A coward is one who speaks on behalf of his people out of fear of them A coward is someone who uses his great strength to protect himself but is unable to protect himself The criminal who brutally kills children and has no mercy on defenseless people A tyrant is someone who wants his position with full force at the expense of the lives of others
ישתבח שמו לעד תודה לבורא עולם שנתן לנו הצלחה במבצע ההמטורף הזה איזה גבר שבגברים מפקד הימ"מ והלוחמים שלנו הכי אלופים ומקצוענים שאפשר לדמיין ומסירות נפש אין סופית למען עם ישראל ❤❤❤🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
כל הצבאות בכל העולם ילמדו את המבצע הזה במשך שנים רבות ודורות של אקדמיה צבאות רבים ינסו להתאמן על תרחיש כזה .אבל !!!! שתדעו ותפנימו , כי בלי עזרה משמיים אין לנו עם ישראל שום כוח ושכל יותר משום עם אחר. הקב"ה מסייע לכוכבים מהימ"מ בוודאות רבה. גם הם מודים בכך .
אין שום קשר לאוגה בוגה..יש לוחמים עם יכולות מטורפות יחד עם תכנון מעולה ושיתוף פעולה עם עוד גורמים. החבר הדמיוני שלך ישן ב7.10 שמדינת ישראל עברה שואה,לא פעם ראשונה שהוא ישן בשואה.
Does involving the army in a battle that costs the lives of the soldiers and the lives of the hostages without accepting the prisoner exchange agreement guarantees their lives and peace for Israel? Is this government managing this scene in the right way? I think that the only beneficiary of this war is Netanyahu
Does involving the army in a battle that costs the lives of the soldiers and the lives of the hostages without accepting the prisoner exchange agreement guarantees their lives and peace for Israel? Is this government managing this scene in the right way? I think that the only beneficiary of this war is Netanyahu
"זו היה משמתינו ".איזה משפט חזק! לא נותן מקום לאופציה אחרת וככה אני רוצה לראות את עצמי לשמור תורה ומצוות, אפילו אם לא נוח, לא קל ואפילו מאיים אני מוכנה לשלם את המחיר כי אני יהודייה !בסוף יש שכר למסירות נפש
Does involving the army in a battle that costs the lives of the soldiers and the lives of the hostages without accepting the prisoner exchange agreement guarantees their lives and peace for Israel? Is this government managing this scene in the right way? I think that the only beneficiary of this war is Netanyahu
A coward is one who speaks on behalf of his people out of fear of them A coward is someone who uses his great strength to protect himself but is unable to protect himself The criminal who brutally kills children and has no mercy on defenseless people A tyrant is someone who wants his position with full force at the expense of the lives of others
Does involving the army in a battle that costs the lives of the soldiers and the lives of the hostages without accepting the prisoner exchange agreement guarantees their lives and peace for Israel? Is this government managing this scene in the right way? I think that the only beneficiary of this war is Netanyahu
ואווו. מעניין איך הולך תהליך המודיעין המדויק הזה. יש אנשים עם עבודות מעניינות בעולם הזה. אין מילים ללוחמים על האומץ לב וכמובן גם למחולצים, שהבינו מהר את הסיטואציה והפכו לחלק מהכוח בדרך כזו או אחרת.
גיבורי ישראל מחנה קדוש מאז נכנסנו לארץ בפעם הראשונה לפני שלושת אלפים שנה אנחנו חיים על החרב, ולא פעם אומות העולם ולא רק הם אלא אנשים מתוך העם הצדיקו את האויבים בטענה שאין לנו בלעדיות עליה. גם עכשיו, בזמן שהמלחמה קשה ומתארכת הם טוענים כך. את הארץ הזאת נתן לנו הכוח העליון, כדי שנשב בה ונהיה לו למחנה קדוש שחי על הכלל "ואהבת לרעך כמוך". אומנם עוד לא הגענו למדרגה הזאת וצריך לחתור אליה בכל הכוח: לוותר כל אחד על עמידה נטועה בגאווה ולעשות צעד רחב לקראת כלל ישראל, אבל לא לחשוב שיש לנו זכות לוותר עליה. ובינתיים עד שנהיה למחנה קדוש, יש בינינו לפחות חלק אחד שהוא כבר כזה: הצבא שלנו, צה"ל. בצבא שנלחם על ארצו יש כוח רוחני, והכוח הזה מסוגל להעלות את כל העם איתו. בקדושה הזו נכללים גם חיילים שאין להם מושג על הציווי להיות אומה שהקיום שלה מותנה באהבת הזולת, שלא יודעים שאנחנו נמצאים במלחמה רוחנית שמביאה את כולנו לקדושת ה'. לכן על כולנו כאחד להתאחד סביב החילות. מלבד הבורא מלמעלה והצבא מלמטה, לא עומדים לעזרנו כוחות להיבנות בארץ ותפקידנו בכוח הוא לתמוך בחיילים עד כמה שרק אפשר, להתקשר בלבבנו ומתוך הלב המשותף לעזור להם להצליח בכל מערכה. כך נכלול את עצמנו בקדושה. המלחמה הזאת צריכה לחדש בנו רצונות עתיקים רדומים, לעורר געגועים גדולים להתקרב זה לזה כדי לקרב אלינו את הכוח העליון. רשימות המלחמה, הרשמים ממנה, בכוחם להביא אותנו להחלטות טובות וישרות שיובילו את העם להיות מחנה קדוש, עַם ה'. הטוב ביותר אם נתפלל יחד עבור החיילים שלנו.
