I got to do the mic check for Maynard at morning rehearsal at the stadium at Nebraska football game. I was the guy that had memorized Gonna Fly Now and could actually hit the notes. We did an all Maynard halftime show and Maynard took the field for Gonna Fly Now. He said “I knew I would pack the place.lol”. Maynard did a concert next door the next night. We all took our trumpets and played along to “Hey Jude”. That night I drove Maynards band guys to our after parties in my ‘79 Chevy Station Wagon. Good memories.
People are always surprised when we talk about the concerts we've gone to when I confess, the person I've seen the most all time is: Maynard Ferguson. Saw him the first time as a high school sophomore, and man....we stalked his Big Band through multiple states over multiple years. I remember one show, was poolside at a freaking country club outside of Canton OH. We were literally 5 feet from the band, and got to talk to them during the sets. Maynard sat down at our table and talked to us about music (table full of high school and college brass players) and life on the road. He laughed when my one friend requested Malaguena..... then got the band to play it! Dude was a legend!
Oh my gosh guys!!! Since 1970 Maynard has been with me and this incredible arrangement is proof that the legend lives on. Wayne, your trumpet is just like Maynard's, a weapon!
My band director in junior high was a really good friend of Maynard. Our trumpet section got to do two days of one on one with him. My most favorite memory of playing trumpet in school.
Heard the original band live in '72 (50 years, really?) at Hiram College. Hey Jude was the encore. The trumpet section, including Stan Mark with his afro and Dennis Noday, disappeared from the bandstand. MF played the opening verse on DiBlasio's soprano sax. We were all engrossed in the solos, waiting for the chorus, when the trumpet section entered, one in each aisle, from the back of the auditorium. What a sound. Never forget it. Got a speeding ticket on the way home.
Bruce Johnson was the bari sax player in 72 Deblasio never played with Bruce. So your years are off Dennis joined the band after the recording of live at jimmy’s which was in 1974 Not to be a buzz kill but this is simply impossible. Had to be 1975 or later
@@jerryconnolly2093 Hey Jerry, appreciate the correction about DiBlasio. Who was in the sax section in '72 (which is when I saw the band for the first time)? The point of the post was MF playing the opening line of Hey Jude on someone' soprano sax at the end of a 2-hr show. Multi-talented guy.
I was very fortunate to get the opportunity to see Maynard perform live. I was 19 years old at the time and had been devoted to Jazz all though my junior high and senior high school years.
Great to hear this update to a classic. This song changed my life in an amazing way in 1973 or 74. I was lead trumpet in my HS band and the other 3 first chairs were outside of the band room in one of their cars. They called me over and told me to get in the car and listen. They had an eight track of MF Horn 2 and cranked up Hey Jude!!!! That was my intro to Maynard and I’ve been a fanatic ever since!
I was the body guard for Maynard at the Tecumseh Civic Auditorium! I met Maynard long enough afterwards to sign a empty champagne bottle left after his concert in my home town of Tecumseh, Michigan! I knew jazz great and saxophonist Tim Ries from my Highschool who played with Maynard during that concert!
What can be said about Wayne Bergeron's awesome talent that hasn't already been said. Just say Wayne and trumpet players everywhere just nod and say "Yeah."
a lot relies on Wayne a cappella opening this … Wow! (Wayne, I saw u w MF in 1988 60th 🎉 G Am M Hall in SF!). Yes, WB relays the full-scale dimensionality of MF’s timbre, voltage , ah, as well as his Compositional Sensibility altogether! 🎺 🙇♂️ ;) i luv this (and the Band, here, o yeh! ❤)
This group absolutely grows my heart. While working at tacobell during my teen years, I used to buy Tom Garling arrangements of Maynard's charts for my HS jazz band. Christian Jacob is wonderful. I would have loved to see Scooter (Scott Englebright) on this...Some of my fav lead work was done by him
Wonderful performance. Played trumpet 🎺 4th-12th grades because my older brother played Maynard Ferguson for me. Fortunate enough to see him live many times, and open for him my senior year at Fridley High School in Minnesota. Thanks for a great trip down memory lane.
