@@chrisdumea961 I prefer not to know what the Russian firing squad are saying when they shoot me in the Chest. Gives me the imagination to think.. "They're saying nice things to me before they shoot me" Rather than the obvious "Aim, Fire!".
Lol, I fell for it. I hadn't heard of it before, but I just thought it was one of those trivial things I didn't pay attention to back in my teen years.
@@corriblehunt4554 Same basic format, yes, but it's typically about a map or a person's physical appearance; it's not often he creates a whole new story with the same intent as his maps.
Zachary Thoroman Also: vote for Joe. He’s the Democratic nominee. If you want Trump gone, you can’t vote for a third party. They don’t stand a chance. Joe wasn’t your first choice? Wasn’t mine either. But he and Bernie (see Bernie’s track record for being FOR treating people fairly, it’s very good), and to a marginally lesser extent Warren and a couple others I can’t even remember anymore, have my confidence in their good intent.
@@hildegunstvonmythenmetz6095 First of all, those raisins went on the floor. The homeless don't want it. Second of all, raisins are not a food and the homeless do not want it. Raisins are a punishment for children who feel joy when they hold a "chocolate chip" "cookie".
NO, you are controlling them on behalf of Donald Trump to make it look like Hillary is controlling them on behalf of me - Drake - the true ruler of the world. or you can accept that conspiracies are mostly bullshit.
mus5599 Looks like nobody actually answered your question, but yes, Snopes is possibly the most trustworthy website on the internet. They have amazing investigative journalists that look for nothing but the facts. Those "emails" were completely false.
John Oliver is full of shit, tried to make all of the Hillary stuff look nice. Shes a mass murderer, she is responsible for thousands of killed people in Lybia
Herdan 1) remind me what jingoism is? 2) it’s AP (the Associated Press), not APB - but that was a typo, wasn’t it? 3) really? Eh, okay, maybe Reuter’s is only good for covering the western world, or maybe you’re wrong about them being bad outside of the west - either way, that means that when discussing domestic issues, they should be considered reliable. 4) yeah... cable news isn’t that great... Fox is by far the worst (right-wing), followed (but not closely) by CNN and MSNBC (left-wing) - MSNBC, not to be confused with NBC, which, while not as reliable as most long-standing print outlets, is decent.
It's sad that people are bashing Oliver when he is absolutely correct, and he did not leave anything important out regarding Clinton's scandals. But of course people keep talking about things that they seem to have made up, so I shouldn't be that surprised.
Oliver didn't event scratch the surface of Clinton's many scandals. He only talked about several of them. Nobody made up the fact that she voted for the Iraq war, supported the Patriot Act, flipped on gay rights and lobbied for the passing of the TPP over 40 times, yet says she's against it. Is Oliver correct that Hillary is the lesser of two evils? Sure. Does that mean you should vote for her? No.
Zach Hentzel No you should vote for her because she is a good and qualified candidate, and her scandals are so twisted and overblown that it's ridiculous. Oliver knows this yet people fail to see it, how sad.....
sirpapa bigfudge Yes for both he left stuff out, but the point remains the same. Hell, he never even said Hilary was a shitty choice, he merely pointed out that people have a right to be annoyed by her scandals but they aren't as bad as people make them out to be. I am not retarded though so thanks for your poor choice of words....
Oliver did not mention the single biggest reason I won't be voting for Hillary. After the Benghazi attacks, she publicly blamed a film and threatened to prosecute the filmmaker, while simultaneously in private emails to political figures and her family she said she knew that was not the reason for the attacks. That's slander. That's sociopathic.
If I had a nickel for every time Donald Trump used his charity foundation funds to buy a portrait of himself, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
Think of it this way. Those are just the one ones you know about. Have you seen the most recent footage of the amount of bobbleheads and figurines of himself he has? And a sculpture of Mt. Rushmore that has his head added to it!!
His son says he and his siblings wouldn't be involved in government.... Except Ivanka was given the title assistant to the president and her husband is an advisor.
"Okay, that puts us to 10K raisins and five - still not enough to account for one of each and every Trump scandal since 2016 until this very day, but..at least we know our estimate was closer."
I'm Blackman You didn't watch the video, did you? You can call her a liar all you want, everyone who has worked with her claims she's the kind of woman who gets shit done. That seems like a better choice to the indebted fascist orange megalomaniac who uses his Penis as a talking point, IMHO. At least if she doesn't do a good job, it will be over after four years. If he gets into power, that's what you'll be stuck with. People like him don't just go away. They find a way to abolish democracy.
That whole section was funny, because the 3 people he showcased from the RNC ranting about the emails were Michael Flynn (which you already mentioned), Chris Christie (didn't get a cabinet position, generally shunned by the administration and also no longer in power in New Jersey) and Reince Priebus (Trump's chief of staff before being fired by the administration).
It's really beyond my level of understanding. People of United States elected a guy with list of scandals, who managed to fall into more scandals while he was a president, got impeached and YET more people voted for him in 2020 than 2016. It's either that he was extremely good at fooling people or a lot of people were stupid enough to be fooled by someone like him.
Both. It's definitely both stupidity/ignorance and cunning to fool people. The republican party/GOP use fear to manipulate and control their constituents. Everything on "Faux news" is based on making you feel fear, constant reporting on crime, immigration, terrorism, "liberals trying to break up your family" etc, Trump played into it and his voters loved it.
In 2016 he had the benefit of Hillary being completely out-of-touch and not appealing to young voters even slightly, while Trump was riding the ridiculous meme factory of his candidacy and the charismatic facade he'd been cultivating for decades. By 2020 he had developed a borderline cult comprised of people with terminal tunnel vision, ignorant old people, *literally* violently partisan idiots, actual bigots, and everything in between, but he had garnered so much hate from those of us who actually have half a brain cell and could see how much of an incompetent jackass he really was that his cult, try as they might, couldn't save him from the hand of democracy. He's been a menace of every genuine patriot in America for the better part of half a decade now, but at least he's finally out of office. My only hope is that he gets imprisoned for all the various crimes he's committed both in and out of office...
That bias should be disclosed that HBO is a donator to Clinton, which they didn't. Do you think that would change the minds of some people watch this. Yeah. Objectively, this piece was very soft on Clinton with the facts it provided while going very in depth on Trump. Anyone with a brain would realize they're trying to manipulate your views.
For those claiming that the show is biased: 1. Last Week Tonight is not a news outlet. It is a comedy show, which of course is centred around the news of the week, but it is not required to be unbiased. If you can claim this show was biased, that wouldn't be an issue anyways. 2. I don't think this show was biased. For example: they covered Hillary's scandals which were investgated by the FBI and could therefore be considered legitimate problems for her; covering the conspiracy theories circulating the internet would in fact take away from the serious scandals and give more of a foothold to Republicans who could then form arguments about Hillary's scandals not being taken seriously etc. They also only covered the Trump scandals that are serious and that were at the forefront of the public's awareness at the time of taping, and not the ones with barely any evidence supporting them. Nobody has any right to scream about propaganda every time there's a news article or comedy show that opposes your viewpoint.
You seem to be trying to argue against this show being biased, yet you seem to assume this episode is the only thing this show has created. I do agree that this video is fair, but some of the other ones, mainly the newer ones, are against Donald Trump. I’m not claiming right now that the president does not deserve what this show has said about him, he absolutely does, it’s just that it is biased since it’s showing a liberal viewpoint. I want to make clear that I am a liberal myself and Trump absolutely deserves the stuff he’s gotten for being a bad leader and business man.
@@timothyschmiedl251 the liberal viewpoint isn't biased if its the truth. Just because one side of America's political spectrum has chosen to champion the truth does not mean that the truth is biased.
@@timothye.2902 and you have the supreme knowledge and opinion that us mortals cannot posses, and everyone elses opinion is a unworthy of even being spoken
Of course there’s bias from Oliver and his writers. They would agree, and Oliver himself has said his show isn’t journalism, although I see a clear journalistic component. Ultimately, its allowed to be biased, it’s enlightening and hilarious. Either like it or don’t, but don’t claim it’s unbiased or too biased.
Writing this in October 2022, we truly had no idea what would happen. Election denials, an insurrection, so much shit. The laughter from this has turned into sobbing
That is the most irritating scam ad EVER!!! As long as they donate a dollar a year, they can pay themselves to "clean and sell" the vehicles that they got for free, from charitable minded individuals. So, basically, it is a scam.
Oh yeah, Hillary's emails. This was before a number of Trump's people started doing the same thing as her. Yeesh, it's incredible how much more stuff has been revealed about Trump and company since he was elected. And oh man, saying his kids would have nothing to do with the government? Watching this video in 2018 is really freaky.
You understand there is enough public evidence to, BY LAW, ban Hillary from ever holding office, right? The fact she was never punished when others have done far less and been punished heavily is astounding.
