A European cardinal's "homosexual dissent"

  • Опубликовано: 20 окт 2024

Комментарии • 714

  • @junelledembroski9183
    @junelledembroski9183 2 года назад +106

    Thank God I converted to Catholicism to marry my husband. He almost left the church but because I had taken the classes to become Catholic I was able to refute his problems with the church. I don’t know if I still could so I’m boning up on Trent’s videos so I can help my husband if he starts to stray again. 🥰 Thank you Trent!!! I owe my marriage being saved to you. And you sent me to other Catholic apologists that also helped. Thank you very much. 🤗

    • @MELOMEL95
      @MELOMEL95 2 года назад +3

      @@enaquasanitas7017 while you have a point, I don’t think we know her whole story. So give her the benefit of the doubt and forgiveness since finding love for Jesus and His Church is a lifelong journey.

    • @carsonianthegreat4672
      @carsonianthegreat4672 2 года назад +6

      @@enaquasanitas7017 sometimes God works through men to convert people. St. Constantine the Great was converted in part out of love for his mother St. Helena

    • @xtreme_survival7879
      @xtreme_survival7879 2 года назад

      relax! Our Lord does these things, put's people in a position where they can't deny him, if they do then they reject Our Lord. It doesn't matter how or why she came to the Catholic Church.. What matters she has come home to the Church of Our Lord!

    • @brianhale3678
      @brianhale3678 2 года назад

      There are many churches, Sir.
      As a person born in this day and age how am I supposed to know which one Jesus appointed?
      The answer is obvious... a church that teaches and believes what Jesus said is a real church. Just as there were seven churches divided among the region of Asia in the Book of Revelation, chapters 2 - 3.
      Revelation 3:22 ESV -
      He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’”
      So, how do I find a true church?
      Simple: I find out if it teaches the Bible without compromise.
      Jesus said that he did not come to judge but his words will be our judge.
      John 12:47-48 ESV -
      47 If anyone hears my words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. 48 The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day.
      If I were to join a Catholic church today I would no longer be able to obey Christ. For he clearly commanded me to eat his body and drink his blood.
      I would no longer be allowed to drink his blood as a lowly non-priest in the Catholic Church.
      This is but one of the many ways the Catholic Church disagrees with Jesus.
      Find a new church, for the words of Jesus Christ will judge you on the last day.

    • @brianhale3678
      @brianhale3678 2 года назад

      @Guess Work
      First of all, I will believe and Obey Jesus Christ and I have no interest in my opinion...
      Now, I'll read the rest of your comment.

  • @kingofcelts
    @kingofcelts 2 года назад +46

    It's OK Trent, my head hurts as well. I'd love to read more of your upcoming books, so please keep writing. I'm here in Dublin, Ireland and we've gone literally insane with the stuff we're feeding our kids minds with. Keep up the good work..!

  • @giovannimusumeci2707
    @giovannimusumeci2707 2 года назад +65

    "Refuting Gay Catholicism" - sounds like a great book title. Sometimes you just need to be blunt, especially in the face of dissenters who do their best to stretch and distort scripture and Church teaching to their own ends

    • @ironymatt
      @ironymatt 2 года назад

      "What Gives Rise to this Dissent" as a title (at 10:44) is even better

    • @elgatofelix8917
      @elgatofelix8917 2 года назад +1

      Or you could say jewish Catholicism. Same thing.

    • @ByeClownGuy
      @ByeClownGuy 2 года назад +1

      We took our teachings from the Jewish I don’t see your point

    • @flapcow6837
      @flapcow6837 Год назад

      Great title for a horrible book.

    • @awuriefnejqwjmnwn4960
      @awuriefnejqwjmnwn4960 Год назад +3

      Im truely ashamed of them. The crazy part is that catholics are still considered the more conservative church amongst germans because the german evangelicals are even worse. One of my friends just converted to catholicism because he was fed up with the evangelical nonsense of homosexual female priests (of whom he met one)
      Eventually conservative christians are going to find their home in catholicism and the rest are going to become protestants and eventually atheists.
      Even now, catholics outnumber protestants because so many people in the north just left theism as a whole and the catholic south has largely remained catholic

  • @Western-Supremacist
    @Western-Supremacist 2 года назад +63

    We have an African Priest in residence at our Church. His homilies are great! Full of passion!
    We need more of it.

    • @marinanguish9928
      @marinanguish9928 2 года назад +4

      At this point it seems like we are relying on the Africans to save the rest of us.

    • @ghostapostle7225
      @ghostapostle7225 2 года назад +4

      @@marinanguish9928 and Asia.

    • @hashtagaroma7778
      @hashtagaroma7778 2 года назад +8

      God bless African Priests. Absolute legends

    • @marinanguish9928
      @marinanguish9928 2 года назад +2

      @@ghostapostle7225 Yes them as well, of course

    • @antoniodesousa9723
      @antoniodesousa9723 2 года назад +4

      best priest i ever heard was from Mozambique, he was truly inspiring, passionate but firm

  • @johnricobayot4502
    @johnricobayot4502 2 года назад +50

    Finally! Been waiting for someone to address this crucial issue since A LOT is bothered that someone who believes that the Church is in error will be taking a huge role in the upcoming synod. Thanks, Trent!

    • @HaleStorm49
      @HaleStorm49 2 года назад

      @YAJUN YUAN Apostasy.

    • @ToxicallyMasculinelol
      @ToxicallyMasculinelol 2 года назад +4

      @YAJUN YUAN I guess they start out trusting the Church's teaching, and then start to view this as just an ordinary job over time. Competing with the other clergy. Internal politics is tainted with external politics. If you want to get ahead as a bishop, cardinal, you may use pandering on social issues to elevate yourself. The zeitgeist today is especially favorable to woke politics. People are so eager to hear religious authorities validate their sin. So I'd say it's a form of populist pandering. These priests may have apostasized, but it's also possible they're just excessively worldly, more concerned with their own popularity than the kingdom of God. Presumably they will be called to account for this in short order, either in several years when the Church inevitably finds out that modernist pandering doesn't work and alienates sincere seekers who can smell the inconsistency and flimsiness of their principles; or when they die and are judged; whichever comes first.

  • @beck320
    @beck320 2 года назад +30

    My dad is a deacon and was told he could no longer give homilies to the English Mass because he was too blunt... We in the Spanish Mass love it

    • @mcspankey4810
      @mcspankey4810 2 года назад +14

      That’s such a shame / sounds like your dad is saying and doing the right things

    • @number5mom
      @number5mom 2 года назад +7

      That is sad.

  • @MZONE991
    @MZONE991 2 года назад +70

    "I believe that the sociological and scientific foundations of this teachings is no longer correct" - the Cardinal
    but we never used sociology or science to articulate the Church's teachings on sexuality

    • @richvestal767
      @richvestal767 2 года назад +13

      Because as Hume rightly stated, "you don't derive an ought from an is."
      Ethics is supposed to inform what is to be done with science, not vice versa.

    • @josephmoya5098
      @josephmoya5098 2 года назад

      @@richvestal767 Well, Aquinas says otherwise, so...

