The TERROR of the End TIMES | Revelation 16 | Lesson 34

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • Revelation 16, an in-depth explanation from a Biblical perspective, based on the Hebrew culture and Hebrew language. In this episode, Tom Bradford journeys through various paramount aspects of Bible prophecy, as he interprets the account of Revelation, chapter 16, concerning the imminence of the End Times.
    Join Torah Class in this episode on Revelation 16.

Комментарии • 43

  • @Altamau
    @Altamau 3 месяца назад +11

    Excellent teaching! Love the way you dissect these teachings to understand them in the mind and spirit. Not everyone has this knowledge and gift. To know the times, and the culture is something many synthetic “teachers lack. Thank you! Blessings. You make it come alive Mr. Bradford.

  • @pauldeeley4247
    @pauldeeley4247 3 месяца назад +4

    Thankyou for your Teachings Toni.

  • @SalvationinChristJesus5821
    @SalvationinChristJesus5821 2 дня назад

    Psalms 46:10
    “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”

  • @SalvationinChristJesus5821
    @SalvationinChristJesus5821 2 дня назад

    1 Corinthians 16:22
    “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.”

  • @tawhidiimam-8701
    @tawhidiimam-8701 3 месяца назад

    Day Divine off and night Divine running.
    God, s massenger status.
    All the prophetic the Divine time is over before five hundred years ago. Full lights moon one night Divine time running now by judgment of the God. Divine time accept judge didn't of the God. So need Divine time judgment of the God of all the Humans.

  • @tomashernandez5640
    @tomashernandez5640 3 месяца назад

    The rituals described here , in chapter 16, adds up to the evidence that John was a Levite - for his understanding of the rituals in the Temple. (John 20:4-8) A levite doesn't get close to a dead man...and his understanding of the two witnesses in Revelation.

  • @monabasrawi8456
    @monabasrawi8456 3 месяца назад +2

    Pastor Tom ,could you please tell us if you worship on Saturday or Sunday? Look forward to your reply.thank you for all your excellent teaching.

    • @markhauserbible7168
      @markhauserbible7168 3 месяца назад +2

      These so-called teachers will never answer your questions. We are under the New Covenant. We worship God EVERY day. NOT one day a week. Hos 2:11 Jesus wants TRUE worshippers. Jn4:23. The Jews couldn't ever keep their Sabbath Holy. Mt23:38

    • @mombythesea2426
      @mombythesea2426 3 месяца назад +7

      @@markhauserbible7168I’ve watched Tom for years. I believe Tom would agree that we worship every day, and that this was not a new concept in the New Testament. We should all worship daily.
      As to which day is the sabbath day, he would say Saturday, since there is no biblical evidence or reason to think they changed it. The Catholics changed the day a few hundreds years after the resurrection.

    • @Altamau
      @Altamau 3 месяца назад

      @@markhauserbible7168you need to go over as to why there are “Ten Commandments” given by God on a stone written by the finger of God AND YOU DECIDED TO KEEP NINE! The Sabbath was given to mankind in Genesis to keep holy, rest and honor God. It’s people like you whom we read about for these end times. You can’t even hold a candle to this teacher with your blasphemous attitude. You can worship any day, but honor God’s day is another, commanded by HIM! Your disrespect is disgraceful. So as you sow you will reap. You’re an embarrassment to the Word of God! You have no idea what you say. God doesn’t go back on His commandments to please you or the world. Let’s just say that Sunday is a Constantine ordinance because they worshipped the Sun God of theirs. You are under the Pope’s/Constantine church laws. Look it up and see how blasphemous you are. Now it’s too inconvenient to lose your finances and obey God. Separation of the sheep from the goat…

    • @Altamau
      @Altamau 3 месяца назад

      @@mombythesea2426worship and Honor are two different things. Read Genesis. Know you good and His Word.

    • @mombythesea2426
      @mombythesea2426 3 месяца назад

      @@Altamau What exactly are you saying?

