Overwatch Mercy Rework Idea(Workshop mode)

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • This is my idea to slightly rework Mercy so she is a better team support hero, and reduce her strength as a pocket healer.

Комментарии • 10

  • @MoteKinTrol
    @MoteKinTrol 2 года назад +3

    youve made a great assessment, my dear Watson

  • @ihavecrabs56
    @ihavecrabs56 2 года назад +2

    1. guardian angel cd now starts upon initial cast. (no longer punishes for long distance gas)
    2. resurrect has the same initial cast range, but now gains increased width and infinite vertical range once casted. (will no longer cancel resurrect when speed boosted by lucio. superjump rez is now easier. harder to accidentally cancel res during valk.)
    3. valkyrie no longer causes her beam to detach. it also has reduced beam length. it no longer splays beams near the initial beam target. instead, it remains single target. mercy now gains ult charge during valkyrie. (can now valk while still beaming a target. requires better positioning from mercy as she cant fly into sky box without detaching. no more wasting aoe heal when trying to heal up a single target. now are not punished for healing during valk rather than saving to heal after for ult charge.)

    • @ivaneend6242
      @ivaneend6242 2 года назад

      I don’t think sj rez should be easier tho, it makes her to easy :/

  • @rawanali2833
    @rawanali2833 2 года назад

    I feel like most of mercy’s impact right now involves her dmg boost, pocketing dps mostly- but that what makes the diff with a good mercy, she doesn’t only pocket one dps in higher ranks- this change is only good for lower ranks and doesn’t fix most of her issues. Plus it’ll negatively impact lower sr too since sometimes mercy has to take the roles of a main healer (second support dead or not being able to heal enough), unless the pocket time is longer? But honestly this is my opinion, her dmg boost is what let’s her climb the ranks. But it’s an awesome idea!

  • @hisuifan19
    @hisuifan19 2 года назад +1

    creative change

  • @LunarEclipsedd
    @LunarEclipsedd 2 года назад

    I like it but as a mercy main. I feel like there should be a cooldown on switching your beam and getting that super beam because there’s nothing stoping you from switching between 2 Allie’s constantly and always getting that super beam.

  • @charleouel9012
    @charleouel9012 2 года назад

    Interesting tho I think Mercy probleme are more than that (Also not in love with the UI clother a bit too much the screen for nothing)
    Tho perso I think Mercy probleme right now are as follow:
    #1 Rez on E is too OP to be a bassic ability
    #2 Valkyrie lack impact and fell like a spectator mode.
    #3 Damage boosting/poketing a DPS seem to be too strong (or her heal to weak for her to be a main healer)
    My change I would like:
    #1 So overall the change I think that need to hapend is this: remove Rez form being a bassic ability (you can still put it on E I don't care)
    #2 Remove all the buff of Valkyrie (flight, chain beam, Longer beam etc.) Keep only those buff: #1 Reduce GA cooldown, #2 Gain 2 (or 3 charge of Rez whene ulting) REZ work in a similar way to right now - long cast time and being super ackward to use and makeing you a slug... #3 Keep the infinite ammo she had why the fuck not sond stupid and fun.
    #3 Increed he heal slightly whene the target is outside of combat (2 or 3 sec should help heal tanks) and increed her heal REALLY REALLY Slighting whene the target is in combat.
    #4 Change Damage boost to be a Speed buff insteed. (FUCK Damage buff it break some ability it stupid
    #5 revert to Mass rez but rework it a bit if you think it was too "toxic"...
    Overall If they do Change #1 to #4 they should get a Mercy that fell much more fun to play with her owen playmakeing potencial. (removeing her Rez form being a bassic ability help it being balenced since you can't just remove a pick every 30 sec or so to win match you need your ulti to do so)

  • @notmejustyou
    @notmejustyou 2 года назад

    tts secretly wants a goats 2.0h

  • @daunzy4740
    @daunzy4740 3 года назад


    • @qiyuxuan9437
      @qiyuxuan9437  3 года назад

      PWV5N Its showed at the begining of the video btw.