I would have appreciated the focus to be on the significance of his work on seeing the earth as a living being and how hard it is to truly seperate humans from the food, water and oxygen the earth provides. What happens when we think with nature as nature? The significance of what could not be heard by society at that time but is so so critical to hear, know and cognize for onesself now, as it is a matter of survival. his takeaways not his travel would be most helpful. data is disconnecting us
This is Sandy from Skokie, Illinois
I would have appreciated the focus to be on the significance of his work on seeing the earth as a living being and how hard it is to truly seperate humans from the food, water and oxygen the earth provides. What happens when we think with nature as nature? The significance of what could not be heard by society at that time but is so so critical to hear, know and cognize for onesself now, as it is a matter of survival. his takeaways not his travel would be most helpful. data is disconnecting us