This feels video a bit irrelevant now, I would really love to see a version of it once we know more about the next season to help me make a choice then.
@@peterkelemen8300 bruh season is about to restart depending what server you’re on. Dwarves are killing it on our server and we are about to take a 3rd enemy capital. There’s people starting this game everyday so it’s highly relevant. Take a step back and think maybe this video isn’t just for me… Does it say in season 1 or 2? No. So assume he’ll do another one when they release new stuff O_o…
As a Mordor player having the Mumakil neutral camps available to us in a uncontested area is also a huge bonus since they pair so well with Gorbag. As then its easy for us to create counter armies to giant slayer armies.
Yep, this the Mumakil on a high level Gorbag will take on a crazy amount of other armies before finally needing to retreat/be killed. They also get Fell Beasts uncontested as well, so both the evil side T4 conscription units they get access to easily.
Mordor has insane position. Any player is safe inside as enemies has to pass 1 of 2 choke points that requires massive sieging. Theoretically they can come from other side but if they can do that, they probly won already
Mordor player who has taken all of Rhun & Dwarfs lands. We teamed up with Gondor who took out Rohan & Isengard. We have been fighting lindon & Arnor for a good week or so, slowly pushing them back while Gondor has taken out angmar & loth. Mordor and Gondor have the best defensive starting position especially if they work together.
Raveragers are great units i hardly lose any of them when attacking because i pare them with mountain trolls and the mountain trolls cause other units to focus them more and Gorbag is a beastly commander for orcs i take down eowens easy with Gorbag and Raiders
It is funny that you say the dwarfs are good if you want to avoid fights. In my server I am a dwarf and we are the strongest faction. But as soon as the ring opened up Gondor and Mordor who are the 2nd and 3rd strongest attacked us at the same time along with help from Lorien Ruhn and angmar. We have been fighting on every front for the last 3 weeks. We have yet to give any meaningful ground but they are slowly pushing through. If the season was going to last a month longer they might have been able to make a big dent.
You should consider the second commander the game gives u at the start with every faction, lothlorien gets haldir and eowyn right at the start, and is very close to eagles, beurnings and ents... plus very close to the ring and can build up defenses around it... and u already said it but commander exp is also never irrelevant
Rhun is a evil faction that rarely get interested from public atleast what I heard. But the faction begin unit are good, commander and special unit are exceptional and position isn't bad either. The only real threat is that it is close to dwarves that are pretty common to get a good amount of people. (I find this weird)
It isn't weird. Dwarves are awesome. But i have to admit that Erebor is filled with farmers that don't contribute. So if you see 100 players, it's more 15 players. xD
On the Noldor Longshot: extra attack abilities don't work on it, as it has normal attacks disabled in exchange for attacking 2 units every THREE turns, not every other. Very, very disappointing to me
Rhûn is great - thanks for the recognition! Would hope more active players would be on it. On my current server it feels like our Warband ist the only active one with 12 Players - in contrast there are the dwarfs (Top Warband with like 70 players or so) who outnumber us greatly an slowly steamrolling us :/
Yo Chisgule! Your videos always save my gameplay and the choices i make😂. From RoK to LotR you always have some good advice on youtube, really appreciate it dude! Keep it going👍
If your good i would suggest going gondor or rohan for the access to oathbreakers. If you face armies of Lurtz/Mummakils you will lose a ton of units without the oathbreakers. I feel its the only counter. However, that set up is easily countered by alchemists or fire dmg in general its very hard as good vs evil in my opinion.
I’m a Mordor player our T4 is useful until you hit late game and get mumakils. Mordor is really strong we get a lot of focus damage commanders that counter the tankier units and reapers to wreck the elves. Our t3’s are really the best parts of the faction and it’s easy to get rolling once you get out of the box your stuck in at the beginning of the game. I will say the resources aren’t as great in the starting area. I got lucky with my base being in nurn but overall we’ve been crushing our server
Biggest downside for Rhun is that they are underpopulated, so whatever marginal percent advantage it has from the bonuses is completely overshadowed by a lack of players to make the faction competitive, at least from my experience.
I am Mordor, and yes the special unit suxx mostly. But we reign over our server. And what I saw is that many servers are dominated by Mordor. So there must be something special to that Race. I think also Position to the Ring matters. Our strongest enemy is Lindon. And they have no chance to reach the Ring.
