Really beautiful images! I love it. And the Fog, with the tree in the Center. The Mixture of the cold white and the really dark brown, very nice. I myself am not a big fan of Filming modern technology like Cars, i think they can destroy the immersion of a lonely out of time space. But that is of course a taste thing.
Really beautiful images! I love it. And the Fog, with the tree in the Center. The Mixture of the cold white and the really dark brown, very nice. I myself am not a big fan of Filming modern technology like Cars, i think they can destroy the immersion of a lonely out of time space. But that is of course a taste thing.
also 1:25 is really great, with the blue but also green ish tint. and the nice composition, luv it.
Thank you for your comment, I was worried the color grading might be too ambitious, but I think it payed off.