Sun Tzu I agree, let anyone else do half of what Hillary did and I guarantee they'd either be locked up right now or going through court proceedings to eventually being locked up. I honestly can't believe Oliver or anyone else that watched this episode thinks what Trump did is worse than what Hillary did. Say for arguments sake, everything spoken of in this episode is true on both sides. That means Trump probably embezzled money from Trump University, took illegal money from his dad (I may have details of this wrong as I don't remember exactly what it was his dad was involved with). He failed to disclose his taxes, saying he couldn't because he was being audited, which is not true but also not illegal, just looks bad. On the other hand, Hillary was taking classified documents, transferring them to an unclassified server, which at the worst could be looked into for treason but most likely wouldn't be charged with treason. But at the very least, should have been stripped of her classified status (which considering she was running for President, would cause alarm and should disqualify her for being able to run as she proved she can not be trusted with classified/sensitive data). There's the whole Benghazi incident, which is amazing that kind of went out of site out of mind with her not being held accountable. Then there's the whole shady business with Uranium One. The Clinton Foundation was given massive "donations" from Russia that shortly after was approved by the State Department to purchase Uranium One, during which time Hillary was the Secretary of State, yet they say she wasn't involved. I call b.s. on that. There may not be a paper trail showing her involvement but anyone who truly thinks she wasn't involved is truly naive. Also during all of this, there were emails recovered from the Clinton server showing Obama was aware of the Clinton email server and over looked it. There are also documents showing Obama was aware of all the details of the Uranium One deal and helped push the deal through. So both Hillary and Obama have ties to Russia involving millions of dollars. Another interesting piece of info that got lost in the shuffle. At the time Obama was elected for his first term, his net worth was $1.3 million. During his 8 years he drew a salary of $400,000 a year. He did have a couple of book deals that earned him a few more million. He also had investments that might have earned a few million as well. But when he left office in 2016, his net worth was $40 million. So his net worth went up about 40X while in office. Knowing that he was aware and helped push through the Uranium One deal with Russia and that Russia "donated" significant amounts of money to the Clinton Foundation, my personal opinion and also the opinion of many others that have looked at these facts, it appears as if there was some very shady stuff going on and I would wager that Obama made a significant amount of money by helping Russia in the acquisition of Uranium One. And with all of that, Democrats want to talk about Trumps taxes and unsubstantiated claims he colluded with Russia during the election. In my opinion, it seems as if certain Democrats including but not limited to Hillary and Obama were playing a "shell game" and got attention off of themselves and their dealings with Russia and got the attention on Trump and Russia. And even if the claims against Trump and Russia were true, it is nothing compared to the entire shady business of the Uranium One deal.
And what percentage of Hillary voters knows or cares about any of this? Zero. Because they are ALL dumb as bricks. I have yet to met even one single Hillary voter who was capable of learning from stimulus or reacting to it; meeting the very basic criteria of consciousness in doing so. Literally too fucking stupid to be viable voters.
Madison Brooke Ah yes, the classic "What-about"-ism of Fox News. Because Hillary Clinton did Illegal things, it means that Trump is free of criticism and Illegalities himself. Both party candidates were horrible choices for the job and that's a sentiment that was shared by many people. I'm generally right in the middle when it comes to political parties, and that I could throw myself behind either candidate without feeling dirty is a big red flag.
Watching in 2018: given the massive resignation surge in the White House, be prepared for Eric, Don Jr. and Ivanka to take actual government positions pretty soon.
+Lona (^.^) - More and more, yeah. Just a few presidents ago they had a dimwit whose primary qualification was "Well, my daddy was president!" ...Still the world's dumbest way to select a leader. =_=;
Literally all the facts? Why didn't they mention a lot of the shady stuff in her emails then (talking about provocations at Trump rallies, media being Clinton's bitch, funding ISIS, voter fraud etc.)? Why did they mention only 2 foreign sponsors, hiding the fact that there are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait etc. in the donor list? How can facts be biased? When they are cherry picked or rephrased to suit certain agenda (like media did with Clinton's Wikileaks emails), or they can be paid less attention than needed (again, compare the Trump's tape discussion time with the Clinton's emails being leaked). This is a show, with cherry picked facts and that one guy trying too hard be funny.
larushka1 ....maybe, but the probabilities are that the production team simply ordered a bunch of raisins from the supermarket, instead of investing time in finding the store that had old, dried out ones that were not good to eat.
Becca Lynn ...That's what I'm curious about though. What company specializes in selling food that's not good to eat for production purposes? Maybe one exists, but it seems improbable.
I will never under stand how ppl can say "I like him because he's not a politician" like uhh is that a good thing?? Do you call a plumber to fix your cable. It's the stupidest argument. Edit: since the ppl in the RUclips community are all English teachers I fixed my mistake "plumper" to "plumber".
What's worse is that he uses all a politician's tricks ... but to a degree never seen before. His slogan ought to be "You think politicians are tricky, sneaky, conniving people? Wait 'till you see how much better I am at it than they are."
a politician isnt a skill or profession. the establishment is broken! destroy the establishment and start from scratch. Hitlery is the establishment and Trump is a grenade.
Yeah because politicians like Clinton are doing such a great job. You dont understand because you worship the bullshit people like her... Politics is business btw and you are a moron if you dont see that.
That's such a dumb argument since inevitably when you destroy something much like a bone the crums will be missing and will be even harder to put back together in a food way. Why flip the chair over if you can redesign it?
don't know if you thoroughly read that persons comment but they never said that they supported Hillary, how about stop trying to put shade where shade is not needed
I love coming back to old episodes and seeing hilarious things like the Republicans slamming Hillary for her private e-mail server, but turning around and saying Donal Trump leaking classified intelligence is his privilege -_-
@@zufalllx while that is how it works, technically Hillary didn't break any laws. I really dislike the woman, but you guys apply these bonkers standards to Dems when y'all literally have zero when it comes to protecting your own.
Saying you're being audited and that's why you won't release your tax returns is a really bad decision. Being audited means they're investigating you for possible tax fraud. That's like saying "I won't take a drug test because I'm currently facing a DEA investigation."
That's because rich people commit tax fraud a lot. That's really true. It's basically expected, and when they're caught they just get a slap on the wrist. But there's a whole industry around helping rich people avoid taxes. A lot of people do that for a living. Take it from a CPA. When someone like Wesley Snipes goes to jail for tax evasion, it's not for being greedy and breaking the law, it's for being stupid and breaking it in really obvious or indefensible ways. Most people just pay fines and try again next year.
Forrest Trump Hillarys cult of liberal cucks wouldnt care if there was undeniable proof hillary gave out classified emails illegally and then trashed her computers and all the evidence cuz she knew she was guilty. On top of murdering ppl in benghazi cuz of her carelessness
Don’t worry, we soon won’t have to worry about who’s president when this guy accidentally nukes our own country, seeing how intelligent he’s proven himself to be so far
@@theandromedaeffect979 well go back to canada with your weird faces if our lack of Cuckstin Trudeau and shit le piss beer is such a disappointment to you
@Fernando Baeza you’re right that Clinton won the majority vote! But I definitely think a lot of citizens were underinformed. We definitely can and should do better
thats exactly what i was thinking. Then again, Clinton won by 3 million votes but our bullshit so called democracy known as the electoral college put this pathological liar in the White House any way.
@@MrFrozenbear Clinton may have won the popular vote by 3 Million but 63 Million Americans still voted for Trump. That is unacceptable. 63 Million people looked at this man and actively wanted him to be their leader. That is just fucked up beyond comprehension.
“…and as we look at our Doppler Radar, we see what seems to be - and I swear I’m not making this up - a massive raisin storm that looks as though it will never end, and will surely destroy all life on planet earth. Now here’s Stacey with Pollen Watch…" - _The Weather Channel, November 9th, 2016_
How very prophetic. I've come back to watch this 3 yrs later and just as predicted, we're in a monsoon of scandals. It's terrible that you were so right.
Chill dude, you sound like an angry Trump supporter. Why the fuck do you have to use the word slaves? No wonder people say that Trump supporters are racists and bigots, you just proved their point. You show no respect for other people's opinions, you just ridicule. I am a white liberal who believes that people should be treated with respect, does that make me bad? No, it is written in our Constitution. Justice and Freedom for all. That's bad?? Again, in our Constitution. You have read the Constitution haven't you? Again, who the hell do you think you are? Take a look in the mirror, you have anger issues and you don't make sense.
How can people believe that he's gonna fight the establishment like he's one of the rebels in Star Wars, when that guy robbed that group of girls that sang for him during his rally. Not to mention, how can he say that he's for the working class when he robbed them too! He has thousands of lawsuits a portion of them saying he owes them money. And if you say "well they did a bad job" apparently not bad enough, cause he went back to them. The establishment doesn't like him not because he's a Robin Hood but because he's that mean dad in the movie Matilda.
Oh p.s Why is it that you want people to believe you, when your completely blind to the faults of your candidate, we're not you man, we can see she's not that good of a person. But we don't have delusions of our candidate like you do.
Then you have zero knowledge of basic economics, and fail to understand that if Donald becomes president, he will f*ck the economy up. But sure, be butt hurt about some emails, I don't even live in the US, so I couldn't give two more sh*ts.
