I 💙 Percy Weasley - Unpopular Harry Potter Opinions - Back To Neverland

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024

Комментарии • 43

  • @jackandgrantsvideos8198
    @jackandgrantsvideos8198 6 лет назад +45

    Finally!!!! Someone else likes Percy

    • @alainasstudio9271
      @alainasstudio9271 2 года назад +2

      I am a huge Percy Weasley fan. There is quite a few Percy fans out there but they are afraid to admitt it because they may be slaughtered by non Percy fans😂

  • @Ray-td4tq
    @Ray-td4tq 4 года назад +21

    Percy Weasley is still my favorite character (along with Regulus Black). Can you imagine being the 3rd sibling out of six and being ostracized by your older siblings for being 'too young for them' and having different interests? Then he gets the news of having another sibling and he's ecstatic! they arent that far apart, maybe he'll have a friend to play with! But no, its twins, and they want nothing to do with him. Then he gets another sibling,but they're a bit far in age to have any common interests and Ron doesn't look up to him either so he is yet again alone. Ginny comes along, but she is the only girl and spends all her time with Ron (being closest in age) or Molly (being the only other female).
    Percy is lonely, he has books sure, but no friends and no one to talk to. He sees the stress that his Mum goes through and says "Alright, i'll follow the rules and be the best of them. I'll never cause trouble." And he does. But this gets him mocked by his siblings more than he already is. We see the twins pranks on Percy and know that Fred and George can be cruel, who says that they didn't start this way before Hogwarts? They love messing with his belongings and I bet you that they have made Percy cry on occasion.
    So Percy goes to Hogwarts. He gets sorted into Gryffindor. The Hat's last choice for him really. He's ambitious like a Slytherin, intelligent like a Ravenclaw and hardworking like a Hufflepuff. But brave? Sure, everyone can be brave but it is not his defining trait. But Percy begs and gets sorted, he had hoped that this would garner his family's acceptance but he only gets mocked and jeered at for not being like the other Gryffindors. He once again has hopes for friends, but having interacted with basically no one his entire childhood has left him socially awkward and rude. He can't gather what is hurtful/inappropriate and what isn't and is once again lonely.
    He becomes Prefect and is immensely proud. He blathers on and on about it because he never gets any attention. He doesn't have a dangerous job (Bill and Charlie). He didn't get detention every week for getting it on with the girls in empty classrooms after curfew (Bill), He didn't get screamed at every week for sneaking one dangerous animal or another into the house because 'isn't he adorable?' (Charlie), He wasn't in trouble 24/7 (Twins), He didn't put his life in the line every single year with Harry Potter (Ron), nor was he doted on for being the youngest and only girl (Ginny).
    No, he never does anything to warrant attention.
    When his siblings laugh at him and call him names it hurts. They don't even care. When Fred and George change his Prefect badge to say 'Pinhead' it's like a punch to the gut. In a family with so few possessions, this was something important to him, it was something that gave him recognition in his invisible life and they ruined it. He spent all night looking for the counter spell and flunked a charms quiz the next day.
    Percy had always wanted to work at the ministry. He had looked up to his Father, who worked so hard, so much overtime, just to keep them all fed. When he grew though, he heard people laughing at his father, mocking him for his work and fascination with muggles. He learned his Father was not respected in the ministry and vowed to never become such, and to help his family any way possible. When he learned that his Father could've made more money literally anywhere else, that they hadn't needed to live closer than paycheck to paycheck, that his father had put his hobby over his family's needs......well he became resentful and I am fully on his side here. What was Arthur thinking?
    So he continues to be ridiculed, by his family (Bighead boy, the dragon dung, perfect prefect prat Percy, being called git and prick), at his work (Weatherby etc) and finally by his father, who insinuates that Percy couldn't get such a high position by himself and that he's being used. He could've kept it to himself or told him his suspicions a few weeks later, not when he just came home at 19 years of age, the undersecretary for the minister! That is a very high and prestigious job, Arthur should have been proud for a few weeks first.
    Everything just boils over for Percy.
    He is right for the most part. His father did put his hobby before his family's needs; his family did on some level always dislike him, hurt him and outright hate him (locking him in a pyramid with curses is dangerous. Could have hurt or killed him by the lecture Bill gave the twins); Arthur's immediate assumption that Percy was being used (while not completely unfounded) was downright nasty; Percy had worked hard to get that position, being used to spy or not, he had earned it through hard work.
    Harry was a danger to the family (through no fault of his own). Through association with harry: Ron got bitten by a dragon, knocked out, nearly got expelled for flying a car, got knocked around by the whomping willow, broke his wand, vomited slugs, brewed an illegal potion, nearly got eaten by actromantulae, nearly got obliviated, almost got trapped in the chamber, got his leg broken by a dog, broke into the department of mysteries, got attacked by brains, dueled with death eaters, nearly died, dueled with more death eater when they broke into the school (might've happened regardless though), consumed love potion, got poisoned, went on the run for a year (don't make me list everything that happened) and fought in a war (would have happened anyway but deserves a mention).
    And don't even get me started on the rest of the siblings (Bill's scars, George's ear, Ginny's possession)
    Percy is very right about all that and while some of that might have happened anyway he was right, he may have been wrong about many other things (Voldemort's return, sending that nasty letter, sending back the weasley jumper, saying some cruel things...) but I don't blame him. He grew up in a war till the age of five, he didn't want to jump back into one, and while denial was not the way to go, he apologized in the end.
    (I still headcanon Perceiver (percy weasley/oliver wood pairing). I mean come on, Percy and Oliver shared a dorm for 7 years! I swear that they are the only ones who can handle each other's obsessive tendencies. Their arguments must've been legendary. They had to have been friends or romantically involved but I digress)

