영어는 차근차근 꾸준히 지금 아시는 단어를 사용하여 많은 문장들을 만들고 말하는 것이 좋을 것 같습니다. 캐나다에서 많은 장소 (커피숍, 수퍼, 식당, 등등)에서 영어를 실생활에서 사용하는 것도 좋은 방법이라 생각합니다. 영어 공부하시면서 질문 있으시면 알려 주세요 화이팅입니다
Thank you for your question Be of + 명사 / 구조의 영어 패턴입니다 요즘은 많이 사용하지는 않지만 관용적으로 사용하는 몇개의 표현들이 있습니다 참고 / Be of + 명사 = be + 형용사 / 같은 뉘앙스입니다 요즘은 be + 형용사 구조를 더 많이 사용합니다 He would be of help = He would be helpful This is of use = This is useful He is of age to drink Could I be of any assistance to you? Sunshine English is of benefit to everyone learning English Would this lesson be of any interest to you? 기타 등등 거의 관용적으로 사용합니다 같은 의미를 다를 방법으로 표현할 수 있습니다 말씀드린 것처럼 be + 형용사 Thank you and have a great day
영상 완강하고 질문합니다. 간간히 틀린 문장도 있었지만 대부분 바르게 말할 수 있어 좋았습니다. 예문중에 There are several ways to be successful. 여러가지 성공의 방법이 있어. 를 다음과 같이 영작하면 틀리나요? 1. There are several ways to succeed. 2. There are several ways of success. 위 세가지 영작문의 의미차이는 어떤가요? 늘 궁금했습니다. 영상 너무 잘 보고 있습니다. 감사합니다.
WOW This is a great question. There are several ways to be successful. There are several ways to succeed. There are several ways of success. All of them are grammatically correct. 이들의 의미 차이는 정말 원어민 수준의 뉘앙스입니다. 정말 좋은 질문입니다. 저 개인적인 느낌이라는 것을 먼저 말씀 드립니다. 시작과 성공을 아래와 같이 일직선상이 있다고 가정해 보겠습니다. A (시작) ---------------------B (중간/과정)------------------------ C (성공) There are several ways to be successful. 이 문장은 C (성공한 상태) 지점에서 성공하는 방법을 보는 느낌 There are several ways to succeed. 이 문장은 A (시작/출발하는 단계) 지점에서 성공하는 방법을 보는 느낌 There are several ways of success. 이 문장은 B (성공 과정) 지점에서 성공하는 과정/방법을 보는 느낌 물론 문맥에 따라 위에 설명이 달라질 수도 있습니다. 그러나 각각의 문장 하나만 보자면 이런 느낌이 듭니다. 정말 좋은 질문 감사합니다.
@@user-sunshineenglish 우선, 빠른 답글에 감사합니다. 세가지 표현 모두 문법적으로 올바른 표현인 만큼 일상에서 모두 사용가능한 것이죠? 물론, 보다 자연스런 선택을 위해서는 답글에서 설명한 내용을 기준으로 문맥에 맞게 사용하겠습니다. 샘 때문에 영어가 더 재밌어 졌습니다. 고맙습니다.
The food might not be that hot. I had a very important photo for you. The meeting was important at that time. When will the membership card be available? When will she be available? It is a known fact that he is a famous singer. It is a known fact that exercising is good for you. She has been well known as a best doctor. English is not difficult if we're with you. We have to be strongly united to prevent the violence. There is additional charge to serve breakfast. I am emotional while hearing the news. Your emotional words made me angry. The ducks is similar to the geese. The two ladies have a similar interests. We should eat healthy food. You should try to make a healthy economy. His financial advice was useful. There was a medical control. The entire country has a drought. His success was significant. There was a significant experiment. It was poor performance. I have poor eyesight. I am a poor swimmer. I had happy childhood.
I have a very important message for u. English grammar was important in high school. When will the Apt be available ? When will you be available? That hair style is very popular in🇰🇷. Everyone wants to be the popular student in 🏫 . I'm not able to buy a house yet. It's basic. This is basic. Freedom of expression is abasic human right. It is known fact Water💧 is good for u. He is well known for his work in human rights. He had various reasons. There are various ways to study English. English wasn't difficult. There are several ways to be successful. Koreans are firnly united to fight the pandemic. He is important historical figure. My son is interested in historical 📚. Thank you for the useful lessons. 🙏 The problem is physical, not mental. What are the five signs of good mental health? Are you scared of speaking English? There is an additional charge to rent a larger hotel room. She was emotional after watching the movie 🎬. His emotional response was unexpected. His test score was similar to mine. That students have similar backgrounds. My family is healthy . We have a healthy relationship. There should be a healthy balance between work and free time. His financial success is impressive. There was a medical emergency. She is very traditional. Kimchi is traditional Korean food made by ferment ~. I work for federal agency. I spent the entire day doing nothing. She is extremely strong 💪. The actual cost for repairs is ~. His actions were significant. Penicillin was an extremely significant medical discovery. You are very intelligent. I had a very intelligent conversation with her. My family was very poor when i was young. That is a poor excuse. He has poor eyesight. The service here is poor. I have poor reception. This is the result of a poor education. He is a poor sport. That poor man has just lost his 🐕. The jacket was of very poor quality. I wanna make you happy 😊. They have a happy marriage 💑. 😘💕🙏👍
OMG Thank you for doing this. You did make me happy / very happy. Thank you for your time and effort. All your hard work will pay off big time which will give you a big smile at the end. Once again thank you for being studious and have a great long weekend with your family.
