سلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته اذكروا الله وصلوا على سيدنا الحبيب المصطفى محمد اللهم صلِ على سيدنا محمد و على آله وصحبه كما صليت على سيدنا ابراهيم وعلى آل سيدنا ابراهيم في العالمين انك حميد مجيد❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ياحي ياقيوم برحمتك استغيث اصلح لي شأني كله ولا تكلني الى نفسي طرفة عين❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ اللهم اغفر للمؤمنين و المؤمنات و المسلمين و المسلمات الاحياء منهم و الاموات🌹❤️ ظ في حديث رواه مسلم في الصحيح: ثلاثة لا يكلمهم الله ولا ينظر إليهم يوم القيامة ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: المسبل إزاره، والمنان فيما أعطى، والمنفق سلعته بالحلف الكاذب، هذا من باب الوعيد عند أهل السنة والجماعة ليسوا كفاراً بل من باب الوعيد والتحذير والترهيب، المسبل يدل على أنه كبيرة من الكبائر، والمنان في العطية الله جل وعلا قال: لا تُبْطِلُوا صَدَقَاتِكُمْ بِالْمَنِّ وَالأَذَى [البقرة:264]، والمنفق سلعته بالحلف الكاذب، اللي يقول: والله إنها علي بكذا، والله إني شريتها بكذا، والله إنها ...... بكذا وهو يكذب حتى ينفقها يمشيها ويأكل أموال الناس بالباطل هذا وعيد شديد يدل على أن هذا من الكبائر من كبائر الذنوب مثل الحديث الآخر: ثلاث لا يكلمهم الله ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: شيخ زاني -شيخ شايب- وملك كذاب، وعائل مستكبر، هذا يدل على أن الزنا مع الشيخوخة مع كبر السن يكون أعظم من الزنا في الشباب أكبر إثماً، وهكذا الملك الكذاب إثمه أكثر؛ لأنه قد أعطاه الله الملك وأغناه الله عن الكذب فما الحاجة للكذب، وعائل مستكبر مع فقره يستكبر، الغني قد يحمله الغنى لكن هذا مع كونه فقير يستكبر هذا يدل على أن الكبر طبيعة له وسجية له نعوذ بالله فاشتد بهذا إثمه نسأل الله العافية لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله. نعم. المقدم: جزاكم الله خيراً سماحة الشيخ.
This has to be your best work today. The Cinematic shots, and low angles of the combat and death really bring this video to life. I was completely blown away by the downed Soldier spreading his arms out and dying, with the soldier being shot down right after. Excellent work my friend!
It died already in 1390s. The portuguese were one of the first tô fight with their knights dismounted in Europe, the first would have been the dutch when they fought the french in Courtrai in 1346, if im not mistaken
Great work, arrow damage seems throttled a bit high here :). In real battle most of French knights were able to reach enemy lines alive, including their commander. And... Battle of Varna please!
not most knights made it, the cavalry was routed and killed many of their own infantry while retreating, then the french heavy infantry advanced, but were bogged in the muddy ground, so they moved very slowly, after a few hours even the yeomen(english archers) joined the fray
I think you are talking about the English left flank here, there a group of a somewhat worrying size managed to reach the english but were quickly defeated because the Brits were able to use troops from their right flank, where the french cavalry had been almost completely annihilated by English arrows.
bütün videolarına bayıldım dostum gerçekten şu oyundan resmen şaheserler çıkarıyorsun...Ama bu savaş bir başka olmuş gerçekten...müziklerle birlikte özellikle 6.dakikadan sonrası tüyler tiken tiken...tekrar tekrar tebrikler ve teşekkürler emeklerin için :)
Wow is amazing, Im doing my own Angicourt with Ad 1212, but this is my first projetc. Watching your video show me that there is a long road ahead for me.
4:54 that is officially the strongest man to ever grace this Earth, no only did he stab straight through plate armor with the entire head of a mace, he stabbed straight through the person and out the back with minimum momentum and not a single sign of struggling to get it through.
