Isogaisa 2014 Sweat lodge

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 35

  • @ofeliamartin5262
    @ofeliamartin5262 8 лет назад +6

    If you do the sweat lodge like our ancestors did, I mean true native. I commend you.What a powerful way to live.

  • @soulshealingpath9446
    @soulshealingpath9446 6 лет назад +3

    I have read the previous comments about this gathering of people in this video. While I understand where these comments and judgments are coming from, I respectfully disagree. First I want to say I have not met any of these people in the video, so I can not speak directly (with 100% certainty) - However, here are my thoughts and musings:
    The language spoken outside of english in this video I believe it to be of the Far North-Eastern European area. Did you pay attention to the chalice they were using? To me that indicates some kind of Earth based religion OR Spiritual practice of some kind. The english song they sung? I know that song to come from the Old Celtic Lands in Western Europe. (I think I should quickly explain here that I have lived in many places and have had the fortune of being exposed to many traditions and teachings) I have personally heard a song that was gifted by the Ancestors to a Native Elder here in the local community where I currently live. But I recognized this song as an ancient english song that I have known for many many years. So how is it that this Native Elder is now saying that this song has been gifted by the Ancestors? Claiming it as Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet). Some could say that she heard this song and translated it into her native tongue. In effect, a stolen song that is now being claimed as Native. But I don't believe this is whats happened. I believe, that the ancestors DID gift her with this particular river song. I believe that this is THE original song of the RIVER! So language...what does it matter? The only validity that language holds is how we communicate. How we are able to interact with another and understand one another. And so the Great Spirit (or by whatever name you wish to call it) speaks ONE language, one that then gets translated into the many other languages that are (currently) being spoken on Earth (not even necessarily the one you have been born into) THIS is the ONENESS that moves throughout ALL life, IS all life - and so this song, this melody and story of the River herself, is both ancient english AND native AND whatever other language the Great Spirit has shared it in. How else would you explain it?
    Also, I think these people in the video...may be Sami peoples? The Sami come from the Scandinavian North - Norway, Sweden, Finland...Russia. The Sami dwelling called a Lavvo has a circular wooden framework (much like a North American Teepee). I recognized one of the participants at the very end as a Russian Shaman, confirming everything I was seeing in the video making me think this is traditions from the far north of this planet. And not necessarily taking/stealing from another culture.
    By the way, the word "shaman" originates from the Tungus People of Siberia (modern day Russia) These people were also almost completely wiped out with wide spread massacre from their government. This action actually repeats itself everywhere. On every continent around the world. There was a darkness that moved across all lands - no borders. Just ask the hundreds of thousands of millions of peoples who were also effecred by this darkness throughout the world. Like the Native Americans who are still able to speak about the peoples who were stollen from their Afrian homelands, and what about the 1,000,000,000 Irish people that were sold into wide spread "white" slavery everywhere over a 1000 years ago. No one talks about this, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. And there are SO many more examples of humans doing unspeakable and heartbreaking things to each other.
    Will humanity ever learn? Will we ever be able to love, respect and accept each other fully? To have compassion and understanding for all? I sure hope so.
    Just my 2 cents.

  • @owsowmuskwanaistus9213
    @owsowmuskwanaistus9213 2 года назад

    I can't even make a sweat for my son who is sick ad needs one asap

  • @raushanmukanova6067
    @raushanmukanova6067 5 лет назад

    it is very interesting rituals. I think that I and my relatives may,can do the same on the nature. This is all for healthy.

  • @raushanmukanova6067
    @raushanmukanova6067 5 лет назад

    Soon I go to the country to village -Nezhenlka where live only 25 houses in the NORTH of Kazakhstan-Akmola area near the town Kokshetau, Kustanai.

  • @karst9819
    @karst9819 8 лет назад +1

    What feeling it gives watching Ceremony, somehow it feels strange to me that it is filmed
    but maybe that's just me..

    • @timmccarthy3034
      @timmccarthy3034 6 лет назад

      no ceremony is to be filmed...its against all the Native beliefs ...THESE PEOPLE ARE A FUCKING JOKE..

