Metin2: Product Director interviewed
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
- In March 2016 the german RUclipsr ".Kureo aka SlowDmG" interviewed the Product Director of Metin2. A lot of questions out of his user base were answered. Finally we have a version with English subtitles ready for you. Enjoy!
Interview done by ".Kureo aka SlowDmG"
/ slowdmgx
Free 2 Play game?
Lots of Laughs xDD
If you are not NOOB you can be among elites without investing anything to it... But it takes time tho and the attribute of not being a noob...
I agree with Team Lara ;)
Team Lara are you smoking beer or something? Good luck winning PvP against someone who paid for enchantments. And please dont say you can buy enchanted/attributed gear on the market, cause you cant. No one sells equipment with best enchantments/attributes. You are not going to buy a item that cost someone literally over 1000 euro to make.
@@wman3631 You must be high or something. You can't be elite in Metin2 without investing tons of money. You can't get the best equipment with just yang since nobody sells the top tier stuff, and there's no access to item shop buffs for a regular player. Metin2 was never fair for free 2 play players. The only Metin2 to ever be friendly to F2P is Metin2 Singapore, since it lets you farm most of the essential item shop stuff and allow you to compete with actual item shop junkies that way. Gameforge/Webzen would never ever allow for something like that lol.
Ce canapea frumoasa si-a luat din banii de la RO
I really love this game. I am playing it 8 years and i paid +/- 100 € only. It takes a time but i dont care. Now metin2 is something like facebook. We are not playing but just chatting with old friends. We really want to see new metin3. Please do it ! I dont care that i will be waiting a lot of years. Just say you are working on it and i will be happy !!! DONT LET THIS GAME DIE !!!!!!!!!
The thing is that you guys started copying pserver systems and that is not nice. You started learning from them how to deal with the community and now you attack their videos and other stuff like that. Metin2 lives because of the pservers, your "official" game got very boring at a certain point ;).
Wenn Metin2 DE wieder Erfolgreicher mit Einnahmen und Spielerzahlen sein will, müssten sie lieber mal komplett alle derzeitgen alten Server auf DE die heute noch laufen vernichten und Metin2 als Projekt neu starten! Sei es Metin3 oder Metin2.0. Müssten sich (trauiger weise) mal Konzept mäßig an Pservers umschauen, weil solche es meist besser hinbekommen mit z.b. ein Rüstungs/Waffen-Transmogsystem, keine Alchemie, etc. etc.! Sie sollten sich anschauen wie Metin2 De am Anfang war und lief und sich davon wieder ne scheibe abschneiden! Viel kontent den sie die Jahre neu gebracht haben war für die Tonne und ein spaß killer. Also.. weniger ist mehr oder die Pserver bleiben die spitzen verdiener imgegensatz zur GF/webzen!
Stabil die Fragen beantwortet
God I remember playing this game before they added genders. the first time I upgraded my fms to +9 was awesome good times. Today I logged on to see how it's doing and it's sad cities are empty no players online.
Your account would be deleted if you didn't log in within 2years. Mine did.
wtf where are you playing? no Players O.o
All hackers will attack Gameforge every day
ich finde es gut das ihr jetzt youtube videos macht
Why can't Vouchers become a permanent feature in the Item Shop? It would battle the black market a great deal and it would prevent a lot of robbery. I've known a great deal of players that gave up playing the game because they were stolen through black market selling items or paysafecards
deci asta mi-a distrus mie Copilaria :))
nu el e creatorul, nici Gamforce. Ymir sunt, o firma din Coreea de Nord. astia sunt niste clovni de au cumparat jocul si l-au stricat.
It was a great game, 10 years ago, now you have to focus on a new game, not this shit of 2004, really.
Wie viel kostet denn eine Lizenz für zb 3 Jahre?
Also, is it true that Metin2 US is alot easier and economically lighter than Metin2 UK? I heard Soul Stones there sell for far less than in UK because they are easier to get, for example. Why is that?
+ I feel really bad for Gameforge. Webzen aren't even trying. With TERA and AION for example, GF eagerly anticipates and gets updates from Korean developers like Ncsoft and Bluehole (hence that is why Korean/Japanese game versions are always patches ahead), but with Metin2 it seems as GF has to develop their own projects to keep the game going. And they're focusing on the mobile platform, seriously? I went to their website and I didn't even see Metin2 featured under their games collection. In all honesty, GF should just buy Metin2 from them or put even more pressure onto them. Thanks for this interview.