    • @PrimDidEverythingWrong
      @PrimDidEverythingWrong 4 года назад +2

      Harry is still my favorite HP character, but Percy is precious and deserves love

    • @liz428
      @liz428 4 года назад +2

      i completely agree! (and yes perciver is amazing)

    • @Ray-td4tq
      @Ray-td4tq 4 года назад +2

      @@liz428 Yesssss thank you!!!!! I constantly switch between shipping Percy/Oliver or Percy/Oliver/Marcus Flint. But Percy and Oliver are so different and so similar that watching them be the only gryffindor boys sharing their dorm must have been an insane sight to behold!

  • @lucioandacielo6026
    @lucioandacielo6026 5 лет назад +17

    I really like your take on Percy! I started enjoying Percy during my last couple of reads. I feel like Percy's ego is very precious to him, yet it is not at the core of his character. A couple of moments that pop into mind:
    In Prisoner of Azkaban, Percy is celebrating Gryffindor winning the Quidditch Cup "all dignity forgotten". This could be interpreted as tribalism, I choose to see it as Percy being proud of George, Fred, Harry, and Wood.
    In Goblet of Fire, during the second task Harry, Fleur, and Percy were the only ones to take the song seriously (I think this says something about their gut overruling their logic). Percy looks white and wades into the water to get Ron out, "Madam Pomfrey had gone to rescue Ron from Percy's clutches".
    I now feel a satisfaction at the end of the Percy arc, it is him getting in touch with his essential Weasleyness... and besting his whole family in the arena of unconditional love. In light of the mistreatment that has been endured, he puts aside his ego to return to his family, and he doesn't expect a pat on the head for that. However, it is noteworthy that Molly was always ready to crawl through the mud to take Percy back, she is the ultimate Weasley.

  • @centaursapocalypse7259
    @centaursapocalypse7259 6 лет назад +70

    I can kind of relate to Percy, because I know exactly what it's like to be unappreciated and never taken seriously. Not just by my family,but my friends too,which is,you know, fun. A lot of the time I kind of ramble at length about topics other people think are kind of dull or that they simply don't care about.

  • @toxiigoop_
    @toxiigoop_ 4 года назад +13

    I’m so many years late but this video is really fun to watch! Percy Weasley is one of my favorite characters and I’m glad I stumbled upon this video!

    • @toxiigoop_
      @toxiigoop_ 4 года назад +2

      Omg thank you for the ❤️!

  • @marianne6440
    @marianne6440 4 года назад +6

    Percy is such an underrated character

  • @333roses
    @333roses 4 года назад +8

    I freaking LOVE Percy Wesley you may disagree buttt... he’s such a BEAN💖🥺🤭

  • @DevGame988
    @DevGame988 6 лет назад +32

    And if you was Percy, what had you do?
    Going with the ministry, powerfuls peoples who said all is fine or a very old man and a teenager who said the powerful and evilest wizard ever will be back?
    Percy is human, he can't be perfect ("Perfect Prefect Percy"). And look like the twins acts with him, if they aren't his brothers they will be call bullies!
    Ha, and he's born during the war! He was five or six when it's stop! He was scared to relive this!
    Percy is a real Gryffondor. Because he is loyal (even if he's a traitor for his family, he still with the ministry, loyalty has a lot of forms) an he is brave (he can not going to Hogwarts' battle, but he does).
    Even he has Slytherin's quality (Ambition), he's more a Gryffindor.
    -A French who's bad in English, thank you.