לפני שבןעיים נשיא ארגנטינה היה כאן ועכשיו חילצו חטופים ארגנטינאים. לי זה גורם לתהות האם זה צירוף מקרים ומה זה אומר לגבי שאר החטופים. האם יש מצב שיודעים איפה הם ולא מחלצים אותם??? קצת מוזר
❤❤❤Isaiah 52:1-15 [1]AWAKE, AWAKE! PUT on your STRENGTH, ZION🇮🇱. PUT on your beautiful garments, JERUSALEM🇮🇱 , the HOLY CITY🇮🇱: FOR from now on the uncircumcised and the unclean will NO more come into you. [2]SHAKE yourself from the dust! ARISE, sit up, JERUSALEM 🇮🇱! RELEASE yourself from the bonds of your neck, captive daughter of ZION 🇮🇱! [3]FOR YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 says, “You🇮🇱 were sold for nothing; and you🇮🇱 will be redeemed WITHOUT money.” [4]FOR thus says the YE_HO_VAH ELOHIM🇮🇱: “My people 🇮🇱 went down at the first into EGYPT 🇪🇬 to live there: and the Assyrian has oppressed them🇮🇱 without cause. [5]“NOW therefore, what do I🇮🇱 do here,” says the YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, “seeing that my people🇮🇱 are taken away for nothing? Those who rule over them🇮🇱 mock,” says YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, “and my🇮🇱 NAME is blasphemed continually ALL day long. [6]THEREFORE my people 🇮🇱 shall know my🇮🇱 NAME. THEREFORE they🇮🇱 shall know in that DAY that I🇮🇱 am He 🇮🇱 who speaks. BEHOLD, it is I🇮🇱.” [7]HOW beautiful on the mountains are the feet of Him 🇮🇱 who brings GOOD NEWS🇮🇱, who PUBLISHES PEACE, who brings GOOD NEWS🇮🇱, who PROCLAIMS YESHUA🇮🇱 (SALVATION), who says to ZION🇮🇱, “YOUR GOD🇮🇱 REIGNS!” [8]YOUR watchmen🇮🇱 lift up their voice, together they sing; FOR they🇮🇱 shall see eye to eye, when YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 returns to ZION🇮🇱. [9]BREAK out into joy, SING together, you🇮🇱 waste places of JERUSALEM🇮🇱 ; for YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 has comforted His🇮🇱 people🇮🇱. HE🇮🇱 has REDEEMED JERUSALEM🇮🇱. [10]YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 has made bare His🇮🇱 HOLY ARM in the EYES of ALL the NATIONS; and ALL the ENDS of the EARTH have seen YESHUA🇮🇱 (SALVATION) of our GOD🇮🇱. [11]DEPART, depart, go out from there; TOUCH NO UNCLEAN THING! GO out from among her! CLEANSE yourselves, you🇮🇱 who carry the YE_HO_VAH's🇮🇱 vessels. [12]FOR you🇮🇱 shall NOT go out in HASTE, neither shall you🇮🇱 go by flight: FOR YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 will GO before YOU🇮🇱; and the GOD🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 will be your REAR GUARD. [13]BEHOLD, my servant🇮🇱 will deal wisely. HE🇮🇱 will be exalted and lifted up, and will be very high. [14]Just as many were astonished at you🇮🇱 (his appearance was marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men), [15]SO He 🇮🇱 will CLEANSE many NATIONS. KINGS will SHUT their MOUTHS at Him🇮🇱: FOR they will SEE that which had NOT been TOLD them; and they will UNDERSTAND that which they had NOT heard. Isaiah 53:1-12 [1]WHO has believed our message? TO WHOM has the ARM🇮🇱 of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 been revealed? [2]FOR He 🇮🇱 grew up before Him 🇮🇱 as a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground. HE🇮🇱 has NO good looks or majesty. WHEN we🇮🇱 see Him 🇮🇱, THERE is NO BEAUTY that we🇮🇱 should desire Him 🇮🇱. [3]HE🇮🇱 was despised, and rejected by men; a MAN🇮🇱 of SUFFERING, and ACQUAINTED with DISEASE. HE🇮🇱 was DESPISED as one from whom men hide their face; and WE🇮🇱 DIDN’T RESPECT HIM🇮🇱. [4]SURELY HE🇮🇱 has BORNE our SICKNESS, and CARRIED our SUFFERING; YET WE CONSIDERED HIM🇮🇱 PLAGUED, STRUCK by GOD🇮🇱, and AFFLICTED. [5]BUT HE🇮🇱 was PIERCED for OUR🇮🇱 TRANSGRESSIONS. HE🇮🇱 was CRUSHED for OUR🇮🇱 INIQUITIES. THE PUNISHMENT that BROUGHT our🇮🇱 PEACE was on HIM🇮🇱; and BY His WOUNDS WE are HEALED. [6]ALL we🇮🇱 like sheep have GONE ASTRAY. EVERYONE🇮🇱 has TURNED to his🇮🇱 own WAY; and YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 has LAID on HIM🇮🇱 the INIQUITY of US🇮🇱 ALL. [7]HE🇮🇱 was OPPRESSED, yet when HE🇮🇱 was AFFLICTED HE🇮🇱 did NOT OPEN his MOUTH. AS a LAMB that is LED to the SLAUGHTER, and as a SHEEP THAT BEFORE its SHEARERS is SILENT, so HE🇮🇱 DID NOT OPEN his🇮🇱 MOUTH. [8]HE🇮🇱 was TAKEN AWAY by OPPRESSION and JUDGMENT; and as for HIS🇮🇱 GENERATION, WHO CONSIDERED that HE🇮🇱 was CUT OFF out of the LAND🇮🇱 of the LIVING and STRICKEN for the DISOBEDIENCE of MY🇮🇱 PEOPLE🇮🇱? [9]THEY🇮🇱 MADE his🇮🇱 GRAVE with the WICKED, and with a RICH MAN in his🇮🇱 DEATH; although HE🇮🇱 had done NO VIOLENCE (CHAMAS), NOR was ANY DECEIT in his MOUTH. [10]YET it pleased YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 to bruise him🇮🇱. HE🇮🇱 has caused Him🇮🇱 to suffer. WHEN YOU🇮🇱 MAKE his🇮🇱 SOUL an OFFERING FOR SIN, HE🇮🇱 will SEE his🇮🇱 OFFSPRING. HE🇮🇱 will PROLONG his🇮🇱 DAYS, and YE_HO_VAH's🇮🇱 PLEASURE will PROSPER in His 🇮🇱 HAND. [11]AFTER the SUFFERING of HIS🇮🇱 SOUL, HE🇮🇱 will SEE the LIGHT and be SATISFIED. MY🇮🇱 RIGHTEOUS SERVANT🇮🇱 will JUSTIFY MANY by the KNOWLEDGE of HIMSELF🇮🇱; and HE🇮🇱 will BEAR their🇮🇱 INIQUITIES. [12]THEREFORE I🇮🇱 will GIVE HIM🇮🇱 a PORTION with the GREAT, and HE🇮🇱 will DIVIDE the PLUNDER with the STRONG; BECAUSE HE🇮🇱 POURED out HIS🇮🇱 SOUL to DEATH, and was COUNTED with the TRANSGRESSORS; yet HE🇮🇱 BORE the SINS of MANY, and MADE INTERCESSION for the TRANSGRESSORS. Isaiah 54:1-17 [1]“SING, barren, you who didn’t give birth; break out into singing, and cry aloud, you who didn’t travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife,” says the YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. [2]“ENLARGE the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your habitations; don’t spare: lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. [3]FOR you 🇮🇱 will spread out on the right hand and on the left; and your🇮🇱 offspring will possess the Nations, and settle in DESOLATE CITIES🇮🇱. [4]“DON’T be afraid; for you🇮🇱 will NOT be ashamed. Don’t be confounded; for you🇮🇱 will NOT be disappointed. FOR you🇮🇱 will forget the shame of your🇮🇱 youth; and the reproach of your🇮🇱 widowhood you🇮🇱 shall remember NO more. [5]FOR your🇮🇱 Maker is your🇮🇱 husband; the YE_HO_VAH-TZVA’OT🇮🇱 is his NAME. The HOLY ONE🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 is your🇮🇱 REDEEMER. HE🇮🇱 will be CALLED the GOD🇮🇱 of the WHOLE EARTH. [6]FOR YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 has called you🇮🇱 as a wife forsaken and grieved in spirit, even a wife of youth, when she is cast off,” says your 🇮🇱GOD. [7]“FOR a small moment I🇮🇱 have forsaken you🇮🇱; but I🇮🇱 will gather you🇮🇱 with great mercies. [8]IN overflowing wrath I🇮🇱 hid my face from you🇮🇱 for a moment; but with everlasting loving kindness I🇮🇱 will have mercy on you🇮🇱,” says the YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 your REDEEMER🇮🇱. [9]“FOR this is like the waters of Noah to Me 🇮🇱; for as I🇮🇱 have sworn that the