Trump wants to run the country like his business , but pushing other countries around like he does in his business could be dangerous even start a war! Trump is not a fair person and doesn't have a clue what he is doing in politics!
I agree i like raisins, he should make a point where in half of cookie is a worm so either should he eat the other half or throw out the whole cookie ??...Trump is pretty much that kind of worm.
Half of the things said about Hillary are clearly false and I'm not defending Hillary, I'm not even from America, but she is going to be the new president and thats that
right now it looks like it will go to the house unless someone buys them electoral votes new York already made up there minds that there voting Hillary regardless of what the people of new York want
right now it looks like it will go to the house unless someone buys them electoral votes new York already made up there minds that there voting Hillary regardless of what the people of new York want
@@martingoldfreed2627 Not really, maybe it's just because you only watch these RUclips segments instead of the full episode but he did make multiple jokes about Hillary during the campaign whenever she did a joke that failed or said something that was slightly wrong. And besides, she's not as "interesting" as trump (same could be said about dems and republicans in general) and you gotta remember this is a comedy show and she doesn't produce as much "material" as the donald
Oh, right. Let's forget about the little Munich deal he's trying to negotiate with Russia. Or the massive conflicts of interests that his debts and business interests create. Plus, just how much of the scandals you're talking about are built on implications, rather than direct evidence? You guys keep ignoring Trump because you don't want to lose three elections in a row.
@@weshall557 wait, you still need a proof? www.news.com.au/world/north-america/us-politics/us-election-2020-republicans-distance-themselves-from-donald-trump/news-story/ab7942cd695853d32d60a1c5f5e66d6b
@@weshall557 I picked this news because I had not seen It before searching for it today and It is still fresh. Not only his statement is remarcably true, It's fucking accurate. Every literal day has been about scandal after scandal because of things related to the president. And this became the norm, no other president was like that in the history of the US. You know How much of bulshit is the leader of any nation, specially the most powerfull one, be like this?
@@dylanvoigt6180 just one? thx the scandal about the covid when he repeatedly lied about covid's severity for months just to confess it was a lie weeks before the end of his presidency. which made the US response way worse than it should have been. this decision alone probably cost hundreds of thousands of american lifes.
Oh, 3:34.... Michael Flynn getting shouty over Hillary Clinton's emails... It makes me want to go back in time and reassure Americans of the sweet concept of karma.
@@pipinstine4462 If you're not aware of what Flynn did, I'll give you a little hint: the part at the National Convention where he said, "She put our nation's security at extremely high risk" was extremely highly hypocritical.
@@pipinstine4462 It's been a while, so I don't really remember the details, but basically he pled guilty to lying to the FBI after it was revealed that he was compromised by Russian Intelligence and had accepted money from foreign governments without prior approval.
The only way anybody will be happy with Johns coverage of Hillary is if he says "don't vote for Hillary because she's corrupt". But here's the thing, she's better than trump. He understands that, so of course his work will be biased towards her. People just use the fact that he works for HBO as an excuse to say his points in Hillary don't count because HBO is a top donor. But he truly does believe that Hillary is better!
Try telling that to the immigrants, muslims, and minorities that would have to live with the everyday hate of a Trump administration. I just went canvassing yesterday and the fascist tendencies are Trump are very real. This is such a poorly thought-out argument.
+Shwagg Krumb "He is rich, what the fuck does any of this matter to him?" Maybe you should take a look at what Donald will fuck up. He wants to make the press more liable for negative coverage. He's basically said "fuck freedom of the press."
My problem is that he claims he is going to present all the facts about Clinton's email scandal, then just goes over it in the most general way. And even the things he does cover are done so incompletely. For example Clinton claims she wanted the ease of using one phone, yet the FBI identified 13 mobile devices she potentially used for email, some of which her staff would destroy with hammers. Instead of clearly showing that she lied, Oliver takes her at her word and just says she was still being irresponsible. Then there's the email she sent advising her staff to remove the classified headers from a document, scan and email it nonsecurely, because their secure fax service was down. That is clear evidence of intent, yet Oliver pretends it's not relevant.
I'm afraid we might. I'm starting to see a little bit of hope in the numbers about unhappiness with Trump over the past month or so, but meh, it's only a tiny little flicker of hope. Meanwhile, we're trapped in here.
given the fact that they're all probably going to have to be sent to his house, i wouldn't be surprised if he'd have to keep his kids away with a stick
@@birdn4t0r7 oh actually that's a good point, but for a different reason: you need a fun, complex rig to make it rain raisins like that, and he's not going to be able to do that at home. Also, of course, stuff's gonna be a lot more obviously dire if he gets reelected.
If you like to get answers to questions you never knew to ask, check out RUclips channel called Today I Found Out, it's honestly amazingly entertaining and accurate in their research.
I feel bad for the poor soul who had to spend hours emptying out boxes of raisins into a large bucket.. and the janitorial staff that had to clean the set after.
To be realistic they probably got that stuff in crates and just dump the crates contents (probably about 3 to 4 people) into the container, and the janitors at the end probably had industrial type vacuums to go around clean the set up. Now whether they got them all or not is another question, John probably still picking those buggers up in the strangest of place.
Many of us are actually lefties who dont need to be told Trump is bad. We're just watching a once enjoyable show dig its own grave, and blantantly omit critical elements of systemic corruption. Really. His segments on Hillary are like watching someone navigate a minefield.
Yeah he really kept brushing everything off for Hillary, even though in the beginning he made it sound like he was going to criticize both candidates. I get this is a left leaning show, but this was just over the top biased. Also when are people going to talk actual policies? I'm just tired of the 24/7 personal attacks.
Kuroda Cursus At this point, the most accurate things in his videos are his opening descriptions of the election, not because of anything wrong with the content itself, but because that's literally what this whole thing has reduced America to. And considering how passionate and unforgiving your average RUclips comments section is... well, good luck to anyone who tries to read any of it for more than five minutes at a time.
Looking back on this, it's funny how Flinn talks about putting national security at risk when he was lying to everyone about his dealings with foreign powers
@@javamikii , I think that's because he squized them dry for usefulness and then tossed them aside as he only cares about himself and the Lalaland he lives in.
***** We are getting a sociopath for a president either way. Also, if you bother to look at the evidence you would see the primary was rigged. But oh why am i wasting my time, Correct The Record added more funding for trolls to fight for $illary.
Yes, the party machine actively coordinating with Clinton on attack tactics with one of it's candidates is democracy. The mass bribery via superPACs is oligarchy.
There was some rigging, but even without it he probably would have lost anyway. Calling himself a communist when running for american office was a bullet in the groin, tbh
Because most democratic primary voters are old enough to remember the 1970s and 80s when ethical principled democrats got their asses kicked in 5 out of 6 presidential elections, and then Bill Clinton finally ended the democrats' losing streak. They thought Hillary Clinton was the safer candidate.
fear and media manipulation. only 9 percent of americans voted for these two. ranked choice voting and public funding of elections would solve this shit.
Well not all primaries are open, many of them only had party members voting on their nominee (Quite why people seem to think they have a say in who gets to run a party they are not a member of in the firstplace I don't know, it seems odd).
Eh no that's why smart people say you should go for a representational system rather than first past the post, a more direct democracy would be a terrible idea. Most people have no idea how to run a country and are non educated on the issues.
@@Dudofall I know. There is a lot of little things like that, that make me laugh. Just thought I'd share. That's not the only emoji that means something in asl.
You can still see the slight glimmer of hope in his eyes here, what an innocent time. sleep well children, for ye know not what cometh
I have an idea...start learning how to speak Russian
Game Over now
yb。っっっb🤗🐯🐅🐂🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😋😋🤗👯♀️🐯🐽😣😤😤😤🤗👴🤦♂️😍🔨🖇📂🛅🐖🐮🐩⚁⚁⚁⚁⚁⚁🔳⚁📢📻🎶🎹🏷💶🔎🎬🔎🔎🔮🔮🛢🛢📓📚💶📓📕💶💶💶💶🔮🗿🔗🛢🔮💉🗿💉🛢📚💶💶💶💶🗞🗞💶💶💶💶📏📢、8んhb📱💉😋😎📓💶📓☢🦌bっh、bdhっふj🏝💇♀️💇♂️👤💇♂️📬📕📢📢🦌⛏⛏🔓🗿💇♀️🔮☺😄😋yb :::_ j、、hkc、j🤗🤗、y8、887ぶふ€、 😅🤗👇b、b、ck🤗😏🤗😍😅😥🏘🏤🏘🏤🏤🏞🎖🏆🍓🥖🐅🛰⏱🍍🥕🍅🍙🥚🏆🏆⛰🏝🏙🌑🕘🌒🕘🎫🚴♀️🚴♀️🤾♀️🥕🎫⚾️🏀⚾️🎉🎉📞🎑
@@chrisdumea961 I prefer not to know what the Russian firing squad are saying when they shoot me in the Chest.
Gives me the imagination to think.. "They're saying nice things to me before they shoot me" Rather than the obvious "Aim, Fire!".
Darth Fluffy 😂😂
the swiss file transfer joke was genius!
