Sam spills wine on her dress and as Jason helps her get it off, Courtney walks in. Sam and Jason talk about Courtney and Sonny. (Clips/Credit to Hella Good)
Part 1:Love JaSam 0:00-7:06,Jase doesn't hate Sam,Jase cant keep his eyes off Sam,JaSam talk/bickern/truthful/bn able 2 read each other,Sam telln Jase that she doesnt need him watchn her/disapprovn of her,Sam spilln the whine,Sam beggn Jase to get the dress off,Jase yelln at her bout what she did 2 the rug,Jase takn off Sams dress,Court jealous of Sam,Sam defendn,Jase defendn Sam,Sam bn able read/c rite threw Court,&Court think she can read Sam when she doesnt know Sam!!!
Part 2:Love JaSam 0:00-7:06,JaSam can't stop lookn at Sam,Sam trn 2 get Jase 2 go after Court,JaSams remarks 2 each other after Sam changed,JaSam talk/truthful/bn able 2 read each other,Sam trn 2 help Jase w/his marriage,&Sams comment bout love at 5:14-5:28!!!Hate that many people calln Sam homewrecker,Court called Sam trash,Court lyn bout Sam gettn n Cars face,Court calln Sam atramp,Court telln Jase what 2 do bout Sam,Jase telln Sam what 2 do,&Sam blamn herself 4 what happened 2nite...
From the beginning, when they didn’t even know each other well they had deep conversations. JaSam❤️😊
"forget about the dress, look at what u did 2 the rug" lol
Their chemistry was unmatched from the beginning!
they were so hilarious together!
Sam: What are you doing Jason? Go after her
Jason: What are you doing? Go get some clothes on
I don't care about anyone on the this show never have I just love Jason scene's and only Jason.. He so damn fine
Sam and jason have chemistry between them even though they dont like each other here that much but they do have some interesting conversations.
Part 1:Love JaSam 0:00-7:06,Jase doesn't hate Sam,Jase cant keep his eyes off Sam,JaSam talk/bickern/truthful/bn able 2 read each other,Sam telln Jase that she doesnt need him watchn her/disapprovn of her,Sam spilln the whine,Sam beggn Jase to get the dress off,Jase yelln at her bout what she did 2 the rug,Jase takn off Sams dress,Court jealous of Sam,Sam defendn,Jase defendn Sam,Sam bn able read/c rite threw Court,&Court think she can read Sam when she doesnt know Sam!!!
Lol oh how wrong Courtney was telling Sam how Jason wouldn't touch trash like her, if she only knew Sam would become the love of his life.
Betty Go Yup😏
Part 2:Love JaSam 0:00-7:06,JaSam can't stop lookn at Sam,Sam trn 2 get Jase 2 go after Court,JaSams remarks 2 each other after Sam changed,JaSam talk/truthful/bn able 2 read each other,Sam trn 2 help Jase w/his marriage,&Sams comment bout love at 5:14-5:28!!!Hate that many people calln Sam homewrecker,Court called Sam trash,Court lyn bout Sam gettn n Cars face,Court calln Sam atramp,Court telln Jase what 2 do bout Sam,Jase telln Sam what 2 do,&Sam blamn herself 4 what happened 2nite...
Courtney is another Liz
Courtney is prettier
Still here still gurading you lol couple small talk
ugh! I always hated Courtney! She always tried to be miss innocent!!
I know especially when she broke Emily and Nikolas marriage apart they were getting close after the rape but until courtney was in the way.
Courtney just like Elizabeth up until she met Franco.. being rude to Sam and boring not so innocent..
Sam and Courtney have similar hair cuts
Would have courtney and sam get along if she lived just like carly got along with sam
She crying because of the hormones.
Courtney, glad I never watched her. Ugh.
Spencer her son is just like her.
Ugh to you also
Hate that dress! Just not flattering.
This is so horrible and cringey