Assange’s Release “Averted a Press Freedom Catastrophe” But Still Set Bad Precedent: Jameel Jaffer

  • Опубликовано: 25 июн 2024
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    As Julian Assange returns to his native Australia, press rights advocates warn that his case could cast a long shadow over journalists’ work to investigate and expose government secrets. The WikiLeaks founder has pleaded guilty to one charge of violating the U.S. Espionage Act as part of a deal with the Justice Department that lets him avoid further prison time following five years behind bars in the U.K. awaiting possible extradition to the U.S. He had been facing a possible 175 years in U.S. prison if convicted on all charges related to his publication of classified documents in 2010 that revealed U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. “I don’t think this is an unmitigated victory for press freedom, because we do still have this plea agreement in which Julian Assange essentially agrees that he has spent five years in custody for the kinds of acts that journalists engage in all the time,” says Jameel Jaffer, director of the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University and previously the ACLU’s deputy legal director.
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Комментарии • 103

  • @amrkamel2027
    @amrkamel2027 19 часов назад +69

    There is no "press freedom". He already spent 12 years of incarceration.

  • @shanonedser1
    @shanonedser1 19 часов назад +8

    Julian Assange makes me very very proud to be an Australian!!!🇦🇺

  • @mjoy8580
    @mjoy8580 19 часов назад +10

    Julian Assange is a Real Hero ~! Leave him alone Let him free and Give Him A Big Compensation for all the Political persecution and all the trouble you cause him ~!

  • @thespartan101x1
    @thespartan101x1 14 часов назад +6

    Julian Assange, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his fight for democracy, did not walk free. Instead, he served harsh prison time, despite not breaking any laws in Australia. Julian Assange, did not murder or harm any one. The US must remove its CIA base in Pine Gap and its military bases in Australia as soon as possible. The presence of US bases in Australia was not a decision made by the Australian people. Australians deserve the right to protect themselves from any form of aggression, including that from the United States. Humanity should support Julian Assange for championing human rights, democracy, and press freedom. "The UK and the US are considering criminalizing journalists." And the UK and US made Julian Assange, pay for the flight home.

  • @somewhrntm
    @somewhrntm 19 часов назад +7

    Our country is so FOS! Freedom of speech? WHERE? Only if it doesn’t affect them in a negative light? What a JOKE! He should have NEVER been in jail in the first place!

  • @ancientsymbol
    @ancientsymbol 19 часов назад +22

    He was forced to plead out and the plea protects the government from future claims such as malicious prosecution. This is all standard prosecutorial practice. It’s how the system works. They over charge and the threat of years behind bars forces defendants to accept a lesser charge to avoid prison.

  • @Hands2HealNow
    @Hands2HealNow 19 часов назад +23

    We need more legal schollars explaining the details of this plea and all the contortions being forced against freedom of speech.

  • @williammayhoperights
    @williammayhoperights 19 часов назад +10

    Julian you may never truly be as you were once, but you will have now a future. i pray in Australia you will have freedom, and heal. i was released but i have had no freedom, no privacy and constant torture. i do so miss my kids and long to have place where they can come in freedom and privacy! I did no crime, i told the truth, sense i testified against nuclear it as been 40 years of hell, but sense i wrote the number one selling rock song, it has been over 50 years of hel..,.Hope you are surrounded by love and live in freedom and truth, ME NEXT! go in beauty JULIAN! HOPE

  • @starlightspiritmedium
    @starlightspiritmedium 19 часов назад +8

    Aust govt failed to resolve this Issue with their allie in the first year it happened.

  • @williammayhoperights
    @williammayhoperights 19 часов назад +9

    Yah! he is free!! i never broke under torture, and my heart was stopped 3 times on drugs it was known i was allergic too, i went 3 years with no trail, much under torture and in solitary, for telling the truth, illegal surveillance is REAL! i never did the crime, but i took a plea when my kids lives where threatened! i lived to 'truth' another day, still waiting to be free, my life is an open air prison, i do so miss my family,! but this gives me HOPE! God Bless and keep you JULIAN! HOPE! FREEDOM!