Back in 84' , we had the pleasure at an UIL comp. Maynard concert in Lawton OK. He asked all of us to go and get our instruments out of the busses, and when we got back into the auditorium, we played this song. It was epic. I'll never forget it
My high school friend Mike Migliore, may he rest in peace, played many years with Maynard Ferguson band, Peter Erskine was in the band at the time. Mike told me the horn players would go out and run to keep their wind up. They asked Peter to run one day and apparently he out ran all of them. Oh to be young again!
I first saw Maynard Ferguson playing in the Garden Plaza in Disneyland in the mid-70's and have been a fan of his ever since. I appreciated the Tribute.
wow....This was amazing. I was a huge Maynard Ferguson fan ever since he did a trumpet clinic for the local high schools in Daytona Beach where he was performing a concert. I was hooked then and have been ever since.
When I played with Maceo Parker, Ron Tooley was in the band. We ended one of our tunes on the NaNa Na Na part, with Tooley KILLING the top end! I don’t know how I got to the end of the song being brought to tears every night!
I grew up as a trumpeter following Herb Alpert, Rafael Mendez and of course Maynard Ferguson who I got to see several times in concert. Every time Maynard put his drink down, I knew he was ready to blast away.
I'm an old guy! In 1973 I got to hear Lin Biviano play this with Maynard and in 1974 I got to hear Lynn Nicholson play it with him! The thing that impressed me so much about Lynn Nicholson was his intonation up there! His intonation was actually better than Biviano and Maynard, he was also a much more humble guy! Over the years I have heard lots of screamers and Lynn Nicholson is my favorite!
So great. And so thankful as a trumpet player myself, that I had the ultimate privilege of seeing MF perform this live. A memory I will NEVER forget 🙏❤️
I first heard MF in high school, in the 70s. I had the privilege of going to a number of his concerts over the next ten years or so. Thanks for this tribute.
I was totally invited and accepted this wonderful invitation into yet another great opportunity to re appreciate Maynard and his co musicians, including this amazing ensemble.
Not bad. My High School Stage Band in Louisiana did this in 1977. But we held the last note out for over a minute with 5 trumpet players. That was in the day of Maynard. We all idolized him and practiced until out lips bled. And then practiced more.
Nice tribute to Maynard and I gotta say, Wayne is superhuman. Perfectly in control with precise intonation even in the most extreme upper register and he;s still going strong after all these years. Everyone was great also!
Met Maynard once at a jazz fest, the youth band I was in opened the festival back in the mid 90's. Not the most friendly guy, could have just been having an off day. Still one of the most legendary horn players imo and amazing to listen to him play. This was a nice tribute. Got to meet a lot of really great folks at those festivals, TS Monk, Diana Krall. Except Sonny Rollins, he was just a straight up prick. They can't all be winners I guess. lol
Mind blowing to a high school junior who had never heard a big band- ever. Changed my life. Akron, 1984. Some (ignorance) likes to tarnish Maynard. Not I.
Louis Dowdeswell and gang always do justice to anything they do. They are underestimated or just don't get the notoriety they deserve. Simply wonderful!
somewhere between 1978-82 I was able to see MF live in Carnegie Hall, NYC - something I will never forget. Amazing show and sound volume was something else. People said you could hear it outside. Very nice rendition. very enjoyable.
Thst was...... Amazing. Got to meet Maynard while in college and he was not only a great performer (hearing his trumpet scream was breathtaking) but he was a nice person to talk with.
How generous was Maynard ? We had a local big band call Sessions big band here in St.Louis . When the trombone play Keith Ellis died unexpectedly in 2000 . There was a tribute played at the old West Port Play House . Maynard made a guest appearance also as guest Nick Brignola Bari Sax. Ferguson and Brignola played their heart and souls out for Keith . Those of us who knew Keith personally got to see and hear one of the most memorable performances . Sessions big band, obviously was well know to Ferguson and Brignola .