Lol, I fell for it. I hadn't heard of it before, but I just thought it was one of those trivial things I didn't pay attention to back in my teen years.
It really makes you rethink how republicans spoke about her scandals.
it's the same joke format that he uses every episode
Corrible Hunt if it ain’t broke....
@@corriblehunt4554 Same basic format, yes, but it's typically about a map or a person's physical appearance; it's not often he creates a whole new story with the same intent as his maps.
2020: *laughter that turns into sobbing*
watching this at half way through 2020 makes me depressed
@Disruptive Bee love you Hillary, ready to see Nancy.
Zachary Thoroman
Nancy who?
Zachary Thoroman
Also: vote for Joe. He’s the Democratic nominee. If you want Trump gone, you can’t vote for a third party. They don’t stand a chance.
Joe wasn’t your first choice? Wasn’t mine either. But he and Bernie (see Bernie’s track record for being FOR treating people fairly, it’s very good), and to a marginally lesser extent Warren and a couple others I can’t even remember anymore, have my confidence in their good intent.
Espacialy Flinn
John: “Okay, so I need…”
HBO: “Jesus, what now?”
John: “…a shit ton of raisins.”
HBO: “Okay, sure, why not.”
Oh thank god we don’t have to make the world largest marble cake with a authoritarian world leader falling off his horse again
You know they're ready and willing. Everytime this man does something like that it kills. Oliver is a f'n legend 👑
Think of all the lonely bran flakes out there, wondering when their raisins will come home.
I wonder if they gave them out to homeless people after the show.
@@hildegunstvonmythenmetz6095 First of all, those raisins went on the floor. The homeless don't want it.
Second of all, raisins are not a food and the homeless do not want it. Raisins are a punishment for children who feel joy when they hold a "chocolate chip" "cookie".
A Blind Trust is how his supporters vote.
NO, you are controlling them on behalf of Donald Trump to make it look like Hillary is controlling them on behalf of me - Drake - the true ruler of the world.
or you can accept that conspiracies are mostly bullshit.
Drake Depew ñcost rica conestXo unidos
Looks like nobody actually answered your question, but yes, Snopes is possibly the most trustworthy website on the internet. They have amazing investigative journalists that look for nothing but the facts. Those "emails" were completely false.
"She lied"
Well thank god we dont have a liar in office.
And we won't. Biden will lose.
@@weshall557 shhhhh go to bed, child.
@@panpluto13 Truth burns don't it Mrs. CNN puppet?
@@weshall557 if you can't see that trump lies, then there is no need to talk to you.
John Oliver's segments make for good repeat viewing these days
Siyabonga Africa
They're even more irritating now then they were then. We knew all this shit about Trump yet he was elected anyway.
If you like being propagandized, then sure!
John Oliver is full of shit, tried to make all of the Hillary stuff look nice. Shes a mass murderer, she is responsible for thousands of killed people in Lybia
Siyabonga Africa yeah, past 4 days been rewatching a lot of them. I forgot how good the standard testing segment was...
Ah, it was another time. We were so optimistic...
Getting texted “Q” 10 times by your Dad takes on a horrifying new meaning now. One problem gone, another takes its place I guess.
I don’t understand what you mean, can you explain?
@@saasproductions3053 I was referring to QAnon.
@@matthewjarek3026 Thanks.
John is competing with the Simpsons for the most accidental prophecies at this point.
came looking for this
This --- is much, much sadder in 2019.
@Zzzzeyd you didn't listen to literally anything in the video did you? Amazing
try watching in 2020. . .
Only if Clinton didn't try to screw over bernie sanders back then tsk tsk tsk
I want to cry in 2020
Currently May 2020, you underestimated the number of Trump's raisins. :(
There are very good sources, AP and Reuter’s being THE top two, and I for one would say that NPR/PBS is very good.
1) remind me what jingoism is?
2) it’s AP (the Associated Press), not APB - but that was a typo, wasn’t it?
3) really? Eh, okay, maybe Reuter’s is only good for covering the western world, or maybe you’re wrong about them being bad outside of the west - either way, that means that when discussing domestic issues, they should be considered reliable.
4) yeah... cable news isn’t that great... Fox is by far the worst (right-wing), followed (but not closely) by CNN and MSNBC (left-wing) - MSNBC, not to be confused with NBC, which, while not as reliable as most long-standing print outlets, is decent.
i like raisins (this is not a metaphor, trump can suck it, but raisins are still ok)
@@parsnipguy2986 that’s awesome parsnip guy
And come August 2022, he apparently took truckloads of classified papers to his FL residence
It's sad that people are bashing Oliver when he is absolutely correct, and he did not leave anything important out regarding Clinton's scandals. But of course people keep talking about things that they seem to have made up, so I shouldn't be that surprised.
Oliver didn't event scratch the surface of Clinton's many scandals. He only talked about several of them.
Nobody made up the fact that she voted for the Iraq war, supported the Patriot Act, flipped on gay rights and lobbied for the passing of the TPP over 40 times, yet says she's against it.
Is Oliver correct that Hillary is the lesser of two evils? Sure. Does that mean you should vote for her? No.
Zach Hentzel No you should vote for her because she is a good and qualified candidate, and her scandals are so twisted and overblown that it's ridiculous. Oliver knows this yet people fail to see it, how sad.....
***** Other stuff yes, but little to none of it qualifies as a scandal or is in any way significant........
sirpapa bigfudge Yes for both he left stuff out, but the point remains the same. Hell, he never even said Hilary was a shitty choice, he merely pointed out that people have a right to be annoyed by her scandals but they aren't as bad as people make them out to be. I am not retarded though so thanks for your poor choice of words....
Oliver did not mention the single biggest reason I won't be voting for Hillary. After the Benghazi attacks, she publicly blamed a film and threatened to prosecute the filmmaker, while simultaneously in private emails to political figures and her family she said she knew that was not the reason for the attacks. That's slander. That's sociopathic.
If I had a nickel for every time Donald Trump used his charity foundation funds to buy a portrait of himself, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
Think of it this way. Those are just the one ones you know about. Have you seen the most recent footage of the amount of bobbleheads and figurines of himself he has? And a sculpture of Mt. Rushmore that has his head added to it!!
@@mikotomisaka8714 They were referencing Phineas and Ferb.
@@cleffa173 Well it's not an episode I'm familiar with then.
@@mikotomisaka8714 it's a meme
@@mikotomisaka8714 I think it's from the movie.
Abandon all hope, ye who enter the comment section
Lol no shit. It was like a experiment to see if they could get 11,000 idiots to all yell in one place.
What hope?
Challenge accepted
Man, that Michael Flynn footage didn't age well...
TheTaff512 Yep
2018, againg worse by the day
TheTaff512 lol
His son says he and his siblings wouldn't be involved in government....
Except Ivanka was given the title assistant to the president and her husband is an advisor.
I like to think they’re still finding raisins in the studio to this day.
Oh god, probably
"Okay, that puts us to 10K raisins and five - still not enough to account for one of each and every Trump scandal since 2016 until this very day, but..at least we know our estimate was closer."
Which honestly kind of works in the context of the metaphor.
and that is why Bernie was the best choice.
Maybe in 2020.
Besides a lot of his campaign promises made it into Hillary 's plans, like continuing universal health care and making college free.
lol clinton isn't going to do those things, we all know this, she is too much of a lier
I'm Blackman You didn't watch the video, did you?
You can call her a liar all you want, everyone who has worked with her claims she's the kind of woman who gets shit done.
That seems like a better choice to the indebted fascist orange megalomaniac who uses his Penis as a talking point, IMHO.
At least if she doesn't do a good job, it will be over after four years. If he gets into power, that's what you'll be stuck with. People like him don't just go away. They find a way to abolish democracy.
Not really relevant anymore, focus on the fucking issue at hand. Keeping Trump out of the White House.
What democracy? Impeachment is still a thing. Trump would get kicked out pretty quickly if he's elected.
Thank you, John Oliver, for being the voice of reason.
Not like there is an extreme bias because Time Warner is Hillarys eighth biggest donor
Keep banging that drum, pal. It's not like Russia is helping the Annoying Orange or that said Annoying Orange is the worst option imaginable.
We need more voices of reason in this comment section. I am glad he has 10 times more up votes than down votes though.
*voice of raisin :D
+Justin Quinn - Extreme bias? Haha. It appears that you can't realize that Trump is a complete fraud. You're been punked.
I find it highly ironic that Michael Flynn is ranting about the security of our government in that clip...
nearly everything surrounding the Donald is steeped in irony.
That whole section was funny, because the 3 people he showcased from the RNC ranting about the emails were Michael Flynn (which you already mentioned), Chris Christie (didn't get a cabinet position, generally shunned by the administration and also no longer in power in New Jersey) and Reince Priebus (Trump's chief of staff before being fired by the administration).
Are you finding it ironic now, Mr. Krabs?
And 18 months after Flynn's speech he is about "To be locked up"!
Picnic Basket Sam pf
It's really beyond my level of understanding. People of United States elected a guy with list of scandals, who managed to fall into more scandals while he was a president, got impeached and YET more people voted for him in 2020 than 2016. It's either that he was extremely good at fooling people or a lot of people were stupid enough to be fooled by someone like him.
