Explore ungoro is legitimately the worst card ever printed. Your deck becomes an arena deck that costs 1 more mana per card. So instead of a deck that you put together with all the good cards, you are paying a price to choose from all of the bad cards.
The only thing that explore un'goro has going for it is that you get the discover the card, which gives you the option to pick the right card for the situation.
isnt the idea behind unwilling sacrifice that you would use it to trigger a deathrattle minion that you cant usually eg a devilsaur egg on the same turn you play it so rather then waiting a turn to buff it and attack into something your paying 6mana for a 5/5 and minion removal?
you are also paying an extra card and you might even not remove the right target. also you must have both an egg on the board and sacrifice in your hand, so its too inconsistent
Максим Ветров - its like deadly shot though the skill is are you able to engineer the board to get better value eg trade into your opponents lower cost minions and it punishes your opponent for dropping high value cards
Ян Котляров - Yeah mostly eggs are anti board clear so could maybe work in a new warlock deck we got nerubian with naxx so I so we are going to get more eggs it would make sense to get them this expansion. but I think if deathrattle warlock is a thing its will be a key engine in getting your affects off. I say eggs but if theres something like a sylvanas in this new set the ability to turn your delayed deathrattle effect into a instant cast might be useful so you can treat your deathrattles abit more like tech cards?
I don't think anyone has talked about this, but I think that the Valeera Deathknight is gonna be great in Jade Rogue (not like tier 1, because you might not draw it, but still). We saw back in Gadgetzan how good Brann got with a collection of cheap Jade Shaman cards to create a midrange deck that could ramp into some serious late game minions, and Valeera works not just with battlecries but Shurikens and Swarmers too. I don't think it's tier 1, but I could see it pushing Jade Rogue up to tier 2.
but unwilling sac is a good way to pop eggs geist also seems good in taunt control paladin, as the only deck that wrecks me (along with jade druid) is shaman due to devolve -> bloodlust
That Lilian Voss can change the Cursed Card cast by enemy to put a card (cost 2 mana) to opponents hand that deal 2 damages to the hero at the start of the turn while it in your hand, right?
Not quite, since Berserker Soul tosses away the cards to deal damage. If anything, this card is more like Super Koi Koi. Koi koi koi koi koiiii! Nice meme tho :P
I used to think of you as the free win for the other team back on Fight Night. But I must say youve always been by far the most insightful reviewer. You should do some deeper videos Mayor!
Desperate Stand is pretty good on a divine shield deck, as it has synergy with that 3 mana minion that gives divine shield. Also, you can choose which minion to activate it on AND activate it on your turn. It is a much better redemption.
I killed a mill rogue with greedy priest, he didn't expect me to have stolen multiple coldlights, he had only played one gang up, I milled the mill. It was so satisfying.
A pretty sweet combo would be to play Valeera the Hollow when you have a 0 cost Arcane Giant in your hand. Then you play the DK hero + two 8/8 in one turn, and you get stealth which pretty much ensures that you won't die next turn.
Turn 2 you play burrloc and freeze the enemy minion, turn 3 you play warleader and use the now buffed burrloc to clear the frozen minion and you still have a burrloc
Redemption was a fairly common inclusion in Paladin decks when secrets triggered on your turn. Being one mana or two doesn't matter when you get a Tirion back. I wouldn't be surprised to see Desperate Stand see play.
I get his point on Roll The Bones but I've also tried out the Wrathion deck and I've gotten both sides of the spectrum with him. Times when he draws you one card and times when he draws so many cards that I overdraw my hand.
Coin ice fishing, brrloc to freeze the 2 drop, warleader maybe? Suppose it doesn't work unless they play a 1 attk 1 drop but maybe if the meta slows down?
I think Skulking Geist is also pretty good against the Lilian Voss deck incase that deck becomes good. Kills razor petals, cold bloods, xeril potions, hallucinate and such
How skulking geist works with cards changing manacost (sorcerer's aprentice, radiant elemental, Thaurissan, new nerubian unraveler)? Of course it removes cards from deck, but what about hand?
Trump-what about quest pally? most of their buffs are 1 cost, and it will destroy secrets too. Additionally, the razorleaf into lillian voss is actually good, it could possibly counter that ?