I had the privilege of hearing Maynard play this a number of times. Any time he was in Oklahoma, I would go see him. He was the soundtrack of my high school and college years. You do him credit with this performance
Wow! I recognize Peter Erskine on the drums. I first saw Mr. Erskine many years ago with the Stan Kenton Band. Peter is one of the greatest drummers I have ever heard. I saw Maynard do this one live shortly the Beatles released the tune. I will never forget that night. It turned me on to jazz in a big way. By the way I have been playing the drums since 1970.
I got ts see Maynard Ferguson perform in the late 1970s in Detroit. Fantastic show, but I honestly don't remember if he played "Hey Jude." Probably he did. Props to Wayne for this touching cover. Maynard definitely had a very special and unique sound.
Absolutely! He was playing on the MF band the first time I saw them in 1977-ish (and of course they ended the concert with Hey Jude). I’m surprised that he needed to look at the chart at all.
I got to do the mic check for Maynard at morning rehearsal at the stadium at Nebraska football game. I was the guy that had memorized Gonna Fly Now and could actually hit the notes. We did an all Maynard halftime show and Maynard took the field for Gonna Fly Now. He said “I knew I would pack the place.lol”. Maynard did a concert next door the next night. We all took our trumpets and played along to “Hey Jude”. That night I drove Maynards band guys to our after parties in my ‘79 Chevy Station Wagon. Good memories.
Awesome story Jeff...ty for sharing!
Amazing to have met ‘the boss’!!!
What a privilege to meet “ONE” of the greatest trumpet players “EVER” RIP Maynard.
Such fond memories! So awesome ❤
Fantastic I just simply love this.
People are always surprised when we talk about the concerts we've gone to when I confess, the person I've seen the most all time is: Maynard Ferguson. Saw him the first time as a high school sophomore, and man....we stalked his Big Band through multiple states over multiple years. I remember one show, was poolside at a freaking country club outside of Canton OH. We were literally 5 feet from the band, and got to talk to them during the sets. Maynard sat down at our table and talked to us about music (table full of high school and college brass players) and life on the road. He laughed when my one friend requested Malaguena..... then got the band to play it! Dude was a legend!
That’s the one!! I was there too!
Oh my gosh guys!!! Since 1970 Maynard has been with me and this incredible arrangement is proof that the legend lives on. Wayne, your trumpet is just like Maynard's, a weapon!
Hey Jude is a lip killer for the trumpet section! 🎺 No problem for these guys.
My band director in junior high was a really good friend of Maynard. Our trumpet section got to do two days of one on one with him. My most favorite memory of playing trumpet in school.
I love louis's smile at 3:36
Heard the original band live in '72 (50 years, really?) at Hiram College. Hey Jude was the encore. The trumpet section, including Stan Mark with his afro and Dennis Noday, disappeared from the bandstand. MF played the opening verse on DiBlasio's soprano sax. We were all engrossed in the solos, waiting for the chorus, when the trumpet section entered, one in each aisle, from the back of the auditorium. What a sound. Never forget it. Got a speeding ticket on the way home.
Great story...oops about the speeding tix
ruclips.net/video/urmOFfg67Uw/видео.html hittin that intro hard lol
Our Stage Band saw them in Cleveland about 1975, same thing, incredible fun and the trumpets pouring in from back doors was incredible to experience.
Bruce Johnson was the bari sax player in 72 Deblasio never played with Bruce. So your years are off Dennis joined the band after the recording of live at jimmy’s which was in 1974 Not to be a buzz kill but this is simply impossible. Had to be 1975 or later
@@jerryconnolly2093 Hey Jerry, appreciate the correction about DiBlasio. Who was in the sax section in '72 (which is when I saw the band for the first time)? The point of the post was MF playing the opening line of Hey Jude on someone' soprano sax at the end of a 2-hr show. Multi-talented guy.
