You have to remember that we as a country have ALWAYS painted our potential adversaries. Remember when Lt Balenkov handed over the Mig-25 we found that it was a rather primitive aircraft with a ungodly powerful engine. The engine also was rather primitive, remember that they balanced the engine by injecting ceramics in the center of the engine, yes it balanced the engine well but the lifespan of the engine was 4 hrs at full power and these engines were not repairable. You have to also grasp that the Russians haven't been to sea for practically 4 decades, so their at sea time is measured in days and weeks at sea per year, whereas we measure in months. So even if the platform has all of the technology you tout, you still have a crew that isn't all that experienced.
Russian subs are no joke I remember in 2018 when their kilo submarine evaded all NATO detection in the Mediterranean only to emerge near Syria launching missiles at ISIS
@@briant5685a WWII diesel electric submarine infiltrated an aircraft carrier strike group completely undetected in a training exercise. Any submarine, when properly operated, becomes nearly impossible to detect.
My brother in law worked on some top secret projects…. He never told me anything crazy but one day we had a conversation about subs. He asked me did I know about the sea wolf, I said yeah. He said told me that sub makes more noise docked than it does running underwater
Propeler design for submarines is highly complex engineeringand the shapes are classified because if the enemy knows your blade shape, they can know the prop noises to expect at various rpm and depths. This is a huge advantage tuniing the sonar system to detect the sounds. Eventually, they can extrapolate all of the sound information from sonar recordings, but that can take years. Meanwhile the sub with the undefined sound profile can just change RPM and dissapear from sonar.
Most things are covered when not in water and can be seen by satellite or any means. I worked on a fishing boat right next to the sub base and the EB facility that built them and everything was covered and a big billboard facing the river that deadly force was authorized,& no photography was permitted. Basically the same sign that is posted at Area 51 gate place that we see on tv It’s common sense to cover anything that gives you an advantage and keep it secret for as long as possible.
@@notyouraveragegoldenpotato purposely or not, your tone makes you sound like a propaganda speaker. It's not like like little 'ol Russia/USSR has just been sitting there minding their own business. And I'm not saying I'm for the US supporting the conflict in Ukraine, either.
months or even perhaps a year ago I saw a funny meme that kinda of relates to this? It said something like ,, hey Russian diesel, your number 8 cylinder is knocking!? Referring to the US's Superior listening ability! Is that 100% true? I don't know, probably partly!😂😂
@@DavidJones-me7yr it sounds true. I know the US submariners could tell which officer was in command of ship at any one time by the way each officer piloted the sub.
if they are not take your adventurism to russia and let us see how that turns out,russia is one of the few nations capable of ending anyone in the world and you know it
You must realize, the Russians are playing catch up to the US submarine fleet. You failed to mention the Sea Wolf class too. Though there are only 3, they are the most advanced subs we have. Too costly to continue building, the Navy opted for the Virginia class. To date, this class has experienced newer technologies and upgrades since they were originally launched. US submarine fleet is the best for which others are striving to match. Then there is the new Columbia class SSBNs slated for building. These will upset the balance even further with her capabilities both in strategic and tactical. The US Navy is not sitting on it's laurels. They are moving forward to keep our submarines at the pinnacle of submarine development and deployment. Everyone will still continue to play catch up.
Russian subs are no joke I remember in 2018 when their kilo submarine evaded all NATO detection in the Mediterranean only to emerge near Syria launching missiles at ISIS
The US Navy (and other military branches and the US defense industrial base as a whole) is not competing for dominance over other nations, it's competing against itself. All other countries are generally competing against our previous generation of tech at best. There are some exceptions to this, but in general, everyone else is merely competing for second place. This is sub is no exception to this.
The USN Nautilus 571 was the point of the spear for a new class of weapon of war: was choosing the same numeric designator 571 for the Krasnoyarsk a subtle message that things are about to change once again?
Your recap of the history of modern submarine warfare development didn't mention the Walker spy ring or Toshiba-Kongsberg scandal ? Before this, Soviet submarines were so noisy - they were decades behind.
One thing I have noticed in my opinion is it seems like Russia tells a lot of lies about their equipments performance. Then America acts like they believe it and know the real facts of the performance. It just seems like that to me maybe I'm wrong I can't prove one way or the other. Yet your comment makes me think yeah thats how they play the game.
