14 Physiological Facts About Engineers (Space Jockey) That Makes Them Superior Than Xenomorphs

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024

Комментарии • 201

  • @sulanis8444
    @sulanis8444 21 день назад +30

    Personally. I don't think the Engineers on the "paradise Planet" were actually engineers. I think there was an interview where Ridley Scott even said so. They're is just too much different about them. I mean I could be wrong, but the vital details seems to point to them being another race created by the Engineers like we were.
    Example: There biology is much different.
    - Their eyes are very different than the Engineers. Their eyes look like ours, not the engineers seen in the Prometheus film.
    - Their skin appears to have pigment and their facial structure seems to be more random as they appear to be different looking.
    - They didn't look as tall.
    - They're garments are more primitive.
    - They're architecture was for more primitive. beautiful as it was looked to be roughly roman era level (give or take haha)
    - They seemed to worship the ship coming in as their gods
    If anything that Species is another sentient humanoid species created by the engineers and were constantly being monitored by the Engineers.

    • @drakka33
      @drakka33 20 дней назад +3

      you're right there

    • @We_Are_All_Vultures
      @We_Are_All_Vultures 19 дней назад +4

      Absolutely. I don't think the engineers on the planet are real engineers. I think they're an offspring like us that just evolved slightly differently. The beings on that planet didn't seem perfect or advanced enough. Not even close.

    • @bjrmagic1
      @bjrmagic1 18 дней назад +8

      Ridley confirmed they were not engineers …simply another planet created by them like humans …the fact that people thought they were , although looking nothing like them is comical

    • @genobadie8325
      @genobadie8325 17 дней назад +2

      Absolutely right.. they, like us humans on earth were an experiment created by the same engineers.. I’m guessing because the different elements of their planet maybe had an effect on their own features… when Shaw says take me to where they come from I think David, when reading their maps misread it and thought it was the engineers home planet

    • @marcusjohansson8902
      @marcusjohansson8902 17 дней назад +1

      They looked more like humans..👀🫢

  • @MultiKwolf
    @MultiKwolf 21 день назад +14

    The Engineeers are far more superior compared to Predators, in the comics They had to resort to stealth and distraction to actually have an equal footing in combat, the Predator could not fight him head on empty-handed , Actually they were hiding from the engineers , avoiding them as much as possible, and in the end the only reason why he won is because he worked together with a human that he cuff himself with. When it comes to brute strength The engineers won , notice how they never use any weapon and only fight bare handed.

    • @lindamasha3552
      @lindamasha3552 20 дней назад +1

      Humans are no match for predators
      But we split their ass everytime
      Predators are no match for engineers
      But predators split their ass everytime they meet.
      Aside from all the comedy didn't xenomorphs kill every engineer on Prometheus

  • @frankthetank1741
    @frankthetank1741 22 дня назад +19

    i love the fact that romulus established that the black goo is from the alien himself. that explaines why the alien picture in prometheus is in the enigneer ship without an alien. the alien himself is the substance for the black goo and not otherwise. this gives us hope for every next alien movie. not an android made the originale alien. the alien existed before everything. david just could "reproduce" it.
    this is the best thing about alien romoulus.

    • @80Elminster
      @80Elminster 22 дня назад +3

      It didn't establish that did it? I think It established that it could be extracted from the xenomorph. Not that the xenomorph is the only source or even the orignal source. I got the sense that it wasn't exactly black goo, or maybe a version of the black goo

    • @davyheijlands1956
      @davyheijlands1956 21 день назад +2

      ​​​​@@80ElminsterI think it kinda did because the hybrid at the end looks clearly like an engineer.
      The theory that floats arround for years now is that the engineer race encountered a deacon once and discovered its blood is extremly mutable and can create new life.
      They choose to worpship it (which can be seen on the murial) and used it's blood to sysntesize more blood and created the black goo from it. The goo basically is high technology and is something very akin to nanotech and can be activated in several 'modes' to enhance an engineer (create a living suit for example) or can be several weapon modes we see a few exemples from in the movies.
      The movies telegraphs this pretty clearly to be honest.

    • @80Elminster
      @80Elminster 21 день назад

      @@davyheijlands1956 well then you said it yourself. Black goo and the stuff they pull from the xenomorph is not the same thing. First of all it isn't syntesized from the xenomorphs blood. And if the black goo is high tecnology the stuff they pull from the xenomorphs is not. The movies also telegraph pretty clearly that David did create the xenomorph. Or at least the version we know, using black goo. Which by the way, was probably used to create humans too