Hocam bu savaşla ilgili yorumlara birşeyler belki yazmamışinizdir diye bir kaç bilgi gircektim ama ingilizce bir sekilde gerekenleri yazmissiniz zaten gayet guzel ve basarili ellerinize saglik 🙏🙏
Just some little notes: first, most of the french missile units were crossbowmen from Genova; second, i saw some english elite archers (those in red) with the Tudor Rose, wich is historically inacurate, since it only appeared with Henry VII Tudor after the war of the Roses; third the commander of the French army was a general, the King wasn't present; and at last the English King came to the Battlefield on his horse but when reaching the front line he dismounted it to fight alongside his men, if you could do this it would bem awesome since it boltered the English morale. Beside this it was a awesome battle and a even better video. Thanks for your effort!
I love this man! im a huge history buff. and i always see and hear people talking about the battle of Agincourt and they start off by saying the battle itself was won because of infighting on the french side. but never ever give the English longbowmen the spot light or the weather that wasn't good at all for cavalry. keep up the great work! if you haven't already done the Siege of Jerusalem. id love to see what you could do!!
There is all the same a part of truth. Henry V's real motivation to invade France was to establish his contested legitimacy in England by taking over the old claim of Edward III to unify the two crowns. France then seemed to him a vulnerable prey: its king Charles VI was subject to mental disorders and two rival factions - the Armagnacs and the Burgundians - tore themselves apart to control the country. What neither Shakespeare talks about in his play, nor the Netflix movie "The King" ...
In this battle, the French cavalry and the infantry had difficulty in advancing against the English line which had the advantage of the ground, the English were on the defensive at the top of a hill while the French had difficulty in going up in top of it due to the sloping ground is muddy because of the recent rain, the soldiers in heavy armor sink into the mud which was several centimeters, the cavalry cannot make a correct charge, blocked and harassed from all sides by the English archers hide in the forest behind wooden stakes stopping any attempt to charge for the cavalry, the English men-at-arms descend the hill at the end of the battle in order to execute the survivors and the prisoners whatever they are from noble lineage or not were massacred, slaughtered, hanged, locked up in barns which were set on fire, because the kings Henry V was a real psychopath who forbids these soldiers to try to keep any prisoner alive, on pain of to see her hear or her eye tear off.
@@thibskywalker4450 the film "The King" is a very romanticized film, the film supposedly historical, is actually extremely false, many things are stupid in such a way as to ridicule the French and this film is not historical in many respects
Great video! I would suggest you to make a video about Battle of Crecy, it is also from 100 years war and English won if im not mistaken but interesting detail is that at the end of the battle King of Bohemia (at that time fully blind) who supported the French, did a last charge where he also died. So it would nice to see this detail that not many people include when making video about this battle.
I get that the English longbowmen were put on highest experience level for this machinima but arrow volleys still would do only minimal damage to fully armored knights. Hope the modders adress that :P In the actual battle French knights only wore half-plates and cuirasses and were far less armored than here. Their horses were also not armored. At least not covered in plates.
LKVideos unfortunately, it's very, very difficult to replicate the effects of a full plate harness in games, especially in total war games where things like arrows play such a massive role in defeating an enemy, giving a force projectile immunity and high armour is a recipe for disaster in a game like that
Love your videos of actual historical battles, but the archers (@ 1:52) with the red vests have the Tudor Rose on them; and this would not come into being until the late 15th century, with the marriage of Henry Tudor/'King Henry VII' to 'Elizabeth of York', combining the red Lancastrian Rose with the white Yorkist rose; signifying the reunification of the two houses, and the end of the 'Wars of the Roses'. Nothing that ruins the video or anything, just an interesting fact.
Interesting fact : the losses at agincourt were estimated at about 10,000 men on a front hundreds of yards wide , D-Day 1944 on a 50 mile wide front and with modern weapons machine guns , grenades , flame throwers , tanks , planes etc etc the losses were about the same 10,000
Thanks a lot mate! :) Actually these are not from the replay but from the actual custom battle, replays do not work with mods so I have to record it during the game and If I can not manage to do that I'm starting the game again and again till it's over.. :)
Oh and the game looks great with the touch ups as well. One thing i might ad ig you dont mind is making the smoke from the arrows landing half the size they are to look more like dirt getting flung up than gun powder going off.