Fuckin' Murica👌
Both. It's definitely both stupidity/ignorance and cunning to fool people. The republican party/GOP use fear to manipulate and control their constituents. Everything on "Faux news" is based on making you feel fear, constant reporting on crime, immigration, terrorism, "liberals trying to break up your family" etc, Trump played into it and his voters loved it.
Or its that out of the 2 worst candidates, he was better. Have you actually listened to how authoritarian her policies are?
@@mattgowrie8580 oy vey
In 2016 he had the benefit of Hillary being completely out-of-touch and not appealing to young voters even slightly, while Trump was riding the ridiculous meme factory of his candidacy and the charismatic facade he'd been cultivating for decades. By 2020 he had developed a borderline cult comprised of people with terminal tunnel vision, ignorant old people, *literally* violently partisan idiots, actual bigots, and everything in between, but he had garnered so much hate from those of us who actually have half a brain cell and could see how much of an incompetent jackass he really was that his cult, try as they might, couldn't save him from the hand of democracy. He's been a menace of every genuine patriot in America for the better part of half a decade now, but at least he's finally out of office. My only hope is that he gets imprisoned for all the various crimes he's committed both in and out of office...
he is a comedian with an opinion, he has every right to have a bias
I like how its people who claim to be defenders of free speech who are attacking him
How is it interrupting free speech to claim bias?
it doesn't, that's exactly the point.
That bias should be disclosed that HBO is a donator to Clinton, which they didn't.
Do you think that would change the minds of some people watch this. Yeah.
Objectively, this piece was very soft on Clinton with the facts it provided while going very in depth on Trump. Anyone with a brain would realize they're trying to manipulate your views.
Are you fucking high? Did you watch the video? He went into depth in everything Trumpites bitch about. Do you know something the world doesn't?
I take offense to John Olivers statement. I support Raisin Cookies, and will diligently defend my right to enjoy an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie.
yep a raisin cookie is good, but 100 000 raisins (aka trump) is a little bit too much!!
raisins can burn in hell and rot for all I care
Green Raver Music
Indeed. Raisins are merely little grapes that get more hate than they deserve.
Look at you, raisin the bar.
Propaganda againist rasin cookies I tell you.
For those claiming that the show is biased:
1. Last Week Tonight is not a news outlet. It is a comedy show, which of course is centred around the news of the week, but it is not required to be unbiased. If you can claim this show was biased, that wouldn't be an issue anyways.
2. I don't think this show was biased. For example: they covered Hillary's scandals which were investgated by the FBI and could therefore be considered legitimate problems for her; covering the conspiracy theories circulating the internet would in fact take away from the serious scandals and give more of a foothold to Republicans who could then form arguments about Hillary's scandals not being taken seriously etc. They also only covered the Trump scandals that are serious and that were at the forefront of the public's awareness at the time of taping, and not the ones with barely any evidence supporting them. Nobody has any right to scream about propaganda every time there's a news article or comedy show that opposes your viewpoint.
They seem to take the view that it's less funny if it's not true. Therefore they fact-check the **shit** out of **everything**.
You seem to be trying to argue against this show being biased, yet you seem to assume this episode is the only thing this show has created. I do agree that this video is fair, but some of the other ones, mainly the newer ones, are against Donald Trump. I’m not claiming right now that the president does not deserve what this show has said about him, he absolutely does, it’s just that it is biased since it’s showing a liberal viewpoint. I want to make clear that I am a liberal myself and Trump absolutely deserves the stuff he’s gotten for being a bad leader and business man.
@@timothyschmiedl251 the liberal viewpoint isn't biased if its the truth. Just because one side of America's political spectrum has chosen to champion the truth does not mean that the truth is biased.
@@timothye.2902 and you have the supreme knowledge and opinion that us mortals cannot posses, and everyone elses opinion is a unworthy of even being spoken
Of course there’s bias from Oliver and his writers. They would agree, and Oliver himself has said his show isn’t journalism, although I see a clear journalistic component. Ultimately, its allowed to be biased, it’s enlightening and hilarious. Either like it or don’t, but don’t claim it’s unbiased or too biased.
Writing this in October 2022, we truly had no idea what would happen. Election denials, an insurrection, so much shit. The laughter from this has turned into sobbing
It's gotten even worse :-(. (November 2024)
I love how flynn was so fired up about hillary's emails xD
i'm surprised he didn't have a powerpoint made by putin
i literally daydream about seeing john oliver in the street and hugging him. i love him so much. never die.
I’d prefer it if RBG had been immortal.
I totally lost it when he started yelling about Kars 4 Kids XD
That is the most irritating scam ad EVER!!! As long as they donate a dollar a year, they can pay themselves to "clean and sell" the vehicles that they got for free, from charitable minded individuals. So, basically, it is a scam.
Rolhoes v70
Morgan Martin xx
seriously how is that shit not a scam?
How astute of John to predict that my Dad would be texting the letter Q a lot recently
I miss my dude Bernie 😪
He's kissing Clinton's ass.
Ya he got cheated out of the nomination. Terrible.
Yeah. Not nearly enough votes to win, almost as if enough people voted for his opponent that she won.
#VoteBlueNoMatterWho Then your dude Bernie will become significantly more powerful in Congress.
Then vote for progressives on down-ballot elections
Oh yeah, Hillary's emails. This was before a number of Trump's people started doing the same thing as her. Yeesh, it's incredible how much more stuff has been revealed about Trump and company since he was elected. And oh man, saying his kids would have nothing to do with the government? Watching this video in 2018 is really freaky.
You understand there is enough public evidence to, BY LAW, ban Hillary from ever holding office, right? The fact she was never punished when others have done far less and been punished heavily is astounding.
Sun Tzu
I agree, let anyone else do half of what Hillary did and I guarantee they'd either be locked up right now or going through court proceedings to eventually being locked up.
I honestly can't believe Oliver or anyone else that watched this episode thinks what Trump did is worse than what Hillary did. Say for arguments sake, everything spoken of in this episode is true on both sides. That means Trump probably embezzled money from Trump University, took illegal money from his dad (I may have details of this wrong as I don't remember exactly what it was his dad was involved with). He failed to disclose his taxes, saying he couldn't because he was being audited, which is not true but also not illegal, just looks bad.
On the other hand, Hillary was taking classified documents, transferring them to an unclassified server, which at the worst could be looked into for treason but most likely wouldn't be charged with treason. But at the very least, should have been stripped of her classified status (which considering she was running for President, would cause alarm and should disqualify her for being able to run as she proved she can not be trusted with classified/sensitive data). There's the whole Benghazi incident, which is amazing that kind of went out of site out of mind with her not being held accountable. Then there's the whole shady business with Uranium One. The Clinton Foundation was given massive "donations" from Russia that shortly after was approved by the State Department to purchase Uranium One, during which time Hillary was the Secretary of State, yet they say she wasn't involved. I call b.s. on that. There may not be a paper trail showing her involvement but anyone who truly thinks she wasn't involved is truly naive.
Also during all of this, there were emails recovered from the Clinton server showing Obama was aware of the Clinton email server and over looked it. There are also documents showing Obama was aware of all the details of the Uranium One deal and helped push the deal through. So both Hillary and Obama have ties to Russia involving millions of dollars.
Another interesting piece of info that got lost in the shuffle. At the time Obama was elected for his first term, his net worth was $1.3 million. During his 8 years he drew a salary of $400,000 a year. He did have a couple of book deals that earned him a few more million. He also had investments that might have earned a few million as well. But when he left office in 2016, his net worth was $40 million. So his net worth went up about 40X while in office. Knowing that he was aware and helped push through the Uranium One deal with Russia and that Russia "donated" significant amounts of money to the Clinton Foundation, my personal opinion and also the opinion of many others that have looked at these facts, it appears as if there was some very shady stuff going on and I would wager that Obama made a significant amount of money by helping Russia in the acquisition of Uranium One.
And with all of that, Democrats want to talk about Trumps taxes and unsubstantiated claims he colluded with Russia during the election.
In my opinion, it seems as if certain Democrats including but not limited to Hillary and Obama were playing a "shell game" and got attention off of themselves and their dealings with Russia and got the attention on Trump and Russia. And even if the claims against Trump and Russia were true, it is nothing compared to the entire shady business of the Uranium One deal.
And what percentage of Hillary voters knows or cares about any of this? Zero. Because they are ALL dumb as bricks. I have yet to met even one single Hillary voter who was capable of learning from stimulus or reacting to it; meeting the very basic criteria of consciousness in doing so. Literally too fucking stupid to be viable voters.
Dont take the name of one of the brightest man that ever existed to spew such bullshit on the internet . its an insult .
Madison Brooke Ah yes, the classic "What-about"-ism of Fox News. Because Hillary Clinton did Illegal things, it means that Trump is free of criticism and Illegalities himself. Both party candidates were horrible choices for the job and that's a sentiment that was shared by many people. I'm generally right in the middle when it comes to political parties, and that I could throw myself behind either candidate without feeling dirty is a big red flag.
