  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @KrishPatel-ks2fe
    @KrishPatel-ks2fe 23 часа назад +743

    Olive drawing uncle BOSH is the most wholesome thing ever 🥰🥰

  • @camhusmj38
    @camhusmj38 23 часа назад +731

    I think it's quite sweet how they try to help Ethan with his anxiety etc. You could see them trying it during the most recent Sidemen Sunday too. Vik was so patient with him etc.

    • @bvrtdll
      @bvrtdll 20 часов назад +78

      Right? And people in the comments turned it around and made it negative

    • @codyjohnson6427
      @codyjohnson6427 20 часов назад +57

      @@bvrtdll yea people overreacted in the comments. It was fine, yea he had his prissy fit moments, but it didn't completely ruin the video like people were saying.

    • @camhusmj38
      @camhusmj38 20 часов назад +91

      @ Vik was trying, but I think Ethan should have sat that video out. He clearly was not in the right headspace and it translated into something that upset a lot of viewers. It's OK to not be OK.

    • @bvrtdll
      @bvrtdll 20 часов назад +6

      @@camhusmj38 100% agree

    • @Maiyukiii
      @Maiyukiii 19 часов назад +21

      ​@@camhusmj38In BTS he seems to be in a lot better mood. I think video-wise it's just "funnier" to see him stressing. That said I didn't have an issue with how he was in the video.

  • @bvrtdll
    @bvrtdll 20 часов назад +218

    4:11 uncle bosh so wholesome🥹 I relate to this though I have multiple binders full of things I just refuse to throw away.

  • @Younasaziz152
    @Younasaziz152 23 часа назад +300

    7:10 storage wars 1???? You mean there’s a second one?

    • @michaelthompson1980
      @michaelthompson1980 23 часа назад +36

      Was about to comment the same thing

    • @danmanuno
      @danmanuno 20 часов назад +20

      @@michaelthompson1980 I was just typing the same thing out, looks like Bosh here baited himself out 👀

    • @ConDogg101
      @ConDogg101 20 часов назад +19

      I hope so this video was golden, Ethan smashed it

    • @starlxrd868
      @starlxrd868 19 часов назад +4

      they have videos that they haven't released yet

    • @Maiyukiii
      @Maiyukiii 14 часов назад +3

      With how surprisingly well it did (surprisingly to them, they all enjoyed the day but thought views-wise it wouldn't do as well) it probably will get at least a 2nd and maybe possibly a 3rd.

  • @evanyoung3737
    @evanyoung3737 22 часа назад +421

    It’s ironic vik is in majority of these wholesome moments

    • @red_streak
      @red_streak 15 часов назад +10

      Bro did you really believe those 15 y/o content comsumers would know/care more abt vik than his 10+ years friends

    • @ps1de
      @ps1de 14 часов назад +9

      Brother, Ethan was in the majority of them *ironically* lmao but i know Vik is a nice guy but don't leave out the other sidemen.

    • @Alex.Hustad
      @Alex.Hustad 9 часов назад +3

      goes to show these parasocial weirdos don't know anything about them

    • @raa__va4814
      @raa__va4814 2 часа назад

      People like you break apart good friends and family and relationships online and in real life. People like you only see the negative

  • @PureNightmare
    @PureNightmare 23 часа назад +164

    The camping video is one of my all time fav sidemen vids, was so good

  • @sbhadra25
    @sbhadra25 8 часов назад +153

    It's so ironic Vikk being in most of these videos... especially looking at the way he gets treated. Such a gem of a person!

    • @snaggatt
      @snaggatt 5 часов назад +6

      parasocial, stop engaging in their friendship, if youve watched more vidoes from back in the day youll see they do it to everyone

    • @venompranay3060
      @venompranay3060 4 часа назад +2

      @snaggatt not really i mean i always notice ethan targetting vik many times might be slight but definetly there

    • @raa__va4814
      @raa__va4814 2 часа назад +2

      @@venompranay3060 and Simon targets Ethan alot. What’s your solution should we jail both of them? Remove them from the sidemen? Do community service? Send them to your home so you can be the superhero and save your precious favourite sidemen?