  • @TonneMiessek
    @TonneMiessek 2 месяца назад

    Are they attempting to pour out these bowl on saints?

  • @aaronrobertcattell8859
    @aaronrobertcattell8859 3 месяца назад

    21 is the smallest number with 5 representations as a sum of 3 primes:
    21 = 2 + 2 + 17 = 3 + 5 + 13 = 3 + 7 + 11 = 5 + 5 + 11 = 7 + 7 + 7

    • @alphanumeric1529
      @alphanumeric1529 3 месяца назад

      That is amazing! What do you believe this means though, in the biblical context, or more specifically the context of Revelation, or even more specifically in the context of the 21 judgments of the Tribulation?
      Or, are you just a prime number nerd like me, finding primes with their difficult heads popping up everywhere, and can't help but point them out?

  • @aaronrobertcattell8859
    @aaronrobertcattell8859 3 месяца назад

    21 = binomial(6 + 1, 2) is the 6th triangular number.

  • @EricDavidHall
    @EricDavidHall 3 месяца назад

    The 6th Bowl judgment happened 539bc.
    The kings from the east are Darius The Mede and Cyrus The Great Dehellenizer.
    Revelation 16:12 NKJV Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates,
    and its water was dried up,
    so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared.
    The 7th Bowl judgment 536bc by worldwide decree.
    Revelation 16:19 NKJV - Now the great city was divided into three parts,
    and the cities of the nations fell. And great Babylon was remembered before God,
    to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath.
    The 7 seals are all opened and judgment day is under way 586bc.
    Zechariah 5.