Did you check to make sure that Koolaid your drinking was not supplied by the Russian MOD? Because there seem to be a LOT of questionable statements in this presentation. The Thresher was launched a decade earlier than the first Alpha. While the Alpha with it's titanium hull was capable of diving deeper than it's US contemporaries, it was also so noisy that US boats could hear it coming when it left port. And as the US also found out almost 20 years earlier, liquid metal reactors sound cool, but they a terrible idea, especially in a sub at sea. As far as their new "super" sub, if they can't do maintenance, then it's not going to be a threat for very long. The Russians just added their latest sub Moscova to the fleet in 2022, with an assist by the Ukrainian Navy. And those "hypersonic", "un-interceptable" missiles seem to have a few flaws, like not reaching rated speed, being unable to maneuver and being readily intercepted by Patriots. You might want to check your sources.
And their previous submarine “issues” they can say and hype up all they want but in reality it might not even work. Russians usually do their testing after the fact and consequently suffer tragic consequences.
USS DIXON AS-37 Point Loma Ca 79-81 81 Westpac to Diego Garcia. Tended Subs and Skimmers during the Iranian hostage issue. Overlapped Globe at Diego Garcia on the USS FORRESTAL CV-59 in 82 to fly a fallen Shipmate there and then stateside.
According to sonar experts it doesn’t really matter how good Russian technology is because it’s only good for a time and then decline steeply due to lack of maintenance. So, a super silent sub in 2023 will become a noisy mess by 2024 All the best to everyone
@@briant5685 Russians do overhaul their subs. Or else they wouldn’t be seaworthy. I assume the noise levels are greatly reduced after one. What they lack is regular maintenance, this is no secret. I got this information from H I Sutton (naval expert) and Sub Brief (former sonar operator in an American nuclear submarine) All the best
I love these videos, I really do... but I am daily forced to wonder when our myopic, arrogant and greedy species will stop striving to find new and creative ways to unalive each other, or exploit one another and instead work collectively toward a common good. Given history however, I am fairly sure I know how the story ends.
You get an upvote for your analysis. However, man is not built that way and life is not a panacea or perfection. I was told the three oldest professions were Politicians Prostitutes and lastly Priests/Religious Leaders Not until that corruption scheme is ended and humanity accepts that, then we are doomed as a species on this planet. By the way I served between 85 and 96. Both as a spec ops soldier and finally as a helicopter pilot. I have protected our God given rights.
All predator species on earth follow mother nature's guidelines of evolution; They all figure out ways of becoming more effective killers, or they go extinct. Nature is cruel, brutal and without mercy. What you are failing to understand is that human beings are exactly the same as every other predator on earth, they've just become better at it. (Perhaps if Orcas had thumbs they'd give us a run for our money, but luckily for us, they don't.) Your statement gives the impression that you assume that humans are so high and mighty that they should be "better" than every other predator, and that is, in itself, an arrogant assertion. Whether you like it or not, humans, like all predators, will continue to evolve ways of killing, it's only natural.
If it works as well as any of their other vessels, like their ONLY carrier, which is still out of action, and their battlecruisers, which they decided to scrap all but one of due to the cost of updating and modernizing them, or their guided missile cruiser Moskva, we have about as much to fear from those hunks of scrap as a toothless dog.
@@shaun469 Oh, I’m not saying we shouldn’t be cautious. We should still prepare in the event Russia actually manages to make something good for once and keep it in good working order. It is better to overestimate one’s enemy than underestimate them. I’m just saying I don’t think we really have much to worry about. We should still be prepared, though.
@@paulbradshaw4511 Yeah, in an attack that the ship was designed to defend itself from and should have been able to do so, or at the very least it should have been harder to sink. The truth was Moskva, like most Russian ships, had not been well maintained. It was having issues before it sank. It really should not have been out there in the state it was in.
Just ‘cause they say they can build it, doesn’t mean their corrupt military industrial supply chain will make what they expect. Like the joke of body armor and supplies their front line troops in Ukraine are issued, or the reason the ‘cutting edge’ tank can only be deployed in single digits.
The only and only innovation that ether Russia or The US could have that would garrenttee an edge would be a propulsion system that used a drive that used a propelerless system. Like a hydro jet.
Russia should also take effort to be able to retrieve it's heavy submarines out of the deep sea waters in case of any problem instead of seeking help from her enemies like it was with the KURSK submarine disaster
Ok brah, i was in the US Navy for 8 years, seen russian hardware. I sure wouldn't want to be at sea in their so-called "vessels". They cut so many safety corners and neglect maintenance, its ridiculous. When something is new, yes it "might" be a threat, but not for long. Since they've lost over 300k people with their current Ukrainian engagement, just think how bad it would be if their navy was engaged. We the US havw been monitoring thwir subs sound profiles for several decades. So, no, they are by no means a threat.