    • @davyheijlands1956
      @davyheijlands1956 21 день назад +4

      ​​@@80Elminsterhave to disagree with you on this. You are familiar with the concept of reverse engineering right?
      Its pretty clear that this is what is going on. There is a difference in colour between the stuff the engineer drinks and the stuff thats in the vases the crew finds. The stuff in cup is black with a golden sheen to it. This is the blood of the deacon and black goo has a silverish sheen. The difference is subtle, but its there. Both substances seem to respond when near a living (non botanical lifeform). Its not a stretch to follow this logic to a working theory.
      If the blood of the deacon can create life on a planet by sacrafising one engineer its stands to reason every scientist would like to extract that quality from its blood to use it to create life or to weaponize it and why wouldn't they want to try? We would try the same.
      But the movie works just as well if you want to think its the same stuff. It really isn't that important for the plot of the movie.
      But if its in the blood of the deacon and this blood is used to create the black goo it contains the same (or parts) of its dna. So everything derived from that goo would contain that dna as well. The face hugger, the Xenomorph etc etc. Even 50 variations in it would be there, because the goo artificial and disigned to retain that quality.
      If the engineers tried to perfect the goo to enhance themselves to make themselves bigger, stronger etc etc. Maybe succeeded because the final engineer in the Prometheus movie seems to be fused to his suit. Rook says W-Y is looking for a way to upgrade humanity with that stuff. We haven't harnessed it yet (because the rat mutated to the point of death), but the engineers cleary have mastered it.
      Even the engineer ship seems to contain organic parts so yeah I dunno what to say more.

  • @wiggy5209
    @wiggy5209 17 дней назад +6

    Pretty sure the directors said that the people who distorted by the black goo on the ground were not engineers ...rather a similar looking race created by the engineers

  • @dwaynelepley1103
    @dwaynelepley1103 21 день назад +3

    I could be wrong but I think I’ve heard in the past that the Engineers created the Xenomorphs when they found the black goo on Planet Nox. Thats when they experimented and made a Decon when they found the remains of an Engineer that accidentally was exposed and had a chest buster . They captured it and kept introducing it to the black goo and created the Arch-Decon.

  • @Daemon1356
    @Daemon1356 19 дней назад +4

    It look like a suit HR Giger would have designed 😂

  • @rexberttechnica6702
    @rexberttechnica6702 21 день назад +15

    Why are all these channels just AI voices? It said fachugger....

    • @Pennyguns
      @Pennyguns 18 дней назад +1

      Really I do believe modern american is not a bench mark for the English language tks byeee

    • @flygonkerel781
      @flygonkerel781 17 дней назад

      LMAO i heard that too lol

  • @HMR-yo8zl
    @HMR-yo8zl 22 дня назад +32

    who wants a predator yautja vs Prometheus engineers vs aliens next movie ever coming soon 🖐️

    • @Khultan
      @Khultan 21 день назад +1

      No way.

    • @sethlowry2189
      @sethlowry2189 21 день назад +3

      Personally I just want at least one movie solely dedicated to exploring the engineers and their culture and answer some of the questions we have about them, while still leaving some room for imagination

    • @Khultan
      @Khultan 21 день назад +1

      @@sethlowry2189 Agree. Unfortunately, Ridley Scott been dropping the ball quite frequently ever since the first sequel.

    • @lindamasha3552
      @lindamasha3552 20 дней назад

      Vs humans Vs androids Vs hybrids both alien, predator , engineer and Android hybrids

    • @IsaacHarvison-mt5xt
      @IsaacHarvison-mt5xt 19 дней назад

      ​@@lindamasha3552David didn't create the xnemorphs all he did was reverse engineered the DNA so no avp isn't Canon predators are a rival species to the engineers and space jockeys

  • @bansheebah
    @bansheebah 22 дня назад +5

    Ooh how did u know I was curious...😅 NICE!

  • @chrisfrancis9555
    @chrisfrancis9555 19 дней назад +2

    They are not suits, look closely and you'll see that is part of their anatomy. It blends in with the skin. There are two kinds of engineers, but the engineers used the black goo to enhance tbeir physical welbeing for space travel, thats why they look part engineer and part xenomorph

  • @Aibhi_B
    @Aibhi_B 21 день назад +20

    Those weren't engineers in Covenant, it was basically our cousins. Another seeded planet.

    • @maxumuskohany6580
      @maxumuskohany6580 21 день назад +1

      Yeah and he called it facts…

    • @alexsobers1208
      @alexsobers1208 21 день назад +1

      Wait ? Did they state it wasn't the engineers homeworld? I don't recall them saying it was a seeded planet

    • @MatthewHarsh
      @MatthewHarsh 19 дней назад +2

      The leaks of the script said it was not their home planet.

