  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 2,1 тыс.

  • @Svendip
    @Svendip 10 лет назад +20

    What is interesting is that all the people who post seem to assume you are trying to prove some fantastic scientific discovery. When all you wanted to show was a way of converting 24V DC into 240V AC, and how applying the load increases the work that needs to be done by the motor. It is interesting that people jump to the conclusion that you are trying to invent a perpetual motion machine of something. I guess that is just the nature of RUclips and that people see in things what they want to see.

    • @bingosunnoon9341
      @bingosunnoon9341 2 года назад

      Making AC from a battery was once a really big deal. The nuts who jump to conclusions is the legacy of geniuses touting breakthroughs that weren't. I worked on airplane systems many years ago and syncros and dynamos were common. Fifty per cent efficiency was as good as it got.

    • @hstone39
      @hstone39 2 года назад

      Do you realize that this guy in this video is pumping out at least 25,000KW? He can power up his entire house with this and still have energy leftover. He basically got a power plant in his house.

  • @newpass9434211
    @newpass9434211 5 лет назад +9

    Just a suggestion, you can add like 4 - 100 watt solar panels along with charge controller, to keep supplying energy to battery, and then that way, you will have an unending source of energy to battery...because panels will supply energy to battery, and battery to dynamo, and then from dynamo to alternator, and then to add to that - you can also wire from an alternator and wire to an electric panel from scratch, and then distribute to where ever you want to supply the energy around the house, where it be a shed or garage, but of course set it up with the correct amperage.

    • @drfeelgood5870
      @drfeelgood5870 3 года назад +1

      Correct . Plus you could charge a group of battery's off the dynamo. Win win situation.

    • @dan-ignacekafwimbi6551
      @dan-ignacekafwimbi6551 3 года назад

      Nice. What's if I want the solar panel to power straight the DC motor without using the batteries. Because I just want to get rid of it

    • @hstone39
      @hstone39 2 года назад

      Or just get a battery generator that you can charge and give power to the rotor at the same time.

  • @pjninja9546
    @pjninja9546 8 лет назад +10

    This is pretty cool, if you listen closely you can actually hear the generator+motor RPM change when the light bulb is plugged in. In case you were curious why this happens, it's because once the light bulb is plugged in - the current starts to flow through all the winding wires of the generator. This flowing current creates a magnetic field that is opposite to that of the permanent magnets in the generator and this causes a braking effect.
    The more current you draw from the generator, the worse this braking effect becomes and something really interesting starts to happen. As the braking effect increases, the generator spins slower and thus produces lesser current. And as the current drops, the braking effect becomes weaker and the generator spins faster again but then this produces more current causing the braking effect to become stronger once more and the current produced to reduce again. This cycle basically repeats over and over so quickly that it actually settles into a new "steady state" with a lower RPM.

    • @jimbaaam7735
      @jimbaaam7735 8 лет назад +2

      As long as he doesn't go above 1000 watts or 230 volts, the generator is just fine. He just needs to apply a fuse breaker to control that problem. This steady state doesn't happen until you pass the supplyed energy. hence the first law but coil packs can solve that problem.

    • @jezzriantimbal3427
      @jezzriantimbal3427 6 лет назад

      this is the reason when i am in my apprentiship program..i always notice that if our mooring winch turn on because it is powered by big electric motors..the generators rpm of the ship will gradually down..

    • @withoutl7980
      @withoutl7980 6 лет назад +2

      Its actualy common sense thing because when the bulb starts taking energy from the generator the generator asks for that energy from the motor and the motor asks the battery and so this is a nice example of energy convertion, and if it is actually lenz's law happening if you look deep enough :)

  • @boop2
    @boop2 10 лет назад +9

    I had this idea so many years ago. People told me it wouldn't work. Now, I have found a video that proves those people wrong.

    • @foureyedchick
      @foureyedchick Год назад

      Its an DC to AC power inverter without any delicate transistors that can get zapped. It is purely mechanical. Temporary short circuits won't fry any delicate components on a PC board. A bit old fashioned, inefficient and noisy, but RUGGED !

    • @arfanchowdary8118
      @arfanchowdary8118 7 месяцев назад

      Same here brother

  • @dantalbot8795
    @dantalbot8795 4 года назад +1

    Current in a circuit is directly proportional to the applied voltage and inversely proportional to the applied resistance.This is the one answer to every electrical issue ever encountered.

    • @ahal9842
      @ahal9842 3 года назад

      What is the motor? how can get it? from where?

  • @RODALCO2007
    @RODALCO2007 12 лет назад +5

    As usual a masterpiece set up and very well executed.
    Thanks for making this video.
    Great to see a 1000 Watt lamp for 220 / 230 Volts

    • @khaid12345
      @khaid12345 2 года назад

      Rodalco is such a freakin legend dude. Love your videos mate, keep it up

  • @withabike
    @withabike 3 года назад +4

    Your channel is rich and interesting! We love it! Learn from you! Thank you for your hard work! Thank you for sharing! God bless you! wish you happy everyday!

  • @bmpowellicio
    @bmpowellicio 7 лет назад +13

    This is using a motor and battery to drive an alternator producing mains voltage. This is how it was done in the 1950s before inverters were readily available. Inverters are more efficient, cheaper and, especially, much quieter. They are also lighter and more reliable which all goes to explain why these mechanical converters died out. Interesting to see because it reminds me how terrible they were.

