ZFO-type Lifepsam: 9m ywars Timeline: A massive star forms that hsi core is unstable anough to collapse into a neutron star or it can harrepen by a collision of a neutron star with the star whell it starts to be etaen for inaide and start collapsing by the neutron star acretion diak and expand at 3 solar system wide until the star explodes by the meutron star with huge acrettion dsik and then become a black hole
I have to delay for a day cuz I,m kinda busy.. I will try my best I will upload tomorrow
What for next vid?
Lifepsam: 9m ywars
A massive star forms that hsi core is unstable anough to collapse into a neutron star or it can harrepen by a collision of a neutron star with the star whell it starts to be etaen for inaide and start collapsing by the neutron star acretion diak and expand at 3 solar system wide until the star explodes by the meutron star with huge acrettion dsik and then become a black hole
@Kepler-923A star idk
@Kepler-923A star randomily sayed also what should be my size when ultragiant-
@WASP-56 Star sure I will add it to the list
I think H= HM and HM means high mass
Maybe that is 23 megatons in weight
23 megatons is maybe just some 10km piece of land
Stars are over 10^25 kg