    • @lennonmiller2504
      @lennonmiller2504 5 лет назад +1

      Newtx Hufflepuff is loyalty not Gryffindor.

    • @pannonia77
      @pannonia77 5 лет назад +1

      "Because he is loyal". The problem is that he is not loyal to people, he is loyal to authority. And I, who did not grow up in a free society but in a Communist regime, hate this character trait. He turned against Harry whom he had known for 4 years (!) just because the authorities said Harry was a liar. This is not loyalty.
      It's true, however, that in the end he realised he was wrong all along.

  • @steffikrose
    @steffikrose 7 лет назад +53

    yes! Thanks for saying that! I am not too fond of Percy but I can understand him and see where he is coming from. Plus, he's a pretty good example of how good people can be driven to go with things that look alright at first and then turn into something not that great but still stick with it. Plus, he did see his mistake pretty soon actually when everything went downhill, but he was too proud at first and had to build up his courage to leave and make up with his family and he had to keep himself safe. And, yes, he is made fun of a lot for his ambitions, which is a shame... but I think he is a brilliant character, very interesting to analyse. Maybe Lavender next? or Cho? or Rita Skeeter?

  • @ameliachua7751
    @ameliachua7751 3 года назад +6

    I found the perfect video. ANOTHER PERCY LOVER!

  • @flexiblenerd
    @flexiblenerd 3 года назад +5

    I do agree that Percy seems a little deeper than he's considered to be, something that in fact is shown when he cheers like a madman during a Quidditch game. He's a super-nerd, but people don't really see the the positive side of that, and while some of it certainly came from him, I think a lot of his arrogance came from him trying to rise above the general opinion that was just a prat and to prove that he was worthwhile in his own right.

  • @lilyb3395
    @lilyb3395 3 года назад +5

    I feel like the twins prank him more then a lot of all the family. I get what you mean when you say Percy and Ron where alike but on the other hand Ron had this powerful friend and that so what gave him a one up on Percy, this made Percy not trust him cuz Harry was only really getting Ron and Ginny into problems. I personally don’t like a lot of my brothers friends for this reason. Percy did not trust his family at the time and definitely did not trust Harry. So why pick them they gave him no reason to.

  • @MissCurlyFrog
    @MissCurlyFrog 7 лет назад +42

    It's always difficult to try and see things from the perspective of a character that's not the main character and not even really a sidekick. As you mentioned, we constantly see him through Harry's and Ron's eyes in particular. Hermione is on his side, especially in the beginning, but later on her loyalty to Harry and the cause is bigger I guess.
    We have to take into consideration that Percy is the middle child and it must have been very hard for him. Not only because of the older brothers, but also because of the younger brothers. He has to live up to certain expectations and be a role model for the others. Others, that keep getting into trouble and take most of the attention away from him. He has a talent for studying and learning, so that's what he does. He takes every little bit of praise his family (mostly his mother) give him and feeds off it. And even that praise is sort of overshadowed by his younger brothers, because the very next moment Mrs Weasley will go ahead and say to Fred, George and Ron something among the lines of "Why can't you be more like that?" On the one hand it's praise, on the other hand it's putting the attention on a different person. Constant comparisons also breed animosity between siblings, which is why the younger ones especially make fun of Percy. (Bill and Charly, who may have had it the easiest considering the situation and what little we know about them, probably had it the easiest. They tell Percy to be more laid-back, either because they don't understand his particular competitiveness, or because they see what this whole thing may do to the family.)
    Percy also has the added trouble of his youngest brother's best friend being one of the most famous wizard in current times. It's like another brother who didn't even have to do anything and gets all this attention and appreciation. And when it's time to choose what to believe after the events of the last task in the Triwizard Tournament, it must feel like an added betrayal that his family would side with something of an outsider rather than with him. He spends more time with the ministry-personal by that time than with his family, and it doesn't help that he feels his father's lack of ambition in favour of a job he loves a considerable drawback. And once he realized his mistake, it felt too late to turn back. Once you're in so deep, it gets harder and harder to apologize, especially if to a certain extent you still feel that you were the one who was wronged.
    I get why people dislike Percy, but honestly, his only failing is that he is very human. In that sense I can relate to him. It takes a lot of guts to get to terms with your mistakes, and that's what he did in the end.