Absolutely great arrangement and performance that does right for Maynard, a man I met and played with once.
Maynard signed my trumpet. I treasure that
He signed my case in the parking lot after a show in South Florida
Incredible playing there by Wayne. Good to see little Louie Dowdeswell there in the section too
No doubt, he was really under-utilized tho
😢 so good. It brings a tear to my eye…
"Little Louie?" More like monstrous stud of studs when it comes to trumpet playing!
Saw Maynard half dozen times in Miami in the 1970's. What great memories. A man that loved his craft!
I was very fortunate to get the opportunity to see Maynard perform live. I was 19 years old at the time and had been devoted to Jazz all though my junior high and senior high school years.
Great to hear this update to a classic. This song changed my life in an amazing way in 1973 or 74. I was lead trumpet in my HS band and the other 3 first chairs were outside of the band room in one of their cars. They called me over and told me to get in the car and listen. They had an eight track of MF Horn 2 and cranked up Hey Jude!!!! That was my intro to Maynard and I’ve been a fanatic ever since!
This band is really good. Stumbled on to them somehow. Wow
I was the body guard for Maynard at the Tecumseh Civic Auditorium! I met Maynard long enough afterwards to sign a empty champagne bottle left after his concert in my home town of Tecumseh, Michigan! I knew jazz great and saxophonist Tim Ries from my Highschool who played with Maynard during that concert!
Glad this brought back fond memories with Maynard. 🙌
Flippin Amazing. Maynard would be proud.
And they all look like they’re strolling through the park.
I’ve always envied dudes who can stay so cool while working so hard
What can be said about Wayne Bergeron's awesome talent that hasn't already been said. Just say Wayne and trumpet players everywhere just nod and say "Yeah."
a lot relies on Wayne a cappella opening this …
Wow! (Wayne, I saw u w MF in 1988 60th 🎉 G Am M Hall in SF!).
Yes, WB relays the full-scale dimensionality of MF’s timbre, voltage , ah, as well as his Compositional Sensibility altogether! 🎺
🙇♂️ ;) i luv this (and the Band, here, o yeh! ❤)
My favorite chart of all time to play
Excellent.....RIP Mr Maynard
This group absolutely grows my heart. While working at tacobell during my teen years, I used to buy Tom Garling arrangements of Maynard's charts for my HS jazz band. Christian Jacob is wonderful. I would have loved to see Scooter (Scott Englebright) on this...Some of my fav lead work was done by him
Beautiful Gents!!
Maynard Ferguson the Boss
Outstanding!!! I'm sure everyone will enjoy this. Jay Constantino, Retired Lead Trumpet, Air Force Band of Mid America.
Very well done! I had the pleasure of producing Maynard in San Diego for 4 concerts in the 70’s. Neat memories!
Wonderful performance. Played trumpet 🎺 4th-12th grades because my older brother played Maynard Ferguson for me. Fortunate enough to see him live many times, and open for him my senior year at Fridley High School in Minnesota. Thanks for a great trip down memory lane.
This is comepletely astonishing, these men and women did an incredible job!
Back in 84' , we had the pleasure at an UIL comp. Maynard concert in Lawton OK. He asked all of us to go and get our instruments out of the busses, and when we got back into the auditorium, we played this song. It was epic. I'll never forget it
My high school friend Mike Migliore, may he rest in peace, played many years with Maynard Ferguson band, Peter Erskine was in the band at the time. Mike told me the horn players would go out and run to keep their wind up. They asked Peter to run one day and apparently he out ran all of them. Oh to be young again!
Wein-Brilliant and Blassing of God!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!💥💥💥🎺🎺🎺🔥🔥🔥
I first saw Maynard Ferguson playing in the Garden Plaza in Disneyland in the mid-70's and have been a fan of his ever since. I appreciated the Tribute.
wow....This was amazing. I was a huge Maynard Ferguson fan ever since he did a trumpet clinic for the local high schools in Daytona Beach where he was performing a concert. I was hooked then and have been ever since.
