The girl in RED! | Your Lie in April Episode Reaction Video | First Time Watching
- Опубликовано: 17 ноя 2024
- #yourlieinapril #animereaction #yourlieinaprilanime
Hi guys! Thank you so much for watching my video. We are watching, Episode 8, Let it Ring. Two new characters are introduced in the last episode. We find out more information on Emi, the girl in RED. Hope you guys enjoy the video! Than you for your support =)
Yay! A new reaction!
It may seem like Takeshi is missing out on an amazing opportunity, however consider a couple of things:
1) His whole purpose to pursuing and mastering piano is due to Kousei and he has been waiting for the opportunity to go up against him for 2 years. So in this situation he has a stronger motivation to play against Kousei than he does to advance his "career".
2) He's still in middle school. So he may not really know yet how involved he wants to be in music. Plus, going to Germany means moving to a completely different country with a different language and leaving his family & friends behind. That may not be desirable an opportunity to him (at this present time) than to the adult(s) around him. It may be more of his teacher's ambitions to have him go rather than his own. We can already see in this episode how his teacher is basically flaunting his student in front of another teacher, so it could be that his teacher is thinking more about his own reputation & interests than what is best for Takeshi. Too often, gifted children are pushed by the adults around them into things because that is what the adult(s) want, but ends up being harmful to the child. (Which is pretty much what we have been seeing with Kousei and his mother.)
Both Takeshi and Emi are displaying their brilliant talents in this episode, but we are also seeing that it has been Kousei that has been influencing their drive to excel (without Kousei even knowing it). In this episode, Kousei has noticed Takeshi and Emi, as he appears to have been oblivious to them in the past. Now where shall we go from here? 😃
Wow, you put me onto a whole different perspective. Yes, so true…gifted children are often controlled by adults. Sadly, many of them do not get to experience what it it’s like to be a child. Just saw 3 more episodes and it keeps getting better! 😃
Thank you so much, #Cindy_QueensReacts, for uploading this awesome anime reaction. I love your anime content so much because it's so amazing, and I really enjoy watching your reactions to different anime series.
Thank you for the support! 🥰
Emi heard Kousei play before his mom turned him into the "human metronome" that he became to be known as. That's why she is playing to reject what he had become.
Ohhh 😮
So she still respects the original Kousei, the version that inspired her to become a pianist..
i hope you watch till ending
I will! I am! :)