It's also worth mentioning Skulking Giest is like a poor man's Hemet, except it doesn't destroy minions that have low cost but might be playable. For example, if you're playing Murloc Paladin, and you end up in the late game, chances are you don't want to draw Smuggler's Run, but you do want to draw more Murlocs to play on the board. Hence, the 4/6 minion can see a niche purpose in not only countering Jade Druid, but it can also benefit your card draw in the late game.
I'm going to be unwilling sacrifice's hypeman. Zoo is coming back. Spawn of N'Zoth could actually be viable with this card. Devilsaur egg, runic egg, and twilight summoner (although this isn't an entirely worthwhile card) work with it too. It gives you yet another activator for the deathrattles and removal. These also lead to some great synergy with Darkshire Councilman which has been lonely since forbidden ritual had left the meta.
Valeera seems like a combo card to me. Even if you only have one shadow reflection in your hand you can use it to drop three eviscerates in a turn. Maybe a return of Malygos rogue?
it's blowing my mind how people think brrloc is bad. exactly as Trump's mindset "it's glacial shard for 1 mana more, w/ only 1 more health". guys guys what if...... you ran BOTH OF THEM. it's not one or the other. you're allowed to run BOTH. holy shit, what a concept. now you have a 1 drop freeze AND a two drop freeze. easily build up your board w/o worrying about enemy minions killing your board.
Even if it had 1 more attack it would still be strictly worse than glacial shard. Sure you can run both. But its not really that good outside of a murloc deck.
Skulking Geist is very interesting in many ways. Let's speak about what cards it will destroy in current meta from tier1-2 decks, and will be it playable in this decks too: Freeze\Control mage - nothing to destroy! Only cards generated with some kind of discovery, so it's a very nice tech for this deck because it will help to win the worst match up (Jade druid) - but not because of destroying Jade Idol, but because of destroying Earthen Scales! Great card for this deck. Pirate Warrior - Upgrade!, not a big deal, so this card is useless against it. And of course it useless in pirate warrior list too (as in all aggro lists of other classes). Token Shaman - unplayable in this deck, but awesome against! Let's say you play some kind of control deck against shaman. They have 2 win conditions in this case - board and Bloodlust and the second one is Doppelgangster + Evolve. So you remove Evolve from their deck and the only thing you must care about is his board. The Nice tool against Shaman! Aggro druid - as always unplayable in this deck, and not useless against, because you can remove Mark of the Lotus from their hand after they played their Living Mana. Jade druid - oh baby, I have no words. It will help control decks to be good again (because of destroying Jade Idol), and will help some of them to win with the help of destroying the Earthen Scales. Miracle Rogue - I don't think it playable here (becouse Jade is a good matchup anyway), but it good agains becouse of Hallucination (and if you play control restrict enemy's card generation is a key to win) and sometimes Razorpetal and Cold Blood will be removed too. All kind of Priest - here I also dont think that it will be helpful here, becouse of many playble cards for 1 mana in priest, but against: Power Word: Shield, Potion of Madness and sometimes Inner Fire - yes baby. Midrange\Control Paladin - bad against, but a very nice tech tool for this deck. And my favorite: TAUNT WARRIOR. Or my god its soooo good here (and so bad against). If you mulligan your quest against aggro, you can just remove it and have good defensive top decks (except Whirlwind). If you play against control the only thing you lose is 1 Whirlwind (of course you will not play Shield Slam if you play this card). Two worst matchups for this deck are Jade Druid and Miracle Rogue - and it will help with first a lot! and with second a little bit. So let's make some conclusions: Very good card to play in Taunt Warrior, Conroll Mage and some sorts of Paladin. It will help this decks to counter the worst matchup - Jade Druid, and help a little bit in many other matchups (either aggro and control) with Tier1-2 decks. Bad cards to play in aggro decks. And a nice tool to restrict Jade Druid not removing them at all (becouse they can win without Jade Idol), pushing control decks. I love this card. P.S. sorry for my english.
Dream Rogue Combo: Evolved Kobold (after being shadowstepped), Taldaram, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Razorpetal, Eviscerate. BAM 27 damage and hero power replaces any of the sinister strikes. Your hero power basically becomes "draw a combo piece".
maybe skulking gheist can be used against pirate warrior? ... proably a stupid suggestion since they aggro you down by that time ... Quest rogue? could be somewhat disrupted.