  • @hermanehrentraut4956
    @hermanehrentraut4956 3 месяца назад +1

    Shalom, Rev 16 is a combination of our past, present, and future but in John's day was only future. In Rev 1 It is established that the 7 planets will be the 7 messengers/stars which also sets the template that signs in Revelation are pointing to astronomical objects constellations, planets, meteor showers, comets, sun, and moon just like was first established in Gen 1. The idea of giving all angels/messengers human like appearances is false and points to Greek Nikes.
    Foolish end time teachers like to deceive believers into believing Rev not only has not only happened in some parts but will all happen in either a 7 year or 3.5 year period and they do this by counting on the believer to use modern meanings of words and nothing else, examples all means every one, every means every one, earth means the planet, world means the planet except all means every kind of, every means every kind of, earth means land, world means region and in John's day was Roman empire. Placing the meanings in proper context takes global events and makes them local events. Can I say this event has ever affected every person in the world, no. Can I say this event has ever affected every kind of person in the world, yes. So not all trees and grass will be destroyed not all marine life will be killed off but all manner of or every kind of will be. The waters will not turn to blood the grammar shows the water will become blood like which is again different from turning into blood. Angel of the water is a reference to the Roman goddess Fontus which was a reference to Ishtar or Venus. Altar in the heaven is constellation Ara. All this being said there is a hint of truth by teachers who say these judgments will be universal because that is exactly what the word catholic means. Another way that believers are misled is by the fact humans have re-categorized the sun as being a star but this is nowhere found in the Bible. Curse the name of God is to blaspheme him and one way of doing this is to give glory to the creation and not the creator such as explaining away the judgments of Abba as being mere science, or instead of giving the glory to YHWH/Abba people instead give it to God the son Jesus Christ despite Christ in the Bible is only called YHWH's son and is never elevated to being equal with YHWH.
    Examples Lamb - aries , scroll - libra, throne - cepheus, martyrs - meteor showers- 4 beasts - leo, taurus, aquarius, scopio (in past was depicted as eagle) 4 horse constellations - sagitarrius, centaurus, monoceros, pegasus. morningstar - planet Venus, might angel - orion, wormwood - andromeda, Angel pouring out - Aquarius. Numbers are time conversion values. Rising and falling refer to objects and the Earth's horizon. Mid heaven - mid sky
    Rev 15:1 establishes the time line of the bowl judgments using astronomical data which understood the great sign happened in 949AD and the next one will happen in 2492AD. Each planet passes through Aquarius pouring out the judgment. Key to this is the passing of a planet through Aquarius alone is not enough as it happens regularly, but what happens on the earth after the sign if it matches then the sing even if repeated the prophecy is fulfilled but keep this in mind there is no time limit as to how long the effects of a judgment will last so the affects of Bowl 1-3 may still be going on when 4 is poured.
    The first saucer judgment sign (mars in aquarius with a new moon and sun) was Feb 19 1806, the second saucer judgment sign (neptune in aquarius with synchronous meteor showers) was Aug 14 1844, the third saucer judgment sign (venus in aquarius with meteor shower) was April 20 1878, the fourth saucer judgment sign (mercury in aquarius with the sun) was March 2 1911
    The rest of the saucer judgment signs have not yet happened. The fifth saucer judgment sign (jupiter in aquarius with a new moon) the next time this sign will happen is Feb 19 2034, which may initiate the plague of darkness only if it does is that the sign if not we just wait for the same sign to appear in the sky. The sixth saucer judgment sign (saturn in aquarius with a partial eclipse) the next time this will happen is March 1 2052. The seventh judgment sign (uranus in aquarius with jupiter, mars, neptune, mercury, sun and moon) will happen March 8 2342
    The target of these judgments are is the papal kingdom, which includes anyone who worships their version of Christ/the antichrist, celebrates their holy days, keeps their commandments) which was established in 380 AD with the edict of Thessalonika while originally it was called Nicene Christianity and all those who followed were called Catholics, today it is just known as Christianity and those who follow are Christians. This also includes Christians receiving a mark upon their right hand or upon their forehead that is an outward sign that they follow the Christ of Nicene Christianity (ash mark of Lent), which did once affect the ability of people who were not Christian being barred from buying or selling even forcing businesses to close down (blue laws favored Christians but punished non-Christians) (Christmas favors Christians but punishes non-Christians which in the US is Federal is protected by Federal law in violation of the US Constitution regarding separation State and Church)
    Saucer 1 = skin cancer, Saucer 2 = salt water red tide or algae bloom, Saucer 3 = fresh water red tide or algae bloom, Saucer 4 = global warming/climate change.
    Saucer 5 is unknown, Saucer 6 will be when the river Euphrates dries up, and Saucer 7 will be the destruction of Rome, which in John's day was called Babylon but was also known as the city of 7 hills and is still today? There is a mention in Revelation of a woman who not only has a cup of wine but is also associated with wild animals to people in John's day this is a clear reference to the goddess Circe. And before the edict of Thessalonika many followers of Christ were killed by wild animals or beasts in the Roman Circus, not saying this edict was what ended it, but John referencing it is foreshadowing the creation of the State (Roman) Church (Catholic) in 380 AD.

    • @alphanumeric1529
      @alphanumeric1529 3 месяца назад

      I'd sure like to hear more of your reasoning about all of this, have you derived this from a source, or is this your original reasoning? Have you considered making a video describing your understanding of the text?
      And one strong data point for you to consider: the English word, "Church" is derived from the Latin word used for Circe's temple, where Italians worshiped Circe. It is the same word that has come to us in English as "circus". Both Church and Circus come from the same word and mean the same thing.
      For that reason, when referring to an actual building where Christ's followers meet and worship, as well as the attending group of followers, I prefer the actually biblical term, "Ecclesia" or "Ekklesia".
      If you have further writings, or a video describing your understanding of Revelation generally, or the Saucer Judgments, please reply with a link, I would like to understand more.