My favorite part is watching Don Jr say "we're not going to be involved in government" Then they are all involved in government.
Watching in 2018: given the massive resignation surge in the White House, be prepared for Eric, Don Jr. and Ivanka to take actual government positions pretty soon.
+Lona (^.^) - More and more, yeah. Just a few presidents ago they had a dimwit whose primary qualification was "Well, my daddy was president!" ...Still the world's dumbest way to select a leader. =_=;
andie authers better than potentiol corrupt officials who screw little kids in hillarys child sex cult.
T.M Sources pls (seriously this is a new one to me)
I am typing this from the year 2020. People of the past: you're not going to believe the shit that's about to go down.
Bro u dont even know
People of the future: don't judge us for believing it couldn't get any worse ... we didn't know any better.
Bruh. Shit's been wild
Wow and this is from 7 months ago. Even you had no idea friend. Wah wah wahhhhhh
And this is from 1 week ago. Reading this after Ruth Bader Ginsburg died: You dont even know how fucked up things can get...
As someone who enjoys raisins in their cookies I'm feeling very attacked right now.
Yeah. And nothing's worse than when some clown makes oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. It's an abomination!
You monster!
You dear sir, are disgusting
These are legit facts, nothing but facts; why are people angry again?
because either trump supporters are mad or Hillary supporters are mad there is no middle ground
No, it's literally all the facts on the newest scandals; I have no idea how there's a bias when it comes to facts.
YouJustGotAnimated yep
Literally all the facts? Why didn't they mention a lot of the shady stuff in her emails then (talking about provocations at Trump rallies, media being Clinton's bitch, funding ISIS, voter fraud etc.)? Why did they mention only 2 foreign sponsors, hiding the fact that there are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait etc. in the donor list?
How can facts be biased? When they are cherry picked or rephrased to suit certain agenda (like media did with Clinton's Wikileaks emails), or they can be paid less attention than needed (again, compare the Trump's tape discussion time with the Clinton's emails being leaked).
This is a show, with cherry picked facts and that one guy trying too hard be funny.
You do also know that Wikileaks isn't factual right? They just pick out stuff that could be lies, half-truths, or true.
So many people complaining about hilary emails.....and then Ivanka turned around and did THE EXACT SAME THING.
2022 and trump did wayyy worse with stealing top secret documents:)
@@strangertammer2957 n
@@maggiemae1919 good point
Don't expect consistency from the Republicans... just conspiracy theories
4 years later and we still dont have answers for the Swiss file transfer
And now Trump's entire inner circle are using private servers. I can't even express how exhausting it is to watch.
MadAsTheHatters every president and cabinet has private servers
Lochie Cairns they why was it such a big deal that clinton did it...oh yea its illegal
Source? Why would he make the same fuck up as Hillary?
the washington post, the ny times, the ACTUAL white house.
@@suntzu3541 yes of course he would
You guys are really RAISIN the bar of the show!
Nope. Good try though!
Yeah, it is pretty _grape!_
tboss2447 I guess they are kinda _fruity._
MegaZeroX7 This show is Hillaryous!
tboss2447 I'm not very _sheepish,_ so I'll come right out and say I hate _ewe,_ too!
Seeing those raisins go to waste makes me sad
and i need the fiber...
Chavezoid Maybe they were old and dried out and no good to eat.
larushka1 ....maybe, but the probabilities are that the production team simply ordered a bunch of raisins from the supermarket, instead of investing time in finding the store that had old, dried out ones that were not good to eat.
I wouldn't know for sure, but maybe larushka1 is right. Maybe they just ordered defective batches of raisins from a company. I see your concern though
Becca Lynn ...That's what I'm curious about though. What company specializes in selling food that's not good to eat for production purposes? Maybe one exists, but it seems improbable.
John Oliver single-handedly saving the raisin industry
HAHAHAH watching this after Flynn's resignation. So precious
Javier Lorenzana what about after the muller thing?
Javier Lorenzana right😥
In retrospect having Flynn shout about being a liability to the security of the nation is quite ironic and hilarious.
"She put our nation's security at extremely high risk..." -Michael Flynn
TheSpiderjaws Watching this back is just amazing.
TheSpiderjaws so many shoes dropped during the campaign you could open three shopping malls
sounds like you're projecting there a bit boyo
This one just reminded me of CinemaSins hehehehe
TheSpiderjaws å
It’s crazy watching this almost 5 years later. He wasn’t kidding about those raisins.
I will never under stand how ppl can say "I like him because he's not a politician" like uhh is that a good thing?? Do you call a plumber to fix your cable. It's the stupidest argument.
Edit: since the ppl in the RUclips community are all English teachers I fixed my mistake "plumper" to "plumber".
What's worse is that he uses all a politician's tricks ... but to a degree never seen before. His slogan ought to be "You think politicians are tricky, sneaky, conniving people? Wait 'till you see how much better I am at it than they are."
a politician isnt a skill or profession. the establishment is broken! destroy the establishment and start from scratch. Hitlery is the establishment and Trump is a grenade.
Yeah because politicians like Clinton are doing such a great job. You dont understand because you worship the bullshit people like her... Politics is business btw and you are a moron if you dont see that.
That's such a dumb argument since inevitably when you destroy something much like a bone the crums will be missing and will be even harder to put back together in a food way. Why flip the chair over if you can redesign it?
don't know if you thoroughly read that persons comment but they never said that they supported Hillary, how about stop trying to put shade where shade is not needed
Why couldn't you Americans just feel the Bern?
sorry about us capitalist pigs not understand how to politics
Well, the answer to that is another Hillary scandal.
Jamming InDaStreets the corrupt DNC is why
Cuz they like to be fat.
they do, the system is rigged... it berns ;)
I love coming back to old episodes and seeing hilarious things like the Republicans slamming Hillary for her private e-mail server, but turning around and saying Donal Trump leaking classified intelligence is his privilege -_-
I agree with you, though technically any current US president is authorized to declassify whatever they want.
It is. That's how it works.
@@zufalllx while that is how it works, technically Hillary didn't break any laws. I really dislike the woman, but you guys apply these bonkers standards to Dems when y'all literally have zero when it comes to protecting your own.
this was posted 5 years ago????
@@turmspitzewerk _Seems like it was just yesterday_
HBO: How many raisins do you need?
John: Yes
Saying you're being audited and that's why you won't release your tax returns is a really bad decision. Being audited means they're investigating you for possible tax fraud. That's like saying "I won't take a drug test because I'm currently facing a DEA investigation."
NoEsUnRUclipsr not defending trump but audits tend to happen with rich people wouldentt know tho
That's because rich people commit tax fraud a lot.
That's really true. It's basically expected, and when they're caught they just get a slap on the wrist. But there's a whole industry around helping rich people avoid taxes. A lot of people do that for a living. Take it from a CPA.
When someone like Wesley Snipes goes to jail for tax evasion, it's not for being greedy and breaking the law, it's for being stupid and breaking it in really obvious or indefensible ways. Most people just pay fines and try again next year.
NoEsUnRUclipsr that's not how audits work they are done randomly to keep people honest
Forrest Trump Hillarys cult of liberal cucks wouldnt care if there was undeniable proof hillary gave out classified emails illegally and then trashed her computers and all the evidence cuz she knew she was guilty. On top of murdering ppl in benghazi cuz of her carelessness
That's what I think EVERY time I hear the douche say that!
"Is mayonnaise a blind trust?"
"No Patrick, mayonnaise is not a blind trust."
"It is better than Donald Trump"
Traiton "Mayonnaise is actually enjoyed by people without causing horrifying political fallout and lawsuits, so yes!"
No it's a kind of food spread , it makes your ass fat .
_Raises Hand_ "Horseradish is not a blind trust either."
I can't believe they rained raisins from the sky. There was no RAISIN to do that
don't be raisinst.
gtfo. right. now.
well done.
Gonna kill myself now -_-
Ah, simpler times, when our biggest fear was Trump being president.
You got 4 years to go Cupcake.
@Bobert No Da Derr.............Ok
Don’t worry, we soon won’t have to worry about who’s president when this guy accidentally nukes our own country, seeing how intelligent he’s proven himself to be so far
@@theandromedaeffect979 well go back to canada with your weird faces if our lack of Cuckstin Trudeau and shit le piss beer is such a disappointment to you
@@weshall557 ha, cry you snowflake
I'm watching this in 2019 thinking, "not enough voters watched this video."
voters chose clinton, superdelegates chose trump, clinton won by 3 MILLION votes. this isnt a question of stupid or uninformed voters!
@Fernando Baeza you’re right that Clinton won the majority vote! But I definitely think a lot of citizens were underinformed. We definitely can and should do better
thats exactly what i was thinking. Then again, Clinton won by 3 million votes but our bullshit so called democracy known as the electoral college put this pathological liar in the White House any way.
@@MrFrozenbear Clinton may have won the popular vote by 3 Million but 63 Million Americans still voted for Trump. That is unacceptable. 63 Million people looked at this man and actively wanted him to be their leader. That is just fucked up beyond comprehension.