  • @monalloyd2465
    @monalloyd2465 7 лет назад +44

    And let's be real here, his family all join a vigilante underground society who engage in things like surveillance of citizens, spying on the government, breaking laws etc. and are kinda really radical about it all. It seems normal and like the Right Thing To Do to us because we see this from Harry's PoV and he has no choice but to fight, Voldemort will never leave him alone, but like... why is this the normal default choice that people should make? None of them are soldiers or law enforcement or whatever, there shouldn't be anything shameful about not being comfortable to join a secret fight club type of situation. And Dumbledore doesn't exactly share a lot of information with people, he always asks for all but blind faith while he moves the pieces across the board, so no one can really expect Percy to just believe him or the word of his kid brother's best friend. No one should be forced to trust blindly in a war (especially if only a couple of people realize it's a war). We as the readers also have a privileged position to realize how corrupt the ministry actually is, but Percy is often in the position of the normal person of the Potter 'verse, sure his family may rant about corruption or something but how often do you believe the cynical people in your family when they talk about that? And Molly tends to keep all upsetting news and information away from her children. So I feel like Percy is often not in a position where he sees what we are shown and why should he just follow his family when they have been dismissing him for god knows how long? And just join a secret society and Dumbledore's crazy cause because they suddenly pressure him into it? From his side of things he's probably doing the Right Thing and getting away from toxic relationships. Wow this got long, sorry :'D

    • @michaelodonnell824
      @michaelodonnell824 5 лет назад +1

      Unbridge always went along with the Ministry for ambition, rejecting her family because she was ashamed of them. The only difference between Percy and Umbridge is that Percy is cleverer than Umbridge.
      And arguably, Umbridge, is the single most Evil character. Percy was heading the same way!

    • @dhrubi
      @dhrubi 5 лет назад +2

      @@michaelodonnell824 umbridge was just an evil person percy was weighing the good and the bad and didnt know how corrupt the ministry was m8

    • @michaelodonnell824
      @michaelodonnell824 5 лет назад

      @@dhrubi There's a fundamental difference in Ethics between "Don't know" and "Don't Care"!
      Read Umbridge's bio on Pottermore.
      Her mother is Muggle born. Her only sibling is a Squib brother. From an early age, Umbridge Denies they're existence. He Wizard, Magical Father works in Maintenance. She "persuades" him to resign and then spends the rest of her career denying that he is her Father.
      Her EVERY MOVE, within the Ministry, Long before Voldemort's reappearance focuses on limiting the Rights of "Mixed" race, half Blood and ambiguous individuals and races such as Werewolves and Centaurs.
      And ALL of this is BEFORE Voldemort.
      Umbridge was someone who is Evil without ANY Malign outside influence. That she, with that character was able to advance to a high position within the Ministry long before Voldemort doesn't speak well of the Ministry. But it does say a Huge Amount about ANYONE who sees her as a Role Model!

  • @hey_its_annabel
    @hey_its_annabel 5 лет назад +7

    It’s not just the people who are in a front line war fighting organisation that are the talented people.

  • @vampirefairyprincess
    @vampirefairyprincess 6 лет назад +16

    Finally someone with the same opinion as me! Percy just wanted to fit in somewhere. He might have not actually been seen as the black sheep or thought to be but that's how he felt and he just wanted validation so going to the ministry was his own way of getting that validation and choosing the ministry's side over Harry's was his way of saying "Oh well when they figure out I'm right they'll see me as wise" and it was stated towards the end of chapter 30 of deathly hallows when he reunites with his family that he knew something was up with the ministry but was too scared leave because the ministry was killing traitors so he had to be sneaky. He's just a lost little bean who needs validation at everything he does.

    • @alainasstudio9271
      @alainasstudio9271 2 года назад +1

      Yes, yes! That's exactly it! I couldn't have said it better myself 👏

  • @markfitzsimmons2100
    @markfitzsimmons2100 4 года назад +4

    I feel like we should encouraged complex characters like Percy, Snape, and even the dursleys. It always makes stories more beautifully written. Like do people hate Anakin? No, but I see the same beats used in that character and nobody seems to hate him that much.

  • @weepingwillow3562
    @weepingwillow3562 3 года назад +2

    It’s seems I have found my people

  • @optimisms
    @optimisms 5 лет назад +6

    Thank you! I read a whole thing on this a couple months ago and it totally changed my opinion of Percy, made me realize for the first time that not even the Weasleys are a perfect family in the series, and fundamentally changed the way I viewed them afterwards. The thing I read went a little further and said the Weasleys were a emotionally abusive, and said he just went back to his abusers and apologized for leaving, which is really toxic; I'm not sure I agree with that but I love your analysis of him.