    • @hermanehrentraut4956
      @hermanehrentraut4956 3 месяца назад

      @@alphanumeric1529 Shabbat Shalom, I first began coming to this reasoning in 2005 when I chose to study the Bible line by line verse by verse for the first time, this also required me using a Bible concordance, at the same time I was taking an astronomy course at a university. The timing was just perfect how most of the signs in Revelation also had corresponding constellations too many for me to say coincidence. Then in 2016 I came across a RUclips channel christmasisalie and the series antichrist for dummies which having been Roman Catholic raised in a Jesuit household I knew a lot of what is said in the series but it was the non-Roman Catholic stuff that really helped me to understand Revelation such as in Rev 13 it speaks how the beast from the land is able to perform a false miracle of calling fire from heaven. It wasn't until the series that I learned about the "fire of the holy sepulcher" a ritual done for centuries where the patriarch of Jerusalem part of the Greek Orthodox enters a chamber in the sepulcher in Jerusalem and comes out with fire from which people use to light their own candles, and one candle after being lit is taken to the Vatican.
      An invaluable resource that has helped me gain understanding is E-sword which if you download the PC version is free but if you download the phone app version is not.
      I do not think making a video of my own would be needed when the channel I mentioned has not only spoken of what I have but has gone into such great lengths such as using an astronomy program to show what the sky looked like at the time of the event.
      Thank you for sharing the truth about the word Church. That is something I did know and actually learned because of me using a Bible concordance.
      Act 19:37 For ye have brought hither these men, which are neither robbers of churches, nor yet blasphemers of your goddess.
      robbers of churches,G2417
      From G2411 and G4813; a temple despoiler: - robber of churches.
      And Rev 17 describes a mystery which is religion, involving a woman with a cup and associated with wild animals.
      After I began my study into the Bible and astronomy I began looking seriously into mythology such as how Circe and Odysseus had children together and one of them was named Latinus, who became King Latinus and the founder of the Latin people later called Romans. So the mother goddess of Rome is Circe who would be changed to the mother goddess of Roman Catholics is Mary, the Jewish Christ would be merged with the state god Apollo whose name in Greek is Apollyon to form the Christ of Nicene Christianity today called Jesus Christ who has two primary holy days Christmas and Easter. This did not go unnoticed because when Jerome wrote the Latin Vulgate in the 4th Century AD he ignored the warning to not edit the book and added to it, removing that the antichrist would come from within not just the Roman empire but the church as well, leading to end time teaching of a Jewish antichrist, Muslim antichrist, Atheist antichrist, alien antichrist, etc.
      There is a point of correction Ecclesia or Ekklesia being used to identify the building where Christ's followers meet is false. Ecclesia means called out ones, but interestingly Greek word synagogue means to assemble and is done in a public building while the Ecclesia always met in homes just like the passover which became the last supper they were remembering was always done at home.
      One other point is this the ecclesia were warned by the apostles that from within their ranks would come an apostasy. Which in Revelation Christ calls synagogue of Satan, assembled ones who claim they are Jews but are not, later the church replaces the ecclesia which means when Christ speaks of the synagogue of Satan it has to mean anything but the church, despite the fact it cannot mean Jews because whether they accept Christ they are still Jews, but Nicene Christians have made a doctrine "replacement theology" that the God of Israel has broken the covenant he made with them, for rejecting Christ and has given only the blessings of the covenant to the church not the curses.
      I have no problem addressing any questions or discussing this more as it is a subject I'm passionate about, and while I do recommend the series i spoke of I also want to say the series is over 70 hours of content, and while I agree with most of it I do not agree with all of it. The parts I disagree with are not my own interpretation but is found in other parts of NT also while at the time of release I could easily verify the information in the videos that is no longer the case as some sites used have shut down. This is the main reason I post the comments I do instead of just plugging the channel I spoke of because I don't know what parts can still be verified, and in my opinion having even facts that cannot be verified makes them little more than speculations.
      There is a book by Alexander Hyslop called "the two Babylons" where he produces evidence to show how the Roman Catholic church is just an extension of pagan myths and traditions except instead of just using the Bible which would have proved his point quite easily he uses myths and traditions which not only overlap but even contradict at times and cannot even be corroborated but have now become mainstream such as Nimrod in Genesis 10 had a wife named Semiramus and a sun named Tammuz. Further this is taught as being the first "mystery religion" despite the Bible making no mention of the life of Nimrod outside he was a mighty man before the Lord.

