Let's have a look at a Made in American Dremel from the 70s. It's pretty beefy, but demonstrates how much better modern tool motors are. ✪►www.etsy.com/c... ✪►teespring.com/...
Yes as a commentor and subscriber pleaseuse adblock or ublock or whatever. Your time isn't worth the 0.001 that it pays. If everybody used it, it would force YT to implement a better system.
How does YT Red treat you? I've been dropping a few bucks on it every month, since YT and Netflix have completely replaced cable in my home, but I don't know how it does for content producers.
It was chooched before he got it, the lacquer was cracked on the windings he missed it but you can see where it was cracked @ 6:39 right on the inside corner of the fan blade cracked, separated, and started to lift.
It was really rough for me to watch; I have that exact one at home that I use all the time. Watching this really did feel like putting down the family dog.
I too feel sad for the poor old dremel Like it's. Wrong to kill Fullstop He is a hunter tho I am not And the way he unmercifully killed it Like watching a chicken being slaughtered and let to run Im a city boy Sorry
sitting here with my 2 year old son watching your vidya. him and I watch your stuff every time I ain't working! he loves your shit! so do I! fuckin love this shit!
I had a dremel from the 80's where the chuck locked UP! Nothing, but nothing would fix it. Finally hit it with the old oxyacetylene torch to try and shake it loose. That worked, but I'm still pulling bits of shrapnel out of my arm...thank goodness I had the sense to be half-drunk when I did this.
rebuild her strip out the lacquer wire rewind it solder and epoxy resin it up then replace those ferrites with neodymium those w shaped springs are all that holds them in
Or just buy a Foredom and forget about those old pieces of junk. Don't get me wrong, the Dremel concept is intoxicating, but from my experience is never worth the time and money thrown at it. A good flex shaft is so much more practical.
pish my way only needs epoxy and enameled copper wire the magnet upgrade is optional depending what fried a new triac and maybe a couple new resistors and a cap again depends what all fried when he let the smoke run wild... the stators might need a resurface.
Hey AvE, not related to this video. I just wanted to say thanks for doing what you do. You've given me the confidence to try and solder. I was recently able to pull a busted push button switch from a pair of desktop speakers and add a bypass wire.
Could be that kind of crack that plays Amiga music and gives a 100% discount in adobe products... assuming you can actually stop listening to the music and go do something else.
As an experienced press operator, I can almost guarantee you the reason things only go up to 6 these days is because it costs about a dollar per 5,000 units to print the 7 on it
I had a model from the 80's and what died was the front bearing. It had little use but when used it did some good work. I bought a new one and it just feels cheap n nasty. I'm now wishing I repaired my 80's model Dremel.
"Don't talk about politics! You're not allowed to have an opinion! Unless it's the one I agree with!" Oh youtube. The well traveled man is rather unsurprisingly not xenophobic and understands a bit about economics. But somehow the guys that haven't ever left their home town and failed econ 101 always manage to get offended.
well if this all was an anti anti-immigration rant, I would want to run some numbers by you if that is O.K? So im a scandihoovian and I recently had the privelege to meet with a guy from Montenegro doing a CNC course together, all around lovely guy. learnt the language of Vikings in a year and is now working contributing to the economy. Hell he is a better machinist than I am At the same time as we did this cnc course there was a sorta-learn-the-language-while-working-in-a-shop thing for newly arived men from a certain region being called the middle east. but with our nanny state(that which Bernie praises) being able to aford most of these people a good living without having to learn the language or work a single day. The prevailing Idea amongst the guys being that they "got a raise by moving here, and working less." as one guy told me in broken english. the one guy in like 18 who wanted to work and already knew welding was unfortunate enough to be french speaking from northern africa, so he had alot of problem with the language.(english to scandihoovian is easier) So do give me the Economics 101 on self isolated people that do not wish to work. because I totally get motivated workforces being good. but you guys in US and Canada are shielded from this, trust me.
Smart-Aleck Real women respect me because I respect them. Just because you don't know about something doesn't make you dumb, but refusing to try to learn about it does. Have a nice day, hate or not, your shit attitude will not affect mine.
He didn't really say anything of note or substance in his videos or provide any proof of his claims (he would have to specify what country and what kind of immigration we are talking about here). Migration has many different forms and sizes. Migration can be very good but it also can be very bad. It can also be anything inbetween. Canada is cherrypicking their migrants and refugees VERY VERY hard. They took 39000 refugeen in one year, pretty much all of them were families, women and children. 30000 crossed German borders in 3 days alone, most of them uneducated males that had no background check. Heck they often didn't even search them or took fingerprints because they lost control. Two countries and two different ways to handle migration. You cannot just magically say that migration is good or bad. IT DEPENDS.
oh man now your gonna have to have some kind of ouija board Séance to get the dremmel ghost out of your shop or its going to screw with all your projects from now on
It won't be lonely what with all the other machines that have lost their magic smoke or spit parts all over the place in his shop over the years. The man's gonna need a Ghost-Of-The-Machine-buster.
As a Milwaukean, My only Racine("Ruhseen") experience came when riding my bike from Milwaukee to Chicago. I had stopped to check my map and a girl about my age(mid-20s) came over and asked me if I was "the postman". Now, bear in mind that I was decked out in my skin-tight bike kit without a USPS logo to be seen. My only guess is there is a seller of illicit accouterments who goes around on a bike and calls himself "The Postman." Racine isn't really a good place to be anymore, sadly.
What was the test to determine between Zinc and Magnesium? Some kind of reaction? Loved the vid, especially the injection mold details. They certainly don't make them like this anymore.
The symbol on the triac stood for Thyrotec; they used to have a plant here in Texas several decades ago. My uncle (now since deceased) used to work there and gave me a tour. I wasn't that old then; maybe 10-12 yrs. Now I'm 50, so about 4 decades ago. I believe the symbol has changed slightly since then.