Russia has a military doctrine unique to its geography and nuclear arsenal. The conclusion that Soviet political and military leaders settled on was that they could never compete with America in naval or air power. The resources and engineers required was not worth the results. So the pivot was to focus on submarines, nuclear weapons and air defense systems. The strategy was to make it impossible for America to actually attack without serious consequences. That for every plane America had they had 5 anti aircraft missiles. For all of the bases and naval forces America had they had tactical nuclear weapons. Any attempt to destroy Russian military or government forces would result in their nuclear submarines destroying American military and government forces. It was designed to be a stalemate situation where the cost of any attack would be too high. The S-400, sarmat and typhoon nuclear weapons and their submarines are the only thing they need to create the deterrent capability to make the US understand it may be able to win battles against Russia, but it will inevitably lose the war. That while we have the military capability of defeating them militarily, the results of that scenario is such massive casualties and destruction that diplomacy and peace would be the only option.
I do recognise the skills of Russian engineers, but I may make three points. (1) The Ukraine is the heart of engineering in the 'Russian Sphere of influence' and that is finished. (2) Russia has a reputation for building ships and submarines, and then utterly failing to maintain them. (3) Russian 'command and control' is reputedly 'below par' with operators reluctant to follow orders, due to unreliable 'command messages', and unreliable sensors. Despite the 'apparent threat', I don't think that any of these vessels will do any harm to anyone, and I entirely expect the USA, UK or Sweden to 'characterise' them rather quickly (due to those countries 'active areas of search').
Annnnnd how many Yasen do you think they can afford? Cut that in half due to corruption. Then factor in lack of maintenance after they are launched. Etc etc. Soooo a bit of a threat, not much more.
Given Russia's lack of access to high-tech components, coupled with the demands on its industry to replace equipment losses and ordinance expenditures in Ukraine, I don't think that anyone is holding their breath for a new generation of Russian submarines.
Yeah things are going so freaking great for the idiot Russians in their stupid war with Ukraine. I can't wait for the 30+ year old Russian carrier to get out of repairs and go to the war zone~! Life in Russia has always sucked, now it sucks a lot more. Shalom@@riffmondo9733
I’m tired of videos that purport to discuss a new development in this case, a Russian sub and then go on to give a 50 + year history about submarines before getting to the subject. Very disappointing.
Know how many threats there are in the world. Hell, the whole universe is threatening our existence. I think a toy sub is the least of humanities problems.
There has to be a large question mark over Russian technical ability. The corruption and disunity of Russian ability is historic. However, they are not to be ignored. They have some clever engineers. 😊
Lol you lost me in the first 10 seconds when you said "RUSSIAN submarine"😂 they too busy to build anything worthwhile. Let alone keep it off the ocean floor
I find it fascinating that you describe a submarine that can patrol off US coasts as a threat, oblivious to the irony. From its inception until its unfortunate discovery of the capabilities of Soviet SAMs, the U2 used routinely to violate Soviet airspace. Even during the Cuban missile crisis, the U2 violated Cuban airspace on more than one occasion. So what if Russian subs want to patrol off US coasts? Putin might be a power-hungry self-aggrandising narcissist, but even he's not stupid enough to actually attack the USA. He's having enough trouble with his invasion of Ukraine.
Are they going to have a tug follow this sub around, like they do their carrier? As for their hypersonic missiles, didn't one get shot down over Ukraine by a Patriot missile? 😂😂😅😅
No one's going to believe this summer and work that well because their maintenance program and all their equipment sucks and their technology that works consistently good luck and how many people have taken money and put it in their pocket versus put it were supposed to go in the sub
you say : 1) US had more submarines than soviets and that's wrong 2) quieter maybe but not all of them 3) they can outmaneuver any russian submaine and that's absolutely also wrong because soviet submarines were far faster and more power and that's why they didn't need to be as silent as US made theirs because physics imposes limitations and you have to chose between speed or quietness
Seeing as Russia dosnt have 700 military bases all over the globe like America does, it makes sense to invest in new submarines. Like they have with missile systems which are currently the best by far.