    • @hermanehrentraut4956
      @hermanehrentraut4956 3 месяца назад

      @@alphanumeric1529 Shabbat Shalom, This is a quick follow up In Rev 2 Christ tells believers in Thyatira to uncovers the depths of Satan among them. This is what we have to do I see various groups claiming to follow Christ because they use his Hebrew name, or because they don't celebrate Christmas and Easter, or that they follow Torah but those are just aspects to fully come out of Nicene Christianity and return to the gospel preached by the apostles it is important to not just understand the origins of Nicene Christianity but even how it influences us today.
      Example I grew up where "blue laws" was a real thing, which were laws forbidding business to be open on Sunday as it was the Lord's day as defined by Nicene Christians they even went so far as to change the day of rest as found in the Bible from what is Friday sunset to Saturday sunset to just being Sunday and this was done early on in the 5th Century at the council of Laodicea. If people started reading the canons that came out of these councils it would really show the depths of Satan among believers and how they replaced the apostolic teachings with others while claiming to have apostolic authority but once done they could never hide behind the veil of ignorance. Today most people do not even see Christmas as a religious holy day because at least in the US it has become a Federal holiday, and if the State gave preference to a religious holy day that is a violation of the US Constitution but so many people love Christmas they ignore that fact or justify it foolishly.

    • @hermanehrentraut4956
      @hermanehrentraut4956 3 месяца назад

      @@alphanumeric1529 Shalom, There is one aspect while not in Revelations is often tied to it as part of end time teachings and that is the 70 Weeks prophecy found in Daniel 9.
      The channel I pointed you to does not address this but as so much of end time teachers use it in their teachings I thought it is important to write about.
      In two of the many end time teachings the 70 Weeks prophecy is the 70th week has not yet happened and the tribulation will take place in the 70th week, this is further divided into the antichrist coming making a treaty for 7 years or 1 week and then half way through the week or 3.5 years he breaks it only after re-building the temple in Jerusalem where he will declare he is god.
      Except there will not be a physical antichrist to do those things but also the 70 weeks ended in the first century before 70 AD specifically 3.5 years after Christ's ascension, most likely with the stoning of Stephen The covenant that will be made is the renewed covenant better known as the new covenant which because of Christ's offering gave cause that the sacrifice and oblation to cease. Further at the end of the 70 weeks they failed which led to the destruction of both Jerusalem and the temple (including the abomination desolation Christ spoke of)
      But for Nicene Christians to accept this would mean they have to accept they are not following Christ and unless they repent will be among the many Christ will deny, many in Greek is polus and means most which can be anywhere from 50.01% to 99.99% either way the math doesn't work that Nicene Christians are following Christ.

  • @markhauserbible7168
    @markhauserbible7168 3 месяца назад

    It seems to be MUCH simpler than what most people TEACH. Rev16 These VIALS (Bowls) are simultaneous, and they come on the LAST DAY. Jn12:48 The DAY of WRATH. Rev6:17/ Rm2:5/ Zeph 1:15,18 DAY of the Lord. 2Pt 3:10. The 7 last plagues, for in THEM is filled up the WRATH of God. Rev15:1. Thats why Paul said we are not appointed to wrath. Because we are RESURRECTED on the LAST DAY. Jn6:39-40, 44,54. Just before the VIALS are poured out. NO, pre-trib and NO literal 1000 years.