“…and as we look at our Doppler Radar, we see what seems to be - and I swear I’m not making this up - a massive raisin storm that looks as though it will never end, and will surely destroy all life on planet earth. Now here’s Stacey with Pollen Watch…"
- _The Weather Channel, November 9th, 2016_
Well done, sir.
Well done but question how do you get italics in the comments section?
hvymtal Just put an underscore directly before and directly after the phrase you want italicized.
***** _abcdefg_ thanks :)
You Americans have raisin storms?
Today on Last Week Tonight: John Oliver is rasin the bar.
...technically it was just raining rasins on a desk. Would that be making it rainsin?
just go
Eh, you should have stopped while you were ahead.
Get out
Never leave please.
How very prophetic. I've come back to watch this 3 yrs later and just as predicted, we're in a monsoon of scandals. It's terrible that you were so right.
Oliver destroys Trump every single time.
You're just ignorant.
Kozar You're just incredibly stupid then
Chill dude, you sound like an angry Trump supporter. Why the fuck do you have to use the word slaves? No wonder people say that Trump supporters are racists and bigots, you just proved their point.
You show no respect for other people's opinions, you just ridicule. I am a white liberal who believes that people should be treated with respect, does that make me bad? No, it is written in our Constitution. Justice and Freedom for all. That's bad?? Again, in our Constitution. You have read the Constitution haven't you?
Again, who the hell do you think you are? Take a look in the mirror, you have anger issues and you don't make sense.
Hollywood agenda, what the heck does that mean? Hollywood has nothing to do with this or may be I missed something?
No you don't make sense. I am sorry.
How can people believe that he's gonna fight the establishment like he's one of the rebels in Star Wars, when that guy robbed that group of girls that sang for him during his rally. Not to mention, how can he say that he's for the working class when he robbed them too! He has thousands of lawsuits a portion of them saying he owes them money. And if you say "well they did a bad job" apparently not bad enough, cause he went back to them. The establishment doesn't like him not because he's a Robin Hood but because he's that mean dad in the movie Matilda.
Oh p.s
Why is it that you want people to believe you, when your completely blind to the faults of your candidate, we're not you man, we can see she's not that good of a person. But we don't have delusions of our candidate like you do.
call me a nut..but what if trump is helping hilaary get elected by acting like a moron...
I don't think Trump is acting, the Yam is just that uninformed and seems not to care.I
100% buying that. That thought popped into my head a couple days ago.
“if she loses she’ll sit motionless until she eventually dies”
welp this is 100% what happened so good call
Remember when all we had to worry about was candidate scandals instead of fearing the spread of a disease with no vaccine? Such simpler times.
And with this literal natural disaster at the helm of the worlds most powerful country we're basically walking blind in a minefield.
Hello from the future, where we have both at the same time
@@__maxyz thanks, I hate it. I wanna go back to 2012 where all we had to worry about was the Aztec’s saying the world was ending
Dam right Oliver is Right!
Left. Actually
you sir deserve a cookie
never Trump
Then you have zero knowledge of basic economics, and fail to understand that if Donald becomes president, he will f*ck the economy up. But sure, be butt hurt about some emails, I don't even live in the US, so I couldn't give two more sh*ts.
Trump wants to run the country like his business , but pushing other countries around like he does in his business could be dangerous even start a war! Trump is not a fair person and doesn't have a clue what he is doing in politics!
How dare he attack, raisins like that, I love raisins in my oatmeal cookies! lol!
I agree i like raisins, he should make a point where in half of cookie is a worm so either should he eat the other half or throw out the whole cookie ??...Trump is pretty much that kind of worm.
He should have used something like corn flakes.
+jannmtube i love corn flakes.
he should have used cranberrys... and you know they are horrible if you tasted a natural cranberry
Kumquats would have been good.
Ladz, if you support Donald Trump, good for you. But don't try to defend him in the comments, especially after watching this video.
Half of the things said about Hillary are clearly false and I'm not defending Hillary, I'm not even from America, but she is going to be the new president and thats that
right now it looks like it will go to the house unless someone buys them electoral votes new York already made up there minds that there voting Hillary regardless of what the people of new York want
right now it looks like it will go to the house unless someone buys them electoral votes new York already made up there minds that there voting Hillary regardless of what the people of new York want
John Oliver is clearly in Clinton's corner. He's been co-opted, sadly.
Wtf you mean regardless of what the people of NY want. It's the people that fucking vote.
I wish they did this kind of investigating in how the DNC treated Bernie during 2016. Seeing a last week tonight breakdown would have been very cool.
@@martingoldfreed2627 Not really, maybe it's just because you only watch these RUclips segments instead of the full episode but he did make multiple jokes about Hillary during the campaign whenever she did a joke that failed or said something that was slightly wrong.
And besides, she's not as "interesting" as trump (same could be said about dems and republicans in general) and you gotta remember this is a comedy show and she doesn't produce as much "material" as the donald
@@MohamedSayed-wp3fv Yes apologies, I believe you are correct.
My god... what an awesome fact-show he rules... and how he rules it. EPIC. Best show EVER.
Yes, at least someone is putting lies on blast and telling of truths!
No shit Sherlock. He barely made a dent in Trumps scandals. Don't think he could make a show long enough
But what kind of fucked up things will Trump do once he gets to the point where he can do that shit? Worse shit than Hillary has.
Oh, right. Let's forget about the little Munich deal he's trying to negotiate with Russia. Or the massive conflicts of interests that his debts and business interests create. Plus, just how much of the scandals you're talking about are built on implications, rather than direct evidence? You guys keep ignoring Trump because you don't want to lose three elections in a row.
any proof fpr anything? you just sayin that because you believe it.
It's funny that the three people Oliver chose to use for the "she lied on emails" stick are all gone from Trump's circle. Prebius, Flynn, Christie
It seems that you're an idiot only if found out.
If I was on the fence before, John Oliver just sealed it for me. I'm voting for Hillary. No doubt
this is the way democracy ends.
not with a bang, but with thunderous applause
go Hillary!
yea voting hilary will change a lot ! corporations don't want her in the whitehouse! lmfao!
DMSDrummer l
Fuck trump
"Where are the Trump scandals?"
Basically every day since the 2016 election: Donald Trump [opens mouth/posts on Twitter], causes scandal
Prove it.
@@weshall557 wait, you still need a proof?
@@weshall557 I picked this news because I had not seen It before searching for it today and It is still fresh.
Not only his statement is remarcably true, It's fucking accurate. Every literal day has been about scandal after scandal because of things related to the president. And this became the norm, no other president was like that in the history of the US. You know How much of bulshit is the leader of any nation, specially the most powerfull one, be like this?
@@dinamosflams yet to list a single one them
@@dylanvoigt6180 just one? thx
the scandal about the covid when he repeatedly lied about covid's severity for months just to confess it was a lie weeks before the end of his presidency. which made the US response way worse than it should have been. this decision alone probably cost hundreds of thousands of american lifes.
Oh, 3:34.... Michael Flynn getting shouty over Hillary Clinton's emails... It makes me want to go back in time and reassure Americans of the sweet concept of karma.
jenny1260 why? What did Flynn do?
@@pipinstine4462 If you're not aware of what Flynn did, I'll give you a little hint: the part at the National Convention where he said, "She put our nation's security at extremely high risk" was extremely highly hypocritical.
Matthew St. Cyr Well, I haven’t caught up On politics. What did this guy do?
@@pipinstine4462 It's been a while, so I don't really remember the details, but basically he pled guilty to lying to the FBI after it was revealed that he was compromised by Russian Intelligence and had accepted money from foreign governments without prior approval.
Matthew St. Cyr oh...
The only way anybody will be happy with Johns coverage of Hillary is if he says "don't vote for Hillary because she's corrupt". But here's the thing, she's better than trump. He understands that, so of course his work will be biased towards her. People just use the fact that he works for HBO as an excuse to say his points in Hillary don't count because HBO is a top donor. But he truly does believe that Hillary is better!
Try telling that to the immigrants, muslims, and minorities that would have to live with the everyday hate of a Trump administration. I just went canvassing yesterday and the fascist tendencies are Trump are very real. This is such a poorly thought-out argument.
+Shwagg Krumb "He is rich, what the fuck does any of this matter to him?"
Maybe you should take a look at what Donald will fuck up. He wants to make the press more liable for negative coverage. He's basically said "fuck freedom of the press."
My problem is that he claims he is going to present all the facts about Clinton's email scandal, then just goes over it in the most general way. And even the things he does cover are done so incompletely. For example Clinton claims she wanted the ease of using one phone, yet the FBI identified 13 mobile devices she potentially used for email, some of which her staff would destroy with hammers. Instead of clearly showing that she lied, Oliver takes her at her word and just says she was still being irresponsible. Then there's the email she sent advising her staff to remove the classified headers from a document, scan and email it nonsecurely, because their secure fax service was down. That is clear evidence of intent, yet Oliver pretends it's not relevant.
+BornFlunky he wants to enforce libel laws. knowingly making false statements about someone should be punishable
It's 2 AM John! I got college! ....ah well. This is education right? Screw it.
lol same.