    • @vaderetro264
      @vaderetro264 2 года назад

      @@josephmoya5098 Did he?

    • @josephmoya5098
      @josephmoya5098 2 года назад +1

      @@vaderetro264 Yes. That is whole point of the concept "natural law." It comes from the nature of things. Or as Hume put it, the is. (I would be hesitant to agree with Hume on anything, but that's just me.) I would argue, along side many great moral theologians, from LaGrange to Pinckaers, that there is no morality based in anything else than what is. Ought is primarily a question of the state of you soul, and the state of your soul is a question of what is.

    • @vaderetro264
      @vaderetro264 2 года назад +3

      @@josephmoya5098 But all you've written has nothing to do with the comment about the necessity for Ethics to inform Science. That's why I asked 'did he'? Of course he didn't, because the law of God is not fully revealed in Nature, which means science can't discover or establish moral laws.

  • @floridaman318
    @floridaman318 2 года назад +28

    Title idea:
    "Straightening Things Out: A Refutation of Gay Catholicism"

  • @JohnR.T.B.
    @JohnR.T.B. 2 года назад +27

    I reverted to the Church, there were lots of things I believed were right, and the Church wrong in social issues. There was a period of my life when I thought the Church was wrong on this or that issue. But as I was coming back to the Church, drawing closer to Christ and learning more about the Church's authentic teachings, I realized I was wrong and the Church is right and hence I changed many of my long-held views and opinions. I think the key is to first and foremost be close to Jesus according to the Gospel, and make proper reverence to the Eucharist instead of our own goals or political views in life. We fall into sin every now and then, but we hold on to Christ who is unchanging in truth and who is complete in every way when He gave Himself for us, holding back nothing. And, in all truths that He preaches He wants us to live eternal life, not so that we are happy temporarily as deceived and deceivers.
    "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us."
    (1 John 1: 8-10)

    • @EpoRose1
      @EpoRose1 2 года назад +4

      I don’t know about you, but general maturity and life experience helped me revert and understand why Church teachings are correct.

    • @Kitiwake
      @Kitiwake 2 года назад

      Great testimony.
      May God bless you.

    • @eoinMB3949
      @eoinMB3949 2 года назад

      Amen. I had a similar experience

    • @truthisbeautiful7492
      @truthisbeautiful7492 2 года назад +1

      But Rome denies that verse 'if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.' we have no sin, present tense. Rome claims that those in the 'state of grace's have no sin and are 'immacculate' and are righteous in God's eyes because they are internally righteous, with no sin. But Rome denies that concupscience, the inclination to sin is truly sin. But Romans chapter 7 says that concupscience is SIN. The sin that dwells within me. And Galatians says the flesh lists against the Spirit. How could God consider concupscience to be holy and righteous or somehow neutral? How can a attraction to ungodliness, a desire to ungodliness be neutral or holy in the sight of God? Concupscience is sin, so Rome has errored. That is why God declares righteous the ungodly, the ungodly Christ died for, and that He declares righteous those who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
      Trent Horn talks about the 'church doctrine' but if official church teaching changes, and this Cardinal has authority in Rome not Trent Horn, will Horn salute and accept official Rome teaching? Notice the change on the death penalty. Or the change on NFP compared to earlier centuries. So Rome's ethics changes, just ike it changed on religious liberty and whether heretics should be burned. Not only that, Rome has contradictions of allowing those who teach Molinist and Thomist predestination which disagree, and 'Hopeful Universalism' that we can hope nobody even Judas ends up in hell as ,'Bishop Barron' teaches and the denial of that by professor Ralph Martin at Sacred Heart Seminary who rejects Hopeful Universalism. So there are two disagreements on Salvation doctrines in Rome, which is the 'real'teaching? Not to mention that Trent denies Paul wrote 14 epistles as the North African councils he appeals to taught and he claims that Deutrocanon like Judith can be fictional, even though he cites witters who taught the Deutrocanon books were historical not fictional. And course the American bishops of Rome and the England and Wales bishops have put out statements saying that Scripture can have errors in non salvation teachings Ike history or science, so called 'limited inerrancy'' while other Romanists says that the scripture teaches the truth in everything in teaches 'full inerrancy.' then you have the problem of 3rd Esdras in the Canon - was it passed over, rejected, or passed over and practically impossible to be added in the future to the Canon or would it be a positive thing to recognize 3rd Esdras as a Divinely Inspired book? Then there is the disagreement between Romanists that hold the Church teaches Geocentrism (Robert sungenis) and those who don't think that, and those Romanists that teach theistic evolution or those who teach a young earth, global flood and literal ad and eve, literal Noah, and literal Tower of Babel. And those who hold to Moses authorship of the Torah and those who reject that, and those who hold the Gospels to be eyewitness history and those who reject that, those who hold Matthew wrote Matthew and those who do not, and those who hold Just War and those who hold to pacifism, those who think Paul wrote 14 epistles or 13 or only 7 epistles, the who think special revelation is partly in Scripture and partly in Tradition and those who disagree and say it is wholly in Scripture and wholly in Tradition, whether celibacy is a tradition from the Apostles or is only a discipline, etc. Which is the true 'church teaching' on all these issues of Authority?

    • @JohnR.T.B.
      @JohnR.T.B. 2 года назад

      @@Kitiwake Hi, God bless.

  • @mortensimonsen1645
    @mortensimonsen1645 2 года назад +19

    I have recently converted from Prot to Cath to avoid this nonsense of Gay Christianity. There must be a way to shut down these bishops, they’re on the highway to hell.

    • @mike-cc3dd
      @mike-cc3dd 2 года назад +3

      Welcome home

    • @sterlingteall3462
      @sterlingteall3462 2 года назад

      AC/DC they probably listen to Rock'nRoll as well....worldly priest gonna be worldly

    • @clairebertha8102
      @clairebertha8102 2 года назад

      @@mike-cc3dd welcome home. Satan tries to bring down the church so there'll b bumps on the way but never lose faith!!!❤

    • @HaleStorm49
      @HaleStorm49 2 года назад

      It was Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire (quoting a priest) who said that if there were no gay priests there would be no priests at all.

    • @essafats5728
      @essafats5728 2 года назад +1

      @YAJUN YUAN sure...baby christians in 200yrs of ur existence. How self-righteous.

  • @catholicdisciple3232
    @catholicdisciple3232 2 года назад +7

    Thank you, Trent! As a Catholic teacher, faced with these issues all the time, your book would be invaluable. God bless you and your ministry. You are the most balanced, charitable, and intelligent Catholic apologist.

  • @KristiLEvans1
    @KristiLEvans1 2 года назад +44

    Wow! And this Cardinal is a brilliant, learned man, too. This is amazing to me. Why dedicate your entire life to a church - and you don’t believe the teachings? I don’t understand.

    • @YiriUbic3793
      @YiriUbic3793 2 года назад +9

      Those are infiltrators who only entered the church with that purpose to destroy the church,

    • @HaleStorm49
      @HaleStorm49 2 года назад +4

      @@YiriUbic3793 Why are they permitted to remain? Infiltration isn't the right word when no punishment or correction are meted out.

    • @JP2GiannaT
      @JP2GiannaT 2 года назад +3

      They like the power and bling, maybe?