  • @neetuverma1726
    @neetuverma1726 22 дня назад +14

    Alien frenchise is one of the G.O.A.T out there no 🧢,but people lacking far sight and ability to understand complicated and hard things don't like the new ones

    • @JJjjJJjjJJ28
      @JJjjJJjjJJ28 21 день назад


    • @zealinbarden3942
      @zealinbarden3942 21 день назад +1

      Hahaha just wait till you find out about warhammer and dune

    • @neetuverma1726
      @neetuverma1726 21 день назад

      @@zealinbarden3942 oh I love Warhammer 40K, but don't know that much about Dune tho

  • @1183newman
    @1183newman 20 дней назад +1

    From some article i remember reading around the time Prometheus released was that the followup planned movie would have a very different storyline to what was eventually dleivered in Covenant. Essentially the story went something like Shaws craft being intercepted by an unknown hulking vessel. This vessel was infact some form of AI that used cyborg drones to do its general bidding. The AI were originally created by the Engineers to purge the galaxy so that the engineers could repopulate it in their own image. However the ai rebelled against the engineers focing the engineers to focus on biomechanics and to essentially develop a bioweapon to fight this AI (the black goo). The engineers are infact humans in the future, except when the uniiverse implodes at the end of time the engineers found a way to survive right through to the birth of the big bang and into the next time loop. The ai wants the engineers dna which it is unable to acquire due to how the engineers quickly decay to avoid it falling into their hands. However the humans are the link in dna and when the engineer sees the humans and the ai they had created he decides to eliminate the human world to protect the engineers living in that current time cycle.

  • @windowbreezes
    @windowbreezes 17 дней назад +1

    I think everyone forgets the small detail that the Engineers basically have stopped sleeping and have merged their nightmares into their science.
    Talk about the Engineers psychology!

  • @earthcoloredeyes5043
    @earthcoloredeyes5043 20 дней назад +1

    I love the idea that seeking perfection only leads to destruction.

  • @lucasricardofolco442
    @lucasricardofolco442 22 дня назад +16

    6:34 I think you're wrong about engineers having the same DNA as humans. If the DNA from humans and engineers match they wouldn't have different traits. My explanation for why the DNA sample taken from the engineer's head by Dr. Shaw is that the decapitated engineer head was turning into something else (human) because it was in contact with the black goo. We see engineers running from something (black goo contamination) and then when the atmosphere in the room where the head was found changed it reactivated the changes that black goo makes on animal life. In the opening scene we see that an engineer drinks something (original black goo or something else) and then it's body is used to seed life (we don't know if it is all life animal and botanical or just humans but it's implied that engineers made humans). Engineer DNA and human DNA are different but as the head was affected by the goo every DNA strand from every cell in the engineer's head turned into human DNA. Remember that DNA ---> RNA ---> protein ----> an organism traits and that's why Shaw was baffled about engineers having the same DNA as humans. The DNA sample was taken from an engineer that was affected by the pathogen (black goo) not from a "healthy" engineer.

    • @citizenVader
      @citizenVader 22 дня назад

      It seems the engineers don't have a navel and nipples, so they are definitely not mammals.

    • @citizenVader
      @citizenVader 22 дня назад

      But of course, you don't have to be a mammal to be genetically related according to evolutionary thesis and research.

    • @lucasricardofolco442
      @lucasricardofolco442 22 дня назад +1

      @@citizenVader That's not my point, in the movie it's not implied it's said that engineers and humans share the same genome (DNA) because of the test Shaw performs. If humans and engineers have the same DNA they would look very alike like different humans do. Yes humans share portions of it's DNA with a lot of other organisms BUT no their entire genome (the whole length of the DNA strand) just shorter pieces and they are not arrenged in the same way as they are in humans. The only way for the engineer's head to be human like is if their genome turned into human genome because of the goo which is what happens to that one engineer that loses his head, his mutation into something else was frozen because of the porperties of the room where the head was found, then it started to change as soon as the air in the room was altered.

    • @Sci-Fi_Quizshow
      @Sci-Fi_Quizshow 21 день назад

      @@citizenVader yeah nice one lmao Exactly my point. Humans and Engineers can not be a complete match as they showed in Prometheus, may be distant cousins like what we have had in early Homo genus where there have been so many different species some of which we share a bit of their DNA.
      The problem with both Prometheus and Covenant is that they are not really Science Fiction. The whole idea of Sci-Fi is to have some elements which rest upon science and then explore into the future what possibilities might there be. Not base things on false and clearly contradictory mumbo jumbo (like black goo) which the android then starts to use clever description about AI and some such shit. Have you even been inside a Biohazard lab? Have you seen people in Hazmat suits? Why do you think they do this? Putting this highly reactive pathogen in large urns which have a tendency to leak as soon as conditions change is not very smart is it? These so called 'advanced' being and the way they handled these urns suggest to me they were retarded mother&^&$ who deserved to be wiped out by David... lmao.

    • @scottimusmaximus4360
      @scottimusmaximus4360 21 день назад

      I've just researched the scene and you can quite clearly make out they have small nipples and a navel​@@citizenVader

  • @DiamondAviator4
    @DiamondAviator4 18 дней назад +2

    3:54 Bro those aren’t Engineers.

