pay for salvation with your good works then you haven't received that gift. It is absolutely free. If someone gives you a gift and you pay them a dollar then you didn't receive a gift, you bought it for one dollar. The good works happen automatically when the Holy Spirit lives in you and changes your heart and mind and you get new desires and become born again. If you believe Jesus died for you then you are already saved. Repent, invite in the Holy Spirit in, trust Gods plan for your life and worship and praise God in every circumstance no matter if its good or bad. Read the Bible every day to feed your soul and spirit to be closer to God! 🙏❤ God bless you mightily!
It’s said the guru Nanak dev ji didn’t do miracles because to show he was divine but was divine which is why he did miracles and only to help people in the most modest of ways 🙏🏽
as in Romans 5 : 1 sin is actually a done deal by Jesus taking the punishment on our behalf. In Sikh sin is never a done deal because if God did not take the punishment for us, each human being must bear the punishment for their own sin. While our sin has been atoned for we still have to resist the temptation to sin while on this earth because we still have a sinful (but redeemed) nature. Confessing and receiving God's gracious forgiveness is the wonderful life of those who have believed that when Jesus died in the cross, our sin is forever a "done thing"!!
Jesus paid a debt he did not owe so that we could receive a gift we do not deserve. That gift is eternal life in a perfect world. Jesus' life, death and resurrection were prophesied many years before he came to live on this earth among us. He lived, died, and was resurrected just as the prophetic scriptures had stated he would. That being said, I certainly appreciate this video and the information given by the teacher. He explained things very well, and showed sincerity and compassion in his lesson. I think Christians can find much similarities between our beliefs, more than most separate religions can. I now realize why Sikhs do not believe in Jesus the same as Christians do. I can only pray Sikhs can come to realize why the Bible teaches what it does about Jesus. There is so much more to it than mere martyrdom. I have "liked" this video and have subscribed to this channel so that I can learn more. I do appreciate how this lesson was presented.
well i hve studied Christian faith but it sounds so man made like imagine me sayn a guy wass born out of a virgin women & get martyr for our sins.. so this means we cn do as mny sins as we wnt & all we gatta do is say jejus is ma lord to forget the sins sounds bit vage.. on other hnd SIKHI believe on karma & naam jaap which mke a lot more sense to me & to other people in general thass y christianity is an incomplete faith & mean while SIKHI is the complete truth
The gospels are not historically reliable according to most bible scholars, especially not the gospel of john that was written 90-100ad. The gospels were written not by the apostles they are named after, but by anonymous authors, according to most bible scholars. Whoever wrote them clearly had an agenda, and molded the life of jesus in such a way to conform to prophecies in the old testament, and also to incorporate jewish mythological figures like Moses. Basically, your claim that Jesus fulfilled prophecies is as fraudulent and deceptive as Titus, a text of the new testament supposedly written by Paul but is actually a forgery, like many other texts in the new testament. Anyone who researches these things can verify as truth what I have wrote.
@@acesius393 I’m intrigued about what u have wrote, I believe in naam, and karma. I believe In one and only god. And what to know more about what u have said about titus being forged. Can u plz eleborate. Are there any studies or videos we can watch on RUclips or online?
It's worth pointing out that at the time chirst forgave sins, the sacrificial system was still in place. At the time he died on the cross the temple sacrifice was no longer accepted. The temple some years later gets destroyed hence the jews no longer sacrifice. Christ is the ultimate blood sacrifice that atones for our sins.
@ Paddy Singh. Jesus Christ not only forgave people, he restored sight of the blind, healed man with leper, healed paralysed man, walking on water, making the storm and angry sea calm, giving life to dead people, even when the dead body was smelling. And How come no man in History has rose from the dead. Jesus is God not only because he performed miracles, died for every humans sin's, he died and on the 3rd day rose again from the dead. There is no man who have done so many miracles and giving life and died and rose from the dead. And do you know how Paul became Paul. He was earlier Saul, who was Jew and was killing all the christians and he was going to Damascus to catch the Christians and bring them to kill. "And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven. "And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?" "And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks." "And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man."
@@paddysingh1912 Hi brother, hope you are doing good. Thankyou for your reply. I liked your questions. I understood there are different questions in your message. Hence I will try to answer one by one. Before that while you read, i would request you to keep an open mind and think, and come to a judgement using skepticism. 1) Jesus performing miracles outside Bible - Check history of Judaism, you can find numerous sources saying about the miracles of Jesus (some Jew sources say Egypt claims Jesus got miracle performing powers from Egypt, some Jew sources say Jesus used evil to perform the miracles, some Jew sources say Jesus was practicing Magic, etc, etc) But one common thing you will understand from all different sources is that JEWS ADMIT THAT JESUS DID PERFORM NUMEROUS MIRACLE, SOME JEW SOURCES SAY JESUS DID AMAZING DEEDS. Apart from Judaism, you can check Quran. Quran is not showing the history, but as you asked where else is Jesus's miracles mentioned, thats why. Quran says with specific words that Jesus healed leper and blind people, and Jesus gave life to dead people.
@@paddysingh1912 2) Your misunderstanding about Gospel of John written by Paul - Gospel of John was written on around AD 90. Paul died in around AD 64. You can search this anywhere, you will find this. Then how a person who died in around AD 64 can write a Gospel in around AD 90? Gospel of John was written by John. And I guess you know that its said in several places in Gospel of John that Jesus claims that he is God, thats why you are asking me to show me where did Jesus said he is God in Gospels other than of John's. As you can check and understand that Gospel of John was not written by Paul, then you can check and see that several places in gospel of John - Jesus claimed to be God. And simply I will tell, if Jesus didnt say he is God and he didnot do the miracles and he didnt die and rose from the dead, then Christianity wouldnt start in the first place.
@@paddysingh1912 3) Anti-Paul idea - And I guess you have a Anti-Paul idea. May be you got this idea from other people's words or you made it yourself. But I would suggest you before getting an Anti-Paul idea, please check and verify, use your skeptical mind to come to a judgememt. Why did Paul become Christian in the first place? I answered this in the prior message. And you should understand that Paul was a devout Jew, who was kind of a perfect Jew who was well praised in his community. Would a person like this turn to another religion? The reason he persecuted Christians is because he was a devout Jew and he had a belief that Jesus was not the Jew Messiah who was promised by God. Thats why he couldn't bare to see people saying Jesus was the promised Messiah. That is why he was persecuting all the Christians who were being converted from Judaism. And then the incident took place which changed his life totally, by which the Jews who were praising about him started to say ill about him, and everyone was persecuting him. Most of the letters written by Paul which are in the Bible were written by him when he was in prison, because he was now a devout Christian. If he wanted to write anything, he would write about himself, praising himself, but he wrote about Jesus. If a person is writing about praising another person there would be 2 reasons : 1) He would be asked by the person about whom he is writing to write in pressure from that person or from that person's people. 2) He would write about this person because he wants to, because he believes in this person's claims. As you know he was in prison when he wrote all these letters. He was not imprisoned by Christians. He was in prison because he spoke about Jesus. So he was not in a pressure from anyone to write good about Jesus. And later he died because he was speaking about Jesus. He knew he would die because of this, Still he didnt stop. Search and check about this and use your skeptical mind to come to a judgememt.
@@paddysingh1912 4) Trinity - Let me first explain about Trinity before answering you other questions. Christian Concept of God is that God is one but God is 3 persons. The Trinity is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I will try to explain this to you - God told Moses in the Torah (Holy Book of Jews, which is also called Old Testament in Holy Bible) to tell God’s people these words : "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD" (Deuteronomy 6:4). "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3). You can see the same thing in the New Testament : This is a story of a man who knows the Torah well. He came to Christ to ask him questions and Jesus answered him. "And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all? And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord. And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these". (Mark 12:28-31) So we got that God is one, now i will try to explain how he is three persons. God is beyond our comprehension and he is greater than anything we can imagine. I guess you know that. Imagine im drawing you a picture - God is at the top of the paper. Drawing a cloud around him because he is far away, unapproachable and mysterious. Now drawing at down of the paper a man on earth. Drawing a line representing earth under the feet of man. Notice the huge gap between God and man. God is in heaven, man is on earth. God can see us, we cannot see him. God belongs to the invisible world and we belong to the visible world. Now let us assume that God wants to talk to human beings and tell them something they do not know. How can he do it? For that he sends prophets to speak for him. Examples are Moses, Isaiah Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, etc. In Exodus 3-4 you can see God talking to Moses in a figure of a burning bush. Where God is asking Moses to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. And in Exodus 3:13-14 Moses asks God's name - "And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." (Exodus 3:13-14) By the way, I want to add one more thing "I AM" in Hebrew sounds "Yahweh" also called as "Jehovah". Christians call Yahweh as Father in the Trinity. Now you see God spoke to Moses. Now isn’t this strange that God speaks? How does God speak? What is his language? What is the volume of his voice? Can Moses understand the language of God? Can his ears handle the power of God’s voice? God’s real voice is greater than the thunder. But God limited himself to the level of Moses. God spoke the language and even accent of Moses. He lowered his voice so low that Moses could hear it without hurting his ears. God used human language. The story of Moses teaches us about God and his nature. Because God loves us, he communicates with us. He spoke to Moses in the fire, through a voice in a human language. He spoke to Abraham through an Angel. (Optional: Read Genesis 18 and make note that one of the three men was called the Lord.) And please note that in Old Testament "The Lord" phrase is only used to address the God (Yahweh). Now I will explain you how Jesus is the 2nd person in the Trinity. In New Testament it says "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high" (Hebrews 1:1-3). As you can see God spoke through many different ways. But the main point is that every time God spoke he used a human means of communication. God is invisible. In order for people to understand him he uses not a heavenly language but human language and human means of communication. This shows his humility and love. If God has done this for many centuries, is it strange that God reveals himself in a more perfect way than a voice or book? He revealed himself through Jesus Christ. Notice verse 3 in Hebrews 1: Jesus is the exact representation of God, His image. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." (John 1:1-3). "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." (John 1:14). Let me explain something about the Word. Before you speak what happens in the brain? You think about it before you say anything. If you order food at a restaurant, the waiter can wait for a long time without knowing what you like to eat or drink until you open your mouth and speak. So in a way your words are children of your mind. Here in John, the gospel is saying that before God created the world, he thought about it. That “thought” is the logos in Greek. In Hebrew it is “wisdom” and in Arabic it is “Al Kalima,” or “the Word.” Before the word comes out it is wisdom. Where is your wisdom? Its inside you. Where is the wisdom of God? Its inside God. Hence is this wisdom/word apart from God? No it is not apart, it is God itself. Here its said Jesus is the word of God. Also not that Quran also says - Jesus is the word of God. This is heavenly things, which are difficult for humans to understand. In John 3:12-13 Jesus said something like this to a high ranking religious Jew who could not understand him. "I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven - the Son of Man". (John 3:12-13). It is basically this: as the word is a tangible manifestation, Jesus is the physical, tangible manifestation of God who is the great mind and intelligent power. But what we need to understand is that Jesus is physically man, but in his Spirit he is God, just as when you pour water into a bucket, it is still water. The bucket is just like the body of Jesus, the water is the Spirit of God. (You might now in Old Testament its written in "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel".(Isaiah 7:14). And you may know that Jesus was born of virgin Mary. "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost". (Mathew 1:18). Hence even though Jesus had the body was of human his spirit was Holy Spirit. I want to give you one other example which I think will make things clear. Let us take the Sun as an example. Here are facts: The Sun is 93 million miles away from us. We cannot ever go to the sun for two main reasons. One, we just cannot travel that far. Two, if we approach the Sun, we will burn up. In the same way, God is so far away that we cannot approach him. Read this verse from (Exodus 33:20) God said to Moses: “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” But the Sun can come to us in some limited form. How does the sun come to us? By its light. This is how God came down to us; through his Light, Jesus. John 9:5 says "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world". As you can see, the light that is here with us came from the ball of fire that is far from us, and yet they are one. Like the fire has light and they are not separated even though the light travels all these millions of miles, God the Father and Jesus the Son are inseparable. They possess the same nature. This is the only way we could experience God; by him coming down to our level. We cannot possibly go to him ourselves. He came down to us because he loves us and wants us to live in the light, not in darkness. Now i will explain about the 3rd person in the Trinity - Holy Spirit. What does the Light bring with it? What do we experience other than being able to see everything around us? Its the heat or you can also call it the energy, the power.
He died on the cross so we didn't have to die and instead we could be with Him forever in Paradise. When You have Him in ur heart that's a promise, inheritance, etc
@Lord Of the underground That is the catholic church, which us Christians dislike and disagree with. they ARE NOT true Christians, and the paedo priests that roam freely are the most despicable of humans. Jesus said: "whosoever causes one of these little ones to sin, it would be better if a millstone was hung around his neck and he was casted into the sea." so the Bible teaches about such despicable acts. educate yourself on my Faith before you trample its name.
We will die regardless. Are you speaking metaphorically? If you are speaking metaphorically, how does his death on the cross prevent us from spiritually dying? Blood magic? By setting a good example?
Hi! Thank you so much for sharing your perspective on Christianity. I find this to be very interesting. However, I have to say that there is one part about the Christian perspective which I think, you might have overlooked and I would like to share this with you: You asked why Christ's blood would be needed to atone for our sins. But the point in Christianity is that God is perfect love and therefore also perfectly just. He cannot leave even the slightest sin unpunished. That's why God cannot simply fogive sins because it would not be just. Also, doing something good will not and cannot make the evil that you did undone. It still has to be punished no matter how much good you do. However, knowing that we are not able to give anything as payment for our sins, God chose to take the punishment for all of our sins upon Himself, so that we could be justified. In order to be forgiven therefore, a person would have to humbly admit that he is a sinner and that he cannot do anything to save himself, instead he needs God to save him (Repent and believe). You said in the end of the video that what ultimately saves you in your religion is the relationship to God. This is exactly the same in Christianity, only in order to establish the relationship in the first place, you need to be justified first by the sacrifice of Jesus, so that you may be able to even be in the presence of God. Because without Christ, you are still a sinner and you cannot be in the presence of the perfectly just God. Through Christ the way to the Father is open to have a real relationship with Him where you can get to know God personally and intimately. I always stress the fact that you will get to know God, not only know about Him. Once you repent from your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, the Holy Spirit will come and dwell inside of you, guiding and leading you. Jesus Christ is not only a Guru or a leader who is able to forgive sins, but He is the creator God Himself come to earth in a human body to teach us directly and to save us from our sins out of pure grace and love. There is indeed nothing that a person has to do or even could do to make himself good in the eyes of God, but God gives us salvation as a free gift in the Son Jesus Christ. The amazing thing is that if you truly believe this good news (Gospel) it will change your heart and with the help and conviction of the Holy Spirit. you will start to learn to live a holy life and living according to His will and also getting to know Him more and more and you will be led by Him in your daily life. You will start to learn to sin less and less and do more and more good without having to fear condemnation for the sins which you might still commit because Jesus has already paid the price for them. You will therefore not be motivated by fear, only by love for the Father and the people who are made in His image. Surprisingly, a born again Christian, despite being already justified, will (because he or she just loves God so much) become far more loving than he or she might have ever become and at all times will have assurance of salvation because he or she knows the Saviour personally through prayer. It is amazing. God is soooo good! I hope that this was helpful for you to understand Christianity even better! Much love and God's blessings to you all! I pray that you might all find the Truth in Christ Jesus! Amen.
The Gurus are verily a part of god themselves as they are one with the creator and carry all his attributes. How can Jesus be god himself when he is literally crying to god asking why he had forsaken him in Matthew 27:46 , And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
@@opindersingh2105 That is because you are devoid of any logic and are sheep. Look through this video and show me any Christian who could answer my questions. Christianity is a faulty manmade religion in the face of Sikhi. Tere karm inne maare ki tu sikh family vich born ho ke vi Sikhi nahi nibha paya. But whatever, Karmo aapo apni ke nere ke door. May God show you the light if he wishes.
@@opindersingh2105 interesting, though you may have not known Sikhi and Gospel is the exact same that God is within not found in temple, logic should guide your actions, etc Were you raised in Western country?
yeah but Christian will always argue about it no matter what you say I have a question family and friends and they're not happy with me being a Sikh mattafact I just took amrit but I have not told them about
Sikhism is defective because it grants mercy but to the detriment of justice, it is a schismatic system. When God forgives sins it is only on the condition that his justice is satisfied later, he does not forget justice when he grants mercy. In fact mercy is a subdivision of mercy, not something which stands against justice per say. The Sikh deity is unjust, it does not compensate for justice. Jesus Christ had to satisfy God's justice for us to be forgiven completely. You will be damned without Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, and that's just the reality of the situation.
@@destynationq7400 god is the creator sustainer and destroyer. He delivers justice. Their is justice in Sikhi. Please do your research before commenting something that is false
I saw this explained in modern terms, about why the cross was necessary and I'll repeat it here to add to the discussion. Assuming we all view God as both a merciful and just judge how can he be both? Let's say you hit my car and it's 8000 in damages. You are sorry and want to pay but you do not have it, the price is too much and would cause great hardship to you and your family. The merciful judges sees your pain and wants to forgive your debt. The just judge sees I will have no car as I cannot afford the repairs on my own and knows the cost must be paid. Being merciful God forgives your debt and being just God gives me the amount by paying it himself. Jesus was God paying.
Thats a good explanation, but the point you make it identical to what most christians say...and our video is simply stating that in the Sikh faith, we believe that the forgiveness of the debt can be done without requiring someone to pay... ie the judge is so rich that he can forgive your debt because there is no other person, in reality, its all God, we are all just manifestation of that divine light.
MsColdCanada . So ur telling me that God is a white man with blue eyes and blonde hair? And the reason y I don't believe that Christ said these things is because why would I trust Roman Catholics, who btw were the same people who had Christ killed??? please answer me and Il convert right now
Harki Singh, be careful with your assumptions. I am not a Christian, nor did I state I was a Christian. I am Sikh (though clearly I have not yet taken Amrit and changed my name to Kaur), with a Christian background and considerable education in Christianity and in history.Yes, there are different versions of the Bible, but the message of the teachings of Jesus does not change. The early Church had no "Bible" but rather collections of gospels, though they gradually became more standardized and a definitive biblical canon was set out in the 4th century. If one is to discuss Christianity in general terms, one must consider all that has been incorporated into the biblical canon, as well as the texts used by early Christians that have not become part of the canon. Christians do not, as a general rule, believe Christ is a separate entity - most believe in Christ as one part of the Trinity (as espoused in the Nicene Creed) and as such is an aspect of God not a being separate from God, even though the concept of Trinity is never explicitly stated in the Bible. Again, this does not affect the message of the teachings of Christ. People have their own interpretations of scriptures based on, among other things, their ability to understand them, and this can be seen with Sikhs as well (though nowhere near the same extent). There is no definitive colour to God because he is beyond the human ability to see and to know, and is most often perceived as a pillar of fire - there are a few passages offering vivid descriptions which serve to demonstrate that his image is so far beyond human ability to grasp that the description makes no sense as it cannot be matched to anything in our experience. I do not disregard the Bible, just as I do not disregard the writings of any faith - it stands both as an historical document, and as a work that has spiritual truth. I do not have to be Christian to see the truths that are in the parables found in the New Testament. Similarly, I do not have to be Buddhist to see the truths that are in some of their teachings. I may travel a different path, but that does not mean that there is nothing to be learned by looking at the paths that others follow.
Valerie Rodger . may God bless you and your family with true happiness ((which i beleive comes truely in the form.of a righteous/friendly spouse, which is unlike me :) )). sincerely.
As a Christian exploring Sikhi, this makes total sense to me. I have always found it somewhat insulting (as a Christian) to say that Christ died for our sins, yet we still struggle with sin and deal with the guilt of said sin. If Christ died for our sins wouldn't that make sin a done deal? More and more, I'm falling in love with Sikhi.
Hey William, I'm a Christian. I'm watching this now to try to genuinely understand Sikhism more, in order to be an effective witness of Jesus Christ. I'm curious why it's "insulting", as a Christian, to say that Christ died for our sin, yet we still struggle with sin and deal with the guilt of sin? Why is this insulting? Your statement is Biblically true (ref. Romans 3:10&23, 1 John 1:8&9, the latter half of Romans 7 with Paul giving testimony), so why is that insulting? Sikhs are great loving people.. and they're dying and going to hell without believing the Gospel.. this is not an insult, this is the clear Bible Truth. So, if you're a Christian,please....please don't love what God Hates. Psa 119:104 In truth and love, God bless you, William
@@JeffreySmithbvgvgfwwssweegvfbt I find it insulting to Christ. If Christ is the ultimate sacrifice that freed mankind from sin why are we still burdened with the weight of sin? With respect my friend, I feel too many Christians worship a small God. A small God who has no room for Sikhs in Heaven. So sad. God is beyond such pettiness - the Sikh explanation of God is beautiful and open. Vaheguru!
@@chandradeo3287 God comes in different forms. God will come in whatever form required be it the carpenter or whatever you are saying. In society you are looking down on these as this lack of humility. This is the biggest problem we faced today and was no accident re as a carpenter
This just sounds like schizophrenia. If he is God why is Jesus praying to God? Why did God incarnate in the middle of nowhere as a hebrew carpenter? Why did he create a western themed religion that only westerners would be able to resonate with? Why was he not sucessful as giant swathes of the world population aren't christian? Why did he need to die on a cross to reconcile sinners with God? How did his dying on the cross reconcile sinners with God? Blood magic? Setting a good example? You need to actually explain these things rather then just yelling at people like some kind of lunatic.
In the old testament, masses used to kill the lambs, animals to set themselves free from their sins.. Jesus came to free us from such things.. The important thing is that he came to die for us to set us free from darkness, diseases, sins but the most imp thing is that after 3days in grave, he rose from dead ND never dies... Every Saint, high priest came and preached about God but only one man came and said( I m God)...Jesus didn't said that I am also the way, truth and life.. But he said I m the only way, truth and life without me nobody can go to heaven... Wonderful video 👍stay blessed.. But According to me the God is HE who can defeat the death..
Ah yes No other being claimed to be God The god in his glory, sent a piece of him to defeat that of which is opposite to his nature, to give life and to restore
I am actually happy to understand Sikhi , Your way of telling is good . At first , I started hearing Oxford union what a hindu has said . Then I heard a Sikh from Oxford Union . Then I am here , Actually according to me , What Christ is like WaheGure for you . " Many Ways a Story can be interpreted , But what right way is the best , To stay at the path of Divinity " - Me Myself . Christ says he is the light from God. Sikhs stays in reality and try to be filled with light , Which is Equal To Christian and Sikh . Christ wanted everyone to be like him. To be light . For this all reason I like Sikhism .
You r right sir. And Jesus is talking about the same path. He asked his disciples to walk in the same path he walked. He said, "I am the Way, Truth and Life, No one can reach the Father (God), except through me". Everyone who can walk in his path, living according to his teachings can attain self-realization/Nirvana/Moksha/Heaven.
@@praveenkumargudala6466 Jesus is pure. His blood paid sacrifice for our sins. You cannot be with God if you are a sinner. Someone has to pay for our sins. Jesus did that. I pray that you accept his sacrifice so you KNOW you are saved. In Jesus name amen.
@@praveenkumargudala6466You are absolutely wrong. LORD Jesus Christ is saying in accordance with Jewish perspective. Walking in his path means recognising The God. The God of Yisrael. And there shall be no gods aside him and should keep his commandments. And above all you should have faith in our creator, Our LORD Jesus Christ.
One true thing brother, Pastors are not converting people, God himself is converting People. Pastors are just giving words of Bible and Teachings of Jesus which is full of love and repentance spirit. So people feel so much love from Jesus a living God & People are getting peace and clean hearted life after repentance of Sins. No outer appereance needed, just inner heart must be cleaned and Sins must be forgive by God. So Jesus is saviour is world. If you want to know how truth, Go and read bible with your full spirit, Ask God , then God himself will answer you reality.