waters of Noah will NO more go over the EARTH, so I🇮🇱 have sworn that I🇮🇱 will NOT be angry with you🇮🇱, NOR rebuke you🇮🇱. [10]FOR the mountains may depart, and the hills be removed; but My🇮🇱 loving kindness will NOT depart from you 🇮🇱, and My 🇮🇱 COVENANT of PEACE will NOT be removed,” says the YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 who has mercy on you 🇮🇱. [11]“You🇮🇱 afflicted, tossed with storms, and not comforted, BEHOLD, I🇮🇱 will set your🇮🇱 STONES in BEAUTIFUL COLORS, and lay your FOUNDATIONS with SAPPHIRES. [12]I🇮🇱 will make your🇮🇱 pinnacles of rubies, your🇮🇱 gates of sparkling jewels, and ALL your🇮🇱 WALLS of PRECIOUS STONES🇮🇱 . [13]ALL your🇮🇱 CHILDREN🇮🇱 will be TAUGHT by YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱; and your🇮🇱 CHILDREN’S PEACE will be GREAT. [14]In righteousness you 🇮🇱 will be established. You🇮🇱 will be FAR from oppression, for you🇮🇱 will NOT be afraid; and FAR from terror, for it shall NOT come near you🇮🇱. [15]BEHOLD, they may gather together, but NOT by me🇮🇱. Whoever gathers together against you 🇮🇱 will FALL because of you🇮🇱. [16]“BEHOLD, I have created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame, and forges a weapon for his work; and I🇮🇱 have CREATED the DESTROYER to DESTROY. [17]NO WEAPON that is FORMED against you 🇮🇱 will prevail; and you 🇮🇱 will condemn every tongue that rises against you🇮🇱 in judgment. This is the heritage of YE_HO_VAH's 🇮🇱servants🇮🇱, and their🇮🇱 righteousness is of Me,🇮🇱” says YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱.❤❤❤
❤❤❤Isaiah 2:1-22 The WORD🇮🇱 which Isaiah, son of Amoz saw concerning JUDAH🇮🇱 and JERUSALEM🇮🇱: It will come to pass in the LAST DAYS that the mountain of YE_HO_VAH’s🇮🇱 HOUSE🇮🇱 will stand firm as HEAD of the MOUNTAINS and will be exalted above the HILLS. So all NATIONS will flow to it. Then many peoples will go and say: “Come, let us go up to the MOUNTAIN🇮🇱 of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, to the HOUSE🇮🇱 of the GOD🇮🇱 of JACOB🇮🇱! Then He🇮🇱 will teach us🇮🇱 His🇮🇱 ways🇮🇱, and we🇮🇱 will walk in His🇮🇱 paths🇮🇱.” For TORAH🇮🇱 will go forth from ZION🇮🇱 and the WORD🇮🇱 of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 from JERUSALEM🇮🇱. He🇮🇱 will JUDGE between the NATIONS and decide for many PEOPLES. They will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning knives. NATION will NOT lift up SWORD against NATION, NOR will they learn WAR any more. Come HOUSE🇮🇱 of JACOB🇮🇱, let us🇮🇱 walk in the LIGHT🇮🇱 of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. For You🇮🇱 have forsaken Your🇮🇱 people🇮🇱, the house🇮🇱 of Jacob🇮🇱. For they🇮🇱 are filled with soothsayers from the east, and they have clapped hands with the children of foreigners. Their land also is full of silver and gold, nor is there any limit to their treasures. Their land also is full of horses, nor is there any limit to their chariots. Their land also is full of idols. They worship the work of their hands, what their own fingers have made. So humanity bows down as each one lowers himself. Pardon them not! Enter into the rock and hide in the dust, for fear of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, and the glory🇮🇱 of His🇮🇱 majesty🇮🇱. The man of haughty eyes is humbled, the lofty ones brought low, for YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 alone will be exalted in that DAY. For the DAY of YE_HO_VAH-TZVA’OT🇮🇱 will be against anyone proud and haughty, against anyone lifted up-he will be humbled, against all the cedars of Lebanon 🇱🇧 that are lofty and lifted up, against all the oaks of Bashan, against all the high mountains, against all the exalted hills, against every high tower, against every fortified wall, against all the Tarshish ships, and against all the luxury boats. The pride of man will be humbled, the arrogance of men abased, for YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 alone will be exalted in that DAY. The idols will completely pass away. People will go into the caves of the rocks and into the holes of the earth, because of the fear of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 and the splendor of His🇮🇱 majesty, when He🇮🇱 arises to shake the earth. In that DAY a man will cast away his idols of silver and his idols of gold, which they made to worship, to the moles and to the bats! They go into the clefts of the rocks and the crevices of the crags, because of fear of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 and the splendor of His🇮🇱 majesty, when He🇮🇱 arises to SHAKE the EARTH. Stop trusting in mankind -whose breath is in his nose- for what is he really worth? - Isaiah 2:1-22
❤❤❤Ezekiel 36:1-38 “You🇮🇱, son of man, prophesy to the 🇮🇱mountains🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 and say: ‘Mountains 🇮🇱of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 , hear the WORD🇮🇱 of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. Thus says YE_HO_VAH ELOHIM🇮🇱: The enemy has said against you🇮🇱, “Aha! Even the ancient high places have become our possession!” Therefore prophesy and say, thus says YE_HO_VAH ELOHIM🇮🇱: Because they ravaged and crushed you 🇮🇱from every side, so that you 🇮🇱became the possession of the rest of the nations and you 🇮🇱became the talk and evil gossip of people, therefore, mountains🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 , hear the WORD 🇮🇱of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, thus says YE_HO_VAH ELOHIM🇮🇱 to the mountains🇮🇱, the hills🇮🇱, the streams 🇮🇱and the valleys🇮🇱, the desolate wastes🇮🇱, and the cities🇮🇱 that are forsaken, which have become prey and derision to the rest of the surrounding nations. Therefore thus says🇮🇱 YE_HO_VAH ELOHIM🇮🇱: Surely in the fire of My 🇮🇱WRATH🇮🇱 I🇮🇱 have spoken against the rest of the nations, and against ALL EDOM, that have taken My 🇮🇱LAND 🇮🇱for themselves as a possession with the joy of all their heart and contempt in their souls, in order to seize it as plunder. Therefore, prophesy to the LAND🇮🇱 of 🇮🇱ISRAEL 🇮🇱 say to the mountains🇮🇱 and the hills🇮🇱, the streams 🇮🇱and the valleys🇮🇱, thus says YE_HO_VAH ELOHIM🇮🇱: BEHOLD, I have spoken in My 🇮🇱WRATH🇮🇱 and in My 🇮🇱FURY🇮🇱, because you 🇮🇱have suffered the scorn of the nations.’ Therefore thus says YE_HO_VAH ELOHIM🇮🇱: I🇮🇱 have lifted My 🇮🇱hand. Surely the nations that surround you 🇮🇱will themselves suffer scorn. - Ezekiel 36:1-7 “‘But you🇮🇱, mountains 🇮🇱of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 , you 🇮🇱will shoot forth your🇮🇱 branches and yield your🇮🇱 fruit for My 🇮🇱people ISRAEL 🇮🇱 ; for their 🇮🇱return is near. For BEHOLD, I 🇮🇱am for you🇮🇱. I 🇮🇱will turn to you🇮🇱. You 🇮🇱will be tilled and sown. I🇮🇱 will settle a large population upon you🇮🇱-the whole HOUSE🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 , ALL of it. The CITIES 🇮🇱will be inhabited. The DESOLATE PLACES 🇮🇱 will be built up. I🇮🇱 will MULTIPLY man and beast upon you🇮🇱. They🇮🇱 will INCREASE and be FRUITFUL. I 🇮🇱will cause you🇮🇱 to be inhabited as you 🇮🇱were before. I🇮🇱 will do better for you 🇮🇱than at your 🇮🇱beginnings🇮🇱. You🇮🇱 will know that I 🇮🇱am YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. I🇮🇱 will cause people, My🇮🇱 people🇮🇱 ISRAEL 🇮🇱 , to walk upon you🇮🇱. They 🇮🇱will possess you🇮🇱, and you🇮🇱 will be their🇮🇱 inheritance. You🇮🇱 will no longer deprive them🇮🇱 of children🇮🇱.’ - Ezekiel 36:8-12 “Thus says YE_HO_VAH 🇮🇱ELOHIM🇮🇱: ‘Because they say to you🇮🇱, “You🇮🇱 are a devourer of men and you 🇮🇱deprive your nation of children,” therefore you 🇮🇱will no longer devour men and you 🇮🇱will no longer deprive your 🇮🇱nation of children.’ It is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. ‘I 🇮🇱will NO longer let the scorn of the nations be heard against you🇮🇱. You 🇮🇱will NO longer bear disgrace from the peoples🇮🇱. You🇮🇱 will NO longer cause your 🇮🇱nation to stumble.’” It is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. - Ezekiel 36:13-15 “Son of man, when the HOUSE🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 lived in their 🇮🇱own land🇮🇱, they🇮🇱 defiled it by their 🇮🇱way and by their🇮🇱 deeds. Their 🇮🇱way before Me 🇮🇱was like the uncleanness of a woman in her niddah. So I🇮🇱 poured out My 🇮🇱fury on them🇮🇱 for the blood which they🇮🇱 had shed upon the land 🇮🇱and because they 🇮🇱had defiled it with their 🇮🇱idols. I🇮🇱 scattered them🇮🇱 among the nations, so they🇮🇱 were dispersed through the countries. According to their🇮🇱 way and their 🇮🇱deeds I🇮🇱 judged them🇮🇱. Wherever they 🇮🇱went among the nations, they🇮🇱 profaned My 🇮🇱HOLY NAME, since it was said about them🇮🇱, ‘These are the people🇮🇱 of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, yet they🇮🇱 had to leave His 🇮🇱LAND🇮🇱.’ But I 🇮🇱had concern for My 🇮🇱HOLY NAME🇮🇱, which the HOUSE🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 had profaned among the nations wherever they🇮🇱 went. - Ezekiel 36:17-21 “Therefore say to the HOUSE 🇮🇱of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 , thus says YE_HO_VAH 🇮🇱ELOHIM🇮🇱: ‘I🇮🇱 do NOT do this for your 🇮🇱sake, HOUSE🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 , but for My 🇮🇱HOLY NAME🇮🇱, which you profaned among the nations wherever you 🇮🇱went. I 🇮🇱will sanctify My 🇮🇱GREAT NAME🇮🇱, which has been profaned among the nations-which you 🇮🇱have profaned among them. The nations will know that I 🇮🇱am YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱’-it is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱-‘when I 🇮🇱am sanctified in you 🇮🇱before their eyes. - Ezekiel 36:22-23 “‘For I will take you🇮🇱 from the nations, gather you 🇮🇱out of all the countries, and bring you 🇮🇱back to your🇮🇱 own land🇮🇱. Then I🇮🇱 will sprinkle clean water on you 🇮🇱and you🇮🇱 will be clean from all your🇮🇱 uncleanness and from all your🇮🇱 idols🇮🇱. Moreover, I🇮🇱 will give you 🇮🇱a new heart. I🇮🇱 will put a new SPIRIT within you🇮🇱. I🇮🇱 will remove the stony heart from your 🇮🇱flesh and give you 🇮🇱a heart of flesh. I🇮🇱 will put My 🇮🇱RUACH🇮🇱 within you🇮🇱. Then I🇮🇱 will cause you 🇮🇱to walk in My🇮🇱 laws, so you🇮🇱 will keep My🇮🇱 rulings and do them. Then you 🇮🇱will live in the LAND 🇮🇱 that I🇮🇱 gave to your 🇮🇱fathers🇮🇱. You 🇮🇱will be My🇮🇱 people 🇮🇱and I🇮🇱 will be your GOD🇮🇱. - Ezekiel 36:24-28 “‘So I🇮🇱 will save you🇮🇱 from all your🇮🇱 uncleanness. I🇮🇱 will call for the grain and make it plentiful. I🇮🇱 will not bring a famine upon you🇮🇱. I🇮🇱 will multiply the fruit of the tree and the produce of the field, so that you🇮🇱 will no longer bear the disgrace of famine among the nations. When you🇮🇱 remember your🇮🇱 evil ways and your🇮🇱 deeds that were not good, you🇮🇱 will be disgusted with yourselves🇮🇱 because of your🇮🇱 iniquities and your🇮🇱 abominations. Not for your sake will I🇮🇱 do this’-it is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 -‘let that be known to you🇮🇱. Be ashamed and confounded for your🇮🇱 ways, HOUSE 🇮🇱of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 !’ - Ezekiel 36:29-32 “Thus says YE_HO_VAH ELOHIM🇮🇱: ‘In the day that I🇮🇱 pronounce you 🇮🇱clean from all your🇮🇱 iniquities, I🇮🇱 will cause the cities to be inhabited and the ruins will be rebuilt. The LAND🇮🇱 that was desolate will be tilled instead of being a wasteland in the sight of all that passed by. They will say, “This LAND 🇮🇱that was a WASTELAND has become like the garden of EDEN. The waste, desolate, and ruined cities🇮🇱 are fortified and inhabited.” Then the NATIONS that are left all around you🇮🇱 will know that I🇮🇱, YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, have rebuilt the ruined places, and replanted what was desolate. I🇮🇱, YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, have spoken it. So I🇮🇱 will do it.’ - Ezekiel 36:33-36 “Thus says YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 ELOHIM🇮🇱: ‘I🇮🇱 will again be inquired of by the HOUSE 🇮🇱of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 , to do it for them🇮🇱 -I🇮🇱 will populate them 🇮🇱with people like a flock. Like the HOLY FLOCK 🇮🇱, like the flock 🇮🇱of JERUSALEM🇮🇱 during her moadim🇮🇱, so the waste cities 🇮🇱will be filled with flocks of people🇮🇱. Then they🇮🇱 will know that I🇮🇱 am YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱.’” - Ezekiel 36:37-38❤❤❤
כן כי זה לגמרי לגיטימי לתת ללוחמי ימ"מ לקפוץ על החטופים עם שחפצים מיוחדים ולהסתכן בלאבד 4 אנשים ולא 2, וואלה איפה סדר העדיפויות של צהל איך אתם לא מעזים לסכן כול כך הרבה חיילים בשביל 2 אנשים וואלה מצטער אבל בושה.
כל הכבוד! תותחים !! מצדיע מרחוק.עם ישראל תמיד חי.
אלופים!! ריגשתם את כולנו. הלוואי וכל החטופים יחזרו הביתה בשלום ❤
A coward is one who speaks on behalf of his people out of fear of them
A coward is someone who uses his great strength to protect himself but is unable to protect himself
The criminal who brutally kills children and has no mercy on defenseless people
A tyrant is someone who wants his position with full force at the expense of the lives of others
יישר כוחכם. ברוך השם שנתן בכם אומץ לב ונחישות לבצע פעולה כזאת להצלת חיים.
לוחמים יקרים שלנו תודה רבה אני שמעתי את הבשורה המשמחת הזאת ממש התרגשתי גאים בכם!!!❤❤
ישתבח שמו לעד
תודה לבורא עולם שנתן לנו הצלחה במבצע ההמטורף הזה
איזה גבר שבגברים מפקד הימ"מ והלוחמים שלנו הכי אלופים ומקצוענים שאפשר לדמיין
ומסירות נפש אין סופית למען עם ישראל ❤❤❤🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
שהשם ישמור אותכם צדיקים גדולים ❤❤❤❤
Ce ne sont pas des héros de cinéma, ce sont de vrais héros
Ce sont des héros d’un grand courage. Félicitations
Герои они с наемниками Америки, трусами были и останутся , перед миром ! Героями они стали убивая мирных детей и женшин! Вот их сушность!