When I played with Maceo Parker, Ron Tooley was in the band. We ended one of our tunes on the NaNa Na Na part, with Tooley KILLING the top end! I don’t know how I got to the end of the song being brought to tears every night!
I grew up as a trumpeter following Herb Alpert, Rafael Mendez and of course Maynard Ferguson who I got to see several times in concert. Every time Maynard put his drink down, I knew he was ready to blast away.
Habe es mir schon so oft angeschaut, es zaubert mir immer wieder ein Lächeln ins Gesicht. Absolut spitze!
I want to hear Louis, Ryan and Wayne hold that high F then Lyn Nicholson play a triple F above it. Nice
Wayne could but to much internal bleeding ..
I actually thought Lin Biviano was the lead player to go to on this piece. He took big risks sometimes and was just crazy!
I wish they invited Lynn for that piece 😕...playing that triple F for sure
I'm an old guy! In 1973 I got to hear Lin Biviano play this with Maynard and in 1974 I got to hear Lynn Nicholson play it with him! The thing that impressed me so much about Lynn Nicholson was his intonation up there! His intonation was actually better than Biviano and Maynard, he was also a much more humble guy! Over the years I have heard lots of screamers and Lynn Nicholson is my favorite!
@@wythetrumpet6419 yes .. I have a friend that took lessons with Lynn he said the sound was incredible.. that is why he wear ear protection..
that sounds Wonderfull, its 6 a Clock in the morning and there is a heard Day coming LOVE you make my day
So great. And so thankful as a trumpet player myself, that I had the ultimate privilege of seeing MF perform this live. A memory I will NEVER forget 🙏❤️
I first heard MF in high school, in the 70s. I had the privilege of going to a number of his concerts over the next ten years or so. Thanks for this tribute.
I was totally invited and accepted this wonderful invitation into yet another great opportunity to re appreciate Maynard and his co musicians, including this amazing ensemble.
Yes amazing beautiful 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
This lead guy is on point. Chops of steel
Not bad. My High School Stage Band in Louisiana did this in 1977. But we held the last note out for over a minute with 5 trumpet players. That was in the day of Maynard. We all idolized him and practiced until out lips bled. And then practiced more.
Nice tribute to Maynard and I gotta say, Wayne is superhuman. Perfectly in control with precise intonation even in the most extreme upper register and he;s still going strong after all these years. Everyone was great also!
Met Maynard once at a jazz fest, the youth band I was in opened the festival back in the mid 90's. Not the most friendly guy, could have just been having an off day. Still one of the most legendary horn players imo and amazing to listen to him play. This was a nice tribute. Got to meet a lot of really great folks at those festivals, TS Monk, Diana Krall. Except Sonny Rollins, he was just a straight up prick. They can't all be winners I guess. lol
I sponsored him with the Carbondale HS and SIU in 1974 I think. He was humble with us.
As a former high school and college trumpet player who saw Maynard multiple times is the 70s I’m loving this. Thanks for posting.
Mind blowing to a high school junior who had never heard a big band- ever. Changed my life. Akron, 1984.
Some (ignorance) likes to tarnish Maynard. Not I.
Loved this. Brings memories back of playing trumpet and seeing MF live. Loved his style.
Come on Jude don't let me down! 🏴⚽❤️
What a great rendition of "Hey Jude
Perfect version. Makes me think of the 1983 or 1984 Montreal Concert. Long live Maynard Ferguson.
Amazing, wonderful, no more words!
I loved that Scandivol lick
Louis Dowdeswell and gang always do justice to anything they do. They are underestimated or just don't get the notoriety they deserve. Simply wonderful!
I love the way that Maynard and his successor had the best time involving the whole band.