Regardless of Russian tech, their capital poor economic status will slow any development, especially if they are trying to fund mitary incursions around the world, plus an aggressor in a ridiculously dumb war
So if the Russians navy is compared to it's incompetent ground military, we really don't haveta worry at all. Yet our US Navy always wants newer toys...
if you don't have to worry is why is US not directly intervening the way it did to Yugoslavia..??continue watching CNN and leaving in that false sense of security you ae so vulnerable but no top general would ever tell you that untill you fight an adversary like russia or china and even iran
@@briant5685 So the Russians have like 11 nuclear subs and the rest are diesel electric. And we have around 50-60 Ohio, Virginia ans Carter class.....Plus the up coming rampage series. And that's not enough? 13 Aircraft Carriers and I could go on and on.We way, way over spend on the military on stuff we'll never use. And all the time my taxes just keeps going up. Oh I'm all American but don't tell me that you military contractors and Generals aren't gouging us tax payers and not pocketing it...SMH.
Bet its really made of cardboard and no one but the crew know it (except the Admiral Gotabigskiyacht who profitted from selling its military grade metal outer surface to the Chinese). Hence the reason for the free Vodka bar behind the bridge.
Knowing Russia its a up scaled model RC sub. It will be in the stall next to all the other abandoned Russia nuclear subs @ their super fund sub pin site in Siberia.
You have to remember that we as a country have ALWAYS painted our potential adversaries. Remember when Lt Balenkov handed over the Mig-25 we found that it was a rather primitive aircraft with a ungodly powerful engine. The engine also was rather primitive, remember that they balanced the engine by injecting ceramics in the center of the engine, yes it balanced the engine well but the lifespan of the engine was 4 hrs at full power and these engines were not repairable. You have to also grasp that the Russians haven't been to sea for practically 4 decades, so their at sea time is measured in days and weeks at sea per year, whereas we measure in months. So even if the platform has all of the technology you tout, you still have a crew that isn't all that experienced.
I agree ! A very good Intel report!
We don’t have to do anything except stay black and die!
Russian subs are no joke I remember in 2018 when their kilo submarine evaded all NATO detection in the Mediterranean only to emerge near Syria launching missiles at ISIS
@@briant5685a WWII diesel electric submarine infiltrated an aircraft carrier strike group completely undetected in a training exercise. Any submarine, when properly operated, becomes nearly impossible to detect.
The Russian navy has been a hot mess from day one.
Man, I am a proud American and therefore am a fan of our vessels, but I gotta say, Soviet/Russian federation naval ships look gorgeous.
Too bad the russian ships do not work, or they sink
Yeah, their carriers (😂😂😂) are amazing to watch as they are towed back to port.
They are pretty on the bottom of the ocean
They look beautiful, like a house burning down, or a car accident, you can’t look away but you know it’s horrible
Every single sentiment expressed in this short statement is so easily subject to ridicule it seems like child abuse to even point any of it out.
My brother in law worked on some top secret projects…. He never told me anything crazy but one day we had a conversation about subs. He asked me did I know about the sea wolf, I said yeah. He said told me that sub makes more noise docked than it does running underwater
Doesn’t that make sense tho?
Propeler design for submarines is highly complex engineeringand the shapes are classified because if the enemy knows your blade shape, they can know the prop noises to expect at various rpm and depths. This is a huge advantage tuniing the sonar system to detect the sounds.
Eventually, they can extrapolate all of the sound information from sonar recordings, but that can take years. Meanwhile the sub with the undefined sound profile can just change RPM and dissapear from sonar.
There were so many mistakes in your first sentence that, when I got to "sonar system", my brain initially read it as "solar system".
Our subs also have their submarine propellers shrouded when not in the water… it’s a given…
Most things are covered when not in water and can be seen by satellite or any means. I worked on a fishing boat right next to the sub base and the EB facility that built them and everything was covered and a big billboard facing the river that deadly force was authorized,& no photography was permitted. Basically the same sign that is posted at Area 51 gate place that we see on tv It’s common sense to cover anything that gives you an advantage and keep it secret for as long as possible.
Alfa class wasn't introduced until 1971. Thresher was introduced a decade before that.
Russia/USSR deserves a pat on the back. Not for being a serious threat but for making the world think they were for nearly 80 years.