It's one thing to be God-like, it's another, to play God. Just because God may grace some of us with some of His Divine Power or commission some of us to spread His Truth, does not mean we start playing God. Hence, in Gurmat... Only God is the Liberator. Only God is the Forgiver. Only God is the Punisher. Only God is the Chastiser. Only God is the Reviver. Only God is the Enlightener. This is repeated over & over again all over SGGS.
+Maryjane S Then be thankful to the Omnipotent One Who created & gave you such a loving Jesus & sent him to you in flesh & blood out of the same 5 elements from which He has created everything; focus on the One Who inspired Jesus himself to such acts - Whom Jesus reveres as his own Father & in turn has inspired you to such divine love. The Creator of this play of Good & Evil, the Creator of angels & demons, of heavens & hells, the Creator of all our virtues & vices is so great that even Satan himself is victim to his own passions & is part of the Lord's grand play of Duality. How great the Lord is Who created both Jesus & Satan, so that we may know the difference! Without You, Lord, where would Jesus & Satan come from? Glory! Glory! O Beloved! Inspirer of Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus, Muhammed, Rama, Krishna, Guru Nanak, Buddha & so many more! Glory! Glory! O Beloved Inspirer of Good Conduct! The One Who's above Virtues & Vices - the Sustainer of All! The Intimate Knower in all hearts!
+Maryjane S Focus on the One Sustainer of all existences Whom none could even comprehend to rival in the first place, leave alone trying to qualify themselves as His worthy enemy.
I don't think Jesus said he was god. I'm not trolling, I just never got that impression studying scripture... I've been debated a lot, and I've read the parts that "he says it" but - he doesn't say it.... Not once does Jesus say I AM GOD... Not Once. I and the Father Are One? Isn't a Couple also made of two persons, they are one flesh according to god, yet they are clearly separate persons (and flesh). Further, a Sikh who does not believe me about Jesus at all, is seeking the Source, The Father... All praise goes to the Father Says Jesus... Jesus Prayed to his Father... Are we not all sons of God? Are we to pray to someone other than God? Jesus said to pray to our Father. The Sikh say Pray to Our Father. If Our Father Has a Son and they (YHWH and Yeshua) worked out a way to help us live forever or salvation - that's great - Now we are saved through his appointed Son. I knew God would come through either way... So... If Jesus is God, The Sikh are already there without seeing, yet believing. If Jesus Isn't God - Shouldn't we be discussing the part where the King Kills You if You Praise the Father and Pray to The Father instead of Praising the Father like he said? Wait - Does that read wrong? Yes. It's ridiculous. It does say in the Bible - Jesus is the Way and The Life. The part that kills me, literally I suppose, is that if Jesus is King, but I reach out to his father, he gets angry and denies me. Christianity has left the building in my view.... There is one Faith In Christ, True... Impossible to tell in this reality so I finally came to a very strange stance: I'm a Christian, and most of YOU ARE NOT... I know because you keep judging everything and everyone touting Burn in Hell... You will Burn if you don't agree with what I say..... You Will Burn if you believe this, You are in a Cult if you believe That - Ok - As you see fit. But I don't know what bible they are reading, I do know I don't hear much of God's Law, just a lot of cool Messages from Jesus and the Apostles and the Prophets being turned into something of an Abomination. Jesus is Love, I hear Burn In Hell. Jesus Is Wise, I hear questioning any doctrine means you are a wolf in sheeps clothing and of Satan, Jesus is Just - I think he is but in regards to his Justice being some green light to be foolish and condemn your brothers and sound like characters from a bad movie - so be it. As for The Sikh - They are very accepting of others belief so much so they evangelize FOR every religion in a way... I mean, they tell people of every faith, nation, tribe and tongue: Wake Up, There is More To Life and I've heard a Guru say "Atheists? Oh, I ask Athiests to just try asking God outloud or in prayer, 'God, if you are real, please help me find the correct path.' ", and the Guru Continued, " Just see if anything happens." (Quoted said Guru the best i could from memory) But I loved it.
Was/Is there any other Guru on the earth who said or declared, "Your sins are forgiven" or "I, the son of man has the authority to forgive sins on the earth". or "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can reach father except through me". I never heard of any other guru/master who made such statements.
@@noublsingh317 Exactly bro. The other gurus are right. Only The name of the Lord One can save. And Jesus claimed that he is that Lord One / Elohim/ Emmanuel/ I AM.
@@paddysingh1912 If Constantine had the books burned, how do you know about them now? Did you read them? Where can I find them, if love to have more info.
@@paddysingh1912 Can't find anything like what you described. In fact, the guy in that video says the four gospels are still the only first century accounts of Jesus, but that they are still looking. I researched a little, and they have found other fragments, but nothing about the Ebionites. I was looking for the books you said Constantine burned that show that Jesus's initial followers were in fact Ebionites. How can you just tease me with "many biblical books" of the Ebionites, about whom we know almost nothing, then not give me a source?
@@paddysingh1912 I did read it. Decent writer, but uses a lot of circular reasoning & confirmation bias. I still don't understand, though. I may have forgotten, but I don't recall a reference to extant copies of numerous pre-gospel books by the Ebionites. Most of his arguments are from the gospels. In any case, if there are no actual books, and this is just something you believe in your heart, I get that, and I respect that. If you drum up any actual sources to these Ebionites texts, I'd love to see them.
I am a Christian And I am an avid sturdier of western mysticism and the occult Although I do not particularly prescribe to any of those teachings other than basic hereticism I am just now learning about the religion of sikhi and your channel has been a great help. I love the view of god y'all hold and would love to begin practicing the religion but I still hold deep down that Jesus was one with god. Could there be a possibility of Jesus being the first to fully reignite soul with its source therefore teaching other men about it so he was the "only begotten son" at that time? Because after Jesus it is said we all became sons of god. Do u think there could have been a barrier at that time that only Jesus could have broken and that would explain his claim? Or do u simply believe the claim has to be false? Regardless I love everything I am hearing about the religion and would love to at least incorporate the philosophy of sikhi into my own beliefs. Thank u
The Young Mind it is refreshing to hear very intelligent words. My advice to you is to not let anyone online on any forum/website/etc influence your opinion about one religion or the next. Read the Guru Granth Sahib for yourself and see what you conclude on your own. If you don't trust any one single translation of the text, I'm sure your instinct will tell you to read it once again from a different interpretation. Follow that instinct until you are satisfied that you can now form your own opinion.
@@harmanpabla7315 I read the Guru Granth Sahib many times before I went to read the Bible and pray to Jesus. At the end my heart told me to follow Yeshua although the messages in Sikhism prepared me for what I felt was the ultimate truth. And to make clear there was nothing wrong with Sikhism just I felt overwhelmed by the power of the Holy Spirit!
Believing in Sikhism and Christ is no less , But I see the way of how Sikh deal with daily life makes many changes overall . I am not opposing Christianity , it is just that , I haven't seen much Christ in Christianity . When people say ,he is a Christian , I doubt whether he is a Christian by faith or by Christian because he was born in it . I am Christian by faith , I accept Hindu ways too , But I wish to stand by light by completely opposing evil . Sikhs has light and there is Christ , A Christian is not by baptising ,but by being Christ himself , Light itself .
Kot janam bichde the madho yeh janam tumhare lekhe"-millions of year get devoured taking births and deaths now this life is for only you my lord .why im on this earth if my sin wont get cleansed jesus is for humanity then why christian make jesus their god,jesus Muhammad and 10 gurus for all humanity,jesus only expect love from all humans. jesus never accept christians only because god is love. God has no religion despite love. Waheguru god lots of love to all humans.❤❤❤
Actually I am currently reading Bible and from how I read and understand is that at that time and even now god was very displeased by us and when Jesus died with the sins of whole world we were forgived and at the end Jesus said "why have you forsaken me father" and "it is finished" so where sin is there god cannot be so when Jesus died for our sins god saw us as Jesus so at that time we were forgiven.Amen
Christ is the only way. God needed to become man so that man could know and understand God. This is Christ. The gurus never claimed to be God. There has only been one man out of all the religions who has said He is God Himself. He is the Word (Shabad) itself. And that was Jesus Christ. No one else. And this claim was put to the test though his crucifixion. And He rose again on the third day. He is the risen God. He endowed humanity with a divine nature though divinity putting on human nature. This was necessary. In Sikhism, How does God know what human suffering is if He has never suffered himself?
Sukhwant Bhatia explains the actual concept of Jesus as a former Sikh and well educated theologian and student of world religion. I have seen the debates where Christians try to explain the fulfilled promises and prophesied need for a savior but they are always dismissed without a proper rebuttal. For instance, the sacrifice was always needed throughout history established by God in early Judaism. It is demonstrated in the first accounts of sin in Genesis. It is not pagan. God making the ultimate sacrifice to release humanity from paying the price ever again is the greatest act of sacrificial love and mercy. It is clear to me when I study that Jesus is the best option for washing of sins. Jesus is the great equalizer so that mankind’s righteousness is no longer measured by rituals and works. It is a gift of grace and the invitation into freedom from pressure and/shame to grow in oneness with God so that works will come from a place of true transformation from the inside out as we connect with God. “It is by grace through faith we are saved, not of works lest any man should boast.” You say we do not need to give blood, but the Bible says “the wages of sin is death.” Therefore Jesus offers himself as the payment for all people opening the door to anyone who believes. I believe God speaks to people no matter their religion, but ultimately what I have seen is that Jesus is the final piece, the highest guru and the ultimate door and mediator to God. He said this of Himself as did Hebrew prophets before him. I still have a lot to learn but so far as I listen to many debates and watch videos along with doing my own studies, it only has convinced me further that Jesus is the best thing that has ever happened to this world. And also I have researched other religions and put my faith through tests willing to walk away from previously learned things surrendering to the process of truly seeking what is real and what comes with the most historical evidence. There are many things that I believe now that I did not grow up believing. It was very hard to go on that journey sometimes but I Think we are I need to be brave and examine what our worldview is without bias. I am going to be a life learner and I’m glad for these videos. I do enjoy learning from your channel. Thank you for posting!
The Christian Bible has been modified and changed during the 15th Century, so what you are saying may NOT be accurate. It was modified to control the believer. So why is this coming up in your conversation?
In the court of Lord, each one of us are answerable for our deeds. God /Guru may forgive our misdeeds and put us on right path. In Sikh religion, the debt is not passable to some one else. The ' whipping boy' concept does not apply. Did people stop committing sins after the crocification of Christ? No, not all. In fact, his sacrifice should have been inspiring his followers to fight against the system that he had believed sinful. How many Christian are following in his foot steps to fight sin inducing deeds?
Now If i ask you How many Shik stop committing sins after the Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji ? And If you don't find your answer then read Holy Bible Properly Both Old And New Testament Also & one more thing check your Crucifixion spelling😑.
The Gospel of Thomas says the kingdom of heaven is within and outside of you...Means god is within and outside of you, these gospels are the closest gospels to Jesus Christ’s time period, so we don’t need to die to be with god we can experience god here and now, this is actually what Sikhs also believe in ...
The old testament is the new testament concealed and the new testament is the old testament revealed! Jesus is fully God fully man and he is God's perfect sacrifice!
@Basics of Sikhi this was a great video on the Sikh perspective and I am a huge fan of this channel. Speaking as a Christian I think the Sikh view is actually closer to the Christian view than you think. Or at least some Christian views. Because when it comes to the Atonement(why Christ died) there are multiple interpretations that are broken down into 3 categories. (i)The Moral Influence perspective (ii) The Classical(Christus Victor) perspective. (iii) Scholastic(substitutionary) perspective. The view you articulated is very close to the Moral Influence perspective on Christ death which I hold too. For Christians who hold to the Moral influence perspective we would say it is that for a couple reasons: 1)Christ's death is an example of self sacrificial Love -In Life Christ for us embodied perfect Love both in his teachings and in his actions such as his message of the Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven, the signs of which were peace, justice, mercy and compassion. -Not only was Christ willing to live and preach these principles as God's anointed one, but he was willing to die for those principles. -This is a moral example for us as Christians and as people who have to pick up our crosses and follow him that we must live by the example of peace, justice and mercy for mankind and if necessary give our lives in self sacrificial love for others as Christ did for us. 2)Christ's death reveals the suffering face of mankind for us -St Paul tells us in his letters in the New Testament that Christ is the "New Adam" -Adam in the Bible is considered not only the first human being but the representative of mankind as a whole. -In life Christ represents mankind in terms of the trials and temptations that human beings have to face, and in his death he represents humanity by showing us the suffering face of humanity. -This is why the "passion of Christ" is so important. It is Jesus's passion for the suffering face of humanity in his own pain and suffering as a form of solidarity -In the same way that Christ showed solidarity for the suffering face of humanity, we as Christians when we see the suffering face of humanity revealed to us in humanity's representative have an ethical and moral responsibility to our fellow human the way the Good Samaritan had an ethical responsibility to the suffering person on the side of the road. We are called to heal the wounds of humanity revealed to us in the wounds of Christ. 3)Christ's death reveals to us the face of the marginalized and oppressed. -At the time crucifixion was an instrument of torture that was used by the Romans for people who were either (i)Slaves (ii)non citizens(iii)enemies of the state. -During the Spartacus revolt for instance the slaves in the Roman empire revolted against the Romans and the Romans responded by crushing it and then crucifying the slaves as an example not to challenge the power structures of the time -During the Roman occupation of Judea which Christ lived under their were many Jewish messianic revolutionaries who the Romans crushed. The biggest example of this is in 70 A.D when there was a Jewish revolt and the Romans crushed it, killed up to 1.1 million people and had the revolutionaries all crucified. -In the crucifixion narratives themselves we see Christ being crucified alongside two people considered criminals by the state and society at large. -In this image we see Christ's solidarity with the marginalized and oppressed because Christ himself was marginalized. He was born marginalized in a stable. He grew up marginalized by having to escape persecution by Herod and live in Egypt as a refugee. And he died marginalized. -Just as how Christ showed solidarity with the marginalized and oppressed as Christians we are called to show solidarity as well for the marginalized especially when Jesus says "the way you treat the least of these is how you treat me"(Matthew 25). So this is an important perspective for why Christ's death was important for. There are many others as I mentioned but I think this one is really close to the Sikh view. Anyways keep up the good work guys :)
Already forgiven , when you took birth in Christian family ,, what a joke of millennium,, you killed thousand of innocent people in Vietnam Iraq Syria India , for lust of power ,oil ,,and yu are forgiven , after doing crimes what a religion Christianity ? Already forgiven ?
Pls read the New Testament of the Holy Bible and tell me where Christ tell his followers to harm another human being. If some country attack another, it is not religious in nature but for territory or economic reasons. War is fought mostly for geographic & economic reasons. If all of humanity will follow Christ in the way he wants you to then the world will be heaven. Your lack of knowledge of Christianity is commendable Brother Lal!!!
@JANHOI - I'm a Christian Heretic (I think evil will be destroyed, not tossed in a campfire for eternity unless God just likes to leave out important stuff like that when say.. Telling Adam the Wage of Sin Is Death. If it is... why is Adam in hell again? That Said - I Love Jehovah, YHWH, The source, The Creator, The Big-BANG Singularity, Naam Jap... I Also Love Jesus, but All Praise Goes to the Father in my Bible. . I''m actually on the Path of a Sikhi right now... and providing they don't mind me loving the God of Abraham or believing that there is a being called the Son that is my King. To God, Any God Appointed King, even a Teacher in Righteousness - I will bow to.. but as the bible warns... I will not Bow down to the Stars, The Moon, The Sun or any engraven image, idols or other gods. (This is also the Sikh Way) . I really like that I may join the "Sikh - God's Army", besides I'm somewhat good with turning my cheek if I get slapped but if someone is punching and grabbing and what not... or doing that to anyone around me - I tend to get involved if I can actually identify... in my PRE-SIKH thinking - If I see a bully - It Stops NOW - I don't care who they are or who they are oppressing. . JanHoi - I Really Love God and I Really Love Jesus. I also want to say that this profound exact sentiment comes from both Jesus and Guru's the Sikh learn from: "It is better to not have known Righteousness than to have known it and turned your back on it, it is like a dog returning to its vomit" (Quote from memory - so flawed but - the idea I think is there) . That said - I want to Say - researching the Sikhs has at a minimum been enjoyable and has made me tear up so many times while praying and stuff, I'll watch or read some more than BAM - I Can't SEE again - as I am touched - and it seems EXACTLY like the Fruits of the Spirit to me - plus, their message is NOT Switch Religion - its for atheists too - a simple message paraphrased: "WAKE UP, THERE IS MORE TO LIFE" with an emphasis that there is One God and he made everything, therefore we are family, therefore.... come our father's house - lets eat. . I'm not sure - but I'm seriously looking into both Sikhi and the Christedelphians (because for me, their take is accurate, but they might not like me being a Sikh.. not a show stopper - but I know one thing - I'm not getting into anything Jesus that tells everyone how they will burn eternal and if you do not believe their flavor of Christ you will die.... I think the truth leads to truth like the Sikh, Buddha too but he is a little too withdrawn for me but I would Gladly drink a beer with him unless of course the creator wasn't down with the beer :) . Janhoi - be cautious bro - I am - we do not want to displease our god, but he gave us minds with which to pray and made intelligent decisions with (hopefully - I'm an idiot is my point) Don't go by me - BUT I feel the same way you do man and I just happen to be on a "God Kick" so I had a ton to say - peace
Jesus Christ is that Spirit who is within all of us. We must pay with our life to have our sins, our paaps, our wrong actions forgiven by the Lord. Jau tau prem khelan ka chau sir dhar tali gali meri au. If you wish to play the game of love with God, you must sacrifice yourself and come to God with your head on your palm.
I would like to add my perspective as a follower of Jesus. I do not believe Christ offered himself to forgive our sins, he just knew his faith, and knew what was coming up and predicted it. From the gospel of Matthew: 26:38 Then he said to them, “My soul is deeply grieved, even to the point of death. Remain here and stay awake with me.” 26:39 Going a little farther, he threw himself down with his face to the ground and prayed, 46 “My Father, if possible, 47 let this cup 48 pass from me! Yet not what I will, but what you will.” 26:42 He went away a second time and prayed, 50 “My Father, if this cup 51 cannot be taken away unless I drink it, your will must be done.” = God's will and Jesus accepting the will of God. 26:52 Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back in its place! 65 For all who take hold of the sword will die by the sword. 26:53 Or do you think that I cannot call on my Father, and that he would send me more than twelve legions 66 of angels right now? 26:54 How then would the scriptures that say it must happen this way be fulfilled?” 26:55 At that moment Jesus said to the crowd, “Have you come out with swords and clubs to arrest me like you would an outlaw? 67 Day after day I sat teaching in the temple courts, yet 68 you did not arrest me. 26:56 But this has happened so that 69 the scriptures of the prophets would be fulfilled.” = Making Jesus the ultimate truth of the prophecies, saving us from suffering if you live by his teaches. Reffering this to what Jesus said. 5:3 “Blessed 5 are the poor in spirit, 6 for the kingdom of heaven belongs 7 to them. 5:4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 8 5:5 “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger 9 and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. 5:7 “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. 5:8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children 10 of God. 5:10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them = Living by the truth, even if that means death. Just believing in Jesus, and that he died for your sins will not get you into the kingdom of heaven. You must act. 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ 24 will enter into the kingdom of heaven - only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. 7:22 On that day, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons and do 25 many powerful deeds?’ 7:23 Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you. Go away from me, you lawbreakers!’ = Judgement of pretenders. I hope that this can give you a more realistic view of this topic. Bless you brother! Thank you for the work you are doing, bringing more light into the world!
I loved your perspective that we have to pay back the debt God loaned us through jesus. I know that wasnt your point in this video but it gave me great motivation in my own faith and i thank you for that. Your lessons on this channel are an absolute joy.
Sikhism and Christianity are two of the world’s most popular religions. Despite their differences, there are some similarities between the two faiths. One of the most obvious similarities between Sikhism and Christianity is the concept of a Supreme Being. In Sikhism, this is referred to as Waheguru, while in Christianity, it is referred to as God. Both religions believe in a single, all-powerful, and all-knowing deity who is the source of all creation and the ultimate arbiter of morality. Another similarity between the two religions is their focus on service to others. In Sikhism, this is known as Seva, which means selfless service to others. In Christianity, this is known as charity. Both religions emphasize the importance of helping those in need and living a life of service to others. Both religions also believe in the importance of prayer and meditation. In Sikhism, this is known as Simran, which is the repetition of God's name. In Christianity, this is known as prayer. Both religions believe that prayer and meditation can bring one closer to God and help one to live a life of holiness and righteousness. Finally, both religions emphasize the importance of living a moral life. In Sikhism, this is known as Dharma, which is the path of righteousness. In Christianity, this is known as living a life of faith and obedience to God’s commands. Both religions believe that living a moral life is essential for one’s spiritual growth and development. In conclusion, there are many similarities between Sikhism and Christianity. Both religions emphasize the importance of service to others, prayer and meditation, and living a moral life. Despite their differences, these two faiths share many common beliefs and values.
I have gone to a mennonite school as a Sikh and we studied the bible in depth. What I don’t understand is why is sin still a problem if Christ died to sins? Should sin not be an issue? Also why do Christs interpret the Bible according to their views? example: some say God is all loving and some say God only loves the elect
Yes brother ... I like how the sikhi deal with more sense and he correctly broke down Christianity and the guilt foundation the church implemented give thanks
It was necessary for him to die on the cross for our sins because He was God made flesh. He offered himself as an ultimate sacrifice, without it we would "ALL" being going to hell. God (aka Jesus) is pure and sinless and only His sacrifice could make our sins void. No sacrifice any 'human being" has made will 'ever' amount to His. Jesus's blood is no ordinary blood, God doesn't need blood, it was given up for our redemption from hell. He wasn't just forgiving peoples sins in His time, he died for "ALL" of humanity including us and people in future generations. Without his death on the cross, we would not be saved by grace. It was necessary for Him to die because we could never be as Holy and sinless as He is. I don't know what you were talking about needing to give blood. Jesus never said we needed to give blood, he tell us to accept his free gift of salvation, which was His blood that was given up for us. Being a Christian is NOT about a being a good person. No amount of being a good person will get you saved, it's NEVER going to be good enough. We are saved by grace alone, not by works.