I think that unwilling sacrifice is only playable if things like Devilsaur Egg are on the board. That combo is a 6 mana "destroy a random enemy minion summon a 5/5 devilsaur"
The freeze support for Shaman is playable, they are helping the murloc package, Brrloc freeze to have a higher chance of it developing fully and being able to War leader the next turn. It also works with 1/3 weapon (assuming it will be playable). I think Brrrloc is underrated... If Duelyst taught me anything is... Believe in the 2/2 freezes to become the underrated but secretly most annoying asf card in the expansion for a token/zoo type deck x.x
They'll have a really small deck left so odds of drawing, Dr 7 into Tirion into N'zoth etc is a lot bigger after you've played that card. It might be a net positive, but the fact that dr 6. thins out your deck is equally important and that still happens even to a greater extent.
Secret Pally isn't that strong. I don't think I could be bothered to run a counter to that specific deck. Also eater of secrets is better for that purpose and also targets the actually relevant Freeze Mage mathup.
Reno decks in wild and Kazakus priest in standard are gonna be so damn fun. All the tech cards to shut down decks while I sit at 40 HP. Really hope priest hero is good or warlocks so I can go back to renolock in wild
I'm thinking there can be some kinda combo with Unlicensed Apothecary + Treachery. Like.. you give them a 5/5, sure, but now when they summon minions, they're gonna take 5 damage to the face. One idea I had would be something like... Apothecary -> Treachery -> Dorty Rat x2. They get a 5/5 + 2 of their minions without battlecries and take 10 damage, and you get two 2/6 taunts that aren't talking. I think there's got to be a better way to make this combo, but I don't know it. I'd love to hear some more ideas on this matter. :3
Desperate stand works extreem good with that one murloc that gives on death all your used spells back to your hand, you just can keep resummoning him and get all spells back :D Buff him up, and get all back :D
I think the thing he is missing is a unite the mucloc deck you can't afford to run a non mucloc minion so they didnt run glacial shard. This would make it in that deck to stall big minions while you destroy face. Also the 3 mana warlock card is underrated I think. Anything that destroys a minion is good. Would be amazing in zoo.
Eater of Secrets is a generalist tech against mage and paladin, but it's not an instant win even if you manage to play it with 1+ buffs. The merit is in its wider range of popular targets despite its relatively low payoff. Skulking Geist is almost a guaranteed win against exactly Jade Druid and also a strong card against Silence Priest. In high legend-where users run counter decks and hyper greedy control is a valid strategy-Skulking Geist is a very strong card in the "current meta", in which Jade Druid is a top-tier deck.
You underrate Brrloc a lot, a non-quest murloc shaman is REALLY close to being competitive. The moment shaman gets a one drop this card becomes a staple in a top-tier deck. Dude Tinyfin is playable in wild murloc shaman because of that murloc tag, it's worth A LOT
Oh, i love you jens
So if you play explore ungoro, and then the opponent plays skulking Geist does that destroy your entire deck?
augmenautus rex yeeeee
augmenautus rex yes, self mill warrior hype!!!
Explore ungoro is legitimately the worst card ever printed. Your deck becomes an arena deck that costs 1 more mana per card. So instead of a deck that you put together with all the good cards, you are paying a price to choose from all of the bad cards.
The only thing that explore un'goro has going for it is that you get the discover the card, which gives you the option to pick the right card for the situation.
And now the kripperinos wait....
isnt the idea behind unwilling sacrifice that you would use it to trigger a deathrattle minion that you cant usually eg a devilsaur egg on the same turn you play it so rather then waiting a turn to buff it and attack into something your paying 6mana for a 5/5 and minion removal?
you are also paying an extra card and you might even not remove the right target. also you must have both an egg on the board and sacrifice in your hand, so its too inconsistent
still, for a warlock, a minion is much cheaper than a mana crystal.
also we does not have much eggs. probably will see play if blizz add more eggs, but now....
Максим Ветров - its like deadly shot though the skill is are you able to engineer the board to get better value eg trade into your opponents lower cost minions and it punishes your opponent for dropping high value cards
Ян Котляров - Yeah mostly eggs are anti board clear so could maybe work in a new warlock deck we got nerubian with naxx so I so we are going to get more eggs it would make sense to get them this expansion. but I think if deathrattle warlock is a thing its will be a key engine in getting your affects off. I say eggs but if theres something like a sylvanas in this new set the ability to turn your delayed deathrattle effect into a instant cast might be useful so you can treat your deathrattles abit more like tech cards?