They didn't. The US has done that purposefully using them as a bogeyman to align their own citizens into compliance with questionable actions
@@notyouraveragegoldenpotato purposely or not, your tone makes you sound like a propaganda speaker. It's not like like little 'ol Russia/USSR has just been sitting there minding their own business. And I'm not saying I'm for the US supporting the conflict in Ukraine, either.
months or even perhaps a year ago I saw a funny meme that kinda of relates to this? It said something like ,, hey Russian diesel, your number 8 cylinder is knocking!? Referring to the US's Superior listening ability! Is that 100% true? I don't know, probably partly!😂😂
@@DavidJones-me7yr it sounds true. I know the US submariners could tell which officer was in command of ship at any one time by the way each officer piloted the sub.
if they are not take your adventurism to russia and let us see how that turns out,russia is one of the few nations capable of ending anyone in the world and you know it
You must realize, the Russians are playing catch up to the US submarine fleet. You failed to mention the Sea Wolf class too. Though there are only 3, they are the most advanced subs we have. Too costly to continue building, the Navy opted for the Virginia class. To date, this class has experienced newer technologies and upgrades since they were originally launched. US submarine fleet is the best for which others are striving to match. Then there is the new Columbia class SSBNs slated for building. These will upset the balance even further with her capabilities both in strategic and tactical. The US Navy is not sitting on it's laurels. They are moving forward to keep our submarines at the pinnacle of submarine development and deployment. Everyone will still continue to play catch up.
Russian subs are no joke I remember in 2018 when their kilo submarine evaded all NATO detection in the Mediterranean only to emerge near Syria launching missiles at ISIS
Thanks for this 👍
The US Navy (and other military branches and the US defense industrial base as a whole) is not competing for dominance over other nations, it's competing against itself. All other countries are generally competing against our previous generation of tech at best. There are some exceptions to this, but in general, everyone else is merely competing for second place. This is sub is no exception to this.
Very interesting video 👍👍
We followed that sub for over one month with are sub right behind it for over 30 days.
Please change your thumbnail to the actual submarine, thats the wrong one
Dark can never do that as profits over facts are more important.
yeah yeah, heard it all before...
isn't it easy to find for your new sonars and radars ?
The USN Nautilus 571 was the point of the spear for a new class of weapon of war: was choosing the same numeric designator 571 for the Krasnoyarsk a subtle message that things are about to change once again?
Russia can't do subtle.
Your recap of the history of modern submarine warfare development didn't mention the Walker spy ring or Toshiba-Kongsberg scandal ? Before this, Soviet submarines were so noisy - they were decades behind.
They STILL ARE decades behind 😮
The response from Toshiba was that the COO or CEO resigned!! That was priceless!! and valueless!!
Russia is really committed to helping the environment. Look how much money they spent on one future artificial reef!
2:45 nice wee glimpse of Scotland and probably more just further on.
22 year retired submariner! No contest to US submarines. This is not bias, it's factual.
One thing I have noticed in my opinion is it seems like Russia tells a lot of lies about their equipments performance. Then America acts like they believe it and know the real facts of the performance. It just seems like that to me maybe I'm wrong I can't prove one way or the other. Yet your comment makes me think yeah thats how they play the game.
Fellow Bubblehead here... You're absolutely correct!
Russian subs: JUNK!
Run Silent Run Deep!
Hubris is a dangerous trait. On paper Korea, Vietnam and SW Asia would not match up well, either.
@@vikingskuldI’ve heard that many Russian vessels have easily identified acoustic signatures due to “defects” and “wear”
Russia isn’t the enemy.
when you getting rid of the retainer? it's been years now.
I wonder how much the world could be bettered if these resources were expensed to make the world a better place for everyone.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that makes WAY too much sense lol 😝
That assumes everyone disarms... and we know that isn't happening.
It’s nuclear submarines that make the world better
Dosen't it make far more sense for the US & Russia to be allies? Just say'n!
The great secret prop design you ask? Twin Counter Rotating Props.
We'll need to send some divers down to check it out after it sinks.
starting @2:45 anyone else see the UFO come flying across the screen?
Yes, wtf, it just disappeared
is this going to be like the armata tank?
no it will be like the kursk.
is someone going to make a video full of outlandish claims about it?
Did you check to make sure that Koolaid your drinking was not supplied by the Russian MOD?
Because there seem to be a LOT of questionable statements in this presentation.
The Thresher was launched a decade earlier than the first Alpha. While the Alpha with it's titanium hull was capable of diving deeper than it's US contemporaries, it was also so noisy that US boats could hear it coming when it left port. And as the US also found out almost 20 years earlier, liquid metal reactors sound cool, but they a terrible idea, especially in a sub at sea.
As far as their new "super" sub, if they can't do maintenance, then it's not going to be a threat for very long. The Russians just added their latest sub Moscova to the fleet in 2022, with an assist by the Ukrainian Navy.
And those "hypersonic", "un-interceptable" missiles seem to have a few flaws, like not reaching rated speed, being unable to maneuver and being readily intercepted by Patriots.
You might want to check your sources.