My moms family were Sikh but she became Lutheran. I was raised in my dad's faith od Catholicism and I still am. He doesn't know Jewish History. The Jews had to make sacrifices and burnt offerings as a penance. Once Jesus gave us the Eucharist at the Passover supper. He was the new lamb.
iam from kerala india ..There is no god but Holy Trinity..Jesus is truly present in the holy Eucharist..may God forgive this sikh (islam+hindu) idol worshipper
A good question. "Why does God require blood?" The 'Old Testament' priests said the soul abides in the blood... They also (rightly in my opinion) forbade its consumption even though it is generally considered to be highly nutritional, and even though food was so scarce out there in the wilderness... Also, for some strange reason, in the Christian bible we human beings are referred to as "the salt of the earth"... : "but if the salt have lost his. savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good. for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men..." Why did Jesus say this? Was this a mere parable, or an exact (albeit an ancient) science being espoused? I think the patriarch's obsession with blood sacrifice has much to do with bio-electric / bio-magnetic hormonal-electrolytic properties of the blood which bind us physically, emotionally, and psychically to these bodily forms.. The source of our worldly blessings and/or earthly problems. I believe the idea behind these 'vicarious' animal and even human sacrifices was to purify the blood (and our relationship to it) to such an extent that conscious contact could be reestablished between humanity and God could ultimately be restored and maintained. It has to do, I believe with (a scientific basis for) the remission of sin, which, also according to scripture, was the cause of our original ancestors (Adam and Eve) being cast out of paradise. How did the blood of a horse, or bullock, or lamb help accomplish this? How did the biblical patriarchs live to be hundreds and thousands of years older than the normal human lifespan? Of what did the divine 'manna' found each morning by Moses and his followers in the desert wilderness consist? How exactly did the lesser gods become 'immortal'? What was really being accomplished by the making of the legendary 'Philosopher's Stone'? And what was the ancient Egyptian art of mummification all about? No one alive today can (or is willing to) tell us... But try to imagine a better source of the electrolytic elemental mineral cell salts so necessary to the functioning of the human body than an animal's (or a human being's) blood.. And think for a moment.. How much purer and of finer quality could these crystalline ingredients be made under the proper laboratory conditions? What effect would this highly purified substance have on the human brain and nervous system? My thesis contends there in fact WAS such an ancient science devoted to answering these very questions, and real evidence to suggest that (at least for a chosen few) these experiments were an astounding success. Not meant to disparage Sikhism in ANY way.. I mean your work along the lines of conscious contact with the Divine Truth is literally unparalleled. I only wish all of us could partake of your Guru's wisdom. Anyway... Salts have amazing properties, not just the amazing piezoelectric qualities similar to transistor radios and television.. but the fact that they are virtually indestructible at temperatures less than 1800 degrees Fahrenheit... This topic of the significance of the ancient blood cults fascinates me no end. I do apologize for intruding and so I must end by begging forgiveness for diverting attention from such deeply profound subject matter.. - Chris
What is the real history of Christianity ? From Constantine and sun god worship to the modern false church system , the deception regarding the Bible has been propagated from centuries of pagan influence and church lies . Uncover pagan christian traditions and pagan Christian origins . Who was Constantine ? Was Constantine a real convert to Christianity ? Was Christianity originally a Jewish faith ? How did the son of god turn into the sun of god ? What about the pagan holidays ? What about Christmas and it's pagan origin , Easter or Halloween ? What is the pagan origin of Christmas ? It's time for the false church to be exposed ! This short video exposes the deception of the church through centuries of church tradition . It's time for the false church to be exposed !
Sikhism and Christianity are two of the world’s most popular religions. Despite their differences, there are some similarities between the two faiths. One of the most obvious similarities between Sikhism and Christianity is the concept of a Supreme Being. In Sikhism, this is referred to as Waheguru, while in Christianity, it is referred to as God. Both religions believe in a single, all-powerful, and all-knowing deity who is the source of all creation and the ultimate arbiter of morality. Another similarity between the two religions is their focus on service to others. In Sikhism, this is known as Seva, which means selfless service to others. In Christianity, this is known as charity. Both religions emphasize the importance of helping those in need and living a life of service to others. Both religions also believe in the importance of prayer and meditation. In Sikhism, this is known as Simran, which is the repetition of God's name. In Christianity, this is known as prayer. Both religions believe that prayer and meditation can bring one closer to God and help one to live a life of holiness and righteousness. Finally, both religions emphasize the importance of living a moral life. In Sikhism, this is known as Dharma, which is the path of righteousness. In Christianity, this is known as living a life of faith and obedience to God’s commands. Both religions believe that living a moral life is essential for one’s spiritual growth and development. In conclusion, there are many similarities between Sikhism and Christianity. Both religions emphasize the importance of service to others, prayer and meditation, and living a moral life. Despite their differences, these two faiths share many common beliefs and values.
Jesus was God in the flesh, he wasn't just "somebody" who died for our sins. One "man" can't save all of humanity from their sins. Jesus had to be the ultimate sacrifice because He was pure and sinless. There is no such thing as a sinless man. Jesus was the only one.
I am a Christian, and at about 4 minutes and 30 seconds in you did a really good job of explaining atonement as to why we believe Jesus died for our sins. Let me add a little bit that is an important bit. Even in the Old Testament, the sacrificial system was not for forgiveness. This is why Jesus could forgive someone’s sins before He died, because it was always about repentance and becoming in agreement with God. The sacrifice’s purpose is because there is always the punishment for the sin is death. A life without God equals death (Hell is eternity without Him). His presence is SO holy that we could not be in His presence until the (Romans 5:8) punishment for sin was paid. A person could be forgiven without a sacrifice, but was unable to be in the Holy place of the Lord without being destroyed by the holiness of God. Jesus’s death paid the once and for all sacrifice so that He no longer had to dwell in a temple made with hands. But when God looks at us, He sees the perfection of Himself and the death penalty that He paid, and He remains in His fullness within us. No longer do we have to cover over our sins to be in His presence. Not only did He die to forgive them, but we can have a continuous relationship with Him without having to sacrifice to be able to stand in His presence. We can now approach the throne room of Heaven boldly as a child covered in His precious sacrifice. Consider the court of law. God has laws. You broke them. He is a good judge, and therefore cannot say “well, you have been a pretty good person I’ll let you go” A good judge does looks only at the breach of the law and offers judgement. The judge may see the person is repentant and forgives them, but the consequences of sin remain. Humanity has sinned and He died to pay our fine. I hope that helps. I can see you really studied our perspective. To understand the Bible as a whole, reading the gospel of John is usually the best place to understanding what a Christian believes.
Swedish Meatball I disagree. Perhaps humans have given him several names but God the most high has no name. If he had a name it would mean he was born and named by someone. But He is eternal and everlasting with no beginning and end. Therefore God cannot have a name.
I’m a Pastor… only thing I have to say is, we do not believe that God wants us to sacrifice ourselves. We believe JESUS IS GOD, in flesh. Therefore, we believe, GOD SHED HIS OWN BLOOD, because he did not want us to shed our own! Other than that, thank you for this extremely informative video!
He came to forgive, is next coming is to judge all man kind and I believe accept by faith. I always proud as a Punjabi and respect guru for their sacrifice in different way. 🌧️
To all my fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord, who are children of the Most High our sweet Lord and Creator Jesus, please pray for my family! My mom and I are the only Christians in our family, the rest are sikh. Please pray for their salvation! Ask the Lord to set them free and to remove the veil over their eyes. There is only one true God and His name is Jesus. For every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord. Thank you and I will see you on the other side in Zion😘🌹
S Mathias pain is reaction of our bad reaction.If you connect with god then you feels these pain like a pleasure.A true lover of god says all your gifts(pain and pleasure) are sweet for me.Thats our guru says when he was crucified.
We are a part of God in a form of soul. Our physical body die but soul never die. The main aim of our soul get out of this illusion world. so To do that it is necessary to be good human being. to be good human being we have to control on Ego, Anger, Lust , greed and attachment. if we live like a good human being we will get free from this world. but if do not control on these things we will come in this world again to do same thing it is re carnation. and we do not get human life as easy it is one the physical appearance among 84 crore physical bodies. sorry for my english
+S Mathias- Jobless Engg explained it well. Here is some more explanation. Imagine God as some form of Eternal Infinite Ocean Which is completely pure. Now each soul on earth (both human and Animals) is like a drop of water that has to merge with the Ocean (God), but these drops (Souls) are not pure. They contain some impurities (Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Attachment). If these impure drops get merged with the ocean they will also bring those impurities into the pure ocean and pollute it. So to Purify these drops, ocean created a filter system (World). Every drop has to go through a cycle of 8.4 Million Filter Layers (Lives/Re-incarnations). If the drops manage to get rid of the impurities, they get out of the filter and become one with the ocean. It is next to impossible to get rid of all 5 impurities in one life, but still we should keep trying, because the more we resist them,the stronger our soul becomes and stronger the soul, better the chances of getting rid of them in next life. As for your main question. The only price you pay for bad karma is through the re-incarnation cycle. For example - If you torture and butcher cows (or anyone else) in this life, you may get born as a cow yourself in your next life and get the same treatment. Similarly, if you are a womanizer and take pride in sleeping with others wives, in next life you will probably only get one girl (if any) who will also cheat on you with many men. As for Forgiveness, If you truly regret your actions and are sure you will never repeat them then you are already forgiven, however if there is any thing you can do to correct those mistakes, you should do it.
Thanks for the reply.Here are few more questions:) 1. Why are the drops not pure in the first place ? What made them impure? 2. What about people with many impurities which lead to a further fall into sin. 3. Is there any free will involved as by stating 8.4 million it gives the impression there isn't. 4. Yes Forgiveness will be granted if we truly repent but my question is can any man truly repent? While I personally come from a Catholic background ,I can see the logic of reincarnation. The only difference withs the Catholic and Jewsih understanding is that the soul goes through a intermediate process of purity in a place called purgatory before the union with God happens. So we both understand we cannot come into presence unless we are free from sin.
1.I have thought about this a lot, myself. I have 2 opinions about that. A.) since Ocean is infinite and eternal, every little drop is also eternal (Fraction of infinity is still infinity) and hence has no beginning. They are just like a waterfall that is constantly happening and falling into ocean. Meaning that they exist with the impurities but have to leave them behind. B.) Other reason could be that God (Everthing) existed with these impurities but to get rid of them God created the physical world so those impurities can be trapped inside that world. I am constantly debating this myself and have not come to a definite conclusion. 2. As I said earlier, someone who is a great sinner will have to suffer in next lives. And that suffering will generate some empathy or compassion in him. That compassion will help him to not sink deeper in the same sin. For example, in 1 life, if someone exploits the poor and becomes poor himself in 2nd life, then that 2nd life will force him to be more sympathetic towards poor. And the empathy that he gained in 2nd life will be carried by his soul in his 3rd life as well. So basically, reincarnation is a self correcting system. More you sin, more you suffer, more you suffer, more you empathize, more you empathize, more pure you become. Empathy, compassion, resistance to worldly pleasures and strength of soul is only things we carry with us into next lives. 3. I don't believe anybody has a free will in any matter concerning the physical world (if that is what you are asking) Here both, my relgious belief and scientific belief, point towards same, that free will is just an illusion. Here is why: Religious view: We Sikh (and Christians too) often say that God knows the future and everything, that God has a plan and everything happens according to that. The only way to know the future for anyone, even God, is that future has to be settled or fixed, that it can not be changed. Since it is the present that leads to the future, therefore present has to be fixed and settled too. Scientific/Philosophical View: 2+2 will always be 4. Similarly, if we copy an action exactly, then its result will always be the same. Now if assume that action is Big Bang and we replicate it perfectly 1000 times, still, all those 1000 times it will still lead to this same day with both of us having this same conversation, on same website, in same language on the same planet, etc. So, inside of physical world, there is no free will, whole world is just like a Grand scripted movie where God is playing each and every character, including both of us and God is the writer as well. 4. Yes off course, if someone has managed to get rid of earlier mentioned impurities, thats all one needs. Because if he/she has reached that state, it means he must have repented truly otherwise he is not pure yet. You also have to understand, there are not 3 parties. There is only one party. The Criminal, The Sufferer and The Forgiver, all three are same. They are all God. The difference is- Criminal is least pure, sufferer is more pure, the forgiver is completely pure and hence one with God. But once the Criminal and Sufferer achieve purity, they will become one with the Forgiver, so hence there will be no one left to forgive. I have read about the purgatory as well, first time I read it I immediately noticed how they are also trying to say same thing about purity but in a different manner. May be Physical world including Reincarnation is the Purgatory.
Hey BOS , you guys need to put out a list of good books to read , there are alot of books on Sikhi but I don't know what's the truth and what's a lie , so if you guys can I'd appreciate it , keep up the great work 👳
+ravinder sagoo My Guru ji is not a book ! And I know for a million percent that my guru ji is the truth !! there is no doubt in my mind about that !! I just thought maybe our brothers and sisters at Bos could recommend some BOOKS so we "sagat" can build a reference library ,a small collection in our homes for our families.
+ravinder sagoo no worries little bro , when I walk into a gurdwara and I'm standing in front of guru ji I can feel and kinda see him in my side view, guru ji sitting there , I can't see him directly but I could feel and kind of see him in my side view . I notice the more effort in praying l put the stronger the feeling gets , it a big trip for me because I'm just getting into this and I'm feeling these things , it's the nicest high iv ever felt lol ! 👳
Jassi Brar Have you come across any books which are easy to read about Sikhism? There are plenty written by native Indian authors but the text is too dense, overwritten and misleading
Brother you didnt explain why jesus was crucified. it was because jesus claimed to be son of god! none of the guru sahib claimed to be son of god or equal to god as jesus did or as it is mentioned in bible “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” John 1:1-2 NIV “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14 NIV i know we cannot believe any person who comes to us and says that he is son of god. we will think he is insane. but what if he proves his statement. then we'll believe him wont we? Jesus rose from the dead. i respect guru sahibs a lot. they sacrificed their lives for humanity. brother about paganism we all have our different perspectives. i could say that reciting same "path" every day is no less than paganism. if "jesus's giving his life for sins" doesn't make sense to you then growing beard, wearing turban and reciting 'path' ,going to gurudwara sahib where they buy 'prasad' and then have it mixed into other prasad by one of the sewadar and taking "amrit" in order to attain oneness with god also do not make sense to me at all. i heard a story where guru nanak dev g told a muslim that god is everywhere (an awesome statement, i respect and believe that) but then why cant we sit inside golden temple pointing our legs toward centre of gurudwara or sit near 'sarowar' while putting our feet inside sarowar?? try doing that you'll know what im talking about. i don't believe christianity with my eyes closed. i tried to find truth, salvation and life and i have found it “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 NIV i have one question according to guru granth sahib g after death there are 8400000 lives of different species or like that. so you are saying all the people who died before guru nanak g , not knowing about guru's teaching went to that circle ??? and to all my brothers and sisters here who would like to reply me please provide your response with basis of guru granth sahib and not your own perspectives. god bless you all.
Who lost their strength in the bible after cutting their hair? It's in there. The bible has been completely corrupted by Constantine. If that isn't true then why would Gnostic Christians be killed and after the Dead Sea Scrolls were found the message was different. Furthermore, in the court of law saying someone said such and such thing is heresay. The bible even talks about reincarnation, men of letters are too brain dead to see it. John the Baptist was Elijah reincarnated. God is beyond time and death.
@@montybains5112 Yes it might seem to you that samson lost strength when his hair was cut. but if you had kept reading the story you would’ve noticed samson destroyed the palace while after his hair cut. where did strenght come from then. we believe strength comes from THE LORD. and if go along with your statement then all the people who dont have long hair are weak?? only sikhs are strong just because they have hair. and you know it is easy to stay BIBLE is corrupted by constatine. but many sikh are arguing with each others about dasham granth and many other scriptures of guru granth sahib. and please give me reference to gnostic “christian killed after dead sea scrolls found” cuz i havnt found any.
@AVNER 12 THATS the difference brother you believe GOD sends people like guru nanak dev to save word by spreading truth but we believe GOD came himself not just to preach truth but to die for us.
These statements come from the gospel of john that most bible scholars say was written 90-100 AD. They say it was not even written by John. The author is anonymous and most bible scholars reject any notion of it being related to a historical jesus and what he taught.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Gurbani is a form of Naam, Naam is everything ji. Naam created the whole universe and into naam it shall all go. Practice of naam can be simran of Gurmantr (Vaheguru), Mool Mantar or gurbani paath - or ideally all three
Sat Shri Kal brother, 'For God made him who had no sin to become sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God.' 'Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God,; The need to kill an animal but it was to pay a consequence for sin and to fulfil the wrath God has towards sin. As we bear the burden of Sin from birth God is completely unapproachable to humanity non Jewish.. After forgiveness of sin through Christ and the helper of Gods spirit any humani is free from the bondage of Sin. Sounds funny to anyone who has not been filled with the 'conviction and forgiveness of God but once you experience the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit it'l like a hood is removes and you see this state clearly. Is there any think like the Holy spirit entering your body as a temple in Sikh? God bless you in your endevors and good questions and it's hard to discuss in a short response here but I'm glad you got me thinking.
Hi there, Orthodox Christian Deacon here. This was a very respectful critique of a Protestant view of the atonement. Christian Sotieriology has been done much violence and oversimplification in the past 500 years. If you read the Christian Church Fathers who laid out our doctrine- much of which is forgotten in the west, which has forgotten everything before Anselm of Canterbury on this topic- you would see that Christ's atonement for mankind begins at His Incarnation, when the Word of God united Himself to Human Nature completely. You see, Man is made in the Image of God and was created for communion with Him. The sin of Adam broke the cosmos and introduced death and corruption to all things. Man was given the Law to hold back the tide of evil and hold man back from causing greater harm to himself or the world. The system of sacrifice was a shadow of a vision Moses had of heavenly worship that he was to emulate. The Torah says that atonement was made with certain sacrifices, but through the prophets we come to understand that this is not by blood sacrifice that sins are forgiven. Psalm 51 and Isaiah 1 prove definitively that God does not need blood sacrifices and it is a disposition He desires "sacrifice and offering Thou hast not desired. A broken and contrite hearth O God Thou wilt not despise". This was foreshadowing of Christ coming to offer Himself for us. So, by Christ taking on human nature, fulfilling the law and taking on all the sins of mankind, He nails sin to the Cross and dies. Man until then was condemned to dwell in She'ol, the land of the dead, unnaturally disconnected from the body which God placed us in. This is the realm of the accuser, Satan (that's what the name means) who tempts mankind away from God and brings us to this divided state. When Christ died, He entered She'ol as all men do, but as God He trampled down the power to hold men captive and released the righteous dead to be with Him in Paradise which is the experience of God Himself. By His incarnation, he restores Human Nature to its original state which is to be united with Himself, ever growing in communion with His divine energies. As St. Athanasius said "God became man so that man may become God", this is union without fusion (i.e. Mohksha). Also, to quote St. John in his first epistle "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us because it did not know Him. Beloved now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is" (1 John 3:1-2). In summary, Jesus did not shed His blood to appease the wrath of His Father, because Jesus is His Word, this is nonsensical. He did it to take on all of the corruption of sin and destroy its pervading power of corruption in His death and to perfect Human nature so that we could become capable of receiving the Divine Nature and be with Him.
too many factual mistakes in specific terms. u shouldn't have used english translation. like paap ≠ sin. let me explain paap = bad karma while sin= an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. did u see the difference.
MR 1 in Sikhism transgression against divine law (hukam) is THE biggest sin. From which all the bad karmas happen. So they are very much linear in Sikhism. If u r in hukam, then no bad karmas.
What is the real history of Christianity ? From Constantine and sun god worship to the modern false church system , the deception regarding the Bible has been propagated from centuries of pagan influence and church lies . Uncover pagan christian traditions and pagan Christian origins . Who was Constantine ? Was Constantine a real convert to Christianity ? Was Christianity originally a Jewish faith ? How did the son of god turn into the sun of god ? What about the pagan holidays ? What about Christmas and it's pagan origin , Easter or Halloween ? What is the pagan origin of Christmas ? It's time for the false church to be exposed ! This short video exposes the deception of the church through centuries of church tradition . It's time for the false church to be exposed !
If we are reborn into this life because we didn’t previously live a life that would take us to Waheguru Ji. Then in the last life we must have sinnned. So in this life we are born as sinners. I’m confused
😂 sure you were. Islam and Christian all they do is just lie. I’ll be cut in pieces but would not convert to other religion. You make me sick when your people say without Christ you will rot in hell. Clearly shows how compassionate your god is. Sikhi says do good deeds, believe and mediate upon god and you will receive salvation. Proud to be a Sikh and will die as a Sikh. You were never a Sikh 😂
@@MrIncredible1495 yeah me too. I left Sikh. Jesus died for our sins. Now I can sleep around, rob people, lust over every women, gamble, clubbing and drugs yayyy, thanks Jesus I’m already saved partyyyyyy
Thank you very much for this video.Having studied many faiths & recently been drawn to Sikhism, this is much appreciated. I'd like to add one very important point. The holy book of christianity says that even your best deeds are like "filthy rags" compared to the faithfulness of God. I highly respect that humble attitude, and therefore understand that when christianity is followed truthfully, there is humility rather than ignorance. It seems as if you are insinuating that christianity is ignorant, but this idea that even your best works are like filthy rags compared to the sinless life of christ is more humble than the message of being saved by good works.
I'm an Eastern Orthodox Christian and only the Western types of Christianity are represented here (and possibly only they were presented even to the first Sikh guru! because at that time both Western types were around). Sikhism seems so - so - so much interestingly closer to the Truth than Western Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism! It reminds me of how Chinese religion gets so close, by syncretizing Daosim, Confucianism, and Buddhism. But I do not accept the idea that they are all equally valid paths in themselves, since they all have internal contradictions, as anything that is not the full Truth will have, even if syncretized by so much human wisdom. Here is a rough sketch of the Eastern account. Christ was forgiving sins before His death, yes, and this caused the healing of many people from illnesses and demons. But since He chose to save us from death, He had to die as well. Why is this? Because by this He completes the journey of human life back to the Life of God. Someone has to go the whole way back to Eternal Life with God as it was first intended, but only God can do this first now that we have fallen. On our view, no mere human being can follow the will of God all the way, because our hearts are corrupt - we don't actually want to be saved in our heart of hearts, not least because of how hard this in terms of suffering, and because, despite how far the old testament saints got, we changed nature itself into one that dies. The problem is simply too deep for man. Yet He can't think our nature back into immortality or have an angel do this, bypassing what we choose, because freely willed human actions broke it, so only freely willed human actions can restore it. He made us free persons, so the love of Him by His own creation and not just from Himself (among the Trinity) would be real. So how to solve this dilemma we were in, where God and man could get out of this tragedy only together, but man could not undo death, entropy, this core of corruption? Christ's divinely and humanly willed actions throughout His worldly mission were necessary to unify His divine and human natures, and that's what happened. So He took on a fallen human nature, although not sinful in itself, to start where we start. His divine will to overcome death, after He died, wrote this possibility into our human nature, because by this overcoming of death He changed His own human nature into an immortal, unfallen one. But how does His healed / unified human nature effect ours? Not by our imitating Him, because again, we can't do it just by being shown - there is a point where even human sainthood is not enough to make the infinite distance from here to partaking of the Immortal Life of God. He could have run the example through our minds like an instructive video without really incarnating and establishing a church and dying if that's all that was needed. Instead He physically and metaphysically gives our natures the potential to unify with His in the sacraments of the church, which required it to first be unified in and by Him. Then we can actualize this healing in our obedience to His Old Testament laws, with our cooperating with Him by example, like the way Old Testament saints did. This account of how salvation happens is not the the Catholic or Protestant one. The legal transaction was supposed to be a metaphor to help understand what I wrote above. From a Sikh perspective, from what I've learned so far, this crucifixion and death doesn't make sense because the body is treated as a hindrance or as unecessary according to the Sikh doctrines of Maya and Reincarnation and the infinite or formlessness of the soul in the afterlife. By contrast in Orthodox Christianity the body and sensible world is real, and everything God makes is perfect and not unecessary and remains so until we choose to mess it up. And the earth and our bodies are deformed by sin, and death was introduced by the fall, because this world depended that much on humans as its caretakers. So since it was messed up too, He had to fix it, as much as He had to forgive us. I don't say this to persuade you of the reality of the material sensible world, because the path of reasoning to Orthodox Christianity must start from elsewhere. For that see Jay Dyer on youtube.
I am a Muslim and I agree with the Sikh perspective about Christ We believe he was not sacrificed but someone that looked lie him was But definitely God is so merciful and he forgives as long as we ask and change our way💕
In sikhism do you have to be Amrit shak to remove sins? I feel people can change by worshipping god of course it’s never too late to follow to be the better self
Thanks for this video. I am witnessing to a Sihk friend of mine. This was helpful in understanding your beliefs. May God bless you and bring you to the true knowledge of Jesus, our one and only savior. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6
by witnessing you mean CONVERTING a sikh person ...for shame why do you have the agency to decide to go against the Will of God and change His intention? That friend was born in their faith ,to be a good Christian encourage them to reconnect to God through Sikhi
Also remember Christ is word of God , He is light . There is darkness , he says to see through light , He says to be like him , when he is light , where ever there is light he exists . So ! Even if you are Muslim or Sikh , Doesn't matter has long has you hold Chirst in you . Christianity is Faith based , It isn't Rule based .
