If one of my employees is in cerb due to less work available and earns less than a 1k can he still continue for his cerb rather than I apply for for cews but I have a TFW that I will apply for cews? Thanks
My daughter was a student last year and graduated this year . In February she started a job but got laid off for covid 19 she dose the qualify for cerb as she didn’t make $5000 in the last 12 months. She also hasn’t received Osap as she was going to start George brown college in may but t was cancelled as she has to do placement . Where does she stand is she eligible for anything ?
If one of my employees is in cerb due to less work available and earns less than a 1k can he still continue for his cerb rather than I apply for for cews but I have a TFW that I will apply for cews? Thanks
My daughter was a student last year and graduated this year . In February she started a job but got laid off for covid 19 she dose the qualify for cerb as she didn’t make $5000 in the last 12 months. She also hasn’t received Osap as she was going to start George brown college in may but t was cancelled as she has to do placement . Where does she stand is she eligible for anything ?
This may sound like a dumb question, but, am I right to assume that I cannot apply for period 2 until after April?