Differences between UK and US are just up to different community's economy, not intended by us. Thanks for feedback! :-)
Hi, thanks for your feedback, but this is not completely right: if you create a support ticket another team (in DE) is taking care of it, not the regular team. We prove a lot of such requests, but sadly usually the measures/bans etc. are correct. If you can give me any concrete hints/cases, I will check. Best Tom
Metin2 P servers will not close .
Oddajcie buffy na szamciach kutafony
ich würde gerne metin 2 spielen ohne am anfang 100 euro reinzu hauen.
Will kein Tuorial sondern mehr free zeug am Anfang um den Start einfacher zu machen
But you can only spoke German
You have placed an unfair system
You must modify the alchemical
It is unfair the Blue
Break the magic (50%) @@@ sooooo bad
You do not you work hard to achieve our desires Or our pleasure
You just want our money
When you make the system extremely difficult
It is not fun
I'm from the Arabic server
and the okey Event is Horrible
It must be brought back to what it was
Or I will be one One of the hundreds Who will leave Metin 2 (I quit)
Try increasing the success rates to create the new armours and shoes....They are ridiculously low. Try this for a change: i will allow you to play on my metin2 account, try to forge any random armour or shoes, from scratch. You will see what i am talking about. Like if it is not enough, the drop itself for the main crafting items to create them is very low.
It's time for a new server every country
free 2 play :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD beste lüge haha
Hi Metin2
Could you tell me if I get on a mount while I wearing a Wedding suit (then my character will stand on the mount) is a bug usage/exploitation? Or just the local GM team arbitrarily threatens some player?
Because they are threatens with permanent ban if we get on mount with suit for a few second.
Thanks for your answer forward.
Hab Metin2 seit der Beta gespielt, nach fast 15 Jahren ist immer noch alles beim alten. Alles womit GameForge Geld verdienen kann oder verlieren könnte wird sofort geändert, alles andere dauert 2 Jahre... Good Job !
was eigentlich mit Singapur ? die haben ja auch keine Lizens, könnte der Server down geht durch eine "attacke" von webzen ?
Es geht nicht darum der beste zu sein, es geht darum auch mal weiter zu kommen. Unter 80 Blitz braucht man nichtmal Grotte sagen ...
direct ce am inteles eu,nu o sa apare metin3. o sa apara probabil anul viitor noi run-uri pentru lvl 15-35 si ca metin2 nu o sa se inchida in 2020 restu o sa inceapa sa ii tune pe astea cu serverele private mai ales pe youtubermani care filmeaza servere private o sa le inchida clipu,la noi in romania mai greu dar in germania deja se aplica asa ca, #listenupgameforge
vrei sa spui ca inchid privatele?
Sa nu apara Andreea Marin in cadru sa deschida iar emisiunea "Surprize Surprize" :) Apoi nu va mai fi "mai greu"
Ar fi cea mai simpla solutie sa inchida toate privatele sa fie mult mai multi jucatori pe official,si ar mai putea face tot pe serverul official sa se faca servere cu rata mai mare de crescut pt a atrage jucatori cei care jucau private easy sa nu se lase de metin :D:D
chiar daca s-ar inchide toate privatele, ce persoana cu capul pe umeri s-ar baga pe serverele gameforge ?
cea mai mare problema a jocului este foamea de bani, ar putea alege o metoda de joc care sa nu fie p2w si totodata sa faca si profit, poate chiar mai mare.
au ales o strategie proasta prin limitarea jucatorilor care nu baga bani.
cand metin2 nu va mai fi p2w 100% ma voi intoarce la el.
+NAMB3R sa se inchida Ro si sa se lase privatele asa, cel mai bine!
Kann mann iwann mal ein Privates Gespräch mit dir führen... ?
the best HalfOb :**
how do i get a hoodie like that?
xavi2488 you can make self xD.
Is easy and not a big price
Cat costa metin 2 Ro sa punem mana de la mana si sa il cumparam:))
it will happen if servers will close Metin2 P
Pepoles in Poland now hate , gameforge couz , we lost polish youtubers metin2 now , you can only wait 4 hate :3
give us arabic
There cannot be added translations for each and every language, therefore the international one was added. If you cannot understand either one of those (english/german), you can try your luck with the automatic translation of subtitle, provided by google. Go to "settings", "subtitles", "translate subtitles" and select your pref. language). More than this, sorry.. can't be done.