9:00 clearly the best part. Good job on that one Jens. Couldn't stop laughing for a while.
Man, if you watched the stream, Trump spent like 40 minutes trying to figure out Valeera. Jens is amazing.
The video editing in this series has been awesome and hilarious. Hats off to your editor!
Love the editing in this video. Well done!
Oh boy glad warlock is gonna be playable again
*sees card reveals*
Love the ending. Way to show support for Trump! As always, thanks for the HS content!
I don't think anyone has talked about this, but I think that the Valeera Deathknight is gonna be great in Jade Rogue (not like tier 1, because you might not draw it, but still). We saw back in Gadgetzan how good Brann got with a collection of cheap Jade Shaman cards to create a midrange deck that could ramp into some serious late game minions, and Valeera works not just with battlecries but Shurikens and Swarmers too. I don't think it's tier 1, but I could see it pushing Jade Rogue up to tier 2.
Seeing Trump get all those subs made me happy
that ending was amazing
Control decks teching in a Skulking Geist is a really good point. Will def be trying this out myself come the expansion.
but unwilling sac is a good way to pop eggs
geist also seems good in taunt control paladin, as the only deck that wrecks me (along with jade druid) is shaman due to devolve -> bloodlust
love the editing at 9:02. thanks for brighten up my day.
That Lilian Voss can change the Cursed Card cast by enemy to put a card (cost 2 mana) to opponents hand that deal 2 damages to the hero at the start of the turn while it in your hand, right?
I get that reference, sir.
For the record i drew another deathrattle card!!!
Shrish Vellore haaaa I see what you did there.
Shrish Vellore HANASE!!
Not quite, since Berserker Soul tosses away the cards to deal damage. If anything, this card is more like Super Koi Koi. Koi koi koi koi koiiii!
Nice meme tho :P
i love when jens sends trump flying around the screen when he says "WHOO! OOOO! HOOO!"
I used to think of you as the free win for the other team back on Fight Night. But I must say youve always been by far the most insightful reviewer. You should do some deeper videos Mayor!
Jens has really been nailing the animations and editing
Desperate Stand is pretty good on a divine shield deck, as it has synergy with that 3 mana minion that gives divine shield. Also, you can choose which minion to activate it on AND activate it on your turn. It is a much better redemption.
And I thought Skulking Geist targets the infamous Explore Un'Goro deck.
Ice Fishing is one of the few tutor cards in Hearthstone. Cool to see, improves consistency a lot.
That was some serious value gained that day XD
Am I crazy or does the rouge deathnight pair all to well with the rouge quest? Well at least I finally got that quest
Brrrloc is a part of building the freeze shaman deck. Also running Treachery with doomsayer and felreaver might be good in a wild mild warlock deck.
Jens awesome job with the edition
Love it.
Finally mill rogue has a chance against jade druid
+tygonmaster I don't know, maybe he had not drawn into them yet?
I still have the HSreplay on it. go to "L2f759sFfe9rUxMBkV8cGS"
Used to run Mill rogue... rogue shoulda been smart to not make you draw until it was making you burn cards. Seems like a poor player :V
not acyually
it feels good when burn good cards to your oponent
the only bad sinario id u dont get any murloc until u lose
I killed a mill rogue with greedy priest, he didn't expect me to have stolen multiple coldlights, he had only played one gang up, I milled the mill. It was so satisfying.
A pretty sweet combo would be to play Valeera the Hollow when you have a 0 cost Arcane Giant in your hand. Then you play the DK hero + two 8/8 in one turn, and you get stealth which pretty much ensures that you won't die next turn.
Turn 2 you play burrloc and freeze the enemy minion, turn 3 you play warleader and use the now buffed burrloc to clear the frozen minion and you still have a burrloc
That's the dream but it'd be too inconsistent and that's what card games are all about, rip
Lul because Hearthstone any consistency
Druid can play 2 2/2's on turn 1 and then buff them on turn 2. If you play a 2 mana 2/2 you are going to lose the game by turn 6
Yotam Shitrit you obviously have to follow it up with a 4 mana 7/7
turn 3 u use icebreaker. it's clearly meant for taunt minions.
Redemption was a fairly common inclusion in Paladin decks when secrets triggered on your turn. Being one mana or two doesn't matter when you get a Tirion back. I wouldn't be surprised to see Desperate Stand see play.