Judging by the Russian military performance in Ukraine - bs
And their previous submarine “issues” they can say and hype up all they want but in reality it might not even work. Russians usually do their testing after the fact and consequently suffer tragic consequences.
deluded western media mindset
we can also judge US by their performance against natives in Afghanistan
Or Russia !!!
USS DIXON AS-37 Point Loma Ca 79-81
81 Westpac to Diego Garcia. Tended Subs and Skimmers during the Iranian hostage issue. Overlapped Globe at Diego Garcia on the USS FORRESTAL CV-59 in 82 to fly a fallen Shipmate there and then stateside.
It's not a ship its a boat!
Thumbnail:This is what happens when you call to get Dish TV in your Submarine 😜
According to sonar experts it doesn’t really matter how good Russian technology is because it’s only good for a time and then decline steeply due to lack of maintenance.
So, a super silent sub in 2023 will become a noisy mess by 2024
All the best to everyone
is that why NATO could not detect a kilo submarine made in 1989 back in 2018
@@briant5685 Russians do overhaul their subs. Or else they wouldn’t be seaworthy. I assume the noise levels are greatly reduced after one.
What they lack is regular maintenance, this is no secret.
I got this information from H I Sutton (naval expert) and Sub Brief (former sonar operator in an American nuclear submarine)
All the best
In 1991 the Royal Navy was the first to fit optronic masts to its fleet submarines.
I love these videos, I really do... but I am daily forced to wonder when our myopic, arrogant and greedy species will stop striving to find new and creative ways to unalive each other, or exploit one another and instead work collectively toward a common good.
Given history however, I am fairly sure I know how the story ends.
You get an upvote for your analysis.
However, man is not built that way and life is not a panacea or perfection. I was told the three oldest professions were
Prostitutes and lastly
Priests/Religious Leaders
Not until that corruption scheme is ended and humanity accepts that, then we are doomed as a species on this planet.
By the way I served between 85 and 96. Both as a spec ops soldier and finally as a helicopter pilot.
I have protected our God given rights.
All predator species on earth follow mother nature's guidelines of evolution; They all figure out ways of becoming more effective killers, or they go extinct. Nature is cruel, brutal and without mercy. What you are failing to understand is that human beings are exactly the same as every other predator on earth, they've just become better at it. (Perhaps if Orcas had thumbs they'd give us a run for our money, but luckily for us, they don't.) Your statement gives the impression that you assume that humans are so high and mighty that they should be "better" than every other predator, and that is, in itself, an arrogant assertion. Whether you like it or not, humans, like all predators, will continue to evolve ways of killing, it's only natural.
Makes me nervous.
If it works as well as any of their other vessels, like their ONLY carrier, which is still out of action, and their battlecruisers, which they decided to scrap all but one of due to the cost of updating and modernizing them, or their guided missile cruiser Moskva, we have about as much to fear from those hunks of scrap as a toothless dog.
Until proven wrong it’s better to over estimate their abilities then be given a big surprise.
The worse thing any nation can do is underestimate their adversary.
The Russian warship Moskva, the flagship of the Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet, sank on 14 April 2022 during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
@@shaun469 Oh, I’m not saying we shouldn’t be cautious. We should still prepare in the event Russia actually manages to make something good for once and keep it in good working order. It is better to overestimate one’s enemy than underestimate them. I’m just saying I don’t think we really have much to worry about. We should still be prepared, though.
@@paulbradshaw4511 Yeah, in an attack that the ship was designed to defend itself from and should have been able to do so, or at the very least it should have been harder to sink. The truth was Moskva, like most Russian ships, had not been well maintained. It was having issues before it sank. It really should not have been out there in the state it was in.
Where will they be getting replacement computer chips for it.
I heard you gotta control it with a knock off PlayStation controller too.
Great video very informative and interesting also the background music is great as well 👍🏾
Dark Seas rules!!
Western waters or international waters ?
Question -- why don’t subs work in pairs? One hunter/killer to protect the ballistic missile sub.
loose lips sink ships.
Because Paris is situated inland
@@niallmackenzie99 -- sorry, I don’t understand what that has to do with the question. Please explain.
@@Charles-k9g5y Paris is not on the coast
Oh I see, you said pairs, sorry 😞
Just ‘cause they say they can build it, doesn’t mean their corrupt military industrial supply chain will make what they expect. Like the joke of body armor and supplies their front line troops in Ukraine are issued, or the reason the ‘cutting edge’ tank can only be deployed in single digits.