One more thing. After reading the comment section(great as expected) I feel the need to clarify the process to enter the USA legaly. I entered the USA in`89 with a tourist visa and applied for legal residency aka green card(at the time was still called this) with the INS. My mother, a legal alien had married an american citizen twenty years earlier. So out of nine immigration categories I was classified as a number one priority. My first application was returned to SanJose, Costa Rica, instead of the one in California. I had to start all over again, except that my tourist visa had expired after six months and I was now illegally in the country. So back to Austria I go and apply for the green card at the US embassy in Vienna. Six weeks after I got to be interviewed by the American embassador himself and he signed my petition. Oh it took another year to actually get my card, but I wont bore you with the details here. The first piece of mail I received was from the lovely government to register with the "select services", you know in case there was a draft for the military again. Yes, coming in illegally is probably cheaper and easier. But I respect the rules, and it was worth it in the end. I don`t know how it is today, post 9/11.
We're happy to have people that respect our laws, and society. People like the railroad killer can go elsewhere though. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%81ngel_Maturino_Res%C3%A9ndiz
since we aren't doing much to train or educate our own, it's becoming more and more crucial to import not only industrious workers but even clever and studious ones too.
@AvE just to let you know, the ejector pins weren't machined to be flat on the part because they needed to grip the plastic as the mold opens. Not because they needed grip to eject the part off. The more you know!
And moments like that are exactly why I am sad that he is not showing his face... I would of loved to see a look on his face at that moment. Never mind, I ROFLed anyway.
Send this little babe to Mr.Electricity. He'll rewind it by hand faster than it took to release the magic smoke. He restores motors by hand a hand cranked winder. Honestly a beautiful thing to see
Love to hear injection molding talk. I was a press operator for years. Many hard times spent purging fighting carbon specks and freeing stuck parts without scratching the inside of a $5,000 mold. Many broken ejector pins replaced as well. Busted water lines flooding the general vicinity of the press, most of the time shorting out the thermolator.
I work in Racine Wisconsin. Our shops at the old Hamilton beach factory. We've found so many old dremels and other various Old school tools laying around inside. The performance may be better now but the quality and feel in your hand can't be beat with these old tools.
Hahaha. Ja, one little word and guys get *triggered*. Good way to shed some of the knickers knotted too tight crowd. ;-) Only 250 dislikes tho, tough to share a thought when the cheap seats are baying for blood.
I like you AvE. Why else would I watch a video of you disassembling an old dremel? But if you are going to bring up a topic like this, you shouldn't be surprised that everyone doesn't agree 100%.
My dremel from late nineties/early 2000’s goes up to 10...... Its a beast, got me out of soooooo many jams, customized so much with it, and it’s still kickin ass! I just used it yesterday with a carbide cutting bit to cut out some dash pieces in a ‘65 Lincoln continental im updating the dash in! Very useful tool in the right hands
Bob O`Bob i bought my first Dremel in the mid 80s. A single speed model. I used it for my knifemaking hobby until late 90s. when the connection between the shaft and motor failed. The motor still chooched.
Bob O`Bob I don't have that one anymore I replaced it within a day or two. i bought the variable speed model that came with all the accessories including the flex shaft for like about $10 more than I got my original for. I still have that one.
Wow cool my father had this one and the box. Heck it may still be kicking around in some of his old stuff I have yet to go threw. I remember using it as a kid.
I have this exact model--case and everything. Got it back in 1974 for model planes. Back then, they used to put these flyers in the kits that showed how you could make a diorama, and referenced a "hobby grinder" as an essential tool. What they didn't tell you is that the guy that made the dioramas was an utterly accomplished professional, utilizing high level airbrushing, modeling, craft skills etc. Thus his results were well nigh impossible to accomplish for a dumb kid. Anyway, I still have this thing and use it all the time--its still going strong. The new carbide bits they have really add to the versatility. Only ever had to replace the brushes.
I still don't understand why people always cite Japan when it comes to birthrate issues. Germany and Spain (just to name two from the many) have even lower birthrates than Japan, but I don't see the media making a fuss about it. I wonder why is that? Is it probably because Japan RIGHTFULLY refuses to let in hordes of people from some of the most backwards countries on earth into their paradise?
Because of the EU (and Germany's immigration policies) Germany's workforce doesn't have to be German. Japan on the other hand relies very heavily on primarily Japanese male workers. Ultimately so long your birth rate doesn't go below ~1 per woman/family, your Economy doesn't decline much. What will happen is pretty much infinite stagnation, as booms require more young people than old people. Of course this is all simplifying it a lot. Basically Germany's workforce isn't as reliant on natal citizens, whereas Japan is almost exclusively dependent on natal citizens.
what it shows is that diversity isnt a strength in all situations, and the goal of reducing the white population to signal digits is a cult of white guilt at our ability to create and manage civilization.. look how well south africa is today... race matters.
I've got smelevision! Somehow watching that smoke ebb.. the old school stink, it invaded my senses again.. burned into my memory from somewhere back. Priceless stuff Ave!
I've got a Sears branded Dremel I bought in 1996. I don;t use it often but when I do it is one handy dandy lil tool. Mine came with the flex shaft in the kit. The heaviest thing I've cut with it is exhaust pipe. I used the fiber reinforced wheels. It took a lil while but worked. I also used it to cut the crank timing belt gear on my MR2. Couldn't get a puller on it in the car so I cut between the teeth and used a big screw driver to split the gear into 2 pieces.
I got that exact same model in 1966 or '67. Used it all the time - for everything that you can use one of those for, including metal/wood/plastic removal, drilling home-made PC boards, etc. It finally died last year, at the age of 54. I considered resurrecting it, but the plastic housing was disintegrating and structural integrity was questionable. I replaced it with the current Milwaukee M12-series equivalent, which I actually like a bit more than the old Dremel due to the lack of the huge clunky line cord. Precise, lightweight, controllable - and all my Dremel bits fit it just fine. On further watching this vid, I see that this one has variable speed; mine didn't, I used it with a Variac. (I'm an electronics technician, got Variacs out the wazoo.)
I had one years ago . They are a bit low on power but mine never failed for me over the 13 years and I had it get so hot I had to put gloves on! I gave it to a friend when I found this grinder for sharpening chain saw chains that takes the same cutting tips with 3 times the power and still use it today.