My first thought with the deathknight valeera is in c'thun rogue, valeera the hallow on 9, c'thun on turn 10, shadow reflections c'thun on 11.
I get his point on Roll The Bones but I've also tried out the Wrathion deck and I've gotten both sides of the spectrum with him. Times when he draws you one card and times when he draws so many cards that I overdraw my hand.
Every single time Trump says "it'll never see play" I'm already waiting to see it in a tournament.
Cast again... Wonder how I can use that effectively...
Idk valeera seems like it could work with jade rogue, a deck that has crumbled ever since the jaderattle cards rotated out
Coin ice fishing, brrloc to freeze the 2 drop, warleader maybe? Suppose it doesn't work unless they play a 1 attk 1 drop but maybe if the meta slows down?
Valeera the hollow, doesn't keep memory of the previous turn card does it ? otherwise it would be infinite value with battlecry minion+ shadowstep ?
I think Skulking Geist is also pretty good against the Lilian Voss deck incase that deck becomes good. Kills razor petals, cold bloods, xeril potions, hallucinate and such
Skulking Geist also destroys Explore Un'Goro Warrior. Why is no one mentioning this?
The Almighty Arceus because it is a crap that no one uses
Cursos Profissionais I've reached Rank 20 with Explore Un'Goro Warrior so I know it's a threat to be dealt with
The Almighty Arceus because rank 20 is where the meta rank is and so isn't a noob rank kappa. You just need (little) skill to get out of that rank.
You must be invited to loads of parties man, you seem like a person anyone would love to hang around with.
Feel free to take that literally as well.
The sub flood at the end was great.
How skulking geist works with cards changing manacost (sorcerer's aprentice, radiant elemental, Thaurissan, new nerubian unraveler)? Of course it removes cards from deck, but what about hand?
learn to read bruh
In this video Trump slaughters his opponents with RNG bonuses from his all-golden deck.
What opponents? Twitch chat?
LOL! That value at the end! Mayor of Value Town indeed!
Trump-what about quest pally? most of their buffs are 1 cost, and it will destroy secrets too. Additionally, the razorleaf into lillian voss is actually good, it could possibly counter that ?
Valeera the Hollow for mill rogue?
Can Skulking Geist kill paladin secrets? Or quest cards?
brrrlock is a trade off of the glacial shard but its a murloc if your running a shaman murloc deck. could be good
It's also worth mentioning Skulking Giest is like a poor man's Hemet, except it doesn't destroy minions that have low cost but might be playable. For example, if you're playing Murloc Paladin, and you end up in the late game, chances are you don't want to draw Smuggler's Run, but you do want to draw more Murlocs to play on the board. Hence, the 4/6 minion can see a niche purpose in not only countering Jade Druid, but it can also benefit your card draw in the late game.
Also somebody at Blizzard PLEASE make the Explore Un'Goro cards 0 mana.
Desperate Stand seems to be a great card for the Divine Shield Paladin that they are currently pushing.
If you moat lurker enemy deathwing, then treachery it and kill it, will the deathwing be on your board?
Death's Shadow + N'Zoth = Good times?
Or does the shadow reflection disappear at the end of the turn?
I'm going to be unwilling sacrifice's hypeman. Zoo is coming back. Spawn of N'Zoth could actually be viable with this card. Devilsaur egg, runic egg, and twilight summoner (although this isn't an entirely worthwhile card) work with it too. It gives you yet another activator for the deathrattles and removal. These also lead to some great synergy with Darkshire Councilman which has been lonely since forbidden ritual had left the meta.
remember what happend last time when you underestamaited roge legendary :DDDD
Did they reveal the warlock gul'dan death knight card yet??
Of Death's Shadow: "It seems to compare poorly with build a beast..."
Oh Trump, you'll be regretting those words.
Unwilling sacrifice would work well in a deathrattle deck or maybe zoolock, where you sacrifice a small minion to bypass taunt.
I might be in way over my head, but Skulking Geist also destroys the South Sea Deckhand, x3 Cold Blood combo Trump mentioned.
Valeera seems like a combo card to me. Even if you only have one shadow reflection in your hand you can use it to drop three eviscerates in a turn. Maybe a return of Malygos rogue?