Okay, let me explain. I respect Jagraj, but he hasnt studied the jewish and christian books, old testament or new testament, this is why he doesnt understand Christs atonement for sins. When you read the tanakh (old testament) there is the story of Adam, when Adam commited sin, He was thrown out of paradise, and this is when death and sin nature came into the world (most jewish and christian theologians understand the scriptures as saying mankind was immortal until Adam sinned, and didnt know what sin was as man was pure and innocent ) One of the curses of Adam (and all mankind) was that their lives wiuld be limited, and they will die, hence all men have died since Adam, aswel as other curses, like having to work for food and so on, the main curse of sin though, was that mankind would be disconnected from God, as God according to judeo christian theology can not have you in his presence if you have sin, the blood of mankind is inherently impure, and the wages of sin, is DEATH, both physically and spiritually. Why Christians believe Christ died for sins, is that according to the bible, the ONLY person who ever lived who did not commit sin, was Jesus, this is unlike other religions which believe there are many people who have not commited sin, or that its possible to not commit sin by attaining enlightenment etc, according to the bible Jesus is the only one who has not commited sin and there will never be anyone else who will live free from sin like Jesus. Now this is where the atonement comes in, because all men have commited sin, and because its impossible to be free from sin (according to the bible) and because Jesus is the ONLY one who has not commited sin (according to the bible) and because the wages on sin is death, God has accepted him as the atonement for your sins. So you can be forgiven of your sins, and not suffer the spiritual death, because the death you should have died for he died for. Hope this helps, i really liked Jagraj but his understanding of Christianity was not very good. I guess the main thing would be this, if you believe theres many "holy men" who are pure and sinless, like sai baba, buddha, other saints etc, Christ atonement wont make any sense at all, if Jesus was just another holy guy preaching just like all other holy men, or just another mystical type guy, it wont make sense to you, this is not the biblical view though, there isnt a single prophet in the whole bible who hasnt sinned, the bible even speaks how King David commited adultary and murder, according to the bible Jesus was the only man who lived a sinless life. This is the major difference If you dont believe that, then Christ crucifixion is meaningless
Stopped reading at Adam, Adam and Eve are make belief. Evolution shows they didn't even exist. Bhai Jagrag Ji has studied every religion extensively. I'm sure he knew more than you lmao.
@@hoodiemelo3962 sikhi says shabad will kill ego,, but that same shabad is (word )= is Jesus In the beginning there was a word and word was with him and he is word Son of father Jesus
Both Bible and Gurbani are same. Naam/ Shabad in Gurbani and Word in bible mentioned are Creative powers not just Alphabets. Both mention as these have created the Creation. Lord sends his Messengers / Saints to Earth in various Communities to bring back the Souls alloted to them and they take sins of these alloted souls only . Once they leave this world people start interpreting the scriptures on their own ways. Saints Remain in the Will of the Lord . Both say that Human being is the Temple of Living God and Top of the Creation. In Gurbani it is said Harmandir ya shareer hai gyan ratan parghat hoye.( That Lord recides in this Body) Human being is a Mini Universe.
What is the real history of Christianity ? From Constantine and sun god worship to the modern false church system , the deception regarding the Bible has been propagated from centuries of pagan influence and church lies . Uncover pagan christian traditions and pagan Christian origins . Who was Constantine ? Was Constantine a real convert to Christianity ? Was Christianity originally a Jewish faith ? How did the son of god turn into the sun of god ? What about the pagan holidays ? What about Christmas and it's pagan origin , Easter or Halloween ? What is the pagan origin of Christmas ? It's time for the false church to be exposed ! This short video exposes the deception of the church through centuries of church tradition . It's time for the false church to be exposed !
Nanak said... Ma papi tu bakshanhara... Means how can guru forgive sins... Jesus said father is in me m in father.... Means Father son and Holy spirit(u called parmatma) are 1. Big difference between gurus and Jesus... Guru married but Jesus didn't. Bcos Jesus came to protect us not to be like us... Bro u need to read bible.... Big proof that today after many years still people heal from disease... There's power in Jesus name... Bcos he is still alive... They found his tomb was empty... But others are dead and still in somewhere on earth. Pls read bible
Hahaha if you want to talk about looking at graves, Guru Nanak Devi Ji's body wasn't found either. All that were left were flowers. But if you are so egotistical and believe Jesus is God then why is Jesus crying to god in Matthew 27:46 and asking god why he has forsaken him? I thought you said Jesus was god himself? No entity can represent god in entirety, however it is true that the guru was a part of god.
I don't believe you understand a Christian theology of the crucifixion. Christ's death was not a blood sacrifice nor was it payment in a get this for that system nor was it a gift to God. Sin was introduced by one man, Adam, through whom all of mankind fell into sin. This was so that all of man could be represented again looking forward to what Christ would do. God is perfectly just...the sins of man cannot be simply forgiven as if they never happened as that is very unjust... God's wrath towards evil... Namely the evil done by man... Was satisfied by one man in whom God poured out his wrath. Normally, no man would be able to satisfy God's wrath... God knew this and became man in Christ... So God became man so that he could satisfy his wrath towards man. This was not plan B, but rather Gods intention all along. He knew only God could met the standard of perfection.... And only by cursing all of man through the actions of the first man could he then remain perfectly just in forgiving sins through the actions of our man, one representative, which he would provide through Christ. This was not a gift or payment the way you describe, but rather the perfect harmony of justice and mercy, love and wrath. This is incompatible with other religions since it requires Jesus to be placed in a unique position as THE representative... not A representative. The Christian theology and Christ's claims about himself are that he is THE way, THE truth and THE light... with the emphasis being on his exclusive position as mediator between God and man. I understand that is incompatible with your beliefs, but in this video you attempt to off what the Christian view is and I didn't feel your statements were accurate. I hope this helps to provide some insight into the theology behind the cross from a Christian perspective.
Pav Singh both Christian and secular groups tend to agree that the various people groups did not have separate origins. The variations in each group develop and continue to develop over the span of a few generations. There is no reason to assume anything about Adam and Eves skin tone. It isn't mentioned and might have been totally different than anything we see today. (or Noah for that matter)
Pav Singh it would be difficult to pin point the number at any given time. Depending on how far back you go... I would say only 1 in the garden of eden and only 1 when Noah landed. One of the principle effects of sin in Christian theology is giving credit for something good to anything other than God and worshiping it as if it could provide. Example: God gives a lake that provides needed water... But we worship the lake as if it had a will and desire of its own and ignore God. This overall effect of sin leads to a wealth of religions.
Keep in mind that Jesus rose again after he died on the cross as he foretell thrice before he was crucified. No other guru rose after death. That makes a big difference.
Also keep in mind that JESUS was Blameless/Sinless, which is why HE was called a SINLESS OFFERING same as a Blemishless SACRIFICIAL LAMB 🐑 ,unlike Gurus or any human race/ethnicity for that matter !
Thankyou for your explanation. Some misunderstanding here...Jesus is not considered a 'saint' or 'guru', but rather the Son of God, the Word of God, and the Saviour of humanity as per the Bible. You are placing Jesus into your own worldview or into a Sikh context.
There is one god one creator and many roads to reach him praise the creator within yourself love him praise his creation and you will find him Thankyou
It doesn't say religion or religions - it says paths. The bible surely does not claim that your path to god will be like mine or that my path must be your path. Some Christians... Flog themselves - Not biblical, Not My Path Fasting - Not biblical, Not My Path Ashes on their Heads for Jesus - Not biblical, Not My Path Speaking In Tongues - Biblical Writing do not match having seizures on the floor shaking violently praising Jesus Christ, This is not my path nor is it biblical Marrying Dead People - Not Biblical, Not My Path Pray and Bow to Crosses - Not Biblical, Not My Path Pray and Boy to Statues - Not Biblical, Not My Path I think Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Guru Jesus would rather play a game of basket ball in the back yard or something than listen to us bicker about who has what rank, but this is opinion. What is fact, is that one person's path does not have to be the same to get to God - One Faith in Christ yet when Christ leaves there are thousands of "christ religions" - excuse people who see this as an example of how people condemning you to burn in hell for not believing works out: Now there are tons of christians that all think the others are all wrong. Certainly... There is ONE TRUTH - But a lot religions and a lot of wickedness. The bible demonstrates this nicely. I'm not embarrassed to be a christian, but I'm embarrassed my truth is surrounded by people calling themselves christians while simultaneously telling me I'm going to burn in hell. I don't think being a Christian is enough anymore - I'm becoming a Christian Sikh - That is my Path If my fellow Sikh's don't believe - its ok - they will protect me from oppression and I will protect anyone under oppression. Sikh's are more about drawing closer to God and helping others do the same than bickering about doctrine.... they do not ignore doctrine - instead they heed the bible Scripture, possibly without knowing it: "Keep Seeking and You Will find" and "Open Minded for the word of god, but reproving it against the scriptures" The Sikh are God's Army which sounds like a load of crap except --- they certainly Act like it and live by it until death - Like a Christian hopefully does too - Stand for Truth no matter What or where it comes from. If you don't know truth on sight, pray about it and do more research. God has a solution for those who can not read or have not heard and are incapable of understanding - But the rest of us have minds and we are expected to use them. Therefore, trust what your Guru tells you because you want to. If you still doubt, then research and come back. Try Again, or try another Guru. If you want the truth you will get it - I promise it won't be exactly what you expected.
Many roads to reach But some roads are straighter, smooth, less treacherous than others. All roads lead back to God Even Satan was the creation of God. And all evil is through the permissive will of the Lord. For his mysterious plans.
I do . Guru Granth Sahib ji was written by Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj by joining Adi Granth Sahib ji and teachings of Guru Teg Bahadur ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji . The mother name is obviously mata Sundari ji whose previous name was Mata Jito ji . You can find this thing in Sikh article too in Google.
I love your videos but this video is done from your point of view, which isn't accurate. This is where I say one should stick to what he knows without comparing to what he doesn't. You can't compare the Buddha to Jesus to Mohammed to Guru Nanakji. They are all incomparable. It's like when a Muslim tells me that Guru Nanakji was a Muslim. He is obviously wrong but he is saying this from his view point from being a Muslim. This is the first video that I felt was really off. You can't compare apples and tacos. That is what this video felt like. All the best to you and your endeavors.
@ Shiva-Singh Where is he comparing? A blind statement. Not comparing at all, no religions are compared or any Prophet is compared to a Guru. He is not comparing, he is informing the Sikhi' stance on Christ Crucifixion (if Sikhs believe or do not believe in this message), as there are Christian missionaries who in their point of view spread the message on Christianity, so as a Sikh, we have absolute every right to say if we believe that or if we do not (giving the Sikhis stance), however not disrespecting any religion or way of life.
Sikh Khalsa He is trying to make sense out of something from a Sikhi point of view, which in this case is inaccurate and can be offensive to Christians. I love Guru NanakDevji and Jesus. The missionaries have NOthing to do with Jesus. What he says about the crucifixion is complete wrong. This is something that is being compared. He is comparing Jesus to his limited point of view on the subject. He should just stick to Sikhi. It's like when I hear a Muslim tell me about Guru Nanakdevji. He is completely wrong and speaking from his limited point of view. Basics of Sikhi is an amazing channel. This is the one of the very few videos that I was majorly disappointed with. I have a right to my opinion as a free being.
Hanuman Shiva-Singh Offensive? I think, sometimes people can get extremely sensitive. Basics of Sikhi as stated in the video, had no intention to disprove Christianity or disprove Christ as a Prophet and state Christianity to be false, so that all Christians should become Sikhs. Now that would have been somewhat offensive. The video was of course giving Sikhis' stance, which Sikhs are entitled too when questioned on our beliefs, however at no time disproving any other way of life. At no time, did BoS disrespect or offend with giving Sikhis stance on matters and topics.
+Sikh Kalsa You're missing the point which is that this video explains the crucifixion inaccurately. Which, based on an incorrect description or viewpoint, has the ability to turn people off regarding Christianity. That can offend some Christians.
But one little detail we forgetting to mention with all due respect ✊ Jesus rose from the death at the third day ❤️ I invite you to read The Gospel of John 🙏🏻 And Luke 10:18 I love you all at the Ned you are a creation of the same God who created me 💚🙏🏻 Thanks for the video 💜
What is the real history of Christianity ? From Constantine and sun god worship to the modern false church system , the deception regarding the Bible has been propagated from centuries of pagan influence and church lies . Uncover pagan christian traditions and pagan Christian origins . Who was Constantine ? Was Constantine a real convert to Christianity ? Was Christianity originally a Jewish faith ? How did the son of god turn into the sun of god ? What about the pagan holidays ? What about Christmas and it's pagan origin , Easter or Halloween ? What is the pagan origin of Christmas ? It's time for the false church to be exposed ! This short video exposes the deception of the church through centuries of church tradition . It's time for the false church to be exposed !
there is only three possibilities…all religions are true, only one religion is true or no religions are true…they can't all be true, because they are great opposed to one another…obviously there is a God that created this planter us and all the universe, so all we are left with is there is one truth and only one truth!…we cannot say we are born into our religions or beliefs…for example my ancestors were Aztec Indians of North America and they worshipped the Sun and they would say that is there truth…why is it that I believe in the death and resurrection of a Jewish man two thousands years ago?…The Holy Spirit has allowed me to receive truth…truth isn't a system or religion, it is a person, the person of Jesus Christ. When you say Gurus can forgive sins and anyone who reaches a certain spiritual level is calling Jesus a liar… Jesus declare of Himself as being the way the truth and the life … he also declares that if anyone tries to get to the Father another way then Him is both a their and a liar. Jesus is equally God but lowered Himself and humbled Himself and was born into his own creation…He was perfect in anyway and did not lift Himself but bore witness to His Father in Heaven who has since glorified and sat at His right side, giving all power and authority. To say another is able to forgive sins or create with his mouth and make his words become reality is new age doctrine of devils…how does sikhs portray themselves to be so humble one minute then the other claim they with works and deeds and discipline can become a god or like a god with godlike abilities..who is man? man is formed of the dust and when we die we will return to the dust…As long as we are in the body/flesh we are subject to realities that we are no god and we cannot become a god, that is the first lie that was ever uttered on earth. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and we will all die one day and stand before him alone and give an account of our lives…we will not have a pastor, rabbi, guru, agents of light or a lawyer to stand beside us and defend us from the judgements of God…but what we do have is the blood atonement that Jesus has made and all who accept his death and blood as full payment for sins and put their trust in him and repent will be forgiven and given eternal life…get out of your own way and put God first!
Jesus teachings for u bro not for others ,, we have complete truth , in our book ,we know how a person can reach salvation , ,GURUNANAK IS GREATEST OF ALL ,
Jesus is for all! ... there is only One truth by brother...the truth has a name...it's JESUS! we are not saved by mere words or a book, but we are saved by the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross for all man, women and child!... JOHN 3:16 - "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." We are not saved by our own actions or deeds..even wicked men do good deeds, but we are saved by the works of Jesus...He died in our place, but rose again to life and we who accept His death as payment for our sin will also be raised unto everlasting life with Him!
Souldier4Christ Amen! JESUS is the only way, the truth and the light. Ask Him to reveal himself and He will. Seek and you shall indeed find. Then every lie from the devil will be exposed through the power of His Holy Spirit. Religion cannot save only the Power of Almighty God in Christ Jesus.
This Sikh religious teacher expressed a different opinion with due respect to Christianity and Jesus Christ, unlike Muslim preachers like Ahmed Deedat, who ridicules Jesus' crucifixion as CRUCI - FICTION and Jesus on the cross as FROG ON THE CROSS.Sikhs are very respectful of Christians and Christians too are very respectful of them. With due respect to this teacher, I must disagree with him on why God needed a "bali" (blood sacrifice) in the form of Jesus' death on the cross. First,God being a spirit and not human, does not think or do as humans do.Secondly, He being infinite transcends human logic because infinity defies finite logic such as if you add 3 infinities you get 1 infinity. So it is futile to probe God's judgments from anthropomorphic view. Because of this we will at best know WHAT God has done but not WHY has He done it, as much as my dog knows I have gone out but doesn't know why have I gone out. We humans will never know why sometimes God lets innocent children suffer violence, disease and death while he lets evil people enjoy good health and prosperity. Christians' belief that Jesus died for our sins is based on Scripture such as Isiah Ch.53, Vs 5 - 8. It is based on faith rather than anthropomorphic viewpoint.
“Sat shri akaal”!
As a Christian pastor, I appreciate you taking time to explain your understanding of Christianity from a Sikh perspective. Through we obviously have disagreements at a foundational level, I thank you for trying represent our beliefs accurately. I am currently trying to do the same in helping my congregation understand Sikhism from a Christian perspective.
Youd be surprised what you can learn from sikhism....
Only God can forgive sins because sin is an offense against God. No human being, including the human gurus can forgive sins. In fact they themselves say they are sinners, so how can they forgive others when they need forgiveness for their own sins!
Christ is no human guru, plz do research before talking about Christianity, ppl be forgetting he died and was resurrected, all the other prophets died but they never resurrected
What is the link to God to cleanse our sins. At what stage one can confidently say that his sins are forgiven. Is there any one say I have been forgiven by God and now can meet God face to face. Is not God holy and also loving. How can holy God just spare some one without judging for the sins and how can loving God just judge us for our sins. I believe Jesus is the link to holy God because he claimed the only way truth and life. He took all the judgement upon Him. He is God in human flesh. Please research all this truth in the Bible. God bless you brother
@@DoulosDave Rightly said, and thanks for pointing it out 🙏
I was raised Christian, been looking into Sikhi for a couple years, but lately I've actually reexamined the Christian faith and found the Orthodox Church, which has a different view from what you might typically find in the Catholic or innumberable Protestant offshoots. It honestly reminds me a lot of Sikhi, and I feel like I understand Naam better through the Orthodox concept of the nous and Theosis. At the same time, I don't think I would have understood or appreciated Orthodoxy if I hadn't spent time learning Sikhi. I think I'm ultimately going to dive deeper into the Orthodox Church, Hukham placed me in a Christian family afterall, but still respect and admire Sikhi.
There is no salvation in Sikh I respect everyone but everyone need to know Jesus is the Lord There is no one who can sayJesus is Lord except the Holy Spirit
@@opindersingh2105 But you just said "Jesus is Lord" so are you the Holy Spirit?
@@opindersingh2105 There is salvation in Sikhi as it teaches us to become one with Waheguru, which is The Lord. You can call him Jesus, God, Waheguru, different names but it all refers to the Eternal, the Creator. It is all One. However, I respect your views as well
Opinder Singh
The Holy Spirit is in all of us. And Sikhs say exactly that.
I'm Orthodox Christian and a student of Christian theology my entire life and my friend... Sikhs worship God the creator. Baptized Sikhs have 10x the discipline and dedication to God (and Goodness itself) than a normal Christian; they live a far more Christlike existence than 99% of Christians (and that 1% is dedicated Orthodox).
The desert fathers and pre-300ad Christians understood this; you have to have a humble demeanor, tempered diet, moral lifestyle, acceptance of a higher calling, and intent to gently spread positivity & wisdom to be a person of God. Sikhs and true Christians do exactly that. Saying "my religion is right and therefore I'm saved and no other religion is" is truly for faux-Christians, no sense saying stuff like that man because that's not helping you or anyone else.
@@riyadhillon7935 The heresey of Universalism has sent more souls to hellfire than anything else,
Though I Am a Christian I still respect and love Sikhism and Sikhs who truly practice it.
@Jesus he Prabu hai A man in the desert, meditates and has never sinned...will he not go to heaven?. The way you are talking is what pushes many born Christians away from the faith.
@Darker Black lol great introduction. Repent aha. Your great man. Made me smile :)
The main difference coming from a Christian perspective is to convert the whole world into Christians while on the other hand the Sikhs perspective is to make the whole world a better place and unite and unify all religions/people.
In Search for God, The God of Spirituality" All religions teach that every man has a potential to reach God, but practically they say: Only “our” religion is the true religion to realize that potential. Yes, every man can reach God but he has to reach through our way: I often hear Christians say unless you follow Jesus Christ you have no chance. But the same is said by Krishna (Hindu God): "If you surrender to me, leaving everything aside, I will take care of you, you need not worry." And the same is true about all other religions. They seem to be competing shopkeepers -- everybody is trying to sell his thing: his holy book, his messiah, his prophet, his God". But Sikh religion does not belong to this category. The message of Guru Granth Sahib Ji is universal and does not claim any monopoly in being the only door for liberation.
amen brother, your words are extremely true! Love Sikhi! Nice john wick photo btw
@@legokingiscoolthanks bro 🙏
I am proud to be a Christian✝🙏, and I respect the sikh people very much and at the end of the day it's all about being a good human being to live as a brother and sister in love, 🙏💗
I just became a Christian I have is in Sikh before thank you so much for the Lord Jesus Christ he help me with holy spirit Holy Spirit on me So I can confess Jesus is Lord and he say where he died on the cross for my sins thank you so much I want all everyone in this world everyone to become Christan but it’s up to the father who draws his attention to him
Your good works won't save you though. It is a free gift from God that you get by believing in what Jesus did on the cross and how he defeated death. He died and his Holy Spirit poured out for us. If you try to pay for salvation with your good works then you haven't received that gift. It is absolutely free. If someone gives you a gift and you pay them a dollar then you didn't receive a gift, you bought it for one dollar. The good works happen automatically when the Holy Spirit lives in you and changes your heart and mind and you get new desires and become born again. If you believe Jesus died for you then you are already saved. Repent, invite in the Holy Spirit in, trust Gods plan for your life and worship and praise God in every circumstance no matter if its good or bad. Read the Bible every day to feed your soul and spirit to be closer to God! 🙏❤ God bless you mightily!
@@EG-qs1sg Amen brother
@@opindersingh2105 remove singh from your name
@@opindersingh2105I just did the same ❤
It’s said the guru Nanak dev ji didn’t do miracles because to show he was divine but was divine which is why he did miracles and only to help people in the most modest of ways 🙏🏽
as in Romans 5 : 1 sin is actually a done deal by Jesus taking the punishment on our behalf. In Sikh sin is never a done deal because if God did not take the punishment for us, each human being must bear the punishment for their own sin. While our sin has been atoned for we still have to resist the temptation to sin while on this earth because we still have a sinful (but redeemed) nature. Confessing and receiving God's gracious forgiveness is the wonderful life of those who have believed that when Jesus died in the cross, our sin is forever a "done thing"!!
Jesus paid a debt he did not owe so that we could receive a gift we do not deserve. That gift is eternal life in a perfect world. Jesus' life, death and resurrection were prophesied many years before he came to live on this earth among us. He lived, died, and was resurrected just as the prophetic scriptures had stated he would.
That being said, I certainly appreciate this video and the information given by the teacher. He explained things very well, and showed sincerity and compassion in his lesson. I think Christians can find much similarities between our beliefs, more than most separate religions can. I now realize why Sikhs do not believe in Jesus the same as Christians do. I can only pray Sikhs can come to realize why the Bible teaches what it does about Jesus. There is so much more to it than mere martyrdom.
I have "liked" this video and have subscribed to this channel so that I can learn more. I do appreciate how this lesson was presented.
well i hve studied Christian faith but it sounds so man made like imagine me sayn a guy wass born out of a virgin women & get martyr for our sins.. so this means we cn do as mny sins as we wnt & all we gatta do is say jejus is ma lord to forget the sins sounds bit vage.. on other hnd SIKHI believe on karma & naam jaap which mke a lot more sense to me & to other people in general thass y christianity is an incomplete faith & mean while SIKHI is the complete truth
The gospels are not historically reliable according to most bible scholars, especially not the gospel of john that was written 90-100ad. The gospels were written not by the apostles they are named after, but by anonymous authors, according to most bible scholars. Whoever wrote them clearly had an agenda, and molded the life of jesus in such a way to conform to prophecies in the old testament, and also to incorporate jewish mythological figures like Moses. Basically, your claim that Jesus fulfilled prophecies is as fraudulent and deceptive as Titus, a text of the new testament supposedly written by Paul but is actually a forgery, like many other texts in the new testament. Anyone who researches these things can verify as truth what I have wrote.
