Hakuna Munhumutapa muera moyo, the Mutapas were from Dzivaguru, they are of the dziva totem. Mukuru uyu ari kukambira zvisiri zvake, uye anosanganisa nhoroondo, haazivi. Ngaasada kutora zita risiri rake kutsvaga mbiri.Vaera moyo vaive machinda, nevakuru vemauto a Munhumutapa.
zvatondishamisawo ka ko kuti nhoreka wepamutoko wekunetsana namakate 1674 ave muyera moyo futi here or its the same nhorekaa mybe since tese takabva tanganyikaa
Please guys, you will never do justice to these totems by trying to educate our nation through these people vasina zvavanoziva and their narratives are so disjointed zvinosiririsa. Uyu munhu haana kana zvaataura nezve mutupo wedu. Please tsvagai vanhu vanoziva zvavanotaura. The name Rozvi was a nickname given to the house of Mutapa after their defeat of the Portuguese in the war of 1693. People are being led astray by these people who lie so much and try to magnify themselves vachizvikudza. Changamire Dombo ndiye akatoita lead the war of 1693 achibva kuMatobo which was the hub of cattle rearing. Kuparadzwa kwakaitwa the hand of Portuguese over the House of Mwenemutapa ndoo pakabva huRozvi and Changamire Dombo was the one who established the Rozvi Empire not destroying it like this guy is saying. Tsvagai vanhu vane ruzivo. Changamire Dombo and Chaminuka havana kumborarama munguva imwechete. He is telling lies.
@adv128 uyu munhu hapana kana chaanoziva nenyaya dzemadzinza uye hapana chaanoziva ne nyaya dzehuMambo neHushe. Hazvigone kuti Mambo aite mambo nemhondoro at the same time. Mambo anotungamirirwa, kuudzwa nekutsiurwa nemhondoro dzenyika, so kana akave Mambo ova mhondoro zvakare anoudzwa nekutsiurwa nani?
@ericnqobilengwenya9460 if you knew the history of the Nguni and the Shona migration from Tanganyika you would know that we are ultimately one people divided by white imperialists
Tsvimbo Makapihwaa Nevayeraa Tembo ana Moyo musanyepee asi zvinonzi kudzibata hazvina kunzi dziridze this is a fake Mambo you guys have killed Our History
VaRozvi vakapera ndenda(scufolding pachirungu)
Tohwechipi ndiye akagadzwa nemhepo ari mudiki.Tohwechipi akatotonga ana baba vake ana Chirisamhuru II.
Pavana vaMambo Mutapa vataurwa apo paita mazita emadzishe asi vachiera Soko vanaMazivisa avo, zvakafambasei.
Inda is a platform or a ladder kwete inda dzinoruma
Ndiri muera moyo but andioni kuti apa pangatongwaa nyaya zvinemusoro
Next time tiunzirei vanhu vanoziva nhoroondo yavo,uyu mambo uyu hapana chozikanwa apa
Hakuna Munhumutapa muera moyo, the Mutapas were from Dzivaguru, they are of the dziva totem.
Mukuru uyu ari kukambira zvisiri zvake, uye anosanganisa nhoroondo, haazivi.
Ngaasada kutora zita risiri rake kutsvaga mbiri.Vaera moyo vaive machinda, nevakuru vemauto a Munhumutapa.
Humambo haugadzwe ruviri kana uchisvikirwa handiwe unogara humambo
Shuwa mudzimu awumuki namambo
Shuwa mudzimu awumuki namambo
Mambo akabatwa netumbwa
Shamu yachoo inokurova ma1 kana uchiti iwe ndiwe unotsvaira mumakomo anoyeraa anofaniraa kutsvaira ndimai hapana kwatiri kuenda
NdiMambo rudzii anouya to such an interview ari ega?. Nhorowondo yake hayisangane zvachose, anotidzikisira isu sedzinza revayera Moyo.
Iwe chief nohoreka ndo nyamuzihwa wane humambo pa mutoko apo shumba mhondoro kwete kunyepa kwako
zvatondishamisawo ka ko kuti nhoreka wepamutoko wekunetsana namakate 1674 ave muyera moyo futi here or its the same nhorekaa mybe since tese takabva tanganyikaa
Murume uyu akadyisa imbwa wa poison akanodziisa mugomo 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😢😢😢😢😢
Which. Language because. Murume is male man in gikuyu
Please guys, you will never do justice to these totems by trying to educate our nation through these people vasina zvavanoziva and their narratives are so disjointed zvinosiririsa. Uyu munhu haana kana zvaataura nezve mutupo wedu. Please tsvagai vanhu vanoziva zvavanotaura. The name Rozvi was a nickname given to the house of Mutapa after their defeat of the Portuguese in the war of 1693. People are being led astray by these people who lie so much and try to magnify themselves vachizvikudza. Changamire Dombo ndiye akatoita lead the war of 1693 achibva kuMatobo which was the hub of cattle rearing. Kuparadzwa kwakaitwa the hand of Portuguese over the House of Mwenemutapa ndoo pakabva huRozvi and Changamire Dombo was the one who established the Rozvi Empire not destroying it like this guy is saying. Tsvagai vanhu vane ruzivo. Changamire Dombo and Chaminuka havana kumborarama munguva imwechete. He is telling lies.
Dombo akanokumbira Tumbare kti amubatsire kurwa hondo yacho. Tumbare ndiye akaitwa army commander bcz yaive nyanzvi mukurwa
@adv128 uyu munhu hapana kana chaanoziva nenyaya dzemadzinza uye hapana chaanoziva ne nyaya dzehuMambo neHushe. Hazvigone kuti Mambo aite mambo nemhondoro at the same time. Mambo anotungamirirwa, kuudzwa nekutsiurwa nemhondoro dzenyika, so kana akave Mambo ova mhondoro zvakare anoudzwa nekutsiurwa nani?
@@reasonjoemachingura6749 you are 💯 correct vanhu vavekutora advantage yekuti ruzhinji haruzive chikaranga chedu that's why zvichizosvika pakudai
well said wangu
Yeah taura zvako hama, hapana zvinozivikanwa apa. Anotidzikisira isu sedzinza revayera Moyo. I don't think kuti akapinda zviri fair pachigaro, anofanirwa kunge vakapinzana zvehuwori nanaJuly Moyo pachiZanu-Zanu chavo. Wakambowonepi munhu wamambo anouya to such an interview ari ega?.
Hustler who is looking for food like any Zimbabwe who is affected by poverty that was caused by gukhurahundi
Urikurevei iwe??
@@officialfaychi7941 this mampara is a mashonaland m
King and kuphelele lapho Mthwakazi we have our king nani niyazi
@ericnqobilengwenya9460 if you knew the history of the Nguni and the Shona migration from Tanganyika you would know that we are ultimately one people divided by white imperialists
Matanga mandewere
@@AfroTravellorwhere they divided by white man or by migration and infighting for rulership before even the white man come
Uyanya Matobo yizwe likaMzilikazi
Njelele was sacred before 1830 when Mzilikazi came onto modern day Zimbabwe
Tsvimbo Makapihwaa Nevayeraa Tembo ana Moyo musanyepee asi zvinonzi kudzibata hazvina kunzi dziridze this is a fake Mambo you guys have killed Our History