Wonderful exposition. I wasn’t bored for a minute. Just a quick question, you said that with a different client you might take a more social/constructivist approach and look at dominant hierarchies in the broader society. What client presentation might lead you to that? It seems that an approach that different to a psychodynamic one would usually stem from a radically different worldview in the therapist, not the presentation of the client.
This was intensely interesting. I would love to hear more Pychodynamic Case Formulations.
Wonderful exposition. I wasn’t bored for a minute. Just a quick question, you said that with a different client you might take a more social/constructivist approach and look at dominant hierarchies in the broader society. What client presentation might lead you to that? It seems that an approach that different to a psychodynamic one would usually stem from a radically different worldview in the therapist, not the presentation of the client.
Love these!! I am a fellow Psychotherapist ❤
I found this interesting.