If you decide to stop watching this video or any other video just base on your political stance u need you head checking ... so what we don't come here to talk about politics just watch and enjoy the damn video. Great video as always btw, always fun to watch a grown man gas himself XD
Is it so hard to comprehend that maybe, all those people that commented about his political stance did stay to watch the rest of the video? "XD"? You're worse than the people bitching about his political stance. Are people not allowed to voice opinions in disagreement? Should the comments section of every video AvE posts be filled with borderline homosexual circle jerking fanboys that do nothing but praise him? I think you need to get your head checked. And I agree with AvE's political view.
"This one goes to seven for when you need that little bit of extra power." "Why not just make 6 more powerful and have that has the highest number?" "This one goes to seven."
"Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology." Cmon, tell me this will open part 2 of the poor Dremel BOLTR. Hell, 70s era Dremel might have actually been USED on Steve Austin!
I just picked on up for $3 in a junk shop (they do cleanouts). It's the cleanest tool I've found in 6 years of furniture repair. This is a model 380-5.
The immigration comment was practically a footnote, I expected the comments to be about the tool not full of tools. There's nothing in this video worth getting angry about unless you're mourning the loss of the poor defenceless dremel, RIP.
I wanna thank you for the wealth of the most useful information a lamen like myself could ever wrap hia stick around. Keep it up my friend, and thank you very. I just wish i had gettin spot like yours your truly blessed.
You got two extreme countries in regards to migration. Germany and Japan both on the opposite side of the spectrum. What you need and want is the middle ground with a fair and sensible migration system that is not abused and also beneficial to the citizens of a country. Germany is the size of Montana but has 83 million citizens. This causes a lot of issues and price increases. A little bit of shrinking would not be a bad thing considering that Germany does not need anymore low skilled workers.
Germany is in a bit of a bind at the moment. what they need at the momwnt is medium skill workers. machine operators, equipment trouble shooters, welders and the like. they have a gap in labor of all types but it's easy to import low skill. they are trying to make do by importing low skilled workers and dumping lots of effort into assimilating, sifting, and training, to find or produce those mid level technicians.
Manny Calavera "Rape Epidemic" I live in germany and i don't know anyone who is even seriously afraid of this kind of thing, let alone has experienced it. Are you from germany? Because then i'd like to know where exactly so i remember to never visit that place, because there certainly is no epidemic going on here...
It always depends where you live and what kind of social economic status you have. Enough women seem to be afraid that pepperspray was sold out for a while and now even drugstores sell them. People always talk about cologne in regards to new years eve 2015. But it happened all over Germany in most major cities. It also happened in many different countries.
Fair enough, but if it depends on on your status there are probably other issues contributing. Also, these large scale incidents, while tragic, do not make for something worth calling it an "epidemic". It's quite enraging how many foreigners currently think about germany. This is still a first world country with laws, but the world seems to think anarchy has broken out here. Teh refugees still make up a tiny part of the population, there is no "invasion" happening here and our culture and traditions are not being overwritten, they are just fading away as much as in most other places in the word, with or with out migration.
Ahh ya done toasted out one of Wisconies few remaining industrial ancient artifacts! We cheesehead home gamers will observe a moment of silence in honor of her! I picked one up at a yard sale a few years back and had the same results! Great vid!
That took me back.. I had the same one, but with the smoke held in, that lasted for YEARS! But what made me buy a new one was when the brushes wore out finally and I could not find any replacements. The 380 in that form had been out of production for THAT long.
Interesting how the smoke coming out of the back was more dense than air and fell while the smoke that came out of the front was less dense then air and rose up.
Alan Stoops the lacquer was burning. The fan caused the air coming out the front to be just thin enough, allowing it to disperse. The back having none of the excess air caused it to be denser. Hence it falling.
On the Western shore of Lake Michigan, between Milwaukee and Chicago, there are two major cities that were filled with smoke stack industries back in the day. Kenosha ("ku-NO-shuh") and Racine ("ray-SEEN"). Kenosha was the home of Nash which became American Motors/Jeep (now gone elsewhere) and Racine is the home of Johnson Wax, and is also still the home of Dremel. I actually went to the service counter once for a part, back before the interwebs turned everything into credit cards and shipping.
What?, now that is some bullshit, just look what happened to Russia after socialism fell, the birthrate took a nose dive. If you want to boost population you need to have social programs, healthcare and education, you know, things that kids need, and those aren't cheap.
That collet lock pin is chrome plated, not stainless, I just picked one of these up for 5$ because the lock pin plating had corroded and it would freeze up if you pushed it in. It's still good steel underneath though, it wiped up and wasn't bad high carbon steel beneath the plating.
It was a quality tool. I used them a lot in the electronics industry in the 80's. We used them to drill PCB's for modifications. In the days when we used transistors before large scale integration.
Awesome job thanks for doing these videos. Nice shop setup. Constantly modifying my setups and workstations. Any shop setup tips or vijeos on shop organization.
Ehh politics isnt much of a good topic to discuss on the internet, ever. I personally keep my jimmies unrustled for the most part, but lots of other people dont, or wont
I have a Model 395-3 from the 80s. Two shafts - motor and output, 4 ball bearings connected with a flex coupling. Other than replacing the output shaft 3 times and the (cast Tygon tubing?) flex couplings many times when routing it still hums right along. The bane is that Dremels little two blade router bits impact load the little output shaft bearings and the flex coupler rips in half. I buy the replacement flex couplers in bulk.
Actually, America has a crude birth rate of 12.6, and a death rate of 8.4. so we really don't need to bring in new people, although the wall only blocks illegal immigration.
I agree. I'm not pre-knotted, I just think there is a time and place....and I don't come to Ave to be preached at. I know our host doesn't care.....his right to say what he wants...its his channel. But its also my prerogative to judge who/how/where I spend my watching time. Furthermore, the problem in Japan in large part is not cause by lack of immigration but in an mathematically unsustainable birthrate. Same for the US, Canada and most of the west. Birth control and small families will cripple the "west" www.pop.org Furthermore, as great great grandson of immigrants there is a distinction to be made that too many forget....its not immigrants that is the point of discussion. Its ILLEGAL immigrants that are. Every country has a right to regulate is borders.....come legally...no problem. Jump the border and expect handouts. THAT is the problem.
