wouldn’t underground be a third lane? not saying it’s a good one, i think vertically spaced lanes are generally a problem w cod maps but it would be a third one no?
Please stop. They already removed Rewind, one of the better Hardpoint maps. We dont need another good map taken out of ranked. Ranked play will die if its just protocol , red card , and vault. We need way more maps in rotation.
Skyline isn’t a three lane map. It’s barely a two lane map
Skyline isnt a fake 3 lane map. Its a 2 lane map. Pool side, and Kitchen side
wouldn’t underground be a third lane? not saying it’s a good one, i think vertically spaced lanes are generally a problem w cod maps but it would be a third one no?
Please stop. They already removed Rewind, one of the better Hardpoint maps. We dont need another good map taken out of ranked. Ranked play will die if its just protocol , red card , and vault. We need way more maps in rotation.
Skyline is a bad Hardpoint map. Protocol should’ve been the first to go over rewind.
agreed, but im guessing more remastered map will come back and fill the map pool
If we’re going off of what maps are good or bad, we would t have any maps left. I’d rather have more bad maps than less bad maps
Spawns are just atrocious