  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Many people believe in Jesus because
    they have been brought up in a Christian
    home, they've been taken to church,
    they've been taught the Bible but they
    do not really experience Jesus as real
    and alive.
    I was also brought up in a Christian
    home but I experience Jesus as real and
    alive. If we obey the words of Jesus,
    His teachings and Commandments then He
    reveals Himself to us as real and we
    really get to know Him. Since I submitted
    my life to Jesus and received Jesus into
    my life, obeyed Him repented and was
    baptized in water, He also baptized me in
    the Holy Spirit like He did with the
    first disciples, with the ability to
    speak in other tongues. Since I've
    received the baptism in the Holy Spirit
    I can pray in tongues at any time. I have
    many testimonies of supernatural
    answers to prayer. Jesus is a real to me.
    I pray and e answers me. Jesus is alive
    and if we take Him seriously and we obey
    His words, those words which he spoke as
    they are also recorded in the Gospels, ,Matthew,
    Mark, Luke and John, then we will
    experience Him. We will see miracles, we
    will hear His voice. He will speak to us
    in dreams and visions. When we pray He
    will answer us and we will know without
    a doubt that Jesus is alive.
    Jesus is alive and is real because I
    experienced Him every day of my life.
    I believe in Jesus not just based on
    what's written in the Bible. I believe
    that the Bible is true because Jesus
    Himself has proven to me that He is
    alive and He does so every day. I want to
    encourage you to seek Jesus and obey His
    words, repent of your sin repent and be
    baptized and Jesus Christ will reveal
    Himself to you as real. May Jesus bless
    Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real.
    I am here to introduce you to Jesus
    Christ so that you can know Him and
    follow Him and have eternal life.
    Subscribe to my channel to learn more
    about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.
    Visit me at: www.finalcall07...
    Follow me on Twitter: Justice Boshoff @finalcall07

Комментарии • 40

  • @lillygracefollowsourliving4852
    @lillygracefollowsourliving4852 4 года назад +9

    Jesus is more real than any human being on Earth!! Merry Christmas brothers and sisters

  • @williamjsmith3400
    @williamjsmith3400 4 года назад +4

    Please please get right with Jesus everyone who reads this we are walking into tribulation we are into the last days

  • @mauricearchibald9027
    @mauricearchibald9027 Год назад +1

    Aman. Praise the lord our God

  • @samename6479
    @samename6479 4 года назад +5

    Yes Jan We must have the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We must be led by the Holy Spirit or we are none of his.
    In Acts 1:8 says Power will come upon you when it happens. Hallelujah

  • @estherrosalind5538
    @estherrosalind5538 4 года назад +2

    Thank you brother for the uncorrupted teaching. Hope your health is better now

  • @grayintheuk8021
    @grayintheuk8021 4 года назад +1

    I did all that you said for decades.
    I obeyed, preyed with an open honest heart. I repented and forgave others. I submitted my life to Jesus totally. At one point I sold all my belongings to live as Jesus instructed. I did that all with only the desire to know and walk with the lord.
    In all my 'decades' doing this, I have never experienced Jesus or the Holy Spirit.
    If as you say you prey to Jesus and he answers you then please could you pray to Jesus and ask him what I need to do.
    There was just empty silence so where did I go wrong?
    I've watched your videos and there is nothing that I have not done with an honest, open, humble heart.
    Please tell me what Jesus says to you about me and why he has never ever responded, not even just once. Nothing at all.
    I have sat in Churches and places of worship for years and seen people come in pray and announce that they have the Holy Spirit. What is happening? Thanks.

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  4 года назад +1

      He is not able to answer you. He passed on to be with Jesus in January 2020. Your Relationship with Jesus is your responsibility. You must keep Seeking Jesus with all your heart. You must Seek to Hear His Voice until you Hear Him then you must Obey and Follow Him, His Way as He Guides and Leads you Himself. Be persistent in seeking Jesus. He must be Real and Alive to you. Jesus Bless you and keep you safe in this time. Christiena Boshoff.

