Your getting close Captain, Whitebird did make it to Maine but Nungesser and Coli made many mistakes, they built it too heavy but to counteract that, they fitted a bigger more powerful engine and propeller testing it out over the skies of France it worked well with more power but they never tested it with the engine stopped, which is what happened to them in Maine they were lost in the fog over Washington County and simply ran out of fuel After that, Whitebird probably went down like a ton of bricks and hit the mountain side killing both men instantly. Washington County is a very primitive area with few people living there in 1927 Whitebird probably laid there for years without being discovered. Somebody in the 1970s may have found and removed the engine for scrap and not told anyone.about it. The propeller 12 feet long and made of aluminium has not been found nor have the war medals of Nungesser and Coli stored in a leather pouch under their seats they planned to wear them going ashore when they landed in New York harbor.there were other things laying about after the crash such as the controls and compass but they are now buried under years of leaf droppings. One story said that Coli's.compass was found by a hunter but unproveable at this late stage. it certainly seems that this story has been suppressed and covered up to keep the Linberge legacy alive. I know within a mile or 2 where she went down and it was not in the Round hills where everyone else things she crashed. We have a hunter friend who told us when he was hunting in 1970 he found an aircraft engine half buried in a hillside at a certain place. he described it to us in detail and said there was also some strange looking wire there, half round on one side. I think the best chance we've got of finding the Whitebird is to look for the wire, there was lots of it on the Whitebird holding the wings together and working the controls to the tail flaps and engine etc etc. Its such a shame Nungesser and Coli have not been found, these 2 airmen were so brave to say goodbye to their families, climb aboard a plane made of canvas and wood, fly across a huge ocean with only one engine, one propeller and no Wheels. I hope that one day, with modern technology we will find them and give them their rightful place in history that they deserve.
Your getting close Captain, Whitebird did make it to Maine but Nungesser and Coli made many mistakes, they built it too heavy but to counteract that, they fitted a bigger more powerful engine and propeller testing it out over the skies of France it worked well with more power but they never tested it with the engine stopped, which is what happened to them in Maine they were lost in the fog over Washington County and simply ran out of fuel After that, Whitebird probably went down like a ton of bricks and hit the mountain side killing both men instantly. Washington County is a very primitive area with few people living there in 1927 Whitebird probably laid there for years without being discovered. Somebody in the 1970s may have found and removed the engine for scrap and not told anyone.about it. The propeller 12 feet long and made of aluminium has not been found nor have the war medals of Nungesser and Coli stored in a leather pouch under their seats they planned to wear them going ashore when they landed in New York harbor.there were other things laying about after the crash such as the controls and compass but they are now buried under years of leaf droppings. One story said that Coli's.compass was found by a hunter but unproveable at this late stage.
it certainly seems that this story has been suppressed and covered up to keep the Linberge legacy alive. I know within a mile or 2 where she went down and it was not in the Round hills where everyone else things she crashed. We have a hunter friend who told us when he was hunting in 1970 he found an aircraft engine half buried in a hillside at a certain place. he described it to us in detail and said there was also some strange looking wire there, half round on one side. I think the best chance we've got of finding the Whitebird is to look for the wire, there was lots of it on the Whitebird holding the wings together and working the controls to the tail flaps and engine etc etc. Its such a shame Nungesser and Coli have not been found, these 2 airmen were so brave to say goodbye to their families, climb aboard a plane made of canvas and wood, fly across a huge ocean with only one engine, one propeller and no Wheels. I hope that one day, with modern technology we will find them and give them their rightful place in history that they deserve.