  • @sogmalukem2745
    @sogmalukem2745 5 лет назад +4

    This is a good demonstration explaining a way to turn one source into another. There is a ton of wasted energy in this set up but the principle can still be useful in some applications, i.e. phase generation. A thought experiment I've had was what if you connected a motor (witch is almost purely inductive) to the load side of a domestic analog energy meter, and the load side of the motor to the service side of your panel, would the meter see the energy used? Most analog residential meters only read the resistive loads.

  • @joseyoset5878
    @joseyoset5878 9 лет назад +1

    Hola Amigos, increíblemente yo pensé en esta idea hace ya 35 años, para aquel tiempo cuando la comente siendo un niño me dijeron que estaba loco, que no se podía hacer y si se podía ya lo hubieran inventado, jaja hay mismo me cortaron lo de científico, y viviendo en cuba nunca iba a tener los elementos para lograrlo, fui un poquito mas lejos pensando que la corriente salida del dinamo, puede generar energía para abastecer las baterías, y si se siguen aumentando piezas como transformadores se podía aumentan el amperaje, el voltaje y de echo la potencia, hasta generar energía para una casa o mas, me alegra ver el vídeo gracias al creador, y ahora me dispongo a enseñárselo a quien me dijo que no se podía realizar, al final yo no estaba tan loco na, suerte a todos

  • @mago1987itl
    @mago1987itl 10 лет назад +5

    Me gustaría agregar algunas observaciones. En realidad lo que el video es un sistema de de generación de electricidad, que solo es demostrativo.
    Esta compuesto por dos baterías de 12V DC en serie, lo que da un total de 24V DC. De ahí se alimenta un motor de DC a 24 (descrito como dínamo, el cual es usado como motor, aunque también puede ser usado como generador de CD).
    El motor CD transmite mecánicamente mediante una banda movimiento a un alternador que finalmente alimenta un bombillo incandescente.
    Lo que más me llamo la atención fue cuando al conectar el bombillo se escucha que la velocidad de giro baja, lo cual se debe al flujo de corriente por el devanado de armadura, lo cual induce un campo magnético que se opone al giro que genera la corriente, por lo tanto la velocidad se reduce.
    Por último, el sistema no puede hacerse infinito recargando la batería desde el alternador (rectificando la onda previamente como sucede en los autos) debido a las pérdidas, de calor, fricción, distorsión de campo, etc, seria como tener un tinaco con fuga. En lo automóviles es "posible" debido a que el motor de combustión proporciona el movimiento incluyendo el consumo de energía en las pérdidas.

  • @bulkforce5
    @bulkforce5 9 лет назад +6

    It does have value in that this is how you run 3-phase equipment off mains power, using a single-phase motor and a 3-phase alternator.

  • @speedybaggal
    @speedybaggal 10 лет назад +4

    thanks for the uploader, i dont know why they didnt get the principle :D
    , i think it means you can charge the battery from alternator or you can power up the small motor using the power from alternator. so its free enery once you start up the small motor.

  • @Cotronixco
    @Cotronixco 7 лет назад +1

    This setup will use even MORE power than would be used without this setup.

  • @davidwill1320
    @davidwill1320 5 лет назад +1

    Thumbs up for your honesty...unlike so many others on You Tube.

    @JOSELUISLORENZOEscueladelMar 8 лет назад +7

    La batería aporta energía eléctrica (DC) mediante la cual, aplicada a una dinamo la transforma en mecánica (y sonora), que se transfiere mediante una correa a un alternador, que transforma la energía mecánica (cinética) en energía eléctrica (y sonora) pero en alterna, que se aplica a una bombilla que la transforma en energía lumínica y calorífica.
    Todo bien, para una clase de transformación de la energía. Se podría cerrar el círculo añadiendo un circuito rectificador-filtro para transformar la energía eléctrica de alterna en continua para realimentar las baterías (2 de 12 volt en serie para obtener 24 volts necesarios para la dinamo).

  • @Napoleon.Bonapart
    @Napoleon.Bonapart 10 лет назад +4

    Такие системы стояли раньше на танках Т-34, раскручивая генератор на 300 вольт для питания танковых раций.

    • @ГеннадийАвакимян
      @ГеннадийАвакимян 3 года назад

      Есть еще преобразователи с кунгов иэ9405-1У2 на аналогичной схеме.

  • @Capturing-Memories
    @Capturing-Memories 9 лет назад +11

    Power inverter from 24v to 220v works more efficiently and doesn't drain battery fast and most importantly no noise.

  • @josebarra4674
    @josebarra4674 9 лет назад

    estimado autor....ha visto la cantidad de comentarios necios que origina su video, la mayoria intrascendentes, me considero un seguidor serio de su trabajo, y estimo podria darle un toque mas de informacion para que progresemos todos, por ejemplo la medida de consumo de amperes que saca de la bateria aportaria a la idea que plantea otra persona de retroalimentar el sistema , pues de otro modo su exposicion es como ir a un lindo museo con muchas cosas que nadie entiende y al que realmente le interesa no tiene como complementar su interes, cordialmente

  • @StationBreakTV
    @StationBreakTV 2 года назад

    I am an investor and I love your videos!
    Bill SerGio, The Infomercial King, Pinecrest, FL

  • @DantesAlvesdeSantana
    @DantesAlvesdeSantana 9 лет назад +8

    Isso provou o que q eu não consegui entender, q um dínamo puxa um gerador?