@@zbos364 two actually, where the the mumlki camps are around at the bottom of the map unless we ally with Gondor they be happy for us use Mumlki use on Rohan
As for me in my experiences Rhun and Angmar are good but it also depends on the server. (I’m on my third now) angmar can either take control of the map if they work as a faction and not warbands/fellowship if not then they get creamed and as for Rhun they have great potential as long as they have good alliances with Mordor or Erebor if not they get creamed by Erebor and Mordor finishes them off on the other side so they can’t come into their land from what I’ve experienced others could have totally different experiences that’s mine with the evil side on these last 2 servers I’ve been apart of
Mordor has early access to Mumakhils, which are really strong. Also Gorbag is a good starting commander, since he can heal and reduce damage, which is important for the ravager t4 unit. On our server Isengard and Angmar were super weak and definitely below Mordor. I have also seen similar results on other servers.
As someone who plays Arnor with a group of 60+ active people i can 100% say Ranger of the North is really strong when paired with the right commanders and army setup. Most of the time during pvp you're fighting on non-structured land anyway and it obviously applies to pve. As for Faramir, i had the same thoughts you had about him but he's actually god tier. The reason why he's super strong is because of him having access to Guide and Foresight which makes him a direct counter to Oathbreakers. He has access to Heir and Nobility which buffs his units their defense and attack by 21% if they are Men units. His top tree at base respect does a ton of damage(the 330% multiplier is nuts) and he has Flanking which does 480% damage and prioitizes ranged units. Pair him with Rangers of the North, Sharpshooters and Cataphracts(to soak damage) or Dunedain and you'll be amazed at the numbers you'll see in battle reports :)
I've been playing for Mordor since the beginning of the season. And indeed, units that do extra damage to large units bring a lot of problems. Apart from the trolls in Mordor, the top units are the Mumakils and the Beasts, but they are also large units. Therefore, using them is not much fun ... But it didn't stop us from capturing half of Middle-earth х) P.S.: Hi from Russia, your guides are very useful :)
I wouldn't say Faramir is the best but definitely ok commander to start with and way much better than his T2 father Denethor!!! I somehow prefer Boromir!!
Ravagers pay for their high stats with being one of the slowest units xD People using them in an army can enjoy the army taking 5 minutes to travel the distance you would normally travel in 2
Started the play mine week ago, yet I like the position of Isengard and how fast I have acquired already 7 commanders. So, will see how will it went further.
Our current server has decided that next season we will be playing as Arnor. I forgot there were so many options to choose from at the beginning. As soon as I saw Rohan I had to choose them!
I can talk basing on my experience, but in my server (I’m in angmar) we’re dominating, while all the other evil factions have disappeared; the server now is divided by angmar erebor Gondor and Rohan
I Dont know how it works exactly and maybe you make a video about it but if u kill a special unit from rival faction u got a tip for expierence(eg If mordor kills a standing gondor t3 melee guardian you get tip for 80k Exp wich makes it really op) So i think since mordor and gondor are rival faction they can easy do it.
Mordor is the easiest of the Evil due to their ability to mull through the starvation period of the early game and getting Mumakil early. Their starting units are some of the best with the early Raider, which is one of the cornerstone units of the evil factions, and they get Marauders quickly too as the eastern quarters are the second unlock. Rhun is awesome. Best starting units, great location, but needs to worry about pissing off Mordor, or the Dorfs.
Don't be shy about moving fellowship early in the game, if you don't feel like ur group are ambitious enough. Do it once do it early.( if you have to).
I played Arnor s1, did badly. T4 unit useful with Haldir, but as I rarely use him having obtained generally better comms i mostly forgot about him and trained the Tower Guard. Not playing it again.
As Evil main and playing one playthrough as Angmar honestly i just played as diplomat to which made us win with alliance with another faction i would say unit types are based with certain commanders so just want to know your enemy and have the tools to counter them
currently i'm playing Lindon since i thought Noldor Longshot looks good on paper, haven't tried them in battle yet. curious on how good they are when having Haldir as commander. on my alt account i'm playing Rhûn and even though i haven't unlocked the War Chariot i'm pretty dang happy with that choice
you get 2 stating commanders , rohan - ryowin and haldir , lothloria - haldir and eyowin , gondor and erabor - faramir and dwalin thats what i know , so i feel like lothlorian is probebly the best faction erabor will be best if not faramir as 2nd starting commander in my head 3% army speed is not much for me than 5% comander xp thank you
Chis, I was really excited to see you post a video on exactly this, but WHY oh WHY did you not mention the SECOND STARTING COMMANDER for each faction? I'm looking to restart on the good side, and it would of helped me so much to know both commanders. That and info on T4 units are really all I need to know. That said, you also didn't say much about Swan Kinghts except "they're okay" and I'd loved to of heard more. Specifically a comparison of Swan Kights and Marshalls. Oh well, ill keep digging and comment here when I find it.