@@acesius393 I’m intrigued about what u have wrote, I believe in naam, and karma. I believe In one and only god. And what to know more about what u have said about titus being forged. Can u plz eleborate. Are there any studies or videos we can watch on RUclips or online?
Sikhs are awesome.
I was sikh But last year I got baptized and accepted Jesus as my savior he is Lord
@@opindersingh2105 That is truly wonderful. But it doesn't change the fact that Sikhs are fantastic people.
@Mr. Duck my sins are forgiven in believing in Christ
It's worth pointing out that at the time chirst forgave sins, the sacrificial system was still in place. At the time he died on the cross the temple sacrifice was no longer accepted.
The temple some years later gets destroyed hence the jews no longer sacrifice.
Christ is the ultimate blood sacrifice that atones for our sins.
@ Paddy Singh. Jesus Christ not only forgave people, he restored sight of the blind, healed man with leper, healed paralysed man, walking on water, making the storm and angry sea calm, giving life to dead people, even when the dead body was smelling.
And How come no man in History has rose from the dead. Jesus is God not only because he performed miracles, died for every humans sin's, he died and on the 3rd day rose again from the dead.
There is no man who have done so many miracles and giving life and died and rose from the dead.
And do you know how Paul became Paul. He was earlier Saul, who was Jew and was killing all the christians and he was going to Damascus to catch the Christians and bring them to kill.
"And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven.
"And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?"
"And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks."
"And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man."
@@paddysingh1912 Hi brother, hope you are doing good. Thankyou for your reply.
I liked your questions. I understood there are different questions in your message. Hence I will try to answer one by one. Before that while you read, i would request you to keep an open mind and think, and come to a judgement using skepticism.
1) Jesus performing miracles outside Bible -
Check history of Judaism, you can find numerous sources saying about the miracles of Jesus (some Jew sources say Egypt claims Jesus got miracle performing powers from Egypt, some Jew sources say Jesus used evil to perform the miracles, some Jew sources say Jesus was practicing Magic, etc, etc) But one common thing you will understand from all different sources is that JEWS ADMIT THAT JESUS DID PERFORM NUMEROUS MIRACLE, SOME JEW SOURCES SAY JESUS DID AMAZING DEEDS.
Apart from Judaism, you can check Quran. Quran is not showing the history, but as you asked where else is Jesus's miracles mentioned, thats why.
Quran says with specific words that Jesus healed leper and blind people, and Jesus gave life to dead people.
2) Your misunderstanding about Gospel of John written by Paul -
Gospel of John was written on around AD 90. Paul died in around AD 64. You can search this anywhere, you will find this. Then how a person who died in around AD 64 can write a Gospel in around AD 90?
Gospel of John was written by John.
And I guess you know that its said in several places in Gospel of John that Jesus claims that he is God, thats why you are asking me to show me where did Jesus said he is God in Gospels other than of John's.
As you can check and understand that Gospel of John was not written by Paul, then you can check and see that several places in gospel of John - Jesus claimed to be God.
And simply I will tell, if Jesus didnt say he is God and he didnot do the miracles and he didnt die and rose from the dead, then Christianity wouldnt start in the first place.
3) Anti-Paul idea -
And I guess you have a Anti-Paul idea. May be you got this idea from other people's words or you made it yourself. But I would suggest you before getting an Anti-Paul idea, please check and verify, use your skeptical mind to come to a judgememt. Why did Paul become Christian in the first place? I answered this in the prior message. And you should understand that Paul was a devout Jew, who was kind of a perfect Jew who was well praised in his community. Would a person like this turn to another religion? The reason he persecuted Christians is because he was a devout Jew and he had a belief that Jesus was not the Jew Messiah who was promised by God. Thats why he couldn't bare to see people saying Jesus was the promised Messiah. That is why he was persecuting all the Christians who were being converted from Judaism.
And then the incident took place which changed his life totally, by which the Jews who were praising about him started to say ill about him, and everyone was persecuting him.
Most of the letters written by Paul which are in the Bible were written by him when he was in prison, because he was now a devout Christian.
If he wanted to write anything, he would write about himself, praising himself, but he wrote about Jesus.
If a person is writing about praising another person there would be 2 reasons :
1) He would be asked by the person about whom he is writing to write in pressure from that person or from that person's people.
2) He would write about this person because he wants to, because he believes in this person's claims.
As you know he was in prison when he wrote all these letters. He was not imprisoned by Christians. He was in prison because he spoke about Jesus. So he was not in a pressure from anyone to write good about Jesus. And later he died because he was speaking about Jesus. He knew he would die because of this, Still he didnt stop.
Search and check about this and use your skeptical mind to come to a judgememt.
4) Trinity -
Let me first explain about Trinity before answering you other questions. Christian Concept of God is that God is one but God is 3 persons. The Trinity is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I will try to explain this to you -
God told Moses in the Torah (Holy Book of Jews, which is also called Old Testament in Holy Bible) to tell God’s people these words :
"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD" (Deuteronomy 6:4).
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3).
You can see the same thing in the New Testament : This is a story of a man who knows the Torah well. He came to Christ to ask him questions and Jesus answered him.
"And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all?
And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord. And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these". (Mark 12:28-31)
So we got that God is one, now i will try to explain how he is three persons.
God is beyond our comprehension and he is greater than anything we can imagine. I guess you know that.
Imagine im drawing you a picture - God is at the top of the paper. Drawing a cloud around him because he is far away, unapproachable and mysterious. Now drawing at down of the paper a man on earth. Drawing a line representing earth under the feet of man. Notice the huge gap between God and man. God is in heaven, man is on earth. God can see us, we cannot see him. God belongs to the invisible world and we belong to the visible world. Now let us assume that God wants to talk to human beings and tell them something they do not know. How can he do it? For that he sends prophets to speak for him. Examples are Moses, Isaiah Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, etc.
In Exodus 3-4 you can see God talking to Moses in a figure of a burning bush. Where God is asking Moses to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. And in Exodus 3:13-14 Moses asks God's name - "And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." (Exodus 3:13-14)
By the way, I want to add one more thing "I AM" in Hebrew sounds "Yahweh" also called as "Jehovah". Christians call Yahweh as Father in the Trinity.
Now you see God spoke to Moses.
Now isn’t this strange that God speaks? How does God speak? What is his language? What is the volume of his voice? Can Moses understand the language of God? Can his ears handle the power of God’s voice?
God’s real voice is greater than the thunder. But God limited himself to the level of Moses. God spoke the language and even accent of Moses. He lowered his voice so low that Moses could hear it without hurting his ears. God used human language. The story of Moses teaches us about God and his nature. Because God loves us, he communicates with us. He spoke to Moses in the fire, through a voice in a human language. He spoke to Abraham through an Angel. (Optional: Read Genesis 18 and make note that one of the three men was called the Lord.)
And please note that in Old Testament "The Lord" phrase is only used to address the God (Yahweh).
Now I will explain you how Jesus is the 2nd person in the Trinity.
In New Testament it says "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high" (Hebrews 1:1-3).
As you can see God spoke through many different ways. But the main point is that every time God spoke he used a human means of communication. God is invisible. In order for people to understand him he uses not a heavenly language but human language and human means of communication. This shows his humility and love. If God has done this for many centuries, is it strange that God reveals himself in a more perfect way than a voice or book? He revealed himself through Jesus Christ. Notice verse 3 in Hebrews 1: Jesus is the exact representation of God, His image.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." (John 1:1-3).
"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." (John 1:14).
Let me explain something about the Word. Before you speak what happens in the brain?
You think about it before you say anything. If you order food at a restaurant, the waiter can wait for a long time without knowing what you like to eat or drink until you open your mouth and speak. So in a way your words are children of your mind. Here in John, the gospel is saying that before God created the world, he thought about it. That “thought” is the logos in Greek. In Hebrew it is “wisdom” and in Arabic it is “Al Kalima,” or “the Word.” Before the word comes out it is wisdom.
Where is your wisdom? Its inside you.
Where is the wisdom of God? Its inside God.
Hence is this wisdom/word apart from God? No it is not apart, it is God itself. Here its said Jesus is the word of God.
Also not that Quran also says - Jesus is the word of God.
This is heavenly things, which are difficult for humans to understand. In John 3:12-13 Jesus said something like this to a high ranking religious Jew who could not understand him.
"I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven - the Son of Man". (John 3:12-13).
It is basically this: as the word is a tangible manifestation, Jesus is the physical, tangible manifestation of God who is the great mind and intelligent power. But what we need to understand is that Jesus is physically man, but in his Spirit he is God, just as when you pour water into a bucket, it is still water. The bucket is just like the body of Jesus, the water is the Spirit of God. (You might now in Old Testament its written in "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel".(Isaiah 7:14). And you may know that Jesus was born of virgin Mary. "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost". (Mathew 1:18). Hence even though Jesus had the body was of human his spirit was Holy Spirit.
I want to give you one other example which I think will make things clear. Let us take the Sun as an example. Here are facts:
The Sun is 93 million miles away from us. We cannot ever go to the sun for two main reasons. One, we just cannot travel that far. Two, if we approach the Sun, we will burn up. In the same way, God is so far away that we cannot approach him. Read this verse from (Exodus 33:20) God said to Moses: “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.”
But the Sun can come to us in some limited form. How does the sun come to us? By its light. This is how God came down to us; through his Light, Jesus.
John 9:5 says "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world".
As you can see, the light that is here with us came from the ball of fire that is far from us, and yet they are one. Like the fire has light and they are not separated even though the light travels all these millions of miles, God the Father and Jesus the Son are inseparable. They possess the same nature. This is the only way we could experience God; by him coming down to our level. We cannot possibly go to him ourselves. He came down to us because he loves us and wants us to live in the light, not in darkness.
Now i will explain about the 3rd person in the Trinity - Holy Spirit.
What does the Light bring with it? What do we experience other than being able to see everything around us? Its the heat or you can also call it the energy, the power.
"Gods light overcomes all darkness." Great video
Yes. And According to the 1st chapeter in the book of John, Jesus is that light.
@@praveenkumargudala6466 Very true.
@@praveenkumargudala6466 true Jesus is the light . God love us all as he sent his only begotten son for us
He died on the cross so we didn't have to die and instead we could be with Him forever in Paradise. When You have Him in ur heart that's a promise, inheritance, etc
What is the Hindu word mean? I can't answer the question without knowing bc I'm a Christian not Sikh
it didn't really 'die' tho, did it.
@Lord Of the underground That is the catholic church, which us Christians dislike and disagree with. they ARE NOT true Christians, and the paedo priests that roam freely are the most despicable of humans. Jesus said: "whosoever causes one of these little ones to sin, it would be better if a millstone was hung around his neck and he was casted into the sea." so the Bible teaches about such despicable acts. educate yourself on my Faith before you trample its name.
@@MD-eu4im ur orthodox Christian?
We will die regardless. Are you speaking metaphorically? If you are speaking metaphorically, how does his death on the cross prevent us from spiritually dying? Blood magic? By setting a good example?
Hi! Thank you so much for sharing your perspective on Christianity. I find this to be very interesting.
However, I have to say that there is one part about the Christian perspective which I think, you might have overlooked and I would like to share this with you:
You asked why Christ's blood would be needed to atone for our sins. But the point in Christianity is that God is perfect love and therefore also perfectly just. He cannot leave even the slightest sin unpunished. That's why God cannot simply fogive sins because it would not be just. Also, doing something good will not and cannot make the evil that you did undone. It still has to be punished no matter how much good you do.
However, knowing that we are not able to give anything as payment for our sins, God chose to take the punishment for all of our sins upon Himself, so that we could be justified. In order to be forgiven therefore, a person would have to humbly admit that he is a sinner and that he cannot do anything to save himself, instead he needs God to save him (Repent and believe).
You said in the end of the video that what ultimately saves you in your religion is the relationship to God. This is exactly the same in Christianity, only in order to establish the relationship in the first place, you need to be justified first by the sacrifice of Jesus, so that you may be able to even be in the presence of God. Because without Christ, you are still a sinner and you cannot be in the presence of the perfectly just God. Through Christ the way to the Father is open to have a real relationship with Him where you can get to know God personally and intimately. I always stress the fact that you will get to know God, not only know about Him. Once you repent from your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, the Holy Spirit will come and dwell inside of you, guiding and leading you.
Jesus Christ is not only a Guru or a leader who is able to forgive sins, but He is the creator God Himself come to earth in a human body to teach us directly and to save us from our sins out of pure grace and love. There is indeed nothing that a person has to do or even could do to make himself good in the eyes of God, but God gives us salvation as a free gift in the Son Jesus Christ.
The amazing thing is that if you truly believe this good news (Gospel) it will change your heart and with the help and conviction of the Holy Spirit. you will start to learn to live a holy life and living according to His will and also getting to know Him more and more and you will be led by Him in your daily life. You will start to learn to sin less and less and do more and more good without having to fear condemnation for the sins which you might still commit because Jesus has already paid the price for them. You will therefore not be motivated by fear, only by love for the Father and the people who are made in His image. Surprisingly, a born again Christian, despite being already justified, will (because he or she just loves God so much) become far more loving than he or she might have ever become and at all times will have assurance of salvation because he or she knows the Saviour personally through prayer.
It is amazing. God is soooo good!
I hope that this was helpful for you to understand Christianity even better!
Much love and God's blessings to you all!
I pray that you might all find the Truth in Christ Jesus! Amen.
The Gurus are verily a part of god themselves as they are one with the creator and carry all his attributes. How can Jesus be god himself when he is literally crying to god asking why he had forsaken him in Matthew 27:46 , And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
I was sikh But last year I got baptized and accepted Jesus as my savior he is Lord
@@opindersingh2105 That is because you are devoid of any logic and are sheep. Look through this video and show me any Christian who could answer my questions. Christianity is a faulty manmade religion in the face of Sikhi. Tere karm inne maare ki tu sikh family vich born ho ke vi Sikhi nahi nibha paya. But whatever, Karmo aapo apni ke nere ke door. May God show you the light if he wishes.
@@opindersingh2105 interesting, though you may have not known Sikhi and Gospel is the exact same that God is within not found in temple, logic should guide your actions, etc Were you raised in Western country?
@@nishaunsingh6005 sorry bro but sikhi I don’t know and I don’t want to know any more
Jesus is lord thats it
yeah but Christian will always argue about it no matter what you say I have a question family and friends and they're not happy with me being a Sikh mattafact I just took amrit but I have not told them about
Sikhism is defective because it grants mercy but to the detriment of justice, it is a schismatic system.
When God forgives sins it is only on the condition that his justice is satisfied later, he does not forget justice when he grants mercy.
In fact mercy is a subdivision of mercy, not something which stands against justice per say.
The Sikh deity is unjust, it does not compensate for justice.
Jesus Christ had to satisfy God's justice for us to be forgiven completely.
You will be damned without Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, and that's just the reality of the situation.
@@destynationq7400 there is no deity in sikhism. Sikhism is perfect. Please read more. Meditate. Evolve.
@@destynationq7400 god is the creator sustainer and destroyer. He delivers justice. Their is justice in Sikhi. Please do your research before commenting something that is false
@@destynationq7400 justice is one of the most central things in Sikhi.
@@analysisbest You either don't know what deity means, or you don't know what Sikhism means. Take your pick.
Thank you for this very respectful analysis and for sharing your perspective with us.
jagraj singh veerji you make everything easy to understand ... we are blessed to have you in our panth 🙏
I saw this explained in modern terms, about why the cross was necessary and I'll repeat it here to add to the discussion. Assuming we all view God as both a merciful and just judge how can he be both? Let's say you hit my car and it's 8000 in damages. You are sorry and want to pay but you do not have it, the price is too much and would cause great hardship to you and your family. The merciful judges sees your pain and wants to forgive your debt. The just judge sees I will have no car as I cannot afford the repairs on my own and knows the cost must be paid. Being merciful God forgives your debt and being just God gives me the amount by paying it himself. Jesus was God paying.
Thats a good explanation, but the point you make it identical to what most christians say...and our video is simply stating that in the Sikh faith, we believe that the forgiveness of the debt can be done without requiring someone to pay... ie the judge is so rich that he can forgive your debt because there is no other person, in reality, its all God, we are all just manifestation of that divine light.
MsColdCanada . So ur telling me that God is a white man with blue eyes and blonde hair? And the reason y I don't believe that Christ said these things is because why would I trust Roman Catholics, who btw were the same people who had Christ killed??? please answer me and Il convert right now
Valerie Rodger . the Roman Catholics killed christ. I have 0 trust in them
Harki Singh, be careful with your assumptions. I am not a Christian, nor did I state I was a Christian. I am Sikh (though clearly I have not yet taken Amrit and changed my name to Kaur), with a Christian background and considerable education in Christianity and in history.Yes, there are different versions of the Bible, but the message of the teachings of Jesus does not change. The early Church had no "Bible" but rather collections of gospels, though they gradually became more standardized and a definitive biblical canon was set out in the 4th century. If one is to discuss Christianity in general terms, one must consider all that has been incorporated into the biblical canon, as well as the texts used by early Christians that have not become part of the canon.
Christians do not, as a general rule, believe Christ is a separate entity - most believe in Christ as one part of the Trinity (as espoused in the Nicene Creed) and as such is an aspect of God not a being separate from God, even though the concept of Trinity is never explicitly stated in the Bible. Again, this does not affect the message of the teachings of Christ. People have their own interpretations of scriptures based on, among other things, their ability to understand them, and this can be seen with Sikhs as well (though nowhere near the same extent).
There is no definitive colour to God because he is beyond the human ability to see and to know, and is most often perceived as a pillar of fire - there are a few passages offering vivid descriptions which serve to demonstrate that his image is so far beyond human ability to grasp that the description makes no sense as it cannot be matched to anything in our experience.
I do not disregard the Bible, just as I do not disregard the writings of any faith - it stands both as an historical document, and as a work that has spiritual truth. I do not have to be Christian to see the truths that are in the parables found in the New Testament. Similarly, I do not have to be Buddhist to see the truths that are in some of their teachings. I may travel a different path, but that does not mean that there is nothing to be learned by looking at the paths that others follow.
Valerie Rodger . may God bless you and your family with true happiness ((which i beleive comes truely in the form.of a righteous/friendly spouse, which is unlike me :) )). sincerely.
As a Christian exploring Sikhi, this makes total sense to me. I have always found it somewhat insulting (as a Christian) to say that Christ died for our sins, yet we still struggle with sin and deal with the guilt of said sin. If Christ died for our sins wouldn't that make sin a done deal? More and more, I'm falling in love with Sikhi.
Hey William, I'm a Christian. I'm watching this now to try to genuinely understand Sikhism more, in order to be an effective witness of Jesus Christ. I'm curious why it's "insulting", as a Christian, to say that Christ died for our sin, yet we still struggle with sin and deal with the guilt of sin? Why is this insulting? Your statement is Biblically true (ref. Romans 3:10&23, 1 John 1:8&9, the latter half of Romans 7 with Paul giving testimony), so why is that insulting?
Sikhs are great loving people.. and they're dying and going to hell without believing the Gospel.. this is not an insult, this is the clear Bible Truth. So, if you're a Christian,please....please don't love what God Hates. Psa 119:104
In truth and love, God bless you, William
@@JeffreySmithbvgvgfwwssweegvfbt I find it insulting to Christ. If Christ is the ultimate sacrifice that freed mankind from sin why are we still burdened with the weight of sin? With respect my friend, I feel too many Christians worship a small God. A small God who has no room for Sikhs in Heaven. So sad. God is beyond such pettiness - the Sikh explanation of God is beautiful and open. Vaheguru!
@@meco4068 Jagraj Singh already passed away 2 years ago: ruclips.net/video/DrQ9EG3yiXs/видео.html
@@rudigerk I know, I read about his passing some time ago. So, sad. Jagraj Singh was an amazing man and teacher! May Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him!
@Darker Black Vaheguru! I pray you and your family stay safe through these troubled times. Vaheguru!
Christ came as REPRESENTATIVE Man to Reconcile the Sinner to God the Father!! He was the spotless perfect Lamb. God in the flesh
I think He was God
@Q Min no that is called pantheism, God is not everything , but radiates everywhere. that is where the confusion is.
he was a carpenter n a fisherman till 33 ! common !!
@@chandradeo3287 God comes in different forms. God will come in whatever form required be it the carpenter or whatever you are saying. In society you are looking down on these as this lack of humility. This is the biggest problem we faced today and was no accident re as a carpenter
This just sounds like schizophrenia. If he is God why is Jesus praying to God? Why did God incarnate in the middle of nowhere as a hebrew carpenter? Why did he create a western themed religion that only westerners would be able to resonate with? Why was he not sucessful as giant swathes of the world population aren't christian? Why did he need to die on a cross to reconcile sinners with God? How did his dying on the cross reconcile sinners with God? Blood magic? Setting a good example? You need to actually explain these things rather then just yelling at people like some kind of lunatic.
And the Gurus also were seen in different places while they were elsewhere, as Jesus was. It's a power highly spiritual people have.
In the old testament, masses used to kill the lambs, animals to set themselves free from their sins.. Jesus came to free us from such things.. The important thing is that he came to die for us to set us free from darkness, diseases, sins but the most imp thing is that after 3days in grave, he rose from dead ND never dies... Every Saint, high priest came and preached about God but only one man came and said( I m God)...Jesus didn't said that I am also the way, truth and life.. But he said I m the only way, truth and life without me nobody can go to heaven... Wonderful video 👍stay blessed.. But According to me the God is HE who can defeat the death..
😂😂😂😂 brainwashed stupids
Ok u are christian why do u have kaur in ur name?
Ah yes
No other being claimed to be God
The god in his glory, sent a piece of him to defeat that of which is opposite to his nature, to give life and to restore
Baruch HaShem ❤❤..
@@bond3161 Sikhism teaches that all 11 Gurus are the Physical Form of the Formless God. We worship our Gurus as One God.
I am actually happy to understand Sikhi , Your way of telling is good .
At first , I started hearing Oxford union what a hindu has said .
Then I heard a Sikh from Oxford Union .
Then I am here , Actually according to me , What Christ is like WaheGure for you .
" Many Ways a Story can be interpreted , But what right way is the best , To stay at the path of Divinity " - Me Myself .
Christ says he is the light from God. Sikhs stays in reality and try to be filled with light , Which is Equal To Christian and Sikh .
Christ wanted everyone to be like him. To be light . For this all reason I like Sikhism .
Nice 🙂
Antar gyaan = self-realization.
If interested one must try to attain it, only then one will know how Guru Nanak & Jesus (son of lord) are connected.
Christian term is Theosis
You r right sir. And Jesus is talking about the same path. He asked his disciples to walk in the same path he walked. He said, "I am the Way, Truth and Life, No one can reach the Father (God), except through me".
Everyone who can walk in his path, living according to his teachings can attain self-realization/Nirvana/Moksha/Heaven.
@@praveenkumargudala6466 Jesus is pure. His blood paid sacrifice for our sins. You cannot be with God if you are a sinner. Someone has to pay for our sins. Jesus did that.
I pray that you accept his sacrifice so you KNOW you are saved. In Jesus name amen.
Jesus Christ is The God. There is no one equal to him. Nor you can compare him with anyone or anything.
@@praveenkumargudala6466You are absolutely wrong.
LORD Jesus Christ is saying in accordance with Jewish perspective.
Walking in his path means recognising The God. The God of Yisrael. And there shall be no gods aside him and should keep his commandments.
And above all you should have faith in our creator, Our LORD Jesus Christ.
One true thing brother, Pastors are not converting people, God himself is converting People. Pastors are just giving words of Bible and Teachings of Jesus which is full of love and repentance spirit.