כל הצבאות בכל העולם ילמדו את המבצע הזה במשך שנים רבות ודורות של אקדמיה צבאות רבים ינסו להתאמן על תרחיש כזה .אבל !!!! שתדעו ותפנימו , כי בלי עזרה משמיים אין לנו עם ישראל שום כוח ושכל יותר משום עם אחר. הקב"ה מסייע לכוכבים מהימ"מ בוודאות רבה. גם הם מודים בכך .
אין שום קשר לאוגה בוגה..יש לוחמים עם יכולות מטורפות יחד עם תכנון מעולה ושיתוף פעולה עם עוד גורמים.
החבר הדמיוני שלך ישן ב7.10 שמדינת ישראל עברה שואה,לא פעם ראשונה שהוא ישן בשואה.
Does involving the army in a battle that costs the lives of the soldiers and the lives of the hostages without accepting the prisoner exchange agreement guarantees their lives and peace for Israel?
Is this government managing this scene in the right way?
I think that the only beneficiary of this war is Netanyahu
שהשם ישמור אותם ❤
Does involving the army in a battle that costs the lives of the soldiers and the lives of the hostages without accepting the prisoner exchange agreement guarantees their lives and peace for Israel?
Is this government managing this scene in the right way?
I think that the only beneficiary of this war is Netanyahu
"זו היה משמתינו ".איזה משפט חזק! לא נותן מקום לאופציה אחרת וככה אני רוצה לראות את עצמי לשמור תורה ומצוות,
אפילו אם לא נוח, לא קל ואפילו מאיים אני מוכנה לשלם את המחיר כי אני יהודייה !בסוף יש שכר למסירות נפש
Does involving the army in a battle that costs the lives of the soldiers and the lives of the hostages without accepting the prisoner exchange agreement guarantees their lives and peace for Israel?
Is this government managing this scene in the right way?
I think that the only beneficiary of this war is Netanyahu
אלופים כל הכבוד ליממ
ואוו איזה יופי ברוך השם
A coward is one who speaks on behalf of his people out of fear of them
A coward is someone who uses his great strength to protect himself but is unable to protect himself
The criminal who brutally kills children and has no mercy on defenseless people
A tyrant is someone who wants his position with full force at the expense of the lives of others
כפרה עליכם צה״ל שלנוווו איןןן מילים להודות לכם על הגבורה שלכם עם ישראל מצדיע לכם ❤❤❤❤❤
לא צה''ל.
משמר הגבול.
הימ"מ הם אלו שחילצו את החטופים
כל הכבוד החיילים אלופים ה׳ ישמור עליכם צבא הגנה לישראל אמן החטופים כולם יחזרו בשלום 🎗️
Brave 💪
Does involving the army in a battle that costs the lives of the soldiers and the lives of the hostages without accepting the prisoner exchange agreement guarantees their lives and peace for Israel?
Is this government managing this scene in the right way?
I think that the only beneficiary of this war is Netanyahu
איןןן על הגיבורים והאמיצים של חיילי צה״ל וכוחות הבטחון של עם ישראל בורא עולם ישמור עליכם ❤❤❤❤❤
היחידה הזאת פשוט שבורה זה לא כוחות 💪🇮🇱
זה נכון שפגעת בצבא שלנו, לא משנה כמה חזק הנשק שלו, זה חסר תועלת כי הוא חלש מבפנים
וואי וואי מיהם אריות הים האמריקאים
באש ובמים עם ישראל חי 🇮🇱
כל הכבוד
תבורכו משמיים❤
אתם היהלומים שלנו ❤🇮🇱
הדבר החשוב ביותר הוא שהמבצע הזה הוא תהליך רכישת אסירים לאחר תשלום מיליון דולר, לפי הסכם ותיאום שהתקיים בלונדון
זה אומר שאין גבורה, גאונות או גבורה
ואווו. מעניין איך הולך תהליך המודיעין המדויק הזה. יש אנשים עם עבודות מעניינות בעולם הזה.
אין מילים ללוחמים על האומץ לב וכמובן גם למחולצים, שהבינו מהר את הסיטואציה והפכו לחלק מהכוח בדרך כזו או אחרת.
גיבורי ישראל
מחנה קדוש
מאז נכנסנו לארץ בפעם הראשונה לפני שלושת אלפים שנה אנחנו חיים על החרב, ולא פעם אומות העולם ולא רק הם אלא אנשים מתוך העם הצדיקו את האויבים בטענה שאין לנו בלעדיות עליה. גם עכשיו, בזמן שהמלחמה קשה ומתארכת הם טוענים כך.
את הארץ הזאת נתן לנו הכוח העליון, כדי שנשב בה ונהיה לו למחנה קדוש שחי על הכלל "ואהבת לרעך כמוך". אומנם עוד לא הגענו למדרגה הזאת וצריך לחתור אליה בכל הכוח: לוותר כל אחד על עמידה נטועה בגאווה ולעשות צעד רחב לקראת כלל ישראל, אבל לא לחשוב שיש לנו זכות לוותר עליה.
ובינתיים עד שנהיה למחנה קדוש, יש בינינו לפחות חלק אחד שהוא כבר כזה: הצבא שלנו, צה"ל. בצבא שנלחם על ארצו יש כוח רוחני, והכוח הזה מסוגל להעלות את כל העם איתו. בקדושה הזו נכללים גם חיילים שאין להם מושג על הציווי להיות אומה שהקיום שלה מותנה באהבת הזולת, שלא יודעים שאנחנו נמצאים במלחמה רוחנית שמביאה את כולנו לקדושת ה'.
לכן על כולנו כאחד להתאחד סביב החילות. מלבד הבורא מלמעלה והצבא מלמטה, לא עומדים לעזרנו כוחות להיבנות בארץ ותפקידנו בכוח הוא לתמוך בחיילים עד כמה שרק אפשר, להתקשר בלבבנו ומתוך הלב המשותף לעזור להם להצליח בכל מערכה. כך נכלול את עצמנו בקדושה.
המלחמה הזאת צריכה לחדש בנו רצונות עתיקים רדומים, לעורר געגועים גדולים להתקרב זה לזה כדי לקרב אלינו את הכוח העליון. רשימות המלחמה, הרשמים ממנה, בכוחם להביא אותנו להחלטות טובות וישרות שיובילו את העם להיות מחנה קדוש, עַם ה'. הטוב ביותר אם נתפלל יחד עבור החיילים שלנו.
ברוך הוא וברוך שמו
אני מודה שכל אוכלוסיית ישראל מפחדת ושהכוח העומד בפנינו גדול מאוד😢
😂 לך לישון במנהרה שלך יא חמאר
לגלות לאוייב את שיטות הפעולה בזמן מלחמה.. למה ? שאפו לחיילים האמיצים ולתקשורת צנזורה בבקשה
תודה רבה לכם❤
זוכרת את ה' אלוקיך כי הוא הנותן לך כח לעשות חיל.
גיבורי ישראל 🇮🇱
השם ישמור את כל הלוחמים.
Am Yisrael Chai
לפני שבןעיים נשיא ארגנטינה היה כאן ועכשיו חילצו חטופים ארגנטינאים. לי זה גורם לתהות האם זה צירוף מקרים ומה זה אומר לגבי שאר החטופים. האם יש מצב שיודעים איפה הם ולא מחלצים אותם??? קצת מוזר
מיותר להתראיין לערוץ 13 שרק הפוגרס המשייחי דוברי העברית צופה בהם.