There was a report that on their tanks the explosive reactive armor was really just cardboard sandwiched between metal plates
The US should have nuclear powered ice breakers like Russia has. It is amazing how slow the US has been to react to this need.
We are relying on global warming to meet that strategic need.
The only and only innovation that ether Russia or The US could have that would garrenttee an edge would be a propulsion system that used a drive that used a propelerless system. Like a hydro jet.
$10 says they'll have an accident n it'll go down like a rock!!!
Russia should also take effort to be able to retrieve it's heavy submarines out of the deep sea waters in case of any problem instead of seeking help from her enemies like it was with the KURSK submarine disaster
I call , based on recent performance, BS.
0:24 while at same time getting 1 heavily damaged on crimea bc u know that what he deserves to get and will son join the mokvoacr*p
Ok brah, i was in the US Navy for 8 years, seen russian hardware. I sure wouldn't want to be at sea in their so-called "vessels". They cut so many safety corners and neglect maintenance, its ridiculous. When something is new, yes it "might" be a threat, but not for long. Since they've lost over 300k people with their current Ukrainian engagement, just think how bad it would be if their navy was engaged. We the US havw been monitoring thwir subs sound profiles for several decades. So, no, they are by no means a threat.
What you don’t know is far more important
Russia has a military doctrine unique to its geography and nuclear arsenal. The conclusion that Soviet political and military leaders settled on was that they could never compete with America in naval or air power. The resources and engineers required was not worth the results. So the pivot was to focus on submarines, nuclear weapons and air defense systems.
The strategy was to make it impossible for America to actually attack without serious consequences. That for every plane America had they had 5 anti aircraft missiles. For all of the bases and naval forces America had they had tactical nuclear weapons. Any attempt to destroy Russian military or government forces would result in their nuclear submarines destroying American military and government forces. It was designed to be a stalemate situation where the cost of any attack would be too high.
The S-400, sarmat and typhoon nuclear weapons and their submarines are the only thing they need to create the deterrent capability to make the US understand it may be able to win battles against Russia, but it will inevitably lose the war. That while we have the military capability of defeating them militarily, the results of that scenario is such massive casualties and destruction that diplomacy and peace would be the only option.
I do recognise the skills of Russian engineers, but I may make three points. (1) The Ukraine is the heart of engineering in the 'Russian Sphere of influence' and that is finished. (2) Russia has a reputation for building ships and submarines, and then utterly failing to maintain them. (3) Russian 'command and control' is reputedly 'below par' with operators reluctant to follow orders, due to unreliable 'command messages', and unreliable sensors. Despite the 'apparent threat', I don't think that any of these vessels will do any harm to anyone, and I entirely expect the USA, UK or Sweden to 'characterise' them rather quickly (due to those countries 'active areas of search').
Another hot submarine the Russians make young sailors glow
greed creates the motive for a simple tracking device to be placed on board
They probably put something dumb on it like a toroidal propeller that would make more sense on an air drone
Could, but won't.
Can't be to secret, it's on youtube.
The Russians have repeatedly failed in maintaing maintenance hence despite designs, their submarines tend to become less stealthy over time.
Annnnnd how many Yasen do you think they can afford? Cut that in half due to corruption. Then factor in lack of maintenance after they are launched. Etc etc.
Soooo a bit of a threat, not much more.
"With Russia you never know if it evens works"
Sounds about right.
Unofficially, the USA may or may not have observed every move this sub has already made…
That’s an awfully large crew for such an advanced sub!
Considering that that is the off duty watch, that's only half of them! Lots of dial and switches to move, or hamsters to feed.
They do have to pedal rather hard. I assume this is why they usually pissed as newts.
Young Russian sailors fall in love with each other too!!
Park it with the Kursk.
Given Russia's lack of access to high-tech components, coupled with the demands on its industry to replace equipment losses and ordinance expenditures in Ukraine, I don't think that anyone is holding their breath for a new generation of Russian submarines.
I guess you have not been paying attention.
Corporate news lies.
Yeah things are going so freaking great for the idiot Russians in their stupid war with Ukraine. I can't wait for the 30+ year old Russian carrier to get out of repairs and go to the war zone~! Life in Russia has always sucked, now it sucks a lot more. Shalom@@riffmondo9733
bwahahahaha,hey old timer wake up from your dreams
The only time I have heard a silly laugh like that was from the zoo. Shalom@@briant5685
I’m tired of videos that purport to discuss a new development in this case, a Russian sub and then go on to give a 50 + year history about submarines before getting to the subject. Very disappointing.