at my server rohan is the first faction that lost . because it's at the middle everyone just keept attacking it. mordor is unavailable strong they have mumles which they can kil ten armies with one mumle army. for the good faction i would choose lothlorien they can get eagles ants and beorings
Personally I play angmar and I'm pleased with everything. So yeah, imma stay at angmar if it comes to evil. On my second device I am gonna make a good side account too tho, just coz I'm curious
I have a theory build for ravagers, with the retaliation items, if you do that isn’t there a chance to attack twice and hit all the enemy’s army twice a turn?
Deffinetly oathbrakers but only vs good factions because evil can counter it easy, besides that every unit has some adv and disadv, for eg dwarves has best melee tanks, but dunedains can kill enemy backrow wich makes them really bad vs somebody with melee right? From evil Trolls are op, but if you have for eg equipment to give like 4dmg to your units, normal units get 400 in total but trolls got like 30 xd
No offence but you should play with evil before made that video. That's why 1-You dont have any experience about evil commander. You fought against them but didnt use them. There are different. 2-You should know evil side map and advantege. For example. Mordor can access mumakill easily and that is very huge advantege. 3-I dont agree with you about Angmar t4. They are not solid they are very very good actually. IN that case i really like your good faction advices but evil side. Your acknowledge isnt enough :)
Anyone saying any evil faction is good is purely capping. They are beyond weak right now, and it’s not a surprise that they’re constantly getting buffed. I mean the ravagers were bugged up until recently too. Mordor is the strongest of the evil factions but they’re not good by a long way. The good factions units are far superior too. I just can’t take anyone seriously when they say any evil faction is better than the good factions
Hello @ChisgulePlays, you're confusing people with the way you're actually making this list and it's a bad one since there's still a lot of things you don't understand or overlook. Let's start with what I agree: Rohan does have a good position IF you're with a very strong premade group like you already mentioned and they also have the best tier 4 good side. Now the things i disagree: you're talking too much about tier 1 starting commanders. You get those extremely easy and it's really not that important. Gondor has the 2nd best tier 4 unit for good side and also an amazing position for the good side with access to lots of zones they can quickly expand to AND a lot of FOOD tiles which are absolutely essential in end game, especially that southern island in Harandor. Dwarves have arguably the worst tier 4 unit out of the good factions, but their positioning is pretty good. Not as good as Gondor's though. Talk more about map placement, tier 4 ranking, access to resources and strategical zones or camps certain factions can get and less about starting tier 1 commanders which are almost irrelevant since they can be super easily obtained.
I believe, for a beginner, it was a nice rundown. In my opinion, wherever you start, you can have a great game! It will all depend on who are you going to play with or against! If you'll land on the right side on the server, you'll rule the whole of Middle Earth regardless of your faction!
The balancing is crap on factions..needs to be more balanced so everyone does not just jump into the largest factions..cap it to a few players more in a faction until others catch up..otherwise you have the problem of 1or 2 massive factions and the rest get mowed down easily because lack of can try to team up with other factions but that is the only option which is terrible because they may only have a few active players as well so it does no good server has the biggest 3 factions working together so there is no shot for any other factions..the biggest could win alone but nope I guess they are scared to fight because it will actually be a challenge so they just beat on the small ones which makes it no fun and no point in playing..the lack of balancing is killing this game unfortunately..
If only people would play rhun more... damn one of the least played... if people are interested i'm the leader of the rhun warband of server 255 and the first evil player on the rankings... we are doing fine! We only lack players and this is why i'm here recruiting ahah
lindon in my server is crushing everyone well except gondor but there bout to battle on lorian capital which is my capital but guess what we are dead lol
Because we wanted to pick the least popular faction to ensure we could get everyone into the faction (and we still didn’t get everyone in… we have a wait list of people who are transferring to Lindon as the game clears the players who idled for 8+ day)
Rhun is decent and their war chariots are ok. It is not the strongest evil faction. If you play Rhun you get a good balance of resources and better armies to start. In my judgment Rhun is probably the second strongest in the evil faction. That if you know how to play the Rhun.
rhun and isengard hardly enjoyable unless you go with a group. most of the time they are the least played. Angmar has fallen, mordor has ravager/mumakill/fellbeast and better starting position.