    • @venompranay3060
      @venompranay3060 Час назад

      @raa__va4814 yo chill bruh y u writing a whole para Ethan was unnecessarly being mean to vik accept it or don't it's the truth 🤡

  • @logancash5293
    @logancash5293 22 часа назад +81

    josh really is the goat of uk youtube, as an american who watched him in the cod scenes this is awesome, i hope he sees how much his fans appreciate him

  • @bow5.
    @bow5. 22 часа назад +111

    storage wars was one of the best vids this year, ethan was amazing

  • @nay-nay03
    @nay-nay03 19 часов назад +37

    cried at the uncle Bosh cute

  • @terraryzing201
    @terraryzing201 14 часов назад +13

    2:15 That pause JJ and Joe had before hugging was so incredibly wholesome

  • @WeTheNorth7
    @WeTheNorth7 14 часов назад +54

    Storage Wars was a top 3 video this year and Ethan absolutely killed it as the host, props to the rest of the boys for giving him confidence

  • @nikhorvat3102
    @nikhorvat3102 23 часа назад +82

    7:13 Hmm ¨storage wars 1¨ ? Sooo there will be a second?

  • @hannahlc90
    @hannahlc90 15 часов назад +18

    Olive drawing for uncle bosh is so sweet! Its nice to think you have a relationship with her ❤️

  • @unintentionaleffectiveness4393
    @unintentionaleffectiveness4393 9 часов назад +16

    0:28 we have Viks moment and Ethan is already shaking his head 😂😂😂

    • @Sjejwjs
      @Sjejwjs 7 часов назад +3

      Because Vikk stole Ethan's box😭....

    • @raa__va4814
      @raa__va4814 2 часа назад


  • @alexdamonwrites
    @alexdamonwrites 16 часов назад +12

    These are the things I watch Sidemen for. You've all been through so much over the past ten years that it's impossible to hate them. I love it when you guys also do stuff for fans. Like even just the quick photos can make someone's day. But also when you go above and beyond, like with the home makeover video from earlier this year. I thought that might have made it in this compilation.

  • @idkwhattocallmyacc
    @idkwhattocallmyacc 22 часа назад +18

    This video was genuinely so wholesome

  • @ed_anime7550
    @ed_anime7550 12 часов назад +11

    Why are all the wholesome moments initiated by Vik, but no wholesome moments towards Vik? Like Ethan paniced in the storage wars vid and everyone calmed him down but no one did that for Vik in the latest Sidemen Sunday?

  • @thomasduboux756
    @thomasduboux756 8 часов назад +4

    The fact Josh called it storage wars one implies there’s another storage wars on the way 🙌

  • @ophelie4360
    @ophelie4360 7 часов назад +3

    Omg Josh keeping Olive’s drawing is too much 😭😭❤️

  • @kianrowland8074
    @kianrowland8074 23 часа назад +27

    Anyone else hear how Josh called it ‘storage wars 1’, possible leak for a 2nd version

  • @Muxkaaan
    @Muxkaaan 9 часов назад +4

    Even though, I was extremely upset with cooking video, but what I love about Sidemen is that they are not acting like everything is okay and the comments are just something they didn't see... They are addressing the issue, they are doing damage control, but also showing the friendship beneath the bullying or whatever. W for Zerkaa....
    I really see Josh as one of the most mature and wholesome Sidemen, he legit cares about his boys.