Finally we get a counter to quest hunter in Skulking Geist.
it's blowing my mind how people think brrloc is bad. exactly as Trump's mindset "it's glacial shard for 1 mana more, w/ only 1 more health".
what if......
you ran BOTH OF THEM. it's not one or the other. you're allowed to run BOTH.
holy shit, what a concept. now you have a 1 drop freeze AND a two drop freeze. easily build up your board w/o worrying about enemy minions killing your board.
Crash Bandicoot WOAH
Even if it had 1 more attack it would still be strictly worse than glacial shard. Sure you can run both. But its not really that good outside of a murloc deck.
And while your playing your stat inefficient minions they're playing 2/3's
What if you had that one naga card that makes all your cards cost 5? Does the geist still destroy the spell?
Do you think that blizzard might add some cards to the set with tournaments in mind?
young preist into shadow ascendant 2 2/3s on 2. What value into cabal shadow priest.
Skulking Geist is very interesting in many ways.
Let's speak about what cards it will destroy in current meta from tier1-2 decks, and will be it playable in this decks too:
Freeze\Control mage - nothing to destroy! Only cards generated with some kind of discovery, so it's a very nice tech for this deck because it will help to win the worst match up (Jade druid) - but not because of destroying Jade Idol, but because of destroying Earthen Scales! Great card for this deck.
Pirate Warrior - Upgrade!, not a big deal, so this card is useless against it. And of course it useless in pirate warrior list too (as in all aggro lists of other classes).
Token Shaman - unplayable in this deck, but awesome against! Let's say you play some kind of control deck against shaman. They have 2 win conditions in this case - board and Bloodlust and the second one is Doppelgangster + Evolve. So you remove Evolve from their deck and the only thing you must care about is his board. The Nice tool against Shaman!
Aggro druid - as always unplayable in this deck, and not useless against, because you can remove Mark of the Lotus from their hand after they played their Living Mana.
Jade druid - oh baby, I have no words. It will help control decks to be good again (because of destroying Jade Idol), and will help some of them to win with the help of destroying the Earthen Scales.
Miracle Rogue - I don't think it playable here (becouse Jade is a good matchup anyway), but it good agains becouse of Hallucination (and if you play control restrict enemy's card generation is a key to win) and sometimes Razorpetal and Cold Blood will be removed too.
All kind of Priest - here I also dont think that it will be helpful here, becouse of many playble cards for 1 mana in priest, but against: Power Word: Shield, Potion of Madness and sometimes Inner Fire - yes baby.
Midrange\Control Paladin - bad against, but a very nice tech tool for this deck.
And my favorite: TAUNT WARRIOR. Or my god its soooo good here (and so bad against). If you mulligan your quest against aggro, you can just remove it and have good defensive top decks (except Whirlwind). If you play against control the only thing you lose is 1 Whirlwind (of course you will not play Shield Slam if you play this card). Two worst matchups for this deck are Jade Druid and Miracle Rogue - and it will help with first a lot! and with second a little bit.
So let's make some conclusions: Very good card to play in Taunt Warrior, Conroll Mage and some sorts of Paladin. It will help this decks to counter the worst matchup - Jade Druid, and help a little bit in many other matchups (either aggro and control) with Tier1-2 decks. Bad cards to play in aggro decks. And a nice tool to restrict Jade Druid not removing them at all (becouse they can win without Jade Idol), pushing control decks.
I love this card.
P.S. sorry for my english.
At 9:17 he forgot about our best friend, ticking abomination!
how come the arcane giant they had in gameplay had 0 mana if it doesn't copy the mana cost
Dream Rogue Combo:
Evolved Kobold (after being shadowstepped), Taldaram, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Razorpetal, Eviscerate. BAM 27 damage and hero power replaces any of the sinister strikes. Your hero power basically becomes "draw a combo piece".
wouldnt that valeera be decent for quest rogue to have a chance late? :')
maybe skulking gheist can be used against pirate warrior? ... proably a stupid suggestion since they aggro you down by that time ... Quest rogue? could be somewhat disrupted.
Atrias Rienn 1 mana SPELLS. Does jack all against those decks.
oh ... fml ... i read cards.
Valleera the hollow in a jade rouge?
_Zazz_ Did you forget jade idle is only in druid?
Casey Craft yes i did, sorry.....
6:46 it says any card so corpse flower?