They are cool but if they make medieval better have a new ones cause all these guys getting sword in the stomach while in plate is just stupid and unrealistic
Did you have any issues with loading the replay? Is that how you get your scenes? I tried to load a replay to work on a video with the Rise of Mordor mod. I had no luck. It kept crashing. So just using the base game with some small mods for Attila.
Have a question. All the mods listed in the description the ones you used? The spacing between Everyone seems great. That's why I'm asking. Did you just Click on the group spacing button or is there a mod used to space everyone out a bit instead of Everyone being so clustered up during battle
Perfect, this is absolutly the best agincourt reenactment i ever seen, if i can,i would make another question, how do you record these scenes of the battles to make these beautiful works?
Wonderfull, i Think i Will try something with the reenactment of the battle of Gisors 1198, Richard the Lionherat, or you could to this ,will be a pearl in your cinematic battle list, is not known like agincourt, hattin or other battles but have an important historical aspect , was the first time where an english King and an France one met in the same battlefield, for some historicians this battle was the prelude of hundred years war
well the english between 6000 and 9000, and the french between 12000 and 36000, my bad. Still a hard loss for the french, but they needed that to realize charging archers on horseback was sorta outdated. It's ironic that a humiliating defeat probably helped them win the war
Dostum videolarını çekmek için oyunun kendi dinamiklerini mi kullanıyorsun yoksa kullandığın bir program var mı? Dude, are you using the original dynamic of the game or are you using any other program?
what they should really add tot the nixt big historic total war. like total war medieval 3. Is compistion of the ground, snowy or muddy ground that handicaps in fighting would be great!
One of the most beautiful things of this video, are te araldics, for example I have watch an English withe the De Veré araldics... And Wow I love this video
Not sure about this one... I think the number of arrows in the air at any one moment meant that some found their target, But... an arrow (even the Bodkin), would not penetrate plate armour. The conditions were in Henry's favour having deployed his men at the foot of a freshly ploughed field, between two woods, secondly, it had been raining all night which meant that the ground was less than perfect, and would play a key role in the outcome of the battle.
Well that was one of my oldest videos and I had to increase the arrow damage to record it easily, I just increased too much and it went this way, I mean, you might be right! :) I'm planning to cover this battle in the future with better graphics and tactics. :) (Also I can't do something for the terrain, the game does not allow me to change it but still I'll try to work on it....)
@@NedimCanIncebay Ah yes, for sure it was a great video put together, as was the other i watched, I play MKTW, love it and look forward to the next update. I have worked on mods in the past, AWI Mod doing skins and historical researches well as NTW and RTW. Look forward to seeing your next Video.
That's a mace, and I'm pretty sure he bonked his nuts so hard, his predecessors flinched all at once.
Если бы мечом проткнул, было бы страннее)
@@baronprocrastination1722 Exactly
You think that's impressive? Another dude full on impaled a dude with a mace while on his back at 4:54
The cinematic quality of these videos continues to get so much better. Well done
سلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته اذكروا الله وصلوا على سيدنا الحبيب المصطفى محمد اللهم صلِ على سيدنا محمد و على آله وصحبه كما صليت على سيدنا ابراهيم وعلى آل سيدنا ابراهيم في العالمين انك حميد مجيد❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ياحي ياقيوم برحمتك استغيث اصلح لي شأني كله ولا تكلني الى نفسي طرفة عين❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ اللهم اغفر للمؤمنين و المؤمنات و المسلمين و المسلمات الاحياء منهم و الاموات🌹❤️ ظ في حديث رواه مسلم في الصحيح: ثلاثة لا يكلمهم الله ولا ينظر إليهم يوم القيامة ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: المسبل إزاره، والمنان فيما أعطى، والمنفق سلعته بالحلف الكاذب، هذا من باب الوعيد عند أهل السنة والجماعة ليسوا كفاراً بل من باب الوعيد والتحذير والترهيب، المسبل يدل على أنه كبيرة من الكبائر، والمنان في العطية الله جل وعلا قال: لا تُبْطِلُوا صَدَقَاتِكُمْ بِالْمَنِّ وَالأَذَى [البقرة:264]، والمنفق سلعته بالحلف الكاذب، اللي يقول: والله إنها علي بكذا، والله إني شريتها بكذا، والله إنها ...... بكذا وهو يكذب حتى ينفقها يمشيها ويأكل أموال الناس بالباطل هذا وعيد شديد يدل على أن هذا من الكبائر من كبائر الذنوب مثل الحديث الآخر: ثلاث لا يكلمهم الله ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: شيخ زاني -شيخ شايب- وملك كذاب، وعائل مستكبر، هذا يدل على أن الزنا مع الشيخوخة مع كبر السن يكون أعظم من الزنا في الشباب أكبر إثماً، وهكذا الملك الكذاب إثمه أكثر؛ لأنه قد أعطاه الله الملك وأغناه الله عن الكذب فما الحاجة للكذب، وعائل مستكبر مع فقره يستكبر، الغني قد يحمله الغنى لكن هذا مع كونه فقير يستكبر هذا يدل على أن الكبر طبيعة له وسجية له نعوذ بالله فاشتد بهذا إثمه نسأل الله العافية لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله. نعم. المقدم: جزاكم الله خيراً سماحة الشيخ.