형용사 내용 아주 도움됩니다. 감사합니다
thank you for watching and hope it was helpful
please have a great weekend
❤선샤인 영어❤
훌륭한 영상으로 열심히 공부하고 있습니다.
더 좋은 영상 많이 만들도록 노력하겠습니다.
처음에는 항상 주어 동사 목젝어만 생각하고 공부 하다
좀 힘들었는데
서버번 반복 하고 나니까
점점 이해도 되고 단어도 안 쓰던 단어들도 외우고 합니다
감사 합니다
That's good
영어를 암기하는 것보다 익히는 것이 중요하다고 생각합니다
Thank you and have a great weekend
Thank you
Hope it was useful.
Thank you for the useful lessons. ~^^
Glad that it was useful to you.
Thank you
선생님 강의 더 할 나위 없는 짱입니다!!! 제 부족한 영어 지식에 생명이 돋는 듯 합니다.
참 유익한 콘텐츠입니다. 수고하셨어요 감사합니다.
Thank you for practicing
Have a great day
강의 보면볼수록 정성이 느껴지고.. 감탄이 나오네요. ㅎㅎㅎ 40중반에 영어배우겠다고 캐나다에 와있는데... 너무 힘들었는데. 감사합니다....
영어는 차근차근 꾸준히 지금 아시는 단어를 사용하여 많은 문장들을 만들고 말하는 것이 좋을 것 같습니다.
캐나다에서 많은 장소 (커피숍, 수퍼, 식당, 등등)에서 영어를 실생활에서 사용하는 것도 좋은 방법이라 생각합니다.
영어 공부하시면서 질문 있으시면 알려 주세요
@@user-sunshineenglish 감사합니다..
보다 일 있어 나갑니다 ㅎㅎㅎ
Thank you bye
Thank you for using adjectives.
Thank you
The jacket was of very poor quality.
에서 of 는 왜 쓰는거예요?
공부하면서 몇 번 이런거 봤는데
머리로 이해를 못하니 자꾸 꺼려지네요
Thank you for your question
Be of + 명사 / 구조의 영어 패턴입니다
요즘은 많이 사용하지는 않지만
관용적으로 사용하는 몇개의 표현들이 있습니다
참고 /
Be of + 명사 = be + 형용사 / 같은 뉘앙스입니다
요즘은 be + 형용사 구조를 더 많이 사용합니다
He would be of help = He would be helpful
This is of use = This is useful
He is of age to drink
Could I be of any assistance to you?
Sunshine English is of benefit to everyone learning English
Would this lesson be of any interest to you?
기타 등등
거의 관용적으로 사용합니다
같은 의미를 다를 방법으로 표현할 수 있습니다
말씀드린 것처럼 be + 형용사
Thank you and have a great day
@@user-sunshineenglish 선생님
영상 완강하고 질문합니다.
간간히 틀린 문장도 있었지만 대부분 바르게 말할 수 있어 좋았습니다.
예문중에 There are several ways to be successful. 여러가지 성공의 방법이 있어. 를 다음과 같이 영작하면 틀리나요?
1. There are several ways to succeed.
2. There are several ways of success.
위 세가지 영작문의 의미차이는 어떤가요? 늘 궁금했습니다.
영상 너무 잘 보고 있습니다. 감사합니다.
WOW This is a great question.
There are several ways to be successful.
There are several ways to succeed.
There are several ways of success.
All of them are grammatically correct.
이들의 의미 차이는 정말 원어민 수준의 뉘앙스입니다.
정말 좋은 질문입니다.
저 개인적인 느낌이라는 것을 먼저 말씀 드립니다.
시작과 성공을 아래와 같이 일직선상이 있다고 가정해 보겠습니다.
A (시작) ---------------------B (중간/과정)------------------------ C (성공)
There are several ways to be successful.