>,< i like your videos, the only problem is that, in the new servers everyone plays with rohan... and it's boring for the other facctions... i like lindon.. but it's impossible to compete against rohan :/ hope s2 will be more balanced.
Started my first game with Isengard. Huuuuge mistake. Worst postion on map. Early wars. Very little active players. After 5 days game has no sense. Worst thing is allegiance works in a way that you basicly have no fun at all.
Ya u need to play evil before you make a video like this sorry but mordor main units is not the T4 trolls but elephants the momokil and when you have players from Rohan who want them also and have to tell them they can't use them then you will understand just how good mordor/ evil side is seeing as good always fill up first because of videos like this lol
This feels video a bit irrelevant now, I would really love to see a version of it once we know more about the next season to help me make a choice then.
@@peterkelemen8300 bruh season is about to restart depending what server you’re on. Dwarves are killing it on our server and we are about to take a 3rd enemy capital. There’s people starting this game everyday so it’s highly relevant. Take a step back and think maybe this video isn’t just for me…
Does it say in season 1 or 2? No. So assume he’ll do another one when they release new stuff O_o…
Then, angmar, and isenguard annihilated on our server
how do u make a group
As a Mordor player having the Mumakil neutral camps available to us in a uncontested area is also a huge bonus since they pair so well with Gorbag. As then its easy for us to create counter armies to giant slayer armies.
Yupp. Honestly Mumakil are a huge bonus, I’m Angmar this season & the Wights blow lol but I’m coming to Mordor in S2 lol
Yep, this the Mumakil on a high level Gorbag will take on a crazy amount of other armies before finally needing to retreat/be killed. They also get Fell Beasts uncontested as well, so both the evil side T4 conscription units they get access to easily.
@@ClappinButtchks yeah the Wrights are just objectively worse than most other hire units.
Played Isengard and Angmar S1 and not having fellbeasts/Mumakils is a big downside. I thought about Rhun but Mordor location seems better.
Mordor has insane position. Any player is safe inside as enemies has to pass 1 of 2 choke points that requires massive sieging. Theoretically they can come from other side but if they can do that, they probly won already
We recently had to bust through a massive amount of forts to get in but we did it
Finally Rhûn has some recognition! Wish there were more Rhûn players though
I know that feeling our Warband is basically the only active groups for Rhun but we’re loyal
583 rhun is taking the ring
Mordor player who has taken all of Rhun & Dwarfs lands. We teamed up with Gondor who took out Rohan & Isengard.
We have been fighting lindon & Arnor for a good week or so, slowly pushing them back while Gondor has taken out angmar & loth.
Mordor and Gondor have the best defensive starting position especially if they work together.
Hahaahah me arnor player laughing
Raveragers are great units i hardly lose any of them when attacking because i pare them with mountain trolls and the mountain trolls cause other units to focus them more and Gorbag is a beastly commander for orcs i take down eowens easy with Gorbag and Raiders
It is funny that you say the dwarfs are good if you want to avoid fights. In my server I am a dwarf and we are the strongest faction. But as soon as the ring opened up Gondor and Mordor who are the 2nd and 3rd strongest attacked us at the same time along with help from Lorien Ruhn and angmar. We have been fighting on every front for the last 3 weeks. We have yet to give any meaningful ground but they are slowly pushing through.
If the season was going to last a month longer they might have been able to make a big dent.
Lmao sounds like my server what server are you??
Dwarfs rule 💕
Happening to me too. They all teamed up against us. :(
You should consider the second commander the game gives u at the start with every faction, lothlorien gets haldir and eowyn right at the start, and is very close to eagles, beurnings and ents... plus very close to the ring and can build up defenses around it... and u already said it but commander exp is also never irrelevant
Gondor has army of the dead. If you get the king if the death you crush all
Rhun is a evil faction that rarely get interested from public atleast what I heard. But the faction begin unit are good, commander and special unit are exceptional and position isn't bad either. The only real threat is that it is close to dwarves that are pretty common to get a good amount of people. (I find this weird)
Yes, being next to the dwarfs is a doom. They're always crowded.