  • @NixonTilley
    @NixonTilley 19 дней назад +2

    Hmmm....crazy how the more ancient engineers had longer skulls and slimmer arms and were taller. Sounds like Annunaki to me 😂😂

    • @plaguedocphd
      @plaguedocphd 15 дней назад

      Yeah, it was before Ridley decided to connect one of his sets from the original movie with the actual story and ruin everything. So after some amateurish story-telling, the engineers came to be...

  • @beckyosborne
    @beckyosborne 21 день назад +4

    😂 at 19.39 mins the ai voice messes up.

  • @peterfuentes5893
    @peterfuentes5893 11 дней назад +1

    I’m pretty sure the engineer that sacrifices himself drinks the blood of the deacon. That’s not black goo.

  • @williamoverton7775
    @williamoverton7775 21 день назад +1

    The engineer was pretty vicious considering he had just woke up after thousands of years in hypersleep

  • @phrayzar
    @phrayzar 21 день назад +5

    Just a note. All animals(non fish or insects) are over 90% identical to us DNA wise. Also, being ripped and large is not in any way an ideal body type. It requires vast calorific upkeep and is prone to wear and tear and pulmonary issues.

    • @Joe-ws1zr
      @Joe-ws1zr 21 день назад

      As a fat guy who has procrastinated for years on going to the gym, I accept this reason

  • @humanspoder777
    @humanspoder777 20 дней назад +3

    The planet David wrecks isn't the Engineer homeworld. It's another creation of their's that turned out to look similar.

  • @Assistedsoul
    @Assistedsoul 22 дня назад +3

    I love all the alien movies but comeon no one wares masks when dealing with dissections , exploring the new planets and a lot of other things ....glad to see humans are still dumb in the future lol

  • @nodatastored684
    @nodatastored684 22 дня назад +7

    The fact the sacrifice engineer had no navel nor nipples means tey were grown and developed

    • @user-wm3em1ux9i
      @user-wm3em1ux9i 21 день назад +1

      Or the engineers lay eggs

    • @nodatastored684
      @nodatastored684 11 дней назад

      ​@@user-wm3em1ux9iwould still have a navel for nutrient sack... It's part of vertebrate births and mammalian

    • @user-wm3em1ux9i
      @user-wm3em1ux9i 11 дней назад

      @@nodatastored684 that’s true for placental mammals, but there are also marsupial and monotreme mammals, the latter lay eggs and don’t have nipples.
      Perhaps Engineers are more closely related to platypus than humans.

  • @mystryj4771
    @mystryj4771 21 день назад +2

    The more they explain, and make movies the more I realize Scott just messed this universe up. 😂😂😂😂😂 leave the xenomorphs alone

  • @weedsville6318
    @weedsville6318 17 дней назад

    Take a sip every time he says engineers😂🎉

  • @JeanEDeaux
    @JeanEDeaux 22 дня назад

    Wow. Not usually this early on a video like this.
    So let’s geaux mon cher. 🚀

  • @AlrightySquid
    @AlrightySquid 21 день назад +2

    The chest buster that came out of the engineer was the queeen you see in aliens.. how do you think the eggs got there?

    • @Dead_Again1313
      @Dead_Again1313 20 дней назад +1

      Those are two different planets. The Queen in Aliens hatched from an egg on the ship the colonists found on LV426.

    • @AlrightySquid
      @AlrightySquid 20 дней назад

      @@Dead_Again1313 I meant alien it auto corrected but I’m pretty sure the first movie you see Ripley in. I’m pretty sure that’s the same ship from Prometheus.

  • @davebear9825
    @davebear9825 21 день назад

    The intention was that the Engineers were the Space Jockey.
    Something not everyone knows is that HR Gigers Concept Works for Alien indicated that the Space Jockey was a Biomechanical Space Suit... whats more is his Concept Work and unused Mural for Alien indicated that the occupants of the Space Jockey Suit are Bald Humanoids.
    The intention with the Prequels was a 12-15ft Race of Bald Humanoids.
    This was revised down to 10ft....
    The Engineer decapitated Head would make that Engineer about 9ft Tall..... originally the Altar had the Sacrificial Cup... compared to Holloways Hands...vs the Cups size to the Sacrificial Engineer... would put the Sacrificial Engineer at over 9ft.
    Sadly RS did not want to use Special Effects to give us taller Engineers and used Camera Angles to create the illusion.
    But in most of the Shots we only create the Illusion of a 7ft+ Engineer.
    If RS had used Special Effects like TLOTR and The Hobit. He could have given us 10ft Engineers.
    But alas...

  • @azureandnoir3274
    @azureandnoir3274 21 день назад +2

    a good question is how many are left out there, there has got to be millions of predators on their planet but did all the engineers die out. I doubt those wiped out experiments were the only left, could they have many planets terraformed with their species spread out.