So people feel so much love from Jesus a living God & People are getting peace and clean hearted life after repentance of Sins.
No outer appereance needed, just inner heart must be cleaned and Sins must be forgive by God. So Jesus is saviour is world.
If you want to know how truth, Go and read bible with your full spirit, Ask God , then God himself will answer you reality.
It's one thing to be God-like, it's another, to play God.
Just because God may grace some of us with some of His Divine Power or commission some of us to spread His Truth, does not mean we start playing God.
Hence, in Gurmat...
Only God is the Liberator.
Only God is the Forgiver.
Only God is the Punisher.
Only God is the Chastiser.
Only God is the Reviver.
Only God is the Enlightener.
This is repeated over & over again all over SGGS.
+Maryjane S Then be thankful to the Omnipotent One Who created & gave you such a loving Jesus & sent him to you in flesh & blood out of the same 5 elements from which He has created everything; focus on the One Who inspired Jesus himself to such acts - Whom Jesus reveres as his own Father & in turn has inspired you to such divine love. The Creator of this play of Good & Evil, the Creator of angels & demons, of heavens & hells, the Creator of all our virtues & vices is so great that even Satan himself is victim to his own passions & is part of the Lord's grand play of Duality. How great the Lord is Who created both Jesus & Satan, so that we may know the difference! Without You, Lord, where would Jesus & Satan come from? Glory! Glory! O Beloved! Inspirer of Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus, Muhammed, Rama, Krishna, Guru Nanak, Buddha & so many more! Glory! Glory! O Beloved Inspirer of Good Conduct! The One Who's above Virtues & Vices - the Sustainer of All! The Intimate Knower in all hearts!
+Maryjane S Focus on the One Sustainer of all existences Whom none could even comprehend to rival in the first place, leave alone trying to qualify themselves as His worthy enemy.
I don't think Jesus said he was god. I'm not trolling, I just never got that impression studying scripture... I've been debated a lot, and I've read the parts that "he says it" but - he doesn't say it.... Not once does Jesus say I AM GOD... Not Once. I and the Father Are One? Isn't a Couple also made of two persons, they are one flesh according to god, yet they are clearly separate persons (and flesh).
Further, a Sikh who does not believe me about Jesus at all, is seeking the Source, The Father... All praise goes to the Father Says Jesus... Jesus Prayed to his Father... Are we not all sons of God? Are we to pray to someone other than God? Jesus said to pray to our Father.
The Sikh say Pray to Our Father.
If Our Father Has a Son and they (YHWH and Yeshua) worked out a way to help us live forever or salvation - that's great - Now we are saved through his appointed Son. I knew God would come through either way... So... If Jesus is God, The Sikh are already there without seeing, yet believing. If Jesus Isn't God - Shouldn't we be discussing the part where the King Kills You if You Praise the Father and Pray to The Father instead of Praising the Father like he said? Wait - Does that read wrong? Yes. It's ridiculous.
It does say in the Bible - Jesus is the Way and The Life. The part that kills me, literally I suppose, is that if Jesus is King, but I reach out to his father, he gets angry and denies me.
Christianity has left the building in my view.... There is one Faith In Christ, True... Impossible to tell in this reality so I finally came to a very strange stance: I'm a Christian, and most of YOU ARE NOT... I know because you keep judging everything and everyone touting Burn in Hell... You will Burn if you don't agree with what I say..... You Will Burn if you believe this, You are in a Cult if you believe That - Ok - As you see fit. But I don't know what bible they are reading, I do know I don't hear much of God's Law, just a lot of cool Messages from Jesus and the Apostles and the Prophets being turned into something of an Abomination. Jesus is Love, I hear Burn In Hell. Jesus Is Wise, I hear questioning any doctrine means you are a wolf in sheeps clothing and of Satan, Jesus is Just - I think he is but in regards to his Justice being some green light to be foolish and condemn your brothers and sound like characters from a bad movie - so be it.
As for The Sikh - They are very accepting of others belief so much so they evangelize FOR every religion in a way... I mean, they tell people of every faith, nation, tribe and tongue: Wake Up, There is More To Life and I've heard a Guru say "Atheists? Oh, I ask Athiests to just try asking God outloud or in prayer, 'God, if you are real, please help me find the correct path.' ", and the Guru Continued, " Just see if anything happens." (Quoted said Guru the best i could from memory) But I loved it.
@@jegas6796 Jesus said he is the Son of God and the he and the Father (creator) are one.
@Eli z You just echoed what I had already said.
satnam waheguru ! 😇 bhai jugraj ji keep up the good work
Kamal Kalyan praise the lord
I was sikh But last year I got baptized and accepted Jesus as my savior he is Lord
@@opindersingh2105 very True👍👍 God bless you.
@@opindersingh2105my family is Sikh when I was younger I prayed to waheguru but I’ve recently accepted Christ as my lord and saviour
Was/Is there any other Guru on the earth who said or declared, "Your sins are forgiven" or "I, the son of man has the authority to forgive sins on the earth". or "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can reach father except through me". I never heard of any other guru/master who made such statements.
So true
No true
The gurus said through truth and the name of lord one can achieve the saintly state thus can be forgived on their own and the guru is the way to God
@@noublsingh317 you are right that guru is the way to GOD, but JESUS is the GOD ( alpha and omega), beginning and the end.
@@noublsingh317 Exactly bro. The other gurus are right. Only The name of the Lord One can save. And Jesus claimed that he is that Lord One / Elohim/ Emmanuel/ I AM.
jesus is awesome lord of all world without Jesus nothing all
@@paddysingh1912 If Constantine had the books burned, how do you know about them now? Did you read them? Where can I find them, if love to have more info.
@@paddysingh1912 Can't find anything like what you described. In fact, the guy in that video says the four gospels are still the only first century accounts of Jesus, but that they are still looking. I researched a little, and they have found other fragments, but nothing about the Ebionites. I was looking for the books you said Constantine burned that show that Jesus's initial followers were in fact Ebionites. How can you just tease me with "many biblical books" of the Ebionites, about whom we know almost nothing, then not give me a source?
@@paddysingh1912 I did read it. Decent writer, but uses a lot of circular reasoning & confirmation bias. I still don't understand, though. I may have forgotten, but I don't recall a reference to extant copies of numerous pre-gospel books by the Ebionites. Most of his arguments are from the gospels. In any case, if there are no actual books, and this is just something you believe in your heart, I get that, and I respect that. If you drum up any actual sources to these Ebionites texts, I'd love to see them.
I am a Christian
And I am an avid sturdier of western mysticism and the occult
Although I do not particularly prescribe to any of those teachings other than basic hereticism
I am just now learning about the religion of sikhi and your channel has been a great help.
I love the view of god y'all hold and would love to begin practicing the religion but I still hold deep down that Jesus was one with god. Could there be a possibility of Jesus being the first to fully reignite soul with its source therefore teaching other men about it so he was the "only begotten son" at that time? Because after Jesus it is said we all became sons of god. Do u think there could have been a barrier at that time that only Jesus could have broken and that would explain his claim? Or do u simply believe the claim has to be false? Regardless I love everything I am hearing about the religion and would love to at least incorporate the philosophy of sikhi into my own beliefs. Thank u
The Young Mind it is refreshing to hear very intelligent words. My advice to you is to not let anyone online on any forum/website/etc influence your opinion about one religion or the next. Read the Guru Granth Sahib for yourself and see what you conclude on your own. If you don't trust any one single translation of the text, I'm sure your instinct will tell you to read it once again from a different interpretation. Follow that instinct until you are satisfied that you can now form your own opinion.
@@harmanpabla7315 I read the Guru Granth Sahib many times before I went to read the Bible and pray to Jesus. At the end my heart told me to follow Yeshua although the messages in Sikhism prepared me for what I felt was the ultimate truth. And to make clear there was nothing wrong with Sikhism just I felt overwhelmed by the power of the Holy Spirit!
Believing in Sikhism and Christ is no less , But I see the way of how Sikh deal with daily life makes many changes overall .
I am not opposing Christianity , it is just that , I haven't seen much Christ in Christianity .
When people say ,he is a Christian , I doubt whether he is a Christian by faith or by Christian because he was born in it .
I am Christian by faith ,
I accept Hindu ways too ,
But I wish to stand by light by completely opposing evil .
Sikhs has light and there is Christ , A Christian is not by baptising ,but by being Christ himself , Light itself .
Kot janam bichde the madho yeh janam tumhare lekhe"-millions of year get devoured taking births and deaths now this life is for only you my lord .why im on this earth if my sin wont get cleansed jesus is for humanity then why christian make jesus their god,jesus Muhammad and 10 gurus for all humanity,jesus only expect love from all humans. jesus never accept christians only because god is love. God has no religion despite love. Waheguru god lots of love to all humans.❤❤❤
@@one-eyedgaming6767yes exactly
Actually I am currently reading Bible and from how I read and understand is that at that time and even now god was very displeased by us and when Jesus died with the sins of whole world we were forgived and at the end Jesus said "why have you forsaken me father" and "it is finished" so where sin is there god cannot be so when Jesus died for our sins god saw us as Jesus so at that time we were forgiven.Amen
Was Jesus the all knowing God from the time of his birth?
Christ is the only way. God needed to become man so that man could know and understand God. This is Christ. The gurus never claimed to be God. There has only been one man out of all the religions who has said He is God Himself. He is the Word (Shabad) itself. And that was Jesus Christ. No one else. And this claim was put to the test though his crucifixion. And He rose again on the third day. He is the risen God. He endowed humanity with a divine nature though divinity putting on human nature. This was necessary. In Sikhism, How does God know what human suffering is if He has never suffered himself?
Your really asking how God does not know how human suffering is😂😂😂 Let me remind you. We are talking about God. God knows everything. Your confused 💀
Sukhwant Bhatia explains the actual concept of Jesus as a former Sikh and well educated theologian and student of world religion. I have seen the debates where Christians try to explain the fulfilled promises and prophesied need for a savior but they are always dismissed without a proper rebuttal. For instance, the sacrifice was always needed throughout history established by God in early Judaism. It is demonstrated in the first accounts of sin in Genesis. It is not pagan. God making the ultimate sacrifice to release humanity from paying the price ever again is the greatest act of sacrificial love and mercy.
It is clear to me when I study that Jesus is the best option for washing of sins. Jesus is the great equalizer so that mankind’s righteousness is no longer measured by rituals and works. It is a gift of grace and the invitation into freedom from pressure and/shame to grow in oneness with God so that works will come from a place of true transformation from the inside out as we connect with God. “It is by grace through faith we are saved, not of works lest any man should boast.” You say we do not need to give blood, but the Bible says “the wages of sin is death.” Therefore Jesus offers himself as the payment for all people opening the door to anyone who believes. I believe God speaks to people no matter their religion, but ultimately what I have seen is that Jesus is the final piece, the highest guru and the ultimate door and mediator to God. He said this of Himself as did Hebrew prophets before him.
I still have a lot to learn but so far as I listen to many debates and watch videos along with doing my own studies, it only has convinced me further that Jesus is the best thing that has ever happened to this world. And also I have researched other religions and put my faith through tests willing to walk away from previously learned things surrendering to the process of truly seeking what is real and what comes with the most historical evidence. There are many things that I believe now that I did not grow up believing. It was very hard to go on that journey sometimes but I Think we are I need to be brave and examine what our worldview is without bias. I am going to be a life learner and I’m glad for these videos. I do enjoy learning from your channel. Thank you for posting!
Thank you for sharing the differences and agreements.
God bless
The Christian Bible has been modified and changed during the 15th Century, so what you are saying may NOT be accurate. It was modified to control the believer. So why is this coming up in your conversation?
In the court of Lord, each one of us are answerable for our deeds. God /Guru may forgive our misdeeds and put us on right path. In Sikh religion, the debt is not passable to some one else. The ' whipping boy' concept does not apply. Did people stop committing sins after the crocification of Christ? No, not all. In fact, his sacrifice should have been inspiring his followers to fight against the system that he had believed sinful. How many Christian are following in his foot steps to fight sin inducing deeds?
Now If i ask you How many Shik stop committing sins after the Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji ? And If you don't find your answer then read Holy Bible Properly Both Old And New Testament Also & one more thing check your Crucifixion spelling😑.
🙏Guru Nanak=Yeshu🙏Messiah=Guru Nanak🙏
The Gospel of Thomas says the kingdom of heaven is within and outside of you...Means god is within and outside of you, these gospels are the closest gospels to Jesus Christ’s time period, so we don’t need to die to be with god we can experience god here and now, this is actually what Sikhs also believe in ...
I Guess Romans hided Spritual essence of Christianity.
The old testament is the new testament concealed and the new testament is the old testament revealed! Jesus is fully God fully man and he is God's perfect sacrifice!
@@paddysingh1912 Hello brother. I respect your decision. If Jesus was not God, how can he say "I and my father are one"
777 300 well brother you are right everything is god and god is everything according to sikhs everything is a singularity
@@paddysingh1912 Yes. Jesus didn't write.
Can you actually explain things reasonably rather then yelling at people like a lunatic?
@Basics of Sikhi this was a great video on the Sikh perspective and I am a huge fan of this channel. Speaking as a Christian I think the Sikh view is actually closer to the Christian view than you think. Or at least some Christian views. Because when it comes to the Atonement(why Christ died) there are multiple interpretations that are broken down into 3 categories. (i)The Moral Influence perspective (ii) The Classical(Christus Victor) perspective. (iii) Scholastic(substitutionary) perspective. The view you articulated is very close to the Moral Influence perspective on Christ death which I hold too. For Christians who hold to the Moral influence perspective we would say it is that for a couple reasons:
1)Christ's death is an example of self sacrificial Love
-In Life Christ for us embodied perfect Love both in his teachings and in his actions such as his message of the Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven, the signs of which were peace, justice, mercy and compassion.
-Not only was Christ willing to live and preach these principles as God's anointed one, but he was willing to die for those principles.
-This is a moral example for us as Christians and as people who have to pick up our crosses and follow him that we must live by the example of peace, justice and mercy for mankind and if necessary give our lives in self sacrificial love for others as Christ did for us.
2)Christ's death reveals the suffering face of mankind for us
-St Paul tells us in his letters in the New Testament that Christ is the "New Adam"
-Adam in the Bible is considered not only the first human being but the representative of mankind as a whole.
-In life Christ represents mankind in terms of the trials and temptations that human beings have to face, and in his death he represents humanity by showing us the suffering face of humanity.
-This is why the "passion of Christ" is so important. It is Jesus's passion for the suffering face of humanity in his own pain and suffering as a form of solidarity
-In the same way that Christ showed solidarity for the suffering face of humanity, we as Christians when we see the suffering face of humanity revealed to us in humanity's representative have an ethical and moral responsibility to our fellow human the way the Good Samaritan had an ethical responsibility to the suffering person on the side of the road. We are called to heal the wounds of humanity revealed to us in the wounds of Christ.
3)Christ's death reveals to us the face of the marginalized and oppressed.
-At the time crucifixion was an instrument of torture that was used by the Romans for people who were either (i)Slaves (ii)non citizens(iii)enemies of the state.
-During the Spartacus revolt for instance the slaves in the Roman empire revolted against the Romans and the Romans responded by crushing it and then crucifying the slaves as an example not to challenge the power structures of the time
-During the Roman occupation of Judea which Christ lived under their were many Jewish messianic revolutionaries who the Romans crushed. The biggest example of this is in 70 A.D when there was a Jewish revolt and the Romans crushed it, killed up to 1.1 million people and had the revolutionaries all crucified.
-In the crucifixion narratives themselves we see Christ being crucified alongside two people considered criminals by the state and society at large.
-In this image we see Christ's solidarity with the marginalized and oppressed because Christ himself was marginalized. He was born marginalized in a stable. He grew up marginalized by having to escape persecution by Herod and live in Egypt as a refugee. And he died marginalized.
-Just as how Christ showed solidarity with the marginalized and oppressed as Christians we are called to show solidarity as well for the marginalized especially when Jesus says "the way you treat the least of these is how you treat me"(Matthew 25).
So this is an important perspective for why Christ's death was important for. There are many others as I mentioned but I think this one is really close to the Sikh view. Anyways keep up the good work guys :)
Already forgiven , when you took birth in Christian family ,, what a joke of millennium,, you killed thousand of innocent people in Vietnam Iraq Syria India , for lust of power ,oil ,,and yu are forgiven , after doing crimes what a religion Christianity ? Already forgiven ?
Pls read the New Testament of the Holy Bible and tell me where Christ tell his followers to harm another human being. If some country attack another, it is not religious in nature but for territory or economic reasons. War is fought mostly for geographic & economic reasons. If all of humanity will follow Christ in the way he wants you to then the world will be heaven. Your lack of knowledge of Christianity is commendable Brother Lal!!!
@JANHOI - I'm a Christian Heretic (I think evil will be destroyed, not tossed in a campfire for eternity unless God just likes to leave out important stuff like that when say.. Telling Adam the Wage of Sin Is Death. If it is... why is Adam in hell again? That Said - I Love Jehovah, YHWH, The source, The Creator, The Big-BANG Singularity, Naam Jap... I Also Love Jesus, but All Praise Goes to the Father in my Bible.
I''m actually on the Path of a Sikhi right now... and providing they don't mind me loving the God of Abraham or believing that there is a being called the Son that is my King. To God, Any God Appointed King, even a Teacher in Righteousness - I will bow to.. but as the bible warns... I will not Bow down to the Stars, The Moon, The Sun or any engraven image, idols or other gods. (This is also the Sikh Way)
I really like that I may join the "Sikh - God's Army", besides I'm somewhat good with turning my cheek if I get slapped but if someone is punching and grabbing and what not... or doing that to anyone around me - I tend to get involved if I can actually identify... in my PRE-SIKH thinking - If I see a bully - It Stops NOW - I don't care who they are or who they are oppressing.
JanHoi - I Really Love God and I Really Love Jesus. I also want to say that this profound exact sentiment comes from both Jesus and Guru's the Sikh learn from: "It is better to not have known Righteousness than to have known it and turned your back on it, it is like a dog returning to its vomit" (Quote from memory - so flawed but - the idea I think is there)
That said - I want to Say - researching the Sikhs has at a minimum been enjoyable and has made me tear up so many times while praying and stuff, I'll watch or read some more than BAM - I Can't SEE again - as I am touched - and it seems EXACTLY like the Fruits of the Spirit to me - plus, their message is NOT Switch Religion - its for atheists too - a simple message paraphrased: "WAKE UP, THERE IS MORE TO LIFE" with an emphasis that there is One God and he made everything, therefore we are family, therefore.... come our father's house - lets eat.
I'm not sure - but I'm seriously looking into both Sikhi and the Christedelphians (because for me, their take is accurate, but they might not like me being a Sikh.. not a show stopper - but I know one thing - I'm not getting into anything Jesus that tells everyone how they will burn eternal and if you do not believe their flavor of Christ you will die.... I think the truth leads to truth like the Sikh, Buddha too but he is a little too withdrawn for me but I would Gladly drink a beer with him unless of course the creator wasn't down with the beer :)
Janhoi - be cautious bro - I am - we do not want to displease our god, but he gave us minds with which to pray and made intelligent decisions with (hopefully - I'm an idiot is my point) Don't go by me - BUT I feel the same way you do man and I just happen to be on a "God Kick" so I had a ton to say - peace
Maryjane S but a person still needs works to show that he is willing to submit to God
@@jegas6796 Your comments on this thread stand out to me. I think much like you, bro. Where are you in your path now a couple years later?
Jesus Christ is that Spirit who is within all of us. We must pay with our life to have our sins, our paaps, our wrong actions forgiven by the Lord.
Jau tau prem khelan ka chau sir dhar tali gali meri au. If you wish to play the game of love with God, you must sacrifice yourself and come to God with your head on your palm.
I would like to add my perspective as a follower of Jesus. I do not believe Christ offered himself to forgive our sins, he just knew his faith, and knew what was coming up and predicted it. From the gospel of Matthew:
26:38 Then he said to them, “My soul is deeply grieved, even to the point of death. Remain here and stay awake with me.” 26:39 Going a little farther, he threw himself down with his face to the ground and prayed, 46 “My Father, if possible, 47 let this cup 48 pass from me! Yet not what I will, but what you will.” 26:42 He went away a second time and prayed, 50 “My Father, if this cup 51 cannot be taken away unless I drink it, your will must be done.” = God's will and Jesus accepting the will of God.
26:52 Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back in its place! 65 For all who take hold of the sword will die by the sword. 26:53 Or do you think that I cannot call on my Father, and that he would send me more than twelve legions 66 of angels right now? 26:54 How then would the scriptures that say it must happen this way be fulfilled?” 26:55 At that moment Jesus said to the crowd, “Have you come out with swords and clubs to arrest me like you would an outlaw? 67 Day after day I sat teaching in the temple courts, yet 68 you did not arrest me. 26:56 But this has happened so that 69 the scriptures of the prophets would be fulfilled.” = Making Jesus the ultimate truth of the prophecies, saving us from suffering if you live by his teaches.
Reffering this to what Jesus said.
5:3 “Blessed 5 are the poor in spirit, 6 for the kingdom of heaven belongs 7 to them.
5:4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 8
5:5 “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger 9 and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.
5:7 “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
5:8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children 10 of God.
5:10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them = Living by the truth, even if that means death.
Just believing in Jesus, and that he died for your sins will not get you into the kingdom of heaven. You must act.
7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ 24 will enter into the kingdom of heaven - only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. 7:22 On that day, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons and do 25 many powerful deeds?’ 7:23 Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you. Go away from me, you lawbreakers!’ = Judgement of pretenders.
I hope that this can give you a more realistic view of this topic.
Bless you brother! Thank you for the work you are doing, bringing more light into the world!
God Bless U..Khalsa g
I loved your perspective that we have to pay back the debt God loaned us through jesus. I know that wasnt your point in this video but it gave me great motivation in my own faith and i thank you for that. Your lessons on this channel are an absolute joy.
Sikhism and Christianity are two of the world’s most popular religions. Despite their differences, there are some similarities between the two faiths.
One of the most obvious similarities between Sikhism and Christianity is the concept of a Supreme Being. In Sikhism, this is referred to as Waheguru, while in Christianity, it is referred to as God. Both religions believe in a single, all-powerful, and all-knowing deity who is the source of all creation and the ultimate arbiter of morality.
Another similarity between the two religions is their focus on service to others. In Sikhism, this is known as Seva, which means selfless service to others. In Christianity, this is known as charity. Both religions emphasize the importance of helping those in need and living a life of service to others.
Both religions also believe in the importance of prayer and meditation. In Sikhism, this is known as Simran, which is the repetition of God's name. In Christianity, this is known as prayer. Both religions believe that prayer and meditation can bring one closer to God and help one to live a life of holiness and righteousness.
Finally, both religions emphasize the importance of living a moral life. In Sikhism, this is known as Dharma, which is the path of righteousness. In Christianity, this is known as living a life of faith and obedience to God’s commands. Both religions believe that living a moral life is essential for one’s spiritual growth and development.
In conclusion, there are many similarities between Sikhism and Christianity. Both religions emphasize the importance of service to others, prayer and meditation, and living a moral life. Despite their differences, these two faiths share many common beliefs and values.
I have gone to a mennonite school as a Sikh and we studied the bible in depth. What I don’t understand is why is sin still a problem if Christ died to sins? Should sin not be an issue? Also why do Christs interpret the Bible according to their views? example: some say God is all loving and some say God only loves the elect
Thank you i think Sikhs can teach alot to Christians and we are brothers and will always be❤️
Yes brother ... I like how the sikhi deal with more sense and he correctly broke down Christianity and the guilt foundation the church implemented give thanks
May the grace of the Lord of the Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all Amen! 😀
I don't know much about Christianity, but comparetively to other relegion, Christians are good people. I'm sikh btw
It was necessary for him to die on the cross for our sins because He was God made flesh. He offered himself as an ultimate sacrifice, without it we would "ALL" being going to hell. God (aka Jesus) is pure and sinless and only His sacrifice could make our sins void. No sacrifice any 'human being" has made will 'ever' amount to His. Jesus's blood is no ordinary blood, God doesn't need blood, it was given up for our redemption from hell. He wasn't just forgiving peoples sins in His time, he died for "ALL" of humanity including us and people in future generations.