    • @littlerock5256
      @littlerock5256 2 года назад +6

      @@HaleStorm49 Because the infiltrators are in the highest positions.

    • @HaleStorm49
      @HaleStorm49 2 года назад +2

      @@littlerock5256 Infiltration is a cope.
      Someday God will ask you why you thought His church would be allowed to be run by Satanic infiltrators... There will not be an acceptable answer that doesnt sound foolish in retrospect.
      If Satans minions are at the highest level of the church, it's their church.
      Staying in the church of Satans minions is not really a defendable position.
      I think people feel like the infiltration argument is a valid explanation for what they are seeing, but it's also a fatal admission and untenable position for a truth seeker.

  • @LyubenV
    @LyubenV 2 года назад +25

    I saw a post about a 'Pride Mass' for LGBTQ Catholics in Australia. Posted and officially part of the Diocesan bulletin in Maitland-Newcastle.
    The issue doesn't seem very seriously taken.

    • @vaderetro264
      @vaderetro264 2 года назад +8

      The Left fights by infiltrating into a system to gradually change it from the inside. Just as they usually don't create new LGTBQ or minority superheros but instead turn Superman gay and Spiderman black, they don't build their own 'church' but try to assimilate those of their enemies. They not only lack imagination but also the necessary conviction/sincerity to promote their ideas independently.

    • @vaderetro264
      @vaderetro264 2 года назад

      @@enaquasanitas7017 And when proper LGTBQ or minority characters are created with no Left-wing political connotations, they are usually ignored. Nobody in the Left has ever cared about Marvel characters such as Northstar, Shaman and Puck (all three in the comicbook Alpha Flight) or Black Panther (till recently at least), despite all of them having good potential.

    • @vaderetro264
      @vaderetro264 2 года назад

      @@enaquasanitas7017 Yes, all they want is power, they don't actually care about human rights and about establishing their own legitimate space. They complain there are not enough gay, black, disabled characters but that's only an excuse to exercise censorship and violence.

    • @ToxicallyMasculinelol
      @ToxicallyMasculinelol 2 года назад +2

      lmao. imagine that. a "Lust Mass" or a "Sloth Mass." Maybe a "Gluttony Mass" or a "Wrath Mass"?

    • @vaderetro264
      @vaderetro264 2 года назад

      @@enaquasanitas7017 The list of good or potentially good black comic characters is quite long. But, you know, too much success in the long term would damage the Left's narrative...

  • @displaychicken
    @displaychicken 2 года назад +20

    I see the confusion between “what is natural”, and “what occurs in nature” all the time.
    I explain it like this: A three legged dog can occur in nature. That doesn’t falsify the fact that it is in the nature of a dog to have 4 legs.

    • @Jstaman
      @Jstaman 2 года назад +1

      But doesn't that prove the other side as well lol.
      It's saying that there are anomalies in nature. And an anomaly isn't automatically evil but a part of the function of nature

    • @displaychicken
      @displaychicken 2 года назад +3

      @@Jstaman There is a concept in the natural law that we judge a thing based on how well it fulfills it’s nature or purpose.
      The dog in this case is suffering a privation from it’s true nature or purpose. It is not being all the dog that it can be, (through no fault of its own). It’s lack of 4 legs prevents it from being as fast or as agile as it may otherwise be.
      The purpose of a chair is to sit on. If the chair collapses or tips over when we sit on it, we would call that a bad chair. It isn’t fulfilling its true purpose as a chair.
      With chairs and dogs, there isn’t a moral component, as animals and inanimate objects do not possess a moral dimension. The concept does carry over into human behaviour as well.
      The purpose of eating is to nourish our bodies. If we eat 20 Big Macs, or drink poison, that is contrary to the purpose of eating. We call that immoral.
      Now ask yourself what the purpose of sexuality is. The Church teaches that its purpose is twofold:
      1: To promote love and bonding within a marriage
      2: To promote procreation
      By unnaturally frustrating either one of the two purposes of sex, the sex act is held to be morally wrong on natural law grounds.
      One could make the argument that homosexual relations could fulfill the bonding function (debatable but that’s outside the scope of this comment), but it’s obvious that homosexual sex is by its very essence, categorically, fundamentally, incapable of producing offspring and therefore cannot by its very essence fulfill one of the key purposes of sex. It is therefore contrary to the natural law and deemed to be a non-permissible act.
      We should ask ourselves; is it wise to look to what occurs in nature for human moral guidance? Cannibalism, rape, incest all occur in nature…all run contrary to the natural law.

    • @displaychicken
      @displaychicken 2 года назад +2

      @@Jstaman To more directly answer your question:
      Natural Law theory would define “natural”, as something like: “that which allows something to flourish as the type of thing that it is”.
      The natural law views such “anomalies” as privations, not as equally valid.
      If an apple tree gets a disease and it can no longer produce apples, we observe that it’s not flourishing as the type of thing that it is. It’s disease has caused a privation in the tree.
      The diseased tree and and the healthy tree both occur in nature but in natural law theory we do not are not view them as equally positive outcomes. One is flourishing as the thing it is, one is not.

    • @Jstaman
      @Jstaman 2 года назад

      @@displaychicken you bring up a point that has baffled me for years that I've actually posted on this video.
      What makes homosexuality immoral?
      The problem is your answer is flawed. If you say it is immoral because it does not bring about (or have the possibility to bring about) offspring then 90% + of all sexual activity even in marriage is immoral. Especially if the people use condoms or other forms of contraception like the pill. Yet the church is quiet on this.
      The second is bonding. Creating a more perfect union. Homosexuality can do this just as easily as heterosexual relationships and is not at any particular disadvantage in this regard. Most long lasting homosexual relationships have found a balance of strengths and weaknesses to support each other just as a man and woman does and they are monogamous.
      I do not say this as an argument to put you down or anyone but I am genuinely curious and interested in yhis aspect of the debate that no one seems to address

    • @Jstaman
      @Jstaman 2 года назад

      @@displaychicken in your second comment you bring up the idea of what makes something flourish.
      On a societal level it is in my opinion undeniable that the structure of the nuclear household is the best for our species to flourish.
      But when broken down to an individual level that is in some cases detrimental. A homosexual that aspires to live as his heterosexual brethren tend to (statistically) spiral out of control. Becoming mentally unstable and going into depression that often leads them to suicide, or going into a destructive cycle of denying themselves only to binge or even lying to their spouses and cheating on them.
      If a person is truly homosexual and not able to have a relationship with a woman trying to force them to conform would be extremely harmful to them and whatever poor partner they end up with.

  • @joehofmann3564
    @joehofmann3564 Год назад

    It's so refreshing to hear the truth about our beautiful faith, Trent. We need so many more like you. God bless and keep you safe.

  • @maryn8139
    @maryn8139 Год назад

    Outstanding commentary, Trent!! You bless all of us, most especially the Faithful in the true Catholic Church!! Thank you for doing what the Dicastery of the Doctrine is supposed to do!! God bless you!!