His channel, his opinion. By the by Mon Ami, you didn't blow up some super rare bit of kit that the Dremel museum or collectors in rare Dremel crap will turn up at your door with pitchforks and a noose?
Perhaps in future you could do a vid melting down the zinc and/or magnesium bits from this and other deceased tools, and casting something with it. Oh, and if you could obtain the metal case of a NeXT Cube computer, that was made of a magnesium alloy, which could be fun to do something with. (I have a Cube, but it still works, so it'll be pried from my cold, dead, hands.) gizmodo.com/5012780/what-happens-when-you-burn-a-magnesium-nextcube-computer-case
HA! I have that exact Dremel in my garage. My Grandfather gave it to me. Still use it about once or twice a month for little projects around the house.
Weren't you the one that claimed everyone get an ad block? but yet you put ads on your videos. Correct me if I'm wrong
Yes as a commentor and subscriber pleaseuse adblock or ublock or whatever. Your time isn't worth the 0.001 that it pays. If everybody used it, it would force YT to implement a better system.
How does YT Red treat you? I've been dropping a few bucks on it every month, since YT and Netflix have completely replaced cable in my home, but I don't know how it does for content producers.
William Gilbert RUclips adds them...
"Get adblock" is not equal to "I don't want do benefit from ads". ;)
youtube puts the ad's in. durrr.
Survived 40 years, AvE gets his hands on it, buggered. Nice work champ.
It was chooched before he got it, the lacquer was cracked on the windings he missed it but you can see where it was cracked @ 6:39 right on the inside corner of the fan blade cracked, separated, and started to lift.
It was probably sitting in a drawer or toolbox for 38 of those years.
u could of told by the discoloured comm tab when he shows the arc marks that it was fuct. It had a winding short.
I got mine in 1976.
Still works fine.
Andrew G. Whitaker congrats?
"Why must everything I own turn to smoke." I want this shirt.
Is it weird that I felt kinda bad for it? Like putting down the ol' family dog. Rip.
my feelings as well.He should have ripped her apart again after the first whiff of anything going wrong, and fixed her up.
It was really rough for me to watch; I have that exact one at home that I use all the time. Watching this really did feel like putting down the family dog.
I had to play Taps in another tab while it was chooching it's last choch
I too feel sad for the poor old dremel
Like it's. Wrong to kill
He is a hunter tho
I am not
And the way he unmercifully killed it
Like watching a chicken being slaughtered and let to run
Im a city boy
5:55 blackened lacquer on the coils - always a sign of dead or nearly dead motor.
sitting here with my 2 year old son watching your vidya. him and I watch your stuff every time I ain't working! he loves your shit! so do I! fuckin love this shit!
So are we going to just ignore the fact that there's now a ruler with integrated pecker detection hardware?
😂 10:03
He had them for sale back in 2016-2015
I had a dremel from the 80's where the chuck locked UP! Nothing, but nothing would fix it. Finally hit it with the old oxyacetylene torch to try and shake it loose. That worked, but I'm still pulling bits of shrapnel out of my arm...thank goodness I had the sense to be half-drunk when I did this.
You were fully drunk, don't lie, ha ha
so true, so very true. But you have to learn to embrace you "hold my beer" moments.
NOOOOOOOO! I had that one when I was 12. It was my first love. Built the Atlas Van Lines pickle-fork .049 mahogany race boat with it.
rebuild her strip out the lacquer wire rewind it solder and epoxy resin it up then replace those ferrites with neodymium those w shaped springs are all that holds them in
Or just buy a Foredom and forget about those old pieces of junk. Don't get me wrong, the Dremel concept is intoxicating, but from my experience is never worth the time and money thrown at it. A good flex shaft is so much more practical.
Lunas Eclipse or just drop the electronics into a new brushed motor dremel.
pish my way only needs epoxy and enameled copper wire the magnet upgrade is optional depending what fried a new triac and maybe a couple new resistors and a cap again depends what all fried when he let the smoke run wild... the stators might need a resurface.
Lunas Eclipse my way requires some wire snips a screw driver and 4 globs of solder.
Those 'tronics are dead, popped and dropped brownies down Ave's pants, right at the end.
Hey AvE, not related to this video. I just wanted to say thanks for doing what you do. You've given me the confidence to try and solder. I was recently able to pull a busted push button switch from a pair of desktop speakers and add a bypass wire.
Aaron Henderson : it's not s hard, is it! Keep going!
Try to buy good kit that suits you, and look after it.
"Not that kind of crack... the good kind" I herd that and laughed so hard I had to pause the video
Ethan K. Wait what's the good kind?
If you gotta ask...
instructions unclear, dick stuck in a vice
I believe for mentioned crack is the kind that does not let the smoke out, however is very skookum
Could be that kind of crack that plays Amiga music and gives a 100% discount in adobe products... assuming you can actually stop listening to the music and go do something else.
As an experienced press operator, I can almost guarantee you the reason things only go up to 6 these days is because it costs about a dollar per 5,000 units to print the 7 on it
Was it coil-winding short circuit?
I feel sorry somehow for the loss of the vintage tool.
Yeah kind of a bummer. That was a cool old Dremel. I'm thinking it was a shorted winding?
It is still possible to dissolve the lacquer in dichloromethane, reverse-engineer the winding, and re-wind the motor.
Lowest speed on these tools are 2000 rpm's - he put it together with a bind or something. Ruined the tool for no reason.
Nah, it spun too easy by hand... It likely had a shorted turn or bad commutator, you can see a dark commutator segment @7:02 ...
I'm guessing it was already fried. Someone cooked it 30 years ago and shelved it.
I had a model from the 80's and what died was the front bearing. It had little use but when used it did some good work. I bought a new one and it just feels cheap n nasty. I'm now wishing I repaired my 80's model Dremel.