It isn't weird. Dwarves are awesome. But i have to admit that Erebor is filled with farmers that don't contribute. So if you see 100 players, it's more 15 players. xD
@@Damesanglante is that not in almost every full faction in S1
On the Noldor Longshot: extra attack abilities don't work on it, as it has normal attacks disabled in exchange for attacking 2 units every THREE turns, not every other. Very, very disappointing to me
I’ve seen r5 Gil-Galad with long shot absolutely destroy Lurtz and other evil comms.
Mordor logic: live in a complete wasteland, actually gather more resources
For the Lolz!!!!🤣
Rhûn is great - thanks for the recognition! Would hope more active players would be on it. On my current server it feels like our Warband ist the only active one with 12 Players - in contrast there are the dwarfs (Top Warband with like 70 players or so) who outnumber us greatly an slowly steamrolling us :/
I'm Rhun and WE are kinking backsides all day long (currently season 1)!!!!
Snaka thrak with an accessory with opportune strike on max giving a 100% chance to do maximum damage every round can be quite the beasts i think
I've never tried Snaga Thrak but I've heard that they are OP!!! Just started my first evil faction account.
Yo Chisgule! Your videos always save my gameplay and the choices i make😂. From RoK to LotR you always have some good advice on youtube, really appreciate it dude! Keep it going👍
If your good i would suggest going gondor or rohan for the access to oathbreakers. If you face armies of Lurtz/Mummakils you will lose a ton of units without the oathbreakers. I feel its the only counter. However, that set up is easily countered by alchemists or fire dmg in general its very hard as good vs evil in my opinion.
You are right, evil factions are (at least) slightly stronger than good factions!!! (that's the challenge I guess?)
I’m a Mordor player our T4 is useful until you hit late game and get mumakils. Mordor is really strong we get a lot of focus damage commanders that counter the tankier units and reapers to wreck the elves. Our t3’s are really the best parts of the faction and it’s easy to get rolling once you get out of the box your stuck in at the beginning of the game. I will say the resources aren’t as great in the starting area. I got lucky with my base being in nurn but overall we’ve been crushing our server
Biggest downside for Rhun is that they are underpopulated, so whatever marginal percent advantage it has from the bonuses is completely overshadowed by a lack of players to make the faction competitive, at least from my experience.
Bro that’s what I’m going through right now it sucks because the faction is good and the T4 unit
It has been changed since!!! I'm currently playing Rhun and we are not only many but ruling the server!!!!
that being said rhun is best faction of evil in my opinion since more dmg=less time getting hit but try to partner up with dwarves and push out
Yes man, Rhun is great!!!
I am Mordor, and yes the special unit suxx mostly. But we reign over our server. And what I saw is that many servers are dominated by Mordor. So there must be something special to that Race. I think also Position to the Ring matters. Our strongest enemy is Lindon. And they have no chance to reach the Ring.
Mordor is closer to the ring plus Mordor is basically a fortress with only one entrance
@@zbos364 two actually, where the the mumlki camps are around at the bottom of the map unless we ally with Gondor they be happy for us use Mumlki use on Rohan
Mordor have the best location, great units and whale players. xd
As for me in my experiences Rhun and Angmar are good but it also depends on the server. (I’m on my third now) angmar can either take control of the map if they work as a faction and not warbands/fellowship if not then they get creamed and as for Rhun they have great potential as long as they have good alliances with Mordor or Erebor if not they get creamed by Erebor and Mordor finishes them off on the other side so they can’t come into their land from what I’ve experienced others could have totally different experiences that’s mine with the evil side on these last 2 servers I’ve been apart of
Agree, your faction's success always depends on the server. Strong faction without active players will fall....
You make the best lotr videos. Thank you.
Rohan has been the first to go on every server iv played
Mordor has early access to Mumakhils, which are really strong. Also Gorbag is a good starting commander, since he can heal and reduce damage, which is important for the ravager t4 unit. On our server Isengard and Angmar were super weak and definitely below Mordor. I have also seen similar results on other servers.