Im an Englishman and im proud of my countrymen who fought and won this battle..
This has to be your best work today. The Cinematic shots, and low angles of the combat and death really bring this video to life. I was completely blown away by the downed Soldier spreading his arms out and dying, with the soldier being shot down right after. Excellent work my friend!
yeah in the eyes of a injured solider who lost its arm in the battlefield but still seeing the horrors he got in
The battle that forever ended chivalry on the battle field...
No, the battle of the golden spurs in 1346 did
It died already in 1390s. The portuguese were one of the first tô fight with their knights dismounted in Europe, the first would have been the dutch when they fought the french in Courtrai in 1346, if im not mistaken
Varangian Guard that happened far before, the Swiss were using militia armies around the 14th century, with the famous pike squares
Varangian Guard, the beast of the Greeks (except the Spartans of course)
I like too ;D
Wow the combat in this video was spectacular!!! I was surprised with the variety of battle animations. That was such an amazing video
5:14 no mercy loved it
6:11 DAMN
Commander Cody execute order 66
Impaled on a mace!
guts spilled everywhere BLYAHH
the war scene was very dramatic an cinematic. what a superb editing man!
Great work, arrow damage seems throttled a bit high here :). In real battle most of French knights were able to reach enemy lines alive, including their commander. And... Battle of Varna please!
@@NedimCanIncebay please do it fast
not most knights made it, the cavalry was routed and killed many of their own infantry while retreating, then the french heavy infantry advanced, but were bogged in the muddy ground, so they moved very slowly, after a few hours even the yeomen(english archers) joined the fray
I think you are talking about the English left flank here, there a group of a somewhat worrying size managed to reach the english but were quickly defeated because the Brits were able to use troops from their right flank, where the french cavalry had been almost completely annihilated by English arrows.
they were using armor piercing arrows lol
Saatlerce üzerinde uğraşılıp aşk ve emekle yapılan bu inanılmaz videoyu bende 10dk boyunca büyük bir hayranlıkla izledim. Helal olsun.
Well damn we got Hercules over here stabbing people with a mace
bütün videolarına bayıldım dostum gerçekten şu oyundan resmen şaheserler çıkarıyorsun...Ama bu savaş bir başka olmuş gerçekten...müziklerle birlikte özellikle 6.dakikadan sonrası tüyler tiken tiken...tekrar tekrar tebrikler ve teşekkürler emeklerin için :)
Medieval Kingdoms Total War 1212 AD has such potential for nice Machinima Movies. Keep doing this stuff ;)
Wow is amazing, Im doing my own Angicourt with Ad 1212, but this is my first projetc. Watching your video show me that there is a long road ahead for me.
The music! Superbly matching it to the mood of the shots and using it to mark the acts of the video. How are you finding these amazing tracks?
Better battle scenes than. The king am i right cody
since when can an axe stab through a throat xD
some axes have a BIG spike, that would be logic, some of them the rest are weird 0-o
“...And that’s how I met the French Crown, son...”