  • @grantstegman5116
    @grantstegman5116 22 часа назад +9

    Camping video is genuinely my favorite sidemen video ever

  • @gertrudelaurasios
    @gertrudelaurasios 14 часов назад +10

    I just realised they don't show enough sweet moments of you (Josh) and Ethan nice to see you both being sweet

  • @wisdom9077
    @wisdom9077 23 часа назад +18

    Ethan and Vikk at ‘Christmas cook off’ is missing.🙂‍↔️

  • @Rick_Dalton18
    @Rick_Dalton18 13 часов назад +4

    Most wholesome sidemen moment of 2024:-
    Vik's last video

  • @proboyanik5812
    @proboyanik5812 5 часов назад +3

    I dont think ive ever seen ethan being nice to vik

  • @devilishkar
    @devilishkar 2 часа назад +1

    See Ethan, how Vikk was so supportive when you were feeling shit.. he didnt give up on you.. do the same

  • @Darren-gr4vt
    @Darren-gr4vt 23 часа назад +18

    Nah Ethan was a walloper tho but stress does mad things

  • @muskansharma4262
    @muskansharma4262 14 часов назад +6

    Josh you just proved the wrong point, everyone is being nice to ethan, mostly Vik! Yet he behaves that way, so sad

  • @timp1390
    @timp1390 20 часов назад +15

    Storage wars was an absolute banging video and a lot of that was Ethan's hosting. He smashed it

    • @ps1de
      @ps1de 14 часов назад +4

      Definitely one of his best, and him as the host made it much more entertaining.

  • @Fardininnit
    @Fardininnit 11 часов назад +1

    sidemen camping should be an annual thing

  • @annjacobs7764
    @annjacobs7764 23 часа назад +22

    This inspired me. Thanks for the push!

  • @GoslaVids
    @GoslaVids 7 часов назад +1

    Camping and Storage vids were the best ones you did in terms of how it came across and the content...need more of those like the farming one when its just you all together making memorable moments

  • @axelholmgren1909
    @axelholmgren1909 3 часа назад +1

    Zerka i got to see you in person at the DreamHack in Stockholm and you are just the best, so wholesome, kind and just a good person. Definitely grown to love you more and more over the years!

  • @jamesmburu5125
    @jamesmburu5125 10 минут назад +1

    pov. jj in the woods singing brouht up dirty and thick of it

  • @cartermartin1796
    @cartermartin1796 21 час назад +13

    josh idk if u read these comments but of you do i wanted to tell you that the camping video was so good and u guys should do more content like that where your all a team and work together on something

  • @EliasLtheboatnerd
    @EliasLtheboatnerd 23 часа назад +9

    Your the most wholesome zerkaa ❤❤

  • @Adorinxaurora
    @Adorinxaurora 5 часов назад

    I absolutely LOVED the storage battle it was sooo good, Ethan had nothing to worry about! :D

  • @meanolcamino
    @meanolcamino 5 часов назад

    As a dad, "dad tax" has me rolling 😂

  • @ZubaHome
    @ZubaHome 14 часов назад +8

    Vik is in many of these moments tell you kind of a person he is and still sad to see the way he is treated when he is hosting sidemen Sundays

  • @3Jgangsters
    @3Jgangsters 6 часов назад +1

    Need to see more Big Gibber x Sidemen in 2025

  • @shaunsmith8774
    @shaunsmith8774 15 часов назад +1

    Everyone hates cats till they get one i swear 😂😅

  • @meg_official
    @meg_official 18 часов назад +1

    This was definitely needed for the fandom and me personally, thank you Josh! 👏🏾

  • @calebkeanu23
    @calebkeanu23 13 часов назад +5

    It’s true though they never treat vik like his apart of the team only Josh and harry actually make an effort

  • @hollyknight-parfitt7729
    @hollyknight-parfitt7729 4 часа назад

    The Storage wars video was my favourite of the year to be honest! Really entertaining 👏🏻Ethan didn’t need to worry

  • @rishi19-j5r
    @rishi19-j5r 17 часов назад +2

    There were a lot of Wholesome moments in the recent Christmas cook of video

  • @shaunsmith8774
    @shaunsmith8774 15 часов назад

    Storage wars was one of the best videos in a long time imo, absolute banger!

  • @Pav
    @Pav 5 часов назад

    7:10 did Josh just slip up and confirm another storage wars videos???

  • @snipereater4131
    @snipereater4131 19 часов назад +2

    Not this sidemen sunday

  • @Syklone
    @Syklone 11 часов назад +9

    Notice how everyone comforts Ethan, yet he turns around and dogpiles on Viks idea lol.
    Selfish geezer

  • @GowrishankarSMenon-kd7jw
    @GowrishankarSMenon-kd7jw 23 часа назад +1

    love the vid josh

  • @Amber-md8ut
    @Amber-md8ut 19 часов назад +2

    4:20 Polly pocket!