    • @davebear9825
      @davebear9825 21 день назад +1

      Ridley Scott confirms that more Engineers are out there..
      Makes sense as the Engineers are at least many Millions of Years old and have been Space Fairing even beyond our own Galaxy (The Orrey in Prometheus has other Galaxies)
      So its extremely unlikely that the Engineers would all be stuck on the Planet in Alien Covenant.

    • @mainsource8030
      @mainsource8030 15 дней назад +1

      @@davebear9825 those werent even engineers, just another seeded planet, like us. its in the script

    • @davebear9825
      @davebear9825 15 дней назад

      @@mainsource8030 There is nothing in the Scripts on the contrary the Planet the Covenant goes to in the Drafts is described as the Engineers Planet, the dead beings on the Planet also the Engineers.
      But yeah I've heard a few times of a Script that says David found the Eggs and the beings not being Engineers.... i have not come across such a draft and I think people are mistaken or just read the Novel.
      The 3 drafts I have read all add up with exactly what RS had said on both matters.

    • @azureandnoir3274
      @azureandnoir3274 15 дней назад +1

      @@davebear9825 hopefully we get to see other planets maybe a few more species too like the ones that eat aliens or more hybrids

    • @davebear9825
      @davebear9825 15 дней назад

      @@azureandnoir3274 Who knows...
      RS had plans to expand the Franchise before the Studio wanted to make it about the Xenomorph and begin its Origins.
      RS said that he felt the Franchise should be as big as Star Wars and Star Trek...... yeah sounds STUPID.. but then he was likely not talking in terms of making Xeno Movie after Xeno Movie and becoming as Financially as successful as those.
      He is likely referring to the Engineers Plot...
      You have a Ancient Race who can travel the Galaxy and other Galaxies who have been traveling around Space and Creating Life for many Millions of Years.
      Is the Earth the only World that the Engineers had Created Humanoids or even Humans on?
      What other Worlds have the Engineers created life on? What other Races have they Created.
      Are there Races out there that the Engineers had never Created and have they interacted with them or had Conflicts.
      So in that Context the Engineers Plot gives you many Worlds and many Races and Conflicts etc...
      Just as Star Wars and Star Trek have many Worlds and Races.
      But I don't think we will see any of this unfortunately.

  • @WilliamJames48
    @WilliamJames48 21 день назад +1

    They all look like the dude from Law & Order SVU

  • @Assistedsoul
    @Assistedsoul 22 дня назад +1

    Hey what the engineers suit look like that in prometheus is do to making the black goo into a super shoulder serum like we saw in Romulus humans haven’t mastered the goo like the engineers have , look at the hybrid for example almost there but not and the black goo in Prometheus is weponized by the engineers and the alter is there because the black goo comes from xenomorphs the ships we have seen were war ships and the engineers we see on the “homeworld” are civilians not given the advanced black goo , that’s my take and seems to Be legitnif you think about it

  • @La-familia-de-Fazio
    @La-familia-de-Fazio 17 дней назад

    I was under the impression that the Space Jockey was a different species!
    I would even dare say that the Space Jockey was the engineer’s version of a “Synthetic”

  • @MaxWill-bt2tk
    @MaxWill-bt2tk 13 дней назад

    Ok, four intelligent and species in the universe, one of them, Yautja, being super hunters of other species. What else besides Engineers, human, xenomorph and Yautja are there?

  • @DrayseSchneider
    @DrayseSchneider 7 дней назад

    After billions of years of mutations in the evolution of our species, I doubt there would be much remaining that's similar between the DNA of the sacrificial Engineer and the humans that resulted as a product of said evolution except as the earliest common ancestor to all life.

  • @nathanialdavidson340
    @nathanialdavidson340 13 дней назад

    Facts, lo!

  • @KingBearmane
    @KingBearmane 21 день назад

    I personally like the ancient human concept.

  • @ShaiShai1
    @ShaiShai1 20 дней назад

    The engineers have been confirmed human creators. Based off the conversation the engineer had with David

  • @SasukeDio
    @SasukeDio 18 дней назад

    Isn’t the alien predator timeline non-canon though?

  • @olyaolga7507
    @olyaolga7507 22 дня назад +2

    Next Alien movie will have African looking engineers

    • @Sci-Fi_Quizshow
      @Sci-Fi_Quizshow 21 день назад

      No the next one will be clones of Bob the Builder LOL LOL LOL :D

  • @Captain.AmericaV1
    @Captain.AmericaV1 22 дня назад

    *So its possible that the same, or a varient of the black goo enevtually evolved into humans in this franchise?*
    *If so,:interesting concept, and then it wouldnt be a stretch to say humans and xenomorphs were kinda related, by a different strain of the goo.*

  • @Gravedigger933
    @Gravedigger933 12 дней назад

    2:45 Those aren't Engineers and that wasn't their home planet.

  • @Kr1ssz
    @Kr1ssz 11 дней назад

    space jockey and engineer is not the same race.