Without his death on the cross, we would not be saved by grace. It was necessary for Him to die because we could never be as Holy and sinless as He is. I don't know what you were talking about needing to give blood. Jesus never said we needed to give blood, he tell us to accept his free gift of salvation, which was His blood that was given up for us. Being a Christian is NOT about a being a good person. No amount of being a good person will get you saved, it's NEVER going to be good enough. We are saved by grace alone, not by works.
My moms family were Sikh but she became Lutheran. I was raised in my dad's faith od Catholicism and I still am. He doesn't know Jewish History. The Jews had to make sacrifices and burnt offerings as a penance. Once Jesus gave us the Eucharist at the Passover supper. He was the new lamb.
iam from kerala india ..There is no god but Holy Trinity..Jesus is truly present in the holy Eucharist..may God forgive this sikh (islam+hindu) idol worshipper
Extra ecclessium nulla sallus
A good question. "Why does God require blood?" The 'Old Testament' priests said the soul abides in the blood... They also (rightly in my opinion) forbade its consumption even though it is generally considered to be highly nutritional, and even though food was so scarce out there in the wilderness... Also, for some strange reason, in the Christian bible we human beings are referred to as "the salt of the earth"... : "but if the salt have lost his. savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good. for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men..." Why did Jesus say this? Was this a mere parable, or an exact (albeit an ancient) science being espoused? I think the patriarch's obsession with blood sacrifice has much to do with bio-electric / bio-magnetic hormonal-electrolytic properties of the blood which bind us physically, emotionally, and psychically to these bodily forms.. The source of our worldly blessings and/or earthly problems. I believe the idea behind these 'vicarious' animal and even human sacrifices was to purify the blood (and our relationship to it) to such an extent that conscious contact could be reestablished between humanity and God could ultimately be restored and maintained. It has to do, I believe with (a scientific basis for) the remission of sin, which, also according to scripture, was the cause of our original ancestors (Adam and Eve) being cast out of paradise.
How did the blood of a horse, or bullock, or lamb help accomplish this? How did the biblical patriarchs live to be hundreds and thousands of years older than the normal human lifespan? Of what did the divine 'manna' found each morning by Moses and his followers in the desert wilderness consist? How exactly did the lesser gods become 'immortal'? What was really being accomplished by the making of the legendary 'Philosopher's Stone'? And what was the ancient Egyptian art of mummification all about? No one alive today can (or is willing to) tell us...
But try to imagine a better source of the electrolytic elemental mineral cell salts so necessary to the functioning of the human body than an animal's (or a human being's) blood.. And think for a moment.. How much purer and of finer quality could these crystalline ingredients be made under the proper laboratory conditions? What effect would this highly purified substance have on the human brain and nervous system?
My thesis contends there in fact WAS such an ancient science devoted to answering these very questions, and real evidence to suggest that (at least for a chosen few) these experiments were an astounding success.
Not meant to disparage Sikhism in ANY way.. I mean your work along the lines of conscious contact with the Divine Truth is literally unparalleled. I only wish all of us could partake of your Guru's wisdom.
Anyway... Salts have amazing properties, not just the amazing piezoelectric qualities similar to transistor radios and television.. but the fact that they are virtually indestructible at temperatures less than 1800 degrees Fahrenheit...
This topic of the significance of the ancient blood cults fascinates me no end. I do apologize for intruding and so I must end by begging forgiveness for diverting attention from such deeply profound subject matter.. - Chris
What is the real history of Christianity ? From Constantine and sun god worship to the modern false church system , the deception regarding the Bible has been propagated from centuries of pagan influence and church lies . Uncover pagan christian traditions and pagan Christian origins . Who was Constantine ? Was Constantine a real convert to Christianity ? Was Christianity originally a Jewish faith ? How did the son of god turn into the sun of god ? What about the pagan holidays ? What about Christmas and it's pagan origin , Easter or Halloween ? What is the pagan origin of Christmas ? It's time for the false church to be exposed ! This short video exposes the deception of the church through centuries of church tradition . It's time for the false church to be exposed !
Sikhism and Christianity are two of the world’s most popular religions. Despite their differences, there are some similarities between the two faiths.
One of the most obvious similarities between Sikhism and Christianity is the concept of a Supreme Being. In Sikhism, this is referred to as Waheguru, while in Christianity, it is referred to as God. Both religions believe in a single, all-powerful, and all-knowing deity who is the source of all creation and the ultimate arbiter of morality.
Another similarity between the two religions is their focus on service to others. In Sikhism, this is known as Seva, which means selfless service to others. In Christianity, this is known as charity. Both religions emphasize the importance of helping those in need and living a life of service to others.
Both religions also believe in the importance of prayer and meditation. In Sikhism, this is known as Simran, which is the repetition of God's name. In Christianity, this is known as prayer. Both religions believe that prayer and meditation can bring one closer to God and help one to live a life of holiness and righteousness.
Finally, both religions emphasize the importance of living a moral life. In Sikhism, this is known as Dharma, which is the path of righteousness. In Christianity, this is known as living a life of faith and obedience to God’s commands. Both religions believe that living a moral life is essential for one’s spiritual growth and development.
In conclusion, there are many similarities between Sikhism and Christianity. Both religions emphasize the importance of service to others, prayer and meditation, and living a moral life. Despite their differences, these two faiths share many common beliefs and values.
Jesus was God in the flesh, he wasn't just "somebody" who died for our sins. One "man" can't save all of humanity from their sins. Jesus had to be the ultimate sacrifice because He was pure and sinless. There is no such thing as a sinless man. Jesus was the only one.
How was he the only sinless man?
Gurchetan Singh good question.
He was born of God's Spirit. He came from the Father. He's the only one who came down from the Heavens, that's how.
IzzyNChrist your all wrong
God was sinless you sooooooooooooooooo wrong
I am a Christian, and at about 4 minutes and 30 seconds in you did a really good job of explaining atonement as to why we believe Jesus died for our sins. Let me add a little bit that is an important bit. Even in the Old Testament, the sacrificial system was not for forgiveness. This is why Jesus could forgive someone’s sins before He died, because it was always about repentance and becoming in agreement with God. The sacrifice’s purpose is because there is always the punishment for the sin is death. A life without God equals death (Hell is eternity without Him). His presence is SO holy that we could not be in His presence until the (Romans 5:8) punishment for sin was paid. A person could be forgiven without a sacrifice, but was unable to be in the Holy place of the Lord without being destroyed by the holiness of God. Jesus’s death paid the once and for all sacrifice so that He no longer had to dwell in a temple made with hands. But when God looks at us, He sees the perfection of Himself and the death penalty that He paid, and He remains in His fullness within us. No longer do we have to cover over our sins to be in His presence. Not only did He die to forgive them, but we can have a continuous relationship with Him without having to sacrifice to be able to stand in His presence. We can now approach the throne room of Heaven boldly as a child covered in His precious sacrifice.
Consider the court of law.
God has laws.
You broke them.
He is a good judge, and therefore cannot say “well, you have been a pretty good person I’ll let you go” A good judge does looks only at the breach of the law and offers judgement. The judge may see the person is repentant and forgives them, but the consequences of sin remain. Humanity has sinned and He died to pay our fine.
I hope that helps. I can see you really studied our perspective. To understand the Bible as a whole, reading the gospel of John is usually the best place to understanding what a Christian believes.
Great video! Lovely perspective!
A question for you, What is God’s name?
Swedish Meatball I disagree. Perhaps humans have given him several names but God the most high has no name. If he had a name it would mean he was born and named by someone. But He is eternal and everlasting with no beginning and end. Therefore God cannot have a name.
@@Julumkana IAM IAM YAHWAH
"not by works, so that no one can boast" (Eph. 2.9)
I’m a Pastor… only thing I have to say is, we do not believe that God wants us to sacrifice ourselves. We believe JESUS IS GOD, in flesh. Therefore, we believe, GOD SHED HIS OWN BLOOD, because he did not want us to shed our own!
Other than that, thank you for this extremely informative video!
I got lots of answer which i was thinking being a sikh ...❤️...waheguru❤️
I was sikh But last year I got baptized and accepted Jesus as my savior he is Lord
Your a troll
He came to forgive, is next coming is to judge all man kind and I believe accept by faith. I always proud as a Punjabi and respect guru for their sacrifice in different way. 🌧️
To all my fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord, who are children of the Most High our sweet Lord and Creator Jesus, please pray for my family! My mom and I are the only Christians in our family, the rest are sikh. Please pray for their salvation! Ask the Lord to set them free and to remove the veil over their eyes. There is only one true God and His name is Jesus. For every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord. Thank you and I will see you on the other side in Zion😘🌹
God bless your family, pray to St. Rita she is the patron saint of impossible cases, your family will be converted.
I will join you in prayer.
Our God isn't Jesus , It is Yehovah , But we only see through Jesus the Yehovah , and I doubt you are Christian .
Please don’t hate on Christianity. Jesus taught to spread love.
He isn’t hating on Christianity, we believe the truth can be obtained through following Christ, but not only Christ
She is making Christians understand his religion , he didn't offend anyone .
She is making Christians understand his religion , he didn't offend anyone .
Could a Sikh plz explain to me,how can your sins be just forgiven.The law of God is action and reaction.Where is the price paid for the sinful action?
S Mathias pain is reaction of our bad reaction.If you connect with god then you feels these pain like a pleasure.A true lover of god says all your gifts(pain and pleasure) are sweet for me.Thats our guru says when he was crucified.
We are a part of God in a form of soul. Our physical body die but soul never die. The main aim of our soul get out of this illusion world. so To do that it is necessary to be good human being.
to be good human being we have to control on Ego, Anger, Lust , greed and attachment.
if we live like a good human being we will get free from this world.
but if do not control on these things we will come in this world again to do same thing it is re carnation.
and we do not get human life as easy it is one the physical appearance among 84 crore physical bodies.
sorry for my english
+S Mathias- Jobless Engg explained it well. Here is some more explanation.
Imagine God as some form of Eternal Infinite Ocean Which is completely pure.
Now each soul on earth (both human and Animals) is like a drop of water that has to merge with the Ocean (God), but these drops (Souls) are not pure. They contain some impurities (Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Attachment). If these impure drops get merged with the ocean they will also bring those impurities into the pure ocean and pollute it. So to Purify these drops, ocean created a filter system (World). Every drop has to go through a cycle of 8.4 Million Filter Layers (Lives/Re-incarnations). If the drops manage to get rid of the impurities, they get out of the filter and become one with the ocean.
It is next to impossible to get rid of all 5 impurities in one life, but still we should keep trying, because the more we resist them,the stronger our soul becomes and stronger the soul, better the chances of getting rid of them in next life.
As for your main question. The only price you pay for bad karma is through the re-incarnation cycle. For example - If you torture and butcher cows (or anyone else) in this life, you may get born as a cow yourself in your next life and get the same treatment. Similarly, if you are a womanizer and take pride in sleeping with others wives, in next life you will probably only get one girl (if any) who will also cheat on you with many men.
As for Forgiveness, If you truly regret your actions and are sure you will never repeat them then you are already forgiven, however if there is any thing you can do to correct those mistakes, you should do it.
Thanks for the reply.Here are few more questions:)
1. Why are the drops not pure in the first place ? What made them impure?
2. What about people with many impurities which lead to a further fall into sin.
3. Is there any free will involved as by stating 8.4 million it gives the impression there isn't.
4. Yes Forgiveness will be granted if we truly repent but my question is can any man truly repent?
While I personally come from a Catholic background ,I can see the logic of reincarnation.
The only difference withs the Catholic and Jewsih understanding is that the soul goes through a intermediate process of purity in a place called purgatory before the union with God happens.
So we both understand we cannot come into presence unless we are free from sin.
1.I have thought about this a lot, myself. I have 2 opinions about that. A.) since Ocean is infinite and eternal, every little drop is also eternal (Fraction of infinity is still infinity) and hence has no beginning. They are just like a waterfall that is constantly happening and falling into ocean. Meaning that they exist with the impurities but have to leave them behind.
B.) Other reason could be that God (Everthing) existed with these impurities but to get rid of them God created the physical world so those impurities can be trapped inside that world.
I am constantly debating this myself and have not come to a definite conclusion.
2. As I said earlier, someone who is a great sinner will have to suffer in next lives. And that suffering will generate some empathy or compassion in him. That compassion will help him to not sink deeper in the same sin. For example, in 1 life, if someone exploits the poor and becomes poor himself in 2nd life, then that 2nd life will force him to be more sympathetic towards poor. And the empathy that he gained in 2nd life will be carried by his soul in his 3rd life as well.
So basically, reincarnation is a self correcting system. More you sin, more you suffer, more you suffer, more you empathize, more you empathize, more pure you become.
Empathy, compassion, resistance to worldly pleasures and strength of soul is only things we carry with us into next lives.
3. I don't believe anybody has a free will in any matter concerning the physical world (if that is what you are asking)
Here both, my relgious belief and scientific belief, point towards same, that free will is just an illusion. Here is why:
Religious view: We Sikh (and Christians too) often say that God knows the future and everything, that God has a plan and everything happens according to that. The only way to know the future for anyone, even God, is that future has to be settled or fixed, that it can not be changed. Since it is the present that leads to the future, therefore present has to be fixed and settled too.
Scientific/Philosophical View: 2+2 will always be 4. Similarly, if we copy an action exactly, then its result will always be the same. Now if assume that action is Big Bang and we replicate it perfectly 1000 times, still, all those 1000 times it will still lead to this same day with both of us having this same conversation, on same website, in same language on the same planet, etc.
So, inside of physical world, there is no free will, whole world is just like a Grand scripted movie where God is playing each and every character, including both of us and God is the writer as well.
4. Yes off course, if someone has managed to get rid of earlier mentioned impurities, thats all one needs. Because if he/she has reached that state, it means he must have repented truly otherwise he is not pure yet. You also have to understand, there are not 3 parties. There is only one party. The Criminal, The Sufferer and The Forgiver, all three are same. They are all God. The difference is- Criminal is least pure, sufferer is more pure, the forgiver is completely pure and hence one with God. But once the Criminal and Sufferer achieve purity, they will become one with the Forgiver, so hence there will be no one left to forgive.
I have read about the purgatory as well, first time I read it I immediately noticed how they are also trying to say same thing about purity but in a different manner. May be Physical world including Reincarnation is the Purgatory.
BOS, pls check the subtitles it’s been tampered with to offend Sikh faith. Certain key words have been changed.
Hey BOS , you guys need to put out a list of good books to read , there are alot of books on Sikhi but I don't know what's the truth and what's a lie , so if you guys can I'd appreciate it , keep up the great work 👳
+Jassi Brar how about the Guru Granth Sahib Ji
+ravinder sagoo My Guru ji is not a book ! And I know for a million percent that my guru ji is the truth !! there is no doubt in my mind about that !! I just thought maybe our brothers and sisters at Bos could recommend some BOOKS so we "sagat" can build a reference library ,a small collection in our homes for our families.
thanks for the reminder ....
+ravinder sagoo no worries little bro , when I walk into a gurdwara and I'm standing in front of guru ji I can feel and kinda see him in my side view, guru ji sitting there , I can't see him directly but I could feel and kind of see him in my side view . I notice the more effort in praying l put the stronger the feeling gets , it a big trip for me because I'm just getting into this and I'm feeling these things , it's the nicest high iv ever felt lol ! 👳
Jassi Brar Have you come across any books which are easy to read about Sikhism? There are plenty written by native Indian authors but the text is too dense, overwritten and misleading
what is the name of the speaker in this video please? how to get into contact with them?
Unfortunately he passed away couple years back, you can still reach his basics of Sikhi team I believe they have a website as well and contact number
@@JohnWickSOSwish he was still with us 🙏🏽🙏🏽
Brother you didnt explain why jesus was crucified.
it was because jesus claimed to be son of god!
none of the guru sahib claimed to be son of god or equal to god as jesus did or as it is mentioned in bible
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.”
John 1:1-2 NIV
“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
John 1:14 NIV
i know we cannot believe any person who comes to us and says that he is son of god. we will think he is insane. but what if he proves his statement. then we'll believe him wont we?
Jesus rose from the dead.
i respect guru sahibs a lot. they sacrificed their lives for humanity.
brother about paganism we all have our different perspectives.
i could say that reciting same "path" every day is no less than paganism.
if "jesus's giving his life for sins" doesn't make sense to you then growing beard, wearing turban and reciting 'path' ,going to gurudwara sahib where they buy 'prasad' and then have it mixed into other prasad by one of the sewadar and taking "amrit" in order to attain oneness with god also do not make sense to me at all.
i heard a story where guru nanak dev g told a muslim that god is everywhere (an awesome statement, i respect and believe that)
but then why cant we sit inside golden temple pointing our legs toward centre of gurudwara or sit near 'sarowar' while putting our feet inside sarowar?? try doing that you'll know what im talking about.
i don't believe christianity with my eyes closed.
i tried to find truth, salvation and life
and i have found it
“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
John 14:6 NIV
i have one question
according to guru granth sahib g
after death there are 8400000 lives of different species or like that.
so you are saying all the people who died before guru nanak g , not knowing about guru's teaching went to that circle ???
and to all my brothers and sisters here who would like to reply me
please provide your response with basis of guru granth sahib and not your own perspectives.
god bless you all.
Excellent Comment sir
Who lost their strength in the bible after cutting their hair? It's in there. The bible has been completely corrupted by Constantine. If that isn't true then why would Gnostic Christians be killed and after the Dead Sea Scrolls were found the message was different.
Furthermore, in the court of law saying someone said such and such thing is heresay. The bible even talks about reincarnation, men of letters are too brain dead to see it. John the Baptist was Elijah reincarnated. God is beyond time and death.
Yes it might seem to you that samson lost strength when his hair was cut.
but if you had kept reading the story you would’ve noticed samson destroyed the palace while after his hair cut. where did strenght come from then.
we believe strength comes from THE LORD.
and if go along with your statement then all the people who dont have long hair are weak??
only sikhs are strong just because they have hair.
and you know it is easy to stay BIBLE is corrupted by constatine.
but many sikh are arguing with each others about dasham granth and many other scriptures of guru granth sahib.
and please give me reference to gnostic “christian killed after dead sea scrolls found”
cuz i havnt found any.
THATS the difference brother
you believe GOD sends people like guru nanak dev to save word by spreading truth
but we believe GOD came himself not just to preach truth but to die for us.
These statements come from the gospel of john that most bible scholars say was written 90-100 AD. They say it was not even written by John. The author is anonymous and most bible scholars reject any notion of it being related to a historical jesus and what he taught.
Is Naam simply the chanting of God's name or is it something more?
it means the name of God
+Amrik Singh it can also be contemplation of Akal Purakh's qualities as decibed in GurBani, singing Gurbani too as in kirtan
Thank you Bhenji! You are very learned in Sikhi!
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Gurbani is a form of Naam, Naam is everything ji. Naam created the whole universe and into naam it shall all go. Practice of naam can be simran of Gurmantr (Vaheguru), Mool Mantar or gurbani paath - or ideally all three
Sat Shri Kal brother,
'For God made him who had no sin to become sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God.'
'Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God,;
The need to kill an animal but it was to pay a consequence for sin and to fulfil the wrath God has towards sin. As we bear the burden of Sin from birth God is completely unapproachable to humanity non Jewish.. After forgiveness of sin through Christ and the helper of Gods spirit any humani is free from the bondage of Sin. Sounds funny to anyone who has not been filled with the 'conviction and forgiveness of God but once you experience the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit it'l like a hood is removes and you see this state clearly.
Is there any think like the Holy spirit entering your body as a temple in Sikh? God bless you in your endevors and good questions and it's hard to discuss in a short response here but I'm glad you got me thinking.
I was sikh But last year I got baptized and accepted Jesus as my savior he is Lord
@@opindersingh2105 why???
Hi there, Orthodox Christian Deacon here. This was a very respectful critique of a Protestant view of the atonement. Christian Sotieriology has been done much violence and oversimplification in the past 500 years. If you read the Christian Church Fathers who laid out our doctrine- much of which is forgotten in the west, which has forgotten everything before Anselm of Canterbury on this topic- you would see that Christ's atonement for mankind begins at His Incarnation, when the Word of God united Himself to Human Nature completely. You see, Man is made in the Image of God and was created for communion with Him. The sin of Adam broke the cosmos and introduced death and corruption to all things. Man was given the Law to hold back the tide of evil and hold man back from causing greater harm to himself or the world. The system of sacrifice was a shadow of a vision Moses had of heavenly worship that he was to emulate. The Torah says that atonement was made with certain sacrifices, but through the prophets we come to understand that this is not by blood sacrifice that sins are forgiven. Psalm 51 and Isaiah 1 prove definitively that God does not need blood sacrifices and it is a disposition He desires "sacrifice and offering Thou hast not desired. A broken and contrite hearth O God Thou wilt not despise". This was foreshadowing of Christ coming to offer Himself for us. So, by Christ taking on human nature, fulfilling the law and taking on all the sins of mankind, He nails sin to the Cross and dies. Man until then was condemned to dwell in She'ol, the land of the dead, unnaturally disconnected from the body which God placed us in. This is the realm of the accuser, Satan (that's what the name means) who tempts mankind away from God and brings us to this divided state. When Christ died, He entered She'ol as all men do, but as God He trampled down the power to hold men captive and released the righteous dead to be with Him in Paradise which is the experience of God Himself. By His incarnation, he restores Human Nature to its original state which is to be united with Himself, ever growing in communion with His divine energies. As St. Athanasius said "God became man so that man may become God", this is union without fusion (i.e. Mohksha). Also, to quote St. John in his first epistle "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us because it did not know Him. Beloved now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is" (1 John 3:1-2). In summary, Jesus did not shed His blood to appease the wrath of His Father, because Jesus is His Word, this is nonsensical. He did it to take on all of the corruption of sin and destroy its pervading power of corruption in His death and to perfect Human nature so that we could become capable of receiving the Divine Nature and be with Him.
too many factual mistakes in specific terms. u shouldn't have used english translation. like paap ≠ sin. let me explain paap = bad karma while sin= an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. did u see the difference.
MR 1 in Sikhism transgression against divine law (hukam) is THE biggest sin. From which all the bad karmas happen. So they are very much linear in Sikhism. If u r in hukam, then no bad karmas.
Just repent from ur sins accept him into your heart! That is what God and Jesus desire for people
According to Christians this man is burning in hell forever because he rejected Jesus. Such loving people.
Bruh he will not burn in hell
What is the real history of Christianity ? From Constantine and sun god worship to the modern false church system , the deception regarding the Bible has been propagated from centuries of pagan influence and church lies . Uncover pagan christian traditions and pagan Christian origins . Who was Constantine ? Was Constantine a real convert to Christianity ? Was Christianity originally a Jewish faith ? How did the son of god turn into the sun of god ? What about the pagan holidays ? What about Christmas and it's pagan origin , Easter or Halloween ? What is the pagan origin of Christmas ? It's time for the false church to be exposed ! This short video exposes the deception of the church through centuries of church tradition . It's time for the false church to be exposed !
If we are reborn into this life because we didn’t previously live a life that would take us to Waheguru Ji. Then in the last life we must have sinnned. So in this life we are born as sinners. I’m confused
What you mean?
Ex Sikh here, now an Orthodox Christian. Christ is Lord and the image of the invisible God
Exaxt same here
😂 sure you were. Islam and Christian all they do is just lie. I’ll be cut in pieces but would not convert to other religion. You make me sick when your people say without Christ you will rot in hell. Clearly shows how compassionate your god is.