I think that unwilling sacrifice is only playable if things like Devilsaur Egg are on the board. That combo is a 6 mana "destroy a random enemy minion summon a 5/5 devilsaur"
The freeze support for Shaman is playable, they are helping the murloc package, Brrloc freeze to have a higher chance of it developing fully and being able to War leader the next turn. It also works with 1/3 weapon (assuming it will be playable). I think Brrrloc is underrated... If Duelyst taught me anything is... Believe in the 2/2 freezes to become the underrated but secretly most annoying asf card in the expansion for a token/zoo type deck x.x
lololol all those prime subs got you good Trump, such pranksters indeed
Top notch editing this reveal
Geist is good against secret pally...
if you play him before buisness-man...
and play wild
They'll have a really small deck left so odds of drawing, Dr 7 into Tirion into N'zoth etc is a lot bigger after you've played that card. It might be a net positive, but the fact that dr 6. thins out your deck is equally important and that still happens even to a greater extent.
Sure but Trump doesn't consider Wild in these reviews.
Secret Pally isn't that strong. I don't think I could be bothered to run a counter to that specific deck. Also eater of secrets is better for that purpose and also targets the actually relevant Freeze Mage mathup.
Trump roasting Twitch comments is the best part of any episode.
Reno decks in wild and Kazakus priest in standard are gonna be so damn fun. All the tech cards to shut down decks while I sit at 40 HP. Really hope priest hero is good or warlocks so I can go back to renolock in wild
If you play Deathwing Dragonlord as Valeera, does it summon the shadow copy from your hand if it dies on your opponent's turn?
I think the shadow copy ends on your turn, therefore it would have to die somehow on the same turn you played it.
I'm thinking there can be some kinda combo with Unlicensed Apothecary + Treachery. Like.. you give them a 5/5, sure, but now when they summon minions, they're gonna take 5 damage to the face.
One idea I had would be something like... Apothecary -> Treachery -> Dorty Rat x2. They get a 5/5 + 2 of their minions without battlecries and take 10 damage, and you get two 2/6 taunts that aren't talking.
I think there's got to be a better way to make this combo, but I don't know it. I'd love to hear some more ideas on this matter. :3
I know it said mid-August, but is there 1 more week left of before the Frozen cards release?
With DK valeera, your counterfeit coin becomes an innervate, wow!
Desperate stand works extreem good with that one murloc that gives on death all your used spells back to your hand, you just can keep resummoning him and get all spells back :D Buff him up, and get all back :D
Wait...Xaril isn't wild yet. So you can run Xaril with LIlian Voss. Right?
Omg hahaha this video was awesome! My favorite was the very end xD hahah
Can you have more than one shadow reflection in your hand at a time?
bri ski no, it dissapears at the end of youre turn If you didnt use it
Okay... what if I discover a spell from the other class and discount it, does the shadow reflection also have that discount?
No, it will be replaced next turn, even if it copied another card and you didn't cast it...
I think the thing he is missing is a unite the mucloc deck you can't afford to run a non mucloc minion so they didnt run glacial shard. This would make it in that deck to stall big minions while you destroy face. Also the 3 mana warlock card is underrated I think. Anything that destroys a minion is good. Would be amazing in zoo.
Skulking geist is also good against miracle/aggro rouge.
why the reupload?
Wait the king can be copied right? So two kings with ten mana left over is pretty good right?
Valeera the hollow in miracle rogue?
Treachery could also work with ticking abomination. Would rarely see play though. Too expensive
Eater of Secrets is a generalist tech against mage and paladin, but it's not an instant win even if you manage to play it with 1+ buffs. The merit is in its wider range of popular targets despite its relatively low payoff. Skulking Geist is almost a guaranteed win against exactly Jade Druid and also a strong card against Silence Priest. In high legend-where users run counter decks and hyper greedy control is a valid strategy-Skulking Geist is a very strong card in the "current meta", in which Jade Druid is a top-tier deck.
In wild, the Rogue death knight makes the brann + shadowcaster bullshit a lot more consistent to pull off (but a lot harder to plan out).
If this existed in the same timeline as xaril? but xaril is in standard atm bcs its a wotog card.
Unlimited head cracks with Valeria?
You underrate Brrloc a lot, a non-quest murloc shaman is REALLY close to being competitive. The moment shaman gets a one drop this card becomes a staple in a top-tier deck.
Dude Tinyfin is playable in wild murloc shaman because of that murloc tag, it's worth A LOT
What was that last bit at the end?