Beautiful job.
somewhere between 1978-82 I was able to see MF live in Carnegie Hall, NYC - something I will never forget. Amazing show and sound volume was something else. People said you could hear it outside. Very nice rendition. very enjoyable.
Thst was...... Amazing. Got to meet Maynard while in college and he was not only a great performer (hearing his trumpet scream was breathtaking) but he was a nice person to talk with.
How generous was Maynard ? We had a local big band call Sessions big band here in St.Louis . When the trombone play Keith Ellis died unexpectedly in 2000 . There was a tribute played at the old West Port Play House . Maynard made a guest appearance also as guest
Nick Brignola Bari Sax. Ferguson and Brignola played their heart and souls out for Keith . Those of us who knew Keith personally got to see and hear one of the most memorable performances . Sessions big band, obviously was well know to Ferguson and Brignola .
Wow! nice work, have to admit, shed a tear once the vocals came in.
It definitely was beautiful enough! R.I.P. Maynard
I had the privilege of hearing Maynard play this a number of times. Any time he was in Oklahoma, I would go see him. He was the soundtrack of my high school and college years. You do him credit with this performance
I know he put decades into the craft, but he makes trumpet shakes up in the stratoshpere look soooo effortless that I sorta want to retire my horn.
Trumpets 🎺 heavenly sound! 😍 RIP Maynard ⭐️ great HD video editing And audio. Thx for posting
Wow, !!
Wow! I recognize Peter Erskine on the drums. I first saw Mr. Erskine many years ago with the Stan Kenton Band. Peter is one of the greatest drummers I have ever heard. I saw Maynard do this one live shortly the Beatles released the tune. I will never forget that night. It turned me on to jazz in a big way. By the way I have been playing the drums since 1970.
I am a trumpet player and absolutely LOVE this performance for obvious reasons, but even I have 3 or so pairs of Peter Erskine Signature drumsticks! 🤣
Superbe !!!!!
Je les ai écoutés à la fête de dax …. Vraiment forts !!!!?
This is so great! I love jazz and The Beatles.
INCREDIBLE !!!!!!!!!!
still beautiful !
What a wonderful job by everyone!! thanks for this post!
!. Grandes paises, dan grandes musicos.!!!.
Viva EE UU.!!! y los Estados Desunidos de Latinoamérica.!!!.
So Glad to have seen him I got to go back stage with his band Sounds great guys love it just a play on words but keep rocking in the new world Ty
I got ts see Maynard Ferguson perform in the late 1970s in Detroit. Fantastic show, but I honestly don't remember if he played "Hey Jude." Probably he did. Props to Wayne for this touching cover. Maynard definitely had a very special and unique sound.
….simply geil! THX ❤
Monstrueux, superbe, merci beaucoup (thanks a lot), great great
Monstrous chops indeed
It's interesting how Maynard's arrangements live on. Even those from the 60s. Really tight group here. Nice work.
just wonderful
Great version!!!
this is a masterpiece, glad to hear such a magical cover
Fantastic all! A wonderful throwback performance to the man the guys in the band called The Boss. Thank you all for this!
Saw Maynard in ~1993, he was amazing. Thought he might blow a blood vessel in his brain, but absolutely amazing.
Wayne this is incredible. Thank you for this! ❤
One of the most incredible rendition on Hey Jude that i have come across.... 👏👏👏
Que indecência esses trumpetistas nota mil👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏.
Excelente y Maravilloso Arreglo.
Marvellous. Uauuuuuuu. Great
Is that Peter Erskine I see on drums?
The man is a legend
Absolutely! He was playing on the MF band the first time I saw them in 1977-ish (and of course they ended the concert with Hey Jude). I’m surprised that he needed to look at the chart at all.
Beyond amazing, by ALL INVOLVED!❤️
The best I have heard in years! Fabulous!
Thank you 🙏
Que hermoso les quedó👌, muchas felicidades a todos los músicos 😍😍😍