You could have bottled that. Old tool smoke is getting rare.
"Don't talk about politics! You're not allowed to have an opinion! Unless it's the one I agree with!"
Oh youtube. The well traveled man is rather unsurprisingly not xenophobic and understands a bit about economics. But somehow the guys that haven't ever left their home town and failed econ 101 always manage to get offended.
Very well said.
well if this all was an anti anti-immigration rant, I would want to run some numbers by you if that is O.K? So im a scandihoovian and I recently had the privelege to meet with a guy from Montenegro doing a CNC course together, all around lovely guy. learnt the language of Vikings in a year and is now working contributing to the economy. Hell he is a better machinist than I am
At the same time as we did this cnc course there was a sorta-learn-the-language-while-working-in-a-shop thing for newly arived men from a certain region being called the middle east. but with our nanny state(that which Bernie praises) being able to aford most of these people a good living without having to learn the language or work a single day. The prevailing Idea amongst the guys being that they "got a raise by moving here, and working less." as one guy told me in broken english.
the one guy in like 18 who wanted to work and already knew welding was unfortunate enough to be french speaking from northern africa, so he had alot of problem with the language.(english to scandihoovian is easier)
So do give me the Economics 101 on self isolated people that do not wish to work. because I totally get motivated workforces being good. but you guys in US and Canada are shielded from this, trust me.
Real women respect me because I respect them. Just because you don't know about something doesn't make you dumb, but refusing to try to learn about it does. Have a nice day, hate or not, your shit attitude will not affect mine.
I'm all for gay men, 'cos then there's more women for us, wooo hooo!
He didn't really say anything of note or substance in his videos or provide any proof of his claims (he would have to specify what country and what kind of immigration we are talking about here). Migration has many different forms and sizes. Migration can be very good but it also can be very bad. It can also be anything inbetween. Canada is cherrypicking their migrants and refugees VERY VERY hard. They took 39000 refugeen in one year, pretty much all of them were families, women and children. 30000 crossed German borders in 3 days alone, most of them uneducated males that had no background check. Heck they often didn't even search them or took fingerprints because they lost control. Two countries and two different ways to handle migration. You cannot just magically say that migration is good or bad. IT DEPENDS.
oh man now your gonna have to have some kind of ouija board Séance to get the dremmel ghost out of your shop or its going to screw with all your projects from now on
shadow111d lol any time something goes wrong from here on out in his shop he should blame it on the dremel ghost 😱
So, a scapeghost?
what's an ouija board?
It won't be lonely what with all the other machines that have lost their magic smoke or spit parts all over the place in his shop over the years.
The man's gonna need a Ghost-Of-The-Machine-buster.
steam powered dremel , fascinating
(now fix her back up pls , would be a shame to se an OG dremel in the trash)
Super underrated comment right here. This gave me a good chuckle.
Nah she's done. Not much to do about a destroyed armature
As a Milwaukean, My only Racine("Ruhseen") experience came when riding my bike from Milwaukee to Chicago. I had stopped to check my map and a girl about my age(mid-20s) came over and asked me if I was "the postman". Now, bear in mind that I was decked out in my skin-tight bike kit without a USPS logo to be seen. My only guess is there is a seller of illicit accouterments who goes around on a bike and calls himself "The Postman." Racine isn't really a good place to be anymore, sadly.
Nick Eason it's terrible
Everywhere in the shit belt is ( between mill and Chicago flat landers )
I loathe leaving up nort
Nick Eason Aye, a fellow wisconsinite!
You should google the word hooker before your next trip.Might save yourself a few bucks.
What was the test to determine between Zinc and Magnesium? Some kind of reaction? Loved the vid, especially the injection mold details. They certainly don't make them like this anymore.
Hydrochloric acid
Vinegar. If it bubbles, it’s magnesium
@ Wrong
Aside from others bitching about politics. I absolutely loved the smoke.
Agreed. It was beautiful!
13:10 No truer words have been spoken...and in proper context. R.I.P. little twisty-cutty electrofangledidly spinimathingy
Pulled my shirt up over my nose like a mask at the end 😂👍
I held my breath for the last minute. Hope AvE doesn't get the cancer now
The symbol on the triac stood for Thyrotec; they used to have a plant here in Texas several decades ago. My uncle (now since deceased) used to work there and gave me a tour. I wasn't that old then; maybe 10-12 yrs. Now I'm 50, so about 4 decades ago. I believe the symbol has changed slightly since then.
Yep. It's a good un too!
AvE shut up and take my American pesos.... eh?
I'm buyin' as soon as it hits! Love my first version!
could i get your design help to make a free energy machine with neodymium magnets ill explains more if your intrested ???
ave. did you delete my comment?
One more thing. After reading the comment section(great as expected) I feel the need to clarify the process to enter the USA legaly. I entered the USA in`89 with a tourist visa and applied for legal residency aka green card(at the time was still called this) with the INS. My mother, a legal alien had married an american citizen twenty years earlier. So out of nine immigration categories I was classified as a number one priority. My first application was returned to SanJose, Costa Rica, instead of the one in California. I had to start all over again, except that my tourist visa had expired after six months and I was now illegally in the country. So back to Austria I go and apply for the green card at the US embassy in Vienna. Six weeks after I got to be interviewed by the American embassador himself and he signed my petition. Oh it took another year to actually get my card, but I wont bore you with the details here. The first piece of mail I received was from the lovely government to register with the "select services", you know in case there was a draft for the military again. Yes, coming in illegally is probably cheaper and easier. But I respect the rules, and it was worth it in the end. I don`t know how it is today, post 9/11.
We're happy to have people that respect our laws, and society. People like the railroad killer can go elsewhere though. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%81ngel_Maturino_Res%C3%A9ndiz
the number of ppl who are opposing this kind of immigration is incredibly low
what the majority hates is mass immigration
Thanks for sharing your story. I liked reading it :) .
His visa expired and he went back. can you even read?
Bo Huggabee
the point is 9/11 was perpetrated by foreigners. 9/11 is also the deadliest attack on US soil too.
since we aren't doing much to train or educate our own, it's becoming more and more crucial to import not only industrious workers but even clever and studious ones too.