On my server every evil faction except angmar was weak but basically good or evil we all call each other enemies
As someone who plays Arnor with a group of 60+ active people i can 100% say Ranger of the North is really strong when paired with the right commanders and army setup. Most of the time during pvp you're fighting on non-structured land anyway and it obviously applies to pve. As for Faramir, i had the same thoughts you had about him but he's actually god tier. The reason why he's super strong is because of him having access to Guide and Foresight which makes him a direct counter to Oathbreakers. He has access to Heir and Nobility which buffs his units their defense and attack by 21% if they are Men units. His top tree at base respect does a ton of damage(the 330% multiplier is nuts) and he has Flanking which does 480% damage and prioitizes ranged units. Pair him with Rangers of the North, Sharpshooters and Cataphracts(to soak damage) or Dunedain and you'll be amazed at the numbers you'll see in battle reports :)
Arnor used to suck, but now it also has decent special units. I went Rohan, but considering Arnor once again for next season
I've been playing for Mordor since the beginning of the season. And indeed, units that do extra damage to large units bring a lot of problems. Apart from the trolls in Mordor, the top units are the Mumakils and the Beasts, but they are also large units. Therefore, using them is not much fun ... But it didn't stop us from capturing half of Middle-earth х)
P.S.: Hi from Russia, your guides are very useful :)
Grrrr Mordoooor!!!! (joking, Mordor rulez)🤣
I saw a tier list where Faramir is actually the absolute best commander, they couldnt stress it enough
I wouldn't say Faramir is the best but definitely ok commander to start with and way much better than his T2 father Denethor!!! I somehow prefer Boromir!!
Ravagers pay for their high stats with being one of the slowest units xD People using them in an army can enjoy the army taking 5 minutes to travel the distance you would normally travel in 2
Started the play mine week ago, yet I like the position of Isengard and how fast I have acquired already 7 commanders. So, will see how will it went further.
7 Commanders already?? Man, the game is treating you well it seems!!!!😊Good luck!!!
@@almostfreetoplay It's the fellowship chest.
sorry Phil, what is the "fellowship chest"?
I like Mordor because I was able to use the trolls to gain tiles early game that would usually be difficult to obtain for other factions
Yes, Trolls are really tanky (and way too handsome🤣)
Our current server has decided that next season we will be playing as Arnor. I forgot there were so many options to choose from at the beginning. As soon as I saw Rohan I had to choose them!
Playing Arnor right now. Go for Hobbiton as soon as possible and be good friends with Lindon because you're their only enemy at the beginning
I can talk basing on my experience, but in my server (I’m in angmar) we’re dominating, while all the other evil factions have disappeared; the server now is divided by angmar erebor Gondor and Rohan
Agzok with fallen is a march that is quick and just destroys stuff mostly archer's
I do agree group is almost most of time more important than the faction
Yes, even a strong faction will fall without strong players!!!
I Dont know how it works exactly and maybe you make a video about it but if u kill a special unit from rival faction u got a tip for expierence(eg If mordor kills a standing gondor t3 melee guardian you get tip for 80k Exp wich makes it really op) So i think since mordor and gondor are rival faction they can easy do it.
Mordor is the easiest of the Evil due to their ability to mull through the starvation period of the early game and getting Mumakil early. Their starting units are some of the best with the early Raider, which is one of the cornerstone units of the evil factions, and they get Marauders quickly too as the eastern quarters are the second unlock. Rhun is awesome. Best starting units, great location, but needs to worry about pissing off Mordor, or the Dorfs.
Sir, you are 100% correct!!!! Currently playing Rhun and man.... Rhun is honestly amazing faction!!!
Don't be shy about moving fellowship early in the game, if you don't feel like ur group are ambitious enough. Do it once do it early.( if you have to).
Agree, I had to do that quite a few times!!!
I played Arnor s1, did badly. T4 unit useful with Haldir, but as I rarely use him having obtained generally better comms i mostly forgot about him and trained the Tower Guard. Not playing it again.
As Evil main and playing one playthrough as Angmar honestly i just played as diplomat to which made us win with alliance with another faction i would say unit types are based with certain commanders so just want to know your enemy and have the tools to counter them
LoL on my server we people of angmar just kill the problem when it best suits us
currently i'm playing Lindon since i thought Noldor Longshot looks good on paper, haven't tried them in battle yet. curious on how good they are when having Haldir as commander. on my alt account i'm playing Rhûn and even though i haven't unlocked the War Chariot i'm pretty dang happy with that choice
Yes, Rhun rulez!!!!😁
just found out this game, guess I will go with rhun
Wise choice!!
Be careful with switching factions, you lose all your unit upgrades and it stops any building upgrades that are in progress.
You are right! You have to pick the right time not to lose any progress!!!
