Awesome. Been killing it by that church I was telling you about all spring. With a spinner & corn that is. Fly rod? You the man, Norm. Took my streamer rod down there early May. Caught some big largies on it about a mile further north from the church. Respect.
Awesome. Been killing it by that church I was telling you about all spring. With a spinner & corn that is. Fly rod? You the man, Norm. Took my streamer rod down there early May. Caught some big largies on it about a mile further north from the church. Respect.
What church are you guys talking about?
Looks like fun Norm. Great way to spend a couple of hours.
Thanks for posting.
One of these days I’m going to have to take you to “the magic river”. 🎣 cool video man 🤙🏽
You let him go??? 🤣