My tip for avoiding cigarette cravings is to just focus on something else and forget about cigarettes, I mean you have to try to not think about smoking. Sometimes I get in a state when I see someone smoke or even if I see a cigarette stub on the floor I can't stop thinking about it, but if I can be positive then I can switch my thinking, think about something else and the craving is just for a minute then, because I'm not thinking about it. I went for 4 days without smoking recently using this technique. I use the patch every day and for a while I was taking off the patch to smoke, because when you smoke with the patch on it's not very enjoyable because you already have that 100% nicotine in your system so there is no pleasure from refilling your body and brain with the drug, but in the four or five years that I've been trying to quit smoking I haven't been able to quit for longer than 13 days, which I did twice, exactly 13 days two times, without smoking, and that was with a patch on too. Sorry for the really long paragraph!
My tip for avoiding cigarette cravings is to just focus on something else and forget about cigarettes, I mean you have to try to not think about smoking. Sometimes I get in a state when I see someone smoke or even if I see a cigarette stub on the floor I can't stop thinking about it, but if I can be positive then I can switch my thinking, think about something else and the craving is just for a minute then, because I'm not thinking about it. I went for 4 days without smoking recently using this technique. I use the patch every day and for a while I was taking off the patch to smoke, because when you smoke with the patch on it's not very enjoyable because you already have that 100% nicotine in your system so there is no pleasure from refilling your body and brain with the drug, but in the four or five years that I've been trying to quit smoking I haven't been able to quit for longer than 13 days, which I did twice, exactly 13 days two times, without smoking, and that was with a patch on too. Sorry for the really long paragraph!
Thanks for sharing your insight!
Thank you so much ♥️🥰
You’re welcome 😊