이 문장은 C (성공한 상태) 지점에서 성공하는 방법을 보는 느낌
There are several ways to succeed.
이 문장은 A (시작/출발하는 단계) 지점에서 성공하는 방법을 보는 느낌
There are several ways of success.
이 문장은 B (성공 과정) 지점에서 성공하는 과정/방법을 보는 느낌
물론 문맥에 따라 위에 설명이 달라질 수도 있습니다.
그러나 각각의 문장 하나만 보자면 이런 느낌이 듭니다.
정말 좋은 질문 감사합니다.
@@user-sunshineenglish 우선, 빠른 답글에 감사합니다. 세가지 표현 모두 문법적으로 올바른 표현인 만큼 일상에서 모두 사용가능한 것이죠? 물론, 보다 자연스런 선택을 위해서는 답글에서 설명한 내용을 기준으로 문맥에 맞게 사용하겠습니다. 샘 때문에 영어가 더 재밌어 졌습니다. 고맙습니다.
@@조민호-x7j Yes, you can use any one of them as you please
Thank you and have a happy happy day
감사는 어제는 했는데 오늘은 조는것은 없는 것이 아직은 행복한 수업을 하는수강생입니다
Thank you for being studious.
Let's have a great week.
Thank you for your short and sweet reply
Have a great day
Thank you
Have a good one
몇번 더 봐야 될것같아요😊
Thank you for practicing
The more you practice, the more you shine
Have a great weekend
It is known wisdom that getting women's words is good for men.
대박 I made it by myself.
Great job
Thank you and stay warm
Everyone in my family.
Everyone of my family.
두 개 뜻이 다른가요?
I think there is no big difference
You can use them interchangeably
Thank you and have a warm weekend
가끔은 어려운 단어가 사용하는 것으로 나는 아직은 유나
Slowly but surely
천천히 차근차근 꾸준히
이 영상 제가 개인적으로 좋아하는 영상입니다
Thank you for watching
The more you practice, the more you shine
Have a bright day
The food might not be that hot.
I had a very important photo for you.
The meeting was important at that time.
When will the membership card be available?
When will she be available?
It is a known fact that he is a famous singer.
It is a known fact that exercising is good for you.
She has been well known as a best doctor.
English is not difficult if we're with you.
We have to be strongly united to prevent the violence.
There is additional charge to serve breakfast.
I am emotional while hearing the news.
Your emotional words made me angry.
The ducks is similar to the geese.
The two ladies have a similar interests.
We should eat healthy food.
You should try to make a healthy economy.
His financial advice was useful.
There was a medical control.
The entire country has a drought.
His success was significant.
There was a significant experiment.
It was poor performance.
I have poor eyesight.
I am a poor swimmer.
I had happy childhood.
Thank you for being studious even on the weekend
Have a productive day
Thank you for watching
If you have any questions please let me know
Thank you and have a productive day
I have a very important message for u.
English grammar was important in high school.
When will the Apt be available ?
When will you be available?
That hair style is very popular in🇰🇷.
Everyone wants to be the popular student in 🏫 .
I'm not able to buy a house yet.
It's basic. This is basic.
Freedom of expression is abasic human right.
It is known fact Water💧 is good for u.
He is well known for his work in human rights.
He had various reasons.
There are various ways to study English.
English wasn't difficult.
There are several ways to be successful.
Koreans are firnly united to fight the pandemic.
He is important historical figure.
My son is interested in historical 📚.
Thank you for the useful lessons. 🙏
The problem is physical, not mental.
What are the five signs of good mental health?
Are you scared of speaking English?
There is an additional charge to rent a larger hotel room.
She was emotional after watching the movie 🎬.
His emotional response was unexpected.
His test score was similar to mine.
That students have similar backgrounds.
My family is healthy .
We have a healthy relationship.
There should be a healthy balance between work and free time.
His financial success is impressive.
There was a medical emergency.
She is very traditional.
Kimchi is traditional Korean food made by ferment ~.
I work for federal agency.
I spent the entire day doing nothing.
She is extremely strong 💪.
The actual cost for repairs is ~.
His actions were significant.
Penicillin was an extremely significant medical discovery.
You are very intelligent.
I had a very intelligent conversation with her.
My family was very poor when i was young.
That is a poor excuse.
He has poor eyesight.
The service here is poor.
I have poor reception.
This is the result of a poor education.
He is a poor sport.
That poor man has just lost his 🐕.
The jacket was of very poor quality.
I wanna make you happy 😊.
They have a happy marriage 💑.
OMG Thank you for doing this.
You did make me happy / very happy.
Thank you for your time and effort.
All your hard work will pay off big time which will give you a big smile at the end.
Once again thank you for being studious and have a great long weekend with your family.