  • @farzayan
    @farzayan 10 лет назад +94

    Si un alternador recarga una batería(en un carro), por qué no realimentan la batería desde el alternador y la mantendrían cargada siempre?(hablo de los autos eléctricos)
    haciendo un circuito autoalimentador o sea da luz y va manteniendo la batería siempre cargada.

  • @frankblackcrow8116
    @frankblackcrow8116 10 лет назад +4

    Good to see your showing the plat/tag shows 12volt @10amps, lots of people never show anything about what amps things are at.
    Q: How long of a run do you get from that 24v motor ?.

  • @yononable
    @yononable 10 лет назад +1

    thats what i have in mind too. its a noisy type of inverter, however its and alternative.. and i appreciate the effort spent in demonstrating an inverter the other way around. thanks man. its a nice video.

  • @ناصرالغريب-ل1ع
    @ناصرالغريب-ل1ع 5 лет назад +1

    سلام عليكم أخي الكريم الله يوفقق لا طريق الخير ...أخي الكريم الفكره صح اذه بتءذ من الديمو إلى بطاريه شريط حتى يضل المرش شغال ملاحدظه...هيك البطاريه بتفضه ولاكن اذه سحبت خط من الديمو له بطاريه بتضل سنه اوثلاثه سنين الله يفح لك فتوح العارفين أستمر يا اخي من كل قلبي أدعو لك بل الخير ...أخوك من سورية الحبيبة وسلام...

  • @terryorourke9632
    @terryorourke9632 9 лет назад +8

    Great experiment---from this lots of other ideas can come --Keep it up -- and ignore IDIOTS!!!

    • @vasilegheorghe6429
      @vasilegheorghe6429 4 года назад +2

      Da foarte placuta este adevarat va doresc multa sanatate din suflet si fericire frumoasa va doresc multa sanatate din suflet

    • @shivashanker4940
      @shivashanker4940 3 года назад

      Is your friends channel

    • @shivashanker4940
      @shivashanker4940 3 года назад

      I respect working experiment not fake

  • @michaelspeakman8924
    @michaelspeakman8924 6 лет назад +6

    You almost got it perfect hook the generator up to this motor. in all you got to do is turn it over and start it make sure you put a on and off switch. And you have the perfect charging system no batteries to carry. It's awesome

  • @sergeytatarin
    @sergeytatarin 10 лет назад +11

    существуют преобразователи прямо с аккумулятора 12v и образуют переменные 220v 50 герц зачем так усложнять процесс трансформации электричества КПД низкий !

  • @fretts
    @fretts 10 лет назад +1

    That is certainly doing things the hard way. You could just use a solid state power inverter as used in many RV's for TVs and other 120V appliances.

  • @magsura
    @magsura 7 лет назад

    interesante entiendo que un problema es el ruido producto de la vibración, con un aislante de goma o topes en la base que amortiguan se puede reducir a la mitad.

  • @apartplage
    @apartplage 11 лет назад +5

    Sería bueno una explicación simple del funcionamiento y FUNDAMENTO de estos generadores

  • @eurenton99
    @eurenton99 10 лет назад +4

    If anyone thinks this is "free" energy your wrong.
    With a few simple modifications it's simple to make the flow of electricity go backwards.
    This works on the same principles as alternators and windmills.
    All electric motors have magnets attached to the rods that spin.
    To make the rods spin a current is applied to the wire coils in the motor to create a magnetic field.
    Now, if you spin the rod with another motor like the one in the video the magnets induce an electrical current in the coils in the motor.
    Therefore, magnets spinning in the middle of coils equals electricity.
    Fifth grade science people.

    • @veinte8123
      @veinte8123 10 лет назад +1

      Hola quisiera saber como comprar el material para poder instalarlo ya que hace tiempo esa es lo que voy buscando, espero que pueda conseguir la informacion. hasta pronto..

    • @giovannidecarlo3910
      @giovannidecarlo3910 10 лет назад

      estuve navegando y he encontrado una pagina...

    • @jenniferguzman8162
      @jenniferguzman8162 7 лет назад

      Para hacer esta maquina MOTOR QUE GENERA SU PROPIA ENERGÌA...Te garantizo, te vas a divertir...Comprar un dinamo de volwaguen, unregulador de voltaje para el mismo...He desubierto podemos darle poder a la dinamo, es decir, utilizarla incluso como motor...a un lado sele podrán conectar incluso 2 dinamos màs, una por cada lado, también si se prefiere un alternador...ESTE VIDEO ES MUY BUENO...Se puede perfeccionar. los dinamos se pueden conseguir usados, con un buen vendedor, con cierta garantía de palabra, probados en unos 700 pesos mexicanos cada uno...Nuevos valen cerca de 3,000 cada uno, el regulador de voltaje menos de 300 pesos...los invito a ver mis videos como experimentos...Lo que se les garantiza aprenderán mucho...INCLUSO EQUIVOCNDOSE, ESTA CORRIENTE DE 12 VOLTIOS ES MUY NOBLE, MANEJABLEe, REQUIERE POCO CUIDADO...Les recomiendo usen suich interruptores, eviten los chispazos, experimenten en lugares abiertos donde no exista otros elementos inflamables, gases por ejemplo.

