The wind is 4 mph in Glendale. Wind isn't a significant risk factor for fire. Low humidity is. Wind makes a place cooler. In sub-zero temperatures, wind has an even greater cooling effect. It's currently -29°F in Yakutsk, a 4 mph wind is making it feel like -44°F. The higher the wind, the cooler it feels. When it's hot, a fan is used to blow air, which feels cool, which cools down the body. The wind from a fan doesn't make a place warmer and drier. Hence, wind doesn't start fires (i.e., an original fire). It can, however, blow an ember, which can start a second fire. It won't start the first fire.
Don't worry, I hear all that water that Trump had released from Northern Californian reservoirs is slowly making its way down there. Estimated time of arrival = never.
I l8ve next to it, the house next to it is purchased by a developer... Mabee a fire to collect?
A nice little place too, bummer for the folks who lived there.
Lord have mercy
Older house, electrical most likely the cause.
The wind is 4 mph in Glendale. Wind isn't a significant risk factor for fire. Low humidity is. Wind makes a place cooler. In sub-zero temperatures, wind has an even greater cooling effect. It's currently -29°F in Yakutsk, a 4 mph wind is making it feel like -44°F. The higher the wind, the cooler it feels. When it's hot, a fan is used to blow air, which feels cool, which cools down the body. The wind from a fan doesn't make a place warmer and drier. Hence, wind doesn't start fires (i.e., an original fire). It can, however, blow an ember, which can start a second fire. It won't start the first fire.
Well, that’s a goner!
Damn no way it’s still going on
Why arent the buildings next door burning like eaton and palasades fires? Curious how this is more like a normal fire. Hope no injuries
The guy at the bottom right missing the roof half the time
Unhoused or Vengeful Ex?
More like resident-involved accident.
Overloaded electrical lines, cooking oil spilled on stove, rechargeable battery catching fire, etc etc.
Looks like it’s not fully 100% of the wildfire
What are the firefighters on the rooftop doing?????
Is this Glendale CA or Arizona
California since the news is KTLA
Is this DEI ?
Water works pretty good on fires
Don't worry, I hear all that water that Trump had released from Northern Californian reservoirs is slowly making its way down there. Estimated time of arrival = never.
Newsom and Bass trying to do the opposite of what Trump says 😂
@@daphnelu7well Trump is a DMF
@@daphnelu7 Good for them, because everything Trump says is a lie.
But on the BRIGHT SIDE....
The farmers didn't loose their equipment to the unannounced flooding!
No summer water though...
I found it in Google maps. No schools nearby, but there's a used car dealership just up the street. 😮
Wow what’s happening in the LA county!!!
LA County deals with over 10,000 fires every year. Just because YOU are suddenly paying attention does not mean there's anything unusual about this.
Glendale you say, could end up being some type of insurance fraud
Bummer! It was recently canceled.
It seems like it took forever for the firefighters on the roof to get that hose working. 😒
Really? and you are an expert? Hold your thoughts and let firefighters do their job!
@robertnuyda8759 even the announcer said so
Waxing is dangerous 😮
Thank Gawd trump turned on the big faucets…
Threw away ALL the Central Valley farmer's SUMMER water!