I started as Erebor, we got to the middle and then we were 1vs3. It was very painful.
you get 2 stating commanders , rohan - ryowin and haldir , lothloria - haldir and eyowin , gondor and erabor - faramir and dwalin thats what i know , so i feel like lothlorian is probebly the best faction erabor will be best if not faramir as 2nd starting commander in my head 3% army speed is not much for me than 5% comander xp thank you
Chis, I was really excited to see you post a video on exactly this, but WHY oh WHY did you not mention the SECOND STARTING COMMANDER for each faction? I'm looking to restart on the good side, and it would of helped me so much to know both commanders. That and info on T4 units are really all I need to know. That said, you also didn't say much about Swan Kinghts except "they're okay" and I'd loved to of heard more. Specifically a comparison of Swan Kights and Marshalls. Oh well, ill keep digging and comment here when I find it.
Rohan: 1. Eowyn 2. Haldir T4: Marshall
Gondor: 1. Faramir 2. Dwalin T4: Swan Knight
Erebor: 1. Dwalin 2. Faramir T4: Iron Warriors
Lothlorien: 1. Haldir 2. Eowin T4: Marchwarden
at my server rohan is the first faction that lost . because it's at the middle everyone just keept attacking it. mordor is unavailable strong they have mumles which they can kil ten armies with one mumle army. for the good faction i would choose lothlorien they can get eagles ants and beorings
Personally I play angmar and I'm pleased with everything. So yeah, imma stay at angmar if it comes to evil. On my second device I am gonna make a good side account too tho, just coz I'm curious
I've just done the same, after playing good side only, I've finally started an evil account....strangely..... evil feels GOOD!!!!🤣
Gondor is a good start because of the oathbreaker camps.
Yes, oathbreakers (oathkeepers) are really strong!!!!
I have a theory build for ravagers, with the retaliation items, if you do that isn’t there a chance to attack twice and hit all the enemy’s army twice a turn?
Bro I know it is asking a lot, but please do an Evil play through!
Do you think you could do a breakdown of all the t3 units in the game and which ones are the best?
Deffinetly oathbrakers but only vs good factions because evil can counter it easy, besides that every unit has some adv and disadv, for eg dwarves has best melee tanks, but dunedains can kill enemy backrow wich makes them really bad vs somebody with melee right? From evil Trolls are op, but if you have for eg equipment to give like 4dmg to your units, normal units get 400 in total but trolls got like 30 xd
@@tomaszrogala8550 what? You just put only iron warriors on dwalin and he destroy anyone lol
It always depends who you want to fight with, different units have different strength, they can perform amazing in the right situation!!
Your awesome dude
No offence but you should play with evil before made that video.
That's why
1-You dont have any experience about evil commander. You fought against them but didnt use them. There are different.
2-You should know evil side map and advantege. For example. Mordor can access mumakill easily and that is very huge advantege.
3-I dont agree with you about Angmar t4. They are not solid they are very very good actually.
IN that case i really like your good faction advices but evil side. Your acknowledge isnt enough :)
If only I had infinite time to play all sides to get perfect information : )
@@chisguleplays i didnt mean play all evil faction like your main, try one and maybe check the heroes and their skills for example :)
Lurtz op.
Anyone saying any evil faction is good is purely capping. They are beyond weak right now, and it’s not a surprise that they’re constantly getting buffed. I mean the ravagers were bugged up until recently too. Mordor is the strongest of the evil factions but they’re not good by a long way. The good factions units are far superior too. I just can’t take anyone seriously when they say any evil faction is better than the good factions
Hello @ChisgulePlays, you're confusing people with the way you're actually making this list and it's a bad one since there's still a lot of things you don't understand or overlook.
Let's start with what I agree: Rohan does have a good position IF you're with a very strong premade group like you already mentioned and they also have the best tier 4 good side.
Now the things i disagree: you're talking too much about tier 1 starting commanders. You get those extremely easy and it's really not that important. Gondor has the 2nd best tier 4 unit for good side and also an amazing position for the good side with access to lots of zones they can quickly expand to AND a lot of FOOD tiles which are absolutely essential in end game, especially that southern island in Harandor. Dwarves have arguably the worst tier 4 unit out of the good factions, but their positioning is pretty good. Not as good as Gondor's though.
Talk more about map placement, tier 4 ranking, access to resources and strategical zones or camps certain factions can get and less about starting tier 1 commanders which are almost irrelevant since they can be super easily obtained.