  • @munarimichele
    @munarimichele 9 лет назад +3

    per puro caso guardo questo video e scopro che il generatore è stato costruito ad una manciata di km dalla mia casa, nella provincia Vicenza.
    Interessante bravi.

  • @darylcheshire1618
    @darylcheshire1618 10 месяцев назад

    I understand this was how during WW2 DC voltages were changed, they were generator-motors which did everything in one unit, a motor and alternator circuit. Like a DC transformer.

  • @aldojagentopacho7232
    @aldojagentopacho7232 6 лет назад +1

    Can't it be improved in a way that it recharges the battery and so the cycle continues while using the excess power to run simple appliances?

  • @Chozenfew73
    @Chozenfew73 7 лет назад +5

    All it needs now is an alternator

  • @RamonPreston
    @RamonPreston 10 лет назад

    My lights were off last night and I thought "Wow, this would be a good time to try this!" So I went out to the garage and started my generator so I could put this together.
    You know, an inverter would work and it's a lot quieter. Mine cost about $20.

  • @ProspectorsGhost
    @ProspectorsGhost 7 лет назад +1

    Well it will work for a time until the batteries run down. Then you will have to use an alternate power source to recharge the batteries. - Use it to recharge the batteries you say? - Reality Check - It won't work for very long, as you would be pulling more power out of the batteries than you could ever put back in without an alternate power source connected to the motor, even if you used two (2), or more alternators connected into the circuit in a parallel configuration. Eventually you would be going into a negative power input without an external alternate power source connected because there is no such thing as "Perpetual Motion" If there is such a thing as "Perpetual Motion", then it might be contained and covered at best, under the little known about, and unexplored thing called "Quantum Physics", which so far has alluded scientists, and scientific study.

  • @felixllayquiorosco5866
    @felixllayquiorosco5866 8 лет назад +5

    mis saludos genial , muy bueno este proyecto es muy bueno para autos electricos,

  • @michaelovitch
    @michaelovitch 8 лет назад +7

    The dynamo's bearings are shot.

  • @ilililhy1
    @ilililhy1 9 лет назад

    Think outside the Box,that is how the greatest of great ideas happen and Faith without works is dead ,so take some action and put the plow to work and get er can do it.out of 4 million viewers, i have the faith that some of you can change a whole generation on the idea of free generation.Nothing is Impossible.

    @SINANOZYOLDAS 8 месяцев назад

    For 15 years, I have been working with angular resonance and I am ready to do the electricity generation project together with investors who agree to make an official protocol. Everything will be done openly after the signatures are signed.

  • @Hollywood4Fun
    @Hollywood4Fun 10 лет назад +3

    A more efficient way to use that battery would be to power the light directly. Lot's of waste in moving parts.

    • @EETechs
      @EETechs 10 лет назад +1

      Actually this type of setup was used for almost 75 years to control the speed of DC motors before the invention of power electronic components. Look up Ward Leonard Control.

    • @PunakiviAddikti
      @PunakiviAddikti 9 лет назад

      the lamp requires 230 volts to light up, the batteries give out only 24 volts connected in series. He powers a 230 volt generator using the batteries.

  • @felipechiavegtto1983
    @felipechiavegtto1983 9 лет назад +4

    Oi tudo bem ?
    Fiquei super interessado nesse gerador, queria saber o nome das peças usadas. E as instruções de como montar e usar.

    • @claudiopicerni3393
      @claudiopicerni3393 9 лет назад

      Felipe Chiavegtto

    • @henriquejesuslopes2665
      @henriquejesuslopes2665 4 года назад

      Apenas precisas de um motor monofásico de 1,5 cv que transforme a energia continua (12 vlt) recebida de um alternador, de carro que por si é alimentado com uma bataria que contem energia continua….Ai não se gera nada, apenas se transforma

    • @henriquejesuslopes2665
      @henriquejesuslopes2665 4 года назад

      Ai há uma transformação de corrente continua, para alternada,

    • @henriquejesuslopes2665
      @henriquejesuslopes2665 4 года назад

      Ai são 24 volts e não 12

  • @albertorivas5360
    @albertorivas5360 8 лет назад

    deberías ponerle en las salida de energía me imagino que tiene mas de una un regulador de voltaje que alimente a las baterías entonces si tendrás energía infinita lo podrías patentar y producirlos en masa

  • @germanhb58cero1
    @germanhb58cero1 3 года назад

    Greetings friend, this video is interesting and it has to be functional because taking into consideration choosing a motor that consumes little power (current and has good revolutions (rpm) and thus the generator will be able to produce enough energy to power the bulb or a load (a TV, a fan) etc.) and that it also recharges the battery and in this way it will be an efficient generator (The energy generated will always be greater than the energy consumed). A voltage converter transformer or an Inverter can also be adapted

  • @z1m7x2n6
    @z1m7x2n6 10 лет назад +10

    hey you found FREE ENERGY as long as you can charge that battery from your NEIGHBORS power outlet :D

    • @hanifkhanpathan8158
      @hanifkhanpathan8158 5 лет назад


    • @galaprojects6020
      @galaprojects6020 5 лет назад


    • @daddyezy1410
      @daddyezy1410 5 лет назад

      Hahaha, and you end up getting free power. While your neighbors suffer the excess power bills. Thought it was supposed to be a free power generator.