    • @alphanumeric1529
      @alphanumeric1529 3 месяца назад

      Sorry Mark, I'm a bit confused, what do you mean by your last sentence, "NO, pre-trib and NO literal 1000 years."?
      Do you not believe in the Millennial Kingdom (not the kingdom we're progressively living in now, with Millennials taking control of our society, lol) of Christ?
      Personally, I've read and re-read Revelation many times, the text always further revealing itself as if new text is being entered into the pre-existing text every time I read through, and still now, as my brain deteriorates, my axons delaminating as I write this, but despite my condition, in my estimation, the language of Revelation, especially as it describes the TEMPORAL SEQUENCE of Christ's actual second coming, the establishment of His Kingdom on Earth, based in Jerusalem, with all of his followers, resurrected or not, working as His ministers to all of the peoples and nations during Christ's literal thousand year reign.
      And further in the temporal sequence, at the end of this thousand year reign, Satan is released, unchained, and allowed to go out into the world, one final time, to deceive the peoples and nations, after this short time, his rebellion, and all those who follow in it are summarily quashed, and then Satan, the Dragon, is cast into the Lake of Fire, along with the elohim and humans who followed Satan and betrayed YHWH.
      And then, AFTER all of that, a new Heaven and a new Earth are created, and YHWH comes to the New Earth, to reside in the New Temple in the New Jerusalem, for eternity, with humanity.
      In my readings and admittedly incomplete understanding of Revelation, the temporal sequence of events beginning with Christ's second coming all the way through to YHWH's final tabernacling with us on the New Earth is the most concrete and literal temporal sequence in all of Revelation. It is the one series of events that appears to me to be concrete, non-metaphorical, non-referential, non-allegorical, and actually linear, with definite events and time periods clearly defined.
      Or am I reading and understanding this segment of Revelation incorrectly? Please share your reasoning, it would be an immense blessing to be corrected in my understanding of the Text!

    • @markhauserbible7168
      @markhauserbible7168 3 месяца назад

      @@alphanumeric1529 WOW. Someone that thirst for the TRUTH. I've been trying to help people understand Gods word for years and have replied to literally thousands of people. Pastors, Teachers, Scholars. You fall into the 1 or 2% of them that admit you may be wrong and willing to be taught. Thats why Paul said what he did in 2Tm4:3-4. The key WORD in these verses is SOUND. Most people have no clue what SOUND doctrine even means. It means EASY to understand scriptures. NOT the book of Revelation or Daniel. NO ONE can understand PROPHECY, without understanding what JESUS taught FIRST on the end times. ITS IMPOSSIBLE!!! To prove this let's look at what JESUS taught. Mt 13:30. This one verse teaches so much. Let both (Just and unjust) grow together until the HARVEST (Resurrection) FIRST gather the TARES (Unbelievers) and bind them into bundles to BURN (Lake of fire Rev20:14) But gather the WHEAT (Believers) into my BARN (Kingdom) NO 7-years, NO one left behind to populate a literal 1000 years. Now let's look at Lu17:26-30. The SAME DAY Lot (Represents believers 2Pt2:7) went OUT of the city (Represents resurrection) God destroyed THEM ALL. (ALL unbelievers) The SAME DAY. NO 7-years, and NO one left behind to populate a literal 1000 years. Just one more (There are many) Jn5:28-29 ALL that are in the graves shall come forth (Just and unjust together) NO 7-years and NO one left behind. Jesus NEVER taught a pre-trib rapture nor ANYONE left behind to populate a literal 1000 years. Now if you believe what JESUS taught and HOLD fast to that, you will have MANY more questions. Like how is Satan BOUND NOW? WHAT is the 1000 years? WHAT is the FIRST resurrection? Jesus BOUND Satan at the CROSS. (Spiritually) Mt12:29/ Mr3:27 This is Jesus binding the prince of this world. This SPIRITUAL binding is the SAME as CASTING OUT. Jn12:31 NOW (2000 years ago) The 1000 years REPRESENTS the Church age. It started at the CROSS and ends when Jesus RETURNS. (One-time) Look at Rev20:12-15 This is the END of time. Remember what JESUS taught. (Both together) This is all through the bible. Mt12:41-42/ 25:32-33/ Rev11:18. This all happens when JESUS returns as a THIEF. Look at Rev20:11 From whose FACE (Jesus) the earth and heaven FLED (Passed) away. Now 2Pt 3:10 The DAY of the Lord so COMETH as a THIEF, in which the heavens PASS away and the earth burned up. NO one left behind when the Lord returns as a THIEF. I hope this is helpful. To God be the Glory.

