Looking good, nice idea to use the nexus, I’ve got a Burtons Combi which has spare connections I’m toying with the idea of an ibc and use the spare on the drum👍
When keeping fry in floating nets over time the holes in the netting stays to clog which then in turn stops the water from being refreshed which then turns the water toxic that's why the breeders are constantly moving their fry from one net to another so they can keep them clean thus being able to more fry living if that makes sense mate 👍👍👍
It's been a while since I have bred Goldie's and koi, neat concept, understand the situation., I. Usually move the spawning mop to a smaller container, to me it's much more easier to care for. As they grow the container gradually increase, your setup up it kool and I am so loving it. Nice work. Did you actually see the dead fry in the container? The thing is , some fry will grow faster than others, the larger ones usually consume the smaller once, as a result , the fry population will look decrease in number. It's a great idea to separate fries in batches. These batches are based on their individual size.
@@projectkoi7822 that's a bit of a tough one to answer as depends on the breed ie showa, sanke etc etc I have had excellent results from all 3 which is why I continue to go back to them but I had to pick one then it would have to be Adam Byer Koi Farm and that's not just because we help out there on occasions but the growth that is tied with quality as they grow I have 4 fish in the main pond that have all come from Adams and was spawned last year and are now 30cm + @ just over 1 year old and the quality is out of this world and is only going to get better 👍👍👍
Hi mate had the same problem with my fry I got 250 from new frost koi and they had costia then I got some more from Adam buyer and I lots loads of them I think it is bad bacteria I ct them for 4 day and now iv not lost any more I think you should ct them not salt mate
I got fry from new forest 25 days ago mate and when they got here there was one bead so I put him on the mic and had costia on him so I look at londs more and they all had It mate so have a look iv had Loads diy
I had 250 from new forest a month a go and they were full of Costia treated but still lost about half of them and they ain’t doing to well have found fluke on some as well
Yer thay are bad mate I got them to send more for free thay are all still alive and clean off anything get on to them it not right for them to send them like that
Love how you have the plumbing mate spot on . Looking forward to watching them progress 👌👍
Cheers pal, I'm a bit OCD with stuff like that lol
@@projectkoi7822 I'm the complete opposite 🤣 I wish I was a bit neater tbh
Looking good, nice idea to use the nexus, I’ve got a Burtons Combi which has spare connections I’m toying with the idea of an ibc and use the spare on the drum👍
May aswell mate. How do you rate the Burton's drums? I'm thinking of upgrading to one next year
@@projectkoi7822 think they are very good, plug and play , water is crystal clear👍👍👍
Looking good. You ve done well there running them both from the Nexus.
Cheers Lau, yeah the nexus wil be more than capable to filter both. Lot of messing around to get it right but up and running now
When keeping fry in floating nets over time the holes in the netting stays to clog which then in turn stops the water from being refreshed which then turns the water toxic that's why the breeders are constantly moving their fry from one net to another so they can keep them clean thus being able to more fry living if that makes sense mate 👍👍👍
Yeah I noticed that they was really gunked up mate that's why I want to get them so badly into the IBC.
It's been a while since I have bred Goldie's and koi, neat concept, understand the situation., I. Usually move the spawning mop to a smaller container, to me it's much more easier to care for. As they grow the container gradually increase, your setup up it kool and I am so loving it. Nice work. Did you actually see the dead fry in the container? The thing is , some fry will grow faster than others, the larger ones usually consume the smaller once, as a result , the fry population will look decrease in number. It's a great idea to separate fries in batches. These batches are based on their individual size.
Hi pal, sorry to hear of your problems hope you get it sorted soon ,system is looking good.George
Cheers George
You going put a video up this weekend I would like to no how the fry are getting on mate
Yes will try get it up later on if not tomorrow
Great Update - Have you tested the Dissolved Oxygen levels in the IBC
Have you seen our fry tanks and pond mate as we've been growing Adams, new forest and cuttlebrook koi for a few years now
I'll check them out buddy. Who's fry do you like best?
@@projectkoi7822 that's a bit of a tough one to answer as depends on the breed ie showa, sanke etc etc I have had excellent results from all 3 which is why I continue to go back to them but I had to pick one then it would have to be Adam Byer Koi Farm and that's not just because we help out there on occasions but the growth that is tied with quality as they grow I have 4 fish in the main pond that have all come from Adams and was spawned last year and are now 30cm + @ just over 1 year old and the quality is out of this world and is only going to get better 👍👍👍
I got more coming today from new forest for free mate get on to them if thay got the costia
Hi mate had the same problem with my fry I got 250 from new frost koi and they had costia then I got some more from Adam buyer and I lots loads of them I think it is bad bacteria I ct them for 4 day and now iv not lost any more I think you should ct them not salt mate
Do you mean chloramine t yer I did formalin on my ones and new forest to send me new ones mate it's a joke
Is chloramine t safe to use on fry?
@@laurenbyrom6026 how did you get on after you used formalin?
Yer thay are all good now mate did urs have it on them then mate
Yes mate ct is safe with koi fry
How are ur fish what's going on mate
Videos just uploading at the minute, should be live in 20 minutes.
Sweet mate nice one I might be the 1st to see it then
I got fry from new forest 25 days ago mate and when they got here there was one bead so I put him on the mic and had costia on him so I look at londs more and they all had It mate so have a look iv had Loads diy
Oooo! That's interesting to know. Will have to have a check tomorrow.
@@projectkoi7822 yer I would mate thay had some chilladonella to mate
I had 250 from new forest a month a go and they were full of Costia treated but still lost about half of them and they ain’t doing to well have found fluke on some as well
Yer thay are bad mate I got them to send more for free thay are all still alive and clean off anything get on to them it not right for them to send them like that
Let me know how you get on mate with new forest thay did my new ones straight away so thay must of new there was no argument over it
If you get costia heat your koi up to 30 degrees I did to my fry and it killed them with in 24 hours they can't live over 28 degrees