    • @drfeelgood5870
      @drfeelgood5870 3 года назад

      Not free energy . This is cheap energy.

  • @RadioParrot-Australia
    @RadioParrot-Australia 9 лет назад +4

    GOOD, Bravo::: use: Batteries Magnetic, which will be 100 years spinning machine, only improve the quality of converters and Energy absolutely FREE

  • @ChuckRowe
    @ChuckRowe 10 лет назад +7

    Pretty cool setup. Makes perfect sense. I'm still unclear on why the battery couldn't be charged too. It wouldn't need a full charge. Just enough to replenish what was lost in the startup process.
    Oh and... a lot of the people who comment on these videos are about brain dead. It's one thing to ask questions and try and learn something. It's yet another thing to sit there and act like you know when clearly you do not. Way to look like complete idiots.

    • @RinoaL
      @RinoaL 10 лет назад

      well if you where to charge the battery with it's own power you would pull more power from the battery, that would be wasting electricity since even the motors can only have a maximum of like 95%ish efficiency.
      this isnt generating power, its actually using a small amount of power to convert power to a differant voltage.

    • @martinbell3302
      @martinbell3302 10 лет назад

      Rinoa Super-Genius This set up is used to balance ac/dc electrical loads on Nuclear submarines with Turbogenerator ac and a whoopee sized battery for dc ,

    • @RinoaL
      @RinoaL 10 лет назад

      Martin Bell
      By "whoopee" do you mean small?

    • @ChuckRowe
      @ChuckRowe 10 лет назад +1

      Just asking a question. I never took physics in school. Get over yourself.

    • @oogilygumballs
      @oogilygumballs 10 лет назад +1

      Ramon Preston Good luck! and please update on that. i am still unconvinced that we cant create power from itself. (i am braced for the insults... )

  • @evangelistasanchez9447
    @evangelistasanchez9447 8 лет назад

    La intencion es buena le felicito .

  • @jenniferguzman8162
    @jenniferguzman8162 7 лет назад

    Esto siempre me ha parecido interesate...Poseeo un planito hecho hace màs de 20 años...Me dà gusto ver en varias partes del mundo se està trabajando con ese mismo objetivo...Invito a ver mis videos...EL MOTOR QUE GENERA SU PROPIA ENERGIA...Mismo objtivo, LO QUE SE DEMUESTRA EN ESTE VIDEO...He dicho sòlo es el inicio... Es còmo experimento para niños científicos...Recomiendo tener presente, LEES DE ACCION Y REAACION...CAUSA Y EFECTO...S le aplcamos una furza a un motor eléctrico...Obtendemos su equivalente en enegìa, eléctrica...Por ejemplo, si le aplicamos la furza de gravedad, un péndulo a un MOTOR, CON UN REDUCOR...Por el lado dònde revoluciona rápido, es decirun reductor digamos, 150...1uno, es decir por el lado dònde revoluciona 1..Lento, aplcamos un péndulo...A ESCALA, Dependiendo la electricidad a querer transfomar...POR DONDE REVOLUCINA RAPIDO CONETAR PODEROSO MOTOR ALTERNADOR COMO SE UESTRA EN ESTE VIDEO...Por donde revoluciona lento,hayudarle al mecainismo con otro podroso motor eléctrico...REPITO A ESCALA...Veràn los sorpredentes resultados...FORMULA...POTENCIAL GRAVITACIONAL en el péndulo MAS ENERGIA ELECTRICA APLICADA ES IGUAL A SORPRENDENTES CANTIDADES DE ELETRICIDAD OBTENNIDA...Dependiendo de la escala de a maquina... h

  • @jmri25
    @jmri25 10 лет назад +3

    Hi! I want to make the same. Wich model and specs they have? Thanks.

  • @lechegustosa
    @lechegustosa 10 лет назад +4

    entonces añadir un segundo alternador de mas capacidad y solucionado el problema. asi recarga la bateria.

    • @josecaal5143
      @josecaal5143 5 лет назад +1

      Si se puede cargar la batería al mismo coriente

  • @floydhuyler3948
    @floydhuyler3948 8 лет назад +2

    If you had a double pulley on the generator and attached an electric motor to the other pulley you could continously make electricity. Just use the DC motor to get the generator turning, then switch the power over to the AC motor (that is made by the genertor) and disconnect the DC.

    • @quadrunner2124
      @quadrunner2124 8 лет назад

      +Floyd Huyler Facepalm

    • @SAL333LEE
      @SAL333LEE 8 лет назад

      +Floyd Huyler
      it looks to me that you know things about this , please draw me a diagram for what you said because i want to do some thing like this for my camping of the grid . Thanks

    • @joaugustine
      @joaugustine 5 лет назад

      Will that truly be efficient

  • @morpher44
    @morpher44 7 лет назад

    the question to answer is how long can this run for. I would guess about 1 hour.