  • @hervedavidh4117
    @hervedavidh4117 2 года назад +16

    Thanks God, african and asian bishops and cardinals are there. About moral teachings of the Church, they are the most rigourous.
    Cardinal Anbomgo from Congo decreeted only faithful catholics will be allowed to teach in primary catholic schools. Of course it is tough on him.

    • @alcarbo8613
      @alcarbo8613 2 года назад +7

      I hope we get the first Black Pope when Pope Francis passes away, African bishops seem to be the only ones who can lead Christ's church in the right direction at the current moment

  • @jucarda572
    @jucarda572 2 года назад +6

    There's multiple african priests in my parish here in Mexico and they are GREAT. As you said, very clear, they don't sugar coat stuff.

  • @michaelt5030
    @michaelt5030 2 года назад +17

    "I'm putting money on it, that in 20 years people will be defending consensual non-monogamous relationship in the Bible." You took it a step further than me Trent! I've been telling people for months that in one generation, polygamy will be the new same-sex relationships. It's hard to picture it being defended from the Bible, but to be fair I would have said the same thing about SSM 10 years ago.

    • @HaleStorm49
      @HaleStorm49 2 года назад +12

      You are probably correct, but polygamy was practiced in the Bible by prophets and predicted to occur again in the future by Isaiah. Have the popcorn ready.

    • @arsantiqua8741
      @arsantiqua8741 2 года назад +6

      make that 10, maybe even 5 years.

    • @littledrummergirl_19
      @littledrummergirl_19 2 года назад +4

      Honestly I think it’s already happening, or at least starting. I don’t think it’s common, thank goodness, but it certainly happens and gets glorified by some media outlets. So weird

    • @DanaClarkDana
      @DanaClarkDana Год назад +3

      Sadly I think it's possible the monogamy itself will be persecuted, as it was presented in Brave New World

  • @watermelontreeofknowledge8682
    @watermelontreeofknowledge8682 2 года назад +17

    Time for some E X C O M M U N I C A T I O N

  • @maehabes4097
    @maehabes4097 2 года назад +5

    Trent, what are your thoughts on the Philippines being the only other country where divorce is illegal? I'm proud to stand uphold this principle (hopefully it doesn't change soon).. Just sad that my neighbors don't feel the same way
    Hope you could respond! 😊

  • @adjd1576
    @adjd1576 2 года назад +1

    One simple thing that dramatically increases production value of YT videos is GOOD LIGHTING. I really would recommend it Trent.

  • @adebareadeoluwa6150
    @adebareadeoluwa6150 2 года назад

    Hello from Nigeria!.
    Nice one Mr Trent.

  • @gabriela6584
    @gabriela6584 2 года назад +19

    Trent, thank you for addressing this issue. I've been trying to make sense out of this since I heard of it. It got me thinking: can moral law actually change? Because I used to think it couldn't, but maybe I was wrong. This made me reevaluate what I thought about Pope Francis changing the teaching on the death penalty. It never bothered me because I am against it, but now I realized it may not be that simple. The Church taught for ages that it could be moral to apply the death penalty, and now it has changed. Has the moral law changed?
    It also made me think about the laws of the jews. I suppose it is immoral for them to eat certain kinds of meat, and we no longer hold those laws. Was that immoral in the past, and not any longer? Or is it not about moral law at all?
    If anyone could help me sort this out, it would be much appreciated.

    • @HaleStorm49
      @HaleStorm49 2 года назад +10

      The dietary laws were about health, not morality. Mamy of the jewish laws were in place as punishment due to their disobedience starting when Moses came down from Mt. Sinai and the Israelites were essentially having a naked orgy while worshipping a golden calf. They were not worthy of living the higher standards of the Gospel that Christ taught when he returned.
      Re: Moral laws have not changed, the problem is the church's "authority" is not applied consistently or uniformly nor has been for a long time.
      The question is whether the authority can continue to be considered authority if applied inconsistently or if cardinals and bishops are permitted to preach false doctrines to the laity.
      If policeman are allowed to commit crimes their authority is either removed immediately or the entire police force is corrupted and is actually force for evil rather than good. The moral laws have not changed... The church has.

    • @vaderetro264
      @vaderetro264 2 года назад +5

      I think we must distinguish between moral law and specific applications of the law, which may be contextual. The commandment 'do not kill' was as true when the Church accepted the possibility of death penalty (in very particular circumstances) as it is now.

    • @mikeryan3701
      @mikeryan3701 2 года назад +2

      @@enaquasanitas7017 I think you possibly misunderstood Gabriela's question. I don't think she is talking about society's moral ideas. They obviously change. I think she is asking about the Church's moral law or the natural law. There we have to look at the development of Church teaching over time. But development of teaching never involves a complete rejection of something that was previously taught. Development is a matter of deeper understanding not rejection.

    • @nerdanalog1707
      @nerdanalog1707 2 года назад

      I have never know the Church to teach that "it could be moral to apply the death penalty".
      I have read and heard the Church state that in certain circumstances, if there is no other possible way to keep the population safe, then the death penalty could be applied.
      My earliest memories of hearing of JP2 was him pleading for people on death row.
      The attachment to the death penalty in the US is very cultural, not religious. Most Catholics worldwide find the practice barbaric.

    • @nerdanalog1707
      @nerdanalog1707 2 года назад

      A teaching I found that did change quite a bit, was that of suicide. Because today we understand more about mental illness, the Church doesn't necessarily condemn someone who committed suicide.
      Before, a person who killed themselves couldn't be buried in a Catholic cemetery.

  • @MyMy-tv7fd
    @MyMy-tv7fd 2 года назад +10

    well time to call for a change in cardinals then

  • @nickmedley4749
    @nickmedley4749 2 года назад +2

    “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.”

  • @robertweidner2480
    @robertweidner2480 2 года назад +5

    What this cardinal is proposing is horribly UNFAIR to everyone else who has given up their sins to be a part of the Church.

  • @alcarbo8613
    @alcarbo8613 2 года назад +5

    These people should be ex-communicated from the church and stripped of their tiles

  • @richvestal767
    @richvestal767 2 года назад +5

    I wonder if Pew is going to do the poll as to how many Catholics left the Church as young adults only to have come back to the Church as older adults?

  • @thomism1016
    @thomism1016 2 года назад +14

    Another German schismatic. Hand him a nail, a thesis and a church door 🤗🤓😂

    • @Kitiwake
      @Kitiwake 2 года назад +1

      There's a lot of it about these days

  • @Lou-ev1hk
    @Lou-ev1hk 2 года назад

    Thanks Trent, keep up the good work. God bless you.

  • @gerardlegrange237
    @gerardlegrange237 2 года назад +21

    Thanks, Trent, for going for some of the biggest issues in the culture right now.
    The term “sodomy” is pretty much never used anymore but it’s the word that describes the action that is unambiguously sinful. It’s a lot less confusing than the boilerplate “homosexuality is a sin” that one hears so often.

    • @Kitiwake
      @Kitiwake 2 года назад +4

      Homosexuality is not a sin unless it is accompanied by a homosexual act.