  • @Joe-oy1nq
    @Joe-oy1nq 19 часов назад +5

    Every journalist is on a leash, whether they know it or not.

  • @emiliobello2538
    @emiliobello2538 19 часов назад +10

    I always thought Assange was French until discovering he was Australian. His name sounds French

  • @williammayhoperights
    @williammayhoperights 19 часов назад +4

    JULIAN BE FREE!!!! may joy come to him, and Julian's children and father and brother!! and STELLA!! a blessing on all of us who fought with peace and truth for this day! a blessing on ALL medical workers, of any religion or country, working to help the sick and injured that were killed in the dreadful conflict in Gaza and else where! a blessing on all medical workers that put their life on the line, to help those in need, in Gaza, in Africa, in Texas trying to help woman, have a right to have freedom for their own body! every where they try and relieve suffering! a journalist job, a media persons job, a poets job, a clowns job, is to out the truth! whatever medium is used, to support human rights and the privacy for ALL of us to have the truth!Julian's JOB was to tell the truth about what the military was up to, it is not a crime but an honor for him to have done so! we must deal with the world, with HONESTY! now AMERICA can you be honest about AMERICAS SLAVE? because this new technology as opened up a new form of terrible abuse and injustice ,to use others, anyone as an object can not ever be ALLOWED! it is immoral, it is illegal and it is killing the economy and democracy and our way to have a path to survive into the future! we can not support or allow a fundamentalist dictatorship in America,NO !look at the suffering and torment that it has brought to the innocent in GAZA! and Gaza, you can not stay with Hamas and live in peace, for the propaganda of hate and killing as no place in a peaceful loving people to live.we cannot have a judiciary that supports the rights of the few, the rich and powerful, is committed to power and control instead of the US constitution, bill of rights, if our judges do not serve the law they must be fired, and our supreme court has [at least] three members that have no interest i the LAW only their political bread to be buttered while the innocent have starved! there is no path into the future for violators, racist or sexist! Mr, Biden we Must sit down and get peace between Ukraine and Russia, not guns but real peace between ALL the nuclear powers must be made. has a democracy we must stop any state, religion organization from taking away the freedom to do what we know is right with our OWN BODIES and minds and right to live! sit down and talk for peace with EVERYONE, the world must give the UN real power and make sure they have and obey a mandate to protect the good! and this brings the whole thing back to the dreadful conditions i have somehow survived under, the right to have my own life,to have privacy to have payment for my own work, ideas and intellectual and creative property!the cancer of society illegal voyeurism and plagiarism is destroying our world with lies and double speak,injustice because i was denied the right to earn a lving, legal and ethical, of the human condition itself...i agree with REV. SIMS, i too am a pastor, all folks should have a right to decide their own spiritual path and NO religion should ever have the right to decide that path for any others,the ten commandments [and my work on these great wonderful words was ALSO PLAGIARIZED, and ruined]the 10 commandments are not to be imposed on folks through LAW but written on the human heart with choice and joy and for the betterment for all folks, not the servitude of abomination of a group! the separation of church and state are vital components for the AMERICA democracy and economy and society, when we lost roe Vs, wade we started down a slippery slope that must be stopped! the true pro-life people are THOSE pro CHOICE! i choose to have a private life, i choose not to be persecuted for a crime i did not do so others could violate my life and steal, plagiarize and ruin my creative and intellectual property, i choose not to be violated and raped in my own life by illegal surveillance! i choose to end slavery for myself and and all others, i choose! you will never have now the Timmy stories, as i first wrote them, WHEN i am free i will try and re-write them but the wondrous joy i wrote them with is gone from years of torture and injustice and violation, and i am not the same innocent i was after 40 years of torture, but they will still be