  • @Despised
    @Despised 16 часов назад

    honestly the storage video was one of my favourites this year

  • @joshbennett7216
    @joshbennett7216 20 часов назад

    Really loved the storage wars sidemen Sunday and now that he's said storage wars 1 I can't wait for the second

  • @taylamade742
    @taylamade742 16 часов назад

    Respect for addressing that so clearly and for doing the video. 👌🏻

  • @EditsbyM
    @EditsbyM 15 часов назад +4

    wasn't just ethan btw, whole video was bad vibes

  • @Anti-Hero900
    @Anti-Hero900 9 часов назад +7

    It's funny how ever since the last Sidemen sunday most of the videos from any of their channel have Vik in his wholesome element.
    I'm not saying their PR team plan this though Or do they??😂

  • @Abee175
    @Abee175 20 часов назад +23

    Vik is always nice to everyone but not everyone in sidemen treats him nicely 🤔

    • @raa__va4814
      @raa__va4814 17 часов назад +2

      Harry W2S told me - to tell you that you need go on a hike

    • @eeetswaa
      @eeetswaa 13 часов назад +2

      @@raa__va4814bit cringe mate

    • @raa__va4814
      @raa__va4814 4 часа назад

      @@eeetswaa id rather be cringe than be on the side of people making threats to ethan and his family for the last video.

    • @eeetswaa
      @eeetswaa 4 часа назад

      @@raa__va4814 me or “abee175” didn’t even make any threats or said we supported the people saying rude stuff to behzinga? why u tryna twist it

  • @Unmeijones
    @Unmeijones 2 часа назад

    Uncle bosh awe omg

  • @Attardoboi
    @Attardoboi 23 часа назад +15

    Need more video like the camping one 9:46

    • @beetusg8853
      @beetusg8853 7 часов назад +1

      Yeah a sidemen abandoned on an island or something

  • @epagey
    @epagey 23 часа назад

    The good old days, brings me back ❤

  • @raa__va4814
    @raa__va4814 18 часов назад +2

    THANK YOU JOSHUA FOR REELING IN THE POSITIVITY. YOU AND FREYA ARE THE PILLARS OF WHOLESOMENESS - You did what I wanted to do. Better you than me. Better your voice and reach than my voice

  • @Namakkkkkkk
    @Namakkkkkkk 14 часов назад +1

    4:32 I am not saying he is sappy but yes he is very sappy 😊

  • @coreynixon2653
    @coreynixon2653 20 часов назад +1

    Not sure if it’s a hot take but videos like camping are some of my favourites 😊😊

  • @D_Mukness
    @D_Mukness 14 часов назад +1

    Insight of Faith and Ethan's wedding

  • @m1ru123
    @m1ru123 15 часов назад

    Weller is a UK youtube GOAT top tier level with the sidemen and deji. ChrisMD has entered that tier for me now recently but Weller is iconic but most importantly always been thoroughly genuine from the get go about his headspace and challenges

  • @ItachiUchiha-99
    @ItachiUchiha-99 23 часа назад +2

    i love how everyone is pushing big behz up about the storage vid

  • @simonjones2645
    @simonjones2645 12 часов назад

    That little girl was so nice to KSI and lie about how , she liked his songs ! 😅 4:00

  • @sidemenfan7386
    @sidemenfan7386 4 часа назад

    we need more storage wars

  • @stezzaplays3979
    @stezzaplays3979 19 часов назад

    I loved the storage wars video thought it was great

  • @chris10barrymac
    @chris10barrymac 10 часов назад

    “Storage wars 1” does that mean there’s a storage wars 2?