    • @bn8268
      @bn8268 2 года назад

      @@Kitiwake Depends. If you choose yourself to be openly homosexual regardless of acc it's a big fat sin. If it's just temptations then it's not. Otherwise your wrong

    • @kenthdavealledbelison1977
      @kenthdavealledbelison1977 2 года назад

      @@bn8268 "If you choose yourself to be openly homosexual regardless of acc it's a big fat sin." How so? what's the difference between being a closeted homosexual and an out one? can you support your claims with a Church Teaching or a Bible verse? Genuine questions by the way. I don't know a lot about this topic, so I hope you'll answer me.

    • @bn8268
      @bn8268 2 года назад

      @@kenthdavealledbelison1977 Reweiting this response because youtube auto deleted this comment but what I was trying to say was that. What's the difference? Your just commiting the sinful act in your mind. Also as many Saints have said such as I believe St Therese of Liseux has stated that it's so evil that it bothers the demons. As they are angelic in nature they cannot handle such filth and usually tempt the person sks once they give in they flee. Hopefully this answers your worries!

    • @Kitiwake
      @Kitiwake 2 года назад

      @@bn8268 yes. Temptation isn't an act. That's why it's harder to sin with thought.

  • @mikazoftstrom2343
    @mikazoftstrom2343 2 года назад +12

    Great video. I don’t understand how the arguments against St. Paul’s condemnation are justified by so-called Catholics. He’s an apostle. Apostles are the ones who Jesus said would receive the Holy Spirit and be infallible teachers of the gospel. You challenge this and you severe apostolic succession and thus the church.

    • @EpoRose1
      @EpoRose1 2 года назад

      Not that I don’t agree that St. Paul isn’t one of the greatest Saints, teachers, and evangelists, but *technically* he was not one of the 12 Apostles. (Not that I don’t think he was inspired- I do.)

    • @mikazoftstrom2343
      @mikazoftstrom2343 2 года назад +1

      @@EpoRose1 I get what your saying but the counter is that he taught side by side with Peter and other apostles and was never corrected. Plus he was technically ordained by Christ Himself. ( I know you believe Paul was inspired just providing my response to that particular counter should it be used)

    • @OrthobroAustin
      @OrthobroAustin 2 года назад +1

      @@EpoRose1 He was still individually and personally called by Jesus, and sent (thus an apostle), as an apostle for the gentiles. He is equal, and makes that clear in his epistle to the Galatians. Peter also recognises the authority of his epistles.

  • @ST-ov8cm
    @ST-ov8cm 2 года назад +5

    There is now way a bishop can justify this stance without first removing prohibitions against masturbation. And, the justification they use would also apply to pornography, bestiality, etc.

  • @bullyboy131
    @bullyboy131 2 года назад +7

    One of the many words the secular world has twisted into its own, and illogical people believe in it.

  • @RealSeanithan
    @RealSeanithan Год назад +1

    I can't figure out how people write books about this kind of thing: if someone comes to me and asks if a certain thing is acceptable, my answer is "No, and here's why, and here are a couple more reasons why if you didn't like that first reason." My whole response might have taken 5 sentences.

  • @kadeshswanson3991
    @kadeshswanson3991 2 года назад +2

    Free for all friday topic: How to write a book.
    As a theology student i also have ideas that i would love to write on and share but have no clue how to go about it.

  • @sarahhannajo
    @sarahhannajo 2 года назад +1

    The last part is so Brave New World.

  • @CatholicWithaBiblePodcast
    @CatholicWithaBiblePodcast 2 года назад +8

    A clarification on the word nature may be a good video topic. Like the word racism, people disagree on the definition and talk past each other.

    • @TheThreatenedSwan
      @TheThreatenedSwan 2 года назад

      They talk past each other because more conservative people are still under the impression they can negotiate with the psychos who have captured the institutions. It's just an anti-white slur

  • @littlerock5256
    @littlerock5256 2 года назад +4

    Has Francis publicly corrected Hollerich's public statements?

  • @thereconvertedcatholic529
    @thereconvertedcatholic529 2 года назад +9

    I am sure I am not the only person here who thinks this whole topic is Twilight Zone. I mean, the whole fate of the Church -- of our society overall -- will be based on sexuality? Really?
    That, in its own way, can show why sexual perversions poison the well: When we reduce all human progress, morals, values, and social institutions into which genitals to pursue as the basis of a life-long partnership, that will be humankind's legacy? And apparently, Scripture no longer matters as well? Do we throw out the Bible altogether to live a life of cherry-picked morals instead?
    Should I share the numerous studies done regarding sexual proclivities, and how when they are perverted, society morphs into moral relativism across many domains -- and not just sexuality? Should we discuss that sexually liberal societies, throughout history, have ended up imploding and turning ultra-violent?
    Or how about the many campaigns, just in the U.S. alone, to raise awareness about behavioral disorders and mental illness? Or is it actually selective awareness -- that is, we arbitrarily choose what is a disorder and give special treatment to any behavior that gets an equally arbitrary pass on being criticized?
    To Trent's points in the video -- yes, there are multitude of variables regarding brain function and psychological factors. And just like the insane idea of gender identity being infinitely malleable, or that equity can be applied to every single aspect of society, how in the world can sexuality be equalized in an infinite number of ways? And where is the line?
    As Trent pointed out, LGBTQ matters just scratch the surface: If the Church changes the teaching on homosexuality -- and which would further burn Scripture to the ground -- where does it go from there? Transgender clergy? Polyamorous priests and nuns? Bible study / orgy nights at the local parish? Beastiality? Videos during the homily about how to prepare for being sodomized when having homosexual intercourse? These are serious questions. I really want to know *where* is the *line*?
    Do we start having very blunt, explicit conversations about sex acts, so that maybe -- finally -- the point will be driven home about why sexual perversions are psychologically, hygienically, and morally wrong at the end of the day?
    And no, the purpose of my post isn't to start a comments war -- I sincerely want to understand. I even have my own video on this topic, including similar questions about where exactly do we draw the line: ruclips.net/video/1uP_2EYruNQ/видео.html&lc=UgzkYZ6QIlsdyypNbbN4AaABAg.9Y7w1asY2AF9YC0xtIcNc0
    Thank you, Trent, for courageously addressing this topic!

    • @marteld2108
      @marteld2108 2 года назад

      The Church will not and cannot change its teaching on Homosexuality. God will not allow the Magisterium to teach error-“Infallibility of the Pope.”

    • @ToxicallyMasculinelol
      @ToxicallyMasculinelol 2 года назад

      @@marteld2108 The pope just changed the Catechism on the death penalty, claiming that the death penalty is never admissible, despite the Vatican having justifiably executed hundreds of people during the middle ages, when it controlled the Papal States. How is this not error? As Francis himself will tell you, infallibility is a much more complex issue that applies in very specific scenarios. I've even seen bishops get it wrong when describing what those scenarios are. The pope is not necessarily protected from error when modifying canon law or the Catechism. Although he can certainly declare a specific change to canon law or the Catechism as infallible, the mere act of changing it does not guarantee that the change is infallibly true.

    • @marteld2108
      @marteld2108 2 года назад

      @@ToxicallyMasculinelol ....you are wrong. Are you Catholic? "The Vatican executing hundreds of people..." There are plenty of people who sinned and misused their power in the Church. They were wrong for doing so.
      "Infallibility" means a gift given to the Office of the Pope...God will not allow the Magisterium of the Church to teach error because then there is no way of knowing what is true in faith and morals.

