This is happening as we speak. We are still in the same home unfortunately. The strength in healing in front of the person who broke your spirit is a different level of strength I didn’t even know I had clock that tea. I’m allowing myself to feel everything I need to feel so I can release with love & move on to my 10 of pentacles
You're sealing off one of the greatest lessons of your life, in between both worlds old and new which is never easy! I'm proud of you and sending Love, light and protection 👏🏽✨♥️
This is happening as we speak. We are still in the same home unfortunately. The strength in healing in front of the person who broke your spirit is a different level of strength I didn’t even know I had clock that tea. I’m allowing myself to feel everything I need to feel so I can release with love & move on to my 10 of pentacles
You're sealing off one of the greatest lessons of your life, in between both worlds old and new which is never easy! I'm proud of you and sending Love, light and protection 👏🏽✨♥️
Wow and my person is an Aquarius
I'm an Aquarius and I survived a distorted Aquarius 🌟