Yeah cause the loans will screw you enough.
Seems like you guys are about to order a second giant batch of raisins this november.
I'm afraid we might. I'm starting to see a little bit of hope in the numbers about unhappiness with Trump over the past month or so, but meh, it's only a tiny little flicker of hope. Meanwhile, we're trapped in here.
given the fact that they're all probably going to have to be sent to his house, i wouldn't be surprised if he'd have to keep his kids away with a stick
@@birdn4t0r7 oh actually that's a good point, but for a different reason: you need a fun, complex rig to make it rain raisins like that, and he's not going to be able to do that at home.
Also, of course, stuff's gonna be a lot more obviously dire if he gets reelected.
Narrator: they did not.
@@thebestcentaur You can't possibly imagine how glad I am that I was wrong.
Looks like John is voting for the Turd Sandwich
Nice South Park reference.
He can't vote he isn't a citizen
Actually, he can't vote; he just wants to make sure this country isn't run into the ground by a narcissistic, ignorant, lying, blowhard.
She's monstrously worse than a Turd sandwhich but still slightly better than the orange.
He isn't voting, he's British you idiot.
"We're not gonna be involved in government." Ha. Ha ha ha. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Ikr?! GEEZ!
Kind of disturbing to see Michael Flynn taking about jeopardizing national security.
The great raisin flood of 2020 really struck us hard
“That’s in quotes on the internet, so she must have said it.” Oh, Mr. Oliver, how I love you!
"we've barely scratched the surface of Trumps scandals" LMAO you've barely scratched the surface of Hiliray's scandals
The majority of this video was Hillary's scandals actually. It's because of that that he had 3-5 minutes worth of Truml so he sped up like the flash.
Well, it have to look unbiased, but we all know who the bankers want to win ;^)
Please, elaborate. What other scandals does she have that actually have viable evidence supporting them?
...Wow, silence!
No mention about Hilary's war on dank memes?
I'm disappointed
dude what
+Marco Ploeg its real dude.
hail kek
That's actually exactly what I assumed it would be.
Some say Hilary Clinton is still sitting in front of her computer screen to this day.
HOLY SHIT, no way!....
I didn't know a blue whales tongue weighs as much as an elephant.
Patrick Walston to be fair blue whales are huge
that's massive.wow
Fuck, I didn't either.
Patrick Walston I don't think anyone knew😂😂
If you like to get answers to questions you never knew to ask, check out RUclips channel called Today I Found Out, it's honestly amazingly entertaining and accurate in their research.
The part with Flynn is priceless
I feel bad for the poor soul who had to spend hours emptying out boxes of raisins into a large bucket.. and the janitorial staff that had to clean the set after.
To be realistic they probably got that stuff in crates and just dump the crates contents (probably about 3 to 4 people) into the container, and the janitors at the end probably had industrial type vacuums to go around clean the set up. Now whether they got them all or not is another question, John probably still picking those buggers up in the strangest of place.
I doubt its real raisins. I wouldnt want to do that with food.
575forza what else would it be besides raisins?
hamster droppings?
the “deez nuts” misdirection is such a timeless classic i love it
I'm still voting for Gary Johnson. Fuck the two party system.
Yeah I was disappointed with this episode. I've been hoping he would rip a hole in our two party system but instead he just fed into it.
As long as you have electoral college, you are pretty much stuck with two party system. Just elect president directly like normal people.
A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Trump. Congratulations.
this man doesn't even know what global warming is. HOW??
It's like the World Series is down to two teams, and you're a parent demanding that your kid's Pee Wee team be allowed to play.
Going to automatically skip the comments for this video.
Logical and rational viewers beware, it's a minefield of orange trolls down there.
Many of us are actually lefties who dont need to be told Trump is bad. We're just watching a once enjoyable show dig its own grave, and blantantly omit critical elements of systemic corruption.
Really. His segments on Hillary are like watching someone navigate a minefield.
Yeah he really kept brushing everything off for Hillary, even though in the beginning he made it sound like he was going to criticize both candidates. I get this is a left leaning show, but this was just over the top biased.
Also when are people going to talk actual policies? I'm just tired of the 24/7 personal attacks.
It's all liberal bias and he acts as if Hillary is some golden angel and plays off all the terrible things she does.
Kuroda Cursus
At this point, the most accurate things in his videos are his opening descriptions of the election, not because of anything wrong with the content itself, but because that's literally what this whole thing has reduced America to. And considering how passionate and unforgiving your average RUclips comments section is...
well, good luck to anyone who tries to read any of it for more than five minutes at a time.
But... but... you're IN the comment section. How do you skip it when you fall in face first?
Conveniently forgot to mention the files Wikileaks had on the Clinton campaign
And conveniently found nothing on Trump... even though Justice and IRS have...
Didn't mention Benghazi
You don't know how to use the word convenient
He did.
He fucking did?
something so amusing about Michael Flynn being the one to talk about the nations' security carelessly being put a risk...
Yes, because in his eyes, putting the nation's security at risk carelessly is for amateurs. *He* does it intentionally.
I am gonna vote vote Cthulhu
wait HE WAS A CANDIDATE!!!!!!! dammit that guy has a better morale compass than trump and better know how than both of them combined
Emmanuel Goldstein sorry didn't work Trump won...
C T H U L H U 2020
SAME! Answering the call. Vote Cthulhu 2020.
Looking back on this, it's funny how Flinn talks about putting national security at risk when he was lying to everyone about his dealings with foreign powers
Gauthier Hebert Not to mention that Prebius and Christie, the other two shown here, are also out of Trump's circle.
Gauthier Hebert, I believe that's called Deflection hehe. He was trying to get people to fixate on her so they wouldn't look to closely at him.
@@javamikii , I think that's because he squized them dry for usefulness and then tossed them aside as he only cares about himself and the Lalaland he lives in.
Looks like we're drowning in raisins
joshua george - I'm here reading the comments from eight months ago & I don't know whether I should laugh or cry.
Julie H. lol now a days all you can do is laugh and keep going
+ Debt
Looks like the US is sinking in the Atlantic/Pacific ocean under the weight of the raisins.
Well at least now someone finally chocked on a monster raisin and they're trying to build rescue boots. We'll see how it goes.
people where worrying in 2016.
they wouldn't believe what he is going to do 4 years later in 2020
Seeing Mike Flynn talking is really funny here in the future
John was right about what would happen to Hillary if she loses.
Is it too late to vote for Bernie
Yeah, It's too late. I wanted to vote for him, but right now Hillary is just the best bet.
If rigged primaries are what you call a Democracy than yes.
We are getting a sociopath for a president either way. Also, if you bother to look at the evidence you would see the primary was rigged. But oh why am i wasting my time, Correct The Record added more funding for trolls to fight for $illary.
Yes, the party machine actively coordinating with Clinton on attack tactics with one of it's candidates is democracy. The mass bribery via superPACs is oligarchy.
"We wont be involved in government" -The man in charge of peace in the middle east, among various other government tasks
That's Jared Kushner, but Don Jr. Is now heavily involved in the reelection campaign at the very least, so the point still stands
@@Rune3100 oh yeah youre right hes just Trumps Son-in-law, 😅😅 theres so many idiots unqualified for their job I can't keep am straight anymore
why did Bernie lose again?
There was some rigging, but even without it he probably would have lost anyway. Calling himself a communist when running for american office was a bullet in the groin, tbh
He couldn't sway enough of the black vote.
That and the DNC rigging.
When did Bernie called himself a communist (socialist =/= communist)? And check for Arizona voting fraud hearing and california voting fraud.
Because most democratic primary voters are old enough to remember the 1970s and 80s when ethical principled democrats got their asses kicked in 5 out of 6 presidential elections, and then Bill Clinton finally ended the democrats' losing streak. They thought Hillary Clinton was the safer candidate.
Because people didn't vote for him?
i have no fucking idea how any of those two even got chosen as candidates
fear and media manipulation. only 9 percent of americans voted for these two. ranked choice voting and public funding of elections would solve this shit.
It's also why smart people say we should get rid of the electoral college system and go for a more direct one.
Well not all primaries are open, many of them only had party members voting on their nominee (Quite why people seem to think they have a say in who gets to run a party they are not a member of in the firstplace I don't know, it seems odd).
Eh no that's why smart people say you should go for a representational system rather than first past the post, a more direct democracy would be a terrible idea. Most people have no idea how to run a country and are non educated on the issues.
The only worse situation would have been Hillary vs Cruz. But this is a close 2nd. No fucking idea how it came to this...
It's been about three years since he said he was being audited. Where are the tax returns? 🤔
Fun fact: 🤔 means lesbian in asl.
@@flamethatsings-witchcraft5893 oh no, that's not what I meant to say...
@@Dudofall I know. There is a lot of little things like that, that make me laugh. Just thought I'd share. That's not the only emoji that means something in asl.
Yooooo! Are you another genderfluid who knows sign? :)
@@HyacinthMedium Yep. I'm glad to see I'm not alone.
My dog loves when John waives his hands like a madman