Henry V
until my retarded son lost it
4:54 that is officially the strongest man to ever grace this Earth, no only did he stab straight through plate armor with the entire head of a mace, he stabbed straight through the person and out the back with minimum momentum and not a single sign of struggling to get it through.
Dude, this is an amazing work ! I could spend hours watching your videos
Thanks a lot mate, I'm so grateful for that. I hope you like the other ones too! :)
Hocam bu savaşla ilgili yorumlara birşeyler belki yazmamışinizdir diye bir kaç bilgi gircektim ama ingilizce bir sekilde gerekenleri yazmissiniz zaten gayet guzel ve basarili ellerinize saglik 🙏🙏
Just some little notes: first, most of the french missile units were crossbowmen from Genova; second, i saw some english elite archers (those in red) with the Tudor Rose, wich is historically inacurate, since it only appeared with Henry VII Tudor after the war of the Roses; third the commander of the French army was a general, the King wasn't present; and at last the English King came to the Battlefield on his horse but when reaching the front line he dismounted it to fight alongside his men, if you could do this it would bem awesome since it boltered the English morale. Beside this it was a awesome battle and a even better video. Thanks for your effort!
times like these is why im proud to have English blood running through my veins
I like how they are treating the maces and axes like they are the Roman Gladius
"The bodies he buried that day... laid the foundation for what we are now."
I want see the battle of Formingny and Castillon
And patay
I love this man! im a huge history buff. and i always see and hear people talking about the battle of Agincourt and they start off by saying the battle itself was won because of infighting on the french side. but never ever give the English longbowmen the spot light or the weather that wasn't good at all for cavalry. keep up the great work! if you haven't already done the Siege of Jerusalem. id love to see what you could do!!
There is all the same a part of truth.
Henry V's real motivation to invade France was to establish his contested legitimacy in England by taking over the old claim of Edward III to unify the two crowns. France then seemed to him a vulnerable prey: its king Charles VI was subject to mental disorders and two rival factions - the Armagnacs and the Burgundians - tore themselves apart to control the country. What neither Shakespeare talks about in his play, nor the Netflix movie "The King" ...
In this battle, the French cavalry and the infantry had difficulty in advancing against the English line which had the advantage of the ground, the English were on the defensive at the top of a hill while the French had difficulty in going up in top of it due to the sloping ground is muddy because of the recent rain, the soldiers in heavy armor sink into the mud which was several centimeters, the cavalry cannot make a correct charge, blocked and harassed from all sides by the English archers hide in the forest behind wooden stakes stopping any attempt to charge for the cavalry, the English men-at-arms descend the hill at the end of the battle in order to execute the survivors and the prisoners whatever they are from noble lineage or not were massacred, slaughtered, hanged, locked up in barns which were set on fire, because the kings Henry V was a real psychopath who forbids these soldiers to try to keep any prisoner alive, on pain of to see her hear or her eye tear off.
@@thibskywalker4450 the film "The King" is a very romanticized film, the film supposedly historical, is actually extremely false, many things are stupid in such a way as to ridicule the French and this film is not historical in many respects
Holy mother of animations! This is awesome!!!!
Could you make more battles from A Song of Ice and Fire lore? :D
This isn't animated. It is Total War Attila
en 1429 près d' Orléans à Patay la cavalerie française a anéanti les archers Anglais une fois pour toute !
il leur a fallu assez longtemps
@pAtRiCk StAr Cocherel (1364) and Pontvaillain (1370)
Clueless American here. What is the Frenchman saying
@@CainEverest He say that the french cavalery had destroyed the english in 1429 in Patay, a city close to Orléans.
@@Djcraft88 ahhhh... thanks for the translation
And Castillon?^^
Great video from France
( I'm sad when I see a video on Agincourt but it's a great video)
"We few. We happy few. We band of brothers. For he that sheds his blood with me today shall be my brother."
you know that you're just quoting Shakespeare's version right
Wow this has got to be one of your best. Great job mate.
6:12 minute, I'm shocked from now on
Calvary Commander: Who was our Armor blacksmith again?
nice video you have lot talent. it is like watching an Hollywood movie didn't even know that total war simulate it so weel the fight.