  • @gilbertlopez2333
    @gilbertlopez2333 21 день назад +3

    Not engineers planet

  • @Sci-Fi_Quizshow
    @Sci-Fi_Quizshow 22 дня назад +54

    Hmmmmm....... what evidence is there that helps us to know that Engineers are the same species as the Space Jockey species? Based on what exactly?

    • @DavidMisic1411
      @DavidMisic1411 22 дня назад +45

      The last engineer suited up exactly like the space jockey when piloting the same kind of ship. Ridley Scott made Prometheus to explore the origins of the space jockey, it wouldn't make sense for the last engineer to not be the same species.

    • @frankthetank1741
      @frankthetank1741 22 дня назад +10

      what? same ship? same suit? same everyting??

    • @teganfox294
      @teganfox294 22 дня назад +11

      Same suit same concept same ship it's the same just a differnt movie set

    • @williamkeyes3139
      @williamkeyes3139 22 дня назад +7

      @@frankthetank1741same large humanoid from the original Aliens movie, it was dead sitting in the cockpit.

    • @ManSpider92
      @ManSpider92 22 дня назад +8

      It's not a perfect match. The Engineer is smaller than the Space Jockey. Nor was it fused to the seat like the Jockey was. It had no visible legs like the Engineer when it sits in the seat. I would not be surprised if the black goo is what caused a permanent fusion of being and suit/tech. Either that or it's just another subspecies that went another route.

  • @williamoverton7775
    @williamoverton7775 21 день назад

    I still like the idea that we are the same as them but they have taken some space juice to live for thousands of years

  • @dantheories7276
    @dantheories7276 3 дня назад

    I don't think thst was the Engineer home planet in Covenant. I think that was another race they created.

  • @BigCthe1
    @BigCthe1 21 день назад +2

    Those things look creepy skin looka dead lifeless

  • @jamalclark6208
    @jamalclark6208 14 дней назад

    I don't know why7 they didn't dive more into the engineers and played the safe route with the Aliens.

  • @raniizeab8571
    @raniizeab8571 21 день назад

    Way to many ads getting annoying

    @BARFVADER420 19 дней назад

    I don’t think the engineers head spontaneously exploded in Prometheus. they charged it with pulses of electricity prior to the head exploding

  • @shturmtrupp
    @shturmtrupp 19 дней назад

    I don't think the planet in Covenant is the home planet of the Engineers.
    It looks more like another world that they have created, just like they created the people on Earth.
    Btw, the Engineers look like 🗿

  • @plaguedocphd
    @plaguedocphd 15 дней назад

    Hey where's the fact about them destroying a cool franchise?

  • @tardiscommand1812
    @tardiscommand1812 21 день назад

    So the humans would be a dataset that would be invaluable to the Engineers. Know anyone who would kill their own science experiment without recording results?

  • @R.Williamss
    @R.Williamss 16 дней назад

    They can't beat raditz

  • @SashaVibez
    @SashaVibez 19 дней назад

    Some of the tall muscular space jockeys are 🥵

  • @berickslime6718
    @berickslime6718 19 дней назад

    Yall think the Prometheus Engineer natty or juicing?

  • @freekill1018
    @freekill1018 20 дней назад

    So the normal engineers on their planet look normal because they didn't take the perfected mutagen in romulus but the engineers on the ship are mutated with said mutagen allowing them to traverse space easier

  • @goombah7861
    @goombah7861 13 дней назад

    So, im confused...
    Why didn't the Engineer, who originally came to earth, turn into a neomorph after he drank the 'black stuff'?
    Was that different stuff?

    • @nicolasvandermerwe9552
      @nicolasvandermerwe9552 13 дней назад

      The first engineer that came to earth actually drank the blood of the first deacon the first deacon blood was alot like the black goo but more stable and could actually give life the first deacon was also much different then the one spawning from the engineer in the movie and you can see the difference between the black goo and what the first engineer drinks because what the engineer drinks is more gold then black and the black goo is actually the building blocks for the xenomorph species because no matter what drinks the black goo it will almost always revert the thing that drank it to a xenomorph of some type.

    • @nicolasvandermerwe9552
      @nicolasvandermerwe9552 13 дней назад

      And just want to add that in the fire and stone comics it shows that the black goo can also give life but it much more destructive and dangerous and it can fuse people together and the black goo can cure any illness but comes at a heavy cost and even tho xenomorphs are from the black goo it can still infect and mutate them and in the fire and stone comics a android was infected with the black goo it mutated him but he kept his mind and could control his body mutation to a extend and it is believed the black goo from the android that was mutated was almost stable enough to mutate someone but not enough to make them monsters or xenomorphs and in the comics it shows a mutated predator and it become cannibalistic and killed everything it saw and it grew a axtra arm and ten mandibles and a hope this helped.

  • @fightsport_analysts
    @fightsport_analysts 20 дней назад

    Sow this is how Jiren the Grey looks in real life.