@AvE just to let you know, the ejector pins weren't machined to be flat on the part because they needed to grip the plastic as the mold opens. Not because they needed grip to eject the part off. The more you know!
from solid state to liquid state.
And onward to gaseous!
AvE she let the stink out that's forsure!
She might reach plasma if you poke the wires into a 240V outlet.
Sick puppy. Keep it up!
I HAVE THE SAME ONE... I disassembled mine along with you (for the 15th time). Great tool and love the dial speed control works great
13:31 - The moment AvE shits himself..... xD hahahaha
And moments like that are exactly why I am sad that he is not showing his face... I would of loved to see a look on his face at that moment. Never mind, I ROFLed anyway.
S.A. Smith barking spider or blown capacitor? Mystery!
Could have been one of those Northern Roaring mosquitoes I've heard of as well.
Send this little babe to Mr.Electricity. He'll rewind it by hand faster than it took to release the magic smoke.
He restores motors by hand a hand cranked winder.
Honestly a beautiful thing to see
I remember that Dremel.
Love to hear injection molding talk. I was a press operator for years. Many hard times spent purging fighting carbon specks and freeing stuck parts without scratching the inside of a $5,000 mold. Many broken ejector pins replaced as well. Busted water lines flooding the general vicinity of the press, most of the time shorting out the thermolator.
how do they get here so fast???? the end man was like those hotrod guys doing a burnout....that was great!
I work in Racine Wisconsin. Our shops at the old Hamilton beach factory. We've found so many old dremels and other various Old school tools laying around inside. The performance may be better now but the quality and feel in your hand can't be beat with these old tools.
That is for my great grandfather Albert AJ Dremel i am his great grandson
yeah got very first dremel tool ever built
post vids
b i lly rin g ok
I'm subscribing to see any videos that come out. :)
Small world! I live in Wisconsin, was born in Racine, own a Dremel, speak French, and have been waiting for a boltr video about Dremel.
holy shit this comment section is a wreck
Hahaha. Ja, one little word and guys get *triggered*. Good way to shed some of the knickers knotted too tight crowd. ;-) Only 250 dislikes tho, tough to share a thought when the cheap seats are baying for blood.
AvE Might want to start swinging around the ban-hammer...
I have a hard time understanding your english dialect.
I like you AvE. Why else would I watch a video of you disassembling an old dremel? But if you are going to bring up a topic like this, you shouldn't be surprised that everyone doesn't agree 100%.
What dialect? Even an Australian can understand him.
This video is slowly helping my eventual hangover...
That smoke had some heft to it!!! The insides look fairly beefy but that 70's plastic wow is pretty bad!!
Thick and bushy. Gotta love the 70s.
AvE ha ha mine is a Chewbacca down there!
Dammit was going to say that people should google that old Demi Moore photo holy crap I had no idea that area could have a Canadian like Beaver Pelt
+DarkRaptor99 😱😂🤣😂🤣😂
like a blacksmiths apron.
My dremel from late nineties/early 2000’s goes up to 10......
Its a beast, got me out of soooooo many jams, customized so much with it, and it’s still kickin ass! I just used it yesterday with a carbide cutting bit to cut out some dash pieces in a ‘65 Lincoln continental im updating the dash in! Very useful tool in the right hands
I still have mine from about 1969 or 1970.
I'm pretty sure Dremel was owned by Emerson Electric in the 70s.
same, and i've absolutely run the thing ragged and it keeps on ticking.
Bob O`Bob i bought my first Dremel in the mid 80s. A single speed model. I used it for my knifemaking hobby until late 90s. when the connection between the shaft and motor failed. The motor still chooched.
God of Thunder see my other comment. I might still have a spare coupling
Bob O`Bob I don't have that one anymore I replaced it within a day or two. i bought the variable speed model that came with all the accessories including the flex shaft for like about $10 more than I got my original for. I still have that one.
Wow cool my father had this one and the box. Heck it may still be kicking around in some of his old stuff I have yet to go threw. I remember using it as a kid.
That ruler is Skookum as frig!
I have this exact model--case and everything. Got it back in 1974 for model planes. Back then, they used to put these flyers in the kits that showed how you could make a diorama, and referenced a "hobby grinder" as an essential tool. What they didn't tell you is that the guy that made the dioramas was an utterly accomplished professional, utilizing high level airbrushing, modeling, craft skills etc. Thus his results were well nigh impossible to accomplish for a dumb kid. Anyway, I still have this thing and use it all the time--its still going strong. The new carbide bits they have really add to the versatility. Only ever had to replace the brushes.
japan is still the second biggest economy, and zero islamic terrorism...
The US has practically zero Islamic terrorism,five or something killed last year.
Tom Smith not true at all the boston bombing, the Orlando shooting,the under wear bomber and more!
I still don't understand why people always cite Japan when it comes to birthrate issues. Germany and Spain (just to name two from the many) have even lower birthrates than Japan, but I don't see the media making a fuss about it. I wonder why is that? Is it probably because Japan RIGHTFULLY refuses to let in hordes of people from some of the most backwards countries on earth into their paradise?
Because of the EU (and Germany's immigration policies) Germany's workforce doesn't have to be German. Japan on the other hand relies very heavily on primarily Japanese male workers.
Ultimately so long your birth rate doesn't go below ~1 per woman/family, your Economy doesn't decline much. What will happen is pretty much infinite stagnation, as booms require more young people than old people. Of course this is all simplifying it a lot.
Basically Germany's workforce isn't as reliant on natal citizens, whereas Japan is almost exclusively dependent on natal citizens.
what it shows is that diversity isnt a strength in all situations, and the goal of reducing the white population to signal digits is a cult of white guilt at our ability to create and manage civilization.. look how well south africa is today... race matters.
I've got smelevision! Somehow watching that smoke ebb.. the old school stink, it invaded my senses again.. burned into my memory from somewhere back. Priceless stuff Ave!