    • @grayintheuk8021
      @grayintheuk8021 4 года назад

      @@finalcall07 Hi I am so sorry do you mean the man in the video has died? If so then I am truly sorry for your loss. It's the first time I've seen any of this channel so don't know names, Please do not think I am not being rude.
      Thank you for your message and once again my condolences for your loss.

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  4 года назад

      @@grayintheuk8021 Yes the man in the video died. Thank you. No problem. Be Blessed.

  • @smooothlegs
    @smooothlegs 4 года назад +7

    praying for you Brother Justice JESUS bless you

    • @GerardPerry
      @GerardPerry 4 года назад +1

      I'm glad to see him! The last video of his I watched was last year, and he was in an hospital bed.

  • @Divalady845
    @Divalady845 4 года назад +1

    I belive JESUS has always been and always will be. He is alive and well. Please pray for me not to have fear of what's happening in this world. I love Jesus

  • @letsonlywantjesus413
    @letsonlywantjesus413 3 года назад +2

    God bless you, brother. May you rest in the lord.

  • @gaylordallin5608
    @gaylordallin5608 4 года назад +1

    They have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof. They refused to love one another as He loved them ( with unconditional love and grace). They used the written law to judge , and condemn one another to excuse themselves from the heavenly law of love.🙂🙃❤️ The law is love. Love to you all.❤️🙃🙂

  • @maryanngarza126
    @maryanngarza126 4 года назад +3


  • @Lovin_Jesus
    @Lovin_Jesus 4 года назад

    Amen! "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us!" John 1:14 May Jesus Christ lead us and guide us this day! Praise glory & honor to our Lord! ❤️🔥👣

  • @wispyevening7122
    @wispyevening7122 4 года назад +1

    Amen, praise the Lord Jesus! He is risen! All authority belongs to Him, Great is the Lord☺ God bless you dear Jan

  • @andersonwiliamsyellowpillm4223
    @andersonwiliamsyellowpillm4223 4 года назад +2

    Mastering the flesh its knowing living with god daily

  • @sarali2299
    @sarali2299 4 года назад +2

    Amen brother and thank you brother!

  • @carlaifera5254
    @carlaifera5254 4 года назад +1

    ......thank you faithful friend of God.........🙋‍♀️🎁✝💜☕

  • @sarali8017
    @sarali8017 4 года назад +1

    Amen brother!

  • @cozzy305
    @cozzy305 4 года назад +1


  • @valkeudenlapsi
    @valkeudenlapsi 4 года назад +1

    God bless you brother in the mighty name of Jesus, you have helped a lot my walk with the Lord during these years, glory to God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

  • @mariamasha1866
    @mariamasha1866 4 года назад +1

    Muchas personas creen en Jesús porque fueron criados en un hogar Cristiano, fueron llevados a la iglesia, les enseñaron la Biblia pero en realidad no experimentan a Jesús como real y vivo.
    También yo me crié en un hogar Cristiano, pero experimento a Jesús como real y vivo.
    Si obedecemos las palabras de Jesús, Sus enseñanzas y Mandamientos, se nos muestra como real y realmente lo conocemos.
    Desde que presenté mi vida a Jesús y recibí a Jesús en mi vida, lo obedecí, me arrepentí y fui bautizado en agua, también me bautizó en el Espíritu Santo como lo hizo con los primeros discípulos, con la capacidad de hablar en otras lenguas.
    Desde que recibí el bautismo en el Espíritu Santo, puedo rezar en lenguas en cualquier momento. Tengo muchas experiencias de respuestas sobrenaturales a mi oración.
    Jesús es real para mí. Rezo y me responde. Jesús está vivo y si lo tomamos en serio y obedecemos Sus palabras, esas palabras que pronunció, que también están registradas en los evangelios de Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan, entonces lo experimentaremos.
    Veremos milagros, escucharemos Su voz. Nos hablará en sueños y visiones. Cuando recemos, Él nos responderá y sabremos, sin lugar a dudas, que Jesús está vivo.
    Jesús está vivo y es real, porque lo experimento todos los días de mi vida.
    Creo en Jesús no solo en base a lo que está escrito en la Biblia. Creo que la Biblia es verdadera porque Jesús mismo me ha demostrado que está vivo, y lo hace todos los días.
    Quiero alentarte a buscar a Jesús y obedecer Sus palabras, arrepentirte de tu pecado, arrepentirte y ser bautizado, y Jesucristo se mostrará a ti como real.
    Que Jesús te bendiga. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Jesucristo está vivo y el infierno es real.
    Estoy aquí para darte a conocer a Jesucristo para que le conozcas, le sigas y tengas vida eterna.
    Subscríbete a mi canal para aprender más sobre Jesús.
    Que Jesús te bendiga.