Great video! I would suggest you to make a video about Battle of Crecy, it is also from 100 years war and English won if im not mistaken but interesting detail is that at the end of the battle King of Bohemia (at that time fully blind) who supported the French, did a last charge where he also died. So it would nice to see this detail that not many people include when making video about this battle.
I get that the English longbowmen were put on highest experience level for this machinima but arrow volleys still would do only minimal damage to fully armored knights. Hope the modders adress that :P
In the actual battle French knights only wore half-plates and cuirasses and were far less armored than here. Their horses were also not armored. At least not covered in plates.
@@NedimCanIncebay I have to thank you for creatuing such awesome machinima ! :)
LKVideos unfortunately, it's very, very difficult to replicate the effects of a full plate harness in games, especially in total war games where things like arrows play such a massive role in defeating an enemy, giving a force projectile immunity and high armour is a recipe for disaster in a game like that
Там грузины тоже сражались
Spartans would get really salty at this.
3 years and no reply let me. Fix this
7:14 my man just dropped his pike and attempted to sock a dude. Bless him
damn, you keep getting better every new video (y)
Great job this is awesome
Gorgeous work. The last part was really moving.
I love all your videos! Great job!
Love your videos of actual historical battles, but the archers (@ 1:52) with the red vests have the Tudor Rose on them; and this would not come into being until the late 15th century, with the marriage of Henry Tudor/'King Henry VII' to 'Elizabeth of York', combining the red Lancastrian Rose with the white Yorkist rose; signifying the reunification of the two houses, and the end of the 'Wars of the Roses'. Nothing that ruins the video or anything, just an interesting fact.
The armour portrayed in this video is about half a century later than what would have actually been used at this time anyway
Really good man !👏👏
Fantastic Video!I am trying something similar but not of this quality!Keep the great work!
Interesting fact : the losses at agincourt were estimated at about 10,000 men on a front hundreds of yards wide , D-Day 1944 on a 50 mile wide front and with modern weapons machine guns , grenades , flame throwers , tanks , planes etc etc the losses were about the same 10,000
Do you guys know how many time he/she probably had to watch the replay over and over again just to get these cinematics. Nice job
Thanks a lot mate! :) Actually these are not from the replay but from the actual custom battle, replays do not work with mods so I have to record it during the game and If I can not manage to do that I'm starting the game again and again till it's over.. :)
Nedim Can Incebay yeah it must take forever to finish these plus all the editing too
The fighting animations in this are beast! Need to be incorporated into CA Total War Games. ALL OF THEM!
Oh and the game looks great with the touch ups as well. One thing i might ad ig you dont mind is making the smoke from the arrows landing half the size they are to look more like dirt getting flung up than gun powder going off.
They are cool but if they make medieval better have a new ones cause all these guys getting sword in the stomach while in plate is just stupid and unrealistic
Great work🙌 proud of you 💪
wow nice video! continue the great work
Another great cinematic with awesome and perfectly fit music with it.
A dumb ad came on and interrupted at like the best part :\ (not ur fault)
Wow, great job! Please make "Battle of Bastards"!
This is pure class, Great job
Did you notice dukes noblemen,
Princes and kings die in these
Battles,I guess our high ups like
Staying home where it's safe
4:54 According to medieval historians, one of the worst ways to die is to be completely run through by a blunt mace.
Emeğine sağlık dostum harika olmuş(Haşim Demir)
Seviliyorsun dostum❤️
Realy best cinematic i ever seen
Sick work. This is movie quality
The more I watch your videos the more impressed I am. Do you collaborate with anyone yet on projects?
Your videos are the best 👏🏻👍🏻
Wow absolutly mind blown...
That was so fucking Epic man
Did you have any issues with loading the replay? Is that how you get your scenes? I tried to load a replay to work on a video with the Rise of Mordor mod. I had no luck. It kept crashing. So just using the base game with some small mods for Attila.
Great job as always
jesus christ what mod did you use for the battle animation? the best ive ever seen!
Great stuff, Henry was a badass... shame about his son, though.
Have a question. All the mods listed in the description the ones you used? The spacing between Everyone seems great. That's why I'm asking. Did you just Click on the group spacing button or is there a mod used to space everyone out a bit instead of Everyone being so clustered up during battle
Awesome cinematic!
