The Golden Hawaiian Swordsman Dragon HIGHLY AGREES on how much THIS character could greatly work in a Elder Scrolls video game, or in The Witcher series. Just think....if he fought BOTH The Dragonborn and Geralt of Rivia at the same after they've mistaken him for a dragon that recently attacked a nearby farming village, it could be bringing in millions of dollars! And not only THAT, but a very popular multimillion dollar publishing company could use this for a awesome sauce epic magic fantasy book! It could make lots of money!!
The Golden Hawaiian Swordsman Dragon HIGHLY AGREES on how much THIS character could greatly work in a Elder Scrolls video game, or in The Witcher series. Just think....if he fought BOTH The Dragonborn and Geralt of Rivia at the same after they've mistaken him for a dragon that recently attacked a nearby farming village, it could be bringing in millions of dollars! And not only THAT, but a very popular multimillion dollar publishing company could use this for a awesome sauce epic magic fantasy book! It could make lots of money!!