למה אתם צריכים לפרט כל כך הרבה???? מה עם קצת צניעות. למה לפרט לאויב כדי יוכל להתכונן לפעם הבאה
מזה קשור לדייע שלי ??
Na3atu la 3aleikom
SuperHeroes, All IDF!🥰🥇🏆🎊🎉✡️🇮🇱❤️🙏🏻💪🏻🛠🌎G-D Bless The Jewish People in the Richest Ways!🥰🥰🥇🏆🎊🎉✡️🇮🇱❤️🙏🏻💪🏻🛠🌎
❤❤❤Isaiah 52:1-15
[1]AWAKE, AWAKE! PUT on your STRENGTH, ZION🇮🇱. PUT on your beautiful garments, JERUSALEM🇮🇱 , the HOLY CITY🇮🇱: FOR from now on the uncircumcised and the unclean will NO more come into you.
[2]SHAKE yourself from the dust! ARISE, sit up, JERUSALEM 🇮🇱! RELEASE yourself from the bonds of your neck, captive daughter of ZION 🇮🇱!
[3]FOR YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 says, “You🇮🇱 were sold for nothing; and you🇮🇱 will be redeemed WITHOUT money.”
[4]FOR thus says the YE_HO_VAH ELOHIM🇮🇱: “My people 🇮🇱 went down at the first into EGYPT 🇪🇬 to live there: and the Assyrian has oppressed them🇮🇱 without cause.
[5]“NOW therefore, what do I🇮🇱 do here,” says the YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, “seeing that my people🇮🇱 are taken away for nothing? Those who rule over them🇮🇱 mock,” says YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, “and my🇮🇱 NAME is blasphemed continually ALL day long.
[6]THEREFORE my people 🇮🇱 shall know my🇮🇱 NAME. THEREFORE they🇮🇱 shall know in that DAY that I🇮🇱 am He 🇮🇱 who speaks. BEHOLD, it is I🇮🇱.”
[7]HOW beautiful on the mountains are the feet of Him 🇮🇱 who brings GOOD NEWS🇮🇱, who PUBLISHES PEACE, who brings GOOD NEWS🇮🇱, who PROCLAIMS YESHUA🇮🇱 (SALVATION), who says to ZION🇮🇱, “YOUR GOD🇮🇱 REIGNS!”
[8]YOUR watchmen🇮🇱 lift up their voice, together they sing; FOR they🇮🇱 shall see eye to eye, when YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 returns to ZION🇮🇱.
[9]BREAK out into joy, SING together, you🇮🇱 waste places of JERUSALEM🇮🇱 ; for YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 has comforted His🇮🇱 people🇮🇱. HE🇮🇱 has REDEEMED JERUSALEM🇮🇱.
[10]YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 has made bare His🇮🇱 HOLY ARM in the EYES of ALL the NATIONS; and ALL the ENDS of the EARTH have seen YESHUA🇮🇱 (SALVATION) of our GOD🇮🇱.
[11]DEPART, depart, go out from there; TOUCH NO UNCLEAN THING! GO out from among her! CLEANSE yourselves, you🇮🇱 who carry the YE_HO_VAH's🇮🇱 vessels.
[12]FOR you🇮🇱 shall NOT go out in HASTE, neither shall you🇮🇱 go by flight: FOR YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 will GO before YOU🇮🇱; and the GOD🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 will be your REAR GUARD.
[13]BEHOLD, my servant🇮🇱 will deal wisely. HE🇮🇱 will be exalted and lifted up, and will be very high.
[14]Just as many were astonished at you🇮🇱 (his appearance was marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men),
[15]SO He 🇮🇱 will CLEANSE many NATIONS. KINGS will SHUT their MOUTHS at Him🇮🇱: FOR they will SEE that which had NOT been TOLD them; and they will UNDERSTAND that which they had NOT heard.
Isaiah 53:1-12
[1]WHO has believed our message? TO WHOM has the ARM🇮🇱 of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 been revealed?
[2]FOR He 🇮🇱 grew up before Him 🇮🇱 as a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground. HE🇮🇱 has NO good looks or majesty. WHEN we🇮🇱 see Him 🇮🇱, THERE is NO BEAUTY that we🇮🇱 should desire Him 🇮🇱.
[3]HE🇮🇱 was despised, and rejected by men; a MAN🇮🇱 of SUFFERING, and ACQUAINTED with DISEASE. HE🇮🇱 was DESPISED as one from whom men hide their face; and WE🇮🇱 DIDN’T RESPECT HIM🇮🇱.
[6]ALL we🇮🇱 like sheep have GONE ASTRAY. EVERYONE🇮🇱 has TURNED to his🇮🇱 own WAY; and YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 has LAID on HIM🇮🇱 the INIQUITY of US🇮🇱 ALL.
[7]HE🇮🇱 was OPPRESSED, yet when HE🇮🇱 was AFFLICTED HE🇮🇱 did NOT OPEN his MOUTH. AS a LAMB that is LED to the SLAUGHTER, and as a SHEEP THAT BEFORE its SHEARERS is SILENT, so HE🇮🇱 DID NOT OPEN his🇮🇱 MOUTH.
[9]THEY🇮🇱 MADE his🇮🇱 GRAVE with the WICKED, and with a RICH MAN in his🇮🇱 DEATH; although HE🇮🇱 had done NO VIOLENCE (CHAMAS), NOR was ANY DECEIT in his MOUTH.
[10]YET it pleased YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 to bruise him🇮🇱. HE🇮🇱 has caused Him🇮🇱 to suffer. WHEN YOU🇮🇱 MAKE his🇮🇱 SOUL an OFFERING FOR SIN, HE🇮🇱 will SEE his🇮🇱 OFFSPRING. HE🇮🇱 will PROLONG his🇮🇱 DAYS, and YE_HO_VAH's🇮🇱 PLEASURE will PROSPER in His 🇮🇱 HAND.
Isaiah 54:1-17
[1]“SING, barren, you who didn’t give birth; break out into singing, and cry aloud, you who didn’t travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife,” says the YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱.
[2]“ENLARGE the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your habitations; don’t spare: lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes.
[3]FOR you 🇮🇱 will spread out on the right hand and on the left; and your🇮🇱 offspring will possess the Nations, and settle in DESOLATE CITIES🇮🇱.
[4]“DON’T be afraid; for you🇮🇱 will NOT be ashamed. Don’t be confounded; for you🇮🇱 will NOT be disappointed. FOR you🇮🇱 will forget the shame of your🇮🇱 youth; and the reproach of your🇮🇱 widowhood you🇮🇱 shall remember NO more.
[5]FOR your🇮🇱 Maker is your🇮🇱 husband; the YE_HO_VAH-TZVA’OT🇮🇱 is his NAME. The HOLY ONE🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 is your🇮🇱 REDEEMER. HE🇮🇱 will be CALLED the GOD🇮🇱 of the WHOLE EARTH.
[6]FOR YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 has called you🇮🇱 as a wife forsaken and grieved in spirit, even a wife of youth, when she is cast off,” says your 🇮🇱GOD.
[7]“FOR a small moment I🇮🇱 have forsaken you🇮🇱; but I🇮🇱 will gather you🇮🇱 with great mercies.
[8]IN overflowing wrath I🇮🇱 hid my face from you🇮🇱 for a moment; but with everlasting loving kindness I🇮🇱 will have mercy on you🇮🇱,” says the YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 your REDEEMER🇮🇱.
[9]“FOR this is like the waters of Noah to Me 🇮🇱; for as I🇮🇱 have sworn that the waters of Noah will NO more go over the EARTH, so I🇮🇱 have sworn that I🇮🇱 will NOT be angry with you🇮🇱, NOR rebuke you🇮🇱.