Dude that was great lol. You might consider doing more destructive testing/abusing in videos, people just love watching shit be broken.
that's the most factory smoke I've seen in a long time,. well played!!!!!
13:00 We get it you vape
papa bless you with sodie pops.
What happened, that pop, at 13:32?
furtim1 my guess is the capacitor blew up. Don't know fer surr though
I thought it was just the 500 pound gorilla pulling out the plug
Wall Of Hooliganism oh yeah, you're probably right
I've got a Sears branded Dremel I bought in 1996. I don;t use it often but when I do it is one handy dandy lil tool. Mine came with the flex shaft in the kit. The heaviest thing I've cut with it is exhaust pipe. I used the fiber reinforced wheels. It took a lil while but worked. I also used it to cut the crank timing belt gear on my MR2. Couldn't get a puller on it in the car so I cut between the teeth and used a big screw driver to split the gear into 2 pieces.
You could even just make some quick 2 minute videos every now and then of you destroying shit. Call it Destruction Minute or DM?
Flawless sir! That smoke poured out the back just like fluid. Classic.
So what failed? Was there a short in the windings?
ElectroBlood let the smow out
ElectroBlood I had a makita grinder do the same thing and it was a broken wire going to the commutator bar. It's still in the regeneration process...
Get a psychiatrist. You have issues.
Me and my dad love your channel... we laugh to every one and we call u "the Canadian dude"😂 I love this channel
as I'm a pure-born Wisconsinite.... I especially appreciate this vijeo ;-) Cheers!
I got that exact same model in 1966 or '67. Used it all the time - for everything that you can use one of those for, including metal/wood/plastic removal, drilling home-made PC boards, etc. It finally died last year, at the age of 54. I considered resurrecting it, but the plastic housing was disintegrating and structural integrity was questionable. I replaced it with the current Milwaukee M12-series equivalent, which I actually like a bit more than the old Dremel due to the lack of the huge clunky line cord. Precise, lightweight, controllable - and all my Dremel bits fit it just fine. On further watching this vid, I see that this one has variable speed; mine didn't, I used it with a Variac. (I'm an electronics technician, got Variacs out the wazoo.)
Starving kids in Africa could have eaten that dremel....
They'll make due with the smoke of Dremels past.
Let us know 10 years down the road if all that smoke gave you cancer.
10 years down the road? How many parsecs is that?
Assuming 60mph on average, it is 0.000000284086713 parsecs.
Oooph, he won't be making the Kessel run then!
I had one years ago . They are a bit low on power but mine never failed for me over the 13 years and I had it get so hot I had to put gloves on! I gave it to a friend when I found this grinder for sharpening chain saw chains that takes the same cutting tips with 3 times the power and still use it today.
If you decide to stop watching this video or any other video just base on your political stance u need you head checking ... so what we don't come here to talk about politics just watch and enjoy the damn video. Great video as always btw, always fun to watch a grown man gas himself XD
Is it so hard to comprehend that maybe, all those people that commented about his political stance did stay to watch the rest of the video? "XD"?
You're worse than the people bitching about his political stance. Are people not allowed to voice opinions in disagreement? Should the comments section of every video AvE posts be filled with borderline homosexual circle jerking fanboys that do nothing but praise him?
I think you need to get your head checked. And I agree with AvE's political view.
Cascadia Stronk what a long winded and unnecessary reply 😂
Skillex97 lol nice refutation coward
WokeDickWasher AKA YouGreedyDirtbag who are you replying to
Friggin AvE is the MAN! I learned a little tool work, some french, some world history, economics, and fascism. One stop shop!
Can't wait for the day the misses gives birth to a 1950's drillpress.
You'd be so proud
Wow! That thing is in great condition. Happy to see that the gland nut feature is already there.
Ahm... Just finished the whole video... I take that back.
"This one goes to seven for when you need that little bit of extra power."
"Why not just make 6 more powerful and have that has the highest number?"
"This one goes to seven."
Nice! My thoughts too.
Nothing burns out so nice like an old school tool!!!
"Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology."
Cmon, tell me this will open part 2 of the poor Dremel BOLTR. Hell, 70s era Dremel might have actually been USED on Steve Austin!
I just picked on up for $3 in a junk shop (they do cleanouts). It's the cleanest tool I've found in 6 years of furniture repair. This is a model 380-5.
The immigration comment was practically a footnote, I expected the comments to be about the tool not full of tools. There's nothing in this video worth getting angry about unless you're mourning the loss of the poor defenceless dremel, RIP.
I wanna thank you for the wealth of the most useful information a lamen like myself could ever wrap hia stick around. Keep it up my friend, and thank you very. I just wish i had gettin spot like yours your truly blessed.
You got two extreme countries in regards to migration. Germany and Japan both on the opposite side of the spectrum. What you need and want is the middle ground with a fair and sensible migration system that is not abused and also beneficial to the citizens of a country. Germany is the size of Montana but has 83 million citizens. This causes a lot of issues and price increases. A little bit of shrinking would not be a bad thing considering that Germany does not need anymore low skilled workers.
Germany is in a bit of a bind at the moment. what they need at the momwnt is medium skill workers. machine operators, equipment trouble shooters, welders and the like. they have a gap in labor of all types but it's easy to import low skill. they are trying to make do by importing low skilled workers and dumping lots of effort into assimilating, sifting, and training, to find or produce those mid level technicians.
Manny Calavera "Rape Epidemic" I live in germany and i don't know anyone who is even seriously afraid of this kind of thing, let alone has experienced it. Are you from germany? Because then i'd like to know where exactly so i remember to never visit that place, because there certainly is no epidemic going on here...
It always depends where you live and what kind of social economic status you have. Enough women seem to be afraid that pepperspray was sold out for a while and now even drugstores sell them.
People always talk about cologne in regards to new years eve 2015. But it happened all over Germany in most major cities. It also happened in many different countries.
Fair enough, but if it depends on on your status there are probably other issues contributing.
Also, these large scale incidents, while tragic, do not make for something worth calling it an "epidemic".
