RAPPER REACTS TO Imminence - Heaven Shall Burn [Official Video]

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 20

  • @kavugoz321
    @kavugoz321 Год назад +11

    OMG YES!!! I love this band so much! their album "turn the light on" from a few years back is just perfection! I hope you listen to more of their stuff dude

    • @L2_Impart
      @L2_Impart 11 месяцев назад +3

      Bro, heaven in hiding and turn the light on have been on repeat since september of last year, and I never get tired of them man. Pure perfection. Temptation, Erase, Room to Breathe, Chasing Shadows, Infectious, Surrender, etc.

  • @Chris_D123
    @Chris_D123 Год назад +3

    His one take of this song is sick too 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @AnnRose142
    @AnnRose142 Год назад +9

    You should watch Eddies One Take Performance of this song 🖤🤘

  • @Thleepricon
    @Thleepricon Год назад +4

    Amazing reaction, sincerely hope you react to more of IMMINENCE, all their songs are bangers!

  • @Chris_D123
    @Chris_D123 Год назад

    Worth the rewind for sure man.

  • @Pand0rable
    @Pand0rable Год назад +2

    Good reaction! I’ve subbed. This is actually part 3, you should check out parts 1 and 2 as well, come hell or high water and desolation. The songs are stand alone (I think?) but the videos are connected. This is definitely the heaviest of the 3. And yes, Eddie Bergs live one take of this song is a MUST. I’m obsessed with the Demon scream at the end! He does it so well live as well

  • @qwerty70231
    @qwerty70231 Год назад +1

    Imminence first time always magical)) there are many strong songs from them, but my tier S is Jaded. Sounds so nostalgic and sad. Just 10/10

  • @soundofmisery-8623
    @soundofmisery-8623 Год назад

    Bruh didn't expect you to listen to this type of music more imminence reactions pls!!!!

  • @Cal_TwT
    @Cal_TwT Год назад

    Oh man, its been a while since i have listened to Heaven Shall Burn. Amazing band and they have consistently had vcals that I enjoyed.
    I am 100% going to go back to them after this reaction

  • @Azura0211
    @Azura0211 Год назад

    I'm so glad i watched this stream, tuned me into 2 new bands :D

  • @CipherSpectral
    @CipherSpectral Год назад

    For immience Temptation fallows the heaven in hiding storyline than fallowed by heaven in hiding than ghost and then chasing shadows and allievate Eddie is one talented vocalist hes the violion and does the cleans and the harsh vocals

  • @pavelcristi9589
    @pavelcristi9589 Год назад +3


    • @connorside-quest6531
      @connorside-quest6531  Год назад +5

      Big fan of metal and I love watching metal reactions, saw a bunch of new releases and thought why not 😄

    • @pavelcristi9589
      @pavelcristi9589 Год назад

      ​@@connorside-quest6531super stoked to see more ❤

  • @bahri6646
    @bahri6646 Год назад

    you have to check one take live performance :)

  • @derekk8523
    @derekk8523 Месяц назад

    Very architects

  • @CipherSpectral
    @CipherSpectral Год назад

    Gotta do Kim Dracula - Make Me Famous :)

  • @torbjornsjooander5625
    @torbjornsjooander5625 Год назад

    You must react to JINJER Ewerything live is out of this world
    Words of wisdom Captain clock You name' t Specielly when you are rapper