  • @JoDee-j3y
    @JoDee-j3y 3 месяца назад

    Not scientifically accurate 😂?! What’s your proof?? Must be smth very obvious to throw God’s word to the trash..

    • @Altamau
      @Altamau 3 месяца назад

      Calm down Satan!

    • @JoDee-j3y
      @JoDee-j3y 3 месяца назад

      @@Altamau I advocate the Bible when it doesn’t agree with science and guess what was influenced by satan then…(hint: it’s not the Bible)

    • @alphanumeric1529
      @alphanumeric1529 3 месяца назад

      ​@@JoDee-j3y Was the Bible written as and to be a science text book? Satan has used this proposition that the texts of the Bible were written as a text book to strip away many believers from the body of Christ, and to prevent entire generations of lost people from joining the body.
      And those uninformed, often uneducated, or falsely educated, Christian Fundamentalists who have no understanding of the Hebrew or Aramaic, or the ancient Greek languages the biblical texts were written in, or, for that matter, the cultures in and to which the texts were written, who glibly declare some passages of the Bible to be literal and others allegorical/figurative based solely on the traditions of men they have inherited and taken as absolute truth, not unlike the condemned pharisees before them, with no consistent heuristics or rational why one passage is literal and another figurative, other than to serve their discriminatory world view, where they are the righteous and all who believe otherwise, whether Christian or not, are sub-human cattle, condemned to destruction, who claim that the Bible was and is a science text book, without even the slightest understanding of the current claims of the various sciences, have done more than Satan to condemn millions, if not billions of souls to the Lake of Fire.
      I am aware of the current anti-christ agenda of the sciences, despite the fact that all of the modern sciences were founded by Christians, in a Christian pursuit to understand the Biblical text more completely, as well as to understand and appreciate the beauty of YHWH's creation, His divine nature revealed through the awesome, terrifying beauty of the mechanics/physics/mathematics/spirit of His creation.
      And most pointedly, that ALL of contemporary science is progressively revealing the truth of the Universe's creation, and functioning by a god, whom we, the blessed chosen, rightly know to be YHWH. Many of these scientists are closeted Christians, unable to reveal their identity, or they would have been totally excluded from academia and their calling, the work of their scientific investigation. But the majority of atheistic, anti-christ prominent scientists continually and undeniably find evidence of the Hand of God at the end of their ever more accurate investigations into their particular fields of study, and must therefore invent the most absurd "theories" to exclude the scientific/mathematic necessity of a god their results clearly, and repeatedly demonstrate. An thus, through the last few generations, the Sciences have moved further and further into theoretical falsehood and absurdity.
      This developmental process is so severe, I believe this process will be terminal if not interrupted by an external source. This is terminating and will further ultimately terminate any actual further scientific study in favor of atheistic and political dogmatism (upon penalty of death, most likely). Or perhaps the mechanics of God's creation will be exploited to create abomination after abomination, as it already is.
      Or perhaps a great deception will be introduced, ufos, uaps, and their alien pilots will be revealed as our creators, when the reality of the absolute necessity, undeniability of a creator becomes apparent even to the scientific laity, that at the core of all creation(s) their is a creator, and our supposed alien creators are just that creator.
      I've been watching the seeds of this deception being planted and cultivated for many years now, and it appears that we are entering the season for the fruiting of this profound deception that many already outright believe, and many more quietly believe, if unspoken, or unconsidered, but will quickly accept as truth and proclaim openly once science, the media and our government declare aliens as our creators, and the rightful owners of this planet.
      We'll soon see as we draw ever closer to the conclusion of this Age.