  • @williamoverton7775
    @williamoverton7775 21 день назад +1

    I Don't think the engineers created life on earth I think they dissolved themselves into water where life emerges to make them serve humans later. This makes sense because of catholics in the garden of eden all the creatures were affected by the sacrifices of engineers making them masters of all life even though they were brought later. I also liked the idea that they sent Jesus but after his crucifixion they decided to start over and cleanse the world

    • @Darth_Axel
      @Darth_Axel 21 день назад

      Going with this.... Are you saying "Jesus" was one of the engineers? And humanity killed him and they saw it as an act of violence and tried to wipe out humans?... I believe they made the black goo with their DNA mixed with DNA of some biological creation they made giving them the ability to spread life across the galaxy... Also when Adam kills all them he's just resting natural balance so his "children" can survive once they grow and can live on the engineers planet without needing to worry about extinction of his creations, after all he only altered the already "perfect" organism... Technically making it better and having more chance of evolution for his creations

  • @We_Are_All_Vultures
    @We_Are_All_Vultures 19 дней назад

    I don't think the engineers on the planet are real engineers. I think they're an offspring like us that just evolved slightly differently. The beings on that planet didn't seem perfect or advanced enough. Not even close.

  • @sluggerbutter
    @sluggerbutter 21 день назад

    i wish the engineers didn’t look like that ridley scott has this weird obsession with roman and greek stuff should’ve kept them more alien

  • @williamoverton7775
    @williamoverton7775 21 день назад

    It is confusing about black goo because it is a machine and a bacteria it is cyborg bacteria

  • @Khultan
    @Khultan 21 день назад +1


  • @sam_bibly
    @sam_bibly 17 дней назад

    "superior to" not "superior than" 1.27 million subs and you can't proofread the TITLE of the video? lazy

  • @jbstepchild
    @jbstepchild 21 день назад

    Y9u say nonbotanical but it did take on plant life

  • @ControkNonen
    @ControkNonen 12 дней назад

    My idea for a third alien covenant/prometheus movie is as follows:
    The engineers are the main characters in the movie and comes to the planet that was in the Prometheus movie.
    There they find Weyland inside the crashed spaceship. They have a blue elixir which they empty all over him and bring him to life.
    But while doing this the Deacon from the Prometheus movie sneaks into their spaceship and hide it self in one of the ventilation chambers.
    In the next part they arrive at the planet from alien covenant and find the other robot(Walter) who is david's twin.The engineers use the blue elixir and repairs him.
    Once awaken the engineers and Weyland get to know all the horrible things that David has done, and weyland says "we have to stop David" .
    They set course for origae. When they arrive,they scans all the planet,and finds the planet is full of hostile organisms except
    on a high mountain where they discover that there are humans inside a cave.
    Inside the cave they meet a herd of children, who tell that when they had lived on the planet for over ten years,
    they began to be attacked by Xenomorphs and all the adults died or were turned into these creatures.
    There were also great giants developed by someone the children calls David.
    The engineers get ready to wipe out all the Xenomorphs that David has created, but the great giants manage to escape with one of the engineers' spaceships.
    The engineers and Weyland hunts the spaceship and manage to force the spaceship down on the planet lv426.Where it start sending a distress signal.
    The engineers return to Origae to find David, but discover that he has escaped.
    In the last part we see David arriving and meeting an unknown alien species
    on a tropical like planet.
    At the same time Nostromo leaves a nearby planet with the cargo of ore.
    But when he and the unknown aliens have left the spaceship,the deacon slips out of the ship and is seen running toward the nearest settlement.
    And that makes the cliffhanger that ends the third movie.
    The ending movie could have a duration about five hours ?

    • @theadventuresofoldmort1746
      @theadventuresofoldmort1746 11 дней назад

      Rubbish idea.

    • @ControkNonen
      @ControkNonen 11 дней назад

      @@theadventuresofoldmort1746 The meaning with bringing Old Weyland back,is to show that the engineers had the elixir to both bring dead back to life,and to prolongue life.That is the mission of the spaceship "Prometheus"in the first movie.This secret mission was hidden from the crew,and is essential in the first movie,so i feel that a conclusion is needed 😀

    @-MONTEZUMA 17 дней назад

    Pokemon ahh lore 😅

  • @onetruekeeper
    @onetruekeeper 22 дня назад +5

    Engineers are not Space Jockeys. The jocks are way larger and have a different physiology . They became extinct long before the engineer race discovered their derelict ships and dangerous cargo. The engineers managed to salvage the jockey ships and made it functional. Using the xenomorph the engineers constructed more of the jockey ships which led them to the xeno homeworld. They used the black goo discovered on the xeno homeworld to construct bio weapons to subjugate other worlds and even used it on themselves to enhance their physical capabilities. The world which David destroyed with the black goo was likely the place where the engineers came from and looked like before they underwent genetic modification using the black goo.