  • @raushanmukanova6067
    @raushanmukanova6067 5 лет назад

    it is very cool on the nature.

  • @raushanmukanova6067
    @raushanmukanova6067 5 лет назад

    ochen kruto, molodtsy, klevo, super.

  • @alistairmackinnon4216
    @alistairmackinnon4216 8 лет назад

    am curious... in the second sweat you mixed the energies.... why not do that with a third sweat?

  • @raushanmukanova6067
    @raushanmukanova6067 5 лет назад

    Hello respect Shaman.

  • @thelogicalanswer937
    @thelogicalanswer937 5 лет назад

    a question; is this traditional, ancestral ceremony or derived from the natives of north america?

    • @thelogicalanswer937
      @thelogicalanswer937 5 лет назад

      and if this is traditional european- do you think white buffalo calf woman was european?

  • @rickhill5132
    @rickhill5132 7 лет назад +1

    and further just cause they added their own shit here n there took out other stuff here n there the teepee's in the background show what ceremony they have completley butcherd and fucked it all off instead of renaming it their own shit they could of atleast given credit where its due n told people what ceramony their trying to mimic n that its their own take on it

  • @raushanmukanova6067
    @raushanmukanova6067 5 лет назад

    What does the woman with stone? isit prier?

  • @raushanmukanova6067
    @raushanmukanova6067 5 лет назад

    I seem that the man in the hat is natural Shaman. Is not it?

  • @whitehorseducharme4428
    @whitehorseducharme4428 6 лет назад

    And don't they know the women are not supposed to touch the wood or The Rock's when you're building the inipi

  • @raushanmukanova6067
    @raushanmukanova6067 5 лет назад

    I need be close to the Nature s.a. I need recover my phisical healthy. And I need do, make spirit practice/technics. Because I do affirmations, spots, priers, rituals.But a little s.a. My parents are Pagans, as all former soviet people. They a little belive in the God.

  • @moses3013
    @moses3013 5 лет назад +2

    The Lakota code of modesty is completely absent in this ceremony. I imagine their intentions are good, they just don't know what they're doing. They don't know how to build a fire, they used way more wood than was necessary. Nothing really traditional here, they are playing Indian.

  • @rickhill5132
    @rickhill5132 7 лет назад +5

    and listening to them try to sing n make up songs that sound like ours is completely pathetic

    • @timmccarthy3034
      @timmccarthy3034 6 лет назад

      THESE PEOPLE ARE A FUCKING JOKE..."hey a ho yo"....fuck.....

    • @mirandaanderson2897
      @mirandaanderson2897 5 лет назад

      Apparently you do not realize that American Natives have gone over seas years ago and "taught" them these ceremonies.

  • @rickhill5132
    @rickhill5132 7 лет назад +1

    as a proud traditional Native American who loves going to sweat i watch this video & am having a hard time understanding how these people can just butcher a whole "ceramony" & be proud of it

    • @sponh016universityofminnes6
      @sponh016universityofminnes6 6 лет назад +9

      My mother is Native American (Cree) and Norwegian, and My father is Native American (saulteaux) and Sami, I study anthropology and just would like to explain to you a little more about Sami culture and how it is similar and different from Native culture. The Sami are also an indigenous people that have had their land stolen, been put in boarding schools, forced to learn a different language, etc. They suffer from colonization in a similar way as natives do. They have some cultural similarities to some Native tribes (as well as some similarities in DNA as they do not share DNA with other European DNA groups as they are a much more ancient people but thats not the point) like Tipis and sweatlodges, it is not appropriation because those have always been their traditions! They also are very connected to Nature, they are usually reindeer herders and live off the land although they do not consider any land more "sacred" than other land. They have traditional songs that sound similar to Inuit songs, but they do not have traditional dances like natives do. Calling their songs "pathetic" imitations of Native songs is very rude as they are not Native songs, There are less than 100,00-60,000 Sami left, and their languages are endangered just like our native languages, we indigenous people need to support each other not tear each other down!

    • @mirandaanderson2897
      @mirandaanderson2897 5 лет назад

      @@sponh016universityofminnes6 they are Native songs, native to the Sami. Thank you for your knowledge.