  • @ritchiepayne8825
    @ritchiepayne8825 10 лет назад +12

    many comments coming from big business and small members thinking job security.- heres a story from a friend, now deceased. he was fired because he made one of these using 2 marine batteries, 2, 3/4 horse motors and an old alternator from a car. they made it in the fab shop of the electric company they worked at (not mentioning names, these people kill) the "story" goes, - they had to rewire the voltage regulator. it worked well enough to run a welder. the "boss" seen it, asked them to install it in a house. they of course did, it ran the whole place and the 2 car garage no problem. they (a team of like 5) were all fired and threatened if they tell anyone or use any of this knowledge, they would spend the rest of their lives in jail for leaking secrets of the power company. the house they installed the apparatus in was just bought by the "boss" . everyone is scared to say anything. yes hydro power is real, burning hydrogen instead of gas is safer, and not to be confused with an atomic bomb. I was in germany when the students made a cold fusion reactor, to get an A :) my dad built a carburetor that would get 100mpg, (secret there is gas needs time to mix with air to make vapor- fuel injection allows gas droplets to go right thru the motor unburned- the most inefficient concept used to get your money today) list goes on and on.... and joe, do you really think a government is going to allow teaching knowledge that will free it's people from financial slavery? Who runs the department of education? oil companies have lots of money, hmmm pay off politicians, or will you say they are all so honest? wake up- they will never tell you the whole story.

    • @christopherhitchens1066
      @christopherhitchens1066 6 лет назад +1

      Ritchie Payne Wow bro come on we got someone who's looking out for the greater good now. Trump continuing the down fall of arrogant american slaves 2020 ✊😎🇺🇸

    • @paulcuer7824
      @paulcuer7824 6 лет назад

      Ritchie Payne m

    • @paulcuer7824
      @paulcuer7824 6 лет назад

      Ritchie Payne 38 77777

    • @toledojeeper2932
      @toledojeeper2932 5 лет назад like to tell some bs

  • @lomaxbozo
    @lomaxbozo 10 лет назад +4

    can u us a second alternator to charge the battery in a loop ?

    • @ThaFuzzwood
      @ThaFuzzwood 10 лет назад +2


    • @OneBigPappa
      @OneBigPappa 10 лет назад +2

      I'll second that ThaFuzzwood, I tried that like 10 years ago. Had fun trying to get something to work. but that damn law of thermodynamics. 8 ) But seriously Mike M. get yourself a battery or 2, an ac motor (you'll need and inverter to go from dc battery to ac motor) or dc motor couple of pulleys (try different sizes) some belts (you'll need different sizes for the different pulleys, and an alternator (I used a basic 30 amp GM alternator with the voltage regulator built in) and give it a go. I'm not trying to be mean about it, but by all means try it.

    • @yafilmDOTcom
      @yafilmDOTcom 10 лет назад +1

      Perhaps you can tap the motor's Back EMF (AKA "Wasted Energy") and build a circuit to charge the battery (full charge might not be achievable, but prolonging battery run-time yes). Inside a DC motor, there are multiple coils that are being energized and De-energized multiple times in sequence causing the rotation effect, power does IN to the coil which causes it to energize causing its magnetic field to rise which pushes against the motor's magnets, but then that coil de-energizes (as the next following coil energizes) current is expelled out of the coil, that current goes NO WHERE. If you can figure out a way to tap to this expelled current (collapsed magnetic field from motor's coils) and figure out a way to store this into capacitors and then send it to the battery, you have got yourself a good deal.

    • @RinoaL
      @RinoaL 10 лет назад

      Mike M you could but it would drain the battery even faster.

    • @jesussaves6422
      @jesussaves6422 7 лет назад

      Mike M ...just use solar... power.. to charge batteries

  • @wrayner-profissional6798
    @wrayner-profissional6798 9 лет назад

    Muito massa ..porem minha duvida é a energia gerada é suficiente pra tocar esse motor q toca o gerador???

  • @messiasferreira6821
    @messiasferreira6821 9 лет назад +1


  • @alexanderlythow
    @alexanderlythow 7 лет назад


    • @adityasikdar
      @adityasikdar 7 лет назад +2

      Professors and electrical engineers NEVER SAY that this system wouldn't work... this is how DC-AC conversions were done, before the invention of electronic components like SCRs... it is the conventional method to convert DC-AC
      What professors and electrical engineers want to say (which you fail to understand), is that the system WON'T BE RUNNING FOREVER, even if you make the battery recharge itself in parallel... that's 'coz there is a constant wastage of a portion of the battery's stored energy everytime you're using the system, appearing in the form of heat and sound in the machinery, and a time will come, when a significant part of this energy will get wasted, and you'll either have to buy a new battery, or recharge it from another source of energy... otherwise, it is impossible for the system to continue running, without any resupply of energy from a different source. If you don't believe it, go ask the uploader himself... I'm 1000% sure, he'll tell you the same

  • @familialulucas
    @familialulucas 10 лет назад +1

    okay, but why do not you do the same alternator that generates energy to the bulb, charging the batteries?