  • @cherish9493
    @cherish9493 3 года назад

    thank u for this wonderful video

  • @AP-mc5xe
    @AP-mc5xe 4 года назад


  • @joshsohan1157
    @joshsohan1157 4 года назад

    i backslided and i am going to hell. i was a born again believer but became entangled in the world and i lost my salvation. Now i fighting for my soul. I fallen after the same footsteps of my earthly father. Now i been so deceived that somethings thoughts come into my mind and say jesus is not real or god is not real, even after i literally experienced jesus. I am blinded and am lost going to hell. IDK what to do. I had the holyspirit but now i keep denying Jesus in my mind even when i dont want to do it, but just keeps happening over an over. There is a sin that is unto death and suggest that you should not pray for it, saith the word of God. I think i commit that sin and i think the unforgivable sin is to destroy the temple of God while having the holy spirit. This all happened because of pride, unbelief and disobedience i became rebelious because i chose to forsake Jesus, so that i can be on youtube learning how to pray and eventually i stopped praying and i will spend all day on my laptop. THinking i was doing something good but it was leading to my destruction. Now i keep denying Jesus, because i become such a fool that in my mind i said there is no God, even though i dont believe that. Now i cant seem to repent after 1 month of trying, i am just becoming more and more worst. What do i do now? do i go back to my vomit which is porn, cursing, games, world, lust and etc. OFC not i rather die and go to hell than be filled with a demon, for i was not made for any demon but for God. I can seem to read the word of God without doubting it, yet that was the very word i preached and saved souls. I lost all knowledge of God and dont understand anything because of pride and haughty spirit. NOW this is my life i dont have anything to do all i wat is Jesus, but as in hebrews 6 saith i think it is impossible. If i have to live in this world without jesus living in me then i have no purpose to live. If it means jesus has to deny himself to save me then i cant be saved, because i will be asking God to deny himself. I wish i was never born and i wish i had not known the way of righteousness. THE WORST PATH IS THAT I AM ONLY 17, and if i cant repent then i can only going to get worst, my hell will be hotter. JESUS christ does not promote sin and sin to me is to rebuild what i have destroyed, the temple of God. Obedience is to build and disobedience is to destroy but to rebuild what i destroy is disobedience. A man REAPS WHAT HE HAS SOWN. But if i cant be saved i will begg that my family and friends souls be saved. LIFE is useless and purposeless. why live anymore? Jesus was all i needed but i forsook him. Going to hell is not an option, living on earth without jesus is not an option, going to hell when i older is not an option and going to hell now is not an option. JESUS IS MY ONLY OPTION, BUT YET I AM PROUD STILL LEANING IN MY UNDERSTANDING. What fool i have become after being born again, i now say in my heart there is no God, though i dont approve of that.
    REPENT AND TRUST JESUS, HE LOVES YOU. IDK if this is it for me but after two months i will reply to this comment and tell yall if i am still alive. I ran a good race but what did hinder me from obeying the truth? PRIDE. it goes before destruction.

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  4 года назад +1

      My husband cannot answer you. He passed on to be with Jesus on January 19. 2020. You Grieved the Holy Spirit and did not commit the unforgivable sin. If you did, you would not have any desire for Jesus Nor want to repent. You must be serious and show Jesus that You are and truly Love Him. Repent and turn from all your wicked ways. Call on Jesus and make Him your First Love again. Go before Him humbly with a repentant heart. Cry out to Him like it is your last chance. Do not wait. satan wants to hinder and stop you with lies and destroy you. Jesus Loves and Cares for you. He is your only Hope. I will Pray for you. Seek Jesus with all your heart until you have a breakthrough and in Peace. Do not wait and do not stop going after Jesus, that is what satan wants. Jesus Bless you and keep you safe in this time. Christiena Boshoff.