I believe, for a beginner, it was a nice rundown. In my opinion, wherever you start, you can have a great game! It will all depend on who are you going to play with or against! If you'll land on the right side on the server, you'll rule the whole of Middle Earth regardless of your faction!
You should talk to RTS Mobile Gaming. His videos mostly over the evil faction.
Once an Elve always and Elve.I chose LothLorien as my Faction
They are not bad!!! A good/strong fellowship there can occupy half of Middle Earth!!!
I like defense so what one should i pick?
Erebor is a good choice!
Purely from a math standpoint the 5 % siege is worthless. As it just accounts for having a siege bonus like yurssua.
What server are u in bud?
The balancing is crap on factions..needs to be more balanced so everyone does not just jump into the largest factions..cap it to a few players more in a faction until others catch up..otherwise you have the problem of 1or 2 massive factions and the rest get mowed down easily because lack of can try to team up with other factions but that is the only option which is terrible because they may only have a few active players as well so it does no good server has the biggest 3 factions working together so there is no shot for any other factions..the biggest could win alone but nope I guess they are scared to fight because it will actually be a challenge so they just beat on the small ones which makes it no fun and no point in playing..the lack of balancing is killing this game unfortunately..
True, a few ultra strong fellowship/warband can determine the whole season!!
So finally what is the best fraction to Play ?
The one you love the most as a role player!!! All factions has they strengths and weaknesses there is no bad choice!!
If only people would play rhun more... damn one of the least played... if people are interested i'm the leader of the rhun warband of server 255 and the first evil player on the rankings... we are doing fine! We only lack players and this is why i'm here recruiting ahah
I may come to 255 to try rhun
Might join that as in my server that wasn't even an option.
Thinking about playing, I hear a lot of negative comments about it
The game is awesome, worth to play!!!
What does it matter when we keep our commanders from season one?
It means, your hard acquired commanders are going to stay with you!!! (if that was your question?)
Plus witch king can add 30% bonus damage
Yes, but Witch King is like the most OP commander!!!!
14:40 You said it right but the game got it wrong, in the book its Ugluk
How many players can be in one faction please let me know?
max 100
lindon in my server is crushing everyone well except gondor but there bout to battle on lorian capital which is my capital but guess what we are dead lol
And yet somehow you choose Lindon in server 350, not Rohan.
Because we wanted to pick the least popular faction to ensure we could get everyone into the faction (and we still didn’t get everyone in… we have a wait list of people who are transferring to Lindon as the game clears the players who idled for 8+ day)
Rhun is decent and their war chariots are ok. It is not the strongest evil faction. If you play Rhun you get a good balance of resources and better armies to start. In my judgment Rhun is probably the second strongest in the evil faction. That if you know how to play the Rhun.
Rhun is very good faction indeed!! Trying it for the first time and it's pretty good!!!
lothlorien i think have best mount,range unit.
....and the only one!!!! (I guess)
I'm playing Loth on server 256. We get easily destroyed by Angmar.
It simply means, they warband(s) are stronger, a few very strong player can easily turn the tide on the servers!!!
rhun and isengard hardly enjoyable unless you go with a group. most of the time they are the least played. Angmar has fallen, mordor has ravager/mumakill/fellbeast and better starting position.
Chisgule the Language Specialist
Rhun is good at mobilty
Ksel on the rise
>,< i like your videos, the only problem is that, in the new servers everyone plays with rohan... and it's boring for the other facctions... i like lindon.. but it's impossible to compete against rohan :/ hope s2 will be more balanced.
Yes, my last server was Lindon and I've got kicked all around the map for the whole season! It was a really bad season!!
I just shaved my sphincter hole anybody finna sniff it?
Started my first game with Isengard. Huuuuge mistake. Worst postion on map. Early wars. Very little active players. After 5 days game has no sense. Worst thing is allegiance works in a way that you basicly have no fun at all.
Yes, Isengard would need strong players from the beginning, it would help a lot! Everyone goes for Mordor...... I support Saruman though!!
Ereborn is most op one
Maybe, but we're always 1v2 or 1v3...
Ya u need to play evil before you make a video like this sorry but mordor main units is not the T4 trolls but elephants the momokil and when you have players from Rohan who want them also and have to tell them they can't use them then you will understand just how good mordor/ evil side is seeing as good always fill up first because of videos like this lol
I like this Ben Shapiro version
I am erebor
Good choice!!!
Nolder archer sucks. Nothing like a marshal or swan knight. Marchwarden is better.
Elves Power .