Perfect, this is absolutly the best agincourt reenactment i ever seen, if i can,i would make another question, how do you record these scenes of the battles to make these beautiful works?
Wonderfull, i Think i Will try something with the reenactment of the battle of Gisors 1198, Richard the Lionherat, or you could to this ,will be a pearl in your cinematic battle list, is not known like agincourt, hattin or other battles but have an important historical aspect , was the first time where an english King and an France one met in the same battlefield, for some historicians this battle was the prelude of hundred years war
I'd like to do something like these cinematic reenactment about that battle and show you the work compleated, how can I do?
I see it like a film. But the action is more better. I never thought that I will see such great work as BATTLE OF AGINCOURT by Nedim Can Incebay.
The english were outnumbered 6:1 and they only lost 112 men. Those were some tough brittons!!
they were 6000 against 18000, that's 3 to 1 :)
randomguy no there were 6000 english and 30000-36000 french.
well the english between 6000 and 9000, and the french between 12000 and 36000, my bad. Still a hard loss for the french, but they needed that to realize charging archers on horseback was sorta outdated. It's ironic that a humiliating defeat probably helped them win the war
And I think they were: Get rekt son!
They were led by French nobility ;)
One of my favourite history battles and you did it perfectly.I really apreciate that youre doing this...
I'm so glad for the comment, thanks a lot! :)
Helal olsun muhteşem olmuş m2tw deki günlerim aklıma geldi
Bloody Total War, one does not 'fire' a bow!!!
A better Agincourt Historic movie than "the king"
medieval gatling gun. must have taken balls of steel to approach that no man's land where you may take several arrows to the knee any second.
these animations are fucking beautiful
‘The English have done this to us with their archers every time for the last 100 years - I reckon it’ll be different this time boys - chaaaarrrrge’.
Nothing like the battle of Agincourt.
You know what you are doin' bruh. Başarılar kardeşim.
Dostum videolarını çekmek için oyunun kendi dinamiklerini mi kullanıyorsun yoksa kullandığın bir program var mı? Dude, are you using the original dynamic of the game or are you using any other program?
Teşekkürler umarım ileride büyük projelere de imza atarsın, bir çok yönetmenden daha iyisin resmen.
The CHAD Henry V fights with a mace. He's like a skinnier Robert Baratheon.
Great battle👍💪
Continue the good work
l really loved your videos pleas keep going
Is there a combat mod or just the 1212 ad mod you're using? I've never seen some of those animations. By the way beautiful.
what they should really add tot the nixt big historic total war. like total war medieval 3. Is compistion of the ground, snowy or muddy ground that handicaps in fighting would be great!
Great video!
Ох.енное рубилово! It's the best video!
One of the most beautiful things of this video, are te araldics, for example I have watch an English withe the De Veré araldics... And Wow I love this video
At 8:45 the dude gave up after where that arrow got em. Check it out
which Total War is this? Also were there mods used?
Total war Attila with mod medieval kingdoms 1212 AD
All the blood and guts! Lol excellent!!!
Thanks a lot! :)
@@NedimCanIncebay Your welcome, great clip..
Great as always.
Is this possible to play on pirate version?
Not sure about this one... I think the number of arrows in the air at any one moment meant that some found their target, But... an arrow (even the Bodkin), would not penetrate plate armour. The conditions were in Henry's favour having deployed his men at the foot of a freshly ploughed field, between two woods, secondly, it had been raining all night which meant that the ground was less than perfect, and would play a key role in the outcome of the battle.
Well that was one of my oldest videos and I had to increase the arrow damage to record it easily, I just increased too much and it went this way, I mean, you might be right! :) I'm planning to cover this battle in the future with better graphics and tactics. :) (Also I can't do something for the terrain, the game does not allow me to change it but still I'll try to work on it....)
@@NedimCanIncebay Ah yes, for sure it was a great video put together, as was the other i watched, I play MKTW, love it and look forward to the next update. I have worked on mods in the past, AWI Mod doing skins and historical researches well as NTW and RTW. Look forward to seeing your next Video.
his weapon dissappeared 7:13
Oh, that's gotta hurt!!!