  • @saracafiero4643
    @saracafiero4643 6 лет назад +10

    I love how complex all characters are, and it’s really infuriating how some people dismiss this or that character, labelling them as “bad” or “stupid”.More unpopular opinions please! 😁

  • @SpectrumStorms
    @SpectrumStorms 7 лет назад +17

    1. I love the movie adaptation of Chamber of Secrets. In fact, I prefer it over Prisoner of Azkaban.
    2. The Prisoner of Azkaban film is overrated.
    3. Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix films are underrated.

    • @3ki3ra3
      @3ki3ra3 6 лет назад

      TPoA is my favorite movie, but I also love GoF and OotP.

    • @michaelodonnell824
      @michaelodonnell824 5 лет назад +1

      Personally I believe that COS is VASTLY Underrated. It contains So Many Easter Eggs for the denouement of the Series yet reviewers Constantly demean it for being "overlong". However, the Same Reviewers also critique the DH movies for their failure to Explain things in COS, POA, OP AND HBP books. Yet they praise these movies for "cutting out all the boring dialogue"!
      COS has a Horcrux, House Elves, Dobby, Basilisk, Gryffindor's Sword. These are all elements ESSENTIAL to the destruction of Voldemort, but Movie Reviewers believe that COS is TOO LONG?
      In reality, the other movies Exclude too much that is essential to understanding what's happening in both DH movies!

  • @saintlugia
    @saintlugia 6 лет назад +5

    I've read a Ginny weasely off about her so I only had that version of him in my head. finding out that people hate Percy is a big deal for me.

  • @louiellkonda4669
    @louiellkonda4669 5 лет назад +6

    The only reason you have 689 subs is because of this video perce is my favv

  • @alainasstudio9271
    @alainasstudio9271 2 года назад +1

    Percy Weasley is so amazing!!!! ❤ I don't care what anyone else says. You can't make me hate him!🥰 try to make me hate him. I dare you!

  • @pannonia77
    @pannonia77 5 лет назад +2

    I don't think Percy was arrogant. In a way he was much worse. He accepted and served authority without questioning it. His letter to Ron where he suggested him to severe ties with Harry and go and report anything to Umbridge (a truly delightful woman) is hard to excuse. I know there are many people who accept authority blindly, but often these authorities do not deserve respect and those serving them are co-responsible for the horrible actions those authorities commit. Take also Harry's hearing. He must have seen Fudge's machination as he changed the time of the hearing at the last moment trying to make sure Dumbledore cannot attend. He must have heard how Fudge interrogated Harry, never leaving him time to explain what and why he did. Fudge tried to convict Harry as fast as possible, did not want to hear the witnesses on Harry's side (Mrs. Figg and Dobby). Percy should have seen that this was very unfair, and therefore should have seen whom he served.
    And he was also cruel to his mother, who never criticised him, unlike his siblings. He sent back his mother's Christmas present in Book 5.
    So I readily accept that he had a hard time at home amongst his brothers - he was under pressure to perform as well as them, and they did not treat him very well - but he was a person who could bore you to death with his pompous manners, and then served authority blindly. So the problem with Percy was he seems to have little empathy for other people. This is clear when he defends Barty Crouch dismissing Winky. There he had a heated argument with the person with whom he otherwise got on best, Hermione.

  • @itzspinika8225
    @itzspinika8225 2 года назад

    I see a Percy stan I come.

  • @unsubmarinoamarillo
    @unsubmarinoamarillo 6 лет назад +6

    I have a few issues with this.
    1. The people who made fun of Percy were his youngest brothers. Fred and George, actually. Occasionally Ron, but he did it more wiht Harry than to his brother's face. So I think it's exagerated to say that "HIS FAMILY" made fun of him, when it was mostly the twins, that made fun of everyone. Ron above all.
    2. The ministry is not the first place that appreciates Percy's talent. Hogwarts was. He was head boy.
    3. He said to his dad that he was ashamed of him. I think that is not precisily what describes an evil person, but it describes a bad son, at least an ungrateful one, knowing that Arthur is so poor working everyday!
    My point is: I get that he is not that evil, but he is not innocent. He just got back to his family at battle of Hogwarts, that means that all that time that the burrow was being investigated, and Ron have left home to go with Harry... he wasn't even speaking to his parents, he ignored his dad at the ministry, he didn't support them in a matter that was life versus death. I mean, if he didn't realise that the ministry have fallen in Voldemort's hands... how intelligent was he?