Know how many threats there are in the world. Hell, the whole universe is threatening our existence. I think a toy sub is the least of humanities problems.
Yeah, its that secret you have a 10 minute video of it.
There has to be a large question mark over Russian technical ability.
The corruption and disunity of Russian ability is historic.
However, they are not to be ignored. They have some clever engineers.
Either perform at a high level or end up in Siberia
And if the damn thing doesn’t blow up or sinks………
Lol you lost me in the first 10 seconds when you said "RUSSIAN submarine"😂 they too busy to build anything worthwhile. Let alone keep it off the ocean floor
Putin would call it " SWIMMING CHERNOBYL" xDDDD
$100 says an American sub watched them leave port and tracked their entire sea trials.
I find it fascinating that you describe a submarine that can patrol off US coasts as a threat, oblivious to the irony. From its inception until its unfortunate discovery of the capabilities of Soviet SAMs, the U2 used routinely to violate Soviet airspace. Even during the Cuban missile crisis, the U2 violated Cuban airspace on more than one occasion.
So what if Russian subs want to patrol off US coasts? Putin might be a power-hungry self-aggrandising narcissist, but even he's not stupid enough to actually attack the USA. He's having enough trouble with his invasion of Ukraine.
Hitler patrolled the Atlantic coast of us. We even sank atleast 2 u boats off coast of north carolina.
Don't worry, like most Russian designs, this thing is at least as likely to unlive itself and it's crew as it is to prove a danger to others.
WTF: You never know if US technology works either! Ever heard of F35?
Are they going to have a tug follow this sub around, like they do their carrier?
As for their hypersonic missiles, didn't one get shot down over Ukraine by a Patriot missile?
They don't have the money
Patriots PAC3 eat hypersonics for breakfast. Also, the faster a rocket travels the more detectable it becomes.
Actually false, Patriots were destroyed by these in Ukraine.
it eats it pretty well that why it got 99.9% damaged
No one's going to believe this summer and work that well because their maintenance program and all their equipment sucks and their technology that works consistently good luck and how many people have taken money and put it in their pocket versus put it were supposed to go in the sub
The way you guys add artifacts of film junk particles on older video clips is hilarious.
Russia does a good nuclear vlessel.
The US knew the invasion day for the russian attack. I think they know everything they Need to know about this one 😂
russian subs make excellent anchors
I can't wait for an Astute class to sack this thing.
you say :
1) US had more submarines than soviets and that's wrong
2) quieter maybe but not all of them
3) they can outmaneuver any russian submaine and that's absolutely also wrong
because soviet submarines were far faster and more power and that's why they didn't need to be as silent as US made theirs because physics imposes limitations and you have to chose between speed or quietness
Ask yourselves this.
Would you feel safer at war in an American attack boat, or a Russian?
Astute,s would be all over it before it sets sail
Seeing as Russia dosnt have 700 military bases all over the globe like America does, it makes sense to invest in new submarines. Like they have with missile systems which are currently the best by far.
...yeah...we all see how GREAT the ORK weapons are in Ukraine...🤣
Regardless of Russian tech, their capital poor economic status will slow any development, especially if they are trying to fund mitary incursions around the world, plus an aggressor in a ridiculously dumb war
So if the Russians navy is compared to it's incompetent ground military, we really don't haveta worry at all. Yet our US Navy always wants newer toys...
if you don't have to worry is why is US not directly intervening the way it did to Yugoslavia..??continue watching CNN and leaving in that false sense of security you ae so vulnerable but no top general would ever tell you that untill you fight an adversary like russia or china and even iran
@@briant5685 So the Russians have like 11 nuclear subs and the rest are diesel electric. And we have around 50-60 Ohio, Virginia ans Carter class.....Plus the up coming rampage series. And that's not enough? 13 Aircraft Carriers and I could go on and on.We way, way over spend on the military on stuff we'll never use. And all the time my taxes just keeps going up. Oh I'm all American but don't tell me that you military contractors and Generals aren't gouging us tax payers and not pocketing it...SMH.
ruzzia can barely afford this ship. There won't be many if anymore.
Submarines are not ships
Bet its really made of cardboard and no one but the crew know it (except the Admiral Gotabigskiyacht who profitted from selling its military grade metal outer surface to the Chinese). Hence the reason for the free Vodka bar behind the bridge.
Wow the US opinions in here lol😂
Knowing Russia its a up scaled model RC sub. It will be in the stall next to all the other abandoned Russia nuclear subs @ their super fund sub pin site in Siberia.