    • @joshsohan1157
      @joshsohan1157 4 года назад +1

      @@finalcall07 Oh wow thank you so much. I was about to say sorry for your lost but i am the one that is to be sorry for myself. God bless so much and thank you, now i will seek Jesus day and night until i am saved. You have given me Hope and i thank you so much, but now i am going to seek the lord through prayer and is word though my mind doesnt agree.
      1 Corinthians 1:18
      [18]For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
      Ik Jesus was once the power of God to me but now he is foolishness. But thankyou for the Hope you have given me. I cant stop thanking you, hope to see you in heaven one day.
      Love you and your husband has given me so much Hope also thank you.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  4 года назад

      @@joshsohan1157 You are welcome. What a Wonderful and Glorious Day that will be. We must strive hard in these evil days so that we will be able to Enter into Heaven on that Day. I keep Praying for you. Jesus is our Hope. We must Not lose Hope. Jesus Bless you and keep you safe in this time. Christiena Boshoff.

  • @kansascitycomputers
    @kansascitycomputers 4 года назад

    Merry Christmas there !

  • @bonniefinrow4415
    @bonniefinrow4415 4 года назад +1

    Amen 🙏🏻Praise Jesus🎶🌹

  • @servejesus4980
    @servejesus4980 4 года назад

    Thank you

  • @justinshields2957
    @justinshields2957 4 года назад +1

    Alive and amazing ❤️

  • @GODenWord
    @GODenWord 4 года назад

    Awrybody who asked God to show a little bit of Kingdom of God to them God showed some of it and awrybody was shoked that that place is more real than this Earth world!!!

  • @studypartner9643
    @studypartner9643 4 года назад

    I used to think he was fake but now I know he is real

  • @AnzhelikaBombushkar
    @AnzhelikaBombushkar 4 года назад

    Многие люди верят в Иисуса, потому что они были воспитаны в христианском доме, их привели в церковь, их научили Библии, но они, на самом деле, не переживают Иисуса, как реального и живого. Я тоже воспитывался в христианском доме, но я переживаю Иисуса, как реального и живого.
    Если мы повинуемся словам Иисуса, Его учениям и Заповедям, тогда Он открывает Себя нам, как реального, и мы действительно познаём Его. С того времени, как я подчинил свою жизнь Иисусу и принял Его в свою жизнь, повиновался Ему, покаялся и крестился в воде, Он также крестил меня в Святом Духе, как Он это сделал с первыми учениками, со способностью говорения на иных языках.
    С тех пор, как я получил крещение в Святом Духе, я могу молиться на иных языках в любое время. У меня есть много свидетельств сверхъестественных ответов на молитвы. Иисус - реален для меня. Я молюсь, и Он отвечает мне. Иисус - живой, и если мы принимаем Его всерьёз и повинуемся Его словам, тем словам, которые Он говорил, как они также записаны в Евангелиях Матфея, Марка, Луки и Иоанна, тогда мы переживём Его на опыте. Мы будем видеть чудеса, мы будем слышать Его голос. Он будет говорить к нам в снах и видениях. Когда мы будем молиться, Он будет отвечать нам, и мы будем знать без сомнения, что Иисус - живой.
    Иисус - живой и реальный, потому что я переживал Его каждый день своей жизни. Я верю в Иисуса не только на основании того, что написано в Библии. Я верю, что Библия - это правда, потому что Сам Иисус доказал мне, что Он - живой, и Он делает это каждый день. Я хочу ободрить тебя искать Иисуса и повиноваться Его словам, покаяться в своём грехе и креститься, и Иисус Христос будет открывать Себя тебе, как реальный.
    Да благословит тебя Иисус".

  • @kaicy6834
    @kaicy6834 4 года назад

    Do you have to get baptized in water first in order to receive the Holy Spirit baptism?

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  4 года назад

      That is what Jesus commanded.

  • @GODenWord
    @GODenWord 4 года назад

    Всякое кто просило да бы Бог показаль чучуть Царствия Божего ко ним Бог показал и кажое было шокировано яко то место есть боле реально чем этот Земнои мир!!!