Sikhi says do good deeds, believe and mediate upon god and you will receive salvation.
Proud to be a Sikh and will die as a Sikh.
You were never a Sikh 😂
@@MrIncredible1495 yeah me too. I left Sikh.
Jesus died for our sins.
Now I can sleep around, rob people, lust over every women, gamble, clubbing and drugs yayyy, thanks Jesus I’m already saved partyyyyyy
@senseshady explain yourself, why is Christianity superior to Sikhi, don't just simply say christ is lord, point for point please explain
You talk about Christ death on the cross, but you never mention about the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the 3rd day. Christ is alive, not dead
Thank you very much for this video.Having studied many faiths & recently been drawn to Sikhism, this is much appreciated. I'd like to add one very important point.
The holy book of christianity says that even your best deeds are like "filthy rags" compared to the faithfulness of God. I highly respect that humble attitude, and therefore understand that when christianity is followed truthfully, there is humility rather than ignorance. It seems as if you are insinuating that christianity is ignorant, but this idea that even your best works are like filthy rags compared to the sinless life of christ is more humble than the message of being saved by good works.
I'm an Eastern Orthodox Christian and only the Western types of Christianity are represented here (and possibly only they were presented even to the first Sikh guru! because at that time both Western types were around).
Sikhism seems so - so - so much interestingly closer to the Truth than Western Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism! It reminds me of how Chinese religion gets so close, by syncretizing Daosim, Confucianism, and Buddhism. But I do not accept the idea that they are all equally valid paths in themselves, since they all have internal contradictions, as anything that is not the full Truth will have, even if syncretized by so much human wisdom.
Here is a rough sketch of the Eastern account. Christ was forgiving sins before His death, yes, and this caused the healing of many people from illnesses and demons. But since He chose to save us from death, He had to die as well. Why is this? Because by this He completes the journey of human life back to the Life of God. Someone has to go the whole way back to Eternal Life with God as it was first intended, but only God can do this first now that we have fallen. On our view, no mere human being can follow the will of God all the way, because our hearts are corrupt - we don't actually want to be saved in our heart of hearts, not least because of how hard this in terms of suffering, and because, despite how far the old testament saints got, we changed nature itself into one that dies. The problem is simply too deep for man. Yet He can't think our nature back into immortality or have an angel do this, bypassing what we choose, because freely willed human actions broke it, so only freely willed human actions can restore it. He made us free persons, so the love of Him by His own creation and not just from Himself (among the Trinity) would be real. So how to solve this dilemma we were in, where God and man could get out of this tragedy only together, but man could not undo death, entropy, this core of corruption?
Christ's divinely and humanly willed actions throughout His worldly mission were necessary to unify His divine and human natures, and that's what happened. So He took on a fallen human nature, although not sinful in itself, to start where we start. His divine will to overcome death, after He died, wrote this possibility into our human nature, because by this overcoming of death He changed His own human nature into an immortal, unfallen one. But how does His healed / unified human nature effect ours? Not by our imitating Him, because again, we can't do it just by being shown - there is a point where even human sainthood is not enough to make the infinite distance from here to partaking of the Immortal Life of God. He could have run the example through our minds like an instructive video without really incarnating and establishing a church and dying if that's all that was needed. Instead He physically and metaphysically gives our natures the potential to unify with His in the sacraments of the church, which required it to first be unified in and by Him. Then we can actualize this healing in our obedience to His Old Testament laws, with our cooperating with Him by example, like the way Old Testament saints did.
This account of how salvation happens is not the the Catholic or Protestant one. The legal transaction was supposed to be a metaphor to help understand what I wrote above.
From a Sikh perspective, from what I've learned so far, this crucifixion and death doesn't make sense because the body is treated as a hindrance or as unecessary according to the Sikh doctrines of Maya and Reincarnation and the infinite or formlessness of the soul in the afterlife. By contrast in Orthodox Christianity the body and sensible world is real, and everything God makes is perfect and not unecessary and remains so until we choose to mess it up. And the earth and our bodies are deformed by sin, and death was introduced by the fall, because this world depended that much on humans as its caretakers. So since it was messed up too, He had to fix it, as much as He had to forgive us. I don't say this to persuade you of the reality of the material sensible world, because the path of reasoning to Orthodox Christianity must start from elsewhere. For that see Jay Dyer on youtube.
Christianity is false
I am a Muslim and I agree with the Sikh perspective about Christ
We believe he was not sacrificed but someone that looked lie him was
But definitely God is so merciful and he forgives as long as we ask and change our way💕
In sikhism do you have to be Amrit shak to remove sins? I feel people can change by worshipping god of course it’s never too late to follow to be the better self
Meditate upon God and your sins will be removed but when you become a Khalsa you are reborn so you start off fresh
Thanks for this video. I am witnessing to a Sihk friend of mine. This was helpful in understanding your beliefs. May God bless you and bring you to the true knowledge of Jesus, our one and only savior.
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6
by witnessing you mean CONVERTING a sikh person ...for shame why do you have the agency to decide to go against the Will of God and change His intention? That friend was born in their faith ,to be a good Christian encourage them to reconnect to God through Sikhi
Leave the narrow-mind victim alone. They only see things through a tiny lens.
Also remember Christ is word of God , He is light . There is darkness , he says to see through light , He says to be like him , when he is light , where ever there is light he exists . So ! Even if you are Muslim or Sikh , Doesn't matter has long has you hold Chirst in you .
Christianity is Faith based , It isn't Rule based .
Okay, let me explain.
I respect Jagraj, but he hasnt studied the jewish and christian books, old testament or new testament, this is why he doesnt understand Christs atonement for sins.
When you read the tanakh (old testament) there is the story of Adam, when Adam commited sin, He was thrown out of paradise, and this is when death and sin nature came into the world (most jewish and christian theologians understand the scriptures as saying mankind was immortal until Adam sinned, and didnt know what sin was as man was pure and innocent )
One of the curses of Adam (and all mankind) was that their lives wiuld be limited, and they will die, hence all men have died since Adam, aswel as other curses, like having to work for food and so on, the main curse of sin though, was that mankind would be disconnected from God, as God according to judeo christian theology can not have you in his presence if you have sin, the blood of mankind is inherently impure, and the wages of sin, is DEATH, both physically and spiritually.
Why Christians believe Christ died for sins, is that according to the bible, the ONLY person who ever lived who did not commit sin, was Jesus, this is unlike other religions which believe there are many people who have not commited sin, or that its possible to not commit sin by attaining enlightenment etc, according to the bible Jesus is the only one who has not commited sin and there will never be anyone else who will live free from sin like Jesus.
Now this is where the atonement comes in, because all men have commited sin, and because its impossible to be free from sin (according to the bible) and because Jesus is the ONLY one who has not commited sin (according to the bible) and because the wages on sin is death, God has accepted him as the atonement for your sins.
So you can be forgiven of your sins, and not suffer the spiritual death, because the death you should have died for he died for.
Hope this helps, i really liked Jagraj but his understanding of Christianity was not very good.
I guess the main thing would be this, if you believe theres many "holy men" who are pure and sinless, like sai baba, buddha, other saints etc, Christ atonement wont make any sense at all, if Jesus was just another holy guy preaching just like all other holy men, or just another mystical type guy, it wont make sense to you, this is not the biblical view though, there isnt a single prophet in the whole bible who hasnt sinned, the bible even speaks how King David commited adultary and murder, according to the bible Jesus was the only man who lived a sinless life. This is the major difference
If you dont believe that, then Christ crucifixion is meaningless
Stopped reading at Adam, Adam and Eve are make belief. Evolution shows they didn't even exist.
Bhai Jagrag Ji has studied every religion extensively. I'm sure he knew more than you lmao.
Great explanation.. waheguru!!
I was sikh But last year I got baptized and accepted Jesus as my savior he is Lord
@@opindersingh2105 what changed your mind to make you convert ?
@@hoodiemelo3962 sikhi says shabad will kill ego,, but that same shabad is (word )= is Jesus
In the beginning there was a word and word was with him and he is word
Son of father Jesus
@@opindersingh2105 could you give me the verses in Guru Granth Sahib that says shabad is guru ?
@@hoodiemelo3962 bro you misunderstood
Both Bible and Gurbani are same.
Naam/ Shabad in Gurbani and Word in bible mentioned are Creative powers not just Alphabets.
Both mention as these have created the Creation.
Lord sends his Messengers / Saints to Earth in various Communities to bring back the Souls alloted to them and they take sins of these alloted souls only .
Once they leave this world people start interpreting the scriptures on their own ways.
Saints Remain in the Will of the Lord .
Both say that Human being is the Temple of Living God and Top of the Creation.
In Gurbani it is said Harmandir ya shareer hai gyan ratan parghat hoye.( That Lord recides in this Body)
Human being is a Mini Universe.
I don't always agree with you bro but I have to say I do like this take on on Christianity very much my thinking as well
The blood sacrifices come from Judaism, and I believe during Ramadan the Muslims make a sacrifices during the first day. ( I’m quite sure)
and his name is true
And his name is Jesus
Well Jesus come so we can see him
What is the real history of Christianity ? From Constantine and sun god worship to the modern false church system , the deception regarding the Bible has been propagated from centuries of pagan influence and church lies . Uncover pagan christian traditions and pagan Christian origins . Who was Constantine ? Was Constantine a real convert to Christianity ? Was Christianity originally a Jewish faith ? How did the son of god turn into the sun of god ? What about the pagan holidays ? What about Christmas and it's pagan origin , Easter or Halloween ? What is the pagan origin of Christmas ? It's time for the false church to be exposed ! This short video exposes the deception of the church through centuries of church tradition . It's time for the false church to be exposed !
Nanak said... Ma papi tu bakshanhara... Means how can guru forgive sins... Jesus said father is in me m in father.... Means Father son and Holy spirit(u called parmatma) are 1. Big difference between gurus and Jesus... Guru married but Jesus didn't. Bcos Jesus came to protect us not to be like us... Bro u need to read bible.... Big proof that today after many years still people heal from disease... There's power in Jesus name... Bcos he is still alive... They found his tomb was empty... But others are dead and still in somewhere on earth. Pls read bible
awesome , amazing. Can not put into words
Some source says Jesus was married, had kids and his wife name was Mary. Read more on this as Lost years of jesus
Hahaha if you want to talk about looking at graves, Guru Nanak Devi Ji's body wasn't found either. All that were left were flowers. But if you are so egotistical and believe Jesus is God then why is Jesus crying to god in Matthew 27:46 and asking god why he has forsaken him? I thought you said Jesus was god himself?
No entity can represent god in entirety, however it is true that the guru was a part of god.
I don't believe you understand a Christian theology of the crucifixion. Christ's death was not a blood sacrifice nor was it payment in a get this for that system nor was it a gift to God. Sin was introduced by one man, Adam, through whom all of mankind fell into sin. This was so that all of man could be represented again looking forward to what Christ would do. God is perfectly just...the sins of man cannot be simply forgiven as if they never happened as that is very unjust... God's wrath towards evil... Namely the evil done by man... Was satisfied by one man in whom God poured out his wrath. Normally, no man would be able to satisfy God's wrath... God knew this and became man in Christ... So God became man so that he could satisfy his wrath towards man. This was not plan B, but rather Gods intention all along. He knew only God could met the standard of perfection.... And only by cursing all of man through the actions of the first man could he then remain perfectly just in forgiving sins through the actions of our man, one representative, which he would provide through Christ. This was not a gift or payment the way you describe, but rather the perfect harmony of justice and mercy, love and wrath. This is incompatible with other religions since it requires Jesus to be placed in a unique position as THE representative... not A representative. The Christian theology and Christ's claims about himself are that he is THE way, THE truth and THE light... with the emphasis being on his exclusive position as mediator between God and man. I understand that is incompatible with your beliefs, but in this video you attempt to off what the Christian view is and I didn't feel your statements were accurate. I hope this helps to provide some insight into the theology behind the cross from a Christian perspective.
There are many theories within Christianity of the atonement, many theologies. This actually describes one of them really well.
In cristianity God made Adam and Eve who I probably guess are white so where do black, Chinese Indian people come from?
Pav Singh both Christian and secular groups tend to agree that the various people groups did not have separate origins. The variations in each group develop and continue to develop over the span of a few generations. There is no reason to assume anything about Adam and Eves skin tone. It isn't mentioned and might have been totally different than anything we see today. (or Noah for that matter)
+Justin McCartney one more question mate do you know how many religions there were before the ones we have in the world today
Pav Singh it would be difficult to pin point the number at any given time. Depending on how far back you go... I would say only 1 in the garden of eden and only 1 when Noah landed. One of the principle effects of sin in Christian theology is giving credit for something good to anything other than God and worshiping it as if it could provide. Example: God gives a lake that provides needed water... But we worship the lake as if it had a will and desire of its own and ignore God. This overall effect of sin leads to a wealth of religions.
What is the Simran you use as an intro?
Waheguru simran at basics. Of sikhi also by qi rattan and Fi kirtan.
Keep in mind that Christ was crucified by the government just as the Gurus were.. So there is nothing about sacrificing blood to God
Keep in mind that Jesus rose again after he died on the cross as he foretell thrice before he was crucified. No other guru rose after death. That makes a big difference.
Also keep in mind that JESUS was Blameless/Sinless, which is why HE was called a SINLESS OFFERING same as a Blemishless SACRIFICIAL LAMB 🐑 ,unlike Gurus or any human race/ethnicity for that matter !
@@praveenkumargudala6466 amen! Glory to Jesus! Who alone is worthy to be praised!
Hebrew 9:22 according to the law there is no forgiveness without shading the blood
Jesus was also not from a normal birth re conception etc. Where the Gurus were. He was just placed in womb.
Thankyou for your explanation. Some misunderstanding here...Jesus is not considered a 'saint' or 'guru', but rather the Son of God, the Word of God, and the Saviour of humanity as per the Bible.
You are placing Jesus into your own worldview or into a Sikh context.
Yeah . In Christianity he is said to be son of god . But we sikhs view him as A saint
There is one god one creator and many roads to reach him praise the creator within yourself love him praise his creation and you will find him Thankyou
I'm sorry but that's not what the bible teaches
IzzyNChrist It is what the Guru Granth Sahib Ji teaches.
It doesn't say religion or religions - it says paths. The bible surely does not claim that your path to god will be like mine or that my path must be your path.
Some Christians...
Flog themselves - Not biblical, Not My Path
Fasting - Not biblical, Not My Path
Ashes on their Heads for Jesus - Not biblical, Not My Path
Speaking In Tongues - Biblical Writing do not match having seizures on the floor shaking violently praising Jesus Christ, This is not my path nor is it biblical
Marrying Dead People - Not Biblical, Not My Path
Pray and Bow to Crosses - Not Biblical, Not My Path
Pray and Boy to Statues - Not Biblical, Not My Path
I think Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Guru Jesus would rather play a game of basket ball in the back yard or something than listen to us bicker about who has what rank, but this is opinion.
What is fact, is that one person's path does not have to be the same to get to God - One Faith in Christ yet when Christ leaves there are thousands of "christ religions" - excuse people who see this as an example of how people condemning you to burn in hell for not believing works out: Now there are tons of christians that all think the others are all wrong. Certainly... There is ONE TRUTH - But a lot religions and a lot of wickedness. The bible demonstrates this nicely.
I'm not embarrassed to be a christian, but I'm embarrassed my truth is surrounded by people calling themselves christians while simultaneously telling me I'm going to burn in hell.
I don't think being a Christian is enough anymore - I'm becoming a Christian Sikh - That is my Path
If my fellow Sikh's don't believe - its ok - they will protect me from oppression and I will protect anyone under oppression. Sikh's are more about drawing closer to God and helping others do the same than bickering about doctrine.... they do not ignore doctrine - instead they heed the bible Scripture, possibly without knowing it: "Keep Seeking and You Will find" and "Open Minded for the word of god, but reproving it against the scriptures"
The Sikh are God's Army which sounds like a load of crap except --- they certainly Act like it and live by it until death - Like a Christian hopefully does too - Stand for Truth no matter What or where it comes from. If you don't know truth on sight, pray about it and do more research.
God has a solution for those who can not read or have not heard and are incapable of understanding - But the rest of us have minds and we are expected to use them. Therefore, trust what your Guru tells you because you want to. If you still doubt, then research and come back. Try Again, or try another Guru. If you want the truth you will get it - I promise it won't be exactly what you expected.
Many roads to reach
But some roads are straighter, smooth, less treacherous than others.
All roads lead back to God
Even Satan was the creation of God. And all evil is through the permissive will of the Lord.
For his mysterious plans.
Can u please tell me that who wrote Guru granth sahib ji and who was the mother of 4 sahibzaday ?
I do . Guru Granth Sahib ji was written by Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj by joining Adi Granth Sahib ji and teachings of Guru Teg Bahadur ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji .
The mother name is obviously mata Sundari ji whose previous name was Mata Jito ji .
You can find this thing in Sikh article too in Google.
I love your videos but this video is done from your point of view, which isn't accurate. This is where I say one should stick to what he knows without comparing to what he doesn't.
You can't compare the Buddha to Jesus to Mohammed to Guru Nanakji. They are all incomparable. It's like when a Muslim tells me that Guru Nanakji was a Muslim. He is obviously wrong but he is saying this from his view point from being a Muslim. This is the first video that I felt was really off. You can't compare apples and tacos. That is what this video felt like. All the best to you and your endeavors.
@ Shiva-Singh Where is he comparing? A blind statement. Not comparing at all, no religions are compared or any Prophet is compared to a Guru. He is not comparing, he is informing the Sikhi' stance on Christ Crucifixion (if Sikhs believe or do not believe in this message), as there are Christian missionaries who in their point of view spread the message on Christianity, so as a Sikh, we have absolute every right to say if we believe that or if we do not (giving the Sikhis stance), however not disrespecting any religion or way of life.
Sikh Khalsa He is trying to make sense out of something from a Sikhi point of view, which in this case is inaccurate and can be offensive to Christians. I love Guru NanakDevji and Jesus. The missionaries have NOthing to do with Jesus. What he says about the crucifixion is complete wrong.
This is something that is being compared. He is comparing Jesus to his limited point of view on the subject. He should just stick to Sikhi. It's like when I hear a Muslim tell me about Guru Nanakdevji. He is completely wrong and speaking from his limited point of view. Basics of Sikhi is an amazing channel. This is the one of the very few videos that I was majorly disappointed with. I have a right to my opinion as a free being.
Hanuman Shiva-Singh Offensive? I think, sometimes people can get extremely sensitive. Basics of Sikhi as stated in the video, had no intention to disprove Christianity or disprove Christ as a Prophet and state Christianity to be false, so that all Christians should become Sikhs. Now that would have been somewhat offensive. The video was of course giving Sikhis' stance, which Sikhs are entitled too when questioned on our beliefs, however at no time disproving any other way of life. At no time, did BoS disrespect or offend with giving Sikhis stance on matters and topics.
+Sikh Kalsa You're missing the point which is that this video explains the crucifixion inaccurately. Which, based on an incorrect description or viewpoint, has the ability to turn people off regarding Christianity. That can offend some Christians.
Hanuman and I guess this is your opinion. 😑
to add to better understanding about the sacrifice of Christ. it had to be done to fulfill old testament or the Torah prophecies. :)...
What a pious soul ! God Bless his soul !
But one little detail we forgetting to mention with all due respect ✊ Jesus rose from the death at the third day ❤️
I invite you to read The Gospel of John 🙏🏻
And Luke 10:18
I love you all at the Ned you are a creation of the same God who created me 💚🙏🏻
Thanks for the video 💜
Accepting the cross of Christ for our sins is our personal journey. Then we grow in Christ by the Holy Spirit in us, those of us, who are born-again.
What is the real history of Christianity ? From Constantine and sun god worship to the modern false church system , the deception regarding the Bible has been propagated from centuries of pagan influence and church lies . Uncover pagan christian traditions and pagan Christian origins . Who was Constantine ? Was Constantine a real convert to Christianity ? Was Christianity originally a Jewish faith ? How did the son of god turn into the sun of god ? What about the pagan holidays ? What about Christmas and it's pagan origin , Easter or Halloween ? What is the pagan origin of Christmas ? It's time for the false church to be exposed ! This short video exposes the deception of the church through centuries of church tradition . It's time for the false church to be exposed !
there is only three possibilities…all religions are true, only one religion is true or no religions are true…they can't all be true, because they are great opposed to one another…obviously there is a God that created this planter us and all the universe, so all we are left with is there is one truth and only one truth!…we cannot say we are born into our religions or beliefs…for example my ancestors were Aztec Indians of North America and they worshipped the Sun and they would say that is there truth…why is it that I believe in the death and resurrection of a Jewish man two thousands years ago?…The Holy Spirit has allowed me to receive truth…truth isn't a system or religion, it is a person, the person of Jesus Christ. When you say Gurus can forgive sins and anyone who reaches a certain spiritual level is calling Jesus a liar… Jesus declare of Himself as being the way the truth and the life … he also declares that if anyone tries to get to the Father another way then Him is both a their and a liar. Jesus is equally God but lowered Himself and humbled Himself and was born into his own creation…He was perfect in anyway and did not lift Himself but bore witness to His Father in Heaven who has since glorified and sat at His right side, giving all power and authority. To say another is able to forgive sins or create with his mouth and make his words become reality is new age doctrine of devils…how does sikhs portray themselves to be so humble one minute then the other claim they with works and deeds and discipline can become a god or like a god with godlike abilities..who is man? man is formed of the dust and when we die we will return to the dust…As long as we are in the body/flesh we are subject to realities that we are no god and we cannot become a god, that is the first lie that was ever uttered on earth. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and we will all die one day and stand before him alone and give an account of our lives…we will not have a pastor, rabbi, guru, agents of light or a lawyer to stand beside us and defend us from the judgements of God…but what we do have is the blood atonement that Jesus has made and all who accept his death and blood as full payment for sins and put their trust in him and repent will be forgiven and given eternal life…get out of your own way and put God first!
Jesus teachings for u bro not for others ,, we have complete truth , in our book ,we know how a person can reach salvation , ,GURUNANAK IS GREATEST OF ALL ,
Jesus is for all! ... there is only One truth by brother...the truth has a name...it's JESUS! we are not saved by mere words or a book, but we are saved by the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross for all man, women and child!...
JOHN 3:16 - "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
We are not saved by our own actions or deeds..even wicked men do good deeds, but we are saved by the works of Jesus...He died in our place, but rose again to life and we who accept His death as payment for our sin will also be raised unto everlasting life with Him!
Souldier4Christ Amen! JESUS is the only way, the truth and the light. Ask Him to reveal himself and He will. Seek and you shall indeed find. Then every lie from the devil will be exposed through the power of His Holy Spirit. Religion cannot save only the Power of Almighty God in Christ Jesus.
This Sikh religious teacher expressed a different opinion with due respect to Christianity and Jesus Christ, unlike Muslim preachers like Ahmed Deedat, who ridicules Jesus' crucifixion as CRUCI - FICTION and Jesus on the cross as FROG ON THE CROSS.Sikhs are very respectful of Christians and Christians too are very respectful of them.
With due respect to this teacher, I must disagree with him on why God needed a "bali" (blood sacrifice) in the form of Jesus' death on the cross. First,God being a spirit and not human, does not think or do as humans do.Secondly, He being infinite transcends human logic because infinity defies finite logic such as if you add 3 infinities you get 1 infinity. So it is futile to probe God's judgments from anthropomorphic view. Because of this we will at best know WHAT God has done but not WHY has He done it, as much as my dog knows I have gone out but doesn't know why have I gone out. We humans will never know why sometimes God lets innocent children suffer violence, disease and death while he lets evil people enjoy good health and prosperity. Christians' belief that Jesus died for our sins is based on Scripture such as Isiah Ch.53, Vs 5 - 8. It is based on faith rather than anthropomorphic viewpoint.