+HalfOp măi Half.. ce drq, cand jucam ro acu 5-6 ani era un joc super frumos, acu in 2016 arati chestia asta. sper sa se inchida ro odata ca numai putem, credene... ni sa facut scarba efectiv... vreti bani , numa bani , si recurgeti la orice mijloace...
allahu akbar
so are you arabian ?
No puedo CREARME UNA CUENTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You shameless scammers!
was das für ein depp jetzt macht er p server videos xDDDDD
astia se ocupa de metin2 dar habar n-au cu ce se mananca :))
Stai linistit ca stiu mai bine ca tine :))
Atata timp cat e jocul lor fac ce vor pl lor cu el
pai sa se ocupe de jocul lor. sa lase serverele private in pace sa ne putem juca si noi linistiti. nu pot forta jucatorii sa se joace pe ce au stricat ei. daca faceau o treaba calumea, stai linistit ca nu se mai juca nimeni pe private.
Multi joaca private ca pe ro leau esuat fms la +9 deci :))
+Ninja0Master Gabriel nu au cumpărat licența. plătesc 100k euro pe an pentru ea.
bir zehir kilicina 400 kutsama +900 ep +1 t para gidiyor ve 9 olmuyorsa istediginiz kadar devam edin .d oyunun sonu geldi . sw de para kalmadi kisir donguye girdi oyun acikliyayim hemen 1 petlere verilen itemler 2 kostumlere atilan efsunlar market den alinip ve arti basip gecmeyen itemler ve simyaya harcanan tonlarca paradan sonra kusursuz 5/2 simya gelmisi gibi ... boyle olasikli oyun olmaz sizin wikilerinizi her ince ayrintisiyla duzelten benim yeni cikan her bokunuzu ilk test edip bug lari bulan benim ve size yardimci oldugumda siklemeyende sizsiniz ... yapcak birsey yok
Wieso kommt man nicht mal auf die Idee einen von den anderen Servern abgekapselten Server zu machen, zum Beispiel man muss 20-30€ einmalig bezahlen (also quasi als würde man das Spiel kaufen) um auf den Server zugreifen zu können, dafür gibt es auf diesem Server keinen richtigen itemshop mehr, also nurnoch ästhetische Sachen im itemshop und dann halt ein monatliches Abo von 5-10€ wenn Gameforge nun sagen würde, es würde sich nicht lohnen, sollen die halt mal ne Umfrage machen wieviele Spieler auf diesem Server spielen würden. Es wäre dann nämlich locker der meistgespielte Server da er sich natürlich dadurch das alles ingame erreichbar ist von den anderen unterscheided, fairer ist und nicht wirklich teuer. Bei einem Abo von 5-10€ kann man mir nicht sagen das es mit den Serverkosten nicht aufgehen würde, kaum Gewinnbringend wäre geschweige denn sich nicht lohnen würde da ja angeblich so wenig Spieler daran interesse hätten.
why so many dislikes ?
Because we hate Gameforge, especially in Roumania.
în română nu e?
Intra la setari si dai pe romana
+qIonutzZ Nemesis tu inca joci?
Früher musste jeder mit 0 Sachen anfangen und sich hoch kämfen und heute heist es die GF will Geld? Ihr seit heutzutage einfach zu verwöhnt... Wenn ich die GF hatet dann spielt bitte nicht ihre Spiele...
wer zockt schon heut zu tage metin2?? schlechte grafik altmodisch keine story nichts besonderes ..... spart euch diesen mist :)
Einfach Enttäuscht.. wie man ein Game langsam immer und immer weiter tötet.. So schade
@Metin2 Falls ihr an konstruktiver Kritik zu allen besprochenen Punkten interessiert sein Antwortet gern auf den Kommentar. (Auch obwohl das Video schon älter ist)
muie mt2
I really love this game. I am playing it 8 years and i paid +/- 100 € only. It takes a time but i dont care. Now metin2 is something like facebook. We are not playing but just chatting with old friends. We really want to see new metin3. Please do it ! I dont care that i will be waiting a lot of years. Just say you are working on it and i will be happy !!! DONT LET THIS GAME DIE !!!!!!!!!