[10]FOR the mountains may depart, and the hills be removed; but My🇮🇱 loving kindness will NOT depart from you 🇮🇱, and My 🇮🇱 COVENANT of PEACE will NOT be removed,” says the YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 who has mercy on you 🇮🇱.
[11]“You🇮🇱 afflicted, tossed with storms, and not comforted, BEHOLD, I🇮🇱 will set your🇮🇱 STONES in BEAUTIFUL COLORS, and lay your FOUNDATIONS with SAPPHIRES.
[12]I🇮🇱 will make your🇮🇱 pinnacles of rubies, your🇮🇱 gates of sparkling jewels, and ALL your🇮🇱 WALLS of PRECIOUS STONES🇮🇱 .
[13]ALL your🇮🇱 CHILDREN🇮🇱 will be TAUGHT by YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱; and your🇮🇱 CHILDREN’S PEACE will be GREAT.
[14]In righteousness you 🇮🇱 will be established. You🇮🇱 will be FAR from oppression, for you🇮🇱 will NOT be afraid; and FAR from terror, for it shall NOT come near you🇮🇱.
[15]BEHOLD, they may gather together, but NOT by me🇮🇱. Whoever gathers together against you 🇮🇱 will FALL because of you🇮🇱.
[16]“BEHOLD, I have created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame, and forges a weapon for his work; and I🇮🇱 have CREATED the DESTROYER to DESTROY.
[17]NO WEAPON that is FORMED against you 🇮🇱 will prevail; and you 🇮🇱 will condemn every tongue that rises against you🇮🇱 in judgment. This is the heritage of YE_HO_VAH's 🇮🇱servants🇮🇱, and their🇮🇱 righteousness is of Me,🇮🇱” says YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱.❤❤❤
גיבורי ישראל
גיבורי ישראל.. מצדיע לכם
לא ינום ולא ישן שומר ישראל
תפסיקו לדבר ! תעשו
❤❤❤Isaiah 2:1-22
The WORD🇮🇱 which Isaiah, son of Amoz saw concerning JUDAH🇮🇱 and JERUSALEM🇮🇱: It will come to pass in the LAST DAYS that the mountain of YE_HO_VAH’s🇮🇱 HOUSE🇮🇱 will stand firm as HEAD of the MOUNTAINS and will be exalted above the HILLS. So all NATIONS will flow to it. Then many peoples will go and say: “Come, let us go up to the MOUNTAIN🇮🇱 of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, to the HOUSE🇮🇱 of the GOD🇮🇱 of JACOB🇮🇱! Then He🇮🇱 will teach us🇮🇱 His🇮🇱 ways🇮🇱, and we🇮🇱 will walk in His🇮🇱 paths🇮🇱.” For TORAH🇮🇱 will go forth from ZION🇮🇱 and the WORD🇮🇱 of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 from JERUSALEM🇮🇱. He🇮🇱 will JUDGE between the NATIONS and decide for many PEOPLES. They will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning knives. NATION will NOT lift up SWORD against NATION, NOR will they learn WAR any more.
Come HOUSE🇮🇱 of JACOB🇮🇱, let us🇮🇱 walk in the LIGHT🇮🇱 of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. For You🇮🇱 have forsaken Your🇮🇱 people🇮🇱, the house🇮🇱 of Jacob🇮🇱. For they🇮🇱 are filled with soothsayers from the east, and they have clapped hands with the children of foreigners. Their land also is full of silver and gold, nor is there any limit to their treasures. Their land also is full of horses, nor is there any limit to their chariots. Their land also is full of idols. They worship the work of their hands, what their own fingers have made. So humanity bows down as each one lowers himself. Pardon them not! Enter into the rock and hide in the dust, for fear of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, and the glory🇮🇱 of His🇮🇱 majesty🇮🇱. The man of haughty eyes is humbled, the lofty ones brought low, for YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 alone will be exalted in that DAY. For the DAY of YE_HO_VAH-TZVA’OT🇮🇱 will be against anyone proud and haughty, against anyone lifted up-he will be humbled, against all the cedars of Lebanon 🇱🇧 that are lofty and lifted up, against all the oaks of Bashan, against all the high mountains, against all the exalted hills, against every high tower, against every fortified wall, against all the Tarshish ships, and against all the luxury boats. The pride of man will be humbled, the arrogance of men abased, for YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 alone will be exalted in that DAY. The idols will completely pass away. People will go into the caves of the rocks and into the holes of the earth, because of the fear of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 and the splendor of His🇮🇱 majesty, when He🇮🇱 arises to shake the earth. In that DAY a man will cast away his idols of silver and his idols of gold, which they made to worship, to the moles and to the bats! They go into the clefts of the rocks and the crevices of the crags, because of fear of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 and the splendor of His🇮🇱 majesty, when He🇮🇱 arises to SHAKE the EARTH. Stop trusting in mankind -whose breath is in his nose- for what is he really worth?
- Isaiah 2:1-22
❤❤❤Ezekiel 36:1-38 “You🇮🇱, son of man, prophesy to the 🇮🇱mountains🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 and say: ‘Mountains 🇮🇱of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 , hear the WORD🇮🇱 of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. Thus says YE_HO_VAH ELOHIM🇮🇱:
The enemy has said against you🇮🇱, “Aha! Even the ancient high places have become our possession!” Therefore prophesy and say, thus says YE_HO_VAH ELOHIM🇮🇱: Because they ravaged and crushed you 🇮🇱from every side, so that you 🇮🇱became the possession of the rest of the nations and you 🇮🇱became the talk and evil gossip of people, therefore, mountains🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 , hear the WORD 🇮🇱of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, thus says YE_HO_VAH ELOHIM🇮🇱 to the mountains🇮🇱, the hills🇮🇱, the streams 🇮🇱and the valleys🇮🇱, the desolate wastes🇮🇱, and the cities🇮🇱 that are forsaken, which have become prey and derision to the rest of the surrounding nations.
Therefore thus says🇮🇱 YE_HO_VAH ELOHIM🇮🇱: Surely in the fire of My 🇮🇱WRATH🇮🇱 I🇮🇱 have spoken against the rest of the nations, and against ALL EDOM, that have taken My 🇮🇱LAND 🇮🇱for themselves as a possession with the joy of all their heart and contempt in their souls, in order to seize it as plunder.
Therefore, prophesy to the LAND🇮🇱 of 🇮🇱ISRAEL 🇮🇱 say to the mountains🇮🇱 and the hills🇮🇱, the streams 🇮🇱and the valleys🇮🇱, thus says YE_HO_VAH ELOHIM🇮🇱:
BEHOLD, I have spoken in My 🇮🇱WRATH🇮🇱 and in My 🇮🇱FURY🇮🇱, because you 🇮🇱have suffered the scorn of the nations.’
Therefore thus says YE_HO_VAH ELOHIM🇮🇱:
I🇮🇱 have lifted My 🇮🇱hand. Surely the nations that surround you 🇮🇱will themselves suffer scorn.