    • @Sci-Fi_Quizshow
      @Sci-Fi_Quizshow 21 день назад

      that what a lot of us are saying - see my post. also other sci-fi writers in the Alien Universe also have written brilliant stuff which would make excellent movies. Better than the trash we got.

    • @nestordelgado3598
      @nestordelgado3598 21 день назад +2

      Engineers jockey are same Scott just changed the look n other things to fit the new story

    • @alien-shark1525
      @alien-shark1525 21 день назад +1

      Interesting. Where did you get this information? Was it in the comics? Is this canon?

    • @nestordelgado3598
      @nestordelgado3598 21 день назад

      @@alien-shark1525 I've watched a lot of interviews Scott stuff about the movies

    • @onetruekeeper
      @onetruekeeper 21 день назад

      @@nestordelgado3598 That is his right I suppose but I wish he had not done that.
      It messes up the first Alien movie by making the space jockey less mysterious or ancient.

  • @nestaismail9189
    @nestaismail9189 14 дней назад

    The engineers gt exterminated by a robot humans created , not to mention dr Elizabeth shaw killed one by herself alone meanehile they cannot over power david? Cut me a slack

  • @davebear9825
    @davebear9825 21 день назад

    The Mural was of a Deacon which in Concept was more like the Neomorph...Drs Shaws Trilobite produced a Deacon/Human Hybrid.
    Considering the size of the New Born Deacon if it grows at the same % as most Mammals then a Adult Deacon would be about 10-12 Ft

  • @teganfox294
    @teganfox294 22 дня назад

    Based off watching the new alien romulas i belive the engineers that david dropped the black goo bomb on use the black goo on there fetuses to create the massive white ones that david woke up taht also fixes the plot hole of the space jockeys

    • @ManSpider92
      @ManSpider92 22 дня назад +1

      The Space Jockey and the Derelict have been on LV-426 for millions of years. Long before David even existed. The original Space Jockey is probably just another subspecies of the Engineers.

    • @luukmusch6136
      @luukmusch6136 22 дня назад +1

      But I thought those aliens aren’t engineers, I believed they were yet another creation by engineers like the humans. David killed since he has no respect for the engineers and humans. The engineer we saw that spoke to David also referred to his home world with “paradise”, but that planet where David dropped the black goo on doesn’t exactly look like paradise.

  • @Mouletypasse
    @Mouletypasse 18 дней назад

    You should stop to try making sense of this lore. There is too much internal contradiction and the lore has become BS. The black goo is ridiculous for example

  • @rpWeb3
    @rpWeb3 21 день назад

    whats with the dog barking sound?????????? stop doing that.. so annoying !

  • @sirloin869
    @sirloin869 21 день назад

    this is bad,just guesses+speculation - questions answered in dvd commentary tracks; comic refs ok, but mostly bad, mostly

  • @tgdb-ace
    @tgdb-ace 4 дня назад

    Engineers devolve their genes with the black goo and form humans who then evolve their using xenomorpm to evolve human genes made an engineers.
    Thus franchise is stupid.
    The other aliens called the yuatja have human genes too.
    Thus humans have in this franchise created all we are seeing now in the frustrating movie sequel.
    Read this and thank me later directors of the alien sequel.
    I just gave your movie direction

  • @madhammer232
    @madhammer232 22 дня назад +5

    Fun fact pale is not beautiful👀

  • @matthewsfather
    @matthewsfather 10 дней назад

    Space Jockey sounds racist. Reply w/ your best Alien themed insult.

  • @flygonkerel781
    @flygonkerel781 17 дней назад


  • @Turretdown_Hero
    @Turretdown_Hero 19 дней назад

    I hate AI with a passion

  • @MrAtarine
    @MrAtarine 21 день назад

    makes it sound like there shit

  • @Mr.Pain404
    @Mr.Pain404 22 дня назад +1

    Second lol

  • @rocky-cz2yy
    @rocky-cz2yy 21 день назад +1

    I like engineer more than alien i am bored with Alien want only engineer movie no alien only about engineer

  • @TOGO4545
    @TOGO4545 22 дня назад

    How can I help create the future yes there is money grant loans😮

  • @CaptainHair2
    @CaptainHair2 12 дней назад +1

    AI narrated trash 🙄

  • @Miguel-oc1bx
    @Miguel-oc1bx 15 дней назад

    14 facts about the engineer ? Yeah, I don’t think so and first of all they did not credit us humans go to Genesis the holy Scriptures, the holy Bible, God, created man in his image it was God who created humanity, the heavens and the Earth “ KJV “ . You geeks are taking this movie this fictional character too serious and I would love to debate scriptures against your mythology. Any time !

    • @itsjustme8846
      @itsjustme8846 14 дней назад

      Right on! I love the Alien series. But I get so sick of these people/Hollywood trying to say humanity came from alien engineering.
      They can't even come up with something that makes sense. Only Genesis explains things sensibly.