ሰላም ወንድሜ ከዚህ ጋር ባይያያዝም የ LULC Land scape Composition indices 1. NP number of patches 2.PD Patch density 3. LPI largest patch index 4. AI Agregate index እነዚህን ለመስራተ ፈልጌ Patch Analaysis tool አታሁት ፈለጌ አርክ ላይ እና እንዴት ነው ማግኘት የሚችለው
Patch Analyst is a valuable extension for ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap that helps you analyze the spatial patterns of landscape patches. you have to ddownload the plugin first.
ሰላም ወንድሜ ከዚህ ጋር ባይያያዝም የ LULC Land scape Composition indices
1. NP number of patches
2.PD Patch density
3. LPI largest patch index
4. AI Agregate index እነዚህን ለመስራተ ፈልጌ Patch Analaysis tool አታሁት ፈለጌ አርክ ላይ እና እንዴት ነው ማግኘት የሚችለው
Patch Analyst is a valuable extension for ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap that helps you analyze the spatial patterns of landscape patches. you have to ddownload the plugin first.
salam sir,
In my QGIS there is no option of let lon tool(Zoom to coordinates), plz sir guide me.
Download the plug in
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