  • @Mr_SoulzZ
    @Mr_SoulzZ 6 часов назад

    Who cares if the video would be a 10/10 y'all had fun? Then the video is a automatic 10/10 i had a blast watching it

  • @shaunmoor2291
    @shaunmoor2291 23 часа назад +2

    I agree Josh the storage video awesome awesome. In my opinion when i watched it it banged

  • @mishoujov
    @mishoujov 8 часов назад +2

    Ethan doesn't have any problem with vik or any other sidemen he has a problem with hosts, see he is his own hater when he is hosting

  • @Archi0202
    @Archi0202 13 часов назад

    Imagine if they all got anxious about their videos the way ethan does. The content that they would produce would be amazing. They just dont care enough anymore and it shows.

  • @JesusTheRealOne
    @JesusTheRealOne 17 часов назад +2

    "Storage Wars 1".......mmmm interesting 🤔

  • @ChillGuy0
    @ChillGuy0 14 часов назад +3

    Do that to vik yeah?

  • @clancey1717
    @clancey1717 21 час назад

    "This is storage wars 1...." 👀👀 number 2 in the works mabey

  • @akkaakka111
    @akkaakka111 5 часов назад +2

    After that countdown challenge fiasco, you'd think that you'd be more careful with the edit before release something into the world 😄 but the Christmas video showed that this approach to each other seems normal to you. Why else would the editor leave the worst scene between vikk and ethan? and the strange thing is that vikk left it there too, he was in charge of the video. so obviously he is used to this approach and it seems normal to him.

  • @SonyaQuinn-l8f
    @SonyaQuinn-l8f 23 часа назад

    Your videos are not just content, they are art. Thank you for your creativity and inspiration!🥤🔹🏓

  • @lay6594
    @lay6594 21 час назад +11

    like this if josh is the best member of the sidemen

  • @RaeignFPS
    @RaeignFPS 2 часа назад

    Did he just say storage wars 1? I hope that means storage wars 2 is on the way.

  • @lolipomfp
    @lolipomfp 22 часа назад

    Josh said storage wars *1*, WHENS PART 2

  • @cameronedwards950
    @cameronedwards950 12 часов назад

    Josh, you should do a holiday video but everyone is on the good team or bad team. Would be good to see everyone together experiencing the same thing. All on the bad team would be my choice as bad teams make better memories

  • @celly4169
    @celly4169 16 часов назад

    7:14 “storage wars one.”? Is there another scheduled?

  • @Naitsirk1
    @Naitsirk1 18 часов назад

    Casual 3,5k snowboard

  • @mafousadah-br2my
    @mafousadah-br2my 17 часов назад +3

    That was a loooooooooooooooot from ethan , especialy when it wasn't vik's fault at alllllllllll

  • @chrisyjensen-holm4673
    @chrisyjensen-holm4673 3 часа назад

    what was the video with gibbo and the kitten

  • @ireland4202
    @ireland4202 11 часов назад

    "Storage wars 1" 👀👀

  • @play-qo1zg
    @play-qo1zg 7 часов назад

    Hello to you too buddy.
    Big love for everything you and your friends do.❤🎉

  • @akkaakka111
    @akkaakka111 20 часов назад +15

    PR damage control 😄

  • @shaunsmith8774
    @shaunsmith8774 15 часов назад

    How much did jj pay that kid to say he liked his song 🤔🤣

  • @jaxonPadgett
    @jaxonPadgett 18 часов назад

    Can we get a new set up tour??

  • @josephisn8692
    @josephisn8692 6 часов назад

    What 2024 vid was the Gib one?

  • @reevostevo6878
    @reevostevo6878 9 часов назад

    Did Josh hint at a sidemen storage wars 2? 7:13 he says storage wars 1.

  • @sauravjsarkar400
    @sauravjsarkar400 23 часа назад

    We need TCG SIM

  • @Juniperus_Godegara
    @Juniperus_Godegara 12 часов назад +3

    Damage control. Maybe you guys should start being respectful towards Vik instead and get some reality check because you are out of touch.

  • @ShuuuuutUp
    @ShuuuuutUp 22 часа назад

    7:14 we’re getting a second??

  • @legster983
    @legster983 15 часов назад +1

    Do they think they are reaching?!!