  • @romulocordero2430
    @romulocordero2430 9 лет назад +4

    ustedes sólo asen moto generadores con motores y aternadores yo estoy asiendo uno con una planta de 5 kilos y un motor y la corriente k loba a inpursal ba aser el mismo encendido de la planta y una ves arranca pues yo apago la planta y seguirá prendido el Generadol por la fuerza k le inpursa el motor k ba a estar conectado al mismo generadol sólo tengo k adactarle una polea al eje se la planta para la correa k une ala planta con el motor y el motor conectado al generador y solo uso la gasolina para prender la planta y luego la apago y el generador sigue prendido

    • @jenniferguzman8162
      @jenniferguzman8162 7 лет назад

      En muchos puntos tienes razón Primero quiero felicitar a los creadores de este video...Muchos trabajamos con los elementos con los que contamos...En lo personal arme el motor que transforma su propia energía...No es otra cosa que la dinamo convencional de un volwaguen...CON UNAS PEQUEÑAS ADAPTACIONES, SE PUEDE UTILIZAR COMO MOTOR Y COMO DINAMO, Y CONVINARLO EN LOS AUTOS DEL FUTURO...sin las caras baterías Tesla, al correr el carro en los planos inclinados SE RECARGAN LAS BATERIAS CONVENCIONALES, En lo parejo y en las subidas nos auxiliaremos con la energía que acumulemos en las carreteras con potencial gravitacional...Por otro lado estoy proponiendo armar un motor CON EL POTENCIAL GRAVITACIONAL.., .DE UN PLANO INCLINADO...MOTOR GRAVITACIONAL ESTATICO...No quiero abusar del crédito de estos inventores de su espacio. NI VIOLAR LAS REGLAS DE RUclips...

    • @enwinmata1344
      @enwinmata1344 5 лет назад

      Eso es lo q se espera

  • @gagain100
    @gagain100 10 лет назад +4

    So it generates motors? Can U generate for me one turbo k04 from Audi S3? I need 1 because it burned up last week.

  • @danamuise4117
    @danamuise4117 10 лет назад +6

    why doesnt this run forever?

    • @Cline3911
      @Cline3911 6 лет назад +2

      Because the batteries will die at some point. All this contraption does, is take 24V DC from batteries to a 24V DC motor. The motor turns via belt (Major friction loss) to a 240V AC generator, where the light is plugged in. This person would be better off using a 12V or 24V to 240V AC power inverter. 12V would probably be better as the batteries could be wired in parallel doubling the current. (If the batteries are of the same type)

    • @harryconover289
      @harryconover289 6 лет назад +1

      This did Not work when my brother made one 44 years ago the reason is losses at every stage and eventually you use all of the battery’s charge.

    • @j5892000
      @j5892000 5 лет назад +1

      @@Cline3911 ac generators don't exist. Its dc that gets turned into ac via

    • @Cline3911
      @Cline3911 5 лет назад +7

      AC generators dont exist? Really? Think you might be a little confused there friend. A car alternator *IS* an AC generator. It uses rectification to go back to about 13.7v DC to power a cars electrical system. The car battery is used to energize an electromagnet in the alternator.
      Here is a simple diagram of how an AC generator works.видео.html

    • @dragan3290
      @dragan3290 5 лет назад +2

      A car alternator is ac then convert to dc with bridge rectifier!

  • @agentsoftheroyalfamily2186
    @agentsoftheroyalfamily2186 8 лет назад

    add additional free energy sources like solar panels, and create energy channel phases, to phase up?

  • @jeffcorrey9355
    @jeffcorrey9355 8 лет назад

    the only benefit of this version verse the magnetic repulsion motor would be to eliminate the bearing friction, while increasing baterry conductance and energy input to send that rotor faster then the energy needed to keep it in rotation.

  • @s9615983285
    @s9615983285 10 лет назад +8

    Обычный стартер, крутит генератор. и что тут необычного?? Эти два акума раскрутят и 6ти литровый дизель, не то что лампу в киловат...

  • @va3ngc
    @va3ngc 8 лет назад

    Motor-Generator sets used to be used to convert DC to AC before inverters became practical.

    • @ahal9842
      @ahal9842 3 года назад

      What is the motor? how can get it? from where?

  • @maximaldoshin5449
    @maximaldoshin5449 8 лет назад

    Какое чудо ! Можно вставить вилку и вынуть !

  • @vasvas59
    @vasvas59 10 лет назад +11


  • @CelsatBrenergia
    @CelsatBrenergia 5 лет назад +3


  • @noblekaren1814
    @noblekaren1814 9 лет назад

    is it every time need to connect with battery?

  • @camby22629
    @camby22629 10 лет назад

    es muy buena la conversión de 24 a 230 el problema es la cantidad de amperios que consume ese motor de 24v dc mil veces un inversor de 24v DC a 230 v AC que en modo de espera consume 500ma. esas mismas baterías le aguantarían no el doble sino unas 25 veces mas

  • @martinsigloxxi158
    @martinsigloxxi158 8 лет назад

    exelente video gracias por compartirlo para que este completo deberías retroalimentar sus baterías con la misma energía y estaría genial , pero entiendo la demostración de generar tantos wats

  • @eduazasmax
    @eduazasmax 8 лет назад +1

    usando um transformador redutor de 25volts 5 a 10A e retificando ,poderia realimentar A BATERIA .testando sua duração e eficiência ,as probabilidades poderia ser bem interessantes , bravo.

    • @dmottab
      @dmottab 8 лет назад

      cara acabaste de inventar a moto continua, bravos vais ficar rico

  • @TheSHOAS
    @TheSHOAS 8 лет назад

    Hi there,
    can you please detail what motor/dynamo have you used here.
    I mean where is this commonly used. If you could help please.
    Beside I would like to connect with you to discuss a few other things kindly let me know, how can I do that?

  • @SalmanBacha
    @SalmanBacha 8 лет назад +1

    Is it better idea of DC conversion to AC compared to an inverter for solar charged batteries. If not, why?