good and your kids will not be MUGGLES or SLAVES, but people with infinite potential, alive with wonder and real power to have their own lives! no body should have suffered the way i have done, for being a GOOD person, for being a caring mom, i today will not apologize for protecting my children's right to live! nor today will i beg to have freedom of privacy and payment for my work, I DEMAND IT! because today we freed Julian Assange and gave him back his right to tell the truth and have a life, he should be granted a full pardon and have no charges, but it is a start! so i too now have real HOPE for FREEDOM! and to not have this is otherwise is killing yourselves to promote cruelty and injustice and slavery!the bigger they are the harder they will fall when they support violation and injustice! WE ARE NOT BUYING IT! you no longer have the right to use power and might to exploit others!to miss use technology for gain and control over others, we, the people of earth, are a gentle, anger people, we are fighting for our lives'[Holly Near quote] 'we are fighting for life on earth'[quote R.M.H.C.] we support freedom, and kindness and HONESTY! while i write this i am being harassed, every violators word a crime against all woman, all humanity, an attempt on my life! it goes far beyond stealing royalties and rape! it goes far beyond hate and torture of those trying to exploit me with violation, it is an attack on humanity, READ these words, tell others, if they can not read read, my words out loud, scream them from the streets, people have a right to live, to choose what they want with their own bodies, to be paid for their work, to worship, love and dance how and where they want!no exploitation, no hoes or pimps, no fascist or anyone has a right to stop these rights! for now i pray we feed the hunger and stop the aggression and violence where and when we can, we must get food to Gaza, we must prosecute ANY who try and oppose freedom, for ALL! GAY, STRAIGHT, of all colors and kinds of all religions GO IN BEAUTY JULIAN! i celebrate for your family and your goodness in helping stop the slaughter in Iraq, i hang on today with a ray of hope in this ugliness that is violation of privacy for a profit the violators will never have, for a hope to publish the May-tricks- Thang 7, to have energy for those all the world ,cheap, easy to make almost limitless electricity, to give light to hospitals, to run ambulances, to fight forest fires and exploitation and fight rape and molestation, with truth and law to fight fight with peace,to cook and refrigerate food, for warmth in winter and coolness under the heat, none polluting, clean energy that will give a path into the future for us all! but act now because the heat is on and the world is suffering from cancer, sickness and other related nuclear radiation caused illness, we must act now! to survive and have an economy , freedom, truth restitution, privacy,pay me my royalties, to Roberta May Hope Caster[nee STORY, for it is my story, aka, BOB [BOBBY} Galileo, juggler, dancer, poet, philosopher, environmentalist human rights abdicate, MOM!] and my kids, Hope under torture!i write this under seath threats on microphones behind my walls, every word is torture and attempted murder to me who wrote the number one best selling rock song and plagiarized children's books, they tried to take the real magic, but it is alive and real goodness with freedom is growing,we are not and will not be their slaves! be honest, be none vilant be ACTIVE for what is real GOOD! HOPE

  • @SleepyOx2023
    @SleepyOx2023 19 часов назад +18

    So freeing Assange basically makes way for the US giverbment to jail and prosecute future journalists for doing their job? I think we need to give more power to the ICC and ICJ to allow countries to guarantee journalistic protections and override ANY sovereign laws that threaten journalists.

  • @samsunnahar9175
    @samsunnahar9175 12 часов назад


  • @manuelbello5806
    @manuelbello5806 19 часов назад +4


  • @MartinHaumann1
    @MartinHaumann1 16 часов назад

    DEMOCRACY NOW - Thank you for giving pushback against the comments of your guest!

  • @donnagiamo1158
    @donnagiamo1158 19 часов назад +2

    Although I divorced from democrat party due to irreconcilable differences, I could never give up on Amy Goodman -Democracy Now💕👍

  • @hyacinthjarrett8637
    @hyacinthjarrett8637 19 часов назад +6

    A happy ending to a very sad story.

  • @angelinaperfumes
    @angelinaperfumes 19 часов назад

    Thank you God!! Hero of humanity!! ❤❤❤❤