  • @louclarcen5690
    @louclarcen5690 2 года назад +5

    *Luxembourgish cardinal (not German)
    I thank God for my Luxembourgish ancestors who handed down their orthodox Catholic faith to me through the generations.

  • @fritzimperial9210
    @fritzimperial9210 2 года назад +15

    This is an authority issue, if the bishops, and Pope Francis would make it clear that if you openly defy Church teaching, you will be defrocked.

    • @adamrad2220
      @adamrad2220 2 года назад +3

      I can't understand why this isn't a thing already. How can you openly teach contrary morals to church teaching, and it be no big deal?

    • @fritzimperial9210
      @fritzimperial9210 2 года назад +8

      @@adamrad2220 apathy and fear of repercussions from the secular world

    • @josephmoya5098
      @josephmoya5098 2 года назад +3

      @@fritzimperial9210 And fear of sparking a major schism in the church.
      Let's be honest. 60% of Catholics would leave the church tomorrow if the church began defrocking these guys.
      The only issue is the longer you let a wound fester, the harder it is to heal.

    • @aileenbordelon7884
      @aileenbordelon7884 2 года назад

      @@josephmoya5098 amen

    • @TheThreatenedSwan
      @TheThreatenedSwan 2 года назад +3

      @@josephmoya5098 Many of those "Catholics" are already separated due to their own actions

  • @GP-dp4mr
    @GP-dp4mr 2 года назад +6

    Soooooo.. Has there been an infiltration all this time?

  • @oceanw9988
    @oceanw9988 6 месяцев назад +1

    Trent predicted polyamery

  • @papadan3
    @papadan3 2 года назад +1

    We come out of many closets not just sexual dissociations and sex attractions.. we come out of closets of lies, deceit, hate or anything else we hide in our closets of lots of stuff as we try to think nothing is shameful..

  • @Ekim1740
    @Ekim1740 2 года назад +10

    These Bishops is acting like Judas.

  • @hardcorecatholic938
    @hardcorecatholic938 2 года назад +1

    All of this concerns me with the upcoming "synod". I just got back from a synod session at a local Catholic University, and hearing them summarize at the end that the "church needs to change" with strong undertones of being more "inclusive" was a little alarming.

    • @garyolsen3409
      @garyolsen3409 2 года назад

      You have to understand this thing is going to change the church and not for the good. This will end up being an open ended license for local bishops to make their diocese they way they want it, like what's going on in Germany. If it comes from Bergoglio it isn't going to be good for the church. He has a head full of heterodox ideas that aren't Catholic teaching. He fully accepts what is going on in Germany. Think of it like this. Think Vatican III.

  • @peaceandjoy2568
    @peaceandjoy2568 2 года назад +1

    So what is the Church Magisterium going to do about that Cardinal who does not adhere to the official teaching of Holy Mother Church? Are we going to have cardinals refuting Church teaching with no refutation from the Vicar of Christ whom Our Lord placed over us to feed us?

  • @thomasjorge4734
    @thomasjorge4734 2 года назад +1

    Refuting the Rainbow.
    That should be the title of your new book!

  • @AMDGBananaBen
    @AMDGBananaBen 2 года назад

    Incredibly sad and disturbing to think how modern the European Church has become.
    Praying their eyes are opened to the truth!

  • @irishgirlintexas
    @irishgirlintexas 2 года назад +1

    The bit about what they could do for post-menopausal women. As someone going through early menopause right now, as much as my husband wanted children, it just hasn't happened for us, and may never happen. Does it hurt sometimes, seeing other couples in Mass with their babies of all ages? You bet it does, and some days it hurts A LOT! It's been getting easier, though. As much as it hurts, I feel it's nothing compared to the nightmare that would come from using technology to manipulate something we still know so little about. Instead of using science & technology to understand and help each other, there's many ways we've been using it "fix" either what wasn't broken or what wasn't broken in the way someone thought it was.

  • @zuffin1864
    @zuffin1864 6 месяцев назад

    If remarrying in any sense is considered adultery by Christ, then how could any church argue for non monogamy. I could definitely see it happening in the future like you said, even now it's crazy

  • @phoult37
    @phoult37 2 года назад +7

    More modernism heresy.

  • @Serquss
    @Serquss 2 года назад +13

    There's nothing new about men loving other men. Traditionally this relationship is called 'friendship'. Jesus said there's no greater love than one dying for his friends, so 'friendship' is not a frivolous type of relationship. Those who promote or tolerate men laying with men, are undermining authentic friendship.

    • @crenshaw2186
      @crenshaw2186 2 года назад +1

      Yeah exactly. Men have trouble bonding with other men nowadays for fear of appearing “gay”.

  • @m.935
    @m.935 2 года назад +2

    When we love someone, we don't take or support them into sin. That applies to us heterosexuals as well though.

  • @juliangodsend9418
    @juliangodsend9418 2 года назад +3

    Don’t wait for 20yrs,give it 2-5 yrs for it to get to the point where people will want to marry their dogs!

    • @marteld2108
      @marteld2108 2 года назад +1

      A guy already married his computer

  • @chandlerking6438
    @chandlerking6438 2 года назад

    I have a question and it’s not meant to be disrespectful. I have been reading many academic articles that state when translated to the Hebrew or Greek it doesn’t confirm nor approve of same sex activity. Even in the English translated Bibles it mentions more of men and men but it never mentions any other one with women. A few biblical scholars even mention that the men on men would be things such as male prostitution (which you mentioned) and cult like activities. Basically my question is are their some references in Hebrew or Greek that I could study to get some clarity on this? I’m sort of questioning stuff and I want to continue to study on my own to find the answer.

  • @richvestal767
    @richvestal767 2 года назад +11

    "Love is Love"....one of Lucifer's more fantastic and effective uses of deceit and propaganda and of turning a virtue into a vice.

    • @dansaber8435
      @dansaber8435 2 года назад

      Is that what the serpent really says?

    • @richvestal767
      @richvestal767 2 года назад +1

      @@dansaber8435 you seriously think that the utterances of “the serpent” are relegated to only what’s in the Bible?

    • @dansaber8435
      @dansaber8435 2 года назад

      @@richvestal767 if the serpent is anything like he is in the Garden what does he say that's so tempting?

    • @richvestal767
      @richvestal767 2 года назад

      See above what I put in quotes.
      "Love" is not just "love".
      There are in fact true loves and false loves.
      "Love is love" purposely obscures that fact.

    • @dansaber8435
      @dansaber8435 2 года назад

      @@richvestal767 you know when it's love. Just like any romantic comedy. No one has to tell you.

  • @muadek
    @muadek 2 года назад +3

    20 years? You're way too optimistic.

    • @FrJohnBrownSJ
      @FrJohnBrownSJ 2 года назад +3

      I don't know the future, but I can't see us fight human nature with such fervor for long before a hard correction comes along.

    • @muadek
      @muadek 2 года назад +1

      @@FrJohnBrownSJ I hope you're right, Father.