    • @ScienceDiscoverer
      @ScienceDiscoverer 8 лет назад

      +Salman Muhammad much energy lost in friction =\ That's why we should find a way to convert atomic energy into electricity directly, not with stupid steam turbines -_-

    • @jeffcorrey9355
      @jeffcorrey9355 8 лет назад

      +ScienceDiscoverer particles don't want to just rotate around a rotor, but they need to be excited and controlled somehow to do more work. the rotor is a great loss of potential energy, with the particles just spinning off into the infinite

  • @edwardandrewbocsor
    @edwardandrewbocsor 8 лет назад

    Para ser sustentável e infinito coloque polia dupla no motor e acople um alternador de carro para que a bateria não descarregue. Você terá 12v e 127vac infinito.

  • @senfoniii
    @senfoniii 7 лет назад

    If I make this circuit, can I use it in daily life?

  • @iamlegend7486
    @iamlegend7486 10 лет назад

    I've been thinking of this for almost a year now. Why I don't understand is why some company like tesla doesn't incorporate it on a large scale. To correct the problem of friction add solar panels, hell put a turbine on too of the car to make it spin and give that power to batteries so that the curcuit would run itself if you will

  • @irvinrauda5500
    @irvinrauda5500 8 лет назад

    mario parra por la rason a tu pregunta,es porque no es lo mismo voltage a amperages y depende del aparato q conectes sera los amperages q consuma y el voltege siempre era el mismo

  • @jeansergejrbabyfacepetion7769
    @jeansergejrbabyfacepetion7769 7 лет назад

    Oh wi oh
    Banm yon like

  • @Commack08
    @Commack08 8 лет назад

    So, if you were to run a battery charger to replenish the DC current, you should get a longer run time. GRANTED, that heat and friction will of course eventually overtake the amount of charge, but you should be able to extend the run time.

  • @100koochy100
    @100koochy100 10 лет назад

    Spooky that your not talking, scary when I saw the spark and the gloved hand, you should make horror films, I was proper scared. What about the generator charging the batteries that power the motor that runs the generator etc etc etc. Before I get called an idiot, I know it will eventually die but it's fun trying, I love these kind of videos even if they have no practical purpose.

  • @PunakiviAddikti
    @PunakiviAddikti 9 лет назад

    Cool, you could use it to charge important devices in emergency situations, like your phone if you keep the batteries always fully charged

    • @deadonrivl
      @deadonrivl 5 лет назад

      Easier to just hook up a 12volt 2.4 amp USB drive directly to a battery

    @KEIDIUMPHYSICS 20 дней назад

    Cool invention!

  • @Thesquarewave
    @Thesquarewave 10 лет назад

    I think of this assembly as basically a mechanical...
    Transformer: If active motor is also AC type.
    Inverter: If the active motor is DC type.
    Or Converter: If AC motor drives a DC motor thus making DC current.
    Not sure what you'd call an assembly if a DC motor drives a DC motor though. A mechanical "DC Transformer?"
    Well cool experiment nevertheless! :D

    @SVAROG-FREE-ENERGY-COM 7 лет назад

    Very very good job my friend 👍

    @СУПЕРСУХ 7 лет назад

    МОЯ ВЕЧНАЯ МЕЧТА ЯВНЬ ПРИРОДЫ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😀😀😀😀😀

  • @shabanimisiri7984
    @shabanimisiri7984 6 лет назад

    Video teper interesante e praktike

  • @slicendize8901
    @slicendize8901 7 лет назад

    How much is the Dynamo 24V
    Alternator 230V
    how much money (dolars) can i find them on market?

  • @johnross2328
    @johnross2328 Год назад

    Please put one on a electric go kart the idea is worth millions

  • @anilk.prajapati956
    @anilk.prajapati956 6 лет назад +1

    Very good

  • @ЮрийСаныч-э4н
    @ЮрийСаныч-э4н 8 лет назад

    Электричество образует электричество, какой же это ах*****й процесс)

  • @mdomauriciovaldebenito7198
    @mdomauriciovaldebenito7198 5 лет назад

    Hola mi pregunta es la siguiente en el esquema que realizaste se puede conectar una segunda bateria para que la cargue el alternador o alguna coneccion similar a los automoviles que funcionan a nafta. Para aumentar la autonomia de algun vehiculo electrico o bici auto. Para no volver a cargar la bateria en estacion de carga o en el hogar. O sea mi pregunta es si se puede auto recargar sola

  • @normanott644
    @normanott644 10 лет назад

    golf carts use a starter generator. 12volts are applied to start rotation then after motor has started increasing rpm of generator unit produces current to power whatever accessories that are used.

  • @eneiasdeliz5302
    @eneiasdeliz5302 9 лет назад

    uma polia no eixo do motor com um alternador de 24 voltes recaregariam as baterias assim nao descaregaram mas porem tudo nao é para sempre os eixos e rolamentos com o tempo se desgatao mas em quanto isso logico daria para economizar bastante energia

  • @guillermocruz3717
    @guillermocruz3717 5 лет назад

    Siempre eh querido hacer esto y nunca lo hago por flojo😁😂😀😆🤣 felicidades amigo

  • @drrobotnikmeanbeanma
    @drrobotnikmeanbeanma 9 лет назад

    Is this keeping the battery and the generators charged?Something like recycling energy ?

  • @delarosa197730
    @delarosa197730 9 лет назад

    how many watts is the input of dynamo?