It's quite enraging how many foreigners currently think about germany. This is still a first world country with laws, but the world seems to think anarchy has broken out here. Teh refugees still make up a tiny part of the population, there is no "invasion" happening here and our culture and traditions are not being overwritten, they are just fading away as much as in most other places in the word, with or with out migration.
Ahh ya done toasted out one of Wisconies few remaining industrial ancient artifacts! We cheesehead home gamers will observe a moment of silence in honor of her! I picked one up at a yard sale a few years back and had the same results! Great vid!
BigClive did some studying of rectum-fryers recently.
That took me back.. I had the same one, but with the smoke held in, that lasted for YEARS! But what made me buy a new one was when the brushes wore out finally and I could not find any replacements. The 380 in that form had been out of production for THAT long.
Interesting how the smoke coming out of the back was more dense than air and fell while the smoke that came out of the front was less dense then air and rose up.
Yeah it is. Now I really want to know what was burning.
Alan Stoops the lacquer was burning. The fan caused the air coming out the front to be just thin enough, allowing it to disperse. The back having none of the excess air caused it to be denser. Hence it falling.
Cody, thanks for that.
Looked like hippo cum ;-)
Euhh... smoo
On the Western shore of Lake Michigan, between Milwaukee and Chicago, there are two major cities that were filled with smoke stack industries back in the day. Kenosha ("ku-NO-shuh") and Racine ("ray-SEEN"). Kenosha was the home of Nash which became American Motors/Jeep (now gone elsewhere) and Racine is the home of Johnson Wax, and is also still the home of Dremel. I actually went to the service counter once for a part, back before the interwebs turned everything into credit cards and shipping.
Bull$eit! Get the damn government to stop stealing all our damn money, and that will make it possible for us to start having damn kids again! Dammit!
I agree completely. I would have another, but the taxes are so high (biggest single expense by a wide margin), I can't afford it.
you get a tax break with each kid. get a jorb you lazy slob or just poked holes in the condoms.
What?, now that is some bullshit, just look what happened to Russia after socialism fell, the birthrate took a nose dive.
If you want to boost population you need to have social programs, healthcare and education, you know, things that kids need, and those aren't cheap.
Not everyone's born smart. If you are and have a good paying job, appreciate it and help those in need. Otherwise we might as well be in Nazi Germany.
The tax break is small.
That collet lock pin is chrome plated, not stainless, I just picked one of these up for 5$ because the lock pin plating had corroded and it would freeze up if you pushed it in. It's still good steel underneath though, it wiped up and wasn't bad high carbon steel beneath the plating.
AvE for US President.
They'd have to pull some Obama level b.s. to get another non-native elected.
james lawrence How's Obama not native?
Benisteinzimmer, don't try to sway James with facts. It won't work.
Unless your an amercan indian your and immigrant.
It was a quality tool. I used them a lot in the electronics industry in the 80's. We used them to drill PCB's for modifications. In the days when we used transistors before large scale integration.
13:20 Awesome a steam powered Dremel!
Awesome job thanks for doing these videos. Nice shop setup. Constantly modifying my setups and workstations. Any shop setup tips or vijeos on shop organization.
LoL, it was trying to blow smoke rings as it died
This makes the day worth waking up for.
Ehh politics isnt much of a good topic to discuss on the internet, ever. I personally keep my jimmies unrustled for the most part, but lots of other people dont, or wont
When it started looking more like a "vape rig" than a dremel, I lost it. Hadn't laughed that long in a minute. thanks. great as always.
that's what u call a happy ending. work it till no worky worky
I didn't know so many well known tools, were from my house state of Wisconsin. Fascinating.👍
best ending yet
Why were the colors of the smoke different coming out of the front and back? difference in burning temps ... differing materials burning ?
I have a Model 395-3 from the 80s. Two shafts - motor and output, 4 ball bearings connected with a flex coupling. Other than replacing the output shaft 3 times and the (cast Tygon tubing?) flex couplings many times when routing it still hums right along. The bane is that Dremels little two blade router bits impact load the little output shaft bearings and the flex coupler rips in half. I buy the replacement flex couplers in bulk.
Lose the politics AvE - great way to anger 1/2 your audience!
Politics? Economics. You're not part of the knickers pre-knotted crowd are you?
Actually, America has a crude birth rate of 12.6, and a death rate of 8.4. so we really don't need to bring in new people, although the wall only blocks illegal immigration.
I agree. I'm not pre-knotted, I just think there is a time and place....and I don't come to Ave to be preached at. I know our host doesn't care.....his right to say what he wants...its his channel. But its also my prerogative to judge who/how/where I spend my watching time.
Furthermore, the problem in Japan in large part is not cause by lack of immigration but in an mathematically unsustainable birthrate. Same for the US, Canada and most of the west. Birth control and small families will cripple the "west"
Furthermore, as great great grandson of immigrants there is a distinction to be made that too many forget....its not immigrants that is the point of discussion. Its ILLEGAL immigrants that are. Every country has a right to regulate is borders.....come legally...no problem. Jump the border and expect handouts. THAT is the problem.
His channel, his opinion. By the by Mon Ami, you didn't blow up some
super rare bit of kit that the Dremel museum or collectors in rare Dremel
crap will turn up at your door with pitchforks and a noose?
Yeah the dumb half, amirite
I still use mine.... Dad picked it up in 1979, and it's been part of my toolkit since I stole it from him when I moved out!
Perhaps in future you could do a vid melting down the zinc and/or magnesium bits from this and other deceased tools, and casting something with it.
Oh, and if you could obtain the metal case of a NeXT Cube computer, that was made of a magnesium alloy, which could be fun to do something with. (I have a Cube, but it still works, so it'll be pried from my cold, dead, hands.) gizmodo.com/5012780/what-happens-when-you-burn-a-magnesium-nextcube-computer-case
HA! I have that exact Dremel in my garage. My Grandfather gave it to me. Still use it about once or twice a month for little projects around the house.
"Look at 'er chooch"
-AvE 2020
the spacers are springs that push out on the magnets to hold them in place. no glue used on the magnets
It's "Ray-Seen". :)
the ejector pin stepping also adds retention to pull the part out of the cavity