  • @humphreyobanor866
    @humphreyobanor866 2 года назад +2

    May God help us all

  • @alfredomaldonado6614
    @alfredomaldonado6614 2 года назад

    Would your book also include the arguments of Dr. Joshua Bowen

  • @ceciliayonceweathersby3153
    @ceciliayonceweathersby3153 2 года назад +1

    Thank you so much. 💕🙏

  • @MiguelArcangel12
    @MiguelArcangel12 2 года назад +4

    Good on you, Trent. Unfortunately, you've got nearly the entire hierarchy opposing you.

  • @mrm4sherman271
    @mrm4sherman271 2 года назад +9

    Pope Francis please discipline your cardinals

    • @mrman2415
      @mrman2415 2 года назад +1

      He agrees with them

  • @mike-cc3dd
    @mike-cc3dd 2 года назад +3

    Yeah it seems like most of the priests around my part of the world, could pass as a gay man if they weren't celibate. Except for the african priests. They are the masculine priests we need in authority

  • @Pratsg86
    @Pratsg86 2 года назад +1

    Pride goes before a fall.

  • @ToxicallyMasculinelol
    @ToxicallyMasculinelol 2 года назад

    On John J. McNeill, from the New York Times: "McNeill was expelled from the Society of Jesus in 1987 at the request of the Vatican, but remained officially a priest. He was openly gay, and in 2008 he married Charlie Chiarelli, his long-term partner."

  • @aligolightly7359
    @aligolightly7359 2 года назад +3

    I lol’d at “if they’re not under the Jesuits or something like that.”

  • @daninspiration4064
    @daninspiration4064 2 года назад

    He's being the modern day Arianus! WE need to protect our church from such heretics!

  • @texasballistics
    @texasballistics 2 года назад +8

    Finally Trent you grew some balls and started talking about serious issues within the church. I stopped watching your channel awhile back when you made that video saying you weren’t gonna talk about the controversies in our Catholic Church. You have a voice and we need people like you to call these heresies out and break them down so people know the truth!

    • @adamrad2220
      @adamrad2220 2 года назад +14

      Zero chance you've been paying attention to Trent, because this type of video is in no way a change in course for him. What he was talking about in the video you reference is that he didn't want to have his channel turn into yet another "scandal of the day" breakdown channel. Plenty of other ones do that already, and while those can be entertaining, they don't bring good and truth into the world, they mostly bring fear and anger (I watch plenty of them, so I know). Trent is honestly above that. So, yeah, your comment doesn't even make logical sense.

    • @zuzaninha
      @zuzaninha 2 года назад

      @@adamrad2220 you are spot-on, Adam!

    • @texasballistics
      @texasballistics 2 года назад +1

      @@adamrad2220 you have made my point I did say I stopped paying attention to Trent for some time… 🤷 and the video I’m referencing is from early last year I believe. You must have not of watched the whole video. If I have time to find that video I will reference it here so you can watch it then You will know what I’m talking about. Look I get it your a Trent Horn fan boy that’s cool I know your butt hurt when some one disagrees with some one you like. I like Tent Horn to homie even read couple of his books. I’m saying that when you have a voice and platform like his use it to call out the garbage happening in the church.

    • @TheCounselofTrent
      @TheCounselofTrent  2 года назад +6

      Glad you've come back to watch an episode! It's fine line as to what internal Catholic issues I will talk about. One deciding factor is doctrine vs. prudence. To me this is a clear case of a Church teaching coming under attack, even if the attackers are fellow Catholics. But in other cases it's not about whether a doctrine is true or false but whether an action is prudent or imprudent (like the Latin mass motu propio) and there's lots of people who comment on those questions so another voice isn't needed.

    • @texasballistics
      @texasballistics 2 года назад +1

      @@TheCounselofTrent Dude there maybe a lot of voices that talk about those issues but few of them have the respect ✊ that you have. When you share your views people listen. That’s what’s different from you and all the rest. I used to follow and listen to your podcast often. But with all the controversies going on in the church and few leaders taking a stand against them and when you really weren’t addressing those issues was disheartening. But I hear what your saying. Hey your a big reason I got deeper into Catholicism, thank you for what you do 👍 and keep up the good work.

  • @speakerscornerbestbits
    @speakerscornerbestbits 2 года назад +2

    I believe that Cardinal Hollerich and others of a similar view are undoubtedly coming from a place of love but they are misguided. They need to understand that the greater love is to gently correct sinful activities and to bring souls to the right (and narrow) path. As Christians we are called to love which is a sacrifice not an indulgence in sin.

  • @BreakfastWithTheBible
    @BreakfastWithTheBible 2 года назад +2

    I heard it stated recently that love, in its truest form is impossible without the Spirit of God dwelling in you, because God himself is love. Everything the world calls love apart from that is simply an excuse to live a life contrary to the word and standards of God Almighty! True love ONLY exists in the context of the fellowship of a believer and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

  • @mazikode
    @mazikode 2 года назад +1

    Wow..thanks Trent

  • @gwecasagwecasa2928
    @gwecasagwecasa2928 2 года назад

    Trent, would you see about doing a debate with Jen from Fundie Fridays. She has over 250,000 subscribers who are mostly former Christians. She focuses on a certain ministry and picks it apart, a lot of her assertions we'd agree with.

    • @mike-cc3dd
      @mike-cc3dd 2 года назад

      I cant imagine the amount of cringe happening in that debate. Trent would be testing his patience

  • @apracity7672
    @apracity7672 2 года назад +6

    Isaiah 5: 20: "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil"
    Romans 1: 32: "Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things (the exchanging natural sexual relations for unnatural ones) but also approve of those who practice them"

  • @terrystreets4477
    @terrystreets4477 2 года назад

    Please write that book! 📕

  • @iqgustavo
    @iqgustavo Год назад

    🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
    00:03 🕊️ Cardinal in Europe advocates change in Church teaching on homosexuality, challenging centuries-old doctrine.
    01:24 🌍 Influential European cardinal claims Church's assessment of homosexuality as sinful is outdated, calls for fundamental revision of teaching.
    02:04 📚 New book project on refuting arguments challenging Church's stance on homosexuality, highlighting revisionist scholars and dissenters.
    05:14 📖 Addressing arguments that early Christians misunderstood biblical teachings on homosexuality, and asserting that such interpretations are implausible.
    08:03 🤝 Emphasizing the difference between same-sex attraction and engaging in same-sex relationships, likening it to other sinful inclinations.
    11:46 🏳️‍🌈 Discussion on dissent within the German Catholic Church, where priests and employees publicly challenge teachings on sexuality and relationships.
    13:50 🏢 Debate around firing employees who publicly contradict Church teachings, highlighting tensions between loyalty to the faith and societal acceptance.
    16:10 🗳️ Noting the decline of Catholic identification among Black Americans and exploring ways to engage and address this trend.
    18:54 🌍 Comparing thriving Catholicism in Africa to its challenges in the United States, particularly in reaching the Black community.
    19:36 ✝️ Predicting that the issue of Church teachings on sexuality will be the main divide between those who follow traditional doctrine and those who embrace societal ethics.
    20:05 🔬 Ethical dilemma raised by the possibility of creating offspring through in vitro derived gametes (IVG), questioning the boundaries of biological parenthood.
    21:56 ⚖️ Urging vigilance in addressing upcoming ethical challenges, emphasizing the importance of standing firm on Church teachings related to life, sexuality, and human dignity.