- Ezekiel 36:1-7
“‘But you🇮🇱, mountains 🇮🇱of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 , you 🇮🇱will shoot forth your🇮🇱 branches and yield your🇮🇱 fruit for My 🇮🇱people ISRAEL 🇮🇱 ; for their 🇮🇱return is near. For BEHOLD, I 🇮🇱am for you🇮🇱. I 🇮🇱will turn to you🇮🇱. You 🇮🇱will be tilled and sown. I🇮🇱 will settle a large population upon you🇮🇱-the whole HOUSE🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 , ALL of it. The CITIES 🇮🇱will be inhabited. The DESOLATE PLACES 🇮🇱 will be built up. I🇮🇱 will MULTIPLY man and beast upon you🇮🇱. They🇮🇱 will INCREASE and be FRUITFUL. I 🇮🇱will cause you🇮🇱 to be inhabited as you 🇮🇱were before. I🇮🇱 will do better for you 🇮🇱than at your 🇮🇱beginnings🇮🇱. You🇮🇱 will know that I 🇮🇱am YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. I🇮🇱 will cause people, My🇮🇱 people🇮🇱 ISRAEL 🇮🇱 , to walk upon you🇮🇱. They 🇮🇱will possess you🇮🇱, and you🇮🇱 will be their🇮🇱 inheritance. You🇮🇱 will no longer deprive them🇮🇱 of children🇮🇱.’
- Ezekiel 36:8-12
“Thus says YE_HO_VAH 🇮🇱ELOHIM🇮🇱: ‘Because they say to you🇮🇱, “You🇮🇱 are a devourer of men and you 🇮🇱deprive your nation of children,” therefore you 🇮🇱will no longer devour men and you 🇮🇱will no longer deprive your 🇮🇱nation of children.’ It is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. ‘I 🇮🇱will NO longer let the scorn of the nations be heard against you🇮🇱. You 🇮🇱will NO longer bear disgrace from the peoples🇮🇱. You🇮🇱 will NO longer cause your 🇮🇱nation to stumble.’” It is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱.
- Ezekiel 36:13-15
“Son of man, when the HOUSE🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 lived in their 🇮🇱own land🇮🇱, they🇮🇱 defiled it by their 🇮🇱way and by their🇮🇱 deeds. Their 🇮🇱way before Me 🇮🇱was like the uncleanness of a woman in her niddah. So I🇮🇱 poured out My 🇮🇱fury on them🇮🇱 for the blood which they🇮🇱 had shed upon the land 🇮🇱and because they 🇮🇱had defiled it with their 🇮🇱idols. I🇮🇱 scattered them🇮🇱 among the nations, so they🇮🇱 were dispersed through the countries. According to their🇮🇱 way and their 🇮🇱deeds I🇮🇱 judged them🇮🇱. Wherever they 🇮🇱went among the nations, they🇮🇱 profaned My 🇮🇱HOLY NAME, since it was said about them🇮🇱, ‘These are the people🇮🇱 of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, yet they🇮🇱 had to leave His 🇮🇱LAND🇮🇱.’ But I 🇮🇱had concern for My 🇮🇱HOLY NAME🇮🇱, which the HOUSE🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 had profaned among the nations wherever they🇮🇱 went.
- Ezekiel 36:17-21
“Therefore say to the HOUSE 🇮🇱of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 , thus says YE_HO_VAH 🇮🇱ELOHIM🇮🇱: ‘I🇮🇱 do NOT do this for your 🇮🇱sake, HOUSE🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 , but for My 🇮🇱HOLY NAME🇮🇱, which you profaned among the nations wherever you 🇮🇱went. I 🇮🇱will sanctify My 🇮🇱GREAT NAME🇮🇱, which has been profaned among the nations-which you 🇮🇱have profaned among them. The nations will know that I 🇮🇱am YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱’-it is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱-‘when I 🇮🇱am sanctified in you 🇮🇱before their eyes.
- Ezekiel 36:22-23
“‘For I will take you🇮🇱 from the nations, gather you 🇮🇱out of all the countries, and bring you 🇮🇱back to your🇮🇱 own land🇮🇱. Then I🇮🇱 will sprinkle clean water on you 🇮🇱and you🇮🇱 will be clean from all your🇮🇱 uncleanness and from all your🇮🇱 idols🇮🇱. Moreover, I🇮🇱 will give you 🇮🇱a new heart. I🇮🇱 will put a new SPIRIT within you🇮🇱. I🇮🇱 will remove the stony heart from your 🇮🇱flesh and give you 🇮🇱a heart of flesh. I🇮🇱 will put My 🇮🇱RUACH🇮🇱 within you🇮🇱. Then I🇮🇱 will cause you 🇮🇱to walk in My🇮🇱 laws, so you🇮🇱 will keep My🇮🇱 rulings and do them. Then you 🇮🇱will live in the LAND 🇮🇱 that I🇮🇱 gave to your 🇮🇱fathers🇮🇱. You 🇮🇱will be My🇮🇱 people 🇮🇱and I🇮🇱 will be your GOD🇮🇱.
- Ezekiel 36:24-28
“‘So I🇮🇱 will save you🇮🇱 from all your🇮🇱 uncleanness. I🇮🇱 will call for the grain and make it plentiful. I🇮🇱 will not bring a famine upon you🇮🇱. I🇮🇱 will multiply the fruit of the tree and the produce of the field, so that you🇮🇱 will no longer bear the disgrace of famine among the nations. When you🇮🇱 remember your🇮🇱 evil ways and your🇮🇱 deeds that were not good, you🇮🇱 will be disgusted with yourselves🇮🇱 because of your🇮🇱 iniquities and your🇮🇱 abominations. Not for your sake will I🇮🇱 do this’-it is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 -‘let that be known to you🇮🇱. Be ashamed and confounded for your🇮🇱 ways, HOUSE 🇮🇱of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 !’
- Ezekiel 36:29-32
“Thus says YE_HO_VAH ELOHIM🇮🇱: ‘In the day that I🇮🇱 pronounce you 🇮🇱clean from all your🇮🇱 iniquities, I🇮🇱 will cause the cities to be inhabited and the ruins will be rebuilt. The LAND🇮🇱 that was desolate will be tilled instead of being a wasteland in the sight of all that passed by. They will say, “This LAND 🇮🇱that was a WASTELAND has become like the garden of EDEN. The waste, desolate, and ruined cities🇮🇱 are fortified and inhabited.” Then the NATIONS that are left all around you🇮🇱 will know that I🇮🇱, YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, have rebuilt the ruined places, and replanted what was desolate. I🇮🇱, YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, have spoken it. So I🇮🇱 will do it.’
- Ezekiel 36:33-36
“Thus says YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 ELOHIM🇮🇱: ‘I🇮🇱 will again be inquired of by the HOUSE 🇮🇱of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 , to do it for them🇮🇱 -I🇮🇱 will populate them 🇮🇱with people like a flock. Like the HOLY FLOCK 🇮🇱, like the flock 🇮🇱of JERUSALEM🇮🇱 during her moadim🇮🇱, so the waste cities 🇮🇱will be filled with flocks of people🇮🇱. Then they🇮🇱 will know that I🇮🇱 am YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱.’”
- Ezekiel 36:37-38❤❤❤
כן כי זה לגמרי לגיטימי לתת ללוחמי ימ"מ לקפוץ על החטופים עם שחפצים מיוחדים ולהסתכן בלאבד 4 אנשים ולא 2, וואלה איפה סדר העדיפויות של צהל איך אתם לא מעזים לסכן כול כך הרבה חיילים בשביל 2 אנשים וואלה מצטער אבל בושה.
לא סתם צה"ל נקרא "צבא הגנה לישראל". הייעוד שלו זה להגן על אזרחים. אחרת הלכה כל הפואנטה של מה זה להיות לוחם.
اسم فلم 😂
#freepalestina 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸
افلام هنديه 😂😂😂😂
بطولات خلبيه 😂😂😂😂
أرجعو ع أوروبا يا ولاد العايبه
Hahah, you can sleep with your caw😂
@@Ajajson يمكني انام مع اختك
🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🔺️🇪🇭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣co ardes sionistas