  • @Kitiwake
    @Kitiwake 2 года назад +1

    Sure they are being held apart by terms like gay, homosexual etc. But they hold themselves apart also.

  • @justinbruck9602
    @justinbruck9602 Месяц назад

    to take that IVG example to it's most extreme end (timeline only), you could have the child be born before it's biological parent.

  • @clearvisioncatholics5862
    @clearvisioncatholics5862 2 года назад

    We are trying to get faithful Catholics to send in their thoughts to their local diocesan representatives for the "Synodal Way" lets have the Traditional Voice heard. Ignore their questions they're loaded, just write about what the Church really needs to do. Please see our latest Clear Vision Catholics blog post and take a look at the Christendom Rising 3 you tube video

  • @agihernandez7846
    @agihernandez7846 2 года назад +3

    Great video.

  • @marinanguish9928
    @marinanguish9928 2 года назад

    I believe they are already seeing this in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

  • @junacebedo888
    @junacebedo888 2 года назад +1

    'Sociological scientific foundation' doesn't equate to mean it is a biblical teaching

  • @TruthBeTold7
    @TruthBeTold7 2 года назад

    To see the biblical and patristic condemnation of homosexuality, read "Homosexuality," by James B. De Young.

  • @carsonianthegreat4672
    @carsonianthegreat4672 2 года назад +4

    As morbid as it might sound, I have the suspicion that this problem might solve itself in the next couple decades. I don’t celebrate that fact, but we should all pray for them and their souls.

    • @mike-cc3dd
      @mike-cc3dd 2 года назад

      Talking about aids?

    • @paulmarko
      @paulmarko 2 года назад +1

      People with HIV who are being treated live about as long as those without HIV. Also, infection rates are declining. Edit. He wasn't talking about HIV, but about new clergy coming in with different moral positions.

    • @theedspage
      @theedspage 2 года назад

      What an incredible screwed up and heartless thing to say.

    • @carsonianthegreat4672
      @carsonianthegreat4672 2 года назад +1

      @@mike-cc3dd No, heterodox clergy

    • @carsonianthegreat4672
      @carsonianthegreat4672 2 года назад +1

      @@theedspage It’s not heartless; it’s a fact of life that younger generations eventually take up the mantle from older generations.

  • @Star10864
    @Star10864 2 года назад

    Yes, finally!! Thank you!

  • @julieoelker1865
    @julieoelker1865 2 года назад

    Frankenstein is already here. People have married their genetic sibling without realizing it.

  • @paul_321
    @paul_321 2 года назад

    Is it natural for humans to have 2 arms and 2 legs? Do some people feel like their limbs should be removed?

  • @linorlineses461
    @linorlineses461 2 года назад +1

    God’s Teachings are Eternal and unchanging!

  • @catholicorthodoxinquirer8465
    @catholicorthodoxinquirer8465 2 года назад

    What's going on with Germany and heresy? It's crazy over here.

  • @diegobarragan4904
    @diegobarragan4904 2 года назад +13

    Welcome to the “Catholicism” of the future.

    • @vaderetro264
      @vaderetro264 2 года назад +1

      Hopefully not, and in case it will, we'll carry our crosses. God's in control.

    • @joehouston2833
      @joehouston2833 2 года назад

      "Communist" China has more Catholics than Western Europe & America.. God is working. Have faith.

    • @diegobarragan4904
      @diegobarragan4904 2 года назад

      I’m actually Eastern Orthodox

    • @diegobarragan4904
      @diegobarragan4904 2 года назад

      @@mcspankey4810 asked what?

    • @vaderetro264
      @vaderetro264 2 года назад

      @@diegobarragan4904 If you are not a Catholic then your comment was uncharitable. The Orthodox Church also has problems, but I don't write sarcastic comments about it.

  • @isrberlinerin4063
    @isrberlinerin4063 2 года назад +1

    Your Pope is Ok with homosexual priest , cardinals , bishops . I heard from your catholic watchman The Vortex said that here in America are over half clergy in your church are homosexuals and many are being groomed in seminary's . So i wonder if you still call your catholic religion so right and holy ?

  • @craigbounous2948
    @craigbounous2948 2 года назад

    Thanks Trent!

  • @garyolsen3409
    @garyolsen3409 2 года назад

    Would some Catholic that knows what they are talking about, tell me how a priest, someone that is in a position of authority and someone who is supposed to teach and believe Catholic teaching, is allowed to be openly gay without being sacked? I don't get it. If you are in a corporate position and you can't follow rules, you wouldn't last long. A priest is supposed to preach sin and lead his people to heaven. Isn't that the purpose of the Catholic Church? What an example.

  • @bv5278
    @bv5278 2 года назад +1

    What about the homosexuals at the time of Christ or the early church? We’re they not required to repent? Homosexuality is never okay. Period. Sorry bishop but you are incorrect

  • @ByeClownGuy
    @ByeClownGuy 2 года назад

    But who are we to question the Cardinals word? are we really so stuck in our ways to think we are above all of this simply because it’s tradition? Does God not love all his creations equally?

  • @blitzzkrieg1400
    @blitzzkrieg1400 2 года назад +4

    Oh, nein! Not the Germans, yet again!

  • @maxmaximus2608
    @maxmaximus2608 2 года назад +1

    This is the only channel with a silent intro… I always reach out to my phone to turn the volume up 😅
    Over 70% of German Catholics are in opposition to the churches teaching on sexuality. This and the fact that there are no convincing reasons for why homosexuality is wrong drives the church to take a different stand.
    Trent should take his ‘intellectual’ hat of and simply try compassion 😊 he is not convincing anyone…

    • @littleone1656
      @littleone1656 2 года назад +2

      It all boils down to what God says about sexuality, marriage, and homosexual behavior. Its not about what WE think or feel. If you’re Catholic and don’t like Church teaching AND refuse to understand it, then become a Protestant, I’m sure they’d love to have you. The entire foundation of Protestantism is interpreting the teachings according to your feelings and the changing of the times. 🙄😒

    • @maxmaximus2608
      @maxmaximus2608 2 года назад

      @@littleone1656 I'm not a Catholic since the teachings of the church are immoral, no matter whether god exists or not. Obviously most catholics take the same stand and refuse to act against basic human dignity!

    • @sibbeltriloni8478
      @sibbeltriloni8478 2 года назад +1

      @@littleone1656 Gott sagt erst mal nichts. Die Bibel enthält Gotteswort im Menschenwort.
      Du musst die Texte in ihrem historischen und kulturellen Kontext verstehen.
      Und dann ist völlig eindeutig:
      Die Bibel kennt keine Homosexualität. Sie verurteilt sie also auch nicht 😘 🌈 😘 🌈 😘 🌈 😘 🌈 😘 🌈 😘

  • @MrCastleJohnny
